The Gulag and Laogai: a Comparative Study of Forced Labor Through Camp Literature
The GULag and Laogai: A Comparative Study of Forced Labor through Camp Literature Distribution of this item is restricted to members of the University of Virginia community. APA Citation: Stepanic, S.(2012). The GULag and Laogai: A Comparative Study of Forced Labor through Camp Literature. Retrieved from Accessed: October 12, 2015 Permanent URL: Keywords: Terms: This article was downloaded from the University of Virginia’s Libra institutional repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable as set forth at (Article begins on next page) MonJe:. """"" ~ ('111, "",,,,,11<. VA UJ. I'hi'~. St. Vonmo CoIka<. 200~ M An If;~. So. V"'«'"- Colq.. !WI Mlo St.,,, l-""i__ an.! 1._ ...... ~"h<nl') of \. "1'"'"- lOO$ ( ......", •• 0..-: I>' u.."." ToIcl)' 11<_, 111'. ~ .... U,,""" _. 1)0 Marl. U.... _; Dr R<>noW [~ ..... J. Di~ 1""...-1., "'" (~ I....,' 0)( ..... l'o;'mrtl of\l'11i"~ in C..J'""") ~~ "'" r~ of 00< •• of I'h,~. '" M... .,. of A"" Of M-. ofSo:.<n.:. Of ,_<>fF"_ An, I Abstract This is the first comparative study ever undertaken in an investigation of the history of forced labor in the Soviet Union and China. It makes no claims to be exhaustive, and serves mainly as a foundation to further work in this subject in the near future. Various historical works and documents have been utilized to create, firstly, an acceptable overview of the history of the practice of forced labor in both countries, followed by a short history of so-called ‘camp literature’, or memoirs written by survivors of forced labor, generally speaking.
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