Yvernment:GAZETTE Published Byauthority —
yVERNMENT:GAZETTE Published byAuthority — t Vol.XII, No.9 = 15th FEBRUARY, 1985© Price 30c General Notice 110 of 1985. | (c) ‘depart Bulawayo Saturday 10.30 a.m. arrive Mabhanda ROAD MOTOR TRANSYORTATION ACT [CHAPTER262] . 3.23 p.m.; . (d) depart, Mabhanda Monday, Thursday and Sunday 7.30 ‘am., arrive Bulawayo 12.23 p.m,; . Applications in Connexion with RoadService Permits (ec) depart Mabhanda Saturday 2.30 a.m., arrive Bulawayo _- 7,23 am. of the Road Motor IN terms of subsection (4) of section’7 “Nyamweda Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd. Transportation: Act [Chapter 262], notice is hereby given that the applications detailed. in the Schedule, for the issue or fois Permit: 21187. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: amendment of road’ service permits, have been received for the consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Transportation. — Route 1: Kadoma - Cam and Motor Mine - Chigwere - Anyperson wishing to- object to any such application must Chegutu - Pickstgne Mine - Rutata Junction - Chirundazi lodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation,© Bridge - Musinami Township - Chigwere School - Mpawose P.O. Box 8332, Causeway—_ - Rukuma School - Mubayira Township. (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as Route 2: Kadoma - Chegutu - Pickstone Mine - Rutata to. reach the Controller’s office not later than the 8th Junction - Mashayamombe Store - Mubayira, Township - March, 1985; Watyoka Kraal - Mubayira Township - Chanakira - Mpawose - Rukuma School - Makaure Junction. ) his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T. 24, together with two’copies thereof, so as to reach the }. By: . Controller’s office not later than the 29th March, 1985.
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