Graham Hancock, | 384 pages | 01 Jul 1997 | Random House USA Inc | 9780517888520 | English | New York, The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind PDF Book

It was not until , however, that they were investigated thoroughly—by Colonel Howard Vyse with the assistance of two civil engineers, John Perring and James Mash. It's an interesting read, but only taken with a grain of salt. See also Martin Short, Inside the Brotherhood, op. As we have seen, two of these shafts are aligned perfectly to due north and the other two perfectly to due south. Like von Daniken, his work has some great information and he raises some interesting questions, but it's hard to take his conclusions seriously. Here, however, it is sufficient to note that Zep Tepi was regarded as a mysterious and wonderful golden age that had immediately followed Creation. Graham Hancock , Robert Bauval. Jochmans, The Hall of Records, op. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. The 14 degree north of east alignment of the Khufu causeway at the north cross- quarter sunrise. It follows, therefore, that if the great Sphinx has been eroded by water, it must have been 31 R. In , in two different forums, Mark Lehner made somewhat contradictory statements which hint at the answer to this question: 1. There is no sign that the ancient builders were in any way daunted by the task of maintaining such fastidious standards of symmetry on such a grand scale. Moreover, thanks to the recent development of sophisticated star-mapping computer programs, it is possible for us to simulate the skies over Giza in any epoch during the past 30, years and thus to recreate the celestial environment in which the Pyramid builders worked. He collects a lot of data, but the leap from that to his conclusions is a travesty of science. But how had it been made? He remembered the arrival of the relics at the British Museum and now promptly notified the relevant authorities that they had a potentially embarrassing incident on their hands. II, p. Working from the premise that the Giza complex encodes a message, the book begins with the fringe Sphinx water erosion hypothesis , evidence that the authors believe suggests that deep erosion patterns on the flanks of the Sphinx were caused by years of heavy rain. This moment, they contend, represents Zep Tepi , the "First Time," often referred to in the hieroglyphic record. The geological evidence therefore suggests that a very conservative estimate of the true 44 John Anthony West, Serpent, op. The line between myth as vehicle for hard fact, and myth as vehicle for interpretive message seems fuzzy. And today as our civilization stands poised at the end of a great cycle, it is a message that beckons insistently to be understood. This is an understandable oversight if one is satisfied that the sole function of these plugs was to block the Ascending Corridor in a north- south direction. During this hiatus, Gantenbrink and the film crew decided to return to Munich. Excellent book. Not only is the mathematical precision and astronomical alignment of the structures in Giza somewhat well known and impressive in its own right, but delving deeper into the details of the structure reveals a level of insight into the stars and the Egyptian deep past that cannot be ignored. There is, however, another science which, provided one essential precondition is fulfilled, can provide a much more accurate dating—to within a few decades—of uninscribed ancient stone monuments. How the tunnelers, encysted in solid rock, were able to home in so accurately on their target remains a mystery. To get this problem into perspective it is helpful to realize that a block of tons represents a load roughly equivalent to family-sized automobiles each with an average weight of three-quarters of a ton. Often sand engulfed it. We have older monuments in the same area. The first two stars AI Nitak and Al Nilam are in direct alignment, like the first and second , and the third star Mintaka lies offset somewhat to the east of the axis formed by the other two. Show More. From their common weathering features—which are not shared by the other monuments of the Giza necropolis—it is obvious that the structures making up this unit were all built in the same epoch. He claimed to have been informed that the Egyptian authorities would soon make an attempt to reach the door with their own robot in order to insert a fibre-optic camera beneath it and to see whatever lies beyond. The point that we wish to make here, however, is the obvious one that shafts which were originally closed at both ends could not possibly have been used, or intended, for ventilation. One, Fingerprints of the Gods, was about the evidence for an inhabited continent under the Antarctic ice cap in remote antiquity. From this it follows that we must look to the sky, just as the Egyptians did, if we wish to understand the ideas that they were trying to communicate in their on the face of things extremely strange and problematic religious writings. The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind Writer

Rundle Clark explains: The creation of the myths was founded on certain principles. Perring, on Saturday, June 24th. To the naked-eye observer it is virtually impossible to determine such a deviation. Overall, Bauval presents This was an interesting read. Worse, if the theory was correct, the inner limestone core-blocks of the so-called Mortuary Temple at the end of the causeway leading from the Sphinx had also been weathered by water, and this meant floods reaching to the base of the Pyramids—another hundred feet or so of flood waters But could men have been effectively harnessed to such dense and relatively compact loads the maximum dimensions of each block are 30 feet by 10 feet by 12 feet? This act was meant to assert that Tightness and order had been re-established, but it was also a repetition of an event that took place at the beginning of the world The proportions in the frontal view, and especially the 7 Cambridge Archaeological Journal, op. And it is of interest to note that the surviving granite casing blocks seem to have been carved on their inner faces to fit over the limestone core-blocks at a time when these were already heavily marked by erosion. As a man who knows and works with faces every day of his professional life, he was commissioned to make a detailed study of the points of similarity and difference between the Sphinx and the Khafre statue. Its face, too, is bruised and battered, and yet it somehow seems serene and ageless, unpredictably portraying different moods and expressions at different times and seasons, coming alive with patterns of light and shadow cast by scudding clouds at dawn. This time use was made of several new techniques such as resistivity measurements from metal rods driven into the rock across which an electric current was passed , magnetometry, and also the latest aerial photography and thermal infrared image-enhancing techniques. There may have been restoration efforts on it, but we honestly have any documented evidence to prove that. There is about them an overwhelming, weary, aching sense of antiquity and it is certainly not hard to imagine that they might be the leavings of a lost civilization. Fascinating look at what might be the true history of the pyramids - this book gives evidence that they are a lot older than archeologists have generally thought. The problem, of course, is greatly increased for blocks of tons within the confined working conditions of the Sphinx and Valley Temples—a task almost impossible to imagine with such primitive techniques. Dec 27, Jasmyn rated it really liked it. This is the science of . This is the second book on that I have read by Robert Bauval. But it is also possible that they took over preexisting structures which they had inherited from an earlier time, and that they adapted, renovated and furnished these structures with their own statues in order to suit their own purposes. High precision Such fine errors are within the general margins of tolerance found at the Great Pyramid. Views Read Edit View history. There is no sign that the ancient Pyramid builders were in any way daunted by the task of maintaining such fastidious standards of symmetry on such a grand scale. To browse Academia. See also Robert G. My only criticism in this area, is of a tendency to over-use words like obvious and of course. Two powerful high-intensity bulbs, fitted on each side of the camera, would illuminate the way ahead. A Western analogy is the practice of burying the remains of particularly favoured individuals under the flagstones of medieval cathedrals—a practice that continues to this day, but that does not lead us to conclude that these cathedrals are tombs or even that they were built primarily for the purposes of burial. Like the ability to keep strictly to a chosen course, the fabulous accuracy with which the principal monuments of Giza are aligned to true north, south, east and west could not have been achieved by any other science. Nor has John West proved the even earlier date that he favours. Isbister, London edition reprinted recently by Bell Publishing Co. The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind Reviews As we shall see in Parts III and IV, however, it is possible that the precise nature and purpose of those journeys may have been much more complex and significant than has hitherto been recognized. The Scales of Maat. Such ideas may be of very archaic origin1 and have continued throughout history to inspire investigations at Giza. Indeed we think it possible that the Sphinx and the three great Pyramids may offer knowledge of the genesis of civilization itself. Besides, even if the syllable Khaf was intended to refer to Khafre, its presence does not necessarily imply that he built the Sphinx. The Pharaoh relied upon his particular text as the less distinguished dead relied upon his copy of chapters from the Book of the Dead, and he was prepared to change shape into the Nevertheless the conventional wisdom that the Sphinx was built by Khafre, circa BC, remains so strong and so all-pervasive that one assumes there must be something else behind it other than the disputed resemblance to the statue of Khafre in the Cairo Museum and the contradictory opinions of scholars concerning a half-ruined stela. During the s and s, however, he was directly involved with the followers of and with their distinctive beliefs about the secrets and mysteries of Giza. Geodetic location of the . There were those who attempted to restore it, covering parts of its rock-hewn body with blocks of masonry. If you are building a brick wall that is to appear straight within plus or minus 1 degree per metres and the whole roughly directed due north, then any good bricklayer should be able to meet your specification. Indeed, as the reader will recall, the seismological work carried out at Giza in the early s by the American geophysicist Thomas Dobecki did indicate the presence of a large and apparently man- made hypogeum in the bedrock beneath the Sphinx. The cleaning job was done in a quainter manner. Very interesting developments Egyptological opinion concerning the Subterranean Chamber may be summarized as follows: 1 it is not a prehistoric feature, but was built at the same time as the Pyramid i. It is not counted as "read" because I want my own copy. A drainage channel runs along the northern side of the causeway and opens into the upper south-west corner of the Sphinx ditch, suggesting the ancient quarrymen formed the ditch after the Khafre causeway was built. At least four different kinds of blocks A, B, C and D , continuing the full length of the shafts, were required for the successful completion of these mysterious features of the Pyramid. One hole was bored, uneventfully. Other editions. Crown Publishing Group. This makes all the more sense when we recall the firm identification of the Orion constellation with the high god Osiris. Koch and Ludwig have supported the excavations that we started in In this way, with subtlety, a number of very archaic ideas, once held by the ancient Egyptians, have survived for thousands of years. In , for example, two French architects, Gilles Dormion and Jean- Patrice Goidin, somehow managed to obtain a scientific licence to conduct a spectacular exploration inside the Great Pyramid. Everyone seemed to know Mark Lehner well, and meaning.

The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind Read Online

This was an interesting read. As reported in Part I, this resulted in the discovery of what appears to be a large, rectangular chamber beneath the forepaws of the Sphinx. Less well known is just how eerily exact is the precision of these alignments—with the average deviation from true being only a little over 3 arc minutes i. This would be highly desirable since, in the absence of other objective means of dating the monument, controversy continues to linger over its exact age. See also Third Division, ibid. Computers have taken the records further. Its a good read, but for a lay person with no interest in new age theories, conspiracy theories, astroarchaeology and even engineering, then its quite heavy going. If you are after an accuracy of, say, a few seconds per week, then an ordinary quartz watch costing fifty dollars or less will do the trick. They are your personal guide through an interpretive labyrinth of scriptures, hieroglyphs, folklore, myths, facts, and observations. Muhammad Shahy. But I did find the pyramids to be very human monuments. Indeed we think it possible that the Sphinx and the three great Pyramids may offer knowledge of the genesis of civilization itself. The mystery of the shafts There is one other anomalous feature of the Giza necropolis which we have not yet mentioned but with which we shall close this chapter as it leads us on to the next stage of our investigation. Log In Sign Up. Khafre and Menkaure, in other words, might have built the temples. Standing as it were beneath those ancient skies, initiated by microchip into the cosmic secret of the changing positions of the stars, certain features of the key monuments—features that are of no significance from the purely archaeological or Egyptological perspective —begin to take on a peculiar meaning. Nothing about them is accidental: their original constructed heights, their angles of slope, the measurement of their perimeters, even the pattern in which they are carefully laid out on the ground—all of these things are purposive and laden with meaning. Officials and relatives of the pharaohs built their tombs in cemeteries east and west of the Khufu Pyramid, and southeast of the pyramids of Khafre and Menkaure respectively. The three great Pyramids, for example, are conventionally assigned as the tombs of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure— three Pharaohs of the Fourth Dynasty. This, as it happens, is within 8 minutes of the highest altitude that this star will attain in its precessional cycle, i. The third Pyramid stands some feet tall and has a side length at the base of feet. See also Martin Short, Inside the Brotherhood, op. Authors kept referring to their previous book on the subject instead of giving a brief summary of plot points they were trying to make. Well, about twelve years ago I became really 'weird', and started getting into all this kinda stuff and this was one of the books I read about the Giza Plateau and the three Pyramids that stand on it, along with the Sphinx. Kerisel noted that a greater pressure than 1. From there the book also explores the connections between Egyptology, the keepers of the legacy of Edgar Cayce and work during the ss at the Giza sights including the discover As always when it comes to controversial subjects, the book was certainly compelling. Built with structural steel members and powered with massive electric motors, the majority of these cranes have a load limit of under tons. Isbister, London edition reprinted recently by Bell Publishing Co. Jochmans, The Hall of Records, op. This star the ancients associated with the goddess Isis, cosmic mother of the kings of Egypt. I found few resemblances between the physical evidence and Cayce-derived ideas of an earlier civilization at Giza. As a non-Egyptologist, the German robotics engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink did not suffer from such inhibitions. No offense to either gentleman. Furthermore, as he peered curiously into his monitor screen, he could see the shaft disappearing into the deep, dark distance beyond. Want to Read Currently Reading Read.