

by Chad Schultz

Based on the life story of Dave "The Hammer" Schultz

Lyrics to the song " Box" by Kal Mann reprinted with permission from Spirit One Music o/b/o Kalmann Music Inc.

Chad Schultz Poets & Killers LLC o/b/o Dave The Hammer LLC 129 South Church St. Moorestown, NJ 08057 609.670.6808 [email protected] ©2009 Chad Schultz FADE IN:

TWO HOCKEY PLAYERS collide in front of a TEAM BENCH where DAVE SCHULTZ (19), a clean-shaven, wide-eyed, innocent farm boy, watches the play like a rookie soldier on the edge of a war-zone. It’s 1969. Hockey don’t even exist. And down here in the minors, guys knock out teeth for points. COACH (O.S.) Schultz. Get your gloves on. Dave slips them on and hops the boards. ON THE ICE - GAME IN PLAY Dave receives a breakout pass from a SMALLER TEAMMATE (20s). Skates like there’s a target on his back. Makes a HUGE OPPOSING DEFENSEMAN (20s) look like a fool by passing the puck to himself through the Defenseman’s legs. Ripping a quick, low snap- past the GOALIE -- SCORE! Sticks raise in celebration. Pissed, the Defenseman cruises over and plants a cheap elbow to Dave’s SMALLER TEAMMATE - who goes down - hurt. The sight of this stirs something in Dave, he glares at the villain, a cross-eyed brute, who takes the eye contact like any alpha male would. DEFENSEMAN (to Dave) What’re you gonna do, Chickenshit? Fight or flight? Dave chooses the latter. Turns his back and retreats to the bench. Thrilled with Dave’s cowardice, the Defenseman catches up. Passes. Jacks his stick-blade into Dave’s Adam’s apple. Dave drops to all fours - gasping - clutching his throat. The Defenseman coasts around smirking. Dave fights to breathe. Only the ice sees the fear of death on his face. 2.

TITLE CARD: “BROAD STREET BULLY” FADE IN ON: A “BROAD STREET” sign blackened by car exhaust hangs over a grimy South intersection. In the distance, stands THE SPORTS ARENA Super: The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA, May 1973

INT. SPECTRUM OFFICE - SAME (1973) Darkness. A film projector runs. SCRATCHY HOCKEY FOOTAGE: Boston’s TERRY O’REILLY (20s) sucker punches Philadelphia’s young , (20s), who goes down bleeding. In the shadows sits FLYERS CHAIRMAN, (40s), a white- haired man in a perfect suit, disgusted by what he just saw. Head Coach (40s) sits in the corner smoking a cigarette. His eyes darkened by his signature yellow-tinted glasses. He looks like a boxer waiting for the next round. turns off the projector. Opens the blinds. Daylight hits a FLYERS LOGO on the wall. We’re in an office. SNIDER How is he? ALLEN On the mend. But you know Clarkey. Anxious to get back to work. He’s already talking about training camp. SNIDER What about the rest of the boys? I know quite a few of them saw that and just rolled over. Gave up the game. ALLEN Could’ve been a lot worse, Ed. 3.

SNIDER (sighs) The whole future of this club is just one cheap shot away from going down for good. Could you imagine? Be impossible to replace Clarke. Take years. We’d never survive. (thinks) Keith, hear me. As long as you’re General Manager, I don’t ever want to see a Philadelphia Flyer intimidated again. Not ever. ALLEN I hear you. Shero crushes out his cigarette. SHERO You wanna build a mean machine, you need muscle. SNIDER Guys who can beat up other guys? Shero nods. Snider looks to Allen. SNIDER (CONT'D) Get ‘em in here.

EXT. DIRT ROAD - DAY (1973) It’s a hot, dry summer day in , a flatland of gold prairies and farms of wheat, corn, flax and cows. Super: Saskatchewan, , July 1973 DAVE SCHULTZ (20s) runs, shirtless, hockey stick in hand as he stick handles a rock. Sweat drips from his clean-shaven face to his broad shoulders. Years have made a young man out of him. Confident. His hair-style and sideburns show a little Elvis-inspired rebelliousness. ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF TOWN Dave shoots a row of rocks at a METAL SIGN -- CLANG! CLANG! The sign reads: “WELCOME TO ROSETOWN HEART OF THE WHEATBELT” 4.

EXT. SCHULTZ’S HOUSE - DAY (1973) Dave sprints to a stop in front of a modest gray house with cracked siding and a chain-link fence. AT THE MAILBOX marked “SCHULTZ”. DAVE pulls out an envelope from THE . Tears into it. Reads. Excited. Ditches the stick. Sprints back the way he came.

EXT. PUBLIC POOL GROUNDS - LATER (1973) Dave reaches the fence. Eyes CATHY McNAB (17) on the other side, a knockout blonde in a red one-piece, reading a book. Dave whistles to her. Cathy looks, but instead of waving, she hops up, acting like she didn’t see him and is heading to the bathroom. OUTSIDE THE FENCE - BEHIND THE POOL HOUSE Cathy reads the letter. She’s about to cry. CATHY That’s great, Dave. Dave reaches for her, concerned. DAVE Cath? What is it? CATHY Wasn’t my plan to think about this today. DAVE Then don’t. Dave kisses her. Major PDA. Cathy pushes away, paranoid. CATHY Dave. DAVE No one can see. They’re interrupted by a car honk. Busted. 5.

A WHITE CADILLAC FOUR DOOR. Out pops Cathy’s father, BOB McNAB (40s), a clean-cut gentleman in a suit and brimmed hat, the kind that a businessman molded in the 50s would wear. He appears quite ticked off at this sight.

INT. MCNAB’S HOUSE – MOMENTS LATER (1973) On a clean, white LIVING ROOM WALL: CIVIC AWARDS presented to “BOB McNAB, MAYOR OF ROSETOWN.” BOB MCNAB (O.S.) He’s too old. KITCHEN Bob steeps a hot tea. JEAN (40s), Cathy’s mother, pulls a HAM from the oven as Cathy serves dinner to her YOUNGER SIBLINGS, JIM and ROB 14, 13 and LORY, 8). It’s a lively, light-hearted family dinner. CATHY By four years. Same as you and Mum. Bob and Jean glance at each other; guilty as charged. JEAN Edna told me Greg still wants to take you out. CATHY Mum, I don’t want to go out with Greg flippin’ Boucher! I’m with Dave. BOB MCNAB You’re not with that . CATHY He’s a gentleman. BOB MCNAB Oh Malarkey. I know his father. And that’s not what I’ve heard. CATHY What? ... What’d you hear? BOB MCNAB He’s too old for you. 6.

INT. SCHULTZ HOUSE - NIGHT (1973) Beef stew simmers on the stove in a dim, distant, poor . Dave, RAY (20s), his stocky older brother, and THREE SISTERS (12,10,7), plus their MOTHER, PAULINE (40s), a heavy Ukrainian woman, all sit in silence as they slurp stew. Pauline glares at the one empty place setting. LATER THAT NIGHT - FAMILY ROOM A hockey portrait of DAVE’S FATHER (at age 19) playing for the CANADIAN ARMY TEAM hangs next to a smile-less wedding portrait on a cracked wall. Dave sleeps on a CHESTERFIELD. Anticipation wakes him. It’s dark. Pauline snores in a nearby chair. The door BANGS open. It’s DAVE’S FATHER, EDGAR (40s). Pauline wakes. Dave fakes sleep. Edgar shuffles in. He’s a burly grump in black-rimmed glasses and dirty coveralls. Drunk as a skunk. Pauline snaps to her feet. A stand-off. PAULINE What’s your excuse this time? Edgar slips past her like she’s nothing. PAULINE (CONT'D) Edgar. He goes to the ICE BOX. Grabs a BEER. Cracks it. Drinks. PAULINE (CONT'D) You’ve got to stop this. EDGAR Don’t you tell me nothin’. Pauline grabs a wooden spoon. Charges Edgar. He retreats around the table. She chases. Dave can’t take it. Jumps to action. Breaks it up. 7.

DAVE Mum! For Chrissake! Stop it n’ go to bed! Finally, Pauline calms. Leaves for the bedroom. Edgar plops at the table. Sips beer. Like nothing happened. EDGAR You workout today? Dave pads over to a TRUNK in the family room. Takes out an OLD SCRAPBOOK. Shows his father an open page: THE PHILADELPHIA FLYERS LETTER taped in. EDGAR (CONT'D) What’s that? Dave points to the FLYERS LOGO. It takes Edgar a moment to process as Dave waits for approval. Edgar hands it back. Somber in his reaction. Dave’s disappointed. DAVE Did you read it? Edgar drinks. He’s somewhere else. EDGAR I could’ve made the big time, ya know. Had my chance. (Edgar rubs his hands together feeling the texture) Goddamn cement hands. (beat) You better make it. DAVE I’ll try. EDGAR Better do more than that. You wanna end up back here playing with your brother? 8.

INT. SLAUGHTERHOUSE FARM - DAY (1973) Dave and Ray shovel guts from a slaughtered cow into a BIN. RAY scoops, switches the shovel to a hockey style. RAY He shoots... Shoots the guts at Dave. Dave dodges, but accidentally tips the bin. Blood & guts spill all over the floor. RAY (CONT'D) He scores! Dave shovels frantically. DAVE Jesus! Ray, help me! Ray (20s) laughs as Dave slips trying to contain the mess. RAY Better get used to it, eh. DAVE No thanks.

EXT. MCNAB’S BACKYARD - NEXT DAY (1973) White picket fence. Lush green lawn. Veggie garden. Cathy waters sprouting carrot tops. On the back road, Dave pulls up in his beat up Plymouth. Shirtless; ready for the beach. Cathy ditches the watering can for a BEACH BAG. Hops in Dave’s car. KITCHEN WINDOW Jean sees this. Sighs her futility.

EXT. LAKE - BEACH - LATER THAT DAY (1973) Dave cradles Cathy in his arms, chest deep. They take in the beauty of the water, sun, this moment. Cathy hugs him like it’s their last... forever. DAVE Come with me. 9.

Cathy looks at him, utterly happy to be asked, yet petrified at the thought of going. DAVE (CONT'D) I might not even make the team. (beat) Be back here in a week. She thinks about it. Clearly unsure. Scared. DAVE (CONT'D) Or we could just write letters again. CATHY I love your letters. DAVE More than this? Dave kisses her. They sink into the freshwater. 50 yards out, a POWER BOAT shoots across the lake.

EXT. ROSETOWN CHAPEL - DAY (WEEKS LATER) (1973) FLICKERING SUPER 8 FILM FOOTAGE: DAVE AND CATHY EXIT, JUST MARRIED. BOB & JEAN appear worried; upset. EDGAR & PAULINE show very little emotion. DAVE & CATHY pose for the camera; happy; optimistic.

INT. PRACTICE RINK - VOORHEES, NJ - DAY (1973) (MONTHS LATER) BOB “HOUND” KELLY (20s), a shiny-headed bulldog of a man, head-on body checks a lanky , (20s). Clement drops, yowling, clutching his arm! Super: Philadelphia Flyers Training Camp, September 1973 SHERO (40s) lifts his yellow-tinted glasses off his boxer’s nose to assess Clement’s swelling forearm, held by a MEDICAL TRAINER (30s). MEDICAL TRAINER Think it’s broken, Freddy. 10.

SHERO Get him off. (blows his whistle) Hound, go again. Gimme another guy up here. I want to see who can keep their own bones from getting broke. NEXT UP... DAVE, growing a beard to look older, skates to the . Readies for this game of chicken. FROM BEHIND GLASS - IN A DIMLY LIT LOUNGE ABOVE THE RINK Ed Snider and Keith Allen watch from plush chairs. SNIDER That’s him? Allen nods. SNIDER (CONT'D) He doesn’t look that big to me. BACK ON THE ICE DAVE hunches over. Only the ice sees the fear on his face. Big breaths psych himself up. On the whistle, they explode... Skates spark snow... Two trains on a collision course... CRUNCH! –- Hound hits the ice! Dave stands triumphant. BACK BEHIND THE GLASS Snider is impressed. Allen, proud of his find. SNIDER (CONT'D) What else can he do? ALLEN Look at his minutes. Allen hands Snider a file. Snider flips through it; shocked. SNIDER Has Freddy seen this? 11.

INT. FLYERS PRACTICE LOCKER ROOM – AFTER PRACTICE (1973) Dave drops into a stall. Dripping sweat. Unties his skates. A tall OLDER GUY (30s), over the hill, comes out of the shower and sits next to Dave. HOUND comes out next, shoots a glare at Dave as he passes - it’s a look that even the Older Guy can’t ignore a little intimidation game. They share a look. DAVE (to the Older Guy) Nice guy, eh? OLDER GUY He probably thinks you’re after his job, showin’ him up like that. DAVE What job’s he got? OLDER GUY Bad guy. Dave shakes his head; continues undressing. DAVE I just want a spot. OLDER GUY Your name’s Schultz right? (Dave nods) Ray is it? DAVE Dave. Ray’s my brother. OLDER GUY Right. Ray Schultz. Tough guy. Played in few years back, right? (Dave nods) What ever happened to him? DAVE He’s back home in Saskatchew’n. OLDER GUY ? 12.

DAVE You could say that. OLDER GUY Well if you get a chance tell him Wayne Hillman says he drinks better than he skates. BILLY BARBER (20s) comes out of the shower; passing them. BILLY (to Clarke, Hound, Rick) You boys headin’ straight there? A few nods and grunts from the other YOUNG VETS - a group of second and third year players. DAVE (to the Older Guy) You know where all these guys’re goin’? OLDER GUY Just follow me. COACH FREDDY SHERO enters with a METAL ICE BUCKET which he places in the middle of the floor. DAVE and the rest of the team, stop what they’re doing to give the coach their undivided attention. Shero studies the FACES of this GNARLY BUNCH... BOBBY CLARKE (20s) the Captain, missing two front teeth. RICK MACLEISH, a Charles Manson look-a-like. Tough. Quiet. BILLY BARBER, a goofball who leads by example. Shero settles his gaze on DAVE. SHERO You, over here. Dave rises. Swaggers to Shero. SHERO (CONT'D) Put your hand in. Dave plunges his hand in the bucket. Ice and water engulf it. 13.

SHERO (CONT'D) (to everyone) See this. That’s you on this team. Once you’re in, you’re gonna have to fight like hell to stay in. (discomfort on Dave’s face) And when it’s over... Shero pulls Dave’s hand out. The ice displaces. SHERO (CONT'D) See the size of the hole you leave behind? DAVE What hole? SHERO Exactly. That’s how much you’ll be missed when you’re gone. Dave glances around the room, each seat is up for grabs. Hound eyes Dave, you’re not taking mine, new guy. Shero; deadly serious: SHERO (CONT'D) If you want to make this team, and stay on this team, you better love it. More than your country. More than your God. I promise to love this team more than my own family. Even more than my wife.


CATHY unpacks a CARDBOARD BOX as she talks on a rotary phone. JEAN (ON THE PHONE) Is the apartment nice? CATHY It’s a box. JEAN (ON THE PHONE) Oh Cathy, no. CATHY It’s fine Mum. 14.

JEAN (ON THE PHONE) Any idea when Dave’ll know? CATHY He says we’ll know when we know. JEAN (ON THE PHONE) I just wish you would’ve waited, Pet. Cathy pulls out a beat-up SCRAPBOOK filled with photos and articles from Dave’s younger years; assembled with an artists’ touch: -DAVE (12) & his BROTHER, RAY (13) in HOCKEY GEAR. -WHEAT PRESSED FLAT - PICKED FROM THE PRAIRIE. -OLD ARTICLES ABOUT DAVE’S WORK: “Schultz Hat Trick Lifts Broncos Over Blades” “Schultz Scores Six to Shutdown Stars” -An OLD STAT CARD from the 1967-1968 Juniors : “Dave Schultz...50 Goals” -A LOOSE CLIPPING falls onto the floor. Cathy picks it up. Reads. But isn’t sure what it means: “EHL LEAGUE LEADERS... DAVE SCHULTZ... PIM 358” JEAN (ON THE PHONE) (CONT'D) Cathy? CATHY I know Mum.

EXT. REXY’S PUB - MT. EPHRAIM, NJ - LATER THAT DAY (1973) A dinky roadside bar on a busy pike.

INT. REXY’S PUB - MT. EPHRAIM, NJ - SAME (1973) Rick, Clarke, Hound and other veterans grab drinks from TEDDY, THE BARKEEP (40s) and head to THE BACK SECTION where laughter can be heard. Hillman steps to the bar as Dave hangs back. HILLMAN Don’t be shy Schultzy. Whatcha drinkin’? 15.

DAVE Canadian Club ‘n Coke if they got it. HILLMAN You jokin’? With this bunch. Big belly laughs of camaraderie travel from the BACK SECTION where CLARKE and the OTHER YOUNG VETERANS CONGREGATE. DAVE Those guys come here a lot? HILLMAN Only everyday. DAVE You’re kidding. HILLMAN You’ll get used to it. If you can stick around long enough.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S APARTMENT - NIGHT ON THE TV: IMAGES of the VIETNAM WAR. CATHY watches the 11 O’CLOCK NIGHTLY NEWS; worried-sick. A knock at the door startles her. DAVE Cath! It’s me! Open up. Cathy unlocks the bolt. Slides off the chain. Opens. Dave rushes to the bathroom. DAVE (CONT'D) What’s with all the locks, aye? CATHY I thought your session was over at noon? DAVE (peeing with the door open) Bunch of the guys went out after. CATHY Dave! Think you were born in a barn?! 16.

Dave closes the door. Cathy waits. CATHY (CONT'D) Out where? A toilet flush. Dave pops out. DAVE A bar. Rex’s. No Rexy’s. CATHY Did you wash your hands? Dave goes back in; washes them. Exits and heads for the KITCHEN to grab a beer. CATHY (CONT'D) For seven hours? DAVE It was a team thing. CATHY I was worried. DAVE What for? CATHY I don’t know. Thought you might’ve heard something. Did you? DAVE (shakes his head) Still here. CATHY Then I thought, no matter what, you’d probably be starving, so I went ahead to go make lunch and I realized I have no food, no car, no idea where to go. I went outside and there were all sorts of... people walking around. You didn’t come back. I didn’t know where you were. I was afraid to open the door. I turn on the TV and bombs are dropping all over the place. DAVE (embraces her) Cath. Slow down. Everything’s fine. 17.

Dave kisses her neck. She reacts to his scruffy beard. CATHY (CONT'D) When are you going to shave that rug off your face? DAVE You don’t like it? CATHY Dad always said men with beards are hiding something. DAVE (lifts her shirt) What are you hidin’? CATHY Dave! DAVE What? I’m hungry. Dave takes her to the floor to make love.

INT. SPECTRUM ICE ARENA – PHILADELPHIA, PA - SAME Flyers finish a warm up before facing the NY Islanders. (V.O.) Gene Hart here at the Flyers first exhibition game of the year, against the Islanders. It’s an important time for both teams as each continue to scale down their rosters. IN THE STANDS Seats are close to empty. ON THE FLYERS’ BENCH Dave squeezes onto the bench. Hound nudges him. HOUND Move down. Dave shuffles his butt down the bench. PLAYER after PLAYER makes him “move down.” 18.

Until Dave is forced off the bench; left standing alone. Shero, stoic, above his players, notices the commotion: SHERO What is this -- musical chairs? Dave meanders, unsure where to sit. Shero yanks a FOLDING CHAIR from the stands. Props it in the corner. Dave deposits himself there. Watches the game over his teammates’ shoulders. Pissed off.

INT. REXY’S PUB - NIGHT (DAYS LATER) Dave drinks at the bar with Hillman. DAVE It’s horseshit! Sat there the last five games! Haven’t touched the Goddamn ice once. HILLMAN At least you’re dressing. DAVE How can a guy make the damn team if all he does is sit on the damn bench? HILLMAN That’s hockey. Sometimes ya sit. SOME BIG BELLY LAUGHS come from the BACK SECTION where CLARKE, HOUND, RICK, BILLY and other players hang out. Dave feels firmly on the outside of the clique. DAVE I know I’m no Bobby Clarke but I know I can put the puck in the net if I just get a chance. At least give me a Goddamn chance, eh. Pisses me off. (drinks) How come you’re not more pissed off? 19.

HILLMAN I’m jumpin’ ship. DAVE You’re what? HILLMAN I’m gonna go down. (Dave almost spills his drink, shocked) I stayed afloat fourteen years. Touched the Cup. That’s more than most guys can say. DAVE No kiddin’? HILLMAN ’s gonna give me a real spot on a real line. Paycheck. Skate time. Can’t ask for much better than that, eh?

INT. COACH SHERO’S OFFICE - DAY A QUOTE PAINTED ON THE WALL: “We know that hockey is where we live. Life is just a place we spend time between games.” FRAMED PICTURES of Coach Shero in RUSSIA; shaking hands with RUSSIAN COACHES, posing in front of the KREMLIN. Underneath Coach Shero sits like a Russian statue. Dave perches across from him; intimidated; nervous. DAVE I want you to send me down. Shero stares back; no change in expression. DAVE (CONT'D) I know it sounds crazy, but that way I’d still be in the organization and I’d be gettin’ more chances to shoot. Improving. I’d rather be somewhere in the minors doin’ that ‘n gettin’ good ice time than just sittin’ ‘round, losin’ my legs. (Shero; still stonefaced) (MORE) 20. DAVE (CONT'D) Don’t get me wrong Coach, I really appreciate the opportunity. Maybe next year there’ll be more room- SHERO -No. DAVE ... No? SHERO You’re gonna sit. And you’re gonna get used to sitting. Or you can go home. DAVE Can I ask why? SHERO Don’t try to understand Dave. My wife doesn’t understand me. I don’t even understand me. (off Dave’s confounded look) If you’re worried about your legs, skate your butt off in practice. Hit the gym.

INT. PRACTICE RINK - DAY (1973) On the bench, Shero hits “PLAY” on a REEL-TO-REEL audio player. CLASSICAL MUSIC echoes in the rafters. On the ice, the TEAM skates suicides like it’s fine ballet.

INT. FLYERS GYM - AFTER PRACTICE (1973) Dave works out: - rides the stationary bike. - twists up a weight on a rope. - jumps rope. - push ups. - sit ups. - pull ups. Dave stares at a SPEED BAG. Intimidated; he skips it. 21.

INT. SPECTRUM ICE ARENA - ANOTHER DAY (1973) AN EXHIBITION GAME IN PROGRESS Dave sits in the folding chair. Frustration on his face. He glances up at Shero, wanting attention. Doesn’t get it. Looks away. Mad. Shero glances down at him. It’s like he’s conditioning a dog to sit. Good boy.

INT. FLYERS TRAINING ROOM - ANOTHER DAY (1973) Dave SLUGS the SPEED BAG in frustration! Punches more. It’s just a sloppy flail of fists. SHERO (O.S.) No. Like this. Coach Shero enters. Butts in. Dave’s speechless as Shero steps up then launches an impressive SPEED BAG SESSION. Dave’s impressed. SHERO (CONT'D) Before my time in the National I was a boxer in the Navy. Had offers to go pro. Luckily the Rangers picked me up. I’d rather skate than box. No doubt about that. Problem was, as soon as I got there, I started thinking they only wanted me because I could throw fists. Know what tipped me off? (Dave shrugs) My coach comes up to me before my first game, just like this. (lays a hand on Dave’s shoulder) Says, “Freddie, if you don’t knock a guy out tonight, I’m shippin’ you home.” Dave; talk about a not-so-subtle hint. SHERO (CONT'D) (points to the bag) Give it a go. Dave jabs. Shero coaches until Dave catches on; punching to a crescendo. Ending on his big right hook! 22.

SHERO (CONT'D) Feel good? Dave nods. Loving the one-on-one attention. SHERO (CONT'D) You know Dave, on a hockey team, every guy has a role. I need a guy who can give us some punch. Keep the ice clean. Protect our shooters. DAVE Isn’t that the Hound’s job? Shero’s blank stare cues Dave, this is a proposition to him. DAVE (CONT'D) Me? ... Oh... I can’t do that. I’m a shooter. SHERO Keith showed me your minor league numbers. Goals wasn’t the column that grabbed my attention. DAVE I scored sixty-four down there. Whatever else I did, I did to survive. SHERO I know the kind of player you wanna be Dave. But to be that at this level, you need three things: agility, speed, and strength. Now you’re not very agile. And you’re, well, a very deceptive skater. DAVE Deceptive? SHERO You’re a lot slower than you look. (Dave’s a little offended) is, if you want to survive here, you need to use your strength. Not sure how to take this. Shero heads for the door. 23.

SHERO (CONT'D) (stopping for a final word) You’ll especially need it against Magnuson. Dave appears even more confused. Who’s Magnuson?

INT. LOCKER ROOM - LATER (1973) Dave flips through a “1972-73 NHL Yearbook.” Find the section for “THE .” Then the “PLAYER PROFILE” for “#3 KEITH MAGNUSON.” Dave reads: “6-1, 190 lbs.” “Holds Single Season Penalty Minute Record” “291 Minutes”

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S APARTMENT - MORNING (1973) BATHROOM In the mirror, Dave lathers his beard. Shaves. Splashes water on his face. Reveals a killer handlebar mustache; the new, bad-ass Dave. Dave stares intensely at his reflection. Closes his eyes... visualizes... IN DAVE’S MIND: He’s on the ice. CHICAGO’S KEITH MAGNUSON (late 20s) towers over him. Dave punches first but finds himself in slow motion. Magnuson counters with a full force superfast nose-breaker. A door knock is heard - BREAKING US OUT OF THIS VISION DAVE’S EYES SNAP OPEN CATHY (THROUGH THE DOOR) Dave? Can I see? 24.

Dave opens the door. Cathy reacts to DAVE’S NEW LOOK. She touches his face. Runs her hands over the smooth parts. DAVE You don’t like it. Kisses his lips. The mustache tickles. CATHY I’ll love getting used to it.

INT. SPECTRUM - FLYERS HOME LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT (1973) Quiet. Intense. Dave tapes his stick blade as the rest of the guys dress for the game. Coach Shero strides to a BLACKBOARD. Writes. Dave and the players watch his every chalk stroke. Shero puts down the chalk. Walks out. Dave focuses on the written words on the chalkboard: “Success doesn’t come from spontaneous combustion. You have to set yourself on fire.”

INT. SPECTRUM ICE ARENA – PHILADELPHIA, PA - NIGHT (1973) In the stands, TORY (20s), a SEXY BRUNETTE FLYERETTE CHEERLEADER leads a SPARSE CROWD in a “Let’s Go Flyers,” chant! IN THE OWNER’S BOX Snider and Allen settle in for the game. IN THE STANDS CATHY, in her best jeans and tight top, sits by herself, unsure where she belongs. ON THE ICE BOBBY CLARKE fires the puck on net. Saved. Clarke sticks with it. Pokes. Gets his own rebound - SCORES!! Just then... KEITH MAGNUSON (30s), Chicago’s big #3, cross-checks Clarke. 25.

Cuts his forehead - blood gushes! ON THE FLYERS BENCH Everyone reacts to the cheap shot; mixtures of boos & cusses. Dave hunches over. Big breathes. Only the floor sees his fear. HIS EYES CLOSE AND TWITCH UNDER EYELIDS INTERCUT - FLASHBACK - 1969 - WE’RE BACK TO THAT VERY FIRST SCENE IN THE VERY BEGINNING OF THIS MOVIE AND IN A VERY COOL WAY YOU’RE ABOUT TO SEE THE REVEAL OF THAT SCENE INTERCUT WITH THIS ONE. IN CASE YOU DON’T REMEMBER... DAVE IS LYING ON ALL FOURS AFTER BEING CLIPPED IN THE THROAT. He’s fighting for air - GASPING - but none can get through. His eyes bulge. The panic and fear of Death overwhelming. Until... A few moments of this agony passes and Dave’s oxygen returns. And slowly with it - ANGER - and a scowl of bloody revenge. Dave pops to his skates. INTERCUT - BACK TO PRESENT ON THE FLYERS BENCH - DAVE POPS TO HIS SKATES DAVE What the hell was that?! Asshole can’t get away with that horseshit! Shero’s surprised, but loves it. SHERO (O.S.) Dave. (Dave gazes up at Shero.) Let’s change. IN THE STANDS Cathy peaks with anxiety as she watches DAVE hops the boards and join the action. Skates like a heat-seeking missile headed for “MAGNUSON #3” 26.

DAVE & MAGNUSON COLLIDE!! Magnuson is astonished. Who would dare try this? Dave can’t believe he’s doing this either. Gloves drop. INTERCUT - BACK TO 1969 DAVE ATTACKS THE HUGE DEFENSEMAN It’s the fight this brute wanted all along. He swings a big right hook. INTERCUT - BACK TO PRESENT MAGNUSON LANDS A QUICK PUNCH ON DAVE’S CHIN. Snaps Dave’s head back! INTERCUT - BACK TO 1969 Dave just shakes off that last punch. The Defenseman can’t believe it. A monster is abosut to be unleashed. Dave plants his left on the Defenseman’s collar. Drills him with a big right. Another. And another. INTERCUT - BACK TO PRESENT - END FLASHBACK Magnuson’s lip splits. Drops of blood splatter on the clean, white ice. IN THE STANDS CATHY’S jaw drops in horror!! FANS all around gape and buzz for blood! COACH SHERO is loving it. PLAYERS react: HOUND Where’d this kid come from? 27.

BILLY Don’t know. But remind me not to piss him off. The fight ends with Magnuson on his knees as the REF grabs Dave and pulls him off to... IN THE PENALTY BOX The door slams shut, like a prison cell. Dave hunches over. Only the floor sees the shock on his face, I did it. Relief. OUT ON THE ICE A stubby CHICAGO TRAINER (40s) helps Magnuson off the ice, holding a BLOODY WHITE TOWEL to his lip. MAGNUSON (to the trainer) Who was that guy? BACK IN THE PENALTY BOX Dave catches his breath. His knuckles red. Swelling. ANNOUNCER GENE HART (IN STADIUM) Flyers’ penalty. 8. Five minutes for Fighting. Dave-

INT. DAVE’S CAR - POST GAME - NIGHT (DRIVING) (1973) Cathy stares at Dave’s INFLAMED KNUCKLES on the steering wheel. CATHY Who was that out there? DAVE’S POV: A car in front of them rides the brakes. DAVE (to the traffic) Asshole. Come on, move! Dave steps on the gas. Zooms around. DAVE (CONT'D) What Cath? CATHY You should’ve see your face. Did you know you were going to do that? 28.

DAVE Crossed my mind. CATHY Wish you would’ve warned me. They had to scrape my jaw off the flippin’ floor. DAVE It’s not that big a deal, Cath. Just part of the game. CATHY It’s against the rules. DAVE Breakin’ rules is part of the game too. CATHY My dad always taught us to respect the rules, no matter what. DAVE He never played in the .

INT. REXY’S PUB - MOMENTS LATER (1973) A jukebox plays 70s country music as the place buzzes with talk from FANS, GROUPIES, and PLAYERS. Holding hands, Dave weaves Cathy to the bar. DAVE (to bartender) CC ‘n Coke. (to Cathy) What do you want? CATHY I’m not supposed- DAVE -You’re with me. Nobody’s gonna card ya. BILLY (O.S.) Schultzy! Billy waves Dave to the BACK SECTION where the VETERANS hang. 29.

Pleasantly surprised, Dave heads for the back with his drink. Stops. Almost forgot: DAVE Oh, bye Cath. CATHY What about me? DAVE It’s just the boys. I’ll be back. Dave darts over, stranding Cathy. Until, TWO beautiful CANADIAN GIRLS, KAROLYN MACLEISH and JENNY BARBER (20s) wave her over. BACK SECTION Dave, Billy, Ricky and Hound chat, drink and smoke. BILLY You a looney or what, eh? DAVE What’s that mean? BILLY You picked a fight with the best scrapper in the whole League. DAVE Guess he’s not the best, eh? HOUND Get a load of this guy. BILLY Yep, he’s a looney. (to Dave) Ain’t ya? DAVE Guy made a run on Clarkey. Can’t let that shit slide. Billy, Rick and Hound are all impressed. BOBBY CLARKE strides over. Puts his arm around Dave. CLARKE Nice show out there Schultzy. Dave’s speechless. Loves this approval. 30.

CLARKE (CONT'D) Keep it up, eh. DAVE Who’s next? Everyone laughs. Clarke raises a toast. Cheers. Clinks Dave’s glass. Drinks. Clarke smiles wide - his mouth, all gums. Something’s up. The OTHER GUYS LAUGH and point at DAVE’S DRINK. CLARKE’S FALSE TEETH FLOAT IN DAVE’S GLASS! The guys laugh their assess off. Dave appreciates the goof. He’s accepted. Clarke snatches his teeth. Snaps in a toothy smile. CLARKE Good sport, Schultzy. AT THE WIVES’ TABLE Cathy stares at Dave enjoying being one of the boys. Her jealous eyes turn away to hear the girls: JENNY (O.S.) Not only can we not go to away games, but the only reason you can miss a home game is if you’re pregnant- JENNY (CONT'D) KAROLYN -or dead. -or dead.

KAROLYN That’s not even the best one. Can you believe the whole ‘be a maid in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom’ thing? CATHY Whore? That’s actually the rule? JENNY It’s in that Coach’s letter to all us ‘n chains. 31.

KAROLYN You didn’t get one? CATHY If I did, I probably thought it was for Dave and I didn’t even open it. JENNY Find it ‘n frame it Sister. KAROLYN (looking toward the guys) Oh... talk about whores. FLYERETTE CHEERLEADERS strut by the players. TORY (20s) a busty brunette touches Dave’s arm. CATHY eyes her with jealousy. Sips her wine. Karolyn offers Cathy a CIGARETTE. Cathy takes one.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S BEDROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT (1973) Dave and Cathy make out in bed, booze mixed with passion. Cathy gets aggressive, flips Dave onto his back. DAVE What’s gotten into you, eh? CATHY Following the rules.

MONTAGE This MONTAGE is set to Tammy Wynettes’ song “Stand By Your Man” and covers the next few months. 1) FLYERS HEAD OFFICE, ALLEN and SNIDER present DAVE with a “TWO-YEAR CONTRACT” for “$25,000 per year.” Dave signs it. 2) DAVE & CATHY’S APARTMENT, CATHY sifts through mail. Finds THE LETTER TO THE WIVES. She glances at it, then tosses it in the trash. 3) CATHY then unpacks an old box and finds DAVE’S CHILDHOOD SCRAPBOOK. Inside: a photograph of YOUNG DAVE at age 12, in HOCKEY GEAR, and a BLADE OF WHEAT GRASS PRESSED FLAT. 4) Cathy cuts and tapes articles into the empty pages. 32.

Each article shows Dave and the Flyer’s rise up the ranks. a) HEADLINE: “ROOKIE MASHES HAWKS’ MAGNUSON” b) HEADLINE: “FLYERS BEAT UP ” c) HEADLINE: “SCHULTZ KRUSHES KINGS”

4) LOCKER ROOM BEFORE THE GAME. Dave tapes his stick. His right hand swollen. He looks at the tape, he gets an idea. TAPES HIS HANDS AND WRISTS LIKE A BOXER. 5) ICE ARENA: A BRAWL IN PROGRESS... DAVE with the “goon squad”: BOB “HOUND” KELLY, the big-nosed DON “BIG BIRD” SELESKI, the 200 pound “MOOSE” DUPONT, and the grizzly BILL “COWBOY” FLETT. ALL ARE FIGHTING PLAYERS. FLYERS DOMINATE. At one point Dave catches his opponent BRYAN HEXTALL against the boards. He grabs the glass and uses his whole body to crush the guy. Fans reach over trying to hit Dave. He hits back. A POLICE OFFICER gets in between. Dave STEALS the POLICEMAN’S HAT off his head. WEARS the COP’S HAT to the PENALTY BOX where ALL FOUR: DAVE, HOUND, MOOSE and BIRD cram in. 6) CATHY tapes in a HEADLINE: “BROAD STREET BULLIES MUSCLE ATLANTA” 7) CATHY tapes in a SERIES of “LEADER BOARDS”: -“NHL LEADERS...Penalty Minutes... Dave Schultz 55” -“NHL LEADERS...Penalty Minutes... Dave Schultz 94” -“NHL LEADERS...Penalty Minutes... Dave Schultz 125”

INT. AWAY TEAM LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT (1974) Dave wraps his hands with WHITE TAPE, like a boxer. Hound sits next to him. HOUND Van Boxmeer’s been trash talkin’ ‘bout you. DAVE What he say? HOUND I heard he said you were weren’t that tough. Called you a prima- donna. 33.

DAVE What the hell’s a prima-donna? HOUND I think it’s Frog-talk for queer. Dave scoffs. Tapes his hands with more intense focus.

INT. FORUM – NIGHT (1974) TV CAMERA MEN aim studio NBC BRANDED CAMERAS. FLYERS & THE warm up ON THE ICE. Super: February 1974 ANNOUNCER GENE HART (V.O.) It’s the NHL on NBC, here at the where the Canadiens host the red hot Philadelphia Flyers, a-k-a the Broad Street Bullies. Their rough and tumble style has taken the National Hockey League by storm. Thanks especially to this guy, the biggest bully of the bunch, the young, Dave Schultz. Dave stretches in the corner. Stares across the ice at big #3 VAN BOXMEER (20s), a towering 6-foot-3 lug glares back. LATER - GAME IN PLAY The puck slides into the Canadiens’ corner. Dave leads Van Boxmeer in a race for the rubber. Van Boxmeer SLASHES the back of Dave’s LEG. This sets Dave off, the puck becomes irrelevant. Dave drops the gloves. Van Boxmeer drops his. They go in circles. Dave’s crazed eyes peering over taped fists. Then launches a monster right --SMACK! Van Boxmeer falls straight back like a lumberjack’s tree. 34.

Out cold, Van Boxmeer lies lifeless on his back. Shock hits Dave. Then fear, did I kill him? IN THE PRESS BOX GENE HART (40s), a potbellied man with a booming voice, reacts into the microphone: HART Oh my! A big right hand from Schultz sends Van Boxmeer to his back! (covers the mic) Holy shit. Sitting next to him is JACK CHEVALIER (30s), a sports- obsessed NEWS WRITER who adds: CHEVALIER He hammered him! Inspired, Chevalier writes in a note pad: “SCHULTZ HAMMERS VAN BOXMEER.”

INT. KAROLYN’S APARTMENT – SAME (1974) Watching this on TV; the WIVES’ watch, hushed, in shock. Cathy’s embarrassed as the other wives look at her like they’re glad they’re not married to that.


INT. LEAGUE COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE - SAME (1974) An “NHL” LOGO on a wall. A desk sign reads: “MR. - NHL COMMISSIONER” Disgusted and concerned, LEAGUE COMMISSIONER, CLARENCE CAMPBELL (50s) squints at a TV. IN TV CLOSE UP: DAVE RIPS SCUFFED TAPE OFF HIS HAND as he coasts to the penalty box. 35.

INT. LOCKER ROOM - POST GAME - INTERVIEW (1974) Dave faces a SWARM OF REPORTERS. This level of attention is something new. Exciting in a way. NBC REPORTER What were you thinking when you saw Van Boxmeer go down like that? DAVE I wasn’t thinking anything. I don’t think. NBC REPORTER Were you concerned at all? DAVE Only thing I was concerned about was whether or not he got the message. NBC REPORTER What message was that, Dave? DAVE Go ask him. He knows what he did. If he knows where he is. NBC REPORTER Dave, you’re on pace to break Keith Magnuson’s single-season record for penalty minutes. Was this a you set for yourself earlier in the season? DAVE My only goal was to play good hockey. Help my team. Period.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S APARTMENT - DAY (1974) NEWSPAPER HEADLINE: “DAVE ‘THE HAMMER’ SCHULTZ: NHL’S TOP COP” THE NEWSPAPER PHOTO: Van Boxmeer lying flat on his back. Dave reads this as a man who sees potential. Cathy pears over his shoulder, a woman of worry. DAVE Great name, eh? 36.

A poker face washes over Cathy as she wipes the counter. DAVE (CONT'D) What? CATHY Nothing. Dave rises. Forces her into a hug. DAVE Stop worrying like your mother. CATHY (eyes the article) Does it say if he’s okay? DAVE He’s a big boy. Wanted a piece of me, he got it. End of story. Cathy wiggles out of his grasp. CATHY Are you listening to yourself? DAVE Cath, he had it comin’. CATHY That’s a human being you’re talking about. DAVE Don’t be so dramatic. It’s my job. CATHY Is it? DAVE Bet your goddamn ass it is! CATHY Why are you getting so angry? DAVE I’m not! ... I just don’t understand why you have to be so negative. You don’t know. This could be the best thing ever. 37.

CATHY I just don’t want to see you get hurt. DAVE Never happen. CATHY How do you know? DAVE Because I know! Why can’t you just be supportive? Go listen to Tammy Wynette ‘n Stand By Your Man. CATHY I don’t like that song. And I especially don’t like my husband being referred to as a piece of flippin’ hardware. And you shouldn’t either. DAVE I don’t hear anybody else complainin’.

INT. ED SNIDER’S OFFICE – SPECTRUM - DAY (1974) Keith Allen listens to Ed Snider on the phone: SNIDER (ON THE PHONE) Clarence, be reasonable. It’s not like we’re letting loose wild dogs here. These are men, playing a tough sport. (Snider winks at Allen) If you have to fine us, I won’t be happy, but... Sure, I’ll talk with them about the change... Of course... I’ll have him give you a call, okay? ... Right away... Thanks Clarence. (HANGS UP) ALLEN How much? SNIDER Chalk it up as an operating cost. Besides, Philly loves a winner. ALLEN What about Dave? 38.

INT. SPECTRUM ICE SURFACE - PHOTO SESSION - DAY (1974) Dave wears a POLICE HAT in full hockey as he leans against a POLICE CAR parked on the ice. FLASHBULBS POP as a PHOTOGRAPHER SNAPS shots. The Photographer stops, grabs a HAMMER. Hands it to Dave. DAVE What do I do with this? PHOTOGRAPHER Look mean. You’re supposed to be The Hammer. Give me some of The Hammer’s tough-guy faces. Dave tries various tough-guy snarls and scowls. Feels fake. PHOTOGRAPHER (CONT'D) Good. Good. That’s it. BILLY (O.S.) (to the Photographer) Watch out buddy, you might crack your lens shootin’ that ugly mug. Dave glances over, Billy stands in the bench. BILLY (CONT'D) Hittin’ Rexy’s after this pretty- boy session, Schultzy? DAVE I’m supposed to go home. BILLY So I’ll see you there. They share a laugh. Billy leaves. Keith Allen steps onto the ice. ALLEN Dave.

INT. NHL COMMISSIONERS’ OFFICE – MOMENTS LATER (1974) Clarence Campbell on the phone, all business. CLARENCE CAMPBELL No more tape on the hands. 39.

INT. ED SNIDER’S OFFICE - SPECTRUM - MOMENTS LATER (1974) Dave, still in his Police hat get up, phone to his ear. DAVE (ON THE PHONE) No tape? Ed Snider and Keith Allen sit by as witnesses. INTERCUT - DAVE & CLARENCE CAMPBELL’S PHONE CONVERSATION CAMPBELL (ON THE PHONE) You get caught with it and you’ll miss some games and some pay. I promise you that. DAVE (ON THE PHONE) But Mister Campbell, I need to tape my hands. CAMPBELL (ON THE PHONE) Dave, this is the National Hockey League, not the World Boxing Federation. You either learn to respect the rules or you’re going to have a big, big problem on your hands. Understood?

INT. REXY’S PUB - LATER THAT DAY (1974) Around a table sits Dave, Rick, Billy, Clarke, and Hound. Drinks and empty food trays lay about. DAVE Who the hell am I, the first guy to fight in the National Hockey League? Don’t think so. HOUND So we have to kill guys with our bare hands now. I have no problem with that. DAVE I got a problem with some goofball in an office tellin’ me how to make a livin’. Far as I’m concerned, nobody should say nothin’. 40.

BILLY Davey, this league’s never seen anything like ya. Got whole teams shittin’ their , calling in the Philly Flu night after night. League’s grasping at straws. DAVE It’s a conspiracy. CLARKE Sure you’re not being a little paranoid there Hammer? DAVE Name one other time in the history of the league when a rule’s been made to target one player. One player. On one team. (no responses) You think the league wants to see the Broad Street Bullies raise the ? Over their dead bodies. HOUND That could be arranged. DAVE All I’m sayin’ is these other teams’ll do anything to knock us off our game. If that means callin’ up Clarence Campbell and gettin’ him to clamp down on our style with some horseshit rule just in time for playoffs... Who’s to stop ‘em? HOUND Maybe it’s time we start playing it clean, eh Schultzy? CLARKE Promise me you boys’ll wait ‘til after playoffs. DAVE Won’t see me rockin’ that boat. Everyone toasts and drinks like it’s the Kool-Aid. TORY and a COUPLE FLYERETTES strut by. Tory eyes Dave hard. 41.

BILLY Look at this herd of meat. Bet that one could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch. (to Dave) She’s eyein’ you up Davey. DAVE Nothin’ but trouble there. BILLY Just cause you’re not eatin’, doesn’t mean you can’t stick around and look at the menu. HOUND I’ll take an order of that. RICKY Me too. HOUND Order me a massage and twa. BILLY Are you tryin’ to say, menage a trois? HOUND That’s what I said, ya jerk-off. Hound chucks his tuque (knitted-cap) at Billy. Everyone laughs. Billy slips it on; mimics Hound. BILLY That’s what I said, jerk-off. Hound stands and adjusts the lip of the hat. HOUND There, fix your foreskin, peckerhead. BILLY It’s your hat! Dave drinks and laughs; fully entertained. 42.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S BEDROOM - LATE NIGHT (1974) The bedside clock’s hands point to 2:30 am. Cathy lies still, her back to the bedroom door, pretending to sleep as Dave climbs into bed and slips his arms around her. She squirms. Moves away. Dave comes on more aggressive. He wants some. CATHY You gotta be smashed out of your flippin’ mind. She digs her elbow into his side. DAVE What’s the problem? Cathy sits up. Turns on her bedside lamp. CATHY Same old crap, that’s what. DAVE OK. Bedtime. Dave rolls over to pass out. CATHY No, you woke me up. DAVE Cath, it’s three in the mornin’. CATHY Bullshit. This is the only time I get to even see you. If you’re not coming home when you say you are, at the very least I deserve a damn phone call. DAVE None of the other guys do it. CATHY If the guys told you to go jump off a bridge would you do that too? DAVE How high’s the bridge? Cathy’s look: doesn’t find that funny. 43.

DAVE (CONT'D) You obviously don’t know the first thing about being on a team. Cathy jumps out of bed. Pulls a SUITCASE out of the closet. DAVE (CONT'D) Where do you think you’re goin’? CATHY I’m not one of those bimbos who hangs all over you every night. Where do you think I am while you’re off drinkin’ at the bar? Waiting for you. Watching my life go to shit. She takes out a stack of OLD LETTERS. Throws them at him. CATHY (CONT'D) You can keep this bullshit too! Dave looks at one: NOTE: All of his “o”s are drawn as little hearts. “Dear Cathy, the one I love. I miss you! I can’t wait to come home. Just a few more months and we’ll be together. I’m thinking of you. Love, Dave. xxooxxooxx. DAVE Well let me help you then. Dave dashes over and yanks on the SUITCASE, a TUG-OF-WAR. CATHY Stop bullying me! She pushes him. Anger makes fists of her hands. DAVE What’re you gonna do, hit me? Go ahead. Sock me one. Right between the eyes.


Super: March 1974 A SOLD OUT CROWD echoes the chant!!! Among them are a GROUP OF FANS led by a NASTY-LOOKING OLD MAN (60s) who all sport vintage GERMAN WAR HELMETS painted ORANGE AND BLACK. Emblazoned on the side: “SCHULTZ’S ARMY”. They hold a BANNER: “DON’T MESS WITH SCHULTZ’S ARMY” IN THE WIVES’ SECTION CATHY watches, obligated. No cheers or chanting from her. ON THE FLYERS’ BENCH Shero taps Dave on the shoulder. Gives him the look. Dave slips his gloves over his bare hands. Skates out for the FACE OFF. GENE HART (V.O.) And Freddy Shero puts out his enforcer, Dave “The Hammer” Schultz. With only 15 games left in the regular season, The Hammer is just 42 minutes shy of a new single season record. FROM THE BRUINS’ BENCH TERRY O’REILLY (20s) the guy that gives the Bruins their “Big and Bad” persona, hops the boards. Skates toward Dave. GENE HART (V.O.) (CONT'D) The Bruins counter with their own muscle, big Terry O’Reilly. Arguably one of the toughest men in the league. A real Clash of the Titans here in the 3rd period. FACE OFF - DAVE & O’REILLY lined SIDE-BY-SIDE. O’REILLY We’re gonna go right? DAVE I could use the minutes. O’REILLY Good. I’ve been waiting for months. 45.

DAVE Oh really? O’REILLY I have you figured out Schultzy. DAVE Hardly. PUCK DROPS. Dave and O’Reilly drop the gloves. Dave’s strategy: tie up the arms. Get the right hand free. Wail away. O’Reilly’s strategy: hold on to Dave’s right. Never let go. It’s working. The titans struggle. Dave gets his left up on O’Reilly’s . O’Reilly grabs hold of Dave’s thumb. Bends it ‘til it CRACKS! Dave SHRIEKS!! In the stands, CATHY screams and covers her mouth. IN THE PENALTY BOX Dave slumps over. Rocking. Clutching his wrist. His right thumb clearly broken. Agony.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S APARTMENT - DAY (1974) KITCHEN Cathy shatters a BLOCK OF ICE with an ICE PICK. Drops chunks in a PLASTIC BUCKET. Tap water fills it up. LIVING ROOM ON A 1974 TUBE TV: a MALE SPORTS NEWSCASTER (40s): SPORTS NEWSCASTER (ON TV) And the Flyers have come away with another loss on the road. DAVE’S RIGHT HAND in a CAST. MIXED DRINK in the other. Dave’s eyes look droopy as he watches Cathy lug in the bucket and set it on the coffee table. He gulps back the last of his drink. Hands it out. DAVE Can you make me another one of these too, Cath? 46.

CATHY Should you be having this much if you’re on pain killer? DAVE That is my pain killer. (she enables; takes the glass) Change the channel too? CATHY Didn’t know your legs were broken. DAVE What’s that? Cathy flips the knob to GILLIGAN’S ISLAND. Dave shakes his head. Flips to TELLY SAVALAS in KOJAK, he FIRES A BIG GUN!! DAVE (CONT'D) There. That’s good. Dave dips his swollen hand in the bucket. Shows some discomfort. Takes it out. Grunts frustration. CATHY Wanna try the boat? LATER A BOX FOR A MINIATURE MODEL SAILBOAT lies on the table. Pieces strewn all over, as Dave tries to glue a mast to the hull. He drops the piece. Shakes out some pain. Tries again. More Pain. More frustration. Dave throws the piece at the ship! Cathy’s startled, comes in from the kitchen. CATHY (CONT'D) Dave? DAVE Gonna lose my goddamn mind sittin’ ‘round here doin’ nothin’. CATHY Let’s do something together. Do a puzzle? Play a game? (climbs into his lap) You can play with me? DAVE Cathy. Careful! 47.

Dave pushes her off. DAVE (CONT'D) Gotta keep my hand in the bucket. Cathy retreats, rejected. CATHY You’re gonna need it.

INT. (NY) PRESS BOX - NIGHT (1974) Dave’s hand in an immobilizer as he wears a suit and tie watching the FLYERS play the . Announcer Gene Hart perched at his microphone: GENE HART We have a special guest with us tonight, Mister Dave The Hammer Schultz, whose been on the injured list for the past eight games. How’s the Hammer doin’, Dave? DAVE (flexes his hand) Feels good, Gene. I have to keep it wrapped, but the Doc tells me it’ll be rock solid for playoffs. GENE HART Are you disappointed that it kept you from breaking the penalty- minute record? DAVE I’m still leading the league, ya know. Maybe I shouldn’t be proud of that, but it’s true. As for the record... Watch. Next year. All mine.

EXT. MADISON SQ. GARDEN - NY CITY - LATER THAT NIGHT (1974) BY THE FLYERS’ BUS - PARKED ON 34TH ST. Dave uses his CAST HAND to sign autographs. A LOUD-MOUTH RANGERS (30s) yells: 48.

LOUD-MOUTH Hammer. I paid my money to see you fight Hammer. What happened? You go soft on us? Big softy. Come on Hammer. Big soft pussy. Dave ignores the guy. The loud mouth fan, reaches into his jacket. Throws an EGG. It splats on Dave’s back. He snaps. Pushes aside a FAMILY with YOUNG KIDS, chases after the guy, who takes off. DAVE Better run, you son-of-a-bitch! CLARKE (grabs Dave) Hey! You trying to get yourself arrested? DAVE Guy’s throwin’ eggs at me. The Loud-Mouth taunts from a distance: LOUD MOUTH (O.S.) You’re number one Hammer! CLARKE See, he’s saying you’re number one. DAVE (Dave looks at the guy) He’s usin’ his middle finger!

EXT. OMNI ICE ARENA - ATLANTA, GA - NIGHT (1974) A RED-WIGGED FLAMES FAN wears a FAKE CAST, as he pretends to be Dave, crying, sucking his thumb, holding a limp wrist. He then presses a sign against the glass, featuring Dave’s “SUPERCOP” photo, POLICE HAT on, the caption changed: “S U P E R C O W A R D! ” Super: April 14, 1974 Stanley Cup Quarter-Finals - GAME 4 Dave glares back at this guy like he wants to kill him and tears off his cast. Dave taps Shero: DAVE I’m good to go, Freddy. 49.

SHERO You sure? DAVE Let me out there. SHERO Lotta games left. Use your head. DAVE HOPS THE BOARDS, skates directly to the ATLANTA BENCH. DAVE Any of you chickenshits wanna fight? (No one steps up) C’mon! Gotta be at least one of ya with some balls.

The ATLANTA COACH, BERNIE GEOFFRION (40s) former-player, innovator of the , barks to his team: GEOFFRION Who wants him? (none stand up) Somebody! BRYAN HEXTALL, JR. (20s) a tough, wild haired forward, steps up and hops the boards. Drops his gloves. Dave drops his. They fight... It’s a grappling match that goes to a STALEMATE. EYE TO EYE - DAVE DELIVERS A HARD HEADBUTT!! Turns Hextall’s nose into a bloody faucet. Dave gets his RIGHT HAND FREE. Launches an UPPERCUT. SMASHES Hextall’s face. Realizes it doesn’t hurt. More uppercuts as Hextall tries to get away. Blood spraying. HEXTALL (to the REF) For Chrissake. When are you gonna break this up?! The REF headlocks Dave and pulls him off. Hextall falls limp to the ice. The Ref escorts Dave to the box, passing the Atlanta bench. 50.

ATLANTA’S COACH hangs over the boards: ATLANTA COACH Schultz, you no talent. You think you belong in this league?! You’re nothin’ but a goon! LATER - TUNNEL OUTSIDE THE LOCKER ROOM - IN BETWEEN PERIODS Dave paces, simmering, smoking a cigarette. DAVE Asshole. Shero paces out of the locker room. Notices Dave. Pats him on the shoulder, good work, shake it off.

INT. OMNI ICE ARENA - ATLANTA, GA - A WHILE LATER (1974) SCOREBOARD: FLYERS 3 FLAMES 3 - OT On the bench, Dave stares over at The Atlanta Coach. Shero glances at Dave, sees him eyeing the Atlanta Coach. Shero pats Dave on the shoulder. SHERO Make something happen. NEXT SHIFT - ON THE ICE Calrke with the puck, Dave’s skates close, his cover. FLAMES PLAYERS seem to get out of the way as they skate into the Flames’ zone. Dave plants in front of the net. Uncovered. Clarke slides it to him, he rips a low snapshot. The red light flashes... GOAL! Dave and Clarke hug!! From the stands, an Atlanta FAN throws his AIRHORN. The AIRHORN hits Dave in the head. No pain. Dave is the hero. LATER - THE END OF THE SERIES HANDSHAKE DAVE AND HEXTALL SHAKE HANDS first. Hextall’s jersey, blood stained from their fight. HEXTALL Good game. 51.

DAVE AND THE ATLANTA COACH SHAKE HANDS NEXT. No words. Just a sweet moment of silent payback.

INT. AIRPLANE (FLYING HOME FROM ATLANTA) - NIGHT (1974) Dave, Rick, Billy, Hound and Clarke drink & smoke. RICK That shut him up, eh? DAVE Not a friggin’ word. BILLY Sure drove Hexy a few good ones tonight, Boy. RICK More than a few. DAVE He kept hitting his face on my fist. HOUND More like his face on your kuncklehead. DAVE Freddy told me to use my head. BILLY Genius. CLARKE No joke Hammer, you did your job and you did it well. Broke the ice wide open. Changed the whole tempo of the game. We even got you a nice goal out of it too. HOUND Hell must’ve frozen over tonight, eh Hammer? DAVE Hopefully I’ll get a few shifts when I get down there, eh? 52.

INT. AIRPORT GATE - NIGHT (1974) CATHY is the only wife there among FANS and FLYERETTES with “CONGRATULATIONS” SIGNS. Dave, Rick, Billy, Clarke, Hound are first out. Fans swarm them. Young ladies abound. Cathy pushes her way through the fans to Dave. DAVE Cath? What are you doin’ here? CATHY Glad to see you too. She hugs him. Dave holds back, not in front of everybody. DAVE Told ya I was gettin’ a ride back with the guys. CATHY I wanted to congratulate you. OTHER PLAYERS, Hound especially, notices Cathy. HOUND Clarkey. Clarke sees Dave and Cathy together. Approaches Dave. CLARKE What she doin’ here? DAVE Sorry Clarkey. I told her. CATHY I’m standing right here. CLARKE Put a leash on that one. CATHY Excuse me? DAVE (grabbing Cathy) Cath, keep your voice down. 53.

CATHY (yanking away) I don’t care if they can hear me. Who the hell are they to tell me where I can and can’t be? DAVE Drop it.

INT. CAR (DRIVING) - LATER - NIGHT (1974) The Speedometer revs past 55 mph. Dave drives as Cathy fumes in the passenger seat. The more she talks, the faster Dave drives. CATHY Screw him and the rules ... You too. It’s like all twenty of you spend a few days together and you lose your minds. Become one brain with an IQ of twenty. DAVE Maybe that’s the idea, eh. It ever occur to you there’s a good reason for all these rules? CATHY I don’t think there’s any method to this madness. DAVE You don’t play. You don’t know. So don’t question the method. CATHY It’s driving you insane. DAVE Don’t question the madness either. The speedometer reaches 90 mph. CATHY Dave! DAVE Just sit back ‘n enjoy the friggin’ ride, eh. POLICE CAR LIGHTS flash behind them. 54.

DAVE (CONT'D) Jesus Cathy! CATHY Me? DAVE If you’d just do as you’re told. CATHY Can’t blame your driving on me. DAVE You’re the one who’s got me all stressed out. CATHY You don’t know stress until you have to entertain your mum n’ dad. DAVE Whose mum n’ dad? CATHY Your mother called. Her and your father are both coming. Dave softens up. DAVE Gotta be shittin’ me. CATHY Wish I was. ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD Dave signs a BLANK SPEEDING TICKET as a giddy POLICE OFFICER (20s) waits outside the window. POLICE OFFICER Can you put “from one cop to another”? CATHY Officer, will you please give him a ticket. He deserves one. DAVE Cath, be quiet. 55.

POLICE OFFICER (admires the autograph) That won’t be necessary. DAVE (to Cath) Yeah, let a man do his job.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S APARTMENT - KITCHEN - NIGHT (1974) Cathy places a MIXED DRINK of whisky and coke in front of EDGAR (50s), still a heavy grump. Edgar sips. EDGAR It’s like water. Jesus Cathy. Are you stupid? Never water down a man’s drink. Never. Cathy takes it back to the counter. Dave eats quietly. He too has a whisky and coke going. Dave’s Mother, PAULINE (50s), chews in silence. Cathy brings back the fixed drink. Edgar tests it. Must be good, he keeps drinking. Cathy waits for a thanks. Nothing. She sits, eats a salad. CATHY How are Ray and the girls? PAULINE Ray’s still at the plant. The girls are almost done school. CATHY Things going well at the hospital Pauline? PAULINE Your Mum comes in for her soup everyday. We have tea sometimes. Cathy proceeds with caution. CATHY How about you Edgar. Are you still at the garage? Pauline aims a stern look at Ed. 56.

Edgar glances at her. Drinks. No response. It’s awkward.

INT. BEDROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT - AFTER 2 AM (1974) Cathy lies wide awake, on edge as she listens to the SOUNDS OF EDGAR AND PAULINE ARGUING IN THE NEXT ROOM. Dave, eyes closed, lies still. A bump. The picture on the wall shakes. CATHY My God. Should we do something? DAVE Cover your ears. Close your eyes.

INT. FLYERS PRACTICE MEETING ROOM - DAY (DAYS LATER) (1974) DAVE’S EYES CLOSED - EYEBALLS TWITCH UNDERNEATH... SHERO (O.S.) Keep your eyes on . Dave snaps to attention, eyes open. ON A MOVIE SCREEN: An image of the RANGERS #2 BRAD PARK (20s) flickers. SHERO (CONT'D) Sure, Park’s big, but he’s fast too. Don’t underestimate him. You go easy on D with him, he’ll burn us... Defensively, the Rangers are as solid as they come. They know... Offense sells tickets. Defense wins games. (points to the film) See how they use Dale Rolfe here? Look how fast he breaks it out... DAVE CLOSES HIS EYES AGAIN. Shero’s words fade away as Dave’s eyeballs twitch. IN DAVE’S MIND: ON THE ICE - RANGERS’ #2 BRAD PARK and DAVE square off. 57.

DAVE (V.O.) First, grab his collar with the left. Dave grabs hold of Park’s jersey collar with his left hand. DAVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Maybe take a few. Dave takes a punch in the face. Keeps grappling, unaffected. DAVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Balance’ll be key. Dave shifts his skates back and forth. DAVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Get that right free. Gets his right hand free. DAVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Aim for your left. Keeps his left on Park’s collar. DAVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Bound to hit somethin’. Launches. Nails Park’s chin. Chops him down.

INT. SPECTRUM - FLYERS HOME LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT (1974) DAVE’S CLOSED EYES. EYEBALLS IN RAPID EYE MOVEMENT. SHERO (O.S.) Dave... Dave opens. Gazes up at Shero in a brown game-day suit. SHERO (CONT'D) Rolfe. DAVE Rolfe? SHERO Rolfe’s playing real good defense now. Shero pats him on the arm, you get me? 58.

Dave nods, understood. Shero continues down the line. A wall-length mirror reflects an intense, quiet locker room. Dave stands. Gazes in the mirror. Studies his reflection as he slips on his home jersey. “#8, SCHULTZ” Something changes in his eyes, on his face. He is The Hammer.

INT. SPECTRUM ICE SURFACE – PLAY IN PROGRESS - LATER (1974) CLARKE carries the puck through the neutral zone, on a break. He’s challenged by DALE ROLFE (20s) a clean-cut guy, who pokes the puck away. A clean steal. The Rangers break back into the Flyers’ zone. THE FANS GROAN - MOMENTUM ON THE RANGERS’ SIDE Coach Shero gives Dave the look. Dave stands like an obedient soldier, time to go to work. FACE OFF - FLYERS’ ZONE Dave lines at left wing. Eyes Rolfe on the blue line. The Ref drops the puck. Dave charges Rolfe - his gloves fly off. Rolfe, shocked, grabs on for dear life. He’s no fighter. Dave gets his right hand free, launches UPPERCUTS. IN THE STANDS - A MIX OF GASPS, SCREAMS and PRIMAL CHEERS. CATHY turns away, disgusted. Back on the ice, Dave yanks Rolfe’s jersey over his head. Ups the aggression. Teeth like an animal in for the kill. He lands bombs. Followed by two hard HEAD BUTTS. 59.

Rolfe’s blood spurts from his head and nose. Leaving red spots on Dave’s wild face. The REFS jump on Dave. Pull him off to the penalty box. FROM THE RANGERS’ BENCH, THE RANGERS’ COACH goes ballistic: RANGERS COACH You’re a psychopath, Schultz! (to the Flyers bench) Hey Freddy, get your boy a shrink! AUDIENCE CHANTS: “Hammer!...Hammer!” From the bench, Shero looks on, stone-faced, satisfied. IN THE PENALTY BOX Dave hunches over. Big breaths. Exhausted. Dripping sweat. Only the floor sees the madness in his eyes. He’s truly someone else. A stream of Rolfe’s blood mixes with Dave’s sweat and rolls down his cheek to the side of his mouth. Dave licks it unknowingly. Tastes the distinct flavor. Wipes his face. Sees the blood. Peeks over at IN THE RANGERS’ PENALTY BOX ROLFE bleeds from head, nose. A man broken and humiliated. DAVE feels nothing. Grabs a water bottle. Sprays his mouth, face and bloody hands clean. IN THE STANDS CATHY feels sick to her stomach. Ashamed. EDGAR, drink in hand, stands proud. PAULINE seems shocked as she witnesses the reactions of FANS yelling around them: A BRAVE TRIBE OF RANGERS FANS stand: “BOOOOOOOOO!!” RANGER FANS Schultz, you suck! 60.

A TRIBE OF FLYER FANS stand too: FLYER FANS You suck! The TRIBES throw beers and soda at each other. A FAN BRAWL ensues. It’s mayhem. Cathy, Pauline and Edgar watch from a few rows up, in shock. PAULINE They sure do like to fight here in the States, eh?

INT. LOCKER ROOM - POST GAME (1974) FLYERS celebrate their win, cracking beers. Billy and Clarke shake Dave’s hand: BILLY Hammer, that was loony and I loved it! CLARKE Nice work, Hammer! Dave’s numb to the praise. This is now second nature. REPORTERS enter in a CLAMOR - go straight for Dave, who tries to dress in his going-out duds, but the swarm won’t leave him alone, shoving MICROPHONES & TAPE RECORDERS in his face: REPORTER #1 Why‘d you do it Dave? Dave continues dressing. REPORTER #2 REPORTER #3 What did Rolfe do? Is it true you hear voices? Did they tell you to do it? DAVE Can’t you see I’m gettin’ dressed here? REPORTER #1 Just tell us why, Hammer? DAVE No comment, that’s Goddamn why! 61.

EXT. SPECTRUM PARKING LOT RAMP - NIGHT - LATER (1974) FANS cheer and beg for autographs from the exiting PLAYERS. Cathy, Edgar and Pauline wait with them. As soon as Cathy sees Dave, she rushes to him. Angry. CATHY Did that guy have it coming too? DAVE Cathy. Don’t. MORE REPORTERS clamor for Dave: REPORTER #1 REPORTER #2 Dave! Have you every seen a Mrs. Schultz! Does your psychiatrist?! husband beat you?! Dave scurries Cathy and his parents past the swarming people.

INT. CAR - LATER THAT NIGHT (DRIVING) (1974) DAVE’S HAND on the steering wheel. Cathy stares at him from the passenger seat, ashamed. Dave pretends to focus on the road. Cathy can no longer bear to look at him. In the back, Edgar and Pauline break silence: PAULINE Cathy, why don’t you tell him not to fight anymore? Cathy’s too angry to speak. EDGAR They’re goin’ to the Cup, aren’t they? PAULINE Hard to believe he’s the same little boy who used to run ‘round the farm, eh? EDGAR He grew up. Good thing too. 62.

PAULINE He used to be so quiet n’ shy. CATHY I used to love that part of him.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S BEDROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT (1974) Cathy climbs into bed, quick. She curls up, facing away from Dave, who changes into shorts. CATHY Do you even remember how to be a human being? DAVE That’s just about the stupidest thing I ever heard come out of your mouth. Are you stupid? What are you saying? I’m not a human being? What is that, psycho-babble? You’re a psychiatrist now? You can read my mind? How I feel? You have no idea how I fuckin’ feel! CATHY I’m sure you don’t feel anything. DAVE Keep the pea-brain comments to yourself, eh. CATHY I’m so sorry. KITCHEN Dave grabs a GLASS from the cupboard. Freezer for ICE. Fridge for COKE. Pours WHISKY. Mixes. Drinks. IN HIS MIND: A FLASH of ROLFE’S BLOODY FACE. DAVE SNAPS OUT OF THIS. Drinks until the thought is numb. EDGAR (O.S.) Pour me one too, eh. Dave’s father stands in the doorway. 63.

EDGAR (CONT'D) Hurry. Before your mother gets on my tail. Dave pours. Edgar pats Dave on the back. This is as affectionate as he gets and Dave loves it. Dave hands Edgar the drink. Edgar chugs it back, holds out for a refill. Dave pours more. EDGAR (CONT'D) Watchin’ you out there takes me back. Dave thinks and drinks as Edgar knocks his back. EDGAR (CONT'D) Don’t you let them women get in your head, eh. They don’t know. They couldn’t possibly understand. You guys’re gonna win this thing. I know it. And I’m not leaving ‘til I see it.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S LIVING ROOM - NEXT DAY - DAY (1974) ON THE TV: DAVE PUMMELS DALE ROLFE in Game 7 of the RANGERS Series. ON THE COUCH Dave sips a whisky & coke. Is that really me? Edgar watches with him. Sips a beer. ON THE TV: COACH SHERO interviewed: SHERO (ON TV) The fight was the turning point. It took something out of them. ON THE TV: NY RANGERS COACH interviewed: NY COACH (ON TV) Dale Rolfe’s a good, clean, honest hockey player. He wasn’t doing anything low down or dirty. Just playing good hockey. Then comes psychopath Schultz to take a him out. That’s not a cop. That’s a hitman. That kind of play has no business in hockey. EDGAR & DAVE on the couch. 64.

EDGAR Horseshit. Dave doesn’t respond. Guilty. Sips his drink. CATHY carries Pauline’s SUITCASE from the guest bedroom. ANCHORMAN (O.S. ON THE TV) If this series was a fluke, the finals will take a miracle. The Flyers haven’t won a game against the Bruins since their first year in the league, back in 1967. Dave’s late to notice Cathy struggling. He rises to help her: DAVE Need a hand Cath? Cathy hands him the bag and car keys. Not a word. She goes back to their bedroom. The silent treatment at its best. Pauline stops in front of the TV. PAULINE I’m going. EDGAR You’re blocking the TV.


Edgar climbs on the “BOOSTERS” bus. Dave hugs Cathy. She doesn’t hug back. DAVE Not even gonna say goodbye, eh? Cathy stares back at him, cold. Dave climbs into the bus. Looks back at Cathy, cold as ever. Then heads all the way in. Cathy feels bad for second. Glances over at the BOOSTERS BUS. 65.

TORY THE FLYERETTE holds a sign: “I LOVE THE HAMMER.” Cathy lights a cigarette. Seething with suspicion.

INT. PLAYERS’ BUS (MOVING) – MOMENTS LATER (1974) Coach Shero, walks up the aisle. Taps Dave. SHERO Dave, come up front for a minute. UP FRONT - DAVE HOLDS A LETTER IN HIS HANDS. Allen and Shero watch his reaction. ALLEN This was delivered yesterday. DAVE (reads aloud) Dear Hammer, Get ready for the ultimate penalty. There will be a gun at the Garden. Pull a “Dale Rolfe” job there, and someone’s going to pull the trigger on you. Or maybe it’ll go off just for kicks. We both know you earned it anyway. Have a great series. Your Buddy, Beantown’s Grim Reaper. ALLEN Probably just some die-hard trying to scare you. SHERO Don’t let him. ALLEN The Bruins have assured us there will be security at the doors. Dave sinks, bewildered. Shero jabs him on the arm. SHERO Congratulations. Your first death threat. How’s it feel? DAVE (covering) Fine. Just some nut job. Shero and Allen share a look, a cue. Allen pats Dave on the shoulder. Goes to his seat. Leaving Shero to talk with Dave, 66. man-to-man: SHERO I almost killed a guy in the ring once. Really turned me off. I knew then I’d never be great. To be great you have to be mean. Boxing ring or hockey rink, they’re no different. Look at the greats. They were all mean. They did what had to be done to win. You could be one of the greats, Hammer. Could be.

INT. ICE ARENA – NIGHT (1974) SCOREBOARD: FLYERS 0 BRUINS 0 - 1st Period. In the stands, FLYERETTES do a CHEER to WHISTLES & BOOS. On the ice, Dave lines up for the face off. His eyes dash around the stadium. Glimpses a suspicious MALE FAN in SUNGLASSES & BRUINS JACKET. IN DAVE’S MIND: THE MALE FAN (30s) in SUNGLASSES reaches into the breast of his BRUINS JACKET. skates past and taps Dave’s leg: ESPOSITO O’Reilly’s going to do more than break something this time Schultzy. On the opposite wing, O’Reilly gives Dave a cut your throat hand gesture. THE PUCK DROPS, play moves toward the Flyers zone. Dave skates fast, wild, erratic, like a moving target. Off a deflection, the puck comes his way. O’Reilly gets to it first. Dave could drill him. IN DAVE’S MIND: THE MALE FAN pulls out a HANDGUN. AIMS. BANG!! Dave flinches. Shies off the check. O’Reilly makes the play to ORR. 67.

Dave back-checks as if his life depends on it. It just might. Orr crosses into the Flyers zone, cuts back. Passes to O’Reilly, who fires... and SCORES! BOSTON HOME FANS EXPLODE WITH CHEERS! Tory and the Flyerettes lose their cheer.

INT. PLAYERS’ BUS - POST GAME (1974) Billy, Rick, Dave and the other Flyers load onto the bus. CLARKE Heads up boys, we can beat these guys. One goal. That’s all. Dave sees Edgar in the back. DAVE Dad? You’re on the wrong bus. EDGAR (drunk) I am not. Am I? Clarke takes the seat in front of Dave. CLARKE What happened to you out there Hammer? DAVE Don’t know. Just didn’t have it tonight. CLARKE Find it, eh. Clarke turns his back. Sits. EDGAR What he say? DAVE Nothin’. EDGAR Should tell ya to stop playing like you’re twelve years old. 68.

INT. HOTEL BAR - LATER THAT NIGHT (1974) Dave drinks at the bar as Tory the Flyerette consoles his ego. Tonight is not a celebration. TORY I think you were amazing. DAVE What game you watchin’? Dave sighs. Drinks. TORY Poor baby. Tory reaches for his shoulder. He tenses. She massages. Dave relaxes. Sips his drink. Glances at her, suspicious. DAVE You probably pull this act with a different guy every week, eh? TORY I’ve been waiting a long time to pull it on you.

INT. DAVE’S HOTEL ROOM - MOMENTS LATER (1974) Tory unbuttons and removes Dave’s shirt. Spins him around. Reaches around. Undoes his belt and pants. Shoves him on the bed. Kicks her heels off. Peels off her leg stockings. Drops them on the floor. Climbs on Dave’s back. Massages. Deep tissue style. TORY (CONT'D) Feel good? Face on the pillow. Totally relaxed. Eyes closed. Dave groans an affirmative response. TORY (O.S.) (CONT'D) Okay. Other side. 69.

Dave rolls over. Opens his eyes. Jaw drops. Tory is now TOPLESS. She massages Dave’s chest... shoulders... Arms... Then his hand... Which she pulls between her legs. She moans with pleasure. Guilt creeps in. Dave pulls away. TORY (CONT'D) What Baby? Dave squirms out from under her. DAVE You should go. Shocked. Tory grabs her things. Leaves. TORY Asshole. FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: ON THE ICE IN BOSTON - ROCKED WITH BOOS!!! DAVE faces off with O’REILLY. They’re deep into a vicious fight. O’Reilly’s cut. Dave turns up the heat. Man-handles O’Reilly. SUDDENLY, O’Reilly vanishes. Like fighting a ghost. In fact, 360 degrees around, the entire stadium is empty. Dave is alone. In silence. SUDDENLY he’s surrounded by the bloody faces of O’REILLY, DALE ROLFE, JOHN VAN BOXMEER, KEITH MAGNUSON, and BRYAN HEXTALL. Dave feels out-matched. Cornered. Panicked. 70.

Just then, they move to let one more join the pack... It’s THE FAN in the BRUINS JACKET with his HANDGUN aimed at Dave. SUDDENLY - A BANG!!! A BULLET BLOWS THE BRUINS FAN’S HEAD OFF!!! It’s COACH SHERO with a BIGGER GUN, like Dirty Harry big. HE FIRES OFF ROUNDS!! KILLING...... ROLFE ...VAN BOXMEER ...MAGNUSON ...HEXTALL ...O’REILLY Dave’s paralyzed by the sight. CARNAGE & BLOOD all over the ice. Shero places the PISTOL in DAVE’S HANDS. Dave aims the gun at his own head. Pulls the trigger. BANG! DAVE EYES SNAPS AWAKE He’s safe. In his hotel room.

INT. BOSTON GARDEN ICE ARENA – NIGHT (1974) SCOREBOARD: FLYERS 0 BRUINS 0 - First Period Super: GAME 2 On the Flyers’ bench, Dave bounces his legs like a man awaiting a suicide mission. A tap on his shoulder. Dave gazes up. Shero gives him the look. On the ice, Dave trolls for any target with the puck. 71.

From the flank, a sneak attack - it’s O’Reilly! O’REILLY Looking for a rematch? NO MORE TALK... DAVE AND O’REILLY GET STRAIGHT TO IT... Arms flail...a fierce struggle. O’Reilly goes for Dave hands again. This time Dave anticipates it. Allows O’Reilly to get hold of his wrists. DAVE THRUSTS A HEAD BUTT TO O’REILLY’S FACE!! STUNNING HIM. Dave shakes his right hand free, breaks out punches. Nails him again and again, now clearly winning. Dave never lets up as he hits O’Reilly. Even as they wrestle to the ice. The REFS try to pull Dave off. Finally Dave skates to the box at his choosing. Leaving O’Reilly slow to pull himself up. THE BOSTON BENCH hushed, their protector defeated. LATER - SCOREBOARD: BRUINS 2 FLYERS 2 - OT SUDDEN DEATH IN THE STANDS BEHIND THE BENCH TWO BOSTON FANS (30s) yell: FAN #1 FAN #2 Hey Shero! What are ya doin’ Schultz stinks! Put him on! keepin’ Schultz on the bench Revenge! fah? You his protection? SHERO pretends not to hear them. DAVE watches Shero’s reaction. FAN #1 Shero. Why don’t you put Schultz on so we can score. 72.

DAVE (to Shero) Hey, why don’t you put Schultz on? Shero appears apathetic to both pleas. Calls the next line: SHERO Clarke, Cowboy ... Schultz. NEXT SHIFT The BRUINS’ VADNAIS, gets the puck. Dave charges. VADNAIS panics. Passes to O’Reilly. Dave keeps pressure on. Intimidated, O’Reilly falters. Makes a bad pass. Dave reaches out. Pokes it. A steal! Passes out front to Cowboy, who passes to Clarke. Clarke shoots. Stopped. On the rebound... Clarke lifts it over Gilbert... GOAL! Clarke jumps high into the air. Dave slams into him with a hug. Flyers rush from the bench. Celebration. Sweet VICTORY!!


INT. SPECTRUM LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT (1974) Quiet. Intense. Dave and his teammates prep for a big game. Coach Shero strides in and writes on a blackboard. Dave and the players watch his every chalk stroke. Finished, Shero SPEAKS THE WORDS WRITTEN: SHERO Win today and we will walk together forever. 73.


IN A SPOTLIGHT Singer (60s) belts “”. In shadows, on the BLUE LINE, Dave stands with his Flyers, looking up at the AMERICAN FLAG. In the stands, Cathy also gazes up at the flag. FANS RAISE TO A STANDING OVATION as Smith finishes her last triumphant note.

LATER - GAME IN PROGRESS FLYERS POSSESSION in the Boston zone. Moose takes a slapshot from the point. Ricky deflects it through Gilbert’s five hole. GOAL! On the bench, Dave and his teammates CHEER! BUZZER - SCOREBOARD: BRUINS 0 FLYERS 1 - 1st Period A SERIES OF GREAT SAVES, Stopping Orr numerous times. -Dave protects Bernie when he covers the puck. -SCOREBOARD BRUINS 0 FLYERS 1 - 20 seconds left - 3rd Period. -17,000 FANS on their feet, CHANT... “We’re Number One!” -IN THE OWNER’S BOX, SNIDER, ALLEN, KATE SMITH rise. CLAP. -ON THE FLYER’S BENCH, DAVE WATCHES THE CLOCK COUNT DOWN. ANNOUNCER GENE HART (V.O. RADIO CALL) Puck moves back to Flyers zone. And Ladies and Gentlemen it looks like that’s going to be it! The final seconds! The Flyers are going to win the Stanley Cup. The first to do it! 74.

IN A CLUB BOX CATHY and the wives hug and cheer with tears in their eyes. CLUB BOX BAR EDGAR, with his back to the ice, shoves an empty glass at a BARTENDER (50s). EDGAR You watered down the last one, now you won’t even freshen me up? FANS CHANTING: “10...9...8... BARTENDER They’re about the win, Sir. FANS CHANTING: 7...6...5...4... EDGAR Give me one to celebrate with then. The bartender ignores him. Edgar throws his glass at the bar. It shatters glasses. As EVERYONE ELSE chants: 3...2...1!!” A SECURITY GUARD (40s) drags Edgar out.

INT. FLYERS’ LOCKER ROOM - POST GAME (1974) DAVE & THE TEAM CELEBRATE WINNING THE CUP!!! Wild shouts. Beers crack and spray on GOALIE . Everybody chants: “Bernie!...Bernie!... Bernie!...” ED SNIDER and KEITH ALLEN enter with bottles of champagne. Snider pops and pours one into Lord Stanley’s Cup. Dave drinks from it. The moment is almost perfect. DAVE Anybody seen my father?

EXT. BROAD STREET PARADE - PHILADELPHIA, PA - DAY (1974) 2.1 Million fans there express their “FLYER MANIA.” 75.

-A FAMILY HOLDS UP a STANLEY CUP MADE OUT OF A TRASH CAN. -THE SCHULTZ ARMY with the banner: “SCHULTZ ARMY FOR LIFE” -Signs: “FLYERS WE LOVE YOU,” “WE’RE NO. 1” A LINE OF CONVERTIBLES carry the players down BROAD STREET. IN DAVE AND CATHY’S CAR They drink beer & wave. Dave has a smile plastered on. Cathy’s uneasy about the crowds. MOBS OF FANS CHEER & SPRAY BEER ON THEM. A NAKED WOMAN (20s) streaks up and kisses Dave. The MOB rocks their car back and forth. Some FANS take souvenirs; side mirrors, the antenna. Cathy clutches Dave’s shirt, growing fearful. A CRAZED GIRL (teens) tries to tear it off Dave’s back. RIOT COPS break it up. Cathy’s scared and Dave can’t stop smiling. A POLICE OFFICER on HORSEBACK clears the path. THE MOTORCADE CONTINUES BETWEEN TALL OFFICE BUILDINGS. CONFETTI RAINS DOWN. Dave is overcome with emotion. In this once in a lifetime moment the chaos falls away. Dave pulls Cathy close. DAVE We made it. CATHY Barely.

EXT. LAKE - CANADA - DAY (1974) An orange and black SPEED BOAT zooms around the lake. Dave drives. Cathy grips the orange vinyl. CATHY Dave! Slow down! 76.

Dave eases on the gas. The boat coasts to a stop. Cathy’s hair is all over the place. Dave laughs. Cathy shoots him a shut up look; cracks a smile. DAVE What’s the matter, Cath? CATHY Besides the fact that I married a crazy person? DAVE I’m sorry. Dave wraps her in his arms. CATHY No you’re not. DAVE Cath. Really. I am. CATHY For driving like a whip? DAVE For being a crazy person. They kiss. Passion rises. The boat rocks on the peaceful water. Love making on a lake.

EXT. BEACH - LATER THAT NIGHT (1974) Dave and Cathy share a blanket in the warm glow of a bonfire. CATHY Do we have to go back? DAVE What’s that supposed to mean? CATHY What’s going to happen when we get back and you put that jersey on? DAVE What do you want to happen? 77.

CATHY Not what I think’s going to happen. DAVE You think I enjoy punchin’ guys’ lights out every night? CATHY I think part of you does. DAVE I don’t. It’s not fun. Believe me. CATHY Why keep doing it?

EXT. RURAL DIRT ROAD - OUTSIDE ROSETOWN - DAY (1974) Dave jogs away from the distant town. Hockey stick in hand. AT THE “WELCOME TO ROSETOWN” SIGN Dave shoots a line of rocks. Each shot nails the post. Shoots... CLANG! Shoots... CLANG!

EXT. FLYERS PRACTICE RINK - DAY (1974) Dave tries to enter, but is caught by a SWARM OF AUTOGRAPH- CRAZED FANS... -CUTE GIRLS #1 & #2 (20s) gaze up at him as he signs. CUTE GIRL #1 I love your eyes. CUTE GIRL #2 I think you’re the most handsome guy on the team ... the planet really. Dave’s loving this. -A BOY FAN (12) and his FATHER (40s). FATHER You’re the best Hammer. My son thinks the world of you. Dave pretends the punch the kid, the boy smiles. 78.

-TWO CUTE GIRLS (20s) kiss Dave’s cheeks for a photo. -Dave signs a SEXY GIRL’s (20s) CLEAVAGE.

INT. COACH SHERO’S OFFICE - DAY (1974) CHAMPIONSHIP FLYERS TEAM PHOTO on the wall. Super: September 1974 Coach Shero sits behind his desk. SHERO Good to be back? DAVE Yes Sir. Very good. SHERO So what did you want to talk to me about? Dave shifts in his chair; nervous. DAVE I grew up shootin’ pucks in the net Freddy. I had a few big goals last season and I keep thinkin’... Could I get even more if I was just given the chances? SHERO You’re not our sharpshooter, Dave. DAVE I could be. SHERO You may not realize this, but you’re just as important to this club when you’re on the bench, or in that box, as when you’re out on the ice. (thinks) No, probably more important. (off Dave’s confused look) Other teams see you. The thought of you. They don’t play the same. You do what you do best. Give the other guys the courage to do what they do best. That’s sacrifice. That’s a team player. (MORE) 79. SHERO (CONT'D) Everybody loves a team player. So don’t sell yourself short. Dave’s mood shifts. Prouder. Shero points to Dave’s left hand. SHERO (CONT'D) See that. DAVE’S LEFT HAND dons their NEW CHAMPIONSHIP RING. Gold. Diamond in the middle of a FLYERS EMBLEM. SHERO (CONT'D) You earned it. I want to see one there too. Shero points to DAVE’S RIGHT HAND, bare, scarred knuckles. SHERO (CONT'D) That would really stick it to all those reporters out there sayin’ you didn’t earn it. Calling us the Philadelphia Flukes. Dave clenches a fist, anger flares. DAVE What sons-a-bitches are sayin’ that? Shero smirks. The Hammer’s back.

EXT. RANCHER HOME, CHERRY HILL, NJ – DAY (1974) A NEW RANCHER HOME in an upper-middle-class neighborhood. A WINDOW INSTALLATION COMPANY VAN parked in front. Dave pulls up in his new ‘74 Dodge Monaco.

INT. RANCHER – CONTINUOUS (1974) Dave enters the funky decorated pad. A big step up from the little apartment. A WINDOW INSTALLER (30s), a clean-cut guy’s guy, caulks the edges of a LARGE BAY WINDOW. DAVE What the hell we got goin’ on here? 80.

WINDOW INSTALLER How you doin’ Mister Schultz. DAVE Good thanks. (inspects the windows) Sure you’re doin’ that right? WINDOW INSTALLER Yes Sir. I think so. DAVE Just kidding. CATHY (O.S.) Dave! KITCHEN Dave enters. DAVE Window looks good, eh? CATHY sits at the kitchen table, glaring at him. DAVE (CONT'D) What I do now? Cathy pops up. Hands behind her back. Dave, ultra-suspicious as Cathy unveils a GIFT BOX. CATHY Open it. Inside: An ORANGE & BLACK BABY’S HOCKEY JERSEY - #8 SCHULTZ. DAVE (elated) No. You’re kidding. Cathy shakes her head. Happy tears. They embrace. Cathy smells booze on his breath. CATHY Where were you? DAVE My meeting. 81.

CATHY Then Rexy’s? DAVE So? Dave goes to the fridge for coke and ice. CATHY Did it not go well? Cathy watches him grab a glass. Pour the whisky. DAVE Went great. I got there. We talked. CATHY He’s going to let you shoot? Dave drinks. Nods. Cathy goes to him. CATHY (CONT'D) Really? DAVE Oh yeah. He said I’m gonna get a tons of shots. CATHY (actually buying it) Thank you.

INT. LOS ANGELES ICE ARENA - NIGHT (WEEKS LATER) (1974) An exhibition game -- Flyers versus the LA KINGS. DAVE FIGHTS AN L.A. KING PLAYER. Nails him with right hand after right hand. It’s brutal.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S KITCHEN - NIGHT (1974) Dave takes his RIGHT HAND out of an ICE BUCKET on the floor. CATHY I thought you were the one who wanted to stop. Dave hoists the bucket onto the table, next to a 82.

BOTTLE OF WINE. Dave pours some into his glass. Then places the bottle into the ice bucket. Drinks. DAVE Am what I am. Cathy finishes her glass. Refills. Drinks more.

INT. MAPLE LEAFS ICE ARENA - CANADA - NIGHT (1975) SCOREBOARD: MAPLE LEAFS 4 FLYERS 2 - 3rd Period Super: March 1975 A SOLD-OUT STADIUM CHEERS! FLYERS vs. . DAVE tangles with EDDIE SHACK (20s), a brute with a bushy moustache. A brave REF wedges between them. Shack gets out of Dave’s grasp. Dave shakes off the Ref. Dave chases Shack around the ice. Refs chase Dave, it’s like a cartoon chase. That goes on for way too long... Finally a Ref grabs hold. REF That’s a game, Schultz. DAVE I didn’t even touch him! REF You tried to. DAVE He got away. Ref tries to push Dave to the box. REF Let’s go Dave. Dave shakes away. Skates around. 83.

The Ref tries to grab him. Dave pushes back, the Ref falls on his back. MIXED BOOS, CHEERS AND LAUGHTER!! Toronto’s TIGER WILLIAMS (20s) steps in. DAVE FIGHTS him as well. THIS IS A VICIOUS FIGHT... They exchange some hard blows. Get caught up. Williams knees Dave in the face, then head-butts. SPLITS DAVE’S LIP. Dave gets angrier, head-butts back. More holding on. Williams BITES DAVE’S CHEEK. Dave gets his arm free. PULLS OUT A CLUMP OF TIGERS’S HAIR. Flips Tiger. Rails rails him several times. The Refs pile on. Dave’s able to find a way out of the pile of bodies. Relentless. He DROPS PUNCHES though any hole he can find. BOOs echo through the building as a SCOREBOARD FLASHES: “DAVE ‘THE HAMMER’ SCHULTZ 472 MINUTES!!

INT. AWAY TEAM LOCKER ROOM - TORONTO, CA - POST GAME (1975) ONE REPORTER questions BOBBY CLARKE. CLARKE It’s tough when you’re down a few goals and playing short-handed... CLARKE gets distracted, looks annoyed, as a few seats down... TEN REPORTERS clamor for Dave. Microphones and tape recorders in his face. He soaks it up, in character. REPORTER #2 (French-Canadian accent) Hammer, how does it feel to be the poster boy for ? 84.

DAVE I feel fine about it. Go ask the average hockey fan and I bet they’ll say they love the violence. Especially Americans. They eat it up. REPORTER #2 You don’t think it’s bad for the image of hockey? DAVE Bad? Look how much more popular hockey is now than before I came along. Am I saying I’m the best thing to happen to the game since ? I don’t know? Maybe. I’m certainly better lookin’. REPORTERS chuckle. Keith Allen pushes his way through them. Taps Dave. Motions for him to come along.

INT. COACHES OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER (1975) Clarence Campbell scolds Dave. Fred Shero and Keith Allen sit nearby as witnesses. CAMPBELL What was that mess? DAVE He kneed me. Just about bit my friggin’ face off. CAMPBELL Did he really bite you? Tiger says he didn’t. DAVE Look. Campbell inspects Dave’s face. There are small impressions. CAMPBELL But what were you doing in the first place? DAVE I was playing the game. 85.

CAMPBELL Is that what you call that? DAVE Oh give me a break. CAMPBELL How about a triple misconduct with three game suspension? DAVE Is that a record too? CAMPBELL You don’t have any idea the damage you’ve done. You alone are responsible for seventy-five percent of the negative press the League’s gotten on the violence issue. DAVE Only seventy-five percent? Shero holds back a CHUCKLE. Dave smirks. Campbell, mocked. CAMPBELL Want me to throw you out of this league? DAVE You’d be throwin’ away millions of dollars. CAMPBELL I’d pay that if it’d spare the kids coming up. DAVE What am I supposed to do? Go home ‘n scoop guts at the friggin’ slaughterhouse? CAMPBELL I’ll send you a shovel as a retirement gift. (to Shero) And if you think your boys are going to punch their way to another Cup, I’ll send you one too. DAVE Ahh, you’re full of it. 86.

Allen and Shero cringe. Campbell glares at Dave, then exits. DAVE (CONT'D) What can he do? Can’t just kick me out. Can he? Allen gives Dave look that says, yeah he can. DAVE (CONT'D) Well screw me, eh. SHERO Keep playing your game. DAVE He’s gonna kick me out! Shero motions to Keith. Allen nods. Exits. Dave and Shero stare at each other. Man-to-man. SHERO If anyone here knows about takin’ one for the team, it’s you. DAVE You’re asking me to risk my whole career. SHERO That’s your job. ANOTHER KNOCK AT THE DOOR as TWO TORONTO POLICE OFFICERS (40s) enter with Clarence Campbell. Allen in tow. ALLEN David, just do what they say, we’ll get you out by mornin’. DAVE You gotta be shittin’ me. What the hell for? The officers handcuff Dave. CAMPBELL New Toronto City Ordinance: Causing Violence in a Public Forum. (leans in to Dave) Still think I’m full of it? 87.

INT. TORONTO CITY JAIL - HALLWAY - NIGHT (1975) Dave makes his one phone call. DAVE I’m officially calling to let you know, I won’t be comin’ home tonight.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S KITCHEN - SAME (1975) Cathy sips a glass of wine at the kitchen table. Just behind her is the sliding glass door leading to the backyard. CATHY (ON THE PHONE) I hope it was worth it. INTERCUT - DAVE & CATHY’S PHONE CONVERSATION DAVE (ON THE PHONE) Hey... worth four hundred and sevety-two minutes. CATHY (ON THE PHONE) I’m sure our child will be very proud.

INT. JAIL CELL - TORONTO - LATER THAT NIGHT (1975) Dave snores on the cold hard bench.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S LIVING ROOM - JERSEY - SAME (1975) Cathy reads a REAL ESTATE EXAM BOOK on the couch.

INT. JAIL CELL - TORONTO - SAME (1975) The cell door opens. A drunk, French SCUMBAG (40s) sits down next to Dave. Inspects him. Dave shifts.


INT. JAIL CELL - TORONTO - SAME (1975) Dave wakes to see this Scumbag over him. Not friendly.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S FOYER - JERSEY - SAME (1975) Cathy tiptoes to the FOYER. Stops. A SHADOW moves on the other side of the draped windows flanking the door. CATHY Karolyn?

INT. JAIL CELL - TORONTO - SAME (1975) The Scumbag over Dave: SCUMBAG (in French w/subtitles) I recognize you. You are The Hammer? Right? DAVE Don’t understand ya, Guy.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S FOYER - JERSEY - SAME (1975) Cathy peels back the drape. A MALE INTRUDER in a SKI MASK pops into view! Cathy screams!!!!!

INT. JAIL CELL - TORONTO - SAME (1975) Dave sits up. The Scumbag looks aggressive; in Dave’s face. SCUMBAG (in French w/subtitles) It is you. You big man? You want to fight? Show me what you can do, squarehead. Scumbag taunts Dave; pushes him. DAVE Lay off! Goddamn Frog.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S KITCHEN - JERSEY - SAME (1975) Cathy runs to the KITCHEN PHONE. The line’s dead! 89.

At the front door, the shadow is gone. Petrified, Cathy grips the phone. Eyes glued on that door. Suddenly, something behind her: OUTSIDE THE KITCHEN’S SLIDING GLASS DOOR STANDS THE INTRUDER! Cathy runs SCREAMING back to the front door. Out the window she sees a POLICE CAR, lights on.

SHE BURSTS OUT THE FRONT DOOR - INTO THE NIGHT Arms grab her, she SCREAMS!!! It’s a POLICE OFFICER (40s). POLICE OFFICER Take it easy. You’re okay. POLICE OFFICER #2 (O.S.) I got him. OFFICER #2 walks the handcuffed INTRUDER into the light. Peels off the SKI-MASK -- it’s the WINDOW INSTALLER.

INT. JAIL CELL - TORONTO - SAME (1975) Scumbag smacks Dave in the head. Dave thrusts to his feet, HEAD BUTTS the Scumbag. A POLICE OFFICER hears the commotion; checks in on them. Finds Dave calmly seated on the bench with the scumbag sprawled out cold on the floor. Dave points to the guy. DAVE Drunk as fuck.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S HOUSE - FOYER - LATER THAT DAY (1975) Dave enters the house with his suitcase. DAVE Cath? KITCHEN Dave finds a note taped on the fridge: “At Karoyln’s. –Cathy” 90.

INT. RICK & KAROLYN’S HOUSE - DAY (1975) GUEST BEDROOM Dave holds Cathy as she weeps. DAVE Everything’s okay. I’m here. You’re good. Baby’s good. Right? She nods through tears. CATHY The doctor says I should still be careful. Dave gives her a big hug. DAVE I’ll kill the son-of-a-bitch? Cathy looks his dead in the eyes. CATHY No Dave. A knock on the door. Karolyn pokes his head into the room. KAROLYN Dave, Rick wants to see you downstairs.

MACLEISH’S LIVING ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Dave comes down the stairs, surprised to see Rick, Clarke, Billy and Hound waiting. CLARKE How is she? DAVE Little shook up. She’ll be fine. Awkward silence. Dave senses something’s up. BILLY Listen Davey. We got a problem. Dave looks confused. 91.

CLARKE You. The penalties. DAVE I only do what I do to protect you guys. CLARKE You’re not protecting anybody when you’re acting crazy, chasing guys, runnin’ from the refs. Just puttin’ us short-handed so you can rack up the minutes. DAVE This a joke? BILLY Playoff hockey Davey. Minutes aren’t worth two-shits if us guys aren’t scoring goals and winning hockey games. DAVE (to Hound) You too? HOUND All that skatin’ ‘round is cuttin’ into my beer-time Schultzy. CLARKE Just cool it, eh.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S HOUSE - BASEMENT - NEXT DAY (1975) A GLASS TROPHY CASE houses Dave’s CUP Trophy. At a WORKBENCH, Dave glues a mast onto a WOODEN MODEL SHIP, halfway done. A WHISKY & COKE next to it, also half done. Dave drains it. Stares at the unfinished model boat. CATHY (O.S.) Dave? Dave snaps out of this. Cathy stands behind him. Surprised, Dave pretends to be working on his model ship. CATHY (CONT'D) Phone call. 92.

DAVE If it’s my mother, I’m not here. CATHY Did you hire a talent agent? KITCHEN Dave on the phone, LAUGHING. Cathy eavesdrops. DAVE Campbell’s the one who called ‘em, not me. ... Call and thank him? (LAUGHS) I should. ... Yep, I’ll be there. Thank you Sir. Bye. Hangs up. Cathy waits to be told. CATHY Well? DAVE You’re not gonna like it.

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAYS LATER (1975) Dave readies in front of a microphone, headphones on. In hand: sheet music & lyrics for the song “Penalty Box.” MUSIC FOR “Penalty Box” PLAYS OVER this SEQUENCE:

EXT. SPECTRUM - FLYERS PLAYOFF PEP RALLY - DAY (1975) BANNERS READ: “DO IT AGAIN!!” “LET’S GO FLYERS!!” “REPEAT!” ON A STAGE, Dave Performs “Penalty Box” with a LIVE BAND. He’s in leisure suit. Has a full beard. FLYERS gold chain. Microphone in one hand. BEER and CIGARETTE in the other. DAVE (SINGING LIVE) Baby how long, will you keep me in the penalty box? Baby, I’m wrong, but it’s lonely in the penalty box. I know I broke the rules, but rules are broken by fools. Baby, how long, will you keep me in the penalty box?


FANS hand him drinks. BOMBARD him SUPERFICIAL PRAISE. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN offer COME-ONS: “I’ll keep you in the penalty box, baby.” DAVE (SINGING V.O.) (CONT'D) Love is like an game. Sometimes it can be rough. Girl you got me so all a flame, I never never get enough... charging, n’ cooking, holding and hugging, and then you blow the whistle on me. When you gonna let me go free? Don’t ya know how slow go the penalty clocks, with the tickety-tocks, in the penalty box. [INSTRUMENTAL SECTION - 16 bars] AS THE DAY WEARS ON... Dave gets more intoxicated with booze and attention. Acting like a single man. Reckless abandon. He bumps into TORY the FORMER FLYERETTE. They act overly flirtatious. Hugging like old friends. DAVE (CONT'D) Where’ve you been? TORY I teach dance in Cherry Hill now. No more little skirts for me. DAVE Never heard me complain. TORY Sorry I called you an asshole. DAVE When did you call me an asshole? TORY Do you remember anything about that night? DAVE Waking up feeling like an asshole. TORY That’s because you’re a good guy. Dave puts his arm around her. She likes it. CATHY IS STANDING RIGHT THERE! She just heard it all. 94.

Dave notices Cathy, acts clueless. Tory bolts. Cathy eyes Dave with daggers. Song lyrics pick up... DAVE (SINGING V.O.) I know I made you mad, but girl, I ain’t all bad. Baby, how long will you keep me in the penalty box? Cathy grabs Dave by the arm. Yanks him through the crowded parking lot. TO THEIR PARKED CAR. END MUSIC SEQUENCE when... Cathy PUNCHES Dave between the eyes!!! DAVE (CONT'D) Ow. Jesus, Cathy... We just talked. I swear. CATHY Right, because you’re such a great conversationalist. Cathy reaches into his pocket. Pulls out the car keys. Gets in. Locks the doors. Starts the engine. Drives away.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S BEDROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT (1975) Dave gazes at the EMPTY CLOSET. EMPTY DRESSER DRAWERS lay open. The STACK OF LOVE LETTERS FROM DAVE left behind. On top lays a fresh LETTER from Cathy: “I went home. Don’t call. Whatever you do, don’t write. -Cathy” 95.

INT. ISLANDERS ICE ARENA - LONG ISLAND, NY - NIGHT (1975) Islander fans BOO the Flyers. Super: Stanley Cup Semi-Finals Islanders vs. Flyers - GAME 1 April 29, 1975 On the bench, Shero taps Dave, who sports a FULL BEARD. SHERO Go out there. Screen the net. DAVE PLANTS HIMSELF IN FRONT OF THE NET. Clarke shoots... the ISLANDER GOALIE dives. Stops it. The puck bounces out. Lands on Dave’s stick. He shoots on a wide open net... THE PUCK FLUBS OVER THE NET - NO GOAL! ISLANDERS’ CLARKE GILLES (20s), a tough veteran with 2 inches and 25 lbs. on Dave, dumps it out and makes a comment: GILLES Nice shot, Hammer. Better stick to singing. Then again, you’re piss- poor at that too. DAVE Screw off, Gilles. GILLES That why your wife bolted on ya? Couldn’t stand your singin’? DAVE What you say? GILLES Or did she take off ‘cause you have a limp stick? DAVE DROPS THE GLOVES. GILLES OBLIGES. Dave goes for Gilles’ jersey. Gilles uses his LONGER REACH, holds Dave out. Dave can’t hit him!! Gilles SLUGS DAVE THREE GOOD TIMES. T.K.O. GILLES - THE CROWD CHEERS MADLY!!! 96.

HOUND and RICK see Dave in trouble. They jump in. OTHER ISLANDER PLAYERS JOIN THE BRAWL. REFS break it up by rounding up Dave, Hound and Moose. REF All three of you. Gone! A BARRAGE OF BEER, HOTDOGS, SODAS, POPCORN fly onto the ice. HOUND Hey Schultzy, you go off first. These morons got it out for you. DAVE By myself? RICK Why should we all get it? HOUND Let ’em run out of ammo on you. DAVE TAKES A LONG, LONELY SKATE OFF THE ICE. Beer and food rain down as THE CROWD CHANTS: “Die Schultz! Die!!...Die Schultz! Die!!...” Dave gives the whole rink a STINKY NOSE GESTURE as he leaves. IN THE TUNNEL TO THE LOCKER ROOM Shero grabs the back of Dave’s jersey, whips him around. SHERO What’s the matter, you get your hearing boxed outta you? Now I gotta lose a couple of my real players to serve your stupid penalties. This is the playoffs. If I tell you no penalties, NO PENALTIES. DAVE Turn it on. Turn it off. I’m not a light switch Freddy. SHERO Lights out. 97.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S HOUSE - BASEMENT - NIGHT (1975) Darkness. A dangling LIGHT BULB turns on. Dave steps under it, a FULL BEARD and a FAT LIP. At his workbench, he examines his unfinished model ship. The half empty bottle of whisky lays next to it. IN DAVE’S MIND: We’re on the FLYERS’ BENCH during a game. Shero gives the look. DAVE SNAPS OUT OF THIS to find the whisky bottle now in hand, about to take a pull. He stops himself. Pours the whisky out over the model ship. Smashes the bottle on the floor. Throws the model ship across the room. It cracks the glass trophy case! Dave grabs a HOCKEY STICK from a row of spares. Shoots the boat pieces around the room. Slaps the whisky bottle -- it SMASHES against a shelf. A CARDBOARD BOX teeters. Dave WHACKS the stick against the work bench until it breaks. Trips over the stool. Hits the floor. Hard. On the shelf, the BOX teeters more, then falls. DAVE’S OLD SCRAPBOOK falls out. Exhausted, Dave collapses. Catches his breath. Notices the scrapbook. Reaches for it. Focuses on... -A photograph of YOUNG DAVE at age 12, in HOCKEY GEAR. -BLADE OF WHEAT GRASS PRESSED FLAT. 98.

EXT. MCNAB HOUSE - SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA - DAY (1975) CATHY answers the front door wearing maternity clothes, surprised to see... DAVE on the porch, CLEAN-SHAVEN except for his mustache. If he had a tail, it’d be between his legs. Behind him, parked in front of the house, the DODGE MONACO. DAVE You didn’t say nothin’ about driving two-thousand miles, eh. CATHY You always find your way around the rules, don’t ya?

EXT. POOL GROUNDS - MOMENTS LATER (1975) Parked outside the fence of the public pool. Through the fence, kids swim and play. IN THE CAR Dave searches for his apology. Cathy fiddles, equally awkward. DAVE First time I saw you, you were sittin’ right over there. A knockout. Blonde bombshell. Still are, eh. CATHY I’m a house. DAVE You’re gorgeous. CATHY Dave, what’re you doing here? DAVE Come back with me. (Cathy looks down) Listen, I know, I messed up big time. No question. Things got way outta hand. And I’m sorry. Please. I don’t wanna be without ya. 99.

CATHY You don’t want me. DAVE How can you say that? CATHY I think part of you thinks you do. It’s the other part... I don’t know if it’s thinking at all. If it is, certainly not thinking about me. I’m small potatoes. DAVE Not true. CATHY No, Dave, it’s fine. Just took some distance to see it. We’re a dime a dozen. Oldest story in Canadian history. Boy from the farm goes off to play hockey. Simple little prairie chick follows after him. Both too young. Too dumb. Going too fast... I’m not that girl anymore, and you’re not that boy. DAVE Part of me still is. CATHY I can say part of me is too, but that doesn’t mean we can be that way together. DAVE We can try, can’t we? (glancing at her belly) Don’t we have to? CATHY I’ve tried to pull you out of that box. Can’t do it by myself. DAVE Tell me what to do. Cathy looks away. He doesn’t get it. She pops open the car door. Walks towards home. 100.

INT./EXT. CAR (DRIVING BESIDE CATHY) - MOMENTS LATER (1975) Cathy strolls along as Dave paces the car with her steps. DAVE You want me to take one for the team, eh? CATHY I want you to do what you think you should do. Not what I want. Not what Freddy or Clarkey wants. You. DAVE What if I can’t? CATHY Ask yourself, why not? It takes everything for Dave to admit: DAVE I’m scared. That admission stops Cathy in her tracks. Dave brakes. CATHY There’s no rule against that.

INT. SPECTRUM ICE ARENA - NIGHT (1975) (DAYS LATER) Dave cooks his stick blade with a blowtorch. Inspects his perfect left-handed curve.

INT. SPECTRUM ICE ARENA – FLYERS’ LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT (1975) DAVE hunches over in his stall. Coach Shero comes up to him. Taps him on the shoulder. SHERO Hammer. You’re starting. Dave pops up, shock, excitement. Nods a salute. Shero steps closer. Whispers: SHERO (CONT'D) Robert. 101.

Dave’s excitement turns sour. Shero senses this. SHERO (CONT'D) When the Rangers figured out I wasn’t going to fight for them anymore. They taught me a tough lesson: There’s no room on a hockey team for a boxer who doesn’t wanna fight. Shero grabs Dave’s hand. Molds a fist of it. SHERO (CONT'D) Use this. Or pull it out of the bucket. Shero pats Dave on the shoulder. Moves on. Dave leans back. He closes his eyes. Eye balls twitch underneath as he visualizes something.

INT. SPECTRUM ICE ARENA - LATER (1975) DAVE’S EYES OPEN... HE’S WARMING UP ON THE ICE. Super: Stanley Cup Finals May 27, 1975 - GAME 5 The HOME PHILLY FANS rock the stadium with chants and cheers! Dave stops by the bench, looks up in the stands, finds CATHY. CATHY looks down. She smiles and waves to him. DAVE waves back. OPENING FACE-OFF THE FRENCH CONNECTION lines against the FLYERS STARTERS. ANNOUNCER GENE HART (V.O.) And there they are, the highest scoring line in hockey, The French Connection. , Rick Martin, and last game’s hero Rene Robert, who scored the Sabres winning goal in . Clarke #16 at center, matches with Perreault #11. Barber #7 at right wing, matched with Martin #7. Dave #8 at left wing, matched with Robert #14. 102.

ANNOUNCER GENE HART (V.O.) (CONT'D) And here’s a surprise... Dave Schultz is starting for Philadelphia. Haven’t seen much of The Hammer at all this series, but looks like Shero’s bringing out the big guns here in Game 5. ROBERT #14 taps the ice with his stick, poised. Robert glances at Dave, intimidated. DAVE glares back, a look of death.

SHERO watches like a general. PUCK DROPS. Clarke wins the face off. Passes back to Flyers’ Watson on Defense. Robert forechecks. His back to Dave; chance to take him out. Shero anticipates the assassination. SHERO Now! DAVE DOESN’T ACT ON IT, LEAVES ROBERT UNTOUCHED! Instead, he turns up ice. Shero hates this defiance. Watson passes to Dave on the wing. Dave skates as fast as he can, over the red line. Passes to Clarke who carries it INTO THE BUFFALO ZONE. Controls to the right corner. Then blasts the puck around the boards. To Dave on the far wing. It’s a hard angle to the net, but Dave let’s it go... The puck sails... Hits GOALIE in the MASK. Bounces up crazily. Falls. Tumbles down his back. 103.

Hits the ice. Rolls across the goal line!! THE RED LIGHT FLASHES!! CLARKE AND DAVE CELEBRATE! PHILLY FANS go nuts!! CATHY cheers like she’s never cheered before! SCOREBOARD: FLYERS 1 SABRES 0 - 3:12 into the game! Shero reacts, it’s not what he wanted, but he’ll take it. AFTER THE CELEBRATION - DAVE RETURNS TO THE BENCH. Shero peers down at him. Dave looks up, apologetic. DAVE Next shift, eh. Shero gives him a hard look, you better do what I asked. LATER - SCOREBOARD: FLYERS 4 - SABRES 0 - 9:56 - 2nd period Dave follows the play as his teammate, LARRY GOODENOUGH breaks the puck out with a perfect pass to Dave up the boards. ROBERT forechecks him. DAVE passes to himself through Robert’s legs! Skates harder than ever. Into the clear... a breakaway! Dave rips his hard, low, SNAPSHOT on goal... GOAL! THE RED LIGHT GOES ON!!! THE CROWD BEHIND ERUPTS!! Dave’s TEAMMATES cheer and celebrate!! Clarke hugs Dave: CLARKE Where’d you learn to do that without fallin’ flat on your face? Clarke winks. DAVE Been watchin’ you from the box all season. Clarke laughs. Pats Dave on the back. 104.

DAVE RETURNS TO THE BENCH Gazes up at Shero, ready for a scolding. DAVE (CONT'D) I’m not a boxer, Freddy. Shero nods in agreement. DAVE looks up into the stands... CATHY AND DAVE CONNECT. LOVING, HOPEFUL SMILES. A NEW BEGINNING.


EXT. DAVE & CATHY’S BACK YARD - DAY (1975) SUPER 8 HOME MOVIE FOOTAGE of a HAPPY SUMMER CELEBRATION BBQ (featuring our actors): -ALL THE FLYERS PLAYERS wave and toast the camera with the Stanley Cup. -DAVE & CATHY pose together, Cathy holds their NEWBORN SON, CHAD (infant) next to the Stanley Cup.


MONTREAL GM Ugly hockey won again. NEW YORK GM That’s what’s selling. CAMPBELL We can control the market. Pass a few regulations. Perhaps we’ll squash it. Close this dirty chapter. MONTREAL GM They’ll just break them. CAMPBELL Depends on the rule. TORONTO GM What about a new product? Campbell looks confused, yet interested. TORONTO GM (CONT'D) The fourteen year-old prodigy in Metro. . Plays clean. Fast. The boy is the future. Campbell leans back, relieved.

INT. SNIDER’S OFFICE - DAY (1975) Super: July 1975 Ed Snider, with a nice tan. Dave fiddles with his TWO STANLEY CUP RINGS. Nervous. SNIDER What’s on your mind Dave? DAVE Just checking in... Wanted to ask you about something. SNIDER Is it about the rule? DAVE What rule? 106.

SNIDER What’s this about, Dave? DAVE Guys talk. I’ve heard things. Through the grapevine. SNIDER Oh... I see.... You know we couldn’t have done what we did without you, Dave. I wouldn’t worry. You’ll always have a home here.

INT. FLYERS PRACTICE RINK - DAY (A MONTH LATER) (1975) Shero blows his whistle. Dave takes a knee at CENTER ICE with the tryout squad. Super: Flyers Training Camp 1975-76

SHERO The new rule allows the Refs to give out game misconducts to any one of you knuckleheads who tries to start a fight. BILLY What’s it called, The Schultz Rule? (to Dave) Eh, Davey? Chuckles from the players. HOUND Way to go Schultzy. Dave shakes his head; that’s the last thing he wants.

INT. TUNNEL TO THE LOCKER ROOMS - LATER (1975) Dave comes off the ice. Shero’s been waiting for him. SHERO When you’re cleaned up, Keith wants to see you over at the Spectrum. DAVE This about that stupid rule? 107.

Shero shrugs, but by the look on his face; something’s up.

INT. DAVE & CATHY’S KITCHEN - LATER THAT DAY (1975) Cathy feeds BABY CHAD. Dave enters; scared to speak. CATHY What? DAVE What do you want to hear first; good news, or bad news? She knows the bad news already; they’ve been traded. Her shock turns to tears of joy and sorrow. The baby cries. CATHY Where’s the good news?

EXT. LOS ANGELES, - ESTABLISHING - DAY (1975) Sun. Ocean. Palm trees. The Hollywood Sign. Sign: “WELCOME TO THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES”

EXT. FORUM ICE ARENA - INGLEWOOD, CA - DAY (1975) Palm trees. A rink in a concrete lot.

INT. COACH PULFORD’S OFFICE - SAME (1975) COACH PULFORD (50s) sits, laid back, behind his desk. PULFORD Welcome to the Kings, Dave. Dave sits in a chair across from him; shifts uncomfortably. PULFORD (CONT'D) I see you as my left wing on a regular line. I don’t expect you to go out there and do what you’ve been doing. This isn’t Philadelphia.


On a crescent. Nestled in yucca trees and blooming flowers. AT THE MAILBOX Dave encounters a NEIGHBOR (40s) also getting mail: NEIGHBOR What brings you to the West Coast? DAVE The Kings. (off the neighbor’s confused look) NHL team. (still baffled) Ice Hockey. NEIGHBOR Los Angeles has a team?

LATER - IN THE BACK YARD Little CHAD holds himself up with a mini hockey stick. Cathy cheers him on. Relaxing on the patio, Dave enjoys this sight. Smokes his cigarette. Sips a beer. It’s bittersweet.

INT. SPANISH-STYLE RANCHER - ANOTHER DAY (WEEKS LATER) (1975) LIVING ROOM Dave glues the final touches on a WOODEN MODEL BOAT. He places the finished model atop the CRACKED TROPHY CASE. The glass mended with TAPE. Dave admires his collection of Flyers memorabilia & trophies. His fractured reflection in the mended glass. DISSOLVE TO:

INT. SPECTRUM SPORTS ARENA - PHILADELPHIA, PA - NIGHT (1996) A BANNER: “GOODBYE BELOVED SPECTRUM” Super: 1996 IN THE TUNNEL - OFF THE ICE - THE SOUND OF A FIRED UP CROWD! Dave (40s) waits in line of FLYERS ALUMNI - all in their suits and championship jerseys. CLARKE turns around: 109.

CLARKE Good to be back Schultzy? DAVE Like comin’ home. CLARKE Too bad Freddy’s not here, eh? DAVE He is. ANNOUNCER GENE HART (O.S.) He was the heart of your Stanley Cup Champion Philadelphia Flyers... Captain, Bobby Clarke. CLARKE (to Dave) Try not to fall down. Clarke winks,then walks out to a HEARTY SWELL OF APPLAUSE. Dave is next to go. Anticipation. ANNOUNCER GENE HART (O.S.) He led the league in penalty minutes consecutive years, the Broad Street Bully himself... Dave the Hammer Schultz. Dave pads down the orange carpet, onto the ice. The FANS’ CHEERS REACH THE HIGHEST DECIBEL. A STANDING OVATION!!! “Hammer!” CHANTS!! FAN SIGNS: “SCHULTZ, WE’RE STILL YOUR LOYAL ARMY” “DAVE - YOU’LL ALWAYS BE THE HAMMER OF OUR HEARTS” CATHY is in the stands with THEIR TWO SONS; proud. DAVE savors this moment. Welcome home. Super: “On November 16, 2009, 33 years after being traded, Dave Schultz finally found a permanent home in Philadelphia, as a member of the Flyers Hall of Fame.” “In eleven seasons of pro hockey, Dave scored 121 goals and broke 5 major penalty-minute records. His 1974-75 single- season total of 472 still stands today.”