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Iianrliratpr Hpral^ t o — MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1988 MCC: Prexy boosts student union again / page 3 All set: MHS due Names in the News for showdown with known today as they were then as a result of a EHHS / page 17 entertainment complex starting in March, officials greeted everyone when he arrived, and I ’ve seen lifetime’s achievement." Bad ads: Best of the worst get prizes / page 9 Landon ad generates calls announced. him walking around enj oying the shops and the hotel Snoopy, the dog in Peanuts, often sits on his Lee, known for such hits as " I ’ m Sorry," and "A ll grounds.’ ’ COLLINGSWOOD, N. J. (AP) - A commercial by doghouse pretending to fly a Sopwith Camel In a Alone Am I,’’,said Monday that working’ in the A slight overcast cleared in time for him to play a actor Michael Landon for a rape counseling center never-ending battle with the Red Baron. In his hometown generated a flood of phone calls production will be much different from being on the round of golf, and he was to attend a luau later. from sexual abuse victims, many of them men, says road with her concert tour. Takeshita, who arri ved here Sunday to relax after the agency’s director. "This will be a challenge, but I’ve always been last week’s meetings with U.S. and Canadian In the 30-second public service announcement, interested in all aspects of show business,’ ’ said the leaders, was to return to Japan today. Hall won’t pay more support broadcast last fall on Philadelphia, New Jersey and 43-year-old singer, who toured 225 days in 1987. She will appear from late March through October ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - The state’s New York stations, Landon urged sexual assault Sir Sopwith turns 100 Intermediate-level appeals court has rejected a victims of both sexes to seek free counseling from in the 22-member, 75-minute show at Opryland IJSA, which includes the Opryland amusement park and Duluth woman’s request that pop singer Daryl Hall the center. WINCHESTER, England (AP) - Sir Thomas pay her $10,000 a month for child support. The center. Women Against Rape, received 207 the Grand Ole Opry, officials said. , Sopwith, creator of World War I ’s Sopwith Camel The Court of Appeals decision to be filed today iianrliratpr Hpral^ calls In Novem ber and December In addition to the and other famous warplanes, received congratula­ monthly average of 80 to 150 calls because of the Surprise: He’s friendly tory telegrams on his 100th birthday from Queen affirmed St. Louis County District Judgd John ) Manchester - A City ol Village Charm tape, executive director Joan McKenna said Elizabeth II, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Oswald’s order last March that Hall pay $1,000 a Monday. MAKENA, Hawaii (AP) - Japanese Prime and President Reagan. month. “ We got calls from Delaware and Connecticut," Minister Noburo Takeshita surprised staff Sopwith also was honored Monday by a flyby by a Hall, the 38-year-old partner with John Oates in McKenna said. " It was Just unbelievable. She said members at a Maui Island resort with his vintage Sopwith Pup biplane, a World War II the "Hall and Oates” group, has acknowledged 30 Cents many of the men who called had been abused as friendliness and casual attitude, the hotel’s Hawker Hurricane fighter and three modem Royal being the father of 24-year-old Andrea Zabloski’s Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1988 children. spokeswoman says. Air Force jets: a Harrier, Hunter and Hawk. son, Darren. Hall, who lives in Mlllbrook, N.Y., is Landon, who grew up In this Philadelphia suburb "He’s just as friendly and cordial as (former Sopwith, blinded by glaucoma, said he could hear unmarried and has no other children. and Is the star of NBC’s "Highway to Heaven,’ ’ was Prime Minister Yasuhlro) Nakasone,” Mary the tribute passing over his IMh century manor Zabloski had sought $10,000 a month to support her delighted by the response to the commercial, said Gresham of the Maui Prince Hotel said Monday. house near this southern English city. 4-year-old son. Inflation Weiss threat his spokesman, Harry F. Flynn. "W e were surprised. We thought he would be a lot “ Mr. Reagan sent me a very wonderful letter,” he more formal and conservative." said. "H e must have taken a lot of trouble and I am In its ruling, the appeals court said that a Nakasone stopped at the hotel a year ago after a very grateful to him, too.” non-custodial parent’s high income does not mean Brenda Lee headlines show trip to Washington. Sopwith’s son. Tommy, quoted Reagan as saying the parent must pay more than $1,000 a month when ends ’87 evidence shows the child’s needs will be adequately NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Singer Brenda Lee “ Prim e Minister Takeshita seems to be In a very in his telegram that his generation remembered the met by that amount. will headline a musical show at the Opryland USA jovial mood,” Gresham said. “ He waved and heroic feats of the Sopwith planes that are "as well at 4.4% stalls Eighth By Tom Raum The Associated Press on sewer job WASHINGTON — Consumer pri­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 ces, climbing at their fastest pace in six years, rose 4.4 percent in 1987, the government said today. At fault By Alex GIrelll the absence of Di.strict President Dr. Crane’a Anawara were rebounding energy costs and Manchester Herald Walter Joyner. the plunge in the value of the dollar. Both the sewer project and the IM ISCELLANEOUS C A R S I C A R S C A R S construction of a firehouse were put F O R S A L E F O R S A L E Worse yet, last year’s inflation Directors of the Eighth Utilities F O R S A L E F O R S A L E Quiz on page 8 was four times the 1.1 percent rate District Tuesday night postponed on hold when the town and district posted for 1986. Still, the gain in the .seeking bids on a controversial attempted to resolve their differen­ SUBARU 1978 GF. 4 door 1. Fireplug ces by reaching an agreement Sedan. 5 spped. New Labor Department's Consumer sanitary sewer for the Buckland ENDROLL8 TAKE A LOOK 2. Cow Price Index was considered moder­ area after receiving a letter from under which the district would tire and exhaust. En­ CLYDE 3. Clobra $7« wMth • 2M gine In good condition. CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. When you need to advertise, ate by most economists and fell far Town Manager Robert Weiss relinquish any authority over sew­ 07 Chev Astro Van 4. Adverb 1 $ « wMMi • a tor 2fS Excellent gas mileage. R O U T E 83, V E R N O N nothing works like Classified! below the double-digit inflation threatening legal action if the ers and would take over a town- 4 cm. CMn. TV *15,400 5. Ferdinand (Bull) owned fire station located in MUST M pWi«d HP at Dm Needs some work. SMO S4 0lda Clara 4*. •7795 rates that ushered in the 1980s. district proceeds. HprM OfflM Manday thru 84 Cougar atig* *6495 negotiable. Call An­ 6. (a) Gilt — Shoat (x) Buckland. 64 Camaro Coup* •8495 Dial 643-2711 One piece of good news: Retail The five directors at the meeting, Thuraday baton 11 a.m. only. drew Y . 643-2711 days. (b) "Vixen — Pup (z) 84TBIrdva.4aK *6495 84 Pontiac Trana Am •10,795 prices ended the year on a modest including Samuel Longest, public That was part of the referendum 649-9276 m ornings 7-8 (c) Filly - Foal (w) 85 Eacorl4dr. •4995 note, up just_0.1 percent in De­ works commissioner, voted un­ question defeated by district voters 84 Lynx 1 Dr. *1995 evenings 5-8. (d) Pullet — Chick (y) 86 Chev. Aatro van •10,195 cember, the srnallest monthly gain animously to put off action until a in the Nov. 3 election, leaving the POOLSm AAA Pool Dis­ 86 Toyota Creaalda (e) Heifer — Calf (v) tributor. Must dispose 85 Chevy Caprice 4 e. •8495 UJaudiPfitpr Hpralft since July 1986. The index, based on special meeting to be called at a controversy unresolved. au. Wp. Loadtd *11,400 Se// Your Car The town built the firehouse when of entire Inventory of 88 Toyota poaa. van •9495 a hypothetical selection of goods later date. The vote to delay — one it assumed It had authority to fight new 1987 leftover 31' 84 Chev Caprice 88 SunWrd 2 dr. •8595 and services, had risen 0.3 percent of several at the meeting concern­ family sized pools with Wgn., LoatfBd. iBlgi *6495 fires in Buckland, but court deci­ 66 Century 4 dr. •9995 in November and 0.4 percent in ing the sewer dispute between the huge sun deck, fencing, 82 Buick Century October. town and district — came after a sions held that the district, not the filter, ladders and war­ 4 Linesns — 10 Days 86 Camaro Z28 •13,995 town, has that right. > Or., a AT. PS. AC *4295 8 6 Olda Delta Cpo •12,995 While the rate for 1986, the lowest recess in the meeting during which ranty for only $978 SOS charge each addi­ Plans were drawn for a district 83 RX7 aihar. aiK *6495 87 Chev. Csisbrity 4 Or. *10,995 in more than two decades, had been the directors talked with the dellyered financing tional line, per day.
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