Parish of Urney Christ Church & Church of The Good Shepherd Autumn 2015 News Sheet Rector: Reverend Mark Greenstreet ~ Telephone 028 81658835 How do you feel about the Autumn? It would probably be fair to say it’s not most people’s favourite time of year. The warmth and light and sunshine of the Summer begin to fade; flowers and trees lose quickly their vibrant colours, leaves cover our paths and roadways... days are darker and colder and wetter. The celebrations (and fruitfulness) of harvest-time can feel like a distant memory. I don’t suppose that Hallow’een helps much either – witches apparel, ghosts and monsters, severed limbs and other frightful accessories seem to fly off the shelves and fuel a multi-billion pound industry, but only serve to draw the attention of children and young people into a whole world of things that are frightening, dark and absolutely NOT of God. So in short, should Frankenstein, a gathering of ghosts, a company of witches or the headless horsemen of the apocalypse seek to call, at the Rectory on October 31��, they will be given short shrift. HOWEVER, the day after Hallow’een is ALL SAINTS DAY – an occasion that is altogether more worthy of marking... and an important day in the calendar of the Christian Church. Typically when we hear of SAINTS we might think of the biblical giants of Jesus’ day... the Apostles or Gospel writers... or perhaps those believers depicted in children’s Bibles or on stained glass windows, with a halo above their heads. In truth though, a Saint is much more than that... and may be of much more relevance to us. For a Saint is someone who lived as a disciple of Jesus during their earthly life and now shares Christ’s risen life, in glory. Those we have loved and lost then, if they were followers of Christ are numbered with the Saints, and we remember them with thanksgiving on All Saints Day (Sunday 1�� November). Whilst the falling leaves and failing light of Autumn do bear witness to the stark reality of death and change in our lives, it is important to remember that they are, in God’s pur- poses only for a season, and for Christians the darkness of Autumn leads ultimately to the coming of Christ, the light of the world, at Christmas. Especially on All Saints Day our hearts go out to those who have recently lost loved ones, but rather than focus on their loss we do well to do everything we can to remember them and give thanks to God for the way in which their life bought love and light and colour to our lives. At 7.00pm on ALL SAINTS DAY in the Church of the Good Shepherd we will be holding a SERVICE OF HOPE AND REMEMBRANCE when we will remember by name those whom we have loved and lost. If you would like a late family member to be included (and if you have a photo of them) to have their image displayed on the screens in church please do not hesitate to contact me. This year’s service will include, alongside Bible readings, some thoughts from C. S. Lewis written when he was struggling to come to terms with the loss of his wife, to cancer. His book, ‘A Grief Observed’ comes highly recommended to anyone who finds themselves in that awful place, and I have a number of copies if anyone would like to borrow one. Concern and support is often strong when a loved one dies, but not quite so good as time goes on, All Saints Day is an important time when we can stand together, and acknowledge our pain and ongoing sense of loss. But also express our love and thanksgiving for the Saints. We welcome back to us particularly on All Saints Day visitors to the Church who may have recently suffered a bereavement. I hope that you are able to join us/them on Sunday 1�� November.

Assuring you all of my love and prayers, Your rector, CONFIRMATION Age 13+ If you are a parent of a child/children aged 13+ and you would like your child/children to be considered for Confirma- tion we are holding a meeting for both parents and children on Sunday 6�� December at 3.00 pm in the Church Hall. The course will be starting in January 2016 and will run throughout 2016 leading to Confirmation in Spring 2017. Candidates for Confirmation are required to be regular attenders in church.

Dates to Remember

Service of Hope and Remembrance Church of The Good Shepherd Sunday 1�� November at 7.00 p.m.

PRAISE & PRAYER SERVICE Wednesday 2ⁿ� December Church of The Good Shepherd at 8.00 p.m.

CHRISTMAS BAZAAR & DRAW Friday 27�� November Church Hall commencing at 7.30pm Holy Baptism: Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday 16�� August 2015 in Church of The Good Shepherd, Sion Mills. Diego David Kee and Sophia Lilly Kee. Son and daughter of Wesley Kee and Sylvia Glapa, Castlegrange. We welcome Diego and Sophia into the parish family and wish them and their parents God’s blessing in the days and years ahead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday 30�� August 2015 in Christ Church, Urney. Eva Lynne Hamilton Daughter of Christopher and Joanne Hamilton, Lisdoo. We welcome Eva into the parish family and wish her parents God’s blessing for the future. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Christian Burial: “I am the resurrection and the life,” saith the Lord. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 26�� August 2015: George Wilson, Sycamore Avenue, Sion Mills, in Urney Cemetery following a service in Church of The Good Shepherd. We express our sympathy to wife Jean, sons, Keith and Trevor and all the family circle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2ⁿ� September 2015: Rita Scott, Garden Terrace, Sion Mills, in Cemetery following a service in Church of The Good Shepherd. Our condolences to husband Bertie, daughter Jean, sons Grenville and Rodney and all the family circle.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2ⁿ� October 2015: James (Jim) McConnell, Westview Terrace, Sion Mills, in Ardstraw Cemetery following a service in his late home. To sons, Jackie, Charles, daughters, Doreen, Catherine and their families we send our sympathy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday 1�� November All Saints’ Day Church of The Good Shepherd 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 10.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 7.00 p.m. SERVICE OF HOPE AND REMEMBRANCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christ Church 12.00 noon HOLY COMMUNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday 8�� November The Third Sunday before Advent Remembrance Sunday Church of The Good Shepherd 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 10.30 a.m. MORNING PRAYER & ACT OF REMEMBRANCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christ Church 12.00 noon MORNING PRAYER & ACT OF REMEMBRANCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday 15�� November The Second Sunday before Advent Church of The Good Shepherd 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 10.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christ Church 12.00 noon HOLY COMMUNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday 22ⁿ� November The Kingship of Christ Church of The Good Shepherd 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 10.30 a.m. MORNING PRAYER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christ Church 12.00 noon MORNING PRAYER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday 29�� November The First Sunday of Advent Church of The Good Shepherd 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 10.30 a.m. SERVICE OF THE WORD 7.00 p.m. HEALING SERVICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christ Church 12.00 noon SERVICE OF THE WORD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday 2ⁿ� December Church of The Good Shepherd 8.00 p.m. SERVICE OF PRAISE AND PRAYER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday 6�� December The Second Sunday of Advent Church of The Good Shepherd 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 10.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christ Church 12.00 noon HOLY COMMUNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday 13�� December The Third Sunday of Advent Church of The Good Shepherd 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 10.30 a.m. FAMILY SERVICE & SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christ Church 12.00 noon FAMILY SERVICE & SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday 20�� December The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity Church of The Good Shepherd 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 10.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 7.00 p.m. SERVICE OF CAROLS AND LESSONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christ Church 12.00 noon SERVICE OF CAROLS AND LESSONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christmas Eve Church of The Good Shepherd 11.30 p.m. HOLY COMMUNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11 Christmas Day Christ Church 9.00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Church of The Good Shepherd 10.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you ever wonder how your charitable giving gets to those who most need it? Have you been touched by the images on the news of the spiralling refugee crises in Calais. In the middle of November our Rector, Reverend Mark, together with Reverend Mark Lennox will be taking donations of, BLANKETS, SOCKS, NON-PERISHABLE AND DRY GOODS directly to the Refugees in North France. If you are able to help with donating these items please leave them either at the back of church or can be left daily in the porch at the Rectory. France: Where refugees go to avoid 'the jungle' Calais is the most visible sign of France's refugee influx, but smaller camps scattered across the north are growing. 31 Aug 2015 14:00 GMT The forgotten refugee camp in northern France 20 Oct 2015, 08:57 As the “New Jungle” at Calais reaches breaking point with the number of refugees hitting 6,000, many refugees now head to other camps in northern France. The Local reports from a squalid settlement near Dunkirk whose population has exploded but the aid has not followed. A muddy clearing in a wood, bordered on one side by the motorway leading to the ferry ports of Dunkirk and Calais and on the other by neat streets of suburban houses, is now home for Dlir Kader and his family. The Kurd arrived at the camp in Grande- Synthe, on the outskirts of Dunkirk, this month along with his wife and four children - the youngest is his seven month-old daughter - after fleeing northern Iraq when the Islamic State (Isis) took control of his town. The family sit in the drizzle around a small fire where they cook dinner next to the ragged tents that do little to protect them from the elements. Like most people in this camp of between 800 and 1,000 people - most of the them Kurds - they want to go to Britain. Interesting Chart In Memoriam

Harpur: In loving memory of William (Billy) Harpur died 22nd September 2008. Remembered by all the Family at Sion Mills, , , and New Buildings. There is a bridge of happy memories, its called the bridge of love.

McCorkell: In memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, James (Jim) McCorkell M.B.E. died 29th September 2004. Always remembered by his wife Jean and all the family at Sion Mills, Manchester and London. ‘Safe in the arms of Jesus.’

Lindsay: In memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather and father-in-law, Abraham (Abey), died 3rd October 2008. Always remembered by his wife Kathleen and all the family at Sion Mills and Newtownabbey. The Lord is my Shepherd.

Anderson: In memory of a dear father, grandfather and father-in-law, William John (Billy), died 7th October 1993 and his wife Margaret Elizabeth (Peggy), a dear mother, grandmother and mother-in-law, died 2nd July 2012, . Always remembered by all the family at Victoria Bridge and . No passing of time can take memories away.

Harpur: In memory of our father, Charlie, died 7th October 1976, mother Sarah, died 15th August 1992, sister Angeline, died 2nd July 2009 and sister-in-law Eileen, died 28th July 1989. Always remembered by all the Family Circle, at Sion Mills, Londonderry and Castlederg. Forever in our thoughts and always in our hearts. In Memoriam

Tinney: In memory of a dear father, grandfather and father-in-law, Alexander (Alec), died 21st October 1990, a dear mother, grandmother and mother-in-law, Mary died 7th November 1969 and a dear sister and auntie, Elizabeth (Elsie), died 8th December 1998. Always remembered by all the family at Seein Road Sion Mills, Omagh, and Crew Bridge. Precious memories last forever.

Morrow: In memory of a dear mother, mother-in-law and grandmother, Jean died 24th October 2003. Always remembered by all the family at Sion Mills and Londonderry. Silent memories keep you near.

Martin: In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother and mother-in-law Georgina, died 4th November 1976. Always remembered by Lila, Allan and family. ‘Time may pass, life goes on, from our hearts you’re never gone’.

Millar: In memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather and father-in-law, Leslie J. died 11th November 2007. Remembered by his wife, Pat, sons and all the family circle. ‘Today, tomorrow our whole life through, we will love and remember you.’

Campbell: In memory of a dear husband, Frederick (Freddie), died 12th November 1988. Always remembered by his wife Sylvia. ‘Be thou my vision’. Flower Rota ~ Christ Church 1�� & 8�� November Baird Families. 15�� & 22ⁿ� November Carol Galbraith 29�� November & 6�� December Margaret Hamilton 13�� & 20�� December Valerie Hamilton 27�� December & 3�� January Denise Hamilton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cleaning Rota ~ Christ Church November George & Valerie Hamilton. December Mervyn & Olive Baird. January Valerie Kee. February Roy Brown & Harold Shannon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flower Rota ~ Church of The Good Shepherd 25�� October & 1�� November Pamula Mutch. 8�� & 15�� November Margaret Gilmour. 22ⁿ� & 29�� November Ena & Ruth Hamilton. 6�� & 13�� December Celia Ferguson. 20�� & 27�� December Rosemary Williamson. 3�� &10�� January Kathleen Moore & Margaret McCallan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cleaning Rota ~ Church of The Good Shepherd November Allan & Kathleen Moore. December Crawford McCann & Samuel McMullan. January William Steenson & Ronnie Patton. February Rodney & Judith Scott. Porch and Gallery Brass Cleaning - Brian Gilmour.

Remembrance Sunday With this News Sheet you will have received a special envelope for the, ‘Poppy Appeal’. We are aware that there is a house to house collection for this but quite a number of parishioners have asked for an envelope for this charity. Donations to this worthy charity goes towards the support and rehabilitation of many young men and women who have been badly injured, both mentally and physically, in war and are trying to put their lives together again. Many of them will need help for the next thirty, forty or fifty years. If you have not given to the ‘Poppy Collectors’ or wish to give a little amount extra please use the envelope provided and encourage everyone in your home to contribute as generously as possible. Please remember that these injured men and women need our support. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Royal British Legion wreath will be laid at the War Memorial, Sion Mills, on Sunday 8�� November at 10.00 a.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~