STABILISATION of POSTERIOR STERNOCLAVICULAR Clinical Anatomy.2002.15.139-142 Repaired in Childhood Have Been Reported As Associated 5
East African Orthopaedic Journal Original article East African Orthopaedic Journal be marvelous. This case displayed associated congenital 4. Boon JM: Potgieter D: Van Jaarsveld Z et al. Congential anomalies. The congenital cleft lip and palate that were Undescended Scapula (Sprengel Deformity): A case study. STABILISATION OF POSTERIOR STERNOCLAVICULAR Clinical Anatomy.2002.15.139-142 repaired in childhood have been reported as associated 5. Dilli A, Ayaz, U. Y., Damar, C., et al. Sprengel Deformity: JOINT DISLOCATION USING PALMARIS LONGUS TENDON before(4).The utilized modalities of investigating this Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in two Pediatric AUTOGRAFT: A CASE REPORT case were plain X-rays and a 3D CT scan. The information Cases. Journal of Clinical Imaging Sci. 2011. 1. 1. 17-20 6. Cavendish, M. E. Congenital Elevation of the Scapula. J. obtained from these was deemed adequate for the V.M. Mutiso*, MBChB(UON), MMed(Surg) (UON), Fellow (arthroscopy and arthroplasty) (UK), Fellow AO-International (Ger), Bone joint Surg. Br. 1972. 54B. 3.395-408 V. M. Mutiso*, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi, (P.O. Box FCS (ecsa), Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 19681 - 00202, treatment planning of this case. No new information 7. Green, W. T. The surgical correction of congenital elevation Nairobi,19681 – Kenya 00202, and Nairobi, J. Chigumbura, Kenya and MBChB J. Chigumbura (UK), GPST1 (UK), GPST1 - University – University Hospital Hospital of North of Stanffordshire, North Stafford UK shire, UK would have been availed by conducting an MRI of the scapula (Sprengel’s deformity).
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