Beach Profile Change at St. Clair Beach, Dunedin
GEOGRAPHY IS KNOWING WHERE THE SURF IS PUMPING KAHUTARA MAY 1993 PHOTO: W. HAWKE BEACH PROFILE CHANGE AT ST. CLAIR BEACH DUNEDIN A thesis submitted in partial fullfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geography in the University of Canterbury by M. J. Dyer University of Canterbury 1994 111 CONTENTS 1 Chapter One: Introduction 1.1: Introduction 3 1.2: Theoretical 5 1.3: Thesis 15 1.4: Thesis 16 Chapter Two: Introduction To The Study Area 2.1: 19 2.2: Local Geology «<«<••·······················-·······-··· ................................................................................................................. 19 2.3: The Otago Continental 24 2.3.1 Hydraulic ....... ...,,5 ,_ ..,.., ________·------··---- 25 Currents 25 26 27 2.3 .1.4 Sediment Transport 27 2.3.2 Sedimentation ______________ 28 The Biogenic Sand/Gravel Facies 29 2.3 .2.2 The Relict/Palimpsest Sand Facies... .. ·-· ...... 30 The Relict Terrigenous Gravel Facies 31 The Modem Terrigenous Sand Facies 31 2.4 Features of the Otago Coast_.......... 35 2.5 The Two Study ....,..,,.,...,H...,.., _____________ 39 2.5.1 Tomahawk 39 2.5 .2 St. Clair - Ocean Beach 42 2.6 47 lV Chapter Three: The Wind Environment 3.1 Introduction __"_" __ ,., ....... _""-·~"-...................... ___" ..................... "." ............. _.......... __ 49 3.2 The Otago Climatic Setting. _______.____ _ 50 3.3 Previous 50 3.4 The Influence of Local winds on the Nearshore Environment..... 53 3.5 Aeolian Sand 54 3.6 56 57 3.7.1 Individual Months _____________ 57 3.7 .2 Seasonal Analysis ________ 61 3.7.3 Total Study Period __ .
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