Alice Arm and Anyox, British Columbia 3
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ALICE ARM AND ANYOX, BRITISH COLUMBIA 3 All the Mining $2.50 a Year News of the Alice Arm and Northern Anyox. $2.75 to B. C. Coast THE HERALD all other points. mill • The Herald Brings Results to Advertisers I ' I I I II . y-»y-»y« VOL. 3, NO. 52 AUOE ABM, B. C, SATURDAY, JUNK 28, 1924 5 cents each. Liberals Lead Over Bert Kergin is Assured OX Dominion Day Will Be Conservatives in Final of Election ALICE ARM NOTES During Week Celebrated at Anyox Count Bert Kergin, Liberal member for Manager Chapman's' aggregat From early morning on Tuesday, Hand Laundry Work. Moderate ion of gilded athlets from the July 1, until 2 a.m. on the follow Atlin is now practically assured Prices—Miss B. Crawford, Alice Counting of Absentee Vote General Store suffered defeat at of election, unless the absentee Arm. ing morning the residents of Anyox Awaited with Interest the hands of the Office Staff on will be able to take part in and vote goes heavily against him, Shower baths for ladies and Sunday evening by the score of enjoy the various sports and ball The latest election returns give which is very unlikely. gentlemen. First-class service. six runs to three. The batteries games whioh the programme as the Liberals 20 seats, Independent The vote now stands: Kergin J. Laidlaw, Alioe Arm Electric were; for the store, St Clair and detailed below calls for. Laundry. Liberals 2, Conservatives 17, Pro- Liberal, 385; Armour Provincial, Menzies, for the office, Swanson This programme, under the vinoials 4, Labor 3, Independents 1. 338; Conway Conservative, 304. See Al. Falconer for Wood, Coal and Fitzpatrick. auspices of the Anyox Community Fort George is still doubtful, and Lumber. Many stellar plays were pulled Dease Lake is now the only League is chiefly in the hands of Burden, conservative has a major off by the players on both sides, the secretary, Mr. F. M. Kelley, place to be heard from, and the See Al. Falooner for Freight and ity of three over Perry; Liberal, Pack horses. George Lace, of cricket fame turn and there is not the slightest doubt with one more poll to hear from.. vote there is a small one. ed iu a wonderful exhibition at that the day will be one easily:; Mr. Carl Johnson, hooktender The Liberals are still in power as Polling stations heard from first base for the Store, while the remembered, as Mr. Kelley has for Mr. Eric Carlson, narrowly es they have a. majority over any during the week were: Office infield was par excellence. been working toward this end for caped death the other day. when a other single party, and with the St Clair was forced to retire in some weeks aud is leaving nothing Engineer Mine, Armour 3, Ker cable snapped and. hit him in the inclusion of the 2 Liberal Independ the sixth inning, having injured undone that will help make every gin 1, Conway 0. forehead, cutting a deep gash. ents and 3 Labor members, they his ankle sliding into third base. thing connected with the celebrat Naas Harbor, Conway 7, Kergin First aid was rendered by Mr. Sid. Would have a total of 25 support- Harold Ballion took up the burden ion run smoothly. 0, Armour 0. Davis. el's, or 26 if Fort George goes Lib on the mound in the last inning, Two baseball games will be Mill Bay, Kergin 1, Coway 0, Mr. J. O. Trethewey left ou eral, and 27 if Hanes of North Armour 0. and with a little training he would played during the day between Thursday for Abbotsford. no doubt develop into a hurler of Vancouver supports them. Kenoolith, Kergin 2, Conway 2, Ketchikan "All Stars" and Anyox Miss K. Haslett accompanied by no mean ability. TheCouservatives would have a Armour 0. ' All Stars" one game in the fore her sister, Miss E. Haslett, arrived total of 21 supporters if the Provin Arrandale, Kergin 1, Conway 1, The teams lined up as follows: noon and one in the evening, the in town on Tuesday. Miss K. cials throw in their lot with them, Armour 0. Office staff, Fitzpatrick, Swanson, former players arriving at Anyox Haslett is presiding over the local which is not unlikely, and 22 if Maple Bay: Conway 2, Kergin Plommer, Moore, Mahon, Roy, in the early morning accompanied entrance examinations. Fort George elects a Conservative. 0, Armour 0. Townshend, Watson, Cutler. by their friends and fans from the Tlie Legislature does not meet Atlin: Armour 58, Kergin 47, Mrs. J. E. Trethewey and child Store: Menzies, St Clair, Lace, northern town, numbering forty in 1 until Ootober 27th, so that there is Conway 8. arrived on Monday from Dewdney, H. Ballion, B. Nickerson, Dowling, all. ample time for both parties to con Kergin has a lead of 47 over to join her husband, who is engag N. Ballion, Dunn, Spike, Thomson. A football match between the' solidate their position. If the Arnvr.**. aud 81 over Conway. ed in assisting Mr..; j. O. Trethewey Umpire W. Olsen. Married and Single will be played government then find they cannot with his togging operations. The Mine scored a threeto two in the-aftcrnoon. ' . obtain a working majority, another Mrs. A. Beaudin left on Monday victory over the Smelter on Fri Racing and other sports will be election seems inevitable. Anyox Elks' Dance Well scheduled and liberal prizes will be for Seattle, where she will visit day evening. St Clair started on The counting of the absentee awarded. Attended relatives. the mound for the losers but was vote does not take place until July wild and unsteady and was forced Dancing will start at 9.30 p.m. Despite the , fact - that the* Constable H. Martin left on 12th, and this may considerably to retire iu favor of Fitzpatrick, iu the Gymnasium and good music weather was somewhat warm for Monday for Seattle where he spend change the present standing of the C. Ferguson was in fine form for is assured as the best local talent indoor pastime it had but little a vacation. parties. the winners and had the Smelter obtainable will be present. effect on those who were anxious Following is a complete list of Mr. Charles Drennan, who has eating out of his hand all the way, A dinner will be served in the to indulge in their favorite past- tbe newly elected members of the been in charge of the local school retiring many via the strike out Elks Dugout for the visitors time on Wednesday evening, June Legislature: for the past year, left on Monday route. during the evening. 25. LIBERALS for his home in Victoria. The hall was comfortably filled The teams were: Mine, Kirk, Atlin: H. F. Kergin. and with good musio the party Mr. J. Strombeek. was down Ferguson, Lane, Kirk, Brown, Dominion Day Excursions Chilliwack: Hon. E. D. Barrow. soon had forgotton that the ther for a few days last week end from Alleu, Anderson, Valpy. Clarke. The launch Awake will leave Columbia: J. A. Buckham. • mometer was anything 'above the Toric property. He is engaged Smelter: McKeown, St Clair, Anyox on Monday evening at 7 Delta: A. D. Paterson. normal. in building a house on the property Fitzpatriok, McDougall, Wells, Kamloops: J. R. Colley. Dow, Cheonski, Cole, Stewart, p.m. for the convenience of Anyox Refreshments were served in so that ample accomodation is Kalso-Slooan: S. Leary. Brentzen. people who wish to spend Domin the dugout and dancing was con provided when development is Lillooet: A. E. Munn. ion Day at Alice Arm or Silver tinued until 1.40 a.m. again commenced. Umpires W. Olson and H. Nanaimo: Hon. Wm. Sloan. Thorsen. City. Wm. McLean and P. William Nelson: Kenneth Campbell. It will leave Alice Arm at 9 a.m. Northern B. C. Agricultural son is leaving on Monday for the The Antlered Herd went on a New Westminster: Dr. E. J. on Tuesday to carry Alice Arm and Industrial, Exhibition and David Copperfield and Dandy batting spree in Tuesday evening's Roth well. excursionists to Anyox. Carnival. Prinoe Rupert. Sept. properties, where they will do encounter with the Smelter, North Okanagan: Dr. K. C. It will leave Anyox at 6 p.m. 9 to 13 inclusive. considerable development work. gathering sixteen hits off Fitz MacDonald. for those who' do not oare to stay patrick for a total of nine runs. Omineca: Hon. A. M. Manson. Mrs. L. McAlister and family for the dance, and will leave Alice Subscribe to Your Local Paper The best the Smelter could do Prince Rupert: Hon. T. D. left on Thursday for holidays in Arm at 8 p.m. for those who wish Vancouver. with Cody's offerings were four to attend the dance. Pattullo. scattered hits which netted them Revelstoke: Hon. W. H. Suth South Okanagan: J. W. Jones. one lone tally. Cody was never erland. Trail-Rossland: J. A. Schofield. Alice Arm Property To bei n serious danger throughout the -t Skeena: Dr. W. C. Wrinoh. Victoria: J. Hinchcliffe, R. Hay- Developed entire seven innings. The Elks ANYOX NOTES Vancouver: Woodward, Odium, ward, H. D. Twigg, Gus Lyons; seem to have found their batting Chris MoRae, Ian Mackenzie. Archie McPhail left town dur eye and by virtue of their win on PROVINCIALS Yale: Hon. J. D. MacLean. ing the week to do development Tuesday all three teams are now Mr. and Mrs. Leslie and family Cariboo: D. A. Stoddart. LIBERAL INDEPENDENTS work on the Rex property, near even, were southbound passengers on Riohmond-Point Grey: George Alberni: R.