187832 In any case, I very much appreciate the factthat the City will revisit the residential code. It is hugely important and as I have said we on the Eastmoreland Land Use Committee will do all that we can to be supportive and to be of assistance. Meg On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Stockton, Mmty <
[email protected]> wrote: Hi Meg, The PowerPoint presentation has been posted to the meeting recap webpage, please go to the documents and presentations link: httos://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/529238 Also, according to my colleague that staffs the PSC, assuming the second part of the video uploads in a reasonable time, that part should be available later this afternoon (she'll add the link after the Part 1 link). Finally, there were four area discussed/shared in the presentation yesterday, but all ten were analyzed using the methodology we shared with you all a couple meetings ago. Deborah will follow up with maps of all the areas reviewed by staff. We will also have a final memo to the PSC that includes these ten areas. On a personal note, I am also still processing my thoughts about yesterday's work session. I knew the PSC discussion was going to be close. It was painful for me as I have worked with you all on the Eastmoreland request for a year now. I too would have liked a more analytical, thoughtful and sensitive discussion around their recommendation. With kind regards, Marty Marty Stockton I Southeast District Liaison Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability 1900 SW 4th Avenue J Suite 7100 I Portland, OR 97201 p: 503.823 2041 f: 503.823 5884 e: marty
[email protected] w: www portlandoregon.goy/bps To help ensure equal access to City programs, services and activities, the City of Portland will provide translation, reasonably modify policies/procedures and provide auxiliary aids/services/alternative formats to persons with disabilities.