English Grammar in American Schools Before 1850

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English Grammar in American Schools Before 1850 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1921, No. 12 ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN AMERICAN SCHOOLS BEFORE 1850 By ROLLO LAVERNE LYMAN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO .e WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1922 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION NAT BE pm-let:Ran FROM THE SCPERINTICNDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 20 CENTS PER COPY CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 5 Chapter I.Early instruction In the vernacular precedingEnglish gram- mar 11 1. Character of vernacular instruction In English. 1596-1422 12 2. Reasons for early emphasis on vernacular in America 15 3. Character of vernacular instruction in America. 1620-1720 17 Chapter IT. -Early apitearanes of English grammar inAmerica... 21 1. SChools and schoolmasters teaching Englishgrammar before 1775 ... 0 21 , 2. English grammars in America before 1781. 33 3. Early instruction in English grammar in Americancolleges 36 Chapter 11.1. - =Influences adding grammars to the curriculum 43 1. Franklin's English school 43 2. The influence of the Philadelphia English school 49 3. Educational theories supporting grammar in Americapp to 1775 .55 Chapter !V.The rapid rise of grammar after 1775 70 1. The legislative recognition of grammar 70 2. The flood of textbooks after 1784 77 3. The .extent of, lustruction in grammar th repre,entative.States. 1800 -1850 82 4. The status of grammhr. 1850 to 1870 02 Chapter S.Traditional rriethodh of teaching Lan grammar transferred to English grammar 103 1. Grammar as an art.. 105 2. Methods used in stadying Lily, and Latingrammar in general seventeenth century 107 3. Latin methods carried directly to Englishgrammar memorization 111 4. Parsing.. 120 5. False syntax 122 .6. Subordinate methods 124 7. Methods, used by Hughes and Byerley: 128 Chapter 1'1.-7-Gradual changes in method before 1850 132 1. The nature of. the dominating -textbooks. 1823-50 134 2. Other agents and agencies in the inductive approach s 140 3. Chief features of the inductive movement:applied togrammar 144 Appendix A. Chronological catalogsti of English grhmmars inAmerica before 1800 155 Appendix B. A,comparison of the Englishprograms of Turnbull and Franklin 158 List of authorities cited In thin dissertation I. Primary sources 161 IL Secondary authorities 165 Index 169 ENGLISH GRAMMARIN AMERICANSCHOOLS BEFORE1850. 4 "A4°Istory of Englishgramniar inthe UnitedStates would of some amusement ifarational mind couldderiveany amusement from perusinga record of abortiveattempts to teach thocorrect use of language byeverymeting / but actual practiceIn the art of tweaking'and writing it."WALus(W. B. -FowLE)(i. ) INTRODUCTION. PRIMARY PURPOSESOF THE STUDY. grammar,as aformal subject,distinct from 9thrbranches of instructionin the vernacular,wade butportiaicappearancesin the American schools before170.After !be RevolutionIts risewas extremely rapid. Englishgrammarpinedmomentumasthehold of Latingrammarweqkened, and bythe end of the firstquarter of the nineteenthcentury it becamesogenerally taught that thecommon termgrammarschool, fofmqly appliedto the secondary school of the Latin-grammartype,wilts nowbycommon consentusedto desig- nateanintermediate school with tnglish,grammar asits central Autry.. After1825 the prominenceof English graniinarbecame graduallyniomarlod, untilit reached its heightabout 1850-1875. Then beganaperiod of decline,conttnuing until.thetime of theCom- mittee of Fifteen, whichmade itsreport in 1895.' Thepast 25yearshaveseen arevival of attentiontogrammar, but ofa verymuchsaner typethan before. Noother study inthecur- riculum has hada morespectacular rise anda moredramatic fall. Moreover, concerningnoother study to-dayareeducatorsmorein tioubt.2 The firstpurposeof this study isto trace thecourseof this riseand fall, Vviththe changing educationalideals and theoriesaccompanying it.;to analyke£hocausesof the varied changesof the subject,andto determine when, where, why, and by,whom the successivemodifica- tionswereinauguritted and carriedout prior to 1850. Rept. Com. Fifteen, Jour. Proc., N. E.A., 1895,'p. 232.Fes' recommendationsconcern- inggrammar see ,Rcpt. Com. Fifteen, Educational iteriew, IX. 234-41. *The National COuncilof Teachers of Englishon Nov. 27,1915, in Chicago, appointeda committee t6 consider and recommenda suitable treatment inn' the -.schools offormal grammar. ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN AMERICAN SCHOOLSBEFORE 1 The second purpose of this dissertationis to.arrange systematically these varying methods used. from 1750to 1850 and to show how dry are interrelated both with the shifting conceptions ofthe nature and purpose of grammar and with the placegiven the study in the curriculum. No effort seems to have been madeto develop thse two important aspects of English grammar with historical accuracy.Itafecd; trea- tises on the general curriculum, in theirinfrequenrreferences to this particular branch of the vernacular,'are tilled' with inaccurate state- ments of fact- and with misleading generalizations,particularly in regard-to the early periods.'Only one who has had to deal with such inaccuracies can realize how diflitult it is toasvertain the truth con- cerning English grammar.It is therefore with due reservations that the writer statrs, as his thirdpurpose, an effort to establishwith concrete data a basis of reliable facts, especialIT inthe ,vague period of English grammar before the AmericanDevolution, A fourth purpose which this study- has-beencompelled to consider incidentally is to.show how g.ranimar 'was interrelated with declania- tion, oratory, composition, and literature,as .these five branchvs of instruction in the mother tongue ofa higher order than reading. writing, and spelling gradually made theirway into the program of American schools. SOURCES. This investigation rests primarilyupon an intensive examination of early English grammars, with special attentionto those in use from 1750 to 1850. [The date 1750 has beendetermined upon as most suitable to mark the beginnings of instruction informal English grammar in America. The grammars, then, of the eighteenthcentury, many of which passed through several editions both in Englandand America. were 'Three examples of such errors will suffice to Illustrate.Que'writer affirms: " English Oxammar was there(In Caleb Ilingham'a school, 17901 taught for the first timeIn Boston."W. 8 Fowls, English Grammar, C. 8..1., XII (1850, 72.Here is an error of at least 23 years (see Ch. 11, p. 23, which has been widely acceptedas stating the truth. Again. Noah Webster affirmed that " no. English grammarwas generally taught in com- mon schools when I was young."(1770.Am. J. of Ed., X111, 124.Letter to Henry Barnard, dated' 1840.1This, coming from the author of at least, the fifth Americangram- mar, (see Chap. II)(not the first, as commonly believed), has been largely influential in misinforming later writers upon the curriculum.Againi so careful a writer as Reeder asserts, concerning Noah Webster's "Gratnmatical Institutes of the EnglishLanguage," "these books la speller, grammar, and reader, 1783 -17851were the first works of the kind published in the United States. They were gradually introducedinto most of the schools' of the country."Reeder, .(list. Dev. of Bch. Readers, etc., 30. On the contrary, Wftster's grammar was not the first American grammar, and it enjoyed neithera long nor an exten- sive use as a textbook.W. D. Fowle, op.' cit.. 74 end 203.Reeder's Ittatement Is accurate 'concerning-the speller and the reader, bat itis quite erroneous concerning Part. 11 Webster's series. of 'Bee Chap. II, p. 33, INTRODUCTION. 7. largely influential in determining school practices of the day.Book 1 learning in the eighteenth century had an even more literal significance ! than it has to-day in many an ill-conducted classroom."As the text- book, so the stud " is a comparatively safe assumption. So,_ too, for primary evidence as to the changes in methods of instruction. beginning about 1823, the writer has turned to the lead- ingtexts of the various periods.For example, this dis4ertation points out, that 1850 was the central turning point. in the h! story of methods in -grammar.5Greene's "Analysis" of 1S-IT.was tl e cubui- nation of various influences breaking away from the older concep,- tions and the forerunner of numerous other textbooks of the iiext .25 years.Likewise -Swinton's Language Lessons, of 1813. ea le as the result. of seatterplagita"tion and efforts of the previot :- quarter century, and in,their wide,adoption Swinton'. Lessons. fastened upon the schools the new idea of graunnat as incidental to eiereises in writingland speaking. And, of a more recent ,period, SWates Gram- mar, with its imitators, has given the still, newer turn oft incidental st why to-the subject of formal grammar. In addition to the textbooks thenisdves the educational vritings of authors contemporary with the various periods have thrit)%yn consid- erable light, upon various advances made in classroom Methods. ,To be sure, a commentakw like Comenius, I look. Brinslev. L ke, Frank- lin, or Mann is usually, in his theory, Shore or less in ad .ance of his time, aq the reforms he advocates are indicative of m hods which do not become general for a considerable period after hiadvocacy:of them" , 'In addition, the writer is indebted to Dr. Marcus W.I,Ternegan, of : the University of -Chicago-, for generous advice and.sistance, and especially for permission to use his voluminous daton private schools taken from colonial newspapers. This materia has-been of invaluable aid, )especially in indicating ninny of the pi-ivate

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