Sp S F W Habitat Sp S F W GOOSE LONG-LEGGED WADER Central Oklahoma Checklist Greater White-fronted Goose ah u - r r Great Blue Heron* abcdef c u c c Snow Goose ah u - u r Great Egret* abcdef c c c r Ross’s Goose ah r - r r Snowy Egret* abcdef c c c - Date ______Cackling Goose ah u - u r Little Blue Heron* abcdef c c c - Time ______Canada Goose* abchi c c c c Tricolored Heron abcdef e - e - Location ______SWAN Cattle Egret* dfh c c c - Weather ______Trumpeter Swan ah e - e e Green Heron* bcde c c c - ______Tundra Swan ah e - e e Black-crowned Night-Heron* bcef u c u - Observers ______WATERFOWL Yellow-crowned Night-Heron* bce u u u - ______Wood Duck* bce u u u r White Ibis bc e - e - ______Gadwall ac c - c c Glossy Ibis bc e - e - ______American Wigeon ac c - c u White-faced Ibis bc u r u - ______Mallard* abc c c c c Roseate Spoonbill ab - e - - ______Blue-winged Teal abc c r c - VULTURE ______Cinnamon Teal bc r - r - Black Vulture dh e e e - Northern Shoveler abc c - c u Turkey Vulture* dh u u u - Northern Pintail ac c - c u OF PREY This list, originally prepared by John G. Newell in 1984 from 30 years' accumulated local records, has been updated in 2006 by the Oklahoma City Audubon Society Bird Records Green-winged Teal ac c - c u Osprey ad u - u - Committee. It is designed for use in Central Oklahoma, covering Oklahoma, Canadian, Grady, Canvasback ac u - u u Mississippi Kite* defi u c c - McClain, Cleveland, Pottawatomie, Seminole, Lincoln, Payne, Logan, and Kingfisher Counties. Redhead ac c - c u Bald Eagle* ad r r r r The two ecoregions found in theses counties are "Central Great Plains" and "Cross Timbers". The abundances listed here are estimates for the entire region and (thus) frequently will not Ring-necked Duck ac u - u u ch u - u r reflect populations for any one locality. Greater Scaup ac u - r u HAWK Lesser Scaup ac c - c c Sharp-shinned Hawk efg r - r u NORMAL SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION Long-tailed Duck ab e - e e Cooper’s Hawk* efg r r r u Sp - March, April, May Bufflehead a u - u u Harris's Hawk gh e - e e S - June, July, August Common Goldeneye a u - c u Red-shouldered Hawk* efg u u u u F - September, October, November Hooded Merganser abc u - u r Broad-winged Hawk* efg r u r - W - December, January, February Common Merganser a u - u u Swainson’s Hawk* dgh u u u - * - Known to have nested in area Red-breasted Merganser a r - r u Red-tailed Hawk* efg c c c c Ruddy Duck ac c - c u Ferruginous Hawk h e - e r USUAL HABITAT DISTRIBUTION GAME BIRDS Rough-legged Hawk ch - - - e a-lakes and open shorelines Greater Prairie- h e e - - FALCON b-ponds and streams (open areas - little timber) Wild Turkey* fg r r r r American Kestrel* dhi u r u u c-marshes: reeds, cattails, sedges, and related growth Northern Bobwhite* gh c c c c efg r - r u d-riparian: tree- and brush-lined streams and lakes LOON Peregrine Falcon dh r - r e (cottonwoods, willows, etc.) Red-throated Loon ae -er Prairie Falcon dh r - r r e-swamps, bottomland woods, and woodland streams Pacific Loon ae -er RAIL f-upland woodlands (oak forests commonly in central Oklahoma) Common Loon a u - u u King Rail* c r r r - Yellow-billed Loon Virginia Rail g- woodland edges, cut-over brushy areas, roadcuts, roadside brush, ae -ee c r - r - also exposed natural cliffs GREBE Sora cr-r - h-pastures, , old fields, and cultivated fields Pied-billed Grebe* abc u r u r American Coot* abc c r c c i-open parks, golf courses, cemeteries - usually with plantings of Horned Grebe a u - u r Common Moorhen* c r r r - trees, both deciduous and evergreen Red-necked Grebe a e - e e CRANE j-human habitations, gardens, and farm buildings Eared Grebe a u - u r Sandhill Crane ach u - u - Western Grebe a r - r r Whooping Crane ach e - e - FREQUENCY OF OBSERVATIONS PELICAN/CORMORANT PLOVER c-common to abundant: seen regularly, often in numbers American White Pelican a c r c r Black-bellied Plover a u - r - u-uncommon: present in suitable habitat, usually in small numbers Neotropic Cormorant abc r - r r American Golden-Plover ah u - r - r-rare: seldom noted even in suitable habitat Double-crested Cormorant* abc c - c u Snowy Plover* a u r - - e-erratic: includes rare migrants and strays as well as irregular BITTERN Semipalmated Plover a u r r - seasonal visitants American Bittern* c r - r - a r - r - Least Bittern* c r r r - Killdeer* ahi c c c u Date: Habitat Sp S F W Habitat Sp S F W Habitat Sp S F W STILT / AVOCET DOVES VIREO Black-necked Stilt ac r r r - Rock Pigeon* hj c c c c White-eyed Vireo* fg r r r - American Avocet ac c r c - Eurasian Collared-Dove* ij c c c c Bell’s Vireo* g r r r - OTHER SHOREBIRDS White-winged Dove* ij r r r r Black-capped Vireo* fg r r r - Greater Yellowlegs ac c - c u Mourning Dove* ahj c c c r Yellow-throated Vireo* de r u r - Lesser Yellowlegs c c u c - Inca Dove ij r r r r Blue-headed Vireo deg - - r - Solitary Sandpiper bc u u u - CUCKOO Warbling Vireo* deg u u u - Willet a u r u - Black-billed Cuckoo dg r - r - Philadelphia Vireo efg r - r - Spotted Sandpiper ab c r c - Yellow-billed Cuckoo* dg c c c - Red-eyed Vireo* ef r r r - Upland Sandpiper h u r u - Greater Roadrunner* gh r r r r JAY/CROW Whimbrel a e - - - OWL Blue Jay* fgi c c c c Long-billed Curlew ah r - r - Barn Owl* ej r r r u American Crow* fgh c c c c Hudsonian Godwit ac r - - - Eastern Screech-Owl* eg r r r r Fish Crow ade r r r - Marbled Godwit ac r - r - * efg u u u u LARK Ruddy Turnstone a r - r - Snowy Owl ahi - - e e Horned Lark* ah u u u u Sanderling a u r u - Burrowing Owl* h r r r - SWALLOWS Semipalmated Sandpiper a c r r - Barred Owl* efg u u u u Purple Martin* aij c c r - Western Sandpiper a u r c - Long-eared Owl ef - - e e Tree Swallow* ae r r r - Least Sandpiper a c r c u Short-eared Owl ch - - r r Northern Rough-winged Swallow* acg u u u - White-rumped Sandpiper a c - - - NIGHTHAWK/SWIFT Bank Swallow acg r - r - Baird’s Sandpiper a c r c - Common Nighthawk* gh c c c - Cliff Swallow* g u u r - Pectoral Sandpiper ac c r c - Common Poorwill gh e e e - Barn Swallow* abcdij c c c - Dunlin a r - r - Chuck-will’s-widow* ef u u - - CHICKADEE/TITMOUSE Stilt Sandpiper a c r c - Chimney Swift* hij c c c - Carolina Chickadee* efg c c c c Buff-breasted Sandpiper ah r r r - HUMMINGBIRD Tufted Titmouse* efg c c c c Short-billed Dowitcher ac e - r - Ruby-throated Hummingbird* gj u u u - NUTHATCH Long-billed Dowitcher ac u r u - Black-chinned Hummingbird gj e e e - Red-breasted Nuthatch fgi r - r r Wilson’s Snipe bc u - u r Rufous Hummingbird gj e e e - White-breasted Nuthatch* efgi r r r r American Woodcock* e r e r - KINGFISHER Brown Creeper efg r - r r Wilson’s Phalarope ab c u c - Belted Kingfisher* d u u u u WREN Red-necked Phalarope a e - r - WOODPECKER Carolina Wren* efg c c c c Red Phalarope a - - r - Red-headed Woodpecker* defg r r r r Bewick’s Wren* fg u u u u Red-bellied Woodpecker* defg c c c c House Wren* efg u r u e Pomarine Jaeger a - - e - Yellow-bellied Sapsucker efi r - r r Winter Wren efg r - r u Parasitic Jaeger a - - e - Ladder-backed Woodpecker* h r r r r Sedge Wren c r - r r Laughing Gull ac e e e - Downy Woodpecker* efg c c c c Marsh Wren c r - r u Franklin’s Gull ac c - c - Hairy Woodpecker* efg r r r r KINGLET Little Gull a- - e- Northern Flicker* defgh c u c c Golden-crowned Kinglet defg u - u u Bonaparte’s Gull a r - r u Pileated Woodpecker* ef r r r r Ruby-crowned Kinglet defg u - u u Ring-billed Gull a c r c c FLYCATCHER GNATCATCHER California Gull ac e - e - Olive-sided Flycatcher efg r - r - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher* efg c c r - Herring Gull a u - u c Eastern Wood-Pewee* efg r r r - Thayer’s Gull ac e - e r Acadian Flycatcher e r - - - Eastern Bluebird* dghi u u u u Lesser Black-backed Gull ac e - e r Alder Flycatcher eg r - r - Mountain Bluebird hi - - - e Glaucous Gull a - - - r Willow Flycatcher eg r - r - Townsend’s Solitaire efg - - - e Sabine’s Gull ac e - e - Least Flycatcher deg u r u - Veery efg r - - - Black-legged Kittiwake ac e - e - Eastern Phoebe* degj c c c - Gray-cheeked Thrush efg r - - - TERN Great Crested Flycatcher* defg u u u - Swainson’s Thrush efg u - r - Caspian Tern ac r - r - Western Kingbird* hi c c u - Hermit Thrush ef r - r r Common Tern a e - e - Eastern Kingbird* dghi c c u - Wood Thrush* efg r r r - Forster’s Tern ab u r c r Scissor-tailed Flycatcher* dhi c c c - American Robin* ehi c c c c Least Tern* ab r r r - SHRIKE Central Oklahoma Bird Checklist 2006 Black Tern abc c r c - Loggerhead Shrike* ghi r r r r Date: Habitat Sp S F W Habitat Sp S F W THRASHER Le Conte’s Sparrow ch r - r u Accidental/Casual Gray Catbird* dg u r u - Fox Sparrow deg u - u r Sightings Over the Years Northern Mockingbird* dgij c c c c Song Sparrow bcdgh c - c c Brown Thrasher* dg c c c r Lincoln’s Sparrow deg u - c r Eurasian Wigeon STARLING---WAXWING Swamp Sparrow ce r - r r American Black Duck European Starling* cdhj c c c c White-throated Sparrow degh u - u u Surf Scoter American Pipit ah u - u u Harris’s Sparrow gh c - c c White-winged Scoter Sprague’s Pipit h r - r r White-crowned Sparrow dgh u - u u Black Scooter Cedar Waxwing dghi c r u c Dark-eyed Junco dghi c - c c Barrow's Goldeneye WARBLER LONGSPUR Ring-necked Pheasant Tennessee Warbler def r - r - McCown’s Longspur hi - - e e Brown Pelican Orange-crowned Warbler defg u - u r Lapland Longspur ahi - - r u Crested Caracara Nashville Warbler defg u - u - Smith’s Longspur hi - - u u Purple Gallinule Northern Parula* deg r u r - Chestnut-collared Longspur hi - - r r Red Knot Yellow Warbler* dg u r u - CARDINAL---DICKCISSEL Purple Sandpiper Chestnut-sided Warbler efg r - r - Northern Cardinal* dgij c c c c Mew Gull Magnolia Warbler dfg r - r - Rose-breasted Grosbeak dgi r - r - Iceland Gull Yellow-rumped Warbler defg c - c c Black-headed Grosbeak dgi e - - - Glaucous-winged Gull Black-throated Green Warbler ef r - r - Blue Grosbeak* dgh u r u - Great Black-backed Gull Blackburnian Warbler ef r - r - Lazuli dg r - r - Royal Tern Yellow-throated Warbler* e r r r - Indigo Bunting* dg c c c - Arctic Tern Prairie Warbler gh e e - - Painted Bunting* g u u r - Monk Parakeet Palm Warbler ghi - - r - Dickcissel* dgh c c u - Whip-poor-will Bay-breasted Warbler ef r - r - BLACKBIRD Hummingbird, Blackpoll Warbler ef r - r - Bobolink gh r - r - Black-billed Magpie Black-and-white Warbler* ef u u u - Red-winged Blackbird* bcdg c c c c Canyon Wren American Redstart defg r - r - Eastern Meadowlark* h c c c c Veery Prothonotary Warbler* de u u r - Western Meadowlark* h u - c u Pine Warbler Ovenbird ef r - r - Yellow-headed Blackbird cdh u - u - Shiny Cowbird Northern Waterthrush e r - r - Rusty Blackbird bde - - e e Louisiana Waterthrush* de u u u - Brewer’s Blackbird bde r - r r Kentucky Warbler* eg u u u - Common Grackle* bcdeghi c c c u Mourning Warbler deg r - r - Great-tailed Grackle* bcdeghi c c c c Common Yellowthroat* cdg u u u r Brown-headed Cowbird* cdeghi c c c u Wilson’s Warbler dg u - u - ORIOLE Canada Warbler dg r - r - Orchard Oriole* dghi u r u - Yellow-breasted Chat* dg r u r - Bullock's Oriole dgi e - e - TANAGER/TOWHEE Baltimore Oriole* dgi c u u - Summer Tanager* fg u u u - Scarlet Tanager Purple Finch fg e - e - deg u - r u Western Tanager fg - - e - House Finch* dij c c c c Spotted Towhee deg u - c u Red Crossbill i e - e e Eastern Towhee deg r - r r Pine Siskin dgh u - u u SPARROW American Goldfinch* dgh c r u c Cassin’s Sparrow h r r - - OLD WORLD SPARROW American Tree Sparrow dgh - - - u * hij c c c c dghi c r u r Clay-colored Sparrow dghi u - u - Date Field Sparrow* gh u u u r Vesper Sparrow gh c - c r Notes Lark Sparrow* gh c u u - dghi c - c u Grasshopper Sparrow* h u u r - 2006 Central Oklahoma Bird Checklist