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NEWSLETTER OF THE SOUTHERN AFRICA SUPPORT PROJECT STRUGGLE FALL ISSUE e OCTOBER - NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR SOUTHERN AFRICA SUPPORT PROJECT P.O. BOX 50103 e WASHINGTON, D.C. 20004 £2021 332-20009 SOUTH AFRICA BUILDS SECRET TRADE NETWORK Over the last five years, South Africa has secretly . established a network of companies in Great Britain to provide support for the apartheid regime in the event of worldwide sanctions. According to investigative reports by Britain's Guardian newspaper, long -established freight forwarding, procurement, and travel companies have been linked together so goods can be purchased, shipped, and de livered anywhere in the world, with out outsiders being able to trace either their origin or destination . The Network The network appears to. be con Ak trolled by South Africans who hold Sam Nujoma, SWAPO President, makes a point as he addresses the masses assembled to hear him at Union Temple Church key positions with Freight Services of South Africa. This is the same SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA INSTITUTES company that sustained the Smith regime in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) "PEACE" AGREEMENT: CONSTITUTIONAL FRAUD; for 12 years by providing it with oil , THE HIDDEN AGENDA MASSIVE PROTESTS ENSUE in violation of United Nations sanc In March of this year, South Africa, Thousands of Black people, "Color tions. after years of sponsoring counter eds" or mixed race people, and The network will also provide a revolutionary groups trying to over Indians took to the streets of South means for shipping high technology throw the Mozambique and Angolan Africa this summer, in protest of goods, engines, communications governments, signed a "peace" that country's so-called constitu equipment, and computers from in accord with Mozambique, and in tional "reforms." dustrial countries in the West with dicated a desire to do the same with These "reforms" created sep out the supplier firms or their Angola. arate Parliamentary chambers for governments being embarassed. But South Africa's sudden in Indians and Colored people, in which Additionally, it will enable them to terest in making "peace" thinly they will have little or no power, [continued on page 41 masks its hidden agenda: to divide while continuing to exclude South the South African liberation group Africa's majority Black population TABLE OF CONTENTS the African National Congress from the electoral process. CANCl, and the Namibian Liberation The move toward these "reforms" "PEACE" AGREEMENT Page 1 CONSTITUTIONAL FRAUD Page 1 group the Southwest Africa Peoples' began in November 193, when 660/o SECRET TRADE NETWORK Page 1 Organization CSWAPOl from the two of South Africa's white voters SOUTH AFRICA MOUTHPliECE Page 3 key frontline states which have pro participated in a referendum to COMMEMORATIVE CALENDAR Page 3 WHAT YOU CAN 00 Plage 3 vided .critical assistance to both. approve a set of constitutional EDITOR'S NOTE Page 4 The terms. of South Africa's changes. Although South Africa;s accord with Mozambique (named the prime minister Pieter Botha, who HAVE YOU MACLED IN Nkomati Accord after the river on designed the proposed changes, has Mozambique's and South Africa's called them a move towards positive YOUR PLEDGE YET? continued on page 2 continued on page 4 SOUTH AFRICA "PEACE AGREEMENT" THE HIDDEN AGENDA ...... Continued common border) were that South accord, as South Africa has ex- or stop the liberation movements. Africa would stop supporting the pressed interest in increased use of Coersion Bound To Fail counter-revolutionary Mozambique its ports in Mozambique's capitol South Africa's attempts to coerce National Resistance group fMNRJ, city of Maputo. South Africa might other frontline states into making if Mozambique stopped "harboring" want to buy additional power from peace agreements are bound to fail, members of the ANC. Mozambique's hydro-electric power according to ANC president Oliver Divide and Conquer plant, Cahora Bassa. And Mozam- Tambo, in a recent New Africa South Africa thought that by mak- bique's borders might re-open to Magazine interview. Tambo assert- ing separate agreements with South African tourists. ed, "We shall continue to work with Mozambique, and possibly with Despite the negotiations, there is everybody, convinced that we all other frontline states, it could evidence that attacks by the MNR share a common destiny, and that weaken the liberation struggles continue, and there's a strong pro- nobody wishes to secure 'peace' for waged by the ANC and SWAPO, in bability that South Africa is still themselves at the expense of the depriving them of "guerrilla bases" in backing that group. liberation of the peoples of South the region. But these countries only Support Still Strong Africa and Namibia." "harbor" South African and Na- The ANC meanwhile, has admitt- We note that the Reagan Admin- mibian refugees, not "guerrillas." edly suffered setbacks as a result of istration has tried to claim partial South Africa also hoped to "divide the accord. In April, Mozambique credit for the Nkomati Accord. The and conquer" the Southern African ordered ANC members to leave its Administration believes that it's so- Development Coordination Con- soil or be confined to a refugee camp called quiet diplomacy of "construc- ference (SAOCCJ, the economic sponsored by the United Nations tive engagement" was a factor in union of the nine Southern African High Commission on Refugees. South Africa's decision to seek states, by spliting SAOCC's united But Mozambique's president peace. front through such potentially di- Samora Machel has, in recent But South Africa continues to visive separate agreements. speeches, re-affirmed his country'p solidify and entrench apartheid with- Observers note that Mozambique, support for the ANC, as well as in its borders and destabilize the which has suffered tremendously SWAPO. governments of its neighbors, if not from years of South African and And the ANC has always insisted through direct military attacks, then MNR attacks, as well as from the that its military operations are con- through other, covert means. With- effects of the region-wide drought ducted from within South Africa, not out major backing from President and other natural disasters, viewed from any of the frontline s~ates. Reagan, South Africa's racist itself as having no other choice but to Both the ANC and SWAPO have in- apartheid regime would fall quickly, sign the accord. dicated that, non-aggression pacts and there would be no need for Mozambique even thought it might notwithstanding, they will redouble "peace" accords, signed, literally, benefit economically from the their efforts, and nothing will slow "under the gun." SOUTHERN AFRICA Nineteen Eight-Four A SOUTH AFRICA MOUTHPIECE GOES NATIONWIDE: COMMEMORATIVE THE WASHINGTON TIMES EXPANDS CALENDAR Although several major news Rand was promised on an annual The history of the liberation strug papers have been forced out of busi basis for five years in return for a gles of Southern Africa's peoples' ness in recent years, The Washing "covert interest" in the D.C.-based has been long, and difficult. But the ton Times has announced plans to newspaper. ·so far, it would seem struggle continues. That it does con make same-day delivery available in that the South Africans have gotten tinue is a testament to the courage 20 major cities and their suburbs their money's worth. In 1973, South and resilience of the people. The within the next two years. The first African Prime Minister Pieter following calendar highlights some of step in this ambitious production Botha was listed as one of the the significant moments in those schedule was accomplished on April world's 10 most important leaders. struggles, to be remembered and re 16th of this year, with the launching And Holden Roberto, an Angolan vered by all of us who support free of a San Francisco edition. Soon to traitor who has been on the CIA's dom in Southern Africa: follow are Los Angeles, Chicago and payroll since 1961, was given full June 25 and 26, 1955: Miami versions-all funded directly page coverage as a "hero". More The African National Congress and by the Unification Church (the recent articles have given South other South African liberation "Moonies"J and, allegedly, the African agents in Mozambique and groups convene a Congress of the South African government. Angola sympathetic treatment, and People. It adopts a "Freedom The Washington Times, a self have maintained that Zimbabwe was Charter," calling for equality, justice, avowed "conservative alternative" better off as white-ruled Rhodesia. and power sharing. Twenty-nine to The Washington Post, has denied The content of Washington Times years later, in August 1983 South formal links to the apartheid regime. articles are not the only suggestions Africa's newly formed United Th is denial comes despite the fact of its formal ties to South Africa. Democratic Front was formed. It that South African sources confirm South African officials are said to pledged support for the ANC and the ed the first installment of a.900,000 stay in regular contact with the Freedom Charter. Rand per year agreement · has al Times' Board of Directors. August 9, 1956 ready been paid to New World Com So you don't have to look very far munications, the Unification to detect South African influence on ANC Womens' Day. Twenty thou Church's publishing arm. U.S. media; it's as close as your new sand South African women protest Free Public Relations stand. the apartheid regime's attempt to extend the mandatory ID card The sources add that the 900,000 ••••••••••• ("pass") to Black, colored, and Asian 'I know that the struggle will be long and bitter. women. I also know that my people will wage that struggle' August 26, 1966 Herman Ja Toivo, SWAPO Founding Member The Southwest Africa Peoples' Or ganization (SWAPOJ begins its war for Namibia's independence from South Africa's illegal rule.