STEINMETZ STAR Volume 87, Number 2, November 2020 - January 2021 COVID-19: How Have Students Been Affected? 2021 School Year Continues On Fully Remote After March 19th Closing Do you feel like you are learning more or less or the same with remote learning?

By Arlette Fulgencio

In March of 2020, a contagious virus began to sweep the nation. Known as Coronavirus or COVID-19, it has impacted almost every part of our daily lives. Due to the rise of cases, the decision was made to close schools to control the spread. Many students believed that this situation would be resolved in a matter of weeks; no one could have predicted that we would start 2021 still quarantined and not much better off than we were in March.

The virus has had a significant impact on students of all ages. I asked a few Streaks a series of questions to get insight on how remote learn- Are you satisfied with the technology that ing has affected them mentally, physically and socially. The vast majority of students said they miss physical interaction with their friends is being used for remote learning? in school. They also said it has been difficult to get accustomed to remote learning. Students worry about not graduating and have found it difficult to get motivated to finish their piles of assignments. They appreciate that some teachers are understanding and use fun things, such as Kahoot, to keep them engaged. The newly implemented “Lightning Days” on Wednesdays give students a chance to turn in missing assign- ments and catch up on their work. Students said these days have positively impacted their grades and they greatly appreciate them. When I asked students what they do to free their minds and de-stress, they said they play on their phones and watch a lot of movies and shows.

All in all, I learned that many students are just ready for all of this to be over and go back to their normal lives. I think they speak for all of us when they said they look forward to the day when we are back in school with our entire Steinmetz community. *Three 11th grade classes were surveyed

Joe Biden Elected 46th President of the United States Get to know the new Commander in Chief

By Briana Turicos

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was born on November 20, 1942 in a small city located on the northeast end of Pennsylvania. After previously serving as Vice President for Barack Obama from 2008 - 2016, he has now been elected as the 46th Presi- dent of the United States.

Growing up, Biden’s parents were always very supportive of him every step of the way. He credits his parents with instill- ing in him hard work, toughness and perseverance. He has recalled his father frequently saying, “Champ, the measure of a man is not how often he is knocked down, but how quickly he gets up.” His family moved to Delaware when he was 13 and he eventually went on to attend The University of Delaware. There, he studied history and political science, played football and met his first wife, Neilia Hunter Biden. They married in 1966 and had three children. In 1972, tragedy struck. His wife, along with his 13 month old daughter, were killed in a car accident. Biden recalls being inconsolable and plagued with unbearable grief. He credits his family for encouraging him to be strong and pushing him to continue to live his life to the fullest. He later married his current wife, Jill, in 1977 and had a daughter named Ashley.

Before being elected President or even interested in politics, Biden worked as an attorney; although he admits he was not a very good one! He then was convinced to run for the Delaware Senate seat. His campaign was mostly run by his own fam- ily members and his victory made him the fifth-youngest U.S. Senator in history, as well as Delaware’s longest-serving Sena- tor. His first attempt at the Presidency came in 1987, however he dropped out after reports came out that he plagiarized his speech. Soon after, he found out he had two life-threatening brain aneurysms. Complications led to several surgeries and blood clots in his lungs. After a long recovery, he continued to serve as a Senator until he tried to run for President again in 2007. He dropped out after low polling numbers and was asked to be Vice President by former competitor Barack Obama. Together, they served two four-year terms in the White House...continued on page 5

Kamala Harris Becomes First Female Vice President

By Jada Ayala

Kamala Harris recently made history by becoming the first woman to be inaugurated as Vice President of the United States of America. “While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last” she said at the Inau- guration on Wednesday, January 20th.

Harris was born in Oakland, California on October 20th, 1964. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was an immi- grant from India and her father, Donald Harris, immigrated from Jamaica. Harris and her family have a history of activism, stemming from her parent’s involvement in Civil Rights movements while they both attended Univer- sity of California at Berkeley. A 2004 Los Angeles Times profile recounted a favorite family story that began with Kamala joining and protesting chants from her stroller while her parents participated in marches in Oakland and Berkeley. Later, when she was 13, Harris and her sister Maya led a demonstration in front of their Montreal build- ing in protest of the policy that banned children from playing on the lawn. Not only is Kamala a very prominent activist and politician but she is also an avid reader. She has written three books and even has a list of her own five favorite books. Of those, I have personally read three of them; my favorite being “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini.

Prior to becoming Presidential Nominee Joe Biden’s running mate, Harris had met the former Vice President through his late son Beau, who died of brain cancer in 2015, “I learned quickly that Beau was the kind of guy who inspired people to be a better version of themselves’’ she said in a 2020 speech. She continued, “He really was the best of us. And when I would ask him, ‘Where did you get that? Where’d this come from?’ he would always Kamala Harris gets sworn in as talk about his dad’” ...continued on page 5 Vice President of the United States 2 School News Streaks Remain Thankful Amidst Tough Year By Britney Gama and Rosaura Bailon

There is no mistaking it - 2020 was a strange and difficult year. When going through something hard, it is important to think about what we are thankful for. Sometimes it is not about what you want or do not have; it is about making the best of what we do have. Throughout that process, we may also realize the things that we have taken for granted in the past. We spoke to a few teachers at school to see what they were thankful for this past year. Hopefully it will inspire you to think about what you are grateful for as well.

2020 has taught me to be My incredibly loving and supportive family and friends. I share a special bond more thankful and grateful with the people I share my life with and I will never take them for granted. for all the small things in SANGHA life that we usually take for The gift of sensitivity. I am grateful for the ability to look at the world in a different grantedms. on a regular day. Just the joy of being able to wake up each day in the way. As I have developed as an artist so has my eye and sensitivity to subtle beauty. I comfort of your home, having food to eat and share, family and friends. not only notice the obvious beauty like a fiery sunset, but I notice the simple things like Among these blessings I feel extremely blessed to have a job I love, where a shaft of warm light across a meadow. I can work remotely and continue to teach my students while coordinating with my peers. Though working remotely comes with its own challenges, Love of teaching. I am grateful for being able to work as an art teacher. I wake up I’m motivated with how each of us are adapting to these changes life has every morning with a spark of excitement for the day. I get inspired by my students, thrown on us, while supporting each other as much as we can. Our school they are amazing. has made sure to support all its staff and students and has continued to spread positivity when there is so much in the world that can pull us down. My fellow art- ists. SZULKOWSKI Blowing glass ms. is something you can’t do alone, you need people you can trust with your safety and I am very thankful to have a job people you like enough to spend most of your free time with. We just see things in a that allows me to work from different way. Many of my artists’ friends were the ‘different’ ones in their family or in home so I can continue to earn CAPUTI school. We share so many things in common it is a great feeling to work with them. a living and support my family. mr. The internet. So many people have lost jobs or are unable to perform their jobs due to the Even though artists struggle with balancing time online with studio pandemic; I, however, I have not been affected financially, which is a very lucky time, I am grateful for the ability to connect with so many artists and art lovers online. thing for me and my family, for which I am grateful. Being an artist can often be a lonely endeavor and having an online community to share work and ideas has been invaluable to me. Being active on social media has led to I am grateful that I have a comfortable home in which to work during this many connections and new friendships! time. Since we are at home a lot due to the pandemic, it is important to have comfortable living conditions. Between my wife and I, we have worked to make Magic. I am grateful for the chance to create something from nothing. It may not our home as functional and comfortable as possible. always be a success but just having the opportunity to turn pile of melted sand into something is pretty incredible. I am grateful to have a healthy family. My parents are both old, but they are still alive and my sister’s family is doing very well (they are also teachers and students in Aurora, IL). My son is more than healthy and actually wants to return to school. I have not personally known anyone who has had to deal with the coronavirus, so I am extremely grateful for that. I am thankful for family, and for Overall, I’m grateful to be alive at this time. Despite what we might hear in the good recipes and good books, news, things around the world are getting better: there is less war and violence SCOLIRE and that we have found ways to and more wealth for more people than ever before. There are always hard times stay connected and educated and for some people, but the world is getting better in most ways. enrichedms. throughout this time at home. I am thankful for the opportunity to slow down and reevaluate what we really need, and for a cozy home to work and play and And I am always thankful for the following artists/musicians/authors: Gary rest in. I am thankful for the arts: for music and theater and cinema and novels and Clark, Jr., Ray Wylie Hubbard, Gillian Welch, Fugazi, The Bronx, John poetry and photography and photojournalism. I am thankful for the resilience and Coltraine, Sam Lipsyte, David Gilbert, Colson Whitehead, Kate Walbert, adaptability of my students (and myself!) and my own children. I am thankful for the Coleman Hughes, Cormac McCarthy and a hundred other people I have conclusion of 2020 and the promising potential of 2021. forgotten right now.

Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Grogan

By Perla Martinez and Alyssa Murphy

Ms. Grogan has been working at Steinmetz for three years. She is a very sweet and understanding person. Although she has a lot of work to do and is busy, she will always take time out of her day to make sure her students are doing alright. As our teacher spotlight choice for this issue, we asked Ms. Grogan a few questions about herself and how she has been doing since the pandemic hit. Here is what she had to say:

Did you develop any hobbies over quarantine? I didn’t develop any new hobbies, but I’ve been able to focus on hobbies I didn’t always have time to enjoy before the pandemic hit. I’ve spent a lot of time reading, listening to music, and going on walks/ hikes. It’s been really nice to have the time to do those things.

In what ways has COVID affected you? COVID has affected every part of my life, but it also taught me a lot. I think the biggest way it affected me is by reminding me to be grateful for the good things in life.

What is something you can’t wait to do after the pandemic is under control? I can’t wait to simply hang out with my friends without having to worry about the virus. I miss my friends so much!

If you were not a teacher, what do you think you would be doing? I really can’t imagine not being a teacher, but after being locked indoors for the past year I’d love to do any job that lets me be outside enjoying the sunshine!

Who is someone celebrity wise (singer, actor, author, etc...) that you look up to and why? This was a tough question to answer because there are many people I admire for their creativity and discipline. Right now though I think I look up to any celebrity who is using their platform to help others and spread joy :)

How do you feel about the e-learning situation? E-learning is not my favorite, I really miss being in the classroom! However, E-learning is better than nothing and I’m very grateful to be able to do my job in a safe way.

2 Steinmetz Star MayNovember - June 2018- January 2020 - 2021 3 Student Editorials

How stressful do you find learning Escaping COVID Pressure remotely during the pandemic? By Kristina Reed

You know what infuriates me during this pandemic? Suicide and depression rates have gone up since the beginning of quarantine and it feels like mental health is not being addressed enough during one of the hardest times we have ever faced. This year has been a rough to say the least and has really affected people mentally. Those with mental health issues prior to the pandemic have more to deal with than ever. Managing anxiety and isolation during quarantine can be overwhelming, and I think that we should work to bring more awareness to it. Depression is at a high right now; people are losing their jobs; students and teachers are overwhelmed with school; people are having money problems; the list can go on and on. During this time people may experience anxiety, fear, frus- How often do you all feel overwhelmed and pressure tration, sadness and loneliness. If you do not have an outlet for these emotions, they can build up until they explode. One of the best to get all work done by the end of school hours? quotes I have heard to describe this feelings is, “It’s like carrying a wet coat around everyday and just for once I want to take the coat off”. In our survey from page 1, we also asked students for some tips on what has helped them stay focused, successful and happy during these unprecedented times. Many suggested to try to wake up on time so that you don’t feel rushed in the morning. Others said to communicate with your teachers regularly. One really good tip was to contact classmates in ways other than email; things like Snap- chat and Instagram can make reaching out and socializing feel less like “work”. Finally, one student recommended that we remind ourselves that this situation is not permanent and we can get through it and be stronger after.

True Life: I Had COVID True Life: I’m A Teen Mom By Crystal Cortez By Steinmetz Staff Writer

I always thought that one day, I would be able to say that I never Believe me, I know life is not easy. We all go through a lot - especially this year. I want to tell my story to tested positive for COVID-19. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I help others that may be in a similar situation. I want our readers to know that it is important to think before never saw it coming. making decisions, that it is OK to ask for help and that life goes on. Well, here I go...

I had been taking very good care of myself ever since the pan- I was a 14 year old girl and a freshman at a different high school. I was a pretty shy person and always tried demic started. I stayed home and was extremely cautious. You my best in school. I never was the type to talk back to a teacher. I was a bit lonely, as there were a few people must be thinking, “Well, how did you test positive then?” One I knew from my elementary school but they would not even say hi to me. It was like they never knew me. thing I never thought about was how my parents could bring the Eventually, I met some new friends at the high school and it became more fun. I stopped being as shy, virus home with them from their jobs. No matter how much I became more open and gave it a shot. I was so happy to have new female friends who were fun, cool, strong took care of myself and stayed home, at the end of the day there and brave. Things were going great. was still a chance for them to give it to me as long as they were going to work and we were all living in the same house. Then, everything changed. One day I was walking home from school and was attacked after I entered my house. I was very scared and tried to defend myself. I do not remember much and only came to when I The worst part about COVID is that you can have it without heard my mom banging on my door. My attacker was already gone and I tried to pretend everything was even knowing it. My symptoms appeared out of nowhere and OK when it was not. I started to feel bad about myself and very down. Things at school were not great and attacked me silently. I started off with a sore body and then I had not told anyone what had happened. After a scary interaction with my attacker, I finally told a friend moved on to and then my family with the assistance of a social worker. Things were pretty bad for a while, but then I having no taste began a new relationship and was feeling better. Then, I found out I was pregnant. I was terrified. or smell. My worst symptom After a few more close calls with my attacker, we enlisted the help of a lawyer and I switched schools. Things was definitely started to get better. I made a new, great friend at school. She was a really chill girl and we connected quickly not being able because we both spoke Spanish. We worked together and talked all the time. I was able to tell her I was preg- to taste my nant and she was so supportive, smart, strong, brave, funny and always there for me. I am so lucky I met her food. Still to and began to feel calm and safe again. this day, I feel like my taste Giving birth was not easy. I thought I would die from the pain. But now, I have a happy and healthy little is not completely back. I had COVID for about a month, and boy. Looking back, the experience I went through helped me to be strong, never give up on myself and although I have recovered fairly well, I don’t feel as good as I never let my guard down. I still go to school and try to do my very best. I try not to give up and focus really used to. I try to stay positive and remain thankful for my health. hard on my work. Even though I feel stuck sometimes, I just keep pushing forward. I have learned that there Be safe out there Streaks, so you will not have to go through the is always a good solution if you look for it and to surround yourself with nice people who you trust. I thank same. all of the people who helped me along the way and walked with me when times were rough. I hope my story can help anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation.

Dear President By Sophia Estremera

November 4th, 2020

To The Future President 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500

Dear Future President,

My name is Sophia Estremera. I am a junior in high school at Steinmetz College Prep and I believe changes need to be made.

As you know, COVID has hit our country dramatically! From my perspective, it has severely impacted the mental health of teens. This is why I believe mental health care should be cost free. Though you may view this as “not your issue”, let me give you some insight. In 2020, 48,344 Americans committed suicide and it is the second leading cause of death in 10-34 year olds. Reports also show that 54% of Americans have been affected by suicide. We must put this at the forefront of your administration.

Another thing is the cost of college education. As of 2019, the average student debt is $35,359 and an average of 44.7 million students still owe student debt! Everyone should be able to afford and make something of themselves without being charged these huge amounts. This generation is supposed to make a difference in the world and it is very difficult to do that while owing tens of thousands in dollars of debt. Almost a million students drop out of college due to student loan debt alone!

One quote I often think about is, “Be the change you want to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi. I hope you will keep this in mind when you take office.

Sincerely, S ophia Estremera

November - JanuaryMay 2020 - June - 2021 2018 Steinmetz Star 3 4 Streak Shoutouts POETRY REVEALED CONTEST Streaks Share Favorite Inspirational Quotes

Congratulations to our winner: By Britney Gama

During our lifetime, we will all face struggles. During those struggles, we learn things that we can get a deeper meaning out of. For many Streaks, cer- ANDREA ALMINA SANTANA tain quotes, phrases and words of inspiration have really helped them during a tough time. I talked to a few classmates and learned the story behind some of their favorites quotes. Check them out and see which ones resonate with you!

In the Autumn Streak: Alondra Montes De Oca Phrase or quote: “Your limitation is only your imagination” By Andrea Almina Santana Story: There are always a lot of things I want to do and I always catch myself limiting those things because I’m scared of succeeding so what I’ll do is Birds migrate imagine what it would be like to have done the things I wanted to and that’s searching for heat, not good just go for it and don’t let anyone hold you back. I heard this on leaves wither Instagram one day and ever since it has been a good help. and lose color. Streak: Kenneth Reed Trees around my home Phrase or quote: “Don’t Give Up” no longer have leaves Story: I used to not finish a lot of stuff back then,but now I have that quote wind took them and stuck in my head. My grandad told it to me and it has helped through the beautiful scent unappreciated. school year so far. Days are shorter Streak: Ivan Dulay no more sun Phrase or quote: “Dream it now and claim it tomorrow” clouds are gray Story: That is how I think everyday when pursuing my dreams. I heard it on and the ground is wet. a You Tube. In this season special Streak: Michelle Bishop crops are born Phrase or quote: “Today might be the chance to grasp to before the snow covers let your talent bloom. Maybe tomorrow, the day after, or next year...maybe even when you’re thirty. I’m not sure if and life ends. physique has anything to do with it, but if you think that

it will never come, it probably never will” - Tooru Oikawa

g r o . s r e t t a m l o o h c s r e t f a . w w

w (Haikyuu!!)

! w o N s m a r g o r P l l a F r o f y l p p

Thank you to everyone who participated in the PoetryA Revealed contest! Story: Haikyuu!! is an anime. This quote stopped me from giving up on my

) M P 0 0 : 5 - M P 0 0 : 4 ( D E W dream of becoming a doctor.

) M P 5 4 : 5 - M P 5 1 : 4 ( U T , N O M

H T 8 H C R A M : S T R A T S M A R G O R P ) M P 0 0 : 5 - M P 0 0 : 4 ( H T , D E W , U

The theme for the next issueT is H T 9 H C R A M : S T R A T S M A R G O R P

Streak: Rosa Bailon

. Y A D O T D L R O W E H T F O

. T N I R P D N A B E W E H T R O F A I D E M L A T I G I D


PhraseM or quote: “The person who says it cannot be done



“What Are You Thankful For?” should not interrupt the person who is doing it” N E E W T E B S K N I L E H T S E T A N I M U L L I M A R G O R P S I H T E G A S S E M E H T R E V I L E D , A I D E M E H T N W O


Make it interesting and be sure to include emotion along with it. Do you T Story: A lot of people are suffering this year. This quote helped because it ) M P 0 3 : 6 - M P 0 0 : 5 ( H T U T

) M P 6 - M P 0 0 : 5 ( D E W , U T ,

M helped us learn to save more money and try to help other people who really H T 8 H C R A M : S T R A T S M A R G O R P

H T 8 H C R A M : S T R A T S M A R G O R have something or someone to be thankful for? Write about them. Make it P

need it.

. E G A T I R E H D N A E R U T L U C E T A R B E L E C D N A

. S E Z A L G D N I H E B Y R T S I M E H C E H T S fun and always remember to have enjoy the writing process! A

, Y T I V I T A E R C , H T G N E R T S L A C I S Y H P E S A E R C N I


, Y T I L I B A G N I C N A D D N A E G D E L W O N K R U O Y D N A G N I W O R H T D E C N A V D A E R O

M Streak: Ms. Paltzer

W O R G , E C N E D I F N O C D L I U B L L I W M A R G O R P S I H T N R A E L L L I W U O Y M A R G O R P S I H T N I

EMail you poem submissions to: Phrase or quote: “Carpe Diem” Z T E M N I E T S @ S C I M A R E C Z T E M N I E T S @ E C N A D N I T A

L Story: My father used to say that to me every morning at breakfast all

s n e e t r e h t o h t wi l l e w e g a g n e d n a s l l i k s w e n n r a e l o t g n i l l i w d n a t n e d u t s l o o h c s h g i h a y l t n e r r u C : s t n e m e r i u q e

[email protected] throughR grade school and high school. This helped because I always tried to ! e l p o e p w e n t e e m d n a s l l i k s w e n n r a e

L do the best I could and make the most of my day. ! 5 2 3 $ f o d n e p i t s a e v i e c e r d n a m a r g o r p a e t e l p m o C


S M A R G O R P 1 2 0 2 G N I R P S


Complete a program and receive a stipend of $325! Congratulations to KEITH T.! Learn new skills and meet new people! Congratulations to Keith T., a sophomore Streak, who was nominated and recognized by the Chicago Bears and The Hand Club for Kids! We are so proud to recognize Keith’s hard work serving the community. Requirements: Currently a high school student and willing to learn new skills and engage well with other teens CERAMICS @ STEINMETZ LATIN DANCE @ STEINMETZ



Apply for Fall Programs Now!

4 Steinmetz Star MayNovember - June 2018- January 2020 - 2021 5 Streak Shoutouts Mario's Comic Corner ... Biden Continued By Briana Turicos Hand drawn Comic by Mario Vazquez After much speculation, Biden announced in 2019 that he would run for President once again. He choose Kamala Har- ris as his running mate and they fought a hard battle against then-current President Donald Trump. After several long and contested days, the Biden-Harris ticket won and was sworn into office on January 20th, 2021.

Many hope that Biden’s calm demeanor will bring the peace that alot of the country has been craving. His 100 day plan includes new COVID-19 teams who are tasked with creat- ing new testing and vaccine distribution plans, making the U.S. a leader on climate change, reforming taxes, immigra- tion changes and police reform to name a few. There is no question that he has a long and tough road ahead of him, but we hope he can be a positive change not only to our country, but the world as well.

Joe Biden gets sworn in as the 46th President of the United States

...Harris Continued

By Jada Ayala

What’s known is that Harris would like to have a similar, if not more profound, influence on the Biden Administra- tion. She has made it clear she will be a forceful advocate for constituencies that have rarely been in the room where policy happens. “I want to speak directly to the black women in our country”, she tweeted. “Thank you. You are too often overlooked, and yet are asked time and time again to step up... and be the backbone of our democracy. We could have not done this without you”.

While it’s difficult to pinpoint specific policies she’ll fight for, Harris’ background and unique perspective could have an impact on many things. She symbolizes an increas- ingly diverse party, is an inspiration for women, people of color and immigrants and has shown she can hold her own against previous administrations. To her supporters, she is a symbol of equality and empowerment that her party has sought after for a long time. Best of luck Madam Vice President!

Kamala Harris gets her COVID-19 vaccine shot.

Find us in STEINMETZ STAR Room 330! [email protected] | Twitter: @steinmetzstar

2020 - 2021 STAFF WRITERS: Jada Ayala, Rosaura Bailon, Krystian Barnas, Jillianne Battistini, Crystal Cortez, Arlette Fulgencio, Britney Gama, Rafael Garcia, Emilio Gomez, Mark Jimenez, Chris Mack, Anthony Martinez, Perla Martinez, Alyssa Murphy, Kalanie Ortiz, Kristina Reed, Isaac Sandoval, Omar Sierra, Briana Turcios, Mario Vazquez. FACULTY ADVISOR: Ms. Wehmer

*The Steinmetz Star is the student print and online newspaper of Steinmetz College Prep High School. Our goal is to serve the Steinmetz community by informing and entertaining students. The opinions expressed in our articles are not necessarily those shared by the Star Newspaper staff or the Steinmetz faculty and administration. Membership: Scholastic Press Association of Chicago | Printing: The Star is printed at Topweb LLC, 5450 N. Northwest Highway, Chicago

November - JanuaryMay 2020 - June - 2021 2018 Steinmetz Star 5 6 Entertainment 5 More Animes For You To Enjoy

By Emilio Gomez and Omar Sierra

Anime is a style of animation that is popular in Japanese entertainment and has also become very popular among Steinmetz students. If you haven’t watched yet, we’ve complied a list of our next five favorite Anime shows. Each issue, we will review a few more. Check them out and let us know what you think!

Kill La kill( Kiru Ra Kiru) Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) Genre: #1: Action Fiction, Comedy, Science Fiction Genre: Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Martial Arts Summary: Student council president Satsuki Kiryuin #2: Summary: and her underlings, dubbed the Elite Four, rule Honnouji Tanjiro Kamado and his sister Nezuko Kamado Academy. They have the school under complete control seek a cure to Nezuko’s demon curse. In doing so, Tanjiro thanks to their special outfits -- Goku Uniforms -- that and Nezuko become entangled in the affairs of a secret give them superhuman abilities. When transfer student society known as the “Demon Slayer Corps” who have Ryuko Matoi, who is searching for her father’s killer, comes been waging a secret war against demons for centuries. Last to Honnouji, she challenges the Elite Four to a battle that year, this show caught everyone by storm with its fantastic quickly consumes the school. When Satsuki recognizes animation and engaging story. Ryuko’s scissor-shaped sword, she wonders if their encounter is just a coincidence or if it’s fate. Our Review: We don’t see any problems with the series besides maybe they use their running gags a little too much. Our Review: This show has probably the most over the top Overall, this show is a must watch for anime fans and is a series of events that we have ever seen. That doesn’t mean it’s good one to watch first if you’re just getting into anime. horrible though; it’s actually all kinds of fun. However, it does have some cons. There is alot of fanservice, blood, and some continuity issues. If you’re just getting into anime, we would recommend watching other shows on our list first and then moving on to this one.

Dr Stone (Dokuta Suton) #4: Genre: Adventure, Post-Apocalyptic, Science-Fiction Summary: After five years of harboring unspoken feelings, high- My Teen Romantic comedy SNAFU (Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome schooler Taiju Ooki is finally ready to wa#3: Machigatteiru) confess his love to Yuzuriha Ogawa. However, just when Taiju begins his Genre: Romantic Comedy, Slice of Life confession, a blinding green light strikes the Earth and petrifies mankind Summary: The story follows our lead character, around the world—turning every Hachiman Hikigaya; a pessimistic, realistic, loner single human into stone. Several who’s forced to join the schools service club by his millennia later, Taiju awakens to teacher. There, he meets two girls as they try to find the modern world completely provide help to these students while also learning to nonexistent, as nature has flourished solve or overcome their own inner conflicts. in the years humanity stood still. Among a stone world of statues, Taiju Our Review: This is a show that can make you think, while also making you feel all of the emotions encounters one other living human: Moviethat the characters Review:are feeling. Since the series just ended a few months ago, now is the perfect time to his science-loving friend Senkuu, who Bywatch Chris this Mack grossly underrated show that has taken many breaths away. has been active for a few months.

Our Review: The real star of the show is it’s love for science. You see, Senku is not only smart, he’s a bit of a superhero. He is a literal know-it-all in that he can remember the entire history of humankind and also how every little thing is made. From the very first episode, That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime (Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken) Dr. Stone has gone to great lengths to make the science portrayed on the screen as accurate as possible. In fact, each episode ends with

a disclaimer alerting the viewers that the formulas in the show are #5:Genre: Fantasy, Isekai altered and not to try them at home. Summary: Thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is a typical corporate worker who is perfectly content with his monotonous lifestyle in Tokyo. In the midst of a casual encounter with his colleague, he falls victim to a random assailant on the streets and is stabbed. When Satoru regains consciousness, he discovers that he has DO YOU LIKE TO reincarnated as a goop of slime in an unfamiliar realm. Our Review: As silly as the title may sound, That Time draw anime? I Got Reincarnated As A Slime takes the protagonist and the viewer on a fun journey. It’s an hon- Calling all artists! If you like to draw anime, we would est, charming little adventure that pulls no punches and decides to just go straight for what it like to feature your artwork in our next issue! promised the viewers. If interested, email Omar Sierra ([email protected]) or Emilo Gomez ([email protected]).

Embrace Debate: Can Holiday Music Be Year Round? By Mario Vazquez

Many people enjoy Christmas music as it helps spread cheer and joy. But have you ever wondering exactly why these annual melodies bring so much happiness? I asked a few Streaks what their favorite hits are and why. Seems that most enjoy the catchy tunes and nostalgia that they bring. Check out their responses below - you just may want to fire up that holiday playlist again!

Johan David Grisales Jessie Arroyo David Lagunas Iliana Vazquez “Mariah Carey’s, ‘All I Want for “‘Last Christmas’ by Wham “‘Wonderful Christmastime’ by Paul McCartney because “‘Jingle Bells’ by Frank Christmas is You’ because it is a because it reminds me about It’s simply such a joy to listen to. The lyrics are pretty catchy Sinatra because it classic around the Christmastime how much stuff I went and you can never go wrong with a former Beatle singing a sounds nice.” and is just too good.” through and all the good I song about Christmas. The lyrics pretty much explain what had during that time.” happens when December rolls around every year.”

6 Steinmetz Star MayNovember - June 2018- January 2020 - 2021 7 Teacher Spotlight Ms. Kern Continues To Find Creative Ways To Celebrate Black History Month

By Jakera Kimble (Interview from 2020)

Since 1976, every U.S. President has designated the month of February as Black History Month. This particular month was chosen because it coin- cides with the birthday of Abraham Lincoln on February 12th and Frederick Douglass on February 14th; both of which were prominent figures in black history. It is important to have a specific, special time to highlight black his- tory because it shows the perseverance and accomplishments of a group that has defined the identity of so many.

One of our English Teachers, Ms. Kern, knows how important it is to create awareness and celebrate each year, “There is a need for Black History Curricu- lum to give a sense of pride for every student.” In her long tenure at Steinmetz, she has gathered students to participate in events such as the Bud Billiken Parade and Picnic, created a Drumline and a Twirlers/Dance group, choreo- graphed various dances and played the violin for blues songs. She also dresses in authentic African-American clothing each day during February to create conversations about black history. Her multi-talented and creative approach to celebrating is one of the things that makes our school so great and wel- coming. Check out some of her great outfits from last February!

Mr. Sandoval Shows Off His Sneaker Heat! By Anthony Martinez and Rafael Garcia

As the years go by, the re-selling of items on online platforms has continued to grow. One of the biggest and most lucrative items in the resale world is sneakers. The sneaker industry is by far and away one of the most popular crazes, with thousands of new buyers and sellers getting into it every year.

But what makes sneakers so special? To start, we would have to look at their value. Sneaker companies release limited quantities of certain shoes which makes them both extremely cov- eted and hard to get. “Sneakerheads” obsess over when certain shoes are being released and how to be one of the lucky people who gets a chance to purchase them. Therefore, the value of the shoes go up. For example, the Jordan 1 Retro High (White Black Volt University Gold) was released on 01/09/21 with a retail price of $170. It’s current resale price is around $245 and it will climb even higher than that over time. With shoes like this dropping every month, many people see the possibility of making a potentially huge income and do this as a full time job. Others see sneakers as collectibles and buy the shoes just to display in their closets.

With so many cool new sneakers coming out and designer collaborations, there are bound to be some sneakers that catch your eye. In fact, the sneaker industry caught the eye of College and Career Coach, Mr. Sandoval. A self-proclaimed “Sneakerhead”, he is an expert with an impressive shoe collection. We asked him a few questions about how he got interested in sneakers and got a peek into his col- lection.

What were your thoughts on the Sneaker Article we wrote in our last newspaper issue? I thought the article was great, I wish more shoes were selected to rate for 2020. I would’ve scored the 3 pairs differently (lol).

From reading our article, what do you think are the top three Sneakers that dropped this year? My top 3 for this year (so far) were the following: 1) Travis Scott NIke SB Dunk 2) Jordan 5 Retro Off-White Black 3) Yeezy QNTM (Quantum Lifestyle)

What inspired you to get into the Sneaker World/Industry? My inspiration came from my fascination with different shoe silhouettes and colors. Growing up at every family event, our cousins and I used to compare shoes. So you can say Family and Personal Curiosity got me into the Sneaker Game (World).

What is your favorite Sneaker brand and why? LOL, this is tough. Growing up my preference was always NIKE (Jordan Brand included) until Adidas released the NMD’s in 2015-2016 with their Boost Technology. That was a game changer! Mr. Sandoval poses with his favorite pair of Nikes. How many pairs of sneakers do you own and do you think they we’re all a good investment? Honestly I lost count. I have shoes in storage that I have not worn yet and plan to sell or trade, but I do have 20 pairs that are in constant rotation. Almost 1 a day (lol). I would say that the majority of the shoes I purchased were a good investment because they hold their value. Even worn, I can get my money back or more for certain pairs.

Which pair of sneakers do you admire the most? It can even be a pair that you don’t own. Currently, I admire the Travis Scott x Jordan 1 Retro High which I own. I love how they allowed the artist to customize the shoe by reversing the Nike Swoosh and including inner pockets.

What is your most expensive pair and do you think it was worth it? I’ve been fortunate enough to pay retail price(s) for the majority of my shoe collection. The only pair that I recall paying more than retail was my Nike Air Fear of God 1 Triple Black. I paid close to $500 (retail is $350) and it was a Birthday Present to myself. It was worth every dollar!

As these years go by, the sneaker industry keeps growing and growing, how do you picture the Sneaker Industry ten years later? Will the hype die out, will it get bigger or will the remain the same? By following the trends, I can confidently say that the Sneaker Industry is going to get bigger. The Hype will never die. The people who started collecting 10+ years ago are now teaching their children the Sneaker Culture. This generation is fortu- nate enough to learn the Sneaker History while creating a new one as shoe brands are allowing the Sneaker Community to collaborate with the companies and customize their shoes.

Do you see these Expensive/Hyped sneakers as collectibles, for wearing or reselling? I see them as all. There are certain pairs that I keep that go to the vault (storage), some that I rock (wear), and some that I Quite the collection! flip (sell). This will forever be the cycle for all the Sneaker Heads (Sneaker Enthusiast) all over the world. Can you spot any of your favorites?

November - JanuaryMarchMay -2020 June - June -2020 2021 2018 Steinmetz Star 7 8 Gaming and Entertainment COD: Black Ops Cold War Review

By Mark Jimenez

Another year means another Call of Duty (COD) game to play. This year, Treyarch and Raven Software have collaborated to develop and release Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

The game is set during the Cold War in the early 1980s, and the story is inspired by actual events. In the campaign, you play as multiple characters, but you’ll mostly be a character who is code-named “Bell.” You have the ability to semi-create this character, as you can choose its gender, name, ethnicity, and personality traits that will later give you in-game perks. The campaign also has multiple endings and your choices will determine which ending you’ll get. Your mission is to find and eliminate a Soviet spy, who is code-named “Perseus”, before he denotes multiple stolen U.S. nukes and destroys half of Europe. If you fail, the entire world will turn against the U.S. I’ve already played the campaign and have seen all of the endings. Personally, I thought the campaign was really good for the most part, but the endings were just OK (for me, BO2 had the best campaign in the entire Black Ops franchise!). As a pro, Cold War has a campaign, multiplayer capa- bilities, and a return of the zombies. For the most part, I have really been enjoying them.

Multiplayer Feature and Maps: I had played the multiplayer for Cold War in its pre-alpha and beta stage and there was a lot to improve on. However, in its release, I found the multiplayer to be pretty solid. I’m cur- rently having a lot of fun playing it, but sometimes the game makes me want to punch my monitor and toss it out my window and then proceed to toss myself out the window as well! In multiplayer, Treyarch decided to bring back iconic weapons such as the AK-47, M-16, MP5, and the Galla SA12, (aka the Spas 12). Pro tip: never run the Galla SA12 or the Mauer 77 as your secondary, no matter how aggressive of a player you are! But, enough about that. In multiplayer, the maps are mediocre. Some, such as Checkmate, Crossroads, and the return of the classic , are very enjoyable. Other maps, such as Miami, Cartel, and Satellite, make me question my existence and wonder what on earth Treyarch and Raven were thinking while they were in development. Most COD games have between 12-15 maps, but this one only has 8. I wish they had added more. Also, for the love of God, I pray that Treyarch takes out Skill-Based Matchmaking (SBMM). It completely ruins the experience for most players unless you’re the GOAT. One game I’m completely mopping the floor with my opponents. However, when the next game starts I go from having a noob lobby to being in the grand finals for the CWL World Championship. If I had to give the multiplayer feature a rating out of 10, I would give it a solid 6.5. Some work needs to be done.

Zombies: Now for Zombies, I’m going to be completely honest with you - I’m not a big fan of Zombies. Not just Cold War’s Zombies, but the game mode in general. However, I’ll review this game mode with an open mind. The last Black Ops Zombies were a complete flop, but this year has shown improvement. The first time I tried playing it, I got to round 15 then got bored and decided to just leave the game. From time to time, I’ll come back to play a little and then proceed to get bored again within 10-15 minutes of playing. It seems that I a not alone in this though. I’ve done my research online and most of the zombie’s community seems to be saying the same thing. For example, one review said, “Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s Zom- bies is a faithful reincarnation of the franchise, but players have serious trouble connecting to the game and lasting more than a few rounds”. In my opinion, if Treyarch were to remove zombies from the game I wouldn’t be bothered by it. Sure, some players really enjoy playing, but the majority of the community seems to disagree.

Overall, Cold War is a really good COD game. With the pandemic, I honestly thought that we were going to get a terrible COD game this year. Luckily, and to my surprise, I was completely wrong. I have recently been putting a ridiculous amount of hours into playing this game and while it isn’t perfect, it’s a breath of fresh air for me. Instead of playing League all day, I’ve been playing Cold War and enjoying it immensely. If you’re thinking about getting Cold War, I recom- mend you stop thinking about it and get it!

Not Going to “Put the Cookie Down” with this Movie Review 1996 Classic, Jingle All The Way, Still Holds Up

By Chris Mack

Do you ever turn on your TV around Christmastime and the only movie on is A Christmas Story? Sure, that‘s a fantastic movie, but if you are looking for something a bit more fun for the whole family, I have just the one. I highly recommend you grab your candy and popcorn and watch Jingle All The Way.

The classic holiday movie, Jingle All The Way, came out in the great year of 1996. It centers around a workaholic father named Howard Langston (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) who promised his wife Liz (played by Rita Wilson) that he would get his son Jamie (played by Jake Lloyd) the elusive Turbo Man Doll for Christmas. Unfortunately, Howard waits too long and is left running around on Christmas Eve trying to find the doll which is, of course, sold out everywhere. On his quest, he runs into a mailman named Myron (played by Sinbad) who is also trying to find a Turbo Man. The two dads start working together, but they quickly become competitors in the race to find a Turbo Man.

This movie is like a grilled cheese sandwich. The bread has a nice toast to it and the cheese is just so cheesy it just makes you feel warm inside. There are many reviews out there that bash this movie, but you have to remember that it was made for kids. However, they do incorporate some adult humor here and there which makes it enjoyable for people of all ages. For example, the interaction between Schwarzenegger and Sinbad as they battle against each other is hilarious. Then, you have the neighbor Ted Maltin (played by Phil Hartman) who is trying to hit on Liz. He is part of the best, and most iconic, line in this movie which is “Put the cookie down! NOW!” as Howard talks to Ted over the phone while Ted is eating a cookie. Another unforgettable scene is when the mall Santa, played by Jim Belushi, gives Howard a fake Turbo Man and a huge fight with several mall Santa’s ensues. Finally, we can’t forget Officer Alex (played by Robert Conrad) who is always stopping Howard on his quest. All of this, combined with the nostalgic 90’s-ness of it, makes it a can’t miss movie any time of year.

It is funny to think about how this situation has changed since 1996. Now if it was happening, you could just order a Turbo Man via Amazon five months early or hop on eBay and deal with the scalpers. Maybe that could be a could sequel...

8 Steinmetz Star MayNovember - June 2018- January 2020 - 2021 9 Food and Fun COVID-19: Where To Safely Eat and Play By Isaac Sandoval

After a long year, restaurants and other establishments are finally starting to open back up in limited capacities. Many have made big changes to comply with COVID rules and make the customer and employee experience as safe as EAT EAT possible. I love to go out to eat and discover new activities to do. Here are a few of the places I have tried recently that RICOBENE‘S The Roost 252 W 26th St, Chicago, IL 60616 I recommend. Don‘t forget to wear your masks! Several locations - Google • Home of the famous Breaded Steak Sandwich, which is closest to you! which is fire! • Decent chicken • Decent pizza sandwich • Be sure to get the PLAY Home Sauce! PanIQ Escape Room 1200 W Lake St, Chicago, IL 60607 EAT • It was pretty hard to complete, but we finished it and it was cool. Old Jerusalem • Fun and COVID safe for small groups: all 1411 N Wells St, Chicago, IL 60610 groups are private, no contact with others or employees. Reservations are required. • Neighborhood cafe for casual Middle Eastern • Rooms are sanitized after each round and dining. Has carry-out and delivery masks are required. PLAY • A small hole in the wall, but comforting • Themed rooms include “Wizard Trials” and • I recommend a Falafil Sandwich - it is made with a “Medieval Madness”. Laser X delicious Lebanese style wrap! Several locations - Google which is closest to you!

• Immersive laser tag arena • State-of-the-art computerized vests and phasers • Arcade games

Top 3 TikTok Food Trends By Kalanie Ortiz

TikTok was originally known for its quick dances and funny videos. Now, it has moved on to feature many parts of our everyday lives - especially cooking! I took a look at some of the most trending TikTok foods that are quick and easy to make with simple ingredients you probably already have in your house. With these simple meals and recipes, you’ll think twice before going out to eat.

Pizza Rolls The first recipe is pretty easy and if you love pizza, you’ll LOVE this. First, place store bought Pillsbury biscuits on a baking tray and split them up. Then, flatten out the dough and add as much pepperoni and cheese as you like on top of the biscuits. Next, roll each biscuit up, making sure none of the pepperoni and cheese come out. Grab any oil of your choice, preferably corn or vegetable oil, pour it in a skillet pan and let it get hot. Place your pizza balls in the oil and let them fry on both sides until golden brown. Once you take them out of the oil, let them cool off on a wire rack or paper towel and top with whatever toppings you like. Then enjoy your super easy, fun and quick snack.

The first recipe is pretty easy and if you love pizza, you’ll LOVE this. First, place store bought Pillsbury biscuits on a baking tray and split them up. Then, flatten out the dough and add as much pepperoni and cheese as you like on top of the biscuits. Next, roll each biscuit into a ball, making sure none of the pepperoni and cheese come out. Grab any oil of your choice, preferably corn or vegetable oil, pour it in a skillet pan and let it get hot. Place your pizza balls in the oil and let them fry on both sides until golden brown. Once you take them out of the oil, let them cool off on a wire rack or paper towel and top with whatever toppings you like. Then enjoy your super easy, fun and quick snack.

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeños For this second recipe, you’ll need jalapeños, bacon, and cream cheese. Start by cutting off the tips of each jalapeño and then cut each on in half. Using a spoon or a knife, clean out the seeds from each one. Then, fill the jalapeno with cream cheese. To make things easier, you can put the cream cheese in a ziploc bag, cut the tip and then squeeze the bag to fill up the middle of each jalapeño. Or, just use a spoon. Then, take out the bacon and wrap one piece around each cream cheese filled jalapeno. Place them on a baking sheet and cook for 15 minutes at 425. In no time, you will have a tasty, easy snack. If you like spicy food, this is the one for you!

Tortilla Wrap Breakfast Sandwich For this last recipe, you’re going to need a large tortilla, cheese, ham, avocado and eggs. Cook your eggs to your liking and if you like your ham to be cooked, go ahead and do that so your ingredients will all be ready to assemble.

Once you have all of that done, you’re going to cut the tortilla halfway through on one side only. Add your fillings to each quadrant of the circle. Then, fold each corner in so each filling has its own little pocket. Transfer the triangle to a heated skillet or panini pan and sear it on both sides. Wa-la! You will then have yourself your own homemade quesadilla with each ingredient in every bite! Play around with it and use whatever ingredients you like (chicken, vegetables, steak, etc...).

These recipes are super fun and quick to make. Throw on some background music as you go and you’ll really enjoy making them. It also can save you money because now, whenever you think about eating out, there are plenty more recipes and fun ideas all over TicTok to inspire you to cook at home. Enjoy!

November - JanuaryMay 2020 - June - 2021 2018 Steinmetz Star 9