Questions and Answers sheet Solicitation 19PE5021Q0075 – Death-and-Dismemberment-Insurance August 2021

Question 1 Who is the aircraft operator? American Embassy Lima? Answer: UH-1H II helicopters are operated mainly by DIRAVPOL crew members. On some occasions, the AAR contractor assists with some ADMINISTRATIVE flights. The contractor is prohibited from flying on eradication or interdiction missions. INL-Peru and DIRAVPOL are operators under a Joint Agreement. USG remains the owner and mantains its titles

Question 2 Are the pilots and co-pilots personnel from American Embassy Lima? Answer: No

Question 3: Where are Helmet and third-party coverage insured? Answer: Helmets are insured by the Government of the United States of America

Question 4: Is there an error in Section 3, page 6 Description, paragraph 1 when indicating different total figures for seats (226) and occupants (200)? Answer: This is a typo and should read 226 as stated in Section 2 – page 3, second paragraph: “The policy shall provide coverage to 226 occupants with a maximum U.S. $50K benefit amount to cover death, dismemberment, and the permanent loss of use of the scheduled items for the crew and passengers of the aircraft whilst using the aircraft, including flight, preflight, loading, and unloading operations. Policy should be written in English and Spanish.”

Question 5: Why do you require worldwide coverage if the aircraft operate in Peruvian territory and on the border with Brazil? Answer: Worldwide coverage would be for the B-1900. The UH-1H II helicopters and the C-208B plane operate only in Peru.

Question 6: Were there any fatalities in the incident on May 19, 2021? Explain in greater detail what happened, and the amounts compensated or those that are kept in reserve. Answer: The accident happened 125 MN northwest of San Gaban. The losses affected were the three crew members, the two passengers and the helicopter in its entirety. Five (05) deceased in total, all members of DIRAVPOL. There are no details on the cause (s) of the accident. The accident remains under investigation and any detail or report is the intellectual property of the INL / A at Patrick Air Force Base in Florida, USA.

Question 7: Does the American Embassy have, or has it contracted this policy before? If so, what is or was the last coverage period? Answer: Yes, last coverage period was April 2015 to March 2020

Question 8: What are the cities with the highest frequency of travel? Answer: Highest frequency: Lima, Pucallpa, Tingo Maria, Santa Lucia, Aguaytia, Ciudad Constitución, San Gabán, Mazamári and Palmapampa. Also any place chosen by CORAH to carry out eradication operations as well as places chosen by DIRANDRO for interdiction operations.

Question 9: Regarding the price format 2.1, the premium column is the amount for the payment of claims and the fixed price column considers the rest of the expenses, including the profit of the company. insurance and VAT, correct? Answer: Correct Section 3, Statement of Work, Page 4, Year Price

Item Quantity of Unit Price $ Description Total Price $ No. Seats Per year

Contractor’s + Premium Fixed Price

Death and Dismemberment Insurance Policy per one year 195 001 + period applicable to Huey II

Death and Dismemberment 002 10 Insurance Policy per one year Item Quantity of Unit Price $ Description Total Price $ No. Seats Per year

period applicable to Cessna C- + 208

Death and Dismemberment 003 Insurance Policy per one year 21 period applicable to B-1900D +


Question 10: Pilot experience, hours on fixed wing and hours on rotary wings? Answer: Hours on fixed wing 1,000-3,000 hrs. average Hours on rotary wings 1,500-3,500 hrs. average

Question 11: The RFQ indicates that the name, email, telephone, cell phone, fax and address of the contact of the insurance broker and the insurance company must be reported. Should this information be provided in the bid or after the award has been made? Answer: Section 3, Page 8, letter L. last paragraph stated: “The broker and the insurance company shall provide INL with personalized attention and immediate and opportune service, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To this effect the broker and the insurance company shall provide name, e-mail, phone, cell phone, and fax numbers, address, and other information of a Point of Contact (POC).” Information should be provided once order is awarded.

Question 12: There are 17 aircraft. Will aircraft PC-6 be part of the list of insured aircraft at some point? Answer: No.

Question 13: How many of the 17 aircraft are or will be at the beginning of the policy at flight risk and how many and which are or will be on the ground and paralyzed and of the latter when it is estimated they will be at flight risk? Answer: In helicopters we have 15 to fly 13. You cannot predict which one will fly on which occasion, since the order varies depending on their scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. Policy should cover 17 aircraft flying and 226 passengers.

Question 14: In the case of new aircraft inclusions, will they be considered to have an additional cost than the Fixed Price on which it was awarded? Answer: Section 3, page 6, last paragraph last sentence states: “The coverage of this policy extends to any and all occupants (crew or passengers) flying in the insured aircraft.”

Question 15: In point E of the specifications under section 3, the conformation of the crew seat occupancy is reported, in the case of helicopters, a pilot, co-pilot, crew chief / gunner is reported. Are these aircraft armed at all times or just for missions? Answer: There is a Pilot in command, a co-pilot, and a gunner / mechanic. Aircraft are always armed with machine guns with rare instances when they are strictly administrative flights. In airplanes (fixed wing) there is only one pilot in command and one co-pilot, they do not have a gunner or any other crew member.

Question 16: In point D of the Specifications regarding flight hours, with respect to helicopters it reads: 291.6 hours of monthly flight and 3,500 hours of annual flight Are these hours, for each aircraft or for the helicopter fleet? Answer: Section 3, page 7. Letter D states:

A. RATE FLIGHTS PER MONTH/YEAR: Type of aircraft No. of Engine No. of hours No. of hours per month per year

Huey II 1 291.6 3500

Cessna C-208 1 41 492

Beechcraft B-1900D 2 492 492

This refers to the total hours flown by the entire helicopter fleet in a month, and the 3,500 hours is the total scheduled for the year, and includes ALL flights made by helicopters.

Question 17: Regarding the B-1900D aircraft it is read: 492 hours of monthly flight and 492 hours of annual flight. Are these flight hours those of the previous year or is it an estimate of the hours to be flown during the year of the policy period to be contracted? Answer: Section 3, page 7. Letter D states:

B. RATE FLIGHTS PER MONTH/YEAR: Type of aircraft No. of Engine No. of hours No. of hours per month per year

Huey II 1 291.6 3500

Cessna C-208 1 41 492

Beechcraft B-1900D 2 492 492 This refers to the total hours flown by the aircraft in a month, which varies and can be between up to 41.0 hours per month, for an annual total of 492 scheduled hours.

Question 18: In Section 3, point G regarding aircraft maintenance, they could you confirm the number of monthly and annual flight hours per aircraft, carried out the previous year, and the estimated hours for the period of the policy to be contracted? Answer: Section 3, page 6, letter G states: G. “MAINTENANCE OF THE AIRCRAFT: The maintenance of the helicopters is carried out by mechanics of the Air Police under supervision and quality control by advisors of INL and AAR WASS. All of the mechanics have received training in authorized US training centers or authorized training in Peru. The Huey I/Huey II fly an average of 6,840 hours per year. The Cessna Caravan C-208 and Beechcraft B-1900D airplanes are maintained by PNP and US contracted personnel, and fly an average of 600 hours per year.”

The helicopter fleet in a month, and the 3,500 hours are the total programmed for the year and includes ALL the flights made by the helicopters. The C-208B plane has an annual program of 275 TOTAL hours. An average of 22.9 hours per month. The B-1900D aircraft will be up to 41.0 hours per month, for an annual total of 492 scheduled hours.

Question 19: Could you provide the with their registration data? Answer: Section 3, page 4, line 4 sentence states: “The policy will cover fifteen (15) USG-owned, GOP-operated Huey I/Huey II helicopters, one (01) C- 208 aircraft, and one (1) Beechcraft B-1900D”:

Question 20: Will the policy be nominative or non-nominative? Answer: Non-nominative

Question 21: Regarding counter-narcotics work, provide more details on the nature of these operations, that is, combat, surveillance, evacuation, others? Answer: Personnel transportation and evacuation.

Question 22: Would you please provide the years of manufacture of each of the aircraft? Answer: The oldest helicopter was manufactured in 1970 and the newest in 1974.

Question 23: Do all aircraft operate at night? Answer: Yes

Question 24: Who performs the maintenance of the aircraft? Answer: DIRAVPOL and the State Department contractor, AAR, maintain the aircraft

Question 25: When were the last maintenance carried out? Answer: In August 2021

Question 26: We ask you to inform, if the cost structure of the estimated value of this Selection Procedure has considered the commission for agency agreed with your Insurance Broker and what would be the percentage to consider. Answer: Section 3, page 4, second paragraph states: “The contract type is a firm fixed-price contract for a Death and Dismemberment policy. The fixed price shall cover all costs, including overhead, profit, and Value Added Tax (if applicable). The contract will be for a one-year period, beginning on September 1, 2021 and ending on August 31, 2022.”