RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION Bureau of Field Services Michigan Department of Transportation Research Spotlight Cable median barriers: Project Information REPORT NAME: Study of High- A cost-effective means Tension Cable Barriers on Michigan Roadways to save lives START DATE: October 2011 Median-crossover crashes are among the most hazardous events that can occur on freeways, often leading to serious injury or death. In recent REPORT DATE: October 2014 years, high-tension cable median barriers have emerged as a cost- RESEARCH REPORT NUMBER: effective alternative to conventional barriers in preventing such crashes. RC-1612 MDOT began installing them on state freeways in 2008. This research TOTAL COST: $223,895 project confirmed that cable median barriers are effective at reducing crossover crashes and improving freeway safety in Michigan, produced COST SHARING: 20% MDOT, 80% guidelines to help identify the best locations to install them, and FHWA through the SPR, Part II, developed content for public outreach materials explaining their benefit. Program MDOT Project Manager Problem Carlos Torres, P.E. Freeway median barriers made of concrete, steel Geometric Design Unit guardrail or high-tension Design Division cable are all effective at Michigan Department of preventing crossover Transportation crashes, but they can be 425 West Ottawa Street costly to install and main- Lansing, MI 48909 tain. Cable median barriers
[email protected] have lower installation costs 517-335-2852 than concrete or guardrail Since their installation on selected Michigan highways beginning in alternatives, though they 2008, cable median barriers have reduced crossover crash rates in are more easily damaged these highway segments by 87 percent. by vehicle strikes, leading to higher maintenance and repair costs.