Whether Asian Culture (Specifically Anime) Affects Western People’S Aesthetic Views After Adolescence

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Whether Asian Culture (Specifically Anime) Affects Western People’S Aesthetic Views After Adolescence Asian Persuasion: Whether Asian culture (specifically anime) affects western people’s aesthetic views after adolescence. by Francisco De Jesus Jr. Spring 2014 A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a baccalaureate degree in Communications in cursu honorum Reviewed and approved by: _______________________________________________ Dr. Cynthia Walker Thesis Supervisor Submitted to the Honors Program, Saint Peter's University Submitted April 29, 2014 Abstract Asian culture has had an impact on America in a number of areas, especially in entertainment. One of these better-known influences is anime, recognized for its artistic creativity. Previous research such as Chambers (2012) and Starka (2008) shows that anime has had an important impact on America, bringing several benefits such as artistic innovation and conventions that boosts economic growth. However, there is also a stigma to anime, criticized for content that influence viewers negatively than positively (Chambers, 2012). But how does anime really influence its audience and if so, how? To find out, 161 respondents were asked to participate in two separate surveys, answering several questions on anime and its role in their lives. In addition, the surveys were distributed at two locations: Saint Peter’s University and New York Comic Con. Results from the first survey indicate that although 48% of respondents no longer watch anime, their aesthetic views and values were still influenced. The conclusion of the second survey study is similar, despite differences in the degree of influence anime had on respondents due to their other interests. In addition to this independent variable, several dependents were also verified, such as respondents learning right from wrong, associating themselves with certain characters from anime, and anime contributing to their artistic pursuits. Therefore, anime not only influenced respondents’ aesthetic views, but also affected some areas such as their careers and/or artistic pursuits. Table Of Contents 1. Literature Review: Pg. 1 2. Research Question: Pg. 6 3. Research/Methodology I: Pg. 7 4. Research/Methodology II: Pg. 8 5. Results/Discussion: Survey 1 (Saint Peter’s University): Pg. 9 6. Results/Discussion: Survey 2 (New York Comic Con): Pg. 15 7. Conclusion: Pg. 22 8. Appendix I: Pg. 24 9. Appendix II: Pg. 26 10. Bibliography: Pg. 27 Figures and Charts • Table 1 - Pg. 9 • Table 2 - Pg. 10 • Table 3 - Pg. 11 • Table 4 - Pg. 11 • Table 5 - Pg. 12 • Table 6 - Pg. 12 • Table 7 - Pg. 13 • Table 8 - Pg. 14 • Table 9 - Pg. 15 • Table 10 - Pg. 16 • Table 11 - Pg. 16 • Table 12 –Pg. 17 • Table 13 - Pg. 17 • Table 14 - Pg. 18 • Table 15 -Pg. 19 De Jesus 1 Literature Review For most kids growing up in the U.S., coming home after school and watching television was a traditional past time. I was no exception. Among my favorite television programs, one that stood out was Toonami back in 1997. This program was a daily ritual for me, as I would always come straight home after school in order to watch it on time. What made this program so special was the showcasing of several unique cartoons that were visually different from the traditional norm I had seen. Little did I know, what I was seeing was a popular form of Japanese cartoons, otherwise referred to as “anime.” Little by little, this genre influenced me. I would listen to Asian music throughout the day, purchase merchandise such as posters and manga, and attend various conventions, meeting other people who shared the same love for anime as I did. Before I knew it, anime had become part of my life, reaching the point where it influenced many important decisions. One decision comes in the form of visiting Japan during a semester abroad in Seoul, South Korea. Immersed literally in Asian culture, I met various people, garnered wonderful memories, and gained more experiences in those few days than I had in my entire life. It was this moment that led to the development of both my thesis and the research that would help verify it. From anime, I learned various moral views: knowing right from wrong, good and evil, and how to be more the former under harsh situations. It was also instilled in me a love of Asian culture. If anime influenced me in such a way, would other people who watched it feel the same? Is there a connection between anime and its influence on one’s views? My research attempts to find that out. Many will argue that if any country possesses a strong influence in popular culture, it would likely be the United States. For example, films and television series in the U.S. have been De Jesus 2 popular in other countries through promotion and online streaming. This is verified in a survey given to respondents living outside the U.S., with 90% agreeing that American media is transmitted and viewed in other countries (Osborn, 2006, p. 66). Furthermore, institutions abroad are making English, the common language of the U.S., a requirement for students to learn during their academic careers. I noticed this during my time studying abroad at Sogang University, and observing how many students had to take English-language courses as part of their graduation requirements. No doubt, America has had an impact on the world in many areas. However, just as the U.S. can influence other countries, so, too, it can be the recipient. For example, Japan is an industrious nation, home to several companies that provide entertainment products that are popular in the U.S. These companies include areas in gaming such as Sony and Nintendo, as well as automobile manufacturers like Mitsubishi and Honda. One of the more popular forms of media from Japan comes in the form of television programming. Remember watching the kids’ show Power Rangers? The show’s premise focuses on several teenagers with attitude, chosen to preserve goodness and protect the earth from the forces of evil. However, what many American fans may not realize is that the show did not originate in the U.S. Instead, the show was adapted from a popular Japanese franchise known as “Super Sentai” (Cirronella, 1996). While the series was modified for the U.S. audience, such as using American actors and an original story, its success is largely due to using b-roll footage containing action sequences from its Japanese counterpart. Another important impact Asian culture has had on America pop-culture is film. Donovan (2008) discusses several foreign films that have influenced Hollywood, which led to filmmakers attempting to incorporate their style in future works. In one instance, Donovan De Jesus 3 (2008) cites the 1954 Japanese film Seven Samurai by director Akira Kurosawa, considered one of the most influential filmmakers in cinema. Set in feudal Japan, the film revolves around a village that fights back against a group of marauding bandits who have been constantly raiding their home. To do so, the village hires seven ronins, or wandering samurais without a master, to combat against the bandits. The film is one of Japan’s most popular and successful films to this day, as well as one of the most imitated, with many filmmakers creating several adaptations. One prominent example comes in the 1960 western film The Magnificent Seven (Donovan, 2008). The reason for this repetition was because of its comparison to western films such as The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly (1966), which were quite popular around that time. Donovan (2008) notes this, stating how audiences can relate with the two genres due to common elements. In truth, both the Americans and the Japanese use their cowboys and samurai as representations of morality, chivalry, and honor, essentially all the best in their respective societies. There are the heroes who represent a higher, transcendent morality. Both the samurai and the cowboy are men of action, skilled in combat and the killing arts, yet these abilities are governed by ironclad codes of personal conduct (p. 36). It is important to recognize film, television, and other forms of media that has brought Asian culture into the U.S. Nevertheless, if there were one that has appealed to young westerners, it would no doubt be anime. Originally referred to as “Japanimation,” these animated cartoons were made in Japan during the1980s or earlier, and are stylistically different from their American counterparts (Sullivan, 2005 p. 10). Anime is widely popular in Japan; numerous titles are produced every year by a number of studios possessing a strong sense artistic freedom (Gladden, 1997, p. 1). Furthermore, most anime series are derived from manga, a popular form of Japanese comics, which provides the basis for plot, character design, setting and more. De Jesus 4 The world of anime first took hold of American society during the 1950s, when shows such as Astro Boy, Gigantor and Speed Racer were first broadcast on U.S. television (“History of Anime,” 2013). These early imports were initially met with criticism. In particular, they were criticized for having sloppy motion and lip movements, probably because the studios developing them were cutting corners due to low production costs (Straka, 2008). However, this stereotype changed following the release of the 1988 film Akira. Set in a futuristic and dystopian Japan, the plot follows two former friends, Tetsuo Shima and Shotaro Kaneda, in which the former attempts to stop the latter’s newly-found telepathic abilities from bringing about a world war. It became a cult classic, recognized for its high quality animation and artistic fluidity, showing that animation studios could, in fact, produce a seamless art form that was able to attract viewers (Starka, 2008). Then, in the 1990s, anime enjoyed a golden age.
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