Journal of Animal &Plant Sciences, 2012. Vol.15, Issue 3: 2200-2242 Publication date 31/10/2012, ; ISSN 2071-7024 Bibliographic catalog of the forest of Mamora (Morocco) fungal flora. Ahmed OUABBOU, Abdelkarim EL-ASSFOURI, Amina OUAZZANI TOUHAMI, Rachid BENKIRANE and Allal DOUIRA Laboratoire de Botanique et de Protection des Plantes, Université Ibn Tofaïl, Faculté des Sciences, B.P. 133, Kenitra, Maroc. Correponding author email:
[email protected] Key words : Morocco, Mamora, Basidiomycetes, Ascomycetes, inventory. 1 SUMMARY The analysis work references on the fungal flora of the forest of Mamora (Morocco) helped to highlight 755 taxa. This richness is constituted primarily of higher fungi, which include 708 species of this total fungal flora. It is divided into 48 orders, 244 genera and 119 families whose richer, have more than 20 species each: Agaricaceae (59species), Puccinaceae (56 species), Cortinariaceae (55 species), Russulaceae (41 species), Tricholomataceae (36 species), Coprinaceae (22 species), Amanitaceae (21 species), Entolomataceae (21 species), Bolbitiaceae (20 species) and Polyporaceae (20 species). The Basidiomycetes class constitutes the major part of this flora (77.65%), following by the Ascomycetes class (16.09%). These two classes account for approximately (93.74%) of total Mamora’s fungal flora. 2 INTRODUCTION Morocco is located in between the remained largely unknown until the 1950. Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Atlantic The first significant information collected on Ocean to the west and the Sahara desert to the higher fungi of the forest of Mamora was in the south. Thus, the relief’s orientation favors the last half of the previous century with the work presence of a very varied fauna and flora.This is of Mayor and Werner (1937) who had why it attracted many mycologists in the 1930s, published a catalog in the Memoirs of the especially the plateau, home to the forest of Society of Natural Sciences of Morocco titled Mamora (Boudy, 1951).