CEU eTD Collection Second Reader: Professor Reader: Second Thomas Fetzer Professor Siefert Marsha Supervisor: Austrian and German 'sAustrian and QualityDailyNewspapersand In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of forthe degree ofthe requirements In partial fulfillment Road toIndependence Central European University European Central History Department Budapest, HungaryBudapest, Master of Arts Alan Maričić Alan Submitted to Submitted 2013 By

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CEU eTD Collection politicians' role in the process. in the politicians' role own their to turned newspapers national respective the and reporting the of frame dominant the became Croatia of recognition international the 1991 of end the Towards varying bias. a of degree with but hostilities, the during aggressors the as Serbs and victims the as on focused and identified newspapers all that showed Results analysis. framing qualitative a newspapers these To how show bias. of extent the and opinion in differences for allowing spectrum, political broad a represent herein analysed newspapers the countries, these from received Croatia support political the Standard Zeitung Allgemeine the newspapers, daily quality several in 1992 period January the and in 1990 April Croatia between on reporting and editorials the analyse to was thesis this of aim The Abstract and and Die Presse Presse Die h the , Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche from Austria. Even though a pro-Croatian bias was expected due to due expected was bias pro-Croatian a though Even Austria. from approached and chose to represent the events in Croatia, I Croatia, in events the represent to chose and approached n h the and aeziugTageszeitung rmGray n and Germany, from Frankfurter used Der ii

CEU eTD Collection TableContents of Sources andSources Bibliography Conclusion 3.3 ofCroatia The Recognition International 3.2 Symbols ofDestruction Croatia First Free andElections the in 3.1 Democratisation 3. The 1990and 1992 Between onCroatia DailyAustrian Quality Press Recognition ofCroatia 2.4 International 2.3 Media Symbols ofthe War 2.2 oftheThe Role Yugoslav People's to Army: Overture War Croatia free theelectionsin first and 2.1 Democratization 2. 1992 Between onCroatia Daily 1990and Quality Press The German 1.5 Methodology 1.4 The Newspapers 1.3 Framing framework: Theoretical Analysis Review1.2 Literature 1.1 Germany, Austria and the Yugoslav Crisis Context, 1. FramingFraming: the Theory, Methodology Players and the Introduction Abstract ...... 52 48 43 41 38 38 32 27 24 18 17 15 13 12 iii ii 9 3 3 1 CEU eTD Collection iv CEU eTD Collection 1992. in recognition international the with ending and 1991 in war the 1990, in elections free first the of issues the to approach or differencesin their for similarities looking Croatia, in events the research. my in used newspapers the of overview detailed a give as well as approach methodological the framework, theoretical the explain also will chapter The States. United the and Community European the to policies relation in especially their Mock, and Genscher how by moulded were well Croatia towards as 1991, and 1990 in Austria and Germany facing circumstances Standard the Zeitung Germany, Süddeutsche from newspapers three at by looking problem this analyse to chose have I Hence researched. extensively been not has quality years, two these daily during general Austrian in Croatia in and their events the German and and relationship, this the covered cause, newspapers How Croatian subject. the the been of have ambassadors accomplishments outspoken as remembered are Mock, Alois and Genscher Hans-Dietrich affairs, foreign of ministers respective Their 1990s. early the in independence to road her during friends best Croatia's as hailed often are discussed. They is Croatia of recognition international the whenever place special a hold Austria and Germany Introduction The second chapter will deal with the ways how the German quality daily press covered press daily quality German the how ways the with deal will chapter second The policy foreign the explaining by research my contextualise will I chapter, first the In . and the the and Tageszeitung , as well as two from Austria, Austria, from two as well as , rnfre lgmie Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter Die Presse Presse Die and and the , Der 1

CEU eTD Collection approached Croatia during the same time span using the same key events as the previous the as events chapter, results. the and compare key same the using span time same the during Croatia approached n te tid catr I wl ok a h Asra ult al rs n o they how and press daily quality Austrian the at look will I chapter third the In 2

CEU eTD Collection 1 this change to reason no had she expected, had most than faster disappearing was Iron Curtain the that seemed it when instability, great potentially a of moment a at and diplomacy, multilateral through policy foreign her pursue to inclined was Germany of Republic Federal the period, war post the In palpable. more and more becoming was future near the in reunification a of possibility the and foothold its lose to beginning was Republic Democratic German the in but all gone. ofequalityprinciples were Titoist that indicated 1980s, early the since rights Albanians' local diminished systematically elite ruling Serbian the where Kosovo, of province Serbian the in crisis the ripe. all, was Above lines, ethnic along also sometimes Communist, of League the in factionalism The nationalisms. burgeoning by marked and way under well Yugoslaviawere in changes political internal year, that By blocs. two between state buffer Yugoslaviafor a need as the eliminated but all regimes did too so power, Union's Soviet Communist European eastern of fall the 1989, the In politics. Yugoslavia'sinternational in position of waning the to due 1980s mid the in importance its lose to started system this world. As bipolar a of context the in role important an played and community international the in prestige substantial War, enjoyed Yugoslavia Cold the During 1.1 Germany, Austria andthe Yugoslav Crisis 1. Framing the Context, Framing: Theory, andthe Methodology Of Tito To Of Milosevic TheFall Sabrina Petra P. and Ramet Sabrina Ramet, The two Germanies were also on the cusp of a fundamental change in 1989. The regime 1989. The in change fundamental a of cusp the on also were Germanies two The Players , 4th ed., 4th (Westview p.1-49. Press, 2002). 1 Balkan Babel: TheDisintegrationBalkan OfYugoslavia Babel: From TheDeath 3

CEU eTD Collection 7 6 5 4 3 2 ones. democratic also but reforms, market only not with future the in Yugoslavia to provide would it aid financial any stipulate to 1990 early in decided States Yugoslavia'sfor United issue the Western problematic partners, States. United the were Soviet the Union.” Europeformer and Central Eastern and of cooperationwith path the “opened and neighbours its all with terms good on be to tried affairs,foreign Germany of minister German the became Genscher Hans-Dietrich when 1970s, mid the Since coast. Croatian the on tourists of majority a up made Germans Conversely, Germany. in foreigners from workers of groups largest guest the of Yugoslavmaking one factories, citizens German Yugoslaviain work of to thousands inviting agreements signed had it that, before even And 1968. in doctrine Hallstein the with of Yugoslavia rapport annulment solid the a since up build had Germany allies. her with accordance in acted the and Yugoslav as concerned, far was crisis as exception no making actions, unilateral by waste to precious too far was chance historic this power. of balance the in change a cause would it that fear in least, at years few a for delayed be to process this preferred neighbours Her glass. magnifying approach. Ibid. 30-32. BundesrepublikHandlungsspielraum Der Deutschland (1990-1996) Eric A. Witte, Papers Nationalities Michael Thumann, “Between paralysis—Germany’sAmbition and Policy Toward Yugoslavia 1991–1993,” Yugoslavia 1963. in Cubain 1957and Republicas a entity. sovereign theDemocratic German which recognized state to appliedtwice, only It was FederalGermanywouldbreakoff dictated of thaRepublic doctrine the This any diplomaticwith all relations 2011).(Palgrave, Shandley, Robert C. R. Peter and Caldwell 1997). Libal, Michael The leading power which defined the Western policy towards Yugoslavia, however, Yugoslavia, towards policy Western the defined which power leading The 2 oe ipraty h vnult f a ruiiain pt Gray udr a under Germany put reunification a of eventuality the importantly, More Die Rolle Der VereinigtenDie Der Rolle Der Jugoslawien-Konflikt Und Im Staaten Aussenpolitischen Limits Persuasion: of Germany andthe Yugoslav Crisis, 1991-1992 25, no. 3 (1997): 575–585,p.575. 25,no.3(1997): 6 s te hmn rgt bs n Ksv eae a increasingly an became Kosovo in abuse rights human the As 7 That this arrangement would not have any positive effecton positive any have not would arrangement this That German Unification: Expectations Unification: andOutcomes German (Osteuropa-Institut Munchen, 2000), (Osteuropa-Institut Munchen, p. 3 Hence, Germany was aware that aware was Germany Hence, (Westport, Praeger, Conn: 5

, 1st ed., 1st 4 4

CEU eTD Collection 10 9 8 period, war post immediate the In to Yugoslavia,record. relations mixed a bilateral had Austria of terms In 1989. in membership EC for candidacy Austria's initiated also Mock countries. these to stability. ties ensure to historic the way aby amplified were ties also was approach This regional closer communism without that aware countries, neighbouring the with relations better Europe. central onto and conflicts, regional in mediator a as acted often Austria where level, global the from away focus its redirected but diplomacy Austrian active very a of Austrian the was process tradition post-war the continued he 1987, since officeaffairs In foreign Mock. of Alois minister this in force driving The constellation. political European new Europe. “ongoing neutrality,”The State formulated bythe Treaty the its in meaning of1955lost Communism-free new, a of light the in position this question to beginning now II, was War World Austria after forces Allied the by occupation the of end the for preconditions the of one as neutrality nurtured Having neighbours. eastern her to relation in position its renegotiate world. outside invisibletoeven the more making well, Yugoslavia's as way under was EC turmoil the inner within relations deepening of process a time, Yugoslavia.on same the were they At than Communism of unravelling the and Europe Eastern in events the on surprisingly, focused not more perhaps were, (EC) Community Yugoslavia.” of demanded integrity which territorial States, and United unity the “stability, of conditions other the by ensured was Yugoslavia Ashgate, 1998.), p170.-171. Ashgate, 1945-95: YearsAustria Fifty Republic the Second of Kramer,Helmut Foreign the PolicyState „Austrian from Treaty (1955-95)“ in EuropeanUnionMembership to Jeffrey Morton (New S. York: Macmillan, Palgrave 2004), p.36-37. Integration,” in Dismemberment of Privitera, Relationship the “The Francesco Between Yugoslavia and European Ibid. uti on esl n a smlr psto o Gray i 99 i ht i a to had it that in 1989 in Germany to position similar a in herself found Austria Reflections onthe Balkan Wars:Reflections Ten Years the Break-up after Yugoslavia of 9 , ed. Kurt Richard Luther and Peter Pulzer and Richard (Aldershot: Peter , ed.Luther Kurt 8 h onre f te European the of countries The , 1st ed, edited by ed,, 1st edited 10 He sought He 5

CEU eTD Collection 15 14 13 12 11 self- to right a has nation every that was Kohl with disagreed who politicians German amongst party. own Kohl's Helmut from came even criticism and , deflect to concerns.” pressing enough more from attention strong not was however, which, optimism persistent and apprehension increasing of mixture “a than more little showed government German the rapidly, worsened of Yugoslavia.dissolution the against position Germany's reiterate to order in leadership Slovenian the with talks held Genscher 1991, of March as late as Even solution. alternative an of possibility a blocked which one leadership,” “negative a construing lead, their follow countries European “stability.” and “unity” terms the and aid economic on based much very still was chosen path Unfortunately, crisis. the the of out Yugoslavia help to order in policy effective an implement to struggling still were Croats. forSlovenes culturaland autonomy to provide Treaty, State obligated the respectively.was Burgenland, to Austria and According Carinthia of provinces Austrian the in living minorities Croat and Slovene of was presence the cooperation by compounded cultural The Croatia. and Slovenia of republics the to limited mostly was but cooperation, cultural and economic of trend positive a began there 1970 relationship. After distant but cordial a have to came countries two the and settled soon was issue The of Carinthia. province the through running border the of issue the on clashed Yugoslavia and Austria Thumann, p.578. Thumann, p. 4. Libal, Ibid., p.45. Witte, p.31. 1. Aufl, p.25. Politik 39(Baden-Baden:Aktuelle Zur Nomos,1995), Materialien Bd. Internationalen Thomas Paulsen, When the first skirmishes occurred in Croatia in the summer of 1990, the United States United the 1990, of summer the in Croatia in occurred skirmishes first the When Die Jugoslawienpolitik DerDie USA Jugoslawienpolitik 1989-1994: Begrenztes Konflikdynamik Und Engagement 11 What complicated the matter was the United States' insistence that insistence States' United the was matter the complicated What 12 This situation lasted throughout 1990 and early 1991. early and 1990 throughout lasted situation This 14 The official government line was criticized by the by criticized was line government official The 13 Even as the the Yugoslavas Even crisis 15 The idea which prevailed which idea The , 6

CEU eTD Collection 21 20 19 18 17 16 goal.” and“wish Mock's Yugoslavia of was dissolution the that claim to far as went Vranitzky Franz chancellor out. broke war the before years of number a for held had he belief a longer, much existing continue not could Yugoslavia that certain was Mock privately, But letter. the boundaries.” of Yugoslavia existence present the continued within the “secure would process” democratising “far-reaching a including reforms, these that adding problems, any resolve to way only the as sides opposing the between dialogue welcomed and country,” the of stabilisation economic and “political the for measures Yugoslav the greeted Mock 1990, of February the In policy. devices. andtoown Croatia Slovenia their leaving of effect the had which solutions, non-violent on insistence the in evident all above was reunification. German the during did they as decisions same the making and conclusions same the drawing mirror, the in reflection own their as act would Yugoslavia in politicians the Yugoslav of notion had a politicians crisis. German earlier. months few a just politicians these of many by reunification German justify to used concept popular a was it importantly, more and future, World First their the Wardecide after to nations Slavic South the by used been had it reasons, two for relevant was thought they which principle a determination, Franz Franz Vranitzky, p.207. 2008), and Helmut Martin Eichtinger Wohnout, 1992), p.121. Angelegenheiten, 1990, in des Bundesministers auswärtige“Presseerklärung für Jugoslawien,” in lage February2, Angelegenheiten zur p.6. Libal, Witte, p.45. Ibid. Austria, being a small, neutral country, had no say in the shaping of the EC Yugoslav EC the of shaping the in say no had country, neutral small, a being Austria, Jugoslawische Krise Jugoslawische 19 Thus the official Austrian position on Yugoslavia mirrored the European one to one European the Yugoslaviamirrored on position Austrian official the Thus 21 Politische ErinnerungenPolitische Vranitzkyof Party Democratic Social of the president the was Austria, which 16 According to Witte, this tied in with another German misconception about misconception German another with in tied Witte, to this According , ed. Gerhard , ed. Weinberger, Alois Mock: Ein PolitikerAlois Ein Mock: Schreibt Geschichte , (Wien: Zsolnay, 2004), p.355. 18 (Wien: für Bundesministerium Auswärtige Spiegelbildigkeit , an expectation that thethat expectation , an (Styria Premium, (Styria Premium, 20 The Austrian The 17 This 7

CEU eTD Collection 24 23 The policy. Yugoslav EC's of 22 change in complete mission a fact-finding for called a openly from report returned The Yugoslavia. recently had who politician SDP an by report a Yugoslavia to self-determination. of people the of right the policy,being his other of the dimension one were attempts UN. These the as such platforms, other through also but further, Albanians Kosovo of matter the pursued he where CSCE, the through especially Yugoslav crisis, the to community international the of talks. future any for partner the be to continue will Belgrade in Yugoslavia that situation and overall the in improvements the with reply. did Serbia though even taking, was country the direction the on influence any or Kosovo, in Albanians the of plight the on effect an have not did measure Austria's repercussions, serious any without question in Kosovo. violations rights human the concerning CSCE the of mechanism a motion in set Austria the through was active be could where Austria area narrow The worse. got Croatia in fighting as increased discord the and Croatia, of recognition international the until policy foreign Austria's plague Vranitzkyand Mock on between Yugoslaviadisagreements The president. the was wouldMock which of Party, People's Austrian the with government coalition a in partner senior the was 1992), p.172. 1992), Krise Jugoslawische Kroatiens des denPräsidenten Bundeskanzler,” über Besuch beim “Bericht January 29,1991in p.213. 1992), Krise Jugoslawische des Jugoslawiensösterreichisches Beantwortung “Aide-Mémoire in 27,1990in September Aide-Mémoires,” 1992), p.211.Angelegenheiten, August 15,1990in betreffend“Aide-Mémoire (Ersuchen Information)”, der um Anwendung Mechanismus Stufe dec ersten The real change in German policy came in the summer of 1991. Genscher had been sent been had Genscher 1991. of summer the in came policy German in change real The 22 Since this was nothing more than a call for a country to explain the situation in situation the explain to country a for call a than more nothing was this Since Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE). In August of 1990 of August In (CSCE). Europe in Co-operation and Security on Conference ugoslawische Kriseugoslawische , ed. Gerhard , ed. Weinberger, Gerhard , ed. Weinberger, 23 Still, even in January of 1991 Vranitzky stated that he is happy is he that Vranitzky stated 1991 of January in even Still, 24 But Mock was doing all in his power to direct the attention the direct to power his in all doing was Mock But , ed. Gerhard , ed. Weinberger, (Wien: für Bundesministerium Auswärtige Angelegenheiten, (Wien: für Bundesministerium Auswärtige Angelegenheiten, (Wien: für Bundesministerium Auswärtige 8

CEU eTD Collection 28 27 26 25 been have studies these of Many reporting. this of nature the on studies academic extensive many been have there that surprising not is it history.Thus recent in conflicts reported widely 1.2 Literature Review in startCroatia. at ofhostilities the theThis was situation states. member EC other from stance new her to opposition heavy found she because Germany command. take to EC the leaving Yugoslavia, in management were allies the as soon as convinced.” implemented be option political desirable a became Slovenia and Croatia of “[r]ecognition that was situation the of view new Genscher's stance. previous his from diverged that manner a Yugoslaviatowards in policy new his shape Genscher helped out.the Yugoslav against broken already war short had People's Army Bosnia-Herzegovina. presidentsrepublics and the ofMacedonia held talks also and Mesić, Yugoslaviaof Stipe president the and Marković Ante Yugoslavminister prime the met he 2nd July On own. his of mission fact-finding a on Genscher sent independence, with.” begin to fiction Yugoslavia' unified a 'democratic, was a of idea “the that been had revelation biggest Witte, p.52. Ibid. p.579. Thumann, p.8. Libal, The wars in the former republics of Yugoslavia during the 1990s were some of the most the of some of were Yugoslavia republics 1990s former the during the in wars The Slovenia's in as Kučan Austria, Milan president Slovenian the with met he day next The 27 25 This shift coincided with the United States taking a back seat role of the crisis the of role seat back a taking States United the with coincided shift This The new found insight, as well as Croatia's and Slovenia's declarations of declarations Slovenia's and Croatia's as well as insight, found new The 28 This posed a problem for problem a posed This 26 It seemed that the talks the that seemed It 9

CEU eTD Collection 32 31 30 29 for used euphemisms policy”, foreign “ethical an and intervention” “humanitarian the for “cheerleaders” as acted media the that and volume, this by covered Westerncountries most in debate qualified a of lack severe a was there that out pointing Serbia, and Kosovo in campaign Crisis by the influence to order city,” in old the to damage of extent the exaggerated and “misleading were which reports . of city Croatian the of bombings the during Kingdom United the in media by the used tactics the into insight gave (1991)” Reporting making. decision in involved politicians including audiences, their among confusion caused war the on reporting conflicting and hatreds” “ancient of extension an as events current the of representation media's Bosnia in War the to theoretical Reaction Media a News and around built and incomplete is work patchwork. his that admits himself author the but conflict,” the aggravated and prolonged having as failure Yugoslavia, “their that argued and 1991-1995 Yugoslavia, Sadkovich's J. James like Some, wars. these in role media's domestic their with dealt have and Kingdom, United the and States United the from authors by written Philip Hammond and Edward S. Herman, Herman, S. Edward and Hammond Philip Ibid., p.1. Quarterly Pearson,Joseph “Dubrovnik’s Artistic Patrimony, Its Role and in War Reporting (1991),” Communication Series Hampton (Creskill,NJ: Press Press, 2005). Kent, Gregory JSadkovich, James , looks at the practices of Western media during their coverage of the 1999 NATO 1999 the of coverage their during media Western of practices the at looks , 29 40,no.2(April 1,2010): 197–216,doi:10.1177/0265691410358937. Another example is Gregory Kent's Kent's Gregory is example Another Framing War andNews Reactionthe War Britishto Policy Media andGenocide: Bosnia in government's decision on whether to intervene in Croatia. in intervene to whether on decision government's 30

Joseph Pearson's article “ article Pearson's Joseph The U.S. Media andYugoslavia,The U.S. Media 1991-1995 , focused on the United States media in relation to the dissolution of dissolution the to relation in media States United the on focused , Dubrovnik's Patrimony,Artistic in Role its and War Degraded Capability: The Media and the Kosovo the and Media The Capability: Degraded 31 According to Pearson, these tactics included tactics these Pearson, to According , which looks at how the United Kingdom United the how at looks which , Framing War and Genocide: British Policy British Genocide: and War Framing (Westport, Praeger, Conn.: 1998). 32 The US Media and Media US The The volume edited volume The European History , 10

CEU eTD Collection 35 34 33 practices. similar journalistic ofthis thesis. goal practises analysisisthe ofthese The through Yugoslavia of dissolution the on news and stories presented also press daily quality By and German Austrian the that assume can however, one studies, these corpus. of findings the at looking this from missing is press Austrian and German on research the various perspectives, from conflicts Balkan the and media between relationship the cover and extensive information. of source a as media other by also but elites, the by read only not is convey they information the since isrecord, of newspapers the for true especially This debates. public informs and opinion personal shape may turn in which information a through animosities. ethnic stoke present to past the from examples using often stance, pro-war a towards opinion public the influence Hercegovina Peace and Kurspahić's Kemal Twoperiod. are examples notable thejustifying bombings. extensive Link and Kathleen Shannon E.Martin Hansen, A. Mark Thompson, Kurspahić, Kemal Press, 2000). S. Edward Philip HammondHerman, and , Praeger Series Political in Communication, Praeger (Westport, Praeger, Conn: 1998). These studies show that often the editors and journalists convey ideas and meanings and ideas convey journalists and editors the often that show studies These this during Yugoslavia former in discourse media the at looked have scholars Other , and Mark Thompson's Thompson's Mark and , set of journalistic practices, which are communicated to their readers as credible as readers their to communicated are which practices, journalistic of set . 34 Both have asserted that the local media took a very active role in attempting to attempting in role active very a took media local the that asserted have Both Forging War: Croatia in TheMedia Serbia, andBosnia-Hercegovina Prime Time War in Crime: Balkan Media andPeace 33 Forging War: The Media in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Bosnia Croatiaand Serbia, Forgingin War: Media The Degraded Capability: The Media andthe Capability:KosovoDegraded Crisis TheMedia Newspapers ofNewspapers Record in aDigital FromAge: HotType Hot to Prime Time Crime: Balkan Media in War in Media Time Balkan Prime Crime: (USof Institute PeacePress, 2003), 35 And while these studies are studies these while And (Article 19,1999). (Article (Pluto 11

CEU eTD Collection 39 38 37 36 frame.” that of part a being as identified readily be can that images visual and phrases, catch metaphors, symbols, of set a also butproblem, of the perspective common argumentsa series of share a that just not includes newspapers. quality German in reporting war the on one term long a including the studies, some by of demonstrated is sense wars during framing make of use The events. to episodic order in developments military and political broader the to battle, a i.e. ground, the on event “episodic” an tie who reporters war among practice common a is This researching. am I period short relatively the to due qualitative be will approach my quantitative, intertwined. are types two these more some issues public “place or report” orientated event- or study “case a either are they that meaning “thematic,” and “episodic” stories: news recipient. news' the of making decision the influence to also but events of series a as such arises, event certain to a contextualise need a when used is frame The issue. certain a represent to choose and approach outlets media certain how analyse to way a as explained be easily most can Framing analysis. framing 1.3 Theoretical framework: Framing Analysis doi:10.1080/108107398127139. doi:10.1080/108107398127139. United 1985-1996,” States, LC Power Frame: “The MSiegel, of a Menasheand An Coverage of Newspaper Analysis of Tobacco issues-- 1,2004): 715–734,doi:10.1177/0891243204268328.(December forMothers War Cross-National Strategies Framing Nicaragua’s in Contra War,” Series de LorrainePress Bayard (Creskill,NJ:Hampton Press, Communication 2005), Volo, “Mobilizing Kent, Qualitätszeitungen,” Fröhlich, HelmutRomy Scherer, deutschen Scheufele, in and “Kriegsberichterstattung Bertram Ibid., p12-13. Chicago (Chicago: Press, University 1991), of Political p.11. Economy Iyengar,Shanto The theoretical approach I have chosen to investigate this hypothesis is the qualitative the is hypothesis this investigate to chosen have I approach theoretical The Framing War War to PolicyMedia andGenocide:News Reaction the British in Bosnia Is Television How Responsible?: Anyone Political Issues Frames Publizistik Journal of HealthJournal Communication of 52, no. 1 (March 1,2007): 11–32, 52,no.1(March doi:10.1007/s11616-007-0003-4., Gregory 36 39 Shanto Iyengar presented a premise that there are two types of types two are there that premise a presented Iyengar Shanto hs esrs ta h ae msae i enocd through reinforced is message same the that ensures This 37 hl ms mda rmn aaye ae ogtr and term long are analyses framing media most While 3, no. 4 (December 1998): 307–325, 3,no.4(December general or abstract context,” and often and context,” abstract or general 38 , Politicsand American Gender & Society & Gender In addition, “a frame “a addition, In , Hampton 18,no.6 12

CEU eTD Collection 41 40 Zeitung Süddeutsche the than objective more far were reports his and commentaries and editorials wrote rarely he often, appeared articles his Hungary). Although and Romania Yugoslaviafor also correspondent (and the actually was Meier Yugoslavia,Viktor on texts of author the was Reißmüller though Even instances. such no were there newspapers newspaper. the Georg of Johann Reißmüller,publishers by four written the often other of In one party. right Democratic Christian the with linked closely is staff editorial conservative, is newspaper the of orientation political The period thesis. the this during in Germany covered in newspaper daily quality read widely most the was it 1949, of November in Founded record. of newspaper Germany's be to considered is and Frankfurt Austria. and Germany daily in other publications than so more themes, foreign and domestic varying on reporting depth in offer countries. respective their in status as well as orientation political their circulation, their to according selected been have thesis my in analysed newspapers daily The 1.4 Newspapers The repetition. can-faz-s-new-look-halt-shrinking-circulation-a-507549-2.html. can-faz-s-new-look-halt-shrinking-circulation-a-507549-2.html. 24,2007,http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/venerated-german-paper-gets-a-makeover-September “Venerated Brauck, Markus Makeover: Gets GermanPaper a A de of Lack Joie Vivre,” in font. printed gothic editorial pieces conservativeof nature the The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter 41

In the case of of case the In , founded in in founded , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine 1945, was the second most popular quality daily newspaper daily quality popular most second the was 1945, dtraswitnb te uhr.authors. other by written editorials

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter is reflect even in the layout, with the titles of the titles thewith layout, in reflect of is even , the editorials on Croatia were most were Croatia on editorials the , Union, Germany's leading centre- leading Germany's Union, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter is a broadsheet from broadsheet a is All five newspapers five All The Munich based Munich The Spiegel Online Spiegel most prominent most 40 and the and , 13

CEU eTD Collection 44 43 42 in Austria. Standard Der of majority options in Germany.popular political vast the representing spectrum, political wide a cover newspapers three These studies. her after Frankfurt in living continued but study to Germany in arrived the who since 1970s, Germany in living Croatian a Melčić, Dunja freelancer the by commentaries and the for Europe Eastern covered Zeitung the than newspaper left-leaning more a it make which Germany, of Party Green “committed is that source news alternative an as conceived was paper in 1979. The of established newspaper, been April new having relatively a the Unlike Buchalla. Carl the was E. also war covered centre-left. and liberal is orientation political world.” the of rest the and Germany in place taking changes social and cultural “ from stemming behind 1990s, early the during daily http://www.taz.de/zeitung/tazinfo/ueberuns-verlag/. of since uninterrupted the end Germany almost World War II. Party of Munich Christian hasgoverned bytheDemocratic Social been party Union, theof Social city the ofsister stronghold Democratic the statetraditionally theUnion'sBavarian ofChristian is Bavaria While http://www.goethe.de/wis/med/pnt/zuz/en556318.htm. -and Newspapers Magazines Media “Print For the Austrian newspapers used for analysis in this thesis I decided on on decided I thesis this in analysis for used newspapers the Austrian For the is analysis for chosen newspaper German third The . 44 Tecrepnetfrfor correspondent The Die Presse Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter . Both newspapers are from Vienna and both are the only national quality dailies quality national only the are both Viennaand from are newspapers Both . the pointed criticism of the opinion pages and the timely analysis of the of analysis timely the and pages opinion the of criticism pointed the , according to their statute, represents a “bourgeois-liberal conception on conception “bourgeois-liberal a represents statute, their to according , Tageszeitung Yugoslavia since the 1980s was Erich Rathfelder, who also who Rathfelder, Erich was 1980s the since Yugoslavia


rnfre Aleen Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter Goethe-Institut,” accessed May 25,2013, accessed Goethe-Institut,” and the the and 43 . At the same time, time, same the At . The long term correspondent for for correspondent term Yugoslavia long The who to social justice”, and has been linked with the with linked been has and justice”, social to Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Tageszeitung Tageszeitung , the the , ih is popularity its with , published essays published Tageszeitung Die Presse Die rm Berlin. from 42 Süddeutsche The paper's The was and 14

CEU eTD Collection 47 46 45 research my parenthesised have I so, doing By 1992. January of end the until 1990 of January between newspapers five these of issues available all at looking by research my approached I 1.5 Methodology including other publications, over spread or voice, a without Austria in democracy social the leaving thus losses, financial the organ, of Austria's Party Democratic daily socialist only its of loss the suffered landscape media print Austrian The spectrum. political the of side centre-left the to sympathetic more is totalitarianism.” advocates which one medium,” “liberal a be to readers. 175,000 of audience estimated an reaching established by written Unterberger,Andreas news the foreign editor, editor-in-chief. and Peter the Martos, was on Yugoslaviawrote who journalist period main this 1848. The during of revolution the to back level.” elevated an “DER STANDARD“DER May accessed 25,2013,http://derstandarddigital.at/1113512/Blattlinie. |Blattlinie,” http://derstandarddigital.at/1113535/Geschichte-des-STANDARD. STANDARD“DER Des STANDARD,” |Geschichte May 25,2013, accessed http://diepresse.com/unternehmen/613276/Die-PresseBlattlinie. “‘Die Presse’-Blattlinie,” ae ötrHtedr,wowswas who Köster-Hetzendorf, Maren oprdt to Compared in 1988. By 1990 it had grown into one of Austria's most widely read dailies, read widely most Austria's of one into grown had it 1990 By 1988. in 47 Although these postulates seem similar to those of of those to similar seem postulates these Although 45 In other words, words, other In Die Presse Die DiePresse.com Der StandardDer , Der Standard Der Die Presse Presse Die , accessed May 25,2013, May , accessed Arbeiter Zeitung, Arbeiter Die Presse Die . is a much younger newspaper, having been having newspaper, younger much a is is firmly planted in the liberal tradition, going tradition, liberal the in planted firmly is 46 In their official editorial policy they claim they policy editorial official their In qaiy ad rjc n eteim and “extremism any reject and equality 's war correspondent, war 's newspaper in 1990, when the Social the when 1990, in newspaper ceased to be published after years of years after published be to ceased Die

Presse but editorials were editorials but , , Der Standard Der 15

CEU eTD Collection Austrian and German press and that certain frames reinforced this bias. certainframes that reinforced pressAustrian and German and the both in bias pro-Croatian overwhelming was there that find to expect internationally. I then nationally, them compare and first will newspaper, I each in frames the well. establishing After as earlier, mentioned characteristics frame out search will I aggressor. the who and victim the is who i.e. represented, are opposing sides the and how is placed war for the blame the where as themes, in changes and themes recurring for look will I reading, close a through selected, subject. the on written (op-eds) staff editorial the with affiliated of all not commentators covered guest by but written pieces opinion Belgrade, were there occasions usually rare On Yugoslavia. place, one in based usually were Correspondents were texts analysed The newspapers. the of sections remaining the omitting while Croatia, with dealt which pieces, opinion as well as reports in-depth pieces, editorial the at looked have I 1992. January of 15th the on Croatia of recognition international the Yugoslavia and in democratisation the of start the with period sal rte y te eios ad correspondents. and editors the by written usually In the articles and stories and articles the In such 16

CEU eTD Collection towards Croatia.towards westernmost turned scrutiny newspapers' German two the passed, elections these Slovenia's Yugoslav After republics. to shifted partially attention the dates, election on decided Croatia and Slovenia in organizations Communist of League the as however, year, same the the of In spring elections. multi-party for made being already were plans and permitted was League the outside organizing political of time Yugoslavia,Communists that of by though League even the within fighting factional the and Kosovo in crisis ongoing the on mostly concentrated 1990 of months few first Yugoslaviathe on in articles of majority vast slowly. The and delay a with occurring was democratisation Yugoslavia's on reporting the respect, this In way. under well was process this where countries those on was surprisingly, not focus, the Here theme. major daily. on another reported was countries European were other in regimes Union Communist of unravelling Soviet the on Reporting the and GDR in situation The period. this during press German the in for themes main the Kohl for context provided it Helmut year, previous the of chancellor November FRG's the by Initiated (GDR). Republic Democratic German the and FRG the between reunification German of process the on set firmly was foreign, as well as domestic (FRG), Germany of Republic Federal the of focus political the 1990, early In 2. GermanThe Daily Quality Press onCroatia Between 1990and 1992 17

CEU eTD Collection 49 48 Zeitung Süddeutsche Yugoslavia. of future the upon have might win this repercussions the to given was attention National what 1971, “quietly thought Tuđman wasout loud.” saying of Coalition of movement nationalist The the lead that politicians scene. same the by lead political was which Understanding, Croatian young the on occurrence a singular not were Croats, many so to appealed which theses, nationalistic Tuđman's that claiming daily, minority. Serb divided somewhat but large relatively the to relation in especially election, the in victory candidates' these of implications possible the also but nation), Croatian the of part were Muslims Bosnian that statement Tuđman's Franjo candidate top as major the only (such not them surrounding controversies as included well as orientations He and histories political parliament. candidates' the in seats the for vying parties the at look daily Frankfurt conservative the from came campaign election the during report depth in- most The aspect. informative an beyond them with dealt rarely but prior, days the in press German the 22ndand 23rdof in onthe Croatia freeThe elections first in some attention 1990 attracted April andthe2.1 Democratization free first Croatia in elections Carl E. Buchalla, “TitosCarl E. dem Bankrot”, vor Erben Viktor Meier, einem sein in freiem “Frei Volk”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche fe h lcin n umns Cota eortc Uins (D) wn more win, (HDZ) Union's Democratic Croatian Tuđman's and elections the After concluded that despite all the radical statements Tuđman made during the during made Tuđman statements radical the all despite that concluded also presented the forerunners a few days before the elections, the before days few a forerunners the presented also 's Viktor Meier in early April. Meier offered a detailed a offered Meier April. early in Meier Viktor 's Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche 49

, April 20,1990. , April 6,1990. 48 The Munich liberal Munich The 18

CEU eTD Collection 52 51 50 insincere and crude presented programs. from that: Frankfurt, writing Dunja stated Melčić, text, ofthe The author supposedly Communists reformed the and HDZ analysis. repeatedly. butGerman appeared press, the in accepted always however, see, will we As well. as Croatia in present was and invention Reißmüller's not was narrative this sure, be To narrative. hatreds” “ancient an within Croatia in situation contemporary the framed Reißmüller so, doing By author. the to interchangeable be to seemed which terms three “Communists”, the and Serbs” “Great “Serbs”, of hands the at oppression” “permanent a of picture a painting history, Yugoslav of post-war selectiveinterpretation a by worse made was oversimplification This powers. Axis of auspices the under state a forming for Croats the on “revenge” a and World WarII to back oppression this traced Reißmüller century. a half almost for Croats the oppressing for Communists Yugoslav attack anti-Communist. staunch a being for known was Reißmüller Croatia. in war the concerning editorials the of many wrote Zeitung rule. Communist under endured Croats suffering the towards directed is tough”, especially it had have Croats “The Zeitung Allgemeine him. for vote to not reason no found population Croatian the Jewish”, or Serbian not was wife his that god to “grateful being as such campaign, election welt/article497489/Kampfgesaenge.html. welt/article497489/Kampfgesaenge.html. “Kampfgesänge,” Matthias Kamann, 1990. GeorgJohann Reißmüller, es schwer”, besonders “Kroaten hatten Buchalla, “Franjo Carl E. Tudjman neuer'starker' Mann”, Kroatiens h elndiydaily Berlin The at the time who had a strong influence on the political stance of the newspaper and newspaper the of stance political the on influence strong a had who time the at published their first editorial dealing with Croatia. The title of the editorial, the of title The Croatia. with dealing editorial first their published 51 Reißmüller was one of the publishers of the the of publishers the of one was Reißmüller 52 Tageszeitung It is therefore not surprising that he used his editorial to fiercely to editorial his used he that surprising not therefore is It Welt Online criticized the two major parties in their post-election their in parties major two the criticized , January 13, sec. Home, http://www.welt.de/print- Home, , January13,sec. Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche 50 ntesm a,day, same the On Frankfurter Allgemeine Frankfurter , April 26,1990. Frankfurter , April 26, 19

CEU eTD Collection 54 53 tracks. and for roads railway used material after most popular named the “Log Revolution”, The blocked by regions populated Serb the reaching from prevented themselves were police The up. it break to contingent police strong a sending by place taking from the prevent be to decided government to Croatian The August. in was held be to referendum, proclamation of way by This confirmed autonomy. their proclaimed Council, and National changes Serbian these a into denounced organized and border Croatian-Bosnian the along area Krajina the in mostly living Serbs, The state. nation a it made effectively which constitution newspapersground. common German andfoundmore here the to escalate, Croatsbegan strifeand Serbs between the ethnic the elections, After irrelevant. and obsolete becoming quickly the were who and rulers, former the hand, of powerlessness one on Croatia post-communists in wield to seemed it power the and HDZ Tuđman's of tone nationalistic undoubtedly the of appraisal the was common in had elections constitutional banal most the example).” Yugoslavia,for to relation or (in questions institutions of democratization the for “steps motion in set and present to inability its to due credibility all lost but campaign, election the during power of position its abused that party a as shown are hand, other the on Communists, reformed The Ibid. Rino Melcic Miculic, “Vorwärts and Dunja die in Vergangenheit”, 'Croatian' economy. The Serbian minority […] must pledge itself to Croatia, and Croatia, the to children. more there'Croatian' be that once so will must be banned abortions itself of pledge must rebuilding […] the minority The Serbian finance 'Croatian'. The economy. will 'Croatian' is emigrants it 'Croatian' Wealthy nondescript: Croatia. is in it must stay money as 'Croatian' 'croatized'. short be must as administration and is economy 'Croatian' HDZ the of program the In July of 1990, the , Sabor, made amendments to the Croatian the to amendments made Sabor, parliament, Croatian the 1990, of July In 54 What all three newspapers' views of the of views newspapers' three all What Tageszeitung April 30,1990. 53


CEU eTD Collection 57 56 55 ethnic in current divisions the with dealt report The Souls”. the Poisons Demon Old “The titled report news stories. relevant less the to relegated being slowly Yugoslavia, on Kosovo reporting with the in themes Kosovo. in sign calling forautonomy a holding Albanian kneeling a of back the on is foot right his time same the at while Croatia, in autonomy for calls that sign a holding is He smile. sadistic and evil an as described only be can what with cumerbund, his on written 'Serbia' and attire Serbian traditional in dressed man a of cartoon a by accompanied was article the enough, Interestingly order. Yugoslavpolitical the YPA'sthe in given position conclusion, logical very a is itself in Yugoslavthe which crisis, (YPA). Army People's Yugoslav the of role the in lies problem real the while rebellion”, “failed the after the referendum, the after occur to continued incidents though unlikely. Even highly is intervention an dismissed, be not should rumours the though even that believes author the intervention, army an for cause be would which conflict a provoke to order in actions Serbs' Croatian the behind be might government institutions. and processes democratic the in part take to leadership Serbian the of unwillingness the in uneasy, but population Serbian the made Croatia camp. Serbian the pressplace uponthe blame the united German to the diversions, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Z Viktor Meier, fühlt dem mißglückten “Kroatien sich nach Aufstand Kningestärkt”, in in Konfrontationskurs”, Melcic, auf Kroatien “Serben Dunja eitung About a month after the Log Revolution, the the Revolution, Log the after month a About The , August 23,1990. Tageszeitung Yugoslavia, but was seeped in the “ancient hatreds” narrative, looking for the for looking narrative, hatreds” “ancient the in seeped was but Yugoslavia, 56 Unlike Melcic, Meier recognized that the YPA would play an important part in part important an YPA the play that would recognized Meier Melcic, Unlike saw the problem not in the fact that changes which were under way in way under were which changes that fact the in not problem the saw , August 23,1990. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter 57 shifting shows because the it of isimportant The cartoon Süddeutsche Zeitung Zeitung Süddeutsche Tageszeitung 55 As for the rumours that the Belgrade the that rumours the for As wrote that Croats feel stronger feel Croats that wrote August 20,1990. published a full page full a published Frankfurter Allgemeine 21

CEU eTD Collection 62 61 60 59 58 that in rule legitimate the defying republic. openly areas, populated Serb of streets the patrolled units paramilitary where Croatia, in intervene to not opted they that considering “operetta-like”, Slovenia. neighbouring the in those rather but August, in developments the after period quiet relatively a experiencing was which Croatia, in events not was interest this for cause The October. in press German the more in articles couple a in interest of point a be to seemed Serbs were who officers YPA of number bythe calledforan intervention newspapers Western governments. large disproportionately The analysed three the of any time first the is it because significant is cautioned This sanctions. with Belgrade powers Western the if curtailed be could government Yugoslav the of posturing Serbia. Croatian with the border to long loyal the forces given police especially the government, defeating of task easy an have would continues, war. of reeks definitely it that notes but 'no', a with question own his answers Reißmüller editorial. 5th October his of title the in asked for a war. readerships their conditioning be to Yugoslav the seemed in republics, press the as much press, Croatia. in regime puppet fascist the by killed an Serbs by of compounded number is exaggerated This II. War World in especially past, the in conflicts the of causes Dunja Melcic, “Operettenhafte Intervention”, Melcic, “Operettenhafte Dunja the of takeover the of Ljubljana. thecapital Slovenian defensein headquarters territorial included which YPA, the by intervention an prompted which decision a a command, under civil territory Slovenian on units defense territorial the put to decision a made had government Slovenian muchall longer. to all Croatia'sSerbia. equates Reißmüller easternwith possible that boarders It is of Slovenia,are borderwithnotBosnia-Herzegovina to is borders Her long. and Serbia Hungary Croatia's very GeorgJohann Reißmüller, “Gibt es Jugoslawien in Krieg?”, vergiftet “Der alte Dämon Ihlau, Olaf die Seelen”, Whether there actually was a war going on in Yugoslavia was a question Reißmüller question a was Yugoslavia in on going war a was actually there Whether 62 On October 8th, 8th, October On Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche 61

Tageszeitung 59 Tageszeitung The YPA and the armed Serb minority, Reißmüller minority, Serb armed the YPA and The Süddeutsche ZeitungSüddeutsche

published a cartoon showing a moustachioed a showing cartoon a published called the YPA intervention in Slovenia in intervention YPA the called , October6,1990. Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine 60 , September 25,1990. , September e nts ta h aggressive the that notes He , October5,1990. 58 The German The 22

CEU eTD Collection 68 67 66 65 64 63 citizens. the against army the of identities. national their explore them help then would which rights more acquire to republics the allow would that reform a is out way republics. eastern the in those to Croatia and Slovenia in results election disparate extremely the unlikely, given highly was federation the of structure political new a establishing constitution. Croatian new a of law into signing the by Yugoslavia'sstirred of survival, chances the considering were homogeneity. ofethnic a lack due to army apart wouldfall the crisis, extreme of time a in that believed he Buchalla, Like d'etat. coup a of possibility a varying with republics the Meier,out however, situation. ruled the help in to little does role, future army's the of conceptions sides several are there That constitution. the outside act to the of inability the YPAdemocracy, of spirit the in change to command reluctance astill is there as Yugoslavia.way same the in lines ethnic along split will notwithstanding, domination YPA,Serbian the that and imminent,” is conflict later, Yugoslav federalism. of linchpin the being than rather Yugoslav politics, in factor destructive the is which Army the fact in is it that implying 'Croatia', and 'Slovenia' labelled are pieces those of Two pieces. into cut body his hand, his in scissors with Yugoslavsoldier Ibid. Ibid. Riedmiller,Josef wird spaltung “Jugoslawiens tiefer”, October 15,1990. Viktor Meier, “Weshalb der Putschen schwerfällt”,Armee Jugoslawiens das Buchalla, “Der offeneCarl E. bevor”, steht Konflikt Zeitung Süddeutsche Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche The time of extreme crisis was approaching fast. By December, the German newspapers German December, By the fast. approaching was crisis extreme of time The , October8,1990. üdush etn Zeitung Süddeutsche 's Belgrade correspondent Carl E. Buchalla E. Carl correspondent Belgrade 's 68 Going even further, Reißmüller wrote in his editorial of the of editorial his in wrote Reißmüller further, even Going 67 64 Anything else would lead to a civil war, or a war a or war, civil a to lead would else Anything On October 15th, Viktordespite 15th, that October Meier, wrote On saw that an agreement between the republics on republics the between agreement an that saw Süddeutsche ZeitungSüddeutsche Süddeutsche ZeitungSüddeutsche 65

, October10,1990. , December 27,1990. , December Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

declared that an “open an that declared 63 66 Two days Two The only The 23 ,

CEU eTD Collection 72 71 70 69 balanced weeks, following the in grew tensions the As period. this during Serbs Croatian on in side Serbian the with dealt which articles of handful the unlikely. highly sorts some of agreement an for outlook the makes which other, each undermine to measures taking are government the and authorities understanding. show to government the want Serbs the while privileges.” losing of fear a be to seems often fear Serbs' “the that conclusion the to came and representatives Serb local the to talked He . Krajina the in situation the on reported Meier Viktor vote, the to up build the In confederation. a into it reforming of possibility open an left but state, present 2.2 Roleof The the Yugoslav People's Army: Overture to War agreed the that newspapers Yugoslav in live peace. will republics not in live that entity.”larger nations in together come thrivingly can law under and freedom those “only because likely, than more finds Reißmüller which states, small into Yugoslavia of crumbling a of prospect the is left is What progress. of chance any blocking ones the YPA are the and Serbia federation, loose more a Yugoslaviainto transform of issue 27th December Ibid. Ibid. Viktor Meier, was “Ertasten Vernunft sein soll”, GeorgJohann Reißmüller, “Wenn Jugoslawien zerfällt”, On February 22nd of 1991 the Croatian parliament voted to leave Yugoslavia in its in Yugoslavia leave to voted parliament Croatian the 1991 of 22nd February On 70 He writes that the government in Zagreb wants the Serbs to be reasonable, be to Serbs the wants Zagreb in government the that writes He Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine that even though Croatia is willing to willing is Croatia though even that Croatia and the first in depth report depth in first the and Croatia 71 At the same time both the local the both time same the At 72 Meier's report was one of one was report Meier's 69 , February2,1991. By the end of 1990, the 1990, of end the By , December 27,1990. , December 24

CEU eTD Collection 76 75 74 73 escalating. was Yugoslavia in crisis the while idly sit to not leadership German the encourage to also but Serbs, to warning a as solely nations.” other unto misery horrible “brought which and Hitler, under it from suffered Germans the as much mania”, race “master a from suffering a for preparing fight. and weapons purchasing be might Croats that hinting time same the at but leadership, Croatian the of intentions peaceful the despite strike, to YPAabout the is if Zagreb, asking from report a filed Reißmüller later, days of couple A discarded. been has least, at in balance, of sense the that shows clearly Reißmüller of that to article Meier's Comparing article: toaccording the and percent, 17 around numbers which minority, Serbian the is perpetrator The experiencing. was population Croatian the terror the on reports Reißmüller Meier, Virovitica. Unlike of town inreporting the Ibid. GeorgJohann Reißmüller, “Herrenvolk Verblendung”, GeorgJohann Reißmüller, “Weg vonJugoslawien”, Irrenhaus”, GeorgJohann Reißmüller, waslos “Sie können hier sichvorstellen, nicht ist. Wir wie einem in leben 74 population. It is a Serbian army that the Croats are dealing with dealing here. Croats are army Itthe isathat Serbian population. Armed Serbian Serbia. the to arms to of truckloads distributed them army The about. sent roam patrols and civilian Virovitica of out children and wives their have taken officers army the consequence a As Fascists. Croat by endangered are Serbs one journalists, now but this, felt always masterly.One behave alike, civilians and personnel military Serbs, The In an editorial published on the 26th of February, Reißmüller accused the Serbs of Serbs the accused Reißmüller February, of 26th the on published editorial an In Just two weeks later, Johann Georg Reißmüller reported from the multiethnic Croatian multiethnic the from reported Reißmüller Georg Johann later, weeks two Just Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Frankfurter Zeitung Allgemeine they are stoking the fire. The KOS agents, army officers and Belgrade and officers army agents, KOS The fire. the stoking are they could hear from the gathered Croats, havethe spread[rumours]that the Croats, heargathered from could , February19,1991. 76 Reißmüller's calls for action fell did not have the have not did fell action for calls Reißmüller's Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine would all but wouldall disappear. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 75 The similarity of events was not meant not was events of similarity The , February23,1991. 73 , February26,1991.

FAZ 25

CEU eTD Collection 80 79 of remnants the 78 to made been have would 77 call similar a way same the sound now solution peaceful a for calls that out pointed cynically and Yugoslavia”, in rule of instrument common a is “violence that explained Reißmüller Georg Johann by editorial another March, country!” our of unity unbreakable the of name the in “Stop reads the cartoon under caption The Croatia. and Slovenia representing men two towards it pointing and rifle giant the up holding is Serbia rifle. representing A a man holding officer army an of statue nationalistic rhetoric. own Tuđman's mention to failing leadership, political Serbian the as much as of Yugoslavia Reißmüller failure the for the YPA responsibility that much readership as March, his bears reminded of 1st the on Back bias. pro-Croatian of sign sure another newspapers, German three all in commas inverted in written be the YPA'sto time, began this year.name By The rebels. the with sided effectively previous the throughout at hinted reporting, the in they angle new a opened army the of participation area, the from withdraw to the to police ultimatum an Croatian gave they because but sides, belligerent two the between zone buffer a form to in YPA The stepped region. Krajina the of edge the at park, national Plitvice the at units paramilitary Serbian with clashed forces police special Croatian began. forces Serb rebel Yugoslavia February. late only in hour” “current first their held they fact the by illustrated politicians, German surprised and expected than sooner came fighting the that showed Germany of passivity The effect. desired P. Leger, GeorgJohann Reißmüller, drinnen”, “Dersteht Feind Stunde Jugoslawien”, Aktuelle zu current issue,through usually adiscuss Q&A a the cabinet prime with or minister other members. members GermanBundestag Stunde) where is parliamentary its session (Aktuelle of hour” the a “Current In March of the same year, the first open conflicts between the Croatian police and the and police Croatian the between conflicts open first the year, same the of March In 79 h olwn a,day, following The Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche , March7,1991. Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine 78 Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine published a cartoon depicting a toppled a depicting cartoon a published , February22,1991. , March1,1991. 80 On the 22nd of 22nd the On 77 on 26

CEU eTD Collection 83 82 81 official the for had it implications the and case the of nature the to Due Šušak. Gojko defence, of minister current then the including advisers, closest Tuđman's president of some by ordered be to believed was murder Reihl-Kir's because controversial was case The villages. Slavonian the of one in ceasefire a negotiate to trying while killed was who commander police Croatian a Reihl-Kir, Josip of case the about wrote Scotland Egon topics, other among report, his In this conflict, Slavonia. the 22nd, July on Zeitung Already cities. Süddeutsche several around roads vital blocking and territory its of to back parts occupying Croatia, against retreated operations military open YPA begun had it month Withina Croatia. the 7th, July on ended YPA the against war short Slovenia's After Symbols 2.3Media of the War clearly was press only one side. at thepointing finger German the again, but, observer, casual the to even clear was inevitable the who indicates which side, other the on life the on account objective an give to attempt an was It thesis. this in researched the 1939. of March the in Germany and Czechoslovakia Egon Scotland, “Eine Dorfstraße, nur noch ein Kriegspfad”, nur Dorfstraße, noch ein “Eine Egon Scotland, Rathfelder,Erich “Wie Babuschka-Puppe”, eine GeorgJohann Reißmüller, “Eindes Staat Unheils”, Tageszeitung 83 Unlike the the Unlike Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche the next day, the last one from this region in this newspaper during the period the during newspaper this in region this from one last day, the next the ulse a published Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter Tageszeitung article still tried to give accounts from both sides in Croatia. in sides both from accounts give to tried still article

eotd dsrbn h iuto n te esen pr of part eastern the in situation the describing reported Tageszeitung Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine huh a n on was thought 81 Tageszeitung , March23,1991. A report from Krajina was published in published was Krajina from report A or the the or Tageszeitung Tageszeitung , July 22,1991. hs side this , March22,1991. . 82 at this point in the in point this at ht a wr was war a That 27

CEU eTD Collection 85 84 the Yugoslavia, in refugees 260,000 over point that at were that claimed subtitle the though Tageszeitung theory. this to fodder more gave 1991 heavy of winter The and autumn the Croatia. throughout continued in which fighting war the of period this for Balkan frame of the it theory making hatreds” effectively conflicts, “ancient the fuelled further Croats, against crimes committed and occupiers Italian and German with collaborated who forces paramilitary Serbian II War World of legacy the with loaded is which term, This units. paramilitary Serbian all of members for term blanket a as 'chetnik' term the using began Reißmüller addition, In committed. atrocities of scale the inwar previous any surpassed had published was article this before weeks atrocities.” bestial and morality.law methodological performing arewho great-Serbian chetniks is the it all, Above of norms under allowed war of acts the beyond well goes Croats the against fought being now this war.first killedduring journalists the of one become would Scotland report, his filing after days few a only Sadly, editors. their and reporters German other by chosen been have sides the where time a at reporting balanced of example rare a is case this of inclusion Scotland's police. Croatian by investigated nor press, Croatian in on reported not was it Serbs, of hands the at victimization of narrative Croatian Allgemeine Zeitung Allgemeine GeorgJohann Reißmüller, “FolterPolizisten, undMord Zivilisten an Schutzschilde”, als lebende May accessed 23,2013,http://www.dradio.de/dlf/sendungen/europaheute/1513293/.Deutschlandfunk,” Zum Kriegsberichterstattung - “Gefährliche Tod vonEgonScotland Vor Heute 20Jahren|Europa | h ai dac f Srin top asd msie wvs o eues The refugees. of waves massive caused troops Serbian of advance rapid The one the bloody.But is war “every that wrote Reißmüller Georg Johann 5th, August On published a report on the plight of those forced to leave their homes. And even And homes. their leave to forced those of plight the on report a published 85 It was highly unlikely that a war which had only started in earnest a few a earnest in started only had which war a that unlikely highly was It , August 5,1991. 84

Frankfurter 28

CEU eTD Collection 89 88 87 86 inhabitants: ofits defenders and uncertainfuture andgroups live”, the to used Vukovar,“which of fall the of nature murdered.” and tortured being of danger in are hands Serbian in fall who those Because soldiers. as well as civilians (sic!), Vukavar in left Croats all save to importance utmost the of is it “now that stating Serbs, the newspapers. the in published not was refugees Serb on account similar A Serbs accusations: to the theyreferred through mostly bythe and interviewees, verbatim quotes only. Croats include report the for interviewed refugees “VonThomas Schmid, vertrieben”, serbishcen Nachbarn den Johann GeorgJohann Reißmüller, “Nach dem Fall”, interviewee spoke shit!” all (the German).“Serbs, “VonThomas Schmid, denvertrieben”, serbishcen Nachbarn fighting. The population living in their cellars and sewage tunnels is rightfully the is during tunnels own sewage its and of cellars their life by in a it living assumed population do has The which to fighting. vengeance, pointless of still campaign was a in it Slavonia, conquering about rather lie actions their for motives town. The unimportant strategically a conquering was it if Even lives. human countless cost that detour pointless a taken have they then Zagreb”, in government “Ustasha the down bring to is goal generals' the People's] [YugoslavIf choose. the may Army goal whichever importance, strategic little of is town the Serbs.” lowerofthe culture expression]ofthe “[an set and homes our ourlivestock.” usthe flee,onas slaughtered and forced orlooked to onfire them sacked night, at us attacked They peace! in with lived always After the fall of fall the Vukovar,After by were captured Croats who of fate the warned of Reißmüller “The chetniks, but those are the Serbs, the neighbours, with whom we whom with neighbours, the Serbs, the are those but chetniks, “The “ Serben, alles Scheiße! Serben, alles 89

Tageszeitung ” 87 was Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung a Croatian town on the Danube in which 20 ethnic 20 which in Danube the on town Croatian a 's Dunja Melčić also lamented the unnecessary the lamented also Melčić Dunja 's Tageszeitung Tageszeitung 88 86 cmd icue adu of handful a included Schmid Tageszeitung , October22,1991. , October22,1991. , November19,1991. , nor in the other the in nor ,


CEU eTD Collection 93 92 91 90 intact. importantly, More however, he writes that: republics Yugoslavia's of borders federal internal the keeping of importance the stressed he Zeitung Hefty, Paul Georg 27th, November On averted. be to was disaster Hungary. in humanitarian an lest intervention, international an for refugees call last the as shown was importantly,it Croatian 35,000 than of more acquisition the and for ambulances organisations welfare social and church catholic local the Bavaria, of state the by organized drive donation a food, of form the in aid humanitarian States United of news included photo the beneath article The guises. various in aid, international for need the highlighted and spotlight the into further quality plight German Croatia's bring in to coverage seem did much newspapers, of subject a being not while Vukovar, of tragedy The a wearing person smiling YPA uniformed with another bodywith presumably hisfoot, dead soldierover a turning in reinforced further was Vukovar of fall Frankfurter the after suffering civilian the of image The the in CDU,everything defends everything the CDU. about the CDU, knows heWhen writes, the at the theknows newspaper's the everyone Hellernhof ain street, He a headquarters. CDUis resident sort of Interestingly, the F.A.Z., dem Fall “Nach Vukovars der auf Flucht”, viele Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Melcic, “Vukovar,Dunja amour!”, mon ilgs h eptaos wud d ntig t tp te E EC the stop to anything do the sites. crime surveying would perpetrators The villages. surrounding the in population civil the upon committed been already have atrocities Indescribable troops. paramilitary Serbian the by massacre threatening the of afraid Pravda 's Hungary expert, Hungary 's Allgemeine Zeitung Zeitung Allgemeine . Tageszeitung Tageszeitung šajkača , April 7,2000. , a traditional Serbian hat, going through the dead persons pockets. persons dead the through going hat, Serbian traditional a , 93 wrote that day's editorial, “The Border Must Be Secured,” in which in Secured,” Be Must Border “The editorial, day's that wrote wrote of Hefty's role ofwrote Hefty's at the , November21,1991. 90 on November 21st, when the newspaper published a photo of a photo a published newspaper the when 21st, on November Tageszeitung , November19,1991. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Frankfurter Allgemeine Frankfurter 92 bevr from observers u ehp most perhaps But November21,1991. : “Georg: Hefty Paul FAZ becomes becomes

30 91

CEU eTD Collection 97 96 95 94 former Yugoslavia. in crisis the solve to effort their in in role Germany's as well as question, into management pieces. ripped portraits to covered ofKohlwere swastika where and Genscher, of “liquidation” a for calling banners with fascism” “German 1941. and (sic!) 1914 after time third Yugoslaviaup the break for to wanting of Germany accused who Kadijević minister Yugoslav defence the cites Buchalla own. their of story hatreds” have “ancient an to into them seemed drawn which Serbia, in Germans the against backlash severe a in resulted media point. that till skewer.on a caught already up ceasefires 14 broken the symbolising doves, 14 dead were There ones the several roasting were two other the while beaks, their in branches olive carrying doves down shooting was One soldiers. Serbian inefficiency.unkempt three showed they cartoon, a In The Ibid. des Buchalla, alten “Auferweckung Feindes”, Carl E. E. M.Lang, Georg Hefty, Paul zu Sichern”, ist Grenze “Die Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche against Croats, this rule seems to be curiously suspended. be curiously rule seemsto Croats, this against former war Serbia's at looking the But peace the keeping with concerned usually are near those that far while principles, of ones upholding the explain on the insist who are they generally also is point it superior: away one might on Only victim. proximity and the perpetrator The Britain, between differentiate Great others. and before position States a United took who states Germany the was and it Croatia, Hungary on Austria, assault Serbian during why, to as explanation an be may reflex human aid. natural victim's This the to come or or away look either must near, if one distance; a from unaffectedonly it observe can one crime, a of case a In h non toiis wr utn h oe o h uoen Cmuiys crisis Community's European the of role the putting were atrocities ongoing The 95 Süddeutsche ZeitungSüddeutsche The continuous depiction of Serbs as uncontrollable, hateful aggressors in the in aggressors hateful uncontrollable, as Serbs of depiction continuous The lo elce n h asriy o te nentoa community's international the of absurdity the on reflected also 96 Buchalla reported from Belgrade about the demonstration against demonstration the about Belgrade from reported Buchalla , November 30/December 1,1991,p.4. , November30/December Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine 97 Süddeutsche ZeitungSüddeutsche 94 , November 30/December 1,1991. , November30/December , November27,1991.


CEU eTD Collection 101 100 99 98 readers to that Dicke, position the similar assuring which he took a in piece wrote an editorial Germany's later. of question The mission. in again keeping up brought be would involvement peace UN probable the in participating of out backing be to seems Germany why of question been a raised already also not but Croatia, have to deployed troops UN the why to as understandable” less and “less becoming Nations. United the for Society German the of member board a Dicke, from “Yugoslavian nationalisms.” suffer who those excluding by universalism European of ideal their trampling for Community philosopher Slovenian the Vukovar and Dubrovnik of aftermath the In 2.4International of Recognition Croatia Johann GeorgJohann Reißmüller, “Absurd”, Für Die Vereinten e.V.,” Nationen May accessed 27,2013,http://www.dgvn.de/about_us.html. Gesellschaft Deutsche “DGVN: - “ Us general. About in developments and relations international in as well as policy economic world and cultural policy,in development and and foreign in events impartial current of awareness an and in in interest increase public to intends It German Nations. United the the of activities and inform institutions aims, the to about manner critical “strives which organization non-governmental a is This Ibid. im Blick”, böse “Das Rado Riha, On December 7th, after Tuđman's visit to Germany and meeting with Kohl, Reißmüller Kohl, with meeting and Germany to visit Tuđman's after 7th, December On matters. For example, about the economic sanctions of the EC against Serbia that seriously. be taken cannot Serbia against policy. irresponsible An EC to the of sanctions lying economic the minor about of example, are instead For talks matters. about, this, all is it what suppress ignores It Croatia. the who against war of face Serbian the Those in perfection to Croatia. this brought has world” save “free the But themselves. can help military only Another op-ed was published by the op-ed was bythe Another published Rado Riha. Rado Tageszeitung, 99 Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine 98 In his text, Riha accused the countries of the European the of countries the accused Riha text, his In November29,1991. Tageszeitung Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter Tageszeitung 101 on November 28th, authored onNovember byKlaus 28th, , December 7,1991. , December ulse n o-d b the by op-ed an published 100 He agreed that it's that agreed He

a couple of weeks of couple a


CEU eTD Collection 105 104 103 102 andCroatia Slovenia. of recognition expeditious a for asked they when fashion timely a in acting was government German the that claimed who Hefty, Paul Georg was author the time This editorial. another by offset was government, his from not just action, demands journalist the where one stance, countries. European other to relation in rather but months, for Yugoslavia's sovereignty undermining actively of Bonn accusing been had which Belgrade, to relation in not in, herself finds Germany situation sensitive the by this explains Reißmüller weapons. with Croatia help to reluctance government's Kohl's Helmut of support the with juxtaposed attacking also were they Croatia. where from Montenegro, and Bosnia-Herzegovina of republics renegade YPAas well as Croatian, and Serbian neighbouring both the in Croatia, in units forces armed various the of instability the rather but community, international indecisive the not was the in again problem the time this but deployment, troops UN up of difficulties possible the and 9th, December brought was mission keeping peace UN a for need The Ibid. Georg Hefty, Paul handelt vorzeitig”, nicht “Bonn Ibid. viele fronten”, “Jugoslawiens Thomas Schmid, secure the Serbian military's winter break. military'swinter the Serbian secure and intervene should forces keeping peace UN the when decide to right of the ceded intensity the now have Nations United on the that, of top decide On truce. the of occupation, stability the and fighting under territory foreign Chetniks. hold of bands alone the These and Army People's aggressor the the extension, to military initiative her and surrendered Serbia have Nations United the and EC the both The call for more involvement from the international community in the editorial was editorial the in community international the from involvement more for call The 102

104 Hefty stated that: Hefty stated Tageszeitung Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine 105 , December 9,1991. , December , December 16,1991. , December 103 Tageszeitung This peculiar This

on 33

CEU eTD Collection 111 110 109 108 107 106 paragraph: war the in results the concluding ofthe role in EC's summed catastrophic upthe ones. new add to them for hard be would it that adding catastrophe,” this of face the in the all “absurdities to reiterate uponhimself took it Reißmüller Western have committed politics commentary, Schmid's as day same the On notwithstanding. trends positive recent Croatia, towards policy EC's against charge relentless his with continued hand, other the Reißmüller,on minimum. a to region the on aggravation outside keep would that approach an republics, foul odour.”a with “compromise a fact in was it that success, a as conclusions summit's the hailed Genscher Hans-Dietrich counterpart German his and Hurd Douglas minister foreign British the meeting. summit after entails. system a such components the all with countries, democratic be to desire and the of because exactly war a into Slovenia dragged been have Croatia both because pointless are conditions such republics, independence-seeking the favours which position a taken finally has EC the that sign positive a is it though even that democracy.” and rights human rights, minority “borders, to its for ability vouch the as such republics, the upon set conditions complex by the editorial to reacted Another Reißmüller recognition. international seeking republics Yugoslav and states EC by followed be to procedure recognition multi-layered the including known, became meeting the of results the day next The recognition. of policy her pursued Germany where Brussels, in ministers affairs foreign EC the of meeting summit the of day the on came editorial Hefty's Johann GeorgJohann Reißmüller, statt “Absurditäten Politik”, Ibid. Ibid. “Kompromiß Geruch”, mitThomas Schmid, faulem Ibid. GeorgJohann Reißmüller, “Anerkennungs-Kampf”, 109 But unlike Reißmüller, Schmid advised a “diplomatic equidistance“ to all Yugoslav all to equidistance“ “diplomatic a advised Schmid Reißmüller, unlike But 108 The author, comment's thatboth the Thomas claimed since Schmid, Tageszeitung Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine 107 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Tageszeitung Tageszeitung , December 18,1991. , December mirrored the mixed sentiments mixed the mirrored 106 , December 18,1991. , December Reißmüller declared Reißmüller , December 18,1991. , December 111 This 34 110

CEU eTD Collection 115 114 113 112 certain almost an and date set a of face the in but newspapers, German these aggravate to seem the setting were soldiers Serbian tree the Christmas onfire. tree of side other the on while carols, singing and tree Christmas a to next bonfire a around standing Kohl, including leaders, European depicting it.” deserve not does which with ending Western world, the in republics, faith have misery “deepest two their in even Croats, these that statement mournful towards showed EC the “animosity” the of readers the reminded He decision. legitimate only the is Slovenia and Croatia of recognition that countries EC other convince and try to efforts her and Germany praised he which in editorial another representing presumably ruins charred the Croatia. to recognition of gift Christmas the bringing the Accordingly, Christmas. before Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter Slovenia and Croatia recognize would German that announced was it time, this By Croatia. failed which whole a as Community European the was it that message the repeated he “responsibility” and “absurdity” terms the using by slightly, but wording his changed Reißmüller 7th, December on published editorial his to comparison In SüddeutscheZeitung GeorgJohann Reißmüller, “Anerkannt”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Ibid. ncivbe perqieet ae ae h ras oee, waited however, absurdities that believed Croats, apparently in, policy. a responsible make faith put The they whom statesmen, date. many so later a the West for despairingly misery. their out them help to that understand cannot They pre-requirement, an conference, pointless unachievable new a up thought always It time. much too took EC The The EC decision to wait until the 15th of January to recognize Slovenia and Croatia did Croatia and Slovenia recognize to January of 15th the until wait to decision EC The 113 The day after Germany recognized Croatia, the 24th of December, Reißmüller wrote December,Reißmüller of 24th the Croatia, recognized Germany after day The , December 24/25/26,, December 1991p.4. 115 114 , December 21,1991. , December TeThe published a cartoon depicting chancellor Kohl as Santa Clause Santa as Kohl chancellor depicting cartoon a published 112 Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Frankfurter ZeitungAllgemeine also criticized the West in a cartoon a in West the criticized also , December 24,1991. , December


CEU eTD Collection 119 118 117 116 the with case the was as states”, single by “instrumentalisation to subject severely was be and lacking to proved which something resolution, towards conflict look of mechanisms and the Reich.'” allegations improving such 'Fourth aside push the must critics and Germany's state' that recommended 'Ustasha Croatian the between a of coalition bogey the with Germany and states Western between wedge a drive also and soldiers its mobilise to tries propaganda Serbian the when then, surprising, not is It constellations. old “astonishing.” was issue the on ignorance whose community, international the of role the as well as policy Yugoslav day, same the On discussion. to open was situation political Croatia's that and primacy its losing slowly was bias pro-Croat that signs early the of one was article the of tone critical somewhat The publish. alone let imagine, even to hard been have would Croatia in life of examples such of inclusion absurdity.” of “air an palace president's the gave hussars” of age the from uniforms flamboyant red their “in who, guards, Tuđman's president described ironically also Sartorius fodder. cannon as government the to loyal remained who Serbs using of government Croatian the accused who priest Serb-Orthodox an including representatives, Serb local several by statements included also He country. “bleeding” suffering, a of themes limbo.” and war “between January, of 15th the On fodder. without them left it date, that on republics two these for result positive Ibid. Rathfelder,Eric “Deutsche im Außenpolitik Regen”, Ibid. Sartorius, “WennPeter zum die Logik Verbündeten wird”, Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Tageszeitung 118 The biggest problem of the debate was the “seeming resurrection of resurrection “seeming the was debate the of problem biggest The 116 's Eric Rathfelder summarised the last two years of Germany's of years two last the summarised Rathfelder Eric 's

published a full page report on the situation in Croatia, calling it calling Croatia, in situation the on report page full a published The author, Peter Sartorius, wrote a report which had the usual the had which report a wrote Sartorius, Peter author, The Tageszeitung Süddeutsche ZeitungSüddeutsche , January15,1991. 117 Just a few months prior, the prior, months few a Just , January15,p.3. 119 Rathfelder 36

CEU eTD Collection 120 Gulf during the United inUnited Nations the States War. Ibid. 120 37 CEU eTD Collection 121 Presse Die in message prevalent The candidates. top the present to and place taking process democratic the of explanation an history, Croatia's of overview short a give to necessary was it elections, the region in ofthe ofthevagueness future Austrian press. of Austrian-Hungary. resurrection the to alluded accounts a all of by which notion confederacy,” “Danube the a entertained of formation Reden Von politics. Austrian of world the in player relevant an Reden, the on expert a Austrianmeans by no and a monarchist, and period Austro-Hungarian region, the in occurring were which changes rapid Austrian relatively of of light position in democratization, the Yugoslavia's towards or politicians relations Austrian-Yugoslav of future the concerning pieces though Even elections. free first the of staging the with 1990 of April in occurred this Croatia, of case the In place. took changes this as countries these of each on focused they that means This Europe. Eastern in changes political followed they which with interest same the Yugoslavia with in changes political the followed newspapers Austrian 3.1 DemocratisationFirst andthe Free ElectionsCroatia in 3. The Austrian Daily Quality Press onCroatia Between 1990and Alexander Sixtus von Reden, “Donaukönfederation jetzt!”, jetzt!”, Sixtus vonReden, “Donaukönfederation Alexander In the run-up to the elections, a elections, the to run-up the In 1992 's articles was that nationalistic rhetoric seemed to have the best response among response best the have to seemed rhetoric nationalistic that was articles 's 121 This article was an outlier of sorts, but it was indicative of the perceived the of indicative was it but sorts, of outlier an was article This Der Standard Der s was also the case in the German press coverage of the of coverage press German the in case the also was s went as far as to interview Alexander Sixtus von Sixtus Alexander interview to as far as went Der Standard there were no editorials or opinion or editorials no were there , April 14/15/16 1990. 38

CEU eTD Collection 126 125 124 123 122 campaign. election the during propagated he ideas nationalistic the with II Standard round, first the in evidence. as day election the before rally final party's opposition an of banning a and posters election of down tearing candidates, between Standard Der and men of team “young women,” because: a despite voters over winning problems have would point, that at known were they as Change, Democratic of party. Party communist The reformed the within including communism, of legacy the as well as leaders, party individual on focused but politics, Croatian in nationalism of rise the with deal fact in not did Parties,” New the for Card Trump passing. in was “ultranationalist” labelled which but Union, Democratic Croatian Tuđman's Franjo party, leading the except all voting, Presse given. were country” own their in masters “the Croats making and borders” natural her in Croatia “rebuilding as such promises when especially voters, Croatian Inge Bacher-Dalma,Inge des “Kopf Tages: Galionsfigur kommt Kroatiens Die aus Titos Armee”, April 24,1990. Rudberg,Ulrike “Eine Wahlschlacht Untergriffen”, mit Ibid. Maren Kötzer-Hetzendorf, mir”, nur “Ichsehe Kroatenvor Maren Kötzer-Hetzendorf, auf “Nationakroaten dem Vormarsch”, all interviews have shown,people. minds freedofthe have the interviews all offreedom. ofany impulse and repression corruption as has, democratisation The ofthe economy, decades ofmismanagement seethe ofCroatia people [t]he further investigated the positions of major Croatian parties just prior to the first round of round first the to prior just parties Croatian major of positions the investigated further juxtaposed his roots as the youngest general in Tito's partisan army during Worldduring army Tito's in partisan Wargeneral youngest the as roots his juxtaposed chose to reflect on the tensions during the campaign, citing vulgar arguments vulgar citing campaign, the during tensions the on reflect to chose i rsePresse Die n and Der Standard Der 123 “Nationalism the is report, subheading with The 125 After the Croatian Democratic Union's victory Union's Democratic Croatian the After Der StandardDer Tuđman. president, party's the profiled Die Presse Die Presse , 1990. April 21/22, , 1990. April 21/22, 124

122 , April 2,1990.

Interestingly enough, enough, Interestingly 126

Die Presse Presse Die Der also Die 39

CEU eTD Collection 129 128 from stories the framing the 127 from away turning was Yugoslavia on focus the that suggests triggers conflict potential dangerous most the of one Yugoslavia” in as borders' 'internal the of “question the of inclusion the but Croatia, mention explicitly not does article the though Even amonths few publishedearlier: just texts theoptimistic starkly relatively with contrasts which sentence a with Balkans” the in Explosion of “Fear titled editorial 16th July her opened Kötzer-Hetzendor Maren However, region. the from coming reports sporadic with with dealt which elections, the after dwindled number their either, fact, topics in other outnumber not did Croatia articles of number The exception. an was editorial Kötzer-Hetzendorf's covered. insufficiently or overlooked totally either were conflict nationalistic potential The the on more region. focused the in countries other press covered they way same daily the Yugoslavia in in changes democratic quality Austrian the that seemed it period, this During however, Croatia's future, about important point, wrote she that: when partisans. the in acquired he skills the to abroad and home at logistics good party's his connecting ludicrously albeit on past, Tuđman's touched communist Ibid. Ibid. Maren Kötzer-Hetzendorf, “Demokratie-Frühling Jugoslawien”, in communist regimes there is no peace in the Balkans in regimesisnopeace there communist away shed have Europe southeast of countries all - almost - since Ever expansion: territorial for cravings outbursts, chauvinist battles, street bloody conflicts, Ethnic modern A minority. Serbian the relics. nationalistic with century beupwith built 19th cannot state social relationship relaxed new, a up build to has party Tuđman's overcome. be to have which disputes national all above are [t]here 129 Die Presse 127

Kötzer-Hetzendorf did make an make did Kötzer-Hetzendorf , April 27,1990. 128


CEU eTD Collection 131 Dubrovnik, in also was who 130 correspondent Guardian the Davison, Phil quotes Hetzendorf Köster- landmarks. cultural of destruction the with coupled was civilians the of suffering The Köster-Hetzendorf city: the threatening catastrophe humanitarian wrote ofthe 1991. of months last the in Croatia from coming news the of also but article the of message the “Wearticle, the Like Living Are Animals, Without Water, Withoutnot only encapsulates Bread” the on city besieged the from of Köster-Hetzendorf title reported Adriatic. 14th, The November Vukovar.” and Vukovar doubt a without were October, Croatia as early As in Dubrovnik. war the of sites symbolic most two The 3.2 Symbols Destruction of Yugoslavia into conflict'. transition' a as 'post-communist 'ethnic 1991. Maren Kötzer-Hetzendorf, “Wir die leben wie Tiere, ohne Wasser, ohne Brot,” October 2,1991. P.Zdzislaw Grenzstadt Hilferuf „Dramatischer auseingekesselter der Gwozdz, Vukovar“, in front of themselves. They do not even feel hunger any more. “We are just are “We more. city, any the ofthe pearl dubbed “the once anightmare. living become Adriatic,” has in life hunger The sleep. to feel daughter her even rocking mother, a not says tired,” do endlessly They themselves. of front in eyes. in says her with tears a younggirl animals,” like living “We're any. distribute to able been not have Navy the the and Army [Croatian] at shelling by the Friday on destroyed began shelling constant the Since days. few last the also in scarce become has was water is Drinkable made. city This being is scarce. bread the enough not become week, in the has of beginning bakery Food largest … days. the for since cellar because the left not have them of the spent have Most Dubrovnik. woman of centre the in shelter raid old air an of floor dusty hard, year the on night 98 the to baby old month three a from Everyone 130 Shelling of Dubrovnik was at that point, however, a more covered topic. On topic. covered more a however, point, that at was Dubrovnik of Shelling The people in the cellars are nervous wrecks. Many just stare apathetically stare just Many wrecks. nervous are cellars the in people The Der Standard Der reported on the “dramatic cries for help from help for cries “dramatic the on reported Die PresseDie 131 , November14, Der StandardDer

, 41

CEU eTD Collection 135 134 133 132 main the but earlier, days two just fell Vukovar that fact the given an especially such letter, alarmist writing for forgiven be could family Dubrovnik patrician a of descendant a Lang, that: in which he claimed Human HelpKind,” For to Call the titled “Last when November, of 20th the on reinforced was frame devastation cultural the and suffering human The extent. the to fell city YPA the after treatment this to subject same the to never but militias, Serbian and victims. the for “cheerleading” of lieu in discarded been objective have for reporting criteria the where press, British the in found Dubrovnik on reporting of lines the along goes rockets “Soviet-built” their and Serbs the of force destructive and brutal the with suffering the landmarks human oldand destruction ofcenturies cultural ofthe The juxtaposition him it ofBeirut.” that “reminded claiming Slobodan Lang, “Letzter Hilferuf and die Menschheit,” “Letzter Hilferuf and Lang, Slobodan Pearson. Ibid. Ibid. next few hours. few next our the of in massacred be could inhabitants city 60,000 cradle that fact, horrific a Wefacing are the Dubrovnik, century. 14th the of since persisted has that destruction freedom, our destroyed have the they culture, With future. Croatia's of days decisive these in culture our or foundations the damaged badly have aggressors The period. theMedieval backearly dating to and documents books are kept In it 14th the palace. Sponza hit century 16th the damaged has also have tower. Shells John's rocket St. century Soviet-built A destroyed. are houses the of Most casings. The streets. line the cars Charred devastation. of scenes are there harbor the to town old the From Der Standard Der 135 asphalt is littered with pieces of broken glass and loads of bullet of loads and glass broken of pieces with littered is asphalt

published a letter by the Croatian intellectual Slobodan Lang Slobodan intellectual Croatian the by letter a published 132 Köster-Hetzendorf continued: Der Standard , November20,1991. 134 Vukovar was also was Vukovar 133


CEU eTD Collection 138 137 international the for 136 campaign the in presence undeniable an had diplomacy Austria's 3.3 International ofThe Recognition Croatia intensified. forCroatia's recognition theas battle diplomatic Dubrovnik Vukovarand at events the after soon focus changed press daily quality the Austrian Presse Die including journalists, other by reported than smaller substantially was Dubrovnik to damage collected of the that stated explicitly was instance it where encountered have rare I one only the Croatia, a from reporting was article Miller's treasure. cultural Croatian against crime serious another as Serbs the by Belgrade to taken been have library Vukovar the from items Gruž. of port historic the as well as situated, were elite Dubrovnik's the of houses summer renaissance the of many where town, historic Dubrovnik's outside settlements the of destruction the was issue real the heavy, that but near nowhere was damage the that but town, old the on fall did shells there that writes Miller destroyed!” cannot possible,be replied: Novak “Dubrovnik was When that askedhow hole. single a being result the straight, hours 24 for shelled been have walls city the Novak, Slobodan culture of minister deputy Croatian the walls. to ancient According Dubrovnik's to all Presse later, weeks two Just report. Köster-Hetzendorf's to slightly only differ letter his of points Ibid. Ibid. Miller,Irene werden”, zerstört “Dubrovniknicht kann published another article concerning the damage inflicted to cultural landmarks, above landmarks, cultural to inflicted damage the concerning article another published 's, as we have seen in Kötzer-Hetzendorf'sreport in seen have we as 's, 138 Miller's article also mentioned that around historical 80,000 historical around that mentioned also article Miller's Die Presse , December 4,1991. , December . Like in their German counterparts, German their in Like 137 Infact, Die 43 136

CEU eTD Collection 141 140 139 in one The Balkans. the in war actual the end help and down calm will people “hopefully and recognition, makes timingopposing ofthe opinions onthe ofabsurdity, a land like Austria seem the by created was which crisis, government the that suggests Viennese Balkans, [style]” the in affairs. ministerofforeign and the bythedrawn chancellor “War editorial written The ironically unilateral were different their conclusions two which after two, the between meeting private a after press the in against warnings received government recognition. Austrian mid- the in Britain after Great and December States United the from came republics independence-seeking war. the during destroyed been have which 300 over of example the giving landmarks,” cultural damaged badly the saving with help also aid...will humanitarian substantial most “already the alongside Austria, that expects Croatia that and society” of layers all permeates prestige “Austria's that suggested is it which in Fact,” Accomplished an As Already Austria by Recognition the Sees “Croatia subheading rule.” Ottoman under were who ones other,bad those and Catholic are and Monarchy [Habsburg] the to Yugoslavs,belonged good the who between differentiating by sides taking is though Austria for as seems it “understanding but Croatia], [with relationship the for foundation historic has the and position Austria's France that said minister foreign French the 1991, of July as early As Croatia. as well as West the in equally acknowledged was activity This press. domestic the in accordingly covered was and success, actual her of regardless Croatia, of recognition 1991. Unterberger,Andreas “Alleingang Wiens: Bedenken Washingtons undLondons”, Mock Steinbach, “Austria, –gut!”, Johannes Jacqueline, Thalberg, Feuerwehr,” “Brandstifterkritisiert 139 Conversely, in December of 1991 1991 of December Conversely,in 141 At the same time, the rift between between Vranitzky rift the coverage ample time, same received the Mock At and Die Presse Die Presse Presse Die 140 More criticism of Austria's policy towards the towards policy Austria's of criticism More , December 2,1991. , December Der Standard published a report from Croatia with the with Croatia from report a published , July 14 , July , 1991. Die Presse , December 13, , December churches 44

CEU eTD Collection 145 144 143 142 “aCroatia difficult birth.” recognizing before underwent Community European the process the called and further even recognition. a for criteria the all meet Croatia and Slovenia if verify to established commission EC the of findings official the communicate not could still set, themselves they deadline the before hours 36 who, bureaucracy Brussels the of inefficiency the example an as offering crisis, the of management EC's characterised recognition, fragmented fortheir criticism Yugoslav policy. ofJanuary, the On 15th day before the 1992,the some received also Community European the But resolved. but anything was matter the though even neared, recognition the for date official Community's European the as somewhat dissipate Austrian their as much as issue the on counterparts. dwell not did press German the either, Croatia of matter the on eye to eye see not did Kohl chancellor and Genscher Germany in though Even infightingissue oftheproclaimed: coalition superfluous.” completely Viennais Andreas Unterberger,Andreas Geburt”, “Ein Schwere Werner Politik “Gemeinsame als Stanzl, Puzzle”, “Außenpolitikvoninnen”, Lenhart, Dieter Thomas Chorherr, “Balkan Krieg, Wienerisch”, for the whole worldto see. for the trumpeted rather but family, the in stay don't which mistakes speak, to so of, issue an is It Mistakes, embarrassing. more are they here. Certainly politics. domestic in things stake thansame the ruinous at more be are can policy foreign credibility in Austria's misunderstandings disputes, of fooleries, piece a and reputation The The frustration of the Austrian press over the inner quarrels in the coalition seemed to seemed coalition the in quarrels inner the over press Austrian the of frustration The e Standard Der 145 Unterberger that: stated orsodn rm Busl eond te cnuin which confusion the bemoaned Brussels from correspondent 143 142 The next day a commentary in in commentary a day next The Die Presse Die Presse Die Presse Der StandardDer 144 , December 20,1991. , December

Die Presse Die , January16,1992. , December 19,1991. December , January15,1992. 's editor Andreas Unterberger went Unterberger Andreas editor 's Die Presse Die discussing the discussing


CEU eTD Collection 147 146 where: cathedral, the at Zagreb theain mass scene described Presse Die sayingwhole that: process, this in media the of role the on remark interesting an adding streets, the on reactions the Zagreb Croatia. in reactions the to given was attention some recognition the Vukovar,of after fall but the after Croatia in the ground the on developments in interested more seemed the than - own their especially - recognition newspapers for drive the and war the to response Austrian international the press, German the to Similar Z. P. intoniert an die Freiheit'”, Gwozdz,die “Kroatien 'Hymne Ibid. nnme ag uai ietdarcniito pelappeal reconciliation a directed Kuharic other rang. – 10,000 number in with along attendance few – Zagreb in bells the all God, Mary,of of mother protection the the under anew in were homeland parliament his put Kuharic cardinal When moment: touching most The worshippers. of members few A process. in the lives STANDARD The their lost have journalists 20 than More abroad. eyes. cause Croatian the of promotion the their in in decisive was contribution media's mass international the that aware obviously are tears Croats grocer.The had his by wine sparkling of glass a with Many treated was correspondent other. People each festive. almost was congratulated atmosphere the recognition] the [of morning the [on] could later hours more labor. birth painful an even announce after a Austria also Europeans. many few by acknowledged a And formally promptly also then was fact in do states these that moment, report last the a until secret from held was divulge, which to able were lawyers EC's exist. Slovenia notice and suddenly Croatia Europe that of part good a did clear, become already had everything the realisation correspondent filed a slightly more melodramatic report, the highlight of which of highlight the report, melodramatic more slightly a filed correspondent was painstaking. After more than three quarters of a year, after year, a of quarters three than more After painstaking. was 147 Der Standard Der Der Standard 's correspondent reported from reported correspondent 's , January16,1992. to all the country's the all to fact exist. This exist. 146


CEU eTD Collection 151 150 149 148 was youngstate to beginning the as faithfuladvocate be Croatia's most did to continue in fact for Possanner's recommendations fault. to almost a futurewerecorrect Austria's actions Austria Possanner recapitulated lucidly: the role recognition Austria's in newspapers. these in ignored completely almost was future Croato-Serb begun. only has rights their of recognition the in in photo the of caption the enough, Strangely symbols. such of meaning the of readers their inform to relevant it found Ustasha an wearing is men the of One recognition. the celebrating men young three are there photo the In Zagreb. of Georg Possanner, “Der Zweite Tod Josip des Broz Tito,” PresseDie PresseDie Gläubige in (ag), “10.000 Agrams Kathedrale”, make it easier for Slovenia and Croatia to make their entry there easier. And she And easier. there entry her deeppockets. into needs dodig their make to Croatia and Slovenia for easier it make to Nations United the of Council Security the and CSCE the Council, European the in influence her of use making to down comes her.It for out cut work Austria her has disappointed. now are affected those restraint, the reward not will Community European the opponent, an as Vienna sees still Belgrade voluntarily. position pole her Yugoslaviarelinquished has states. Austria new the in sympathy of lot a wasted independence, recognition declared the Croatia on Vranitzky'sposition unquestionable. is fantasy a and than more nothing became Slovenia up after building of that, pacesetter last the since awareness as wasted role been Mock's has affairs capital foreign of of lot Minister summer. a concerned, is role Vienna's as far As citizens. Both Both , January17,1992. , January17,1992; Die Presse Presse Die 148 uniform while another is wearing a Ustasha t-shirt. Ustasha a wearing is another while uniform and Die Presse Presse Die Der Standard Standard Der Der Standard includes a remark on the 600,000 Serbs who's battle for battle who's Serbs 600,000 the on remark a includes , January17,1992. 151 Die PresseDie ran the same photo of the celebrations in the streets the in celebrations the of photo same the ran 150 Der StandardDer Apart from this caption the matter of the of matter the caption this from Apart , January 17,1992. , January16,1992. Der Standard Der 149 Neither newspaper Neither 's Georg 's


CEU eTD Collection unique position in that she was the only Croatian national of all the journalists included in this in included journalists the all of national Croatian only the was she that in position unique 1990. in Croatia of coverage their in aggressive the newspapers, German two other The Reißmüller. like zeal inflammatory with never but bias, pro-Croatian slight a with the of that outweighed heavily voice Reißmüller's theory. hatreds” “ancient the of proponents vocal most the of one also was He Europe. Eastern in communism of collapse the of picture bigger the in fittedinto and those ofcommunism, which forcesofdemocracy between a as fight the Belgrade government federal Yugoslav the and Milošević Slobodan president Serbian the against Slovenia and Croatia between conflict the of stages early the saw and anti-communist, ardent Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter of One author. the of view world or political the on hinged often and varied however, bias, analysed. the period onthe and were found,depending newspaper frames various and analysis, framing a through done was This 1992. international January the in until recognition 1990 April in elections free first the with starting Croatia, in events the covered press daily quality Austrian and German how show to was thesis this of goal The Conclusion find her way. An expected pro-Croatian bias was prominent in all five newspapers. The extent of this of extent The newspapers. five all in prominent was bias pro-Croatian expected An Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Allgemeine Frankfurter Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche 's publishers and journalist Johann Georg Reißmüller was an was Reißmüller Georg Johann journalist and publishers 's 's wrote Yugoslavia 's also ViktorMeier correspondent Tageszeitung n h the and Tageszeitung 's Dunja Melčić had the most the had Melčić Dunja 's , were also far less far also were , 48

CEU eTD Collection cre fr h ak f nesadn o te cnlc ad te nblt t mk te right the make to inability on reporting to the approach exclusive almost the became frame This fashion. timely a in and decisions conflict the of understanding of lack the for scorned was EC the conflict. while praise, received the Genscher Hans-Dietrich affairs, foreign of resolving minister German of efforts their and Community European the and Germany of role brunt ofthe the received shelling. surroundingsettlements whileminimal, the was city the to damage the that explained was it where one only publishing while city, the to most was frame This in town. prominent historic its of shelling the and Dubrovnik of siege the during prominent especially was which frame, culture” of destroyers as “Serbs the by supported were frames two These victims. the as Croats and perpetrators the as Serbs with hatreds,” “ancient in rooted conflicts ethnic as newspapers all in shown were hostilities The well. as changed frames the but extreme, more became newspapers these in rhetoric the war, a into escalating before of Yugoslavia, however. destroyers the as Slovenia and Croatia framed newspapers the of None aspiration. democratic Croatia's emphasised which frame the as prominent equally as almost was nationalism Serb Frankfurter Zeitung Allgemeine Standard prominent. yet notwas conflict The the here, analysed newspapers Austrian of component nationalist The Belgrade. in centre communist the from away break and country democratic a become to Croatia of desire the was period this in frame dominant The study, During this period another frame emerged in the German newspapers concerning the concerning newspapers German the in emerged frame another period this During frequent more became Serbs and Croats between incidents armed as elections, the After lo dslyd a mr aacd ve f te itra rcse n Cota than Croatia in processes internal the of view balanced more a displayed also Die Presse Die , which published several articles claiming extensive damage was done was damage extensive claiming articles several published which , , but in Croat conflictand due to ofa potential frame Austria the Die PresseDie and and Der 49

CEU eTD Collection that sense, it is important to analyse what is being said, and in what manner. said, and in what isbeing to itanalyse sense, that isimportant In officials. shaping policy ranking, high by read was it that of assume can we press case daily quality the in but covering, are they issue the on policy government the or readers their of established. not was newspapers the in bias pro-Croatian between the ties and Croatia and Germany Austria, their influenced historical newspaper between themes. A connection these to adhere they mostly but extent, each an to coverage of affiliation political The diplomacies. countries' their of efforts the praising time same the at while agglomeration, inept an as Community European the showed Both landmarks. cultural of destruction Serbian the and catastrophe humanitarian minor immense an by characterized Serbs, the against with war defensive a as Croatia in war the saw Both pattern, uniform Europe. in process relatively wider of continuation a a as 1990 of events followed the viewed Both discrepancies. Croatia in events the of coverage Mockwas unlike a pragmatist. recognition. frame the until theofreporting This was dominant who, Vranitzky, Franz chancellor the and government coalition Austria's in block stumbling a became Croatia recognizing of issue the when 1991 of half second the in used widely became but continuous, was frame this crisis, the of stages early the since active was Mock Because crisis. the solve to Mock Alois affairs foreign of minister her of efforts the with framed also Yugoslaviaof was dissolution the In Austria, December. international in EC the by the set was date until recognition and Dubrovnik of shelling the and Vukovar of fall the after Croatia To give a more thorough picture of the German press and Croatia in the early 1990s, it 1990s, early the in Croatia and press German the of picture thorough more a Togive opinions the on newspapers the of influence actual the gauge to impossible almost is It press daily quality Austrian and German the that suggest analysis this of findings The 50

CEU eTD Collection that this thesis provides a good foundation for further research onthis forfurthersubject. a goodfoundation research thisthat thesis provides believe I opinions. of scope greater a and commentaries in-depth more offer which magazines news weekly analyse to helpful be also would It Bosnia-Herzegovina. of republic neighbouring the in war the in role active an taking while home at war defensive a fighting herself found Croatia when Bosnia, in war the including period, time longer a at look to useful be would 51

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