THE CIRCLE K Volume 29, Number 2 Marist College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y

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THE CIRCLE K Volume 29, Number 2 Marist College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y by Mark Stuart According to Ed Koch, Jr., a outside the Marist community, • "picked up. The keys were then resident of C-l, in addition to the police said. returned to Burke and picked up Residents of townhouses C-l stereo equipment and the bicycle, The apparent point of entry at by some of the residents. and B-5 awoke last Thursday running jackets worth $80 were both townhouses was an unlocked Burglars morning to discover they had taken, but notdiscovered missing frontdoor. Jamison said that the keys were been burglarized during the.night. until late Friday and were hot According to Koch, the available^pric)^.tp the burglary ' According to Poughkeepsie and that^the^cp/lege could not be entered on the police report.- residents in C-l used to leaving : strike Town Police, goods valued at the door unlocked. ."/ held ;; responsible, noting .that $775 were taken. -'••'••; The burglary occured sometime "Some of the guys-didn'.thave other residents of C-l had known ! between 1:30 a.m: and 6 a.m. keys untila couple of days" before the" keys:were available and had 2 townhouses The list was broken down as Thursday and the police were the robbery," he said. ;. - <•>' • picked them iip. .; follows: a Technic tape deck, called in at 9:34 a.mi" According to Paul Burke of $150; a stereo receiver, $275; an "We try to stress to lock the There were no suspects as of Marist Security, the keys were townhouses," Jamison said, AKAI tape deck, $150; and a Tuesday and it is presumed that given to Barry Jamison, North Schwinn Le Tour bicycle, $200. "and this is the hard way to r the culprits are persons from End residence director, but never learn." •:. ••'; THE CIRCLE K Volume 29, Number 2 Marist College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. September22,1983 Lights on Linda Junior Linda Zemba has the eye for the camera as she discusses her winning sketches and drawings onP;M. Magazine, television's answer to - People Magazine. She was voted out­ standing. U.S. - student fashion *-f»'*«W^f-tf , , - desigaerj;inj.the^Cfltty Sark-,Men 1s"?»»^i Fashion awards. P.M. Magazine visited Miss Zemba on Sept. 16 and filmed her at various locations on the Marist College campus. (photo by Gina Franciscovich) October set for debut of delayed '83 Reynard by Donna Piper - three editor changes "and it just Gagliardi, "was not doing it," graduation, according to We had to work on a yearbook didn't gel." said O'Donnell. "It got passed O'Donnell, and didn't have time that should have been out in The 1982-83 edition of the According to a source on the on." to finish the task. August. We're the '84 staff." Marist yearbook, Reynard, will Reynard staff, there were many - Burke later returned during the O'Donnell said that this year's be available for distribution in deadlines missed in the spring that "She knew about layout, but summer and the yearbook was Reynard will be better. late October, two months later contributed^ to the delayed she bit off a little more than she completed. than the original distribution distribution. could chew," said Nicolette O'Donnell said that the Student "This year," he said, "we were date, according to Rick The first editor, Rich Filanino, this year's director of Activities Office has gotten phone allocated a lot more money, we O'Donnell, editor-in-chief of the Dougherty, resigned early in the sales and advertising. calls about the yearbook. have the best people from last 1983-84 Reynard committee. year because he did not have the -The responsibility was then Don Eustace.-photographer for year, and good new people. It O'Donnell said that the time. passed on to Carol.Burke, who the 1983-84 Reynard, said "The looks to be a much better year­ book." committee went through at least The second editor, Chris was a senior preparing for students were upset. I was upset. Marist considers dorm name by Paul Beckerle trustees, but Cox said that he is hopeful that the Inside The Circle dorm will be named Marian Hall. Marian Hall is being considered as a name for "It's very important to pay attention to the the new freshman dormitory, according to college's history," said Cox, "The Old Gym was Gerard A. Cox, dean of student affairs. an important part of the college; we should have "Marian Hall would be a very good name something to recapitulate the Old Gym." because it is a symbol of the history of Marist Keeping that in mind Cox said that a plaque College," said Cox. with the dorm's name will be put on a column of When Marist was first founded in 1946 the bricks which was part of the old gym. It is located CSL hands out club funds college was known as Marian College. Most of in the front staircase which leads to the second — page 3 the actual construction was done by the brothers, floor. This is where the dedicating ceremony will who at that time made up the faculty and ad­ takeplace. Marist student remembered ministration. The first building which was built Students seemed to be taking the possible new — page 3 by the brothers was the gym. name in stride. Most of the upperclassmen "Now with the new dorm being built right thought it an acceptable, if not typical name for Murray authors new book where the old gym was, and even using the actual the dorm. Some even had their own ideas such as • - • •• — page 9 brick walls pf the old gym," said Cox, "it is very Stucko Stone, as opposed to Grey Stone, Wench , symbolic of the college's growth, living on our Hall, and even Woody Hall. Though as one Football team wins opener past to strive forward," he said. senior, who wished to remain annoymous, said, — page 12 Cox said that the final decision will not come "You can call it whatever you like, but to me it until November when it is brought to the board of will still be the Old Gym." vPage2-THE CIRCLE-September 22,1983 • . September 22,1983 - THE CIRCLE - Page 3 • Appointment not Necessary Survey GRE 473-7757 Media clubs given 1983-1984 Allocations Fall Term Club/Organization Approved Allocation Gaelic Society $ 120.00 predicts Preparation Course majority of money Interhouse Council $ 285.00 Accounting Society $ 285.00 Literary Society/Mosaic $ 195.00 Designed to prepare students for the Auto Club.. / $ 212.50 Marist College Council job rise December 10th administration of the by Steven A. Berger said Yeaglin. Black Student Union $ 345.00 on Theatre Arts $3,400.00 Board Chairperson Stephen P. Circle $5,783.00 Musician's Organization $ 130.00 The Student Government A strong upward trend in the Graduate Record Examinations (aptitude). Funk, of East Hartford, Conn., CircleK $ 75.00 Political Science Club $ 335.00 post-recession rehiring process is Financial Board last week said that the board received a Class of 1984 $ 740.00 Psychology Club $ 799.00 indicated for the second con­ WHEN: Thursdays, 6-9 p.m. <%j> & -Robert'* allocated approximately $22,000 budget from each club that Class of 1985 $ 225.00 Marist College Singers $ 590.00 secutive quarter, according to the to 27 clubs and organizations desired money. "They submit Class of 1986 $ 541.00 Reynard $2,250.00 findings of the quarterly Em­ October 13-December 8 associated with Marist. budgets at the end of the semester Computer Society $ 110.00 Ski Club $ 90.00 ployment Outlook Survey con­ WHERE: Poughkeepsie YMQA The Circle received the largest for the next semester," he said. Communication Arts Society $ 495.00 Social Work 1 $ 345.00 ducted by Manpower, Inc., the. allocation of $5,783. The second- "The board looks at that and Commuter Union $ 518.00 Spanish Club $ 80.00 world's largest temporary service largest amount of $3,400 was approves or rejects the allocation. Criminal Justice $ 163.00 Student Academic Committee $ 474.75 firm. allocated to The Marist College Then it (approved allocation) Fashion Club $ 165.00 WMCR $2,940.75 Call 473-5368 for additional information Council on Theatre Arts. WMCR "According to the quarterly poll goes to the Council of Student of more than 11,400 employers in and registration materials. radio was third with $2,940.75. Leaders, who give the final ap­ Among the triple-figure proval." process involves evaluating each "We look at whether they filed There are approximately 35 354 U.S.; cities, '26% plan'to club. "We look at the club's past increase their workforce in the 4th allocations, the Psychology Club The CSL and Financial Board organizational reports, who the clubs active on campus, although quarter while only 9% expect Institute for Academic Achievement and the class of 1984 received work together to decide the record and look at what the club presidents are and what are only 27 asked for money. cutbacks. The hiring intentions Michael Foley, Director $799 and $740 respectively. amount of money each club president's done," he said. "If he their objectives. (We look at) the A portion of the money given for" the quarter (October, The 5-member Financial Board should receive. "It's based on (the president) scheduled 11 number of events actually carried to clubs Comes right from November, • December) are The Hudson Valley's Test.Preparation Specialists. PRECISION CUTS gave approximately $21,700 of need," said CSL President Keith events last year and only carried (compared) to one's planned," students' pockets. The student substantially stronger than those the total $22,000 available to Galanti.
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