T h e C o a s t - Insular Boundary Revisited: Mid-Jurassic ductile deformation on Quadra Island, British Columbia Sandra Johnstone
[email protected]; Vancouver Island University, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo British Columbia, V9R 5S5 Project Overview Relationship to Strongly deformed basalt dikes are boudined and transposed parallel Sample Description Ductile Strongly Deformed Dike to bedding. Mineralogy of OB-14-26 is dominated by subhedral laths 35 Post-Deformation Intrusions The boundary between the Insular and Coast geomorphological belts of the North American Cordillera is well exposed at Open Deformation of strongly sericitized plagioclase averaging 0.5mm (70%), with 20% Samples OB-14-24 and OB-14-27 are both intrusive phases that cross-cut ductile deformation struc- N Bay, on Quadra Island, British Columbia. On the southwestern side of the boundary at Open Bay is the upper Triassic-aged actinolite that may be an alteration product of hornblende. Unfortu- N Basaltic Pre– or early syn- 83 tures. OB-14-24 is an ~5m wide unfoliated plagioclase-phyric dacite dike. OB-14-24 zircons are zoned Quatsino limestone and Karmutsen basalts of the Wrangellia terrane. On the northeastern side of the boundary are intrusive OB-14-26 nately only one zircon was recovered from Sample OB-14-26. This andesite pod deformation 65 single zircon yielded a concordant age of 157.6 ± 8.9 Ma. euhedral to subhedral crystals and some fragments; nineteen crystals yield an age of 158.7 ± 0.8 Ma. phases of the Coast Batholith. At Open Bay the Quatsino limestone (Upper Triassic) has been subjected to strong ductile defor- N Folded mation resulting in re-folded transposed bedding.