Rare Mutations in RINT1 Predispose Carriers to Breast and Lynch Syndrome–Spectrum Cancers
Published OnlineFirst May 2, 2014; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-14-0212 RESEARCH ARTICLE Rare Mutations in RINT1 Predispose Carriers to Breast and Lynch Syndrome–Spectrum Cancers Daniel J. Park 1 , K a y o k o Ta o 7 , Florence Le Calvez-Kelm 17 , Tu Nguyen-Dumont 1 , Nivonirina Robinot 17 , Fleur Hammet1 , Fabrice Odefrey 1 , Helen Tsimiklis 1 , Zhi L. Teo 1 , Louise B. Thingholm 1 , Erin L. Young 7 , Catherine Voegele 17 , Andrew Lonie 4 , Bernard J. Pope 2 , 4 , Terrell C. Roane 10 , Russell Bell 7 , Hao Hu 11 , Shankaracharya 11 , Chad D. Huff 11 , Jonathan Ellis 6 , Jun Li 6 , Igor V. Makunin 6 , Esther M. John 12 , 13 , Irene L. Andrulis 19 , Mary B. Terry 14 , Mary Daly 15 , Saundra S. Buys 9 , Carrie Snyder 16 , Henry T. Lynch 16 , Peter Devilee20 , Graham G. Giles 3 , 5 , John L. Hopper 3 , 21 , Bing-Jian Feng 8 , 9 , Fabienne Lesueur 17 , 18 , Sean V. Tavtigian 7 , Melissa C. Southey 1 , and David E. Goldgar 8 , 9 ABSTRACT Approximately half of the familial aggregation of breast cancer remains unex- plained. A multiple-case breast cancer family exome-sequencing study identifi ed three likely pathogenic mutations in RINT1 (NM_021930.4) not present in public sequencing data- bases: RINT1 c.343C>T (p.Q115X), c.1132_1134del (p.M378del), and c.1207G>T (p.D403Y). On the basis of this fi nding, a population-based case–control mutation-screening study was conducted that identifi ed 29 carriers of rare (minor allele frequency < 0.5%), likely pathogenic variants: 23 in 1,313 early-onset breast cancer cases and six in 1,123 frequency-matched controls [OR, 3.24; 95% confi - dence interval (CI), 1.29–8.17; P = 0.013].
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