(Vlunicnted to the Ccogl.M.526.1931,'VII. Mncil and the Members ■ the League, ? Ris, Du Comber 7Th, 2531
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LEAGUE OF NATIONS, (vLunicnted to the CcOGl.M.526.1931,'VII. Mncil and the Members ■ the League, ? ris, Du comber 7th, 2531. iVPV.LL FPtOivi HIE CHINESE GOYONEENT UNDER jUTICLE II OF THE COVENANT 3 Conmunication. from the Japans 5 Doleg. tion, ' • No te by the Se or et ary~Gu no- rs L The Se or e t ry-Gener al has the honour to transmit to the Council the following communieation, dated December 6th, 1331; whicii he has just received from the Japanese delegation.. Summary of telegrams received by the Jananese Deleg,rtion, LATEST INFORMATION CONCERNING THE JkOYIEENT OF J.JE.NESE AIE CHINESE TROOPS 6 November 7iOth> The troops cent from Liaoyang, one regiment of cavalry sent from Kunjuling and one company of engineers sent from Tiekling were brought back from Tsitsihar and regained their respective gc rrisons♦ December 1st, The contingents remaining at Tsitsihar, which were suffering greatly from the cold and had many wounded, were relieved by forces from General Suzuki's mixed brigade which arrived recently from the home country„ D6c_emb_er 3 r d., The third infantry regiment returned to Mukden from the Isitsiher district, Calm being restored in the Taonan district, the troops in these places were brought back within the zones„ The troops from the Liac district have gradually been withdrawn. The contingents of the Liaoyan garrison have all regained that town. - 2 « November q th. In the doming the Chinese forces were increased in the entire district east of Taliugho, Seven trains rare seen moving east and two west between noon and 2 p„m.. our observers ascertained the presence of troops with artillery at Paichipu, Taoslian, Koupantzs and Chen-an. The total forces in this district on December 3rd were estiraated at two infantry brigades, one cavalry brigade and one artillery proup, On November 29th there were twelve trains in the district, Ti’iile next day there were twenty-one or twenty-two; most of the troops appear to be quartered in the wagons, A report dated December 4th states that the number of Chinese forces in these districts has not yet decreased. The sixth cavalry brigade coming from the district of the Great all, has just reached Chinchon; the third cavalry brigade has - apparently begun to advance on Hsinmin; part of the'"tenth infantry brigade has arrived at Chang-.:u. The Chinese forces nave thus advanced to the west of Zukden, gradually surrounding this town. The irregulars acting with tie Chinese forces cut our tele graph lin e s between Hsinmin and Chuliuho on November 29th, Attempts were made in the rear of the Japanese troops to interrupt traffic and a locomotive was derailed. According to information dated November oOth, the irregulars "wo are supported or armed by the Chinese authorities and are along the Louth Lanchurian Hailway and in the districts ■'est of the railway, number about 19,, 000 „ Detachments of volunteers numbering about 5.0C0 men are being organised. The number of true bandits in the whole province of ; ukden is at present about 5«CC0..