Simple 3-D Visualization of Some Common Mathematical Minimal Surfaces using MATLAB Nasiha Muna1 and Albert E. Patterson2 1Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical (A&M) University, Normal, Alabama, 35762, USA. Email:
[email protected] 2Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, 61801, USA. Email:
[email protected] The MATLAB code for this work is available at: Surfaces_Visualization_Code. This report and its code are published under a CC-BY 4.0 International license, so it can be used and modified with proper attribution to the authors. Abstract This report presents a simple approach for visualizing some common mathematical mini- mal surfaces using MATLAB tools. The studied minimal surfaces were the gyroid, lidinoid, Schwarz P surface, Schwarz D surface, Scherk tower, helicoid surface, catenoid surface, and Mobius strip. For each, the mathematic definition is given along with a simple matlab code for it and an example 3-D surface plot generated from the given code. 1 Introduction The selected minimal surfaces to be discussed in this report were the gyroid, lidinoid, Schwarz P surface, Schwarz D surface, Scherk tower, helicoid surface, catenoid surface, and Mobius strip. These were selected, as they represent a suitable subset of the available minimal surfaces and serve as good cases to demonstrate the simple approach proposed in this report. Some very complex surfaces, such as Costa surfaces, are not covered here and will be discussed in future works. Most minimal surfaces are sometimes relatively difficult to plot in three dimensions, as they are all typically defined by implicit or parametric functions (sometimes in the complex domain).