About Nordic Swan Ecolabelled Disposable bags, tubes and accessories for health care Version 2.2 Background to ecolabelling 15 May 2021 Content 1 Summary 3 2 Basic facts about the criteria 3 3 The Market 5 4 Environmental impact of the product group 6 5 Justification of the requirements 7 5.1 General requirements 7 5.2 Environmental and health requirements 8 5.2.1 Materials 8 5.2.2 Chemicals 13 5.3 Safety requirement 18 5.4 Quality and regulatory requirements 19 6 Changes compared to previous generation 21 098 Disposable bags, tubes and accessories for health care, version 2.2, 05 May 2021 Addresses In 1989, the Nordic Council of Ministers decided to introduce a voluntary official ecolabel, the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. These organisations/companies operate the Nordic Ecolabelling system on behalf of their own country’s government. For more information, see the websites: This document may Denmark Iceland only be copied in its Ecolabelling Denmark Ecolabelling Iceland entirety and without any Danish Standards Foundation Norræn Umhverfismerking type of change. Göteborg Plads 1, DK-2150 Nordhavn á Íslandi Fischersgade 56, DK-9670 Løgstør Suδurlandsbraut 24 It may be quoted from Tel: +45 72 300 450 IS-108 Reykjavik provided that Nordic
[email protected] Tel: +354 591 20 00 Ecolabelling is stated www.ecolabel.dk
[email protected] as the source. www.svanurinn.is Finland Norway Sweden Ecolabelling Finland Ecolabelling Norway Ecolabelling Sweden Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6 E Henrik Ibsens gate 20 Box 38114 FI-00100 Helsinki NO-0255 Oslo SE-100 64 Stockholm Tel: +358 9 61 22 50 00 Tel: +47 24 14 46 00 Tel: +46 8 55 55 24 00
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.ecolabel.fi www.svanemerket.no www.svanen.se 2 Nordic Ecolabelling 098/2.2 05 May 2021 Background document 1 Summary The main objective of these criteria is to label products that are an alternative to products of softened PVC.