911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360

Volume 22, Number 25 Thursday, June 29, 2006 THE Page 2 June 29, 2006

THE 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 219/879-0088 • FAX 219/879-8070 e-mail: News/Articles - [email protected] Cover Art email: Classifieds - [email protected] by

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TM Connie Kassal Trademark of American Soybean Association THE BEACHER BUSINESS PRINTERS Delivered weekly, free of charge to Birch Tree Farms, Duneland Beach, Grand Beach, Hidden This is the 2nd in a series of five posters in honor Shores, Long Beach, Michiana Shores, Michiana MI and Shoreland Hills. The Beacher is also of the LB Volunteer Fire Department. delivered to public places in Michigan City, New Buffalo, LaPorte and Sheridan Beach.

A Rush to Celebrate the Fourth of July by Charles McKelvy Benjamin Rush knew that Declaration of Independence the Declaration of (Oxford University Press, Independence was just the New York, 1954). medicine the American Thanks to Natalie and Mr. Colonies needed, so he put his Malone, I can tell you that Dr. signature to it in his thirty- Rush “was associated through- first year as the youngest out most of his professional life signer from Pennsylvania. with the Pennsylvania Although the good doctor Hospital, which he founded, never wholly convinced his and the University of good friend and fellow sign- Pennsylvania, and he was a er Thomas Jefferson that leading light of the American physicians of the time did Philosophical Society. Like more good than ill, he did Franklin and Jefferson, he become surgeon general of was interested in everything, the armies of the Middle and he passed his days like an Department some months arrow shot from a bow.” after the signing on July 4, Natalie says her arrow of 1776. an ancestor aimed his heart Benjamin Rush, as you all at at Julia Stockton from know, became the most New Jersey whom he married famous American physician before her seventeenth birth- and medical teacher of his day. The beloved Julia bore the generation, and he was the doctor 13 children, two of hero of the yellow-fever epi- whom, according to Dumas demic of 1793 in Philadelphia. Malone, “gained enduring But did you know that the distinction: Richard Rush, impulsive physician made the diplomat; and James indiscreet remarks about the Rush, who followed his father Father of Our Country that seemed to involve him in in the medical profession.” the cabal against General Washington? The portrait of Rush you see before you was paint- Or did you know that Benjamin Rush “sought to ed toward the end of the doctor’s life, and, as Mr. Malone transform society according to republican principles says, “it shows him as a sweetly pensive old man, giv- and attacked slavery, strong drink, classical educa- ing no suggestion of his pugnacity and vivacity. It was tion, and tobacco?” You should also know that he just about this time that one of his many adoring pupils went through a relatively conservative political phase said that he looked like ‘an angel of light, and deserved after the Revolution, but sided with Jefferson during deification if any mortal did.’” the partisan struggles of the 1790s while still main- Rush was at the height of his fame in 1813 when taining his close friendship with John Adams. he died in Philadelphia in his sixty-eighth year. How do I know all this? So doctor up your drink and hoist it high and clear Well, I will have you know that my dear wife this Independence Day in honor of the good doctor who Natalie is a direct descendant, on her father’s side, was elected to Congress in July 1776 after signing the from Benjamin Rush. And what facts my learned Declaration with great satisfaction. wife was unable to share about her illustrious ances- And please follow the doctor’s orders by having a tor, the astute Dumas Malone was able to provide in safe and happy Fourth of July!!! my favorite Fourth of July reading: The Story of the THE June 29, 2006 Page 3

Preamble to the Declaration of Independence Open ‘til 6 p.m. July 4, 1776 Evenings When, in the course of human events, it becomes nec- essary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, www.littlehousefashions.comElegant Apparel for the a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that [email protected] Conscious Woman they should declare the causes which impel hem to the sep- Women’s Apparel aration. We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator NEW SPRING with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, 1 2 liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these Buy 1 Get One ⁄ Price!!! rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their (of equal or lesser value) just powers from the consent of the governed; that, when- ever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abol- ish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foun- dation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that gov- ernments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath show, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future secu- rity. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the pre- sent King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establish- ment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove Designed to reflect your own American Spirit… this, let facts be submitted to a candid world… Stars and Stripes come together to create a cascade of red, white and blue. A true Polo design; three button plack- The Declaration of Independence can be roughly et, straight hem, trim sleeves and Polo collar made of cot- divided into four parts, two of which we have given ton pique knit fabric. Can be worn by men or women. you here: the pream- 100% Cotton pique, washable. $48.00 Sizes S-2X ble and a philosophi- cal paragraph stat- Buy 1 Piece, and Get the ing the reasons the 2nd Piece 50% Off! States ought to be free and indepen- A great outfit, at a great price. dent. There is also a listing of particular grievances against the Tent Sale - 40% off king, and finally, the Declaration itself. The entire document can be Meet Us For Lunch And A Style Show read at the web page WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 - ’S, NEW BUFFALO Click on “Charters of 409409 Alexander StreetStreet, LaPorte, IN 326-8602 On Hwy 35 - 5 Blocks South of Lincolnway Freedom.” On Hwy 35 - 5 Blocks South of Lincolnway TurnTurn Rightright on AlexanderAlexander Monday-FridayMonday - Friday10 am 9:30to 6 pmto 7 Saturday Saturday 9:30 9:30 am to to5 5 pm THE Page 4 June 29, 2006 Conversational Italian and Culture

fine shopping not so far away The Office of Continuing Education at Purdue unique boutique in Long Beach University North Central will offer a non-credit course in conversational Italian as well as a non- credit introductory course in Italian culture in July. Both courses will be useful to persons traveling to Italy for business or pleasure. “Italian the Easy Way” will teach students how to communicate in common situations in Italy such as shopping, going to restaurants, catching a train, bus or plane and general conversation. The course will meet on Thursdays, July 13-Sept. margaret sullivan studios 14, from 7-9 p.m. at the PNC Westville campus. The course fee is $244. An additional mandatory book fee of $20 will also apply. “Mixing Business and Pleasure…The Italian Way” will introduce students to the culture, habits and behavior of the Italians and will provide a com- prehensive overview of the most significant aspects of Italian life, including natural and artistic attrac- artistic silks, scarves, special occasions, tions, history, religion, food and entertainment. wraps, sarongs, & accessories This course will be offered on Tuesdays, July 11-Aug. 29, from 6-8 p.m. at the PNC Westville campus. The course fee is $244. A mandatory book fee of $30 will also apply. the long beach old school center, 2501 oriole trail open: wed.-fri. 11-5 sat. 10-3 sun. noon-2 To register, contact 872-0527, ext. 5343, or visit 219-872-9593 cel: 773-919-0373 Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact ext. 5343. THE June 29, 2006 Page 5

Sure glad I'mtaking care of my business HERE!

You can too – In Michigan City. John Regetz • 219.873.1211 • • [email protected] Lower Business Costs • Direct Access to Major Markets THE Page 6 June 29, 2006 Spirits High at Shirley Heinze Silver Anniversary Gala by Laurie Wink

A record 250 supporters of the Shirley Heinze gala took place in two large tents near the farm’s white Land Trust celebrated the 25th anniversary of the non- barn. After registering, attendees moved into the profit organization Saturday, June 17 at Tryon Farm. first tent to view silent auction items. Available for The third annual summer benefit, billed as “The bids were an array of getaway and outdoor adventure Spirits of ‘81”, featured fabulous food, magical moments packages, art, jewelry, food and beverage items, books and an entertaining look at the past, present and future and things for the home and garden. of the land trust. Magician Matt Kalita, of LaPorte, strategically stationed himself between the event tents to engage guests in some sleight of hand before they entered the main tent to search for assigned tables. During din- ner, prepared by Classic Catering, the group was welcomed by Warren Buckler, president of the Shirley Heinze Land Trust Board of Directors, and Kris Krouse, executive director. Special recognition was given to John Heinze, nephew of Shirley Heinze, and his wife Susan, who came from Blacksburg, Virginia for the event. Shirley Heinze, a psychiatrist and resident of Ogden Dunes, actively engaged in efforts to the Indiana dunes natural areas. Following her death, long-time friends Robert and Bette Lou Seidner

Kathy and Karl Dennis, host committee members, welcome guests to their energy-efficient, earth-sheltered home. Since 1981, the Shirley Heinze Land Trust has preserved more than 1000 acres of natural environ- ments in Lake, Porter and LaPorte Counties. And Tryon Farm, a 175-acre conservation community carved out of a former dairy farm on Tryon Road in Michigan City, offered a synergistic setting to commemorate the achievements. Ed Noonan, co-developer of Tryon Farm with wife Eve, was among the host committee members shut- tling guests to the opening cocktail parties held at two earth-sheltered homes. Nestled next to a wetland pond, the uniquely designed homes are both beauti- fully decorated and energy efficient. Warren Buckler, board president, and Rosemary Gemperle, benefit The main events for the Shirley Heinze Land Trust committee member, are grateful for good weather.

Magician Matt Kalita tries one of his tricks with Giovanna DaSilva. Giovanna DaSilva’s smile has magic of its own. THE June 29, 2006 Page 7

Jim Ruge, co-owner of the Schoolhouse Shop in Chesterton and president of First State Bank of Porter.

Henry Jones, board vice president, and wife Eleanor from Gary.

Beverly Shores residents Tim Griffin and Suzy Vance, a member of the host committee, greet guests with welcoming smiles.

Art Smith, Michigan City, chats with Myrna Newgent, board member and former

Life board member Irene Herlocker-Meyer poses board president. with friend Sylvia Manalis. Both are from Beverly Shores.

Katherine Beckett, Tryon Farm resident. Beverly Shores residents David and Kristen Jacobucci, on host committee. Allen Johnson, Ogden Dunes, exam- ines a book in the silent auction tent established the Shirley Heinze Environmental Fund programs, including guided hikes and programs in 1981. Now known as the Shirley Heinze Land offered for school and community groups. The work Trust, the organization continues to preserve and of the organization, headquartered at 444 Barker protect the unique ecosystems of the Indiana Dunes Road in Michigan City, is done by a small staff and region and the southern Lake Michigan watershed. many volunteers, with oversight by the volunteer Buckler, in his final year as board president, said Board of Directors and an Advisory Council. he is proud of the organization’s role in getting the Henry Jones, board vice president and Gary resi- Ambler Flatwoods designated as a state-dedicated nature dent, said the anniversary events help people learn preserve. The Shirley Heinze Land Trust purchased about the work of the organization and, ideally, nearly 200 acres of the property, located east of encourage some to get involved in efforts to preserve Michigan City between Freyer and Tryon Roads, to land for future generations. Jones said the work has preserve its more than 250 native plant species. An never been more important because, “you see every- official dedication ceremony was held May 6, as part thing going under asphalt these days.” of the 25th year observances. From the crowd in attendance June 17, the future In addition to environmental protection, the Shirley of Northwest Indiana’s natural land appears to be in Heinze Land Trust is dedicated to promoting envi- capable hands. ronmental awareness through community outreach THE Page 8 June 29, 2006 * * * King $1024 ™ Full $699 Serta QUEEN SET PRICE REFLECTS $75 REBATE * PROGRAMS 724 Local Delivery $ Twin ISLAND PALM FIRM OR PLUSH ISLAND PALM $619 With Sets $499 And Up Cash & Carry * FIRM QUEEN SET * ™ 299 * King $ $1024 FREE SPECIAL PURCHASE Serta ™ 3 YEARS - SEE STORE FOR DETAILS * COUNTING SHEEP PLUSHIE FINANCING INTEREST FREE TO FIT EVERY NEED FROM 90 DAYS TO NEED FROM 90 DAYS TO FIT EVERY HE Full EST Serta $699 T B * DELIVERY • SET UP REMOVAL * DELIVERY QUEEN SET S PRICE REFLECTS $75 REBATE ’ 724 * AKE $ Twin DESERT WILLOW PILLOW TOP DESERT M $619 July 2nd E ORLD ATTRESS 1-3:30 pm * W W M SUNDAY OPEN * Quality , Service And Low Prices at Naturally Wood! Get the Best Value King $944 ™ Full $659 Serta QUEEN SET PRICE REFLECTS $75 REBATE 654 * $ Twin $579 DESERT WILLOW FIRM OR PLUSH DESERT King $749 ™ Full $449 Serta QUEEN SET 499 PROMINENT EURO TOP $ Twin $399 *WITH QUALIFYING QUEEN OR KING MATTRESS SET *WITH QUALIFYING QUEEN OR KING MATTRESS King (219) 872-6501 or1-800-606-8035 • Mon. - Thur. 9:30 - 6, Fri. 8, Sat. 9 6 (219) 872-6501 or1-800-606-8035 • Mon. - Thur. $589 More Than Just A Furniture Store! 1106 E US HWY 20, Michigan City • www ™ ALL BED SHEETS, DEEP FITTED Full $369 Serta includes Personal Best, Perfect Day, International Visco Foam and Most Perfect Sleepers includes Personal Best, Perfect Day, QUEEN SET 399 APPLAUSE FIRM SET SAVE UP TO 50% ON SELECT CLOSEOUT MODELS! SAVE $ MATTRESS PADS & COMFORTER SETS ON SALE! PADS MATTRESS Twin LIMITED TIME ONLY...HURRY IN AND SAVE NOW! IN AND SAVE LIMITED TIME ONLY...HURRY $289 THE June 29, 2006 Page 9 Everything’s More Fun When You Add Music 4th of July Holiday Included Everything’s more fun when you just add music. Start celebrating the 4th of July a little early with a free summer concert overlooking beautiful Lake Michigan. Bring a picnic basket and blanket and relax as the La Porte County Symphony Orchestra presents a memorable patriotic concert with a twist at 8 p.m. on Sunday, July 2 at the amphitheater in Washington Park. kitchens, baths, and flooring Hoosier Star finalist Anthony Brewer, of Michigan City, will begin the program with his vocal version of Showroom Open to the Public the “National Anthem.” Brewer was chosen as one of Showroom Location: 12 finalists from 116 contestants to perform at the 1916 E. Hwy. 20 Hoosier Star concert on June 24. He has been the Michigan City, IN Minister of Music for Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church in Michigan City since he was 14. He’s also 4th of July a featured soloist with the Michigan City Mass Choir, directed by Pastor Dewitt Jackson. Celebration Music will also include the “Armed Forces Salute,” Sousa’s “Sempre Fidelis,” “Stars and Stripes” and Duneland Interiors is two audience sing-a-longs “God Bless America” and Kicking off the 4th with a Boom… “America the Beautiful.” The performance will also 4th of July Price Explosion Sale… feature “New York City: Here’s to the Big Apple,” “Hooked on Classic” and “American Rhapsody.” Price Explosion price… The twist to the concert comes when Hoosier Star finalist Brewer sings the theme song to the Titanic, “My Heart Will Go On” and Hoosier Star finalist Mohawk Berber Stephanie Shelton performs “Habanera” from Carmen. Carpeting Installed Shelton, 16, heard “Habanera” for the first time when 9 BEAUTIFUL COLORS she was 10 years old. It inspired her to sing opera. She 12 & 15 width some day hopes to be on the stage of Paris’s Opera NOW $1.55 sq. ft. Bastille, Sydney’s Opera House and New York City’s Metropolitan Opera (The Met). She has been in numerous area productions, her last being a soloist in “The Sound of Music” at the Memorial Opera House in Valparaiso. Music for the evening will also include “Wicked,” “Pirates of the Caribbean,” “Satchmo,” Anderson’s “The Girl I Left Behind Me,” and Brahms “Hungarian GRANDVIEW and SACO Dance No. 5.” KITCHEN CABINETS The La Porte County Symphony Orchestra is cel- Choose from 25 Door Styles ebrating its 34th season of bringing the joy of live music NOW up to 60% off to residents of La Porte County and the surrounding Mfg. List Price areas. The orchestra performs 11 concerts per year. Maestro Philip Bauman is music director and conductor. For more information, visit or call the Symphony office at 219-325-0666.

SEE US FOR ALL YOUR CABINET AND FLOORING NEEDS… how it was. PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION AVAILABLE… how it is. the soda fountain and more. DUNELAND INTERIORS temple news. 816 jefferson ave. laporte. 1916 East Highway 20 (Across from Trail Creek Liquors) Michigan City, Indiana 46360 219.871.0555 Email: [email protected] THE Page 10 June 29, 2006 LB PTA Scholarship Winners Paul’s Michigan Fruit Market, Inc.

Now open every weekend Beachwalk Lane Sheridan Beach, Michigan City

Friday - Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Krysten Beck Amanda Igra The Long Beach PTA Scholarship Fund is proud to announce two scholarship recipients for 2006. Krysten Fresh Produce Beck of Michigan City High School, and Amanda Igra of New Buffalo High School, tied for first place MICHIGAN IN SEASON of all applicants as the most notable high school graduating seniors having attended Long Beach Flowers • Planters Elementary School. Krysten, daughter of Janet and John Beck of Pottawattomie Park, will attend Indiana University 269-469-0601 and plans to study Radiology. Amanda, daughter of Jerry Igra of Michiana Shores and Rebecca VantHof of LaPorte, will attend the University of Michigan to study Biochemistry and Physics. She hopes to go to Medical School in the future. Both girls are high academic achievers, involved in numerous extracurricular activities and sports, and have received many honors and awards. Krysten has been on the Principal’s Honor Roll and received the Scholarship Pin for three years. She was Class President for two years, Spanish Club president, and twice Student of the Month. She has been a member of the varsity softball. She was in the National Honor Society, Student Government, Steering Committee, June 19 - August 11 and National Foreign Language Honor Society. Krysten has also been a volunteer at Dunebrook. Ages 3 (potty trained)-13 She enjoys painting and knitting in her spare time. Michiana Community House Amanda was honored for Leadership and Academic 4600 Cherokee, Michiana, MI Excellence. She participated in Quiz Bowl, Science Olympiad, Mock Trial, and Drama Club. She was Student Senate President and Editor of the school news- FUN • GAMES • SPORTS • ART paper. She competed in track, cross country and golf. Amanda enjoys piano, reading and cooking, and she PROGRAM participates in the Dunes Summer Theatre. All of the applicants were excellent and personify Daily 9 am-12 pm Chicago Time what Long Beach School aspired for all its graduates. The scholarship is awarded annually on the basis of Daily - Weekly - Monthly Seasonal Rates scholarship, extracurricular and community activities, teacher recommendation and a written essay, and will Same Day Registration extend for three more years. Congratulations to Krysten and Amanda, and Best Call Chris Balawender (219) 879-0076 Wishes for their college career! ------submitted by Beret Beatty THE June 29, 2006 Page 11

Young People’s Theatre Company presents the LaPorte County Premiere

of ©Disney

Music By Lyrics By Book by ALAN MENKEN HOWARD ASHMAN LINDA WOOLVERTON and TIM RICE July 7, 8, 14, 15 at 7:30 pm July 9 at 2 pm

under Adults $10 – Children 13 $5 For Reservations Phone (219) 873-2040 Elston Middle School Performing Arts Center Michigan City, Indiana Flying effects by ZFX THE Page 12 June 29, 2006 China Immersion Studies at VU JESSICA TAMPAS PHOTOGRAPHY A contingent of nearly two dozen K-12 teachers and college students enrolled in China studies programs will be immersed in Chinese language and culture through a new Valparaiso University summer program in China. The seven-week VU Summer Immersion Program will help meet the growing need for professionals and teachers who understand the Chinese language and culture, said Dr. Zhimin Lin, chair of Valparaiso’s Chinese and Japanese studies program. “By combining intensive language training in a Chinese-only environment with professional experi- ences, the participants will be able to improve their language skills and gain a better understanding of China’s culture in a relatively short period of time,” Dr. Lin said. “This program will enhance the teach- ers’ effectiveness as instructors of Chinese and pre- pare students for careers or advanced study requir- ing Chinese language skills.” Participating in the program are 10 teachers and 13 undergraduate and graduate students, who will leave for Hangzhou, where VU maintains a Study Chicago, IL 312.942.1905 Center, on June 24 and return Aug. 13. During the first four weeks of the program, par- Lakeside, MI 269.469.6929 ticipants take a four-hour, intensive language course six days a week, visit culturally significant sites and have numerous opportunities to interact with residents of Hangzhou. In the last three weeks of the program, the teach- ers and students continue language instruction but also engage in professional activities. Teachers will Open Yourself Totally... spend time in primary or secondary schools learning about Chinese teaching methods, curriculum and education administration. Students will participate to Wellness! in internships related to their professional interests. Dr. David Rowland, dean of graduate studies and SERVICES INCLUDE: The Massage Therapy continuing education, said teachers in the program • Therapeutic massage & Wellness Center is the include elementary, middle and high school teachers, area’s leader in providing • Acupuncture clinic as well as teachers from both public and private professional wellness • Chinese herbal schools. Teachers from six states are participating in programs. If you have medicine the immersion program, including three from Chicago experienced holistic care, • Heated stone therapy area schools. you’ll be impressed by • Salt scrub The University won a $76,178 grant from the U.S. the exceptional quality • Healing touch Department of Education’s Fulbright-Hays Group and scope of our services. • Personal fitness Project Abroad to help fund the Summer Immersion If you’ve never even had Program and expects to continue offering the program • Qigong a massage before, try us. in future years. VU is partnering with Zhejiang Wellness is the total you! • Reflexology University of Technology in Hangzhou to offer the immer- • Programs for business, sion program. including chair massage Valparaiso has operated its Study Center in • Pregnancy massage Hangzhou, a city of more than 2 million people in east- • Gift certificates ern China, for more than 15 years. More information about Valparaiso’s Chinese and Japanese studies 1026 North Karwick Road program is available online at Michigan City, Indiana 46360 219-879-5722 At The Harbor Grand Hotel 888-605-6800 Support those who advertise in the Beacher! Tell them you saw their Ad! THE June 29, 2006 Page 13

RESTAURANT HOURS HAVE A HAPPY Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday AND SAFE 4TH OF dinner beginning at 5 p.m. JULY The Duneland Beach Inn , laughter and friendship always welcome here! Appetizers Our Dressing Selections are all created in Chesapeake Bay Crab Cakes 19 house: Roasted garlic Caesar, creamy Moist & meaty sautéed crab-cakes with Chesapeake Bay Crab Cake 9 gorgonzola, 1000 Island, balsamic vinai- whipped potatoes, black bean salsa & Moist & meaty sautéed crab-cake with grette, peppercorn ranch, French Catalina, chipotle aioli black bean salsa smoked chipotle aioli sweet mustard vinaigrette BBQ Baby Back Ribs 18 Wasabi California Rolls 10 ****** Split salad plate add 2 ***** A full rack of tender, smoky baby-back ribs Home-made sushi rolls with avocado, ahi with chipotle bbq sauce, DBI chips & slaw tuna, wasabi, pickled ginger & soy Entrée Selections Parmesan Tilapia 18 Calamari Fritti 9 Chicken Athena 18 Tilapia fillets broiled with sweet pepper & Basil marinated fried squid with spicy Sautéed chicken breast & Portobello mush- parmesan crust…house pilaf cocktail sauce & lemon...perfect to share rooms topped with garden marinara & feta Filet Mignon Gorgonzola 24 cheese over capellin Char-grilled 8 oz filet mignon with gor- Scallops Florentine 10 gonzola cheese, burgundy mushroom sauce Seared sea scallops with balsamic scented Planked Whitefish 18 & whipped potatoes spinach & smoked bacon chips Lake Ontario whitefish fillet grilled on a cedar plank & topped with lemon-caper butter, Lake Perch 17 Sesame Ahi Tuna 12 house pilaf Crispy fried lake perch fillets in light Sesame seed crusted seared tuna steak Japanese breadcrumbs with homemade with marinated cucumbers, soy and wasabi Bohemian Pork Porterhouse 19 tartar, lemon & whipped potatoes. Sautéed Grilled pork porterhouse with wine braised upon request. Soup & Salad cabbage & whipped potatoes ***** Split entrée add 5 ***** Horseradish Salmon 20 *** DBI does not guarantee any meats Soup du Jour cup 3 bowl 5 Roasted Chilean salmon fillet with herbed cooked past medium *** Dave Moon Wedge Salad 4 horseradish crust, cabernet butter & house Crisp wedge of iceberg with tomato, cucum- pilaf Beach Bites ber, carrot & crouton New Zealand Rack of Lamb 27 Chicken Fajitas 12 Grilled chicken breast, sweet peppers & Greens with Gorgonzola 7 Dijon crusted rack of lamb with whipped potatoes and minted mango sauce onion served with warm flour tortillas, Fresh mesclun mix tossed with toasted salsa, cheese & sour cream pine nuts, tomato, golden raisins, gor- Sesame Shrimp 21 Honey Chicken 9 gonzola & sweet mustard vinaigrette Pan Asian grilled shrimp with sesame 1 vinaigrette, wasabi cream & sushi rice Honey battered crispy fried ⁄2 chicken. Summer Salad 7 Yummy! Take an order to go! Provimi Veal Cutlets 22 Vine-ripe tomatoes with fresh mozzarella, Black Angus Burger 9 sweet onions & balsamic vinaigrette Picatta: Sautéed Provimi cutlets topped with 1 lemon-caper beurre blanc Grilled ⁄2 # Black Angus Steak burger on Caesar Salad 7 Marsala: Sauteed with button mushrooms a toasted onion roll with lettuce, tomato & Hearts of romaine tossed with home-made and Marsala wine onion roasted garlic dressing, croutons, freshly grat- Parmesan: Sauteed and topped with gar- DBI Red, White & Blue 12 ed Romano cheese den marinara, mozzarella and parmesan Open faced N.Y. strip steak sandwich with Cobb Salad cheese sautéed mushrooms & blue cheese on gar- Chopped greens with egg, scallion, bleu New York Strip Steak 24 lic bread cheese, bacon, avocado & tomato Char-grilled 14 oz NY strip steak with Gourmet Ham & Cheese 10 Grilled chicken add 5 shoe-string fries & burgundy mushroom Grilled honey white bread with imported Grilled beef add 7 sauce Brie & shaved Canadian bacon Stop 33, Duneland Beach 3311 Pottawattamie Trail • Michigan City, IN Reservations 219.874.7729 • 800.423.7729 recommended. THE Page 14 June 29, 2006 Artists Starring In A New Space By Barbara Stodola The Area Artists, that eclectic group who ordinar- ily hold forth at the Lubeznik Center, are coming from six different directions to answer the Star Gallery’s invitation to participate in a July show. It will be open to visitors this holiday weekend, with the artists’ reception set for Saturday evening, July 1.

At a recent gathering of Area Artists, those pictured (standing, left to right) Photographer Richard Manalis captured a view of reflections in the are: Tom Brand, Robert Stanley, Hal Higdon, Richard Manalis, Sara Chicago sculpture “Cloud Gate,” popularly known as “The Bean.” Scherberg, Beverly Boromisa, John Horwitz.; and (seated) Patty Mershon Schaefer, Carole Stodder, Carol Block and Michelle Wiser. the highly-skilled wood artist who lives in Beverly Shores Carole Stodder, current president, reports the Area and signs his work “Lars.” Artists Assn. has stabilized at 50 members, of whom The original membership roster was composed of 35 are actively involved. This organization brings transplanted Chicagoans and professional, working together folks like John Horwitz, a photographer artists who lived in the vicinity of Michigan City. from Elkhart who does figure studies; Clint Rigg, a Local art teachers Connie Kassal, Patty Mershon photographer from Kouts who does studies of machin- and Beverly Boromisa are among the longtime-active ery; and Richard Manalis, a still-life photographer who members who are recently settled in Beverly Shores after years of joining the exhibi- teaching at Indiana University/ Fort Wayne. tion at the Star Gallery. Long Beacher Hal Higdon, who has made his mark in the pub- lishing and sports worlds, is continuing to indulge in his first love -- art.

Paper sculpture is the medi- um currently being explored by Patty Mershon Schaefer, whose entries in the Star Gallery show are entitled “Beatle Mania.”

Longtime Area Artist Cling Rigg transforms machinery into still-life photographs. “Our original idea,” said Peg Landsman, one of the AAA founders, “was to bring together people who could learn from one another.” What they learned has always been across-the- board, because the Area Artists are accomplished in a variety of media. They are painters and potters and fiber artisans, as well as photographers. This past year, a wood turners’ show was organized by Larry Jensen, “Sunset Dune” is a painting by local art teacher Beverly Boromisa. THE June 29, 2006 Page 15

Sara Scherberg, a Chicagoan who runs the Acorn Gallery, paints nature studies like this one, entitled “Cactus Forest.”

Artist/ author Hal Higdon studies the drawings of penguins he made on a recent trip to their natural habitat. However, the swelling of the Area Artists’ membership ranks is due largely to the influx of the Chicago peo- ple -- and this is how it has always been. Jane Cowley, the newest AAA member, is a Chicagoan who does por- traits and landscapes in oil and pastels. Sara Scherberg, also a Chicagoan, now lives in Union Pier and runs the Acorn Gallery. She does colorful landscapes, work- ing with ink and prismacolor. Robert Stanley, a painter who taught for years at Oakton Community College, now has a studio in downtown Michigan City.

“And Still Cleaning Up” is Carol Block’s reaction to the 9/11 site, made on a recent visit to New York City. It will be shown at the Fifth Anniversary exhibition. Like Bob Stanley, Carol is involved with the Southern Shore Art Association and she was delight- ed to discover the many opportunities open to artists in this area. Before relocating to Indiana, she had been acquainted with Carole Stodder and Tom Brand at the Chicago Artists Coalition. Carole Stodder is now in her third term as presi- dent of the Area Artists. Her husband Tom Brand was snapped up by the local art establishment almost imme- Jane Cowley, newest member of the Area Artists, diately upon setting foot in LaPorte County. He is pictured during a presentation of her paintings. served for six years on the board of the Lubeznik Center’s predecessor -- the John G. Blank Center for the Arts Carol Block, a digital photographer, moved from -- another two years as AAA president, and since Chicago to Michigan City two and a half years ago. then in various committee positions. (She is, incidentally, the third lady named Block to For couples like Brand/ Stodder, the strengthening become involved in the local art scene -- following Susan of local arts activity is what breathes life into the com- Block, a writer/ interior designer who is also a board munity. Their involvement sets the pace for other artist- member at the Lubeznik Center and Ellen Block, couples: who recently opened Block Fine Arts Gallery in New Buffalo.) Artists Continued on Page 16 THE Page 16 June 29, 2006

Artists Continued from Page 15 Long Beachers Connie and George Kassal; Valerie Taglieri and Ron Wennekes, both of whom have taught at the Lubeznik Center; Joel DeGrand and Amanda Freymann, another Beverly Shores couple; Andrea Peterson and Jon Hook, founders of the “1+1 = one” collaborative event on a nearby farm. The relationship between the Area Artists and the Lubeznik Center has also become a family affair. Laurel Izard, a highly inventive multi-media artist, is married to the Lubeznik Center’s curator, Edwin Shelton. Some years ago, Laurel was awarded Best of Show at the Blank Center’s annual juried show. Her work rediscovers ancient pictographs. Another of the exhibitors is Amy Davis Navar- dauskas, a Pur- due (Lafayette) fine arts gradu- ate who works as Carole Stodder and Tom Brand have been stalwarts of the local arts administrative community since they moved to The Pines ten years ago. coordinator at the Lubeznik Center, supervising most of the printing and marketing. She likes to paint horses, and last year did a collab- orative exhibit with Michelle Wiser entitled “Bordered Barns and Thorough- breds.” Michelle is the Star Gallery’s office manager. Tom Scarff, co- owner of the Star Amy Davis Navardauskas, administrative Gallery and cura- coordinator at the Lubeznik Center, also does paintings of horses. tor of Purdue “Gloriosa” is Carole Stodder’s treatment of a garden-related theme, North Central’s sculpture show, has also become a mem- painted on burlap that has been treated like canvas. ber of the Area Artists. His large-scale metal sculp- ture has become a familiar sight along Hwy. 12, at the old gas station converted into a fine arts gallery. It is, however, Michelle Wiser who is credited as the major connector between the Area Artists and an exhibition space that is new, for them. “We have to help each other out,” is her simple expla- nation. Altogether, twenty-five artists are joining in this exhibition -- “the nucleus of our active membership,” according to Pres. Stodder. Twenty-five artists had signed up by press-time -- but one, sadly, has died since the announcements were mailed out. The Area Artists will include a tribute to the late photographer Jerry Joschko, “In Memoriam.” The Star Gallery is located at 1206 East U.S. Hwy. 12, and will be open Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 12 noon to 5 p.m. Tom Brand’s abstract painting on wood panel is entitled “Smokescreen.” THE June 29, 2006 Page 17 Summer Classes and Workshops Arboriculture is the art and science of maintaining trees as Jump-start your creativity by enrolling in one of the part of a complex system in our environment. The aim is to many educational art opportunities available at the keep a constant balance of the ecosystem in order to Lubeznik Center for the Arts this summer. reduce disease and death and maintain vigor and growth. Visit to print the regis- tration form and get full class descriptions or phone 219/874-4900 or e-mail [email protected] Registration is required and ends 3 days prior to the start of classes. The Jack and Shirley Lubeznik Center for the Arts is located on the Avenue of the Arts, 101 W. 2nd St., Michigan City, IN 46360 CHILDRENS’ CLASSES & WORKSHOPS Laughing Lake Laboratory: A Summer Camp July 10 - 21 (Mon. - Fri.), 10:30 a.m. - noon (ages 6-8); 1-2:30 p.m. (ages 9-11). $95 for entire 10 days; $12 per day drop-in rate. Watercolor Wonder (4 weeks) Sat., (7/15 – 8/5) 1-3 p.m. Meredith Aldrich, instruc- tor. $48 Trash to Sculptural Treasures Workshop Fri., July 28, 1-3 p.m. Suzanne Cohan-Lange, instructor. $24 ADOLESCENT CLASSES & WORKSHOPS Solo Trumpet (8 wks.) 1 hour time slots available 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Wed., (7/12 – 8/30) 2nd Session. Ralph Odle, Instr. $320 Remembering Rembrandt: Master of Printmaking and Portrait (1 session) Students 9-11 yrs. old. Sat., 7/15, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Alison Jaksa, instructor. $40 TREE ISSUES IN YOUR YARD? Live Animal Drawing Workshop (1 session) Hi! My name is Christian Siewert and I am president of C Ages 12 and up, Location: Washington Park Zoo. & A Arborists Inc. I am a certified arborist and have been Wed., 7/19, 1-3 p.m. Jeff Ham, instructor. $25 caring for trees for over 15 years. We work with an environmental ADULT CLASSES attitude and aim to preserve the valuable treescape in the har- The World of Watercolor (experienced) (8 wks.) bor country region. Our services include: Students provide their materials. Tues., (7/11 – 8/29) 7-9 p.m. Neil Kienitz, instructor. $95 • Tree Trimming Solo Trumpet for Adults (8 wks.) • Landscape consultation Students must rent or purchase a B flat trumpet • Plant health care or cornet as well as a music book, to be approved by the instructor. 1 hour time slots between 9 a.m. and • Diagnostics 4 p.m. Wednesdays, (7/12 – 8/30) 2nd Session. Ralph • Removal and replanting Odle, Instructor. $320 If you would like to know more about how arboriculture Ballroom Dancing (6 wks.) can enhance your property, call me for a consultation. Mondays, (7/24 – 8/28) 6-7 p.m. (2nd Session). Mary Chandler, Instructor. Singles $55, couples $95 Christian Siewert Ongoing Hatha Yoga (in 6 week sessions) Students provide mats, foam blocks and a firm blanket. Wednesdays, (8/2 - 9/6) 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. Amy Davis Navardauskas, instructor. $60 C & A Arborists ADULT WORKSHOPS Environmental Installations (5 consecutive days) Students create natural on-site environmental 269-756-2571 installations on the grounds of Lalumier School in LaPorte County. (7/10 – 7/14) 8-11 a.m. Linda Wiegel, Harbor Country, Michigan E-mail: [email protected] instructor. $180 THE Page 18 June 29, 2006


2501 Oriole Trail, Long Beach The annual 4th of July Fun Run sponsored by The Beacher and hosted by the Higdon family will take place in front of the Community Center starting at 7 a.m. on the 4th. Registration begins 15 minutes before the race. Participants are asked to contribute a $5 entry fee with all proceeds to be used towards the pur- chase of a new curtain for our stage in the gymnasi- um. The course is approximately five kilometers (3.1 miles) through Long Beach and Long Beach Cove. There will be a short distance running event around the park- ing lot for children free of charge afterwards. Bottle water will be provided, however no prizes will be awarded or times recorded. This is our 4th, early morning, “no frills”, run. Come join the fun! The Long Beach Park Program began last week and was a warm reunion for many councilors and participants. Kylee Osborn the new director of the program was busy helping everyone register and settle in to a routine. Last week the camp focused on a jungle theme in arts and crafts. Everyone then rotated in groups to outside activities including kick- ball, relay races, and hide and seek. The rain prompt- ed a viewing of the movie Jungle Book. Kylee will be handing out weekly camp update letters and asks all parents to make sure they receive the letter she sends home. There will be important infor- mation such as when to wear a swimsuit for pool day at the Long Beach Country Club or for “water day” along with camp theme, planned activities and reminders. The Community Center and park program is in need of a large TV and DVD player. If anyone would like to make a donation of new or used equip- ment please phone the center at 879-3845. ——-submitted by Susan Vissing

Now Featuring… 3D-Lash Extensions at Long Beach Styling Salon

Call for your appointment 219/872-6977 2411 St. Lawrence Ave. • Long Beach THE June 29, 2006 Page 19


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(219) 879-0088 FAX (219) 879-8070 the Beacher Business Printers THE Page 22 June 29, 2006 Restore and Rerun--It’s Been a 50 Year Labor of Love

It started out as a hobby. John Edris convinced his by Janet Baines and Sally Carpenter wife, Amy, they needed to purchase some land on group that led him to offer financial support so the which he could run a steam traction engine he had society could do some much desired expanding. It was recently purchased. What they settled on buying then in 1966 that a short railroad line was started and was twenty-two acres of gently rolling land on County more land was acquired which brought the acreage Road 1000 North in LaPorte County. By 1957, John to the 155 that the society still maintains today. and Amy discovered , much to their delight, that The LaPorte County Historical Steam Society there were many other steam enthusiasts out there is Born and it wasn’t long before the LaPorte County Once these fine people got “a head of steam up” there Threshermen came into being. They had their first was no stopping them! The state of Indiana granted show as an organization during the Labor Day week- a charter to The LaPorte County Historical Steam end that same year. Society” on Dec. 16, 1986 as a non-profit venture Things just kind of snowballed after that and by 1963, and recreational organization. the 1000 North property, now official home of the Through the years the dedicated members of the Threshermen, had a sawmill, light plant and a Society have managed to rescue, retrieve and/or Browning Steam crane to show off. acquire engines that have worked in other parts of the world: from a banana train in South America, to an engine ordered by the Nazis in W.W.II, plus rail cars and engines from zoos and theme parks around the states. One machine rescued, unearthed is more like it, is the Browning crane which was sitting idle in a sand dune in Michigan. Now restored, it is used to this day to move tree trunks to the saw mill. The major- ity of the wood cut down is used for projects at the muse- um.

John Edris with his first traction steam engine purchased in 1954

John Edris, left with Elliott Donnelley

The Browning crane buried in sand in Michigan Tragedy struck during the Saturday night of Memorial Day weekend in 1985 when a shed containing four engines burned to the ground. Among them was A Steam Locomotive is Purchased the Shay, an engine which had been entertaining A chance meeting with Elliott Donnelley of the visitors to the museum for years. When they first pur- R.R. Donnelley Publishing Co. in Chicago brought about chased the Shay it took the late John Edris and the next acquisition for the Threshermen. It was Frank Rita, father of Thad Rita present General 1964 when John Edris and Jack Keene purchased a Manager, along with many other hard working indi- steam locomotive from Elliott., himself a railroad viduals five years of long hours and dedication to enthusiast. In fact, it was Donnelley’s interest in the get it running. Now, rising from the ashes of that fire THE June 29, 2006 Page 23 for the Hesston Steam Society the Shay after many more years of restoring and rebuilding, will run again for this coming Labor Day weekend show.

Three Gauges of Rail to Ride and Enjoy Hesston now has three sizes of rails for you to ride: the smallest, 4-5” is leased out to various small The Browning train owners, the medium 14” gauge and the 24-36” crane in use dual gauge are trains owned by the society. Except for today. the Labor Day Weekend show, admission to the muse- um and parking is free, but tickets must be pur- chased for train rides. If you come the last two week- ends in October you can enjoy riding the “ghost train” and for two weekends in December, there is the Santa Claus express. What fun! Hesston Steam Continued on Page 24

Here we see both the 14” streamlined Hudson and the 24” C. S. K. engines, steamed up and ready to roll. The Shay 36” gauge engine in all its glory before the fire

The Shay after the Memorial Weekend fire of 1985. It has taken 21 years of hard volunteer labor but it will run again this coming Labor Day weekend. One of the 4”-5” trains coming round the final bend. THE Page 24 June 29, 2006

Hesston Steam Continued from Page 23 Future Goals Outlined Thad Rita, General Manager, says the museum has set five and ten year goals in order to reach a twen- ty year goal of growing and improving the museum. The idea is to be a real step back in time experience — to be educational as well as entertaining. “We don’t want to become a theme park,” says Thad. “We want to keep what is unique about this place.” He continued by stating the steam society members want to restore and run the museum as a legacy to the vision of the late John Edris and the others who have given so much time and energy to keep steam An old South Shore caboose draws plenty of attention alive. Work has already begun with the building of a can crawl all over an orange South Shore caboose. You new station. The idea is eventually to have the build- can wander over the grounds and look at all the ings reflect the architecture of the steam train era. machines and contraptions the museum has sitting The museum is also bringing new events to the around, all to help us experience and learn of an era grounds among which are the International tractor when men and steam worked side by side to revolu- show this 4th of July and the second annual classic tionize the industrial world. car show the first Sunday in August.

The old train station before it was torn down to make way for the new.

One of the old steam traction engines on the museum property.

Architects rendering of the new station Interested in Volunteering? Think you would be interested in helping? Thad responds, “We are an all volunteer organization and are always looking for volunteers from the commu- nity to help with the continuing mission of the steam museum. Just go to for Getting ready to trim down some wood information on how to join us.” How to Get There Hesston Steam Museum--A Family Destination From Harbor Country, take US Hwy 39 east from The museum is a great afternoon out for the whole New Buffalo to County Road 1000 N, turn left and fol- family — fun and educational. You can ride the trains, low the gently rolling hills to the steam show entrance. make purchases in the gift shop, watch the sawmill Indiana beach residents can get on 1000 N from US in action, have a picnic or buy treats to eat, the kids 12, just east of Michiana Shores. THE June 29, 2006 Page 25

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Hand-Painted Adirondacks Beautiful colors, great designs FRIDAY, JUNE 30 Comfortable waterfall design. Great Gift idea. 8-9 p.m. ANIMALS OF THE DUNES. Many fascinating creatures call the Indiana dunes home. Join a ranger Available in single chair or double wide model around the campfire and enjoy a show on the animals that fly, crawl, walk, tunnel and swim in the various habitats of the park. Discover how these animals are adapted to their environment and meet one of the creatures of the park “in person.” Meet at the Dunewood Campground Amphitheater. SATURDAY, JULY 1 8-9 p.m. THE SMOKEY BEAR STORY. “Only YOU can prevent fires!” The most famous ranger in history, Smokey Bear has been a public figure for 60 years. Just who is (or was) Smokey, and how did he get involved in fire prevention? Would you like to meet him face-to-face? Join Smokey Bear “round the camp- Brushstrokes Painting fire” to hear how Smokey’s message has changed over the years and why it has special significance today Call us today. Pick stock design or you choose color at Indiana Dunes. Meet at Dunewood Campground And design. Prices range from $180 to $320. amphitheater. Order today and we will deliver to Long Beach SUNDAY, JULY 2 non-3 p.m. HORSING AROUND: BINDING SPELT. Area by late July. Join Farmer Jim as he prepares this historically hardy grain for use as animal feed. Watch the Belgian 773-233-0101 draft horses being groomed, harnessed, and hitched to cut and bin the shocks of grain. Meet at the Bailly/Chellberg parking lot, and walk a short distance to the farm fields. 1-4 p.m. OPEN HOUSE AT BAILLY HOMESTEAD. See costumed volunteers demonstrate the lifestyles of early dunes settlers. Go back in time to the 1820s, and learn about Joseph Bailly and his Potawatomi neigh- bors. Explore the Bailly House and fur-trading cabin. Peek into the corn crib and vegetable garden at the Chellberg Farm. Watch the draft horses work. And enjoy the smell of wood burning in the old-time stove at this early 20th century farm. 1-4 p.m. AN OLD-FASHIONED RED, WHITE AND BLUE SOCIAL. Pack up the family and a picnic bas- ket, and head on out to Chellberg Farm. Bring a blanket to spread on the lawn and enjoy your picnic. Join farm house volunteers as they prepare the kitchen for a holiday treat. Take your turn at the crank of the ice cream maker for the tasty treat to follow. Park at the Bailly/Chellberg parking lot, and walk to Chellberg Farm house for this old-fashioned social.

LAKE M ICHIGAN For more information, phone 219/926-7561, ext. 225. ROUTE 12 NEW BU I-94 (exit 1) FFALO




F MHS Golf Outing

A TE 39 TE


20 R OAD The 11th annual Michiana Humane Society Golf IN DIANA T OLL RD (exit 4 9) Scramble will be held on Fri., July 21, at Briar Leaf LaPORTE Golf Club, LaPorte. There will be a 9 a.m. shot gun start. For more information, and to register, phone 219/872-4499. THE June 29, 2006 Page 27 Service League of Michigan City Harbor Country® 2006 Events

JULY 1 Great American Musicfest & Fireworks Three Oaks JULY 2 º Fireworks at dusk - New Buffalo JULY 8 Music in the Park - Three Oaks JULY 15 º Friday & Saturday Nights Alive New Buffalo º Harbor Country Art Happenings º Music in the Park, Three Oaks JULY 22 º Moonlight Madness Kathryn De LaBarre (left) President of Service º Music in the Park - Three Oaks League, presents an award to Pat Latchford (right) AUGUST 5 for serving five years as an Active Member and now º Music in the Park - Three Oaks becoming a Sustaining Member. AUGUST 11-13 º Ship & Shore Art & Music Festival New Buffalo Carl Payne in Concert at the Box Factory º Music in the Park - Three Oaks The always popular performer Carl Payne returns AUGUST TBA to the Box Factory for the Arts, 1101 Broad St., St. Lambda “All American Beach Party” Joseph, MI, on Saturday, July 1 at 8 pm. Tickets at AUGUST 19 the door are $7 general admission and $5 seniors. º Harbor Country Art Happenings From ancient Celtic to Van Morrison and from º Music in the Park - Three Oaks folk to “Dire Straits,” Carl’s variety of styles always AUGUST 26 keeps the audience’s attention. In his concert you will hear Carl play as many as five instruments at once, º Music in the Park - Three Oaks many of which he built himself. SEPTEMBER 4 “Of the many hundreds of performers we have Labor Day Holiday had at the Box Factory Saturday night concerts, Carl is the best. His one man show is incredible and has SEPTEMBER 16 the audience on the edge of their seats,” said Mike Harbor Country Art Happenings Murphy, Box Factory Director. OCTOBER 1 Carl regularly performs at venues throughout Apple Cider Century Bike Tour southwest Michigan from New Buffalo to Saugatuck. Three Oaks Each year in July, he has a booth at the Krasl Art Fair. OCTOBER 7-9 For more on this and other Box Factory events, visit or phone the Box office Harvest Days at 269-983-3688 during normal business hours of 10 Unless noted, events take place at participating a.m.-4 p.m., Mon.-Sat., or Sunday, 1-4 p.m. For more art galleries, restaurants, shops, lodging and on Carl Payne, visit other businesses throughout the eight communities in Harbor Country: Michiana + Grand Beach + New Buffalo + Union Pier + Three Oaks + Lakeside + See what’s for lunch! Harbert + Sawyer. For further information, contact Michigan’s Gourmet Shop Harbor Country Chamber of Commerce at & Catering 269.469-5409 and 424 E. Buffalo (Hwy 12) in New Buffalo 269 469 1702 THE Page 28 June 29, 2006 Three Specials on Snite Summer Schedule by William F. Keefe

Three outstanding exhibits make the summer schedule at the Snite Museum of Art an irresistible for both connoisseurs and dilettantes. The museum is located on the campus of Notre Dame University in South Bend. Already under way, the exhibit “Images of Struggle and Oppression in the Art of the Taller de Grafica Popular” revisits the social unrest of the Mexico of the 1930s and 1940s. The unrest sprang directly from the need for social and political reform for the Mexican underclasses. The Taller de Grafica Popular (TGP), roughly translated as “Association of People’s Graphics Workers,” was an “Important group of Mexican print- makers founded in Mexico City in 1937,” according to Snite officials. The group’s members were and are generally regarded as “the artistic heirs to the great Mexican printmaker Jose Guadalupe Posada and “El Dueno del Tobo”--”The Master of All”--points a finger to direct unseen the nineteenth century French graphic artist Honoré workers in one of the works on exhibit at the Snite Museum of Art at Notre Dame University. The linocut is the work of Mexican artist Leopolodo Daumier.” Mendez. (Images courtesy of the Snite Museum) The exhibit’s powerful prints depict “the harsh and oppressive conditions of the peasant class, the atroc- bers favored woodblock and linoleum cuts as their media. ities of war, and the social injustices created by the Those media in turn fostered a simpler and more corrupt capitalism” once prevalent in Mexico. The reform direct style that in time became the trademark of the movement supported by the TGP eventually brought TGP artists. to power a new President, Lazaro Cardenas. Scheduled to close on Sunday, July 16, the TGP exhib- Among Cardenas’ reforms was the establishment it occupies part of the Scholz Family Works on Paper of a national printing group, the forerunner of the TGP. Gallery. Snite officials noted that they are indebted For both cost and technical reasons the group’s mem- to Charles S. Hayes for the loan of the TGP works.

Samples from the Permanent Collection

Twenty-three prints make up the “mas- terful” works feature. Snite officials made the selections to “highlight recent acqui- sitions by celebrated artists of the six- teenth through the early twentieth cen- turies.” The artists represented include Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione, Antonio Canaletto, Mary Cassatt, Henri Matisse, and Pablo Picasso. Also integrated as parts of the exhibit are several of the museum’s Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn etchings that were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Feddersen. The exhibit calls, ideally, for individual examination, said museum officials, because “these works illustrate the virtuoso tech- One of the works selected for the exhibit of art pieces from the Snite Museum’s permanent nical skills and expressive abilities of collection is the woodcut “The Undertakers” by the Swiss artist Felix Vallotton. each artist as well as the compositional rela- tionship of prints to paintings. Also in progress at the Snite, the “Masterful Prints “As a group they reveal how threads of stylistic influ- from the Permanent Collection” exhibit will contin- ence weave through succeeding generations of visu- ue until Sunday, July 30. The venue is the Milly and al artists.” Fritz Kaeser Mestrovic Studio Gallery. THE June 29, 2006 Page 29

Migration’s Human Landscape

Putting a human face on the of Mexican migration northward is the challenge of the exhibit titled “Caras Vemos, Corazones No Sabemos (Faces We See, Hearts We Do Not Know): The Human Landscape of Mexican Migration to the United States.” The exhibit will open Sunday, September 3, and close Sunday, November 12 in the Milly and Fritz Kaeser Mestrovic Studio Gallery and the Entrance Atrium. “The exhibit has a two-fold purpose,” said museum officials. First, “it will present the experience of and the socio-political issues raised by Mexican migration as expressed in Chicano-Mexican visual arts.” Second, the intention is to foster “a better understanding of the phenomenon’s human consequences.” Against the background of those aims, the exhib- it develops three main themes: 1. Journeys, boundaries, and barriers; 2. Urban landscapes and human geographies, and 3. Negotiating and constructing the collective Latino artistic, social, and cultural “imaginary.” With more than 90 artworks in the show, the exhib- it is a multimedia experience. It provides visitors with an “opportunity to hear the music and oral his-

A serigraph by Isabel Martinez will be part of the Snite Museum’s exhibit on the “Human Landscape of Mexican Migration,” scheduled to open Sunday, September 3. The work is titled “V.G. Got Her Green Card, 2001.”

tories of immigrants. Supporting visual materials, includ- ing vintage photographs, first editions of early. . .works on Mexican migration, and a series of state- ments addressing migration, will be integrated into the narrative of the exhibition. “All informational material--signage, labels, wall texts, a brochure, and the illustrated catalog--will be in both Spanish and English.” The curator for the Human Landscape exhibit is Dr. Amelia Malagamba-Ansótegui, professor of Latino art history in the Department of Art History, University of Texas at Austin. The artworks in the show came from the private collection of Gilberto Cardenas, a pio- neer in immigrant studies and Mexican migration from 1969 through the mid-1900s and holder of the Juan Senora Chair in Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame. The Cardenas collection includes works on paper, paintings, three-dimensional works, photos, videos, and retablos. The exhibit is a collaborative venture of the Snite Museum of Art and the Institute for Latino Studies. Generous support for the exhibit Barbed wire is prominent in the serigraph, “Undocumented,” that will be comes from the Rockefeller Foundation and the part of the Snite Museum exhibit opening Sunday, September 3. The Humana Foundation Endowment for American Art. exhibit on Mexican Migration to the United States will continue until Sunday, November 12. “Undocumented” is the work of Information on the exhibits may be obtained by call- Mexican-American artist Malaquias Montoya. ing the Snite Museum at 574/631-5466. THE Page 30 June 29, 2006 51st Annual Michigan City Summer Festival Events

FRIDAY, JUNE 30 SUNDAY, JULY 2 Luau Fish Fry Pro-Am Volleyball Tourney continues Enjoy a delicious fish dinner with all the trim- 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on the beach at Washington Park. mings among the tropical decorations at the Michigan Beach Jam 2006 continues City Senior Center in Washington Park on the lake. 3-7 p.m. on the beach at Washington Park featur- Dinner will be served from 4-6:30 p.m. Tickets are $7 ing “Electric Koolaid.” and can be purchased at the Senior Center, the Park LaPorte County Symphony in Concert. Office, Top Dog Restaurant or Virk’s BP (11th & 8 p.m. at the Guy Foreman Amphitheater in Franklin streets). Washington Park. The program will feature soloists from the Hoosier Star competition. The presenta- SATURDAY, JULY 1 tion of colors will be followed by the national anthem. LULAC Latino American Breakfast This is a new addition to the Festival line-up and the 7 a.m.-noon. first time for the symphony to perform in Washington This event will take place at 1208-1210 Franklin Park. St., next to Virk’s BP, 11th and Franklin streets. Chalk Drawing Contest TUESDAY, JULY 4 Patriotic Program 10:15 a.m. 8 a.m. at Millennium Plaza in Washington Park. This kid’s event will take place in front of Virk’s BP Local veterans groups will participate in a flag station, 11th and Franklin streets. raising and salute. Mayor Oberlie will speak; Paul “The Big Parade” Hannon and Stephanie Sobecki will lead the singing. 11 a.m. The program will be held at the MC Senior Center in This exciting parade will step off at 10th and case of inclement weather. Franklin streets and march south to Ames Field. Pro-Am Volleyball Tourney WED., JULY 5-SUN., JULY 9 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on the beach at Washington Park. Lakeview Fundays at Washington Park Beach Jam 2006. 5-9 p.m. on the beach featuring Wed.-Fri., 5-10 p.m., Sat. & Sun., 1-10 p.m. “Spellbound.” Food, kiddie rides, RV show, helicopter rides, more. “The 46th Pageant of Drums” --DCI Competition. THURSDAY, JULY 6 7:30 p.m., Ames Field Teen Battle of the Bands, 5-9 p.m. at Washington This drum and bugle corps comp has been a crowd Park. pleaser for many years. Tickets are $20 for center sta- dium seats and $17 for all other seats. Tickets are avail- SATURDAY, JULY 8 and SUNDAY, JULY 9 able at Virk’s BP station, 11th & Franklin streets. This Musical entertainment by various groups. Free. is always a sold-out show. Sat.: 1-4 p.m. EZ Tones polka band 5-6 p.m. The Cloggers 7-11 p.m. Beat Sensations (music of the 50s & 60s) SATURDAY & SUNDAY, JULY 1 & 2 Skamania Mania. This is the 16th annual free For more information on the Summer Festival, fishing contest and is hosted by the Northwest Indiana visit or phone 219/874- Steelheaders. More info: Mike McKee, 872-6261. 3630 or toll-free 888/FUN-SUNN.

122 N. Whittaker New Buffalo 269-469-4610 Inventory Liquidation Sale July 1 - August 26

Design Studio Hours: Monday thru Saturday 10 am - 5 pm EST THE June 29, 2006 Page 31 Bubba's New Buffalo Bake AT And Jersey Sub Shop MOO’S EAT "We're A Legend Too!"

"There's A New Scoop In Town" Voted Harbor Country's Best Deli Moo's Ice Cream Shoppe Great Subs Since 1984

Featuring Hershey's Premium Gold Open 10 am Everyday Ice Cream Home of the Famous Bubba Jersey Sub 48 Premium Gold -- Flavors 3.5 lbs of Pure Jersey Joy.

Old Fashion Shakes, Floats, Sundaes

Open Every Night

Kids 10 and Under .99 Everyday

310 W. Buffalo, "Red Arrow Hwy" Across from the Post Office – Just Look for the Cows. Phone Your Order, We'll Have It Ready For You 269-469-2247 THE Page 32 June 29, 2006 Jazz at The Acorn Theater RESORT COMMUNITY BEACHWALK Jazz vocalist Kevin RESORT Mahogany will make his Acorn Theater debut on COMMUNITY Fri., June 30, with his form of bebop, ballads, blues and swinging jazz. presents “Dinner by the Lake” Born in 1958 in Kansas Come join us on the deck for amazing buffets City, MO, Mahogany grew provided by Classic Catering! Dine outside, let up listening to Kansas the kids play in the sand, enjoy the view! No shirt, City jazz and blues, no shoes…. No problem! Memphis soul, the sound of Motown as well as the Mark Your Calendar ever-evolving rock and Fri., June 30 – Pasta Bar – 5-7pm roll of the 60s. Initially studying clarinet and piano, $16.95/ per adult or $8.95/ per child after graduation from Barker College Mahogany Sun, July 2 – Brunch – 9am-Noon began shifting his musical focus from instrumental- $15.95/ per adult or $9.95/ per child ist to vocalist. When he turned to his vocal talents, Sat, July 29 – Fish Fry – 5-7pm Mahogany found them to be very versatile and artis- $18.95/ per adult or $9.95/ per child tically satisfying. Fri, Sept. 1 – Pasta Bar – 5-7pm “I've been on both sides as an instrumentalist and $16.95/ per adult or $8.95/ per child vocalist. What I see the instrumentalist saying is, ‘If you're going to be a vocalist you need to know what’s Sun, Sept. 3 – Brunch – 9am-Noon going on from my side,’ ” Mahogany says. $15.95/ per adult or $9.95/ per child With eleven CD's as a leader, and quite a few as a For full menu options or to reserve space for sideman, Mahogany has proven to be the quintessential your crew, call 219-879-7874. jazz vocalist. Newsweek describes him as the stand- out jazz vocalist of his generation. Says the LA Times, Mahogany is one of the first truly gifted male vocal- ists to emerge in years. “Mahogany has toured extensively across the coun- try and around the world. We’re very pleased to have a talent of his caliber perform for our audience,” said David Fink, co-owner of The Acorn. When Mahogany arrived on the international jazz scene, it was with a sound that was both tradition- For More ally grounded and boldly innovative. The result was Information a much-needed change to the contemporary jazz Please Call landscape. Over the course of Mahogany’s career, he 219-362-2647 has made significant breakthroughs in style and sounds that redirected, redefined and even rein- Est. 1845 Indiana’s Oldest County Fair vented jazz music. The show begins at 8 p.m. EDT. Tickets are $20; July 16 • Opening Ceremony • Tractor Pull • Demolition Derby reserve at 269-756-3879 or purchase at the door. The July 17 • Carnival Opens • Demolition Derby Acorn Theater is located in the historic Featherbone July 18 • Demolition Derby Figure “8” Factory at 107 Generations Dr., behind the Three Oaks July 19 • Harness Racing • Battle of the Bands Post Office on N. Elm Street. For maps, directions and July 20 • Tom Milo’s Big Band and Dancing other upcoming programs at The Acorn Theater, visit July 21 • Diamond Rio July 22 • Bear Foot Monster Patrol • FMX Extreme Motorcross Hours: 10:30 to 6 269/469-6151 Brought to you in part by: The Villager the official truck of the LaPorte County Fair GIFTS • ACCESSORIES 100 N. Whittaker Street New Buffalo, MI THE June 29, 2006 Page 33


Participants should be at Old Schoolby 9:15 Community for judging Center Best Brats on the Beach Please NO Commercial Entries or Advertising! Grilled Hot Dogs Killian’s Red 11:00 Bicycle / FloatStroller-Wagon-Trike / Walking GroupD A /T Golf Cart SENTE Miller Light S PRE WARD y A ved b Mike’s Lemonade ic pro Mus cott eith S Ice Cold Soft Drinks K rado n De n Joh ingto Hot Delicious Popcorn Flem Kevin Due to the risk of injury - Dove Bars the parade will not include Frozen Snickers any cars…except those Popsicles pulling a float!!!!!

ALL NEW LONG BEACH T-SHIRT Come early and get the latest edition of the Long Beach T-Shirt



Your Holiday Home Search Starts Right Here… This issue of The Beacher includes a special real estate section that offers you the opportunity to find the home or cottage of your dreams! The entire Beacher staff would like to wish all the advertisers and our faithful readers a very happy and safe holiday weekend. Happy Birthday, America!

2002 2003 2004 JoEllen Catlow Shoreland Hills Home Centurian (219) 689-9568 Office (219) 663-1986 For Sale by Owner (800) 393-1902 Pace Realty, Inc. [email protected] 1201 N. Main St. $465,000 312-907-2203 Crown Point, IN 123


WAKE UP TO THE WAVES, WALK OUT TO THE BEACH, WIND DOWN WITH THE SUNSET! ON A 136 Maplewood Trail • Stop 31 CLEAR NIGHT Two story corner ranch on two lots. 2240 sq. ft., ENJOY THE LIGHTS OF THE CHICAGO built 1977. Five bedrooms, 2.75 baths, living room, SKYLINE! dining room, kitchen, family room and attached garage. This all brick ranch features walkout lower level, 2 fireplaces, 3 baths, 2nd kitchenette for entertaining or possible related living. Newly remodeled baths and kitchen with new Boathouse, 2 car garage, concrete seawall, decking galore! Located appliances. New fireplace in living room. New fur- at Stop 27 (no public acess) so enjoy your privacy! $2,950,000 nace and central air in 2005. Private back yard Open most Sunday's 1-4p.m. with large deck that backs up to dune. Second Call JoEllen Catlow to verify and get directions 219-689-9568 deck located off living room.

PRICE REDUCED 1 Galien River home and slip. Lake Michigan access. 4 Bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 Baths. On the fairway and on 803 Birch Tree (off Moore Road) $ 1 2 Blocks to Lake Michigan Beach Rights. 900,000 Lake Claire in Long Beach. 3 bedroom, 2 ⁄2 bath townhome. Walk to beach. Recorded Info 24 Hours Recorded Info 24 Hrs Recorded Info 24 Hours 800-757-9149 x 6422 800-757-9149 x 3792 800-757-9149 x 6772

GEORGE POMEROY Licensed in Indiana and Michigan 10 N. Whittaker Street, New Buffalo, MI 49117 132 T RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Direct: 219-874-5192 • Office: 269-469-8986 THE June 29, 2006 Page 33 Micky Gallas Properties 123 (219) 874-7070 Beach CRS (219) 874-5249 City T (269) 586-2350 Michigan 1-800-680-9682 Micky Gallas ABR, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, SRES Long Beach • Michigan City • New Buffalo Cell 219/861-6012You’re Invited!!! Happy 4th of July!

Come celebrate INDEPENDENCE with Micky Gallas Properties at our annual pre-parade festivities at our Beach office... Food, refreshments and giveaways. The fun begins at 9:00 am!!!

Celebrating 10 Years Serving the Real Estate Needs of LaPorte County

Shirl Bacztub, GRI 219/874-5642 Linette Gresham 219/229-0312 Karen Kmiecik 219/210-0494 Randy Novak*, ABR, E-PRO, GRI, 219/877-7069 Megan Campbell* 219/861-3683 Diana Hirsch* 219/363-0384 Deb Kozachenko 219/324-5805 Barb Pinks 219/325-0006 Judi Donaldson 219/879-1411 Ellen Holloway* 219/878-3721 Ken Larson 219/873-7101 Pat Tym*, ABR, GRI, SRES 219/210-0324 Laurie Farrell* 219/871-0526 Maria Jackson* 269/369-7477 Fran Lysaught 219/879-3454 Stephanie Duffy Wisner 219/879-1998 Jamie Follmer 219/851-2164 Susan Kelley* 219/874-5610 Daiva Mockaitis*, GRI *Licensed in Indiana and Michigan Joe Gazarkiewicz 219/861-3750 Tina Kelly 219/873-3680 219/670-0982 THE Page 34 June 29, 2006 Micky Gallas Properties 123 (219) 874-7070 Beach CRS (219) 874-5249 City T (269) 586-2350 Michigan 1-800-680-9682 Micky Gallas ABR, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, SRES Long Beach • Michigan City • New Buffalo Cell 219/861-6012

Celeb ratin g 10 Years


2524 Lake Shore Drive 1406 Lake Shore Drive 1608 Lake Shore Drive Long Beach • $1,499,000 Long Beach • $1,099,500 Long Beach • $1,050,000 1 1 1 4 bedrooms, 3 ⁄2 baths. Contemporary 2 bedrooms, 3 ⁄2 baths. Open floor plan, 2 bedrooms, 1 2⁄ baths. Vintage cottage with layout. Capped seawall, multi-level decks, 2 fireplaces, skylights & much more. open floor plan. Fireplace, enclosed porch. 3 season porch. Lake front living! Completely updated. Lake front cottage! Lakeside location!

600 Marquette Trail 2106 Oriole Trail 2609 Oriole Trail Pottawattomie Park • $699,000 Long Beach • $565,000 Long Beach • $549,000 1 1 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. English conserva- 6 bedrooms, 3 ⁄2 baths. Expansive interi- 4 bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 baths. 2 fireplaces, Great tory with hot tub, in-ground pool. or space, grand deck with lower patio. Only room, fenced yard with brick patio & deck. 1 Remarkable property on just under 2 2 ⁄2 blocks to beach at Stop 22! Walking distance to beach! Acres!

Shirl Bacztub, GRI 219/874-5642 Linette Gresham 219/229-0312 Karen Kmiecik 219/210-0494 Randy Novak*, ABR, E-PRO, GRI, 219/877-7069 Megan Campbell* 219/861-3683 Diana Hirsch* 219/363-0384 Deb Kozachenko 219/324-5805 Barb Pinks 219/325-0006 Judi Donaldson 219/879-1411 Ellen Holloway* 219/878-3721 Ken Larson 219/873-7101 Pat Tym*, ABR, GRI, SRES 219/210-0324 Laurie Farrell* 219/871-0526 Maria Jackson* 269/369-7477 Fran Lysaught 219/879-3454 Stephanie Duffy Wisner 219/879-1998 Jamie Follmer 219/851-2164 Susan Kelley* 219/874-5610 Daiva Mockaitis*, GRI *Licensed in Indiana and Michigan Joe Gazarkiewicz 219/861-3750 Tina Kelly 219/873-3680 219/670-0982 THE June 29, 2006 Page 35 Micky Gallas Properties 123 (219) 874-7070 Beach CRS (219) 874-5249 City T (269) 586-2350 Michigan 1-800-680-9682 Micky Gallas ABR, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, SRES Long Beach • Michigan City • New Buffalo Cell 219/861-6012 111 Rue Du Lac West, Michigan City $539,000 4 bed- rooms, 4 baths. 2936 Mt. Claire Way Wall of 2904 Lothair Way Long Beach • $549,000 windows, Long Beach • $520,000 1 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Many new items 2 fire- 3 bedrooms, 3 ⁄2 baths. Many newer fea- include heated in-ground pool, hot tub, places, outdoor hot tub. Wooded set- tures throughout. Heated 40x20 in- deck and much more! Delightful home! ting. Incredible Lake views! ground pool & rear garden. Perfect for entertaining!

Years g 10 ratin Celeb


2012 Juneway Drive 2308 Oakenwald Drive 105 Rue Du Lac West Long Beach • $519,000 Long Beach • $499,000 Michigan City • $489,000 1 1 1 4 bedrooms, 3 ⁄2 baths. All new windows, 4 bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 baths. Updated kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 ⁄2 baths. Open & airy great new kitchen & baths. Hardwood floors, fireplace, 3 season room, beach shower. room with gas fireplace. Sprawling decks, French doors. Redone for your delight! One block to Lake! 7x32 widows walk with views of Lake!

Shirl Bacztub, GRI 219/874-5642 Linette Gresham 219/229-0312 Karen Kmiecik 219/210-0494 Randy Novak*, ABR, E-PRO, GRI, 219/877-7069 Megan Campbell* 219/861-3683 Diana Hirsch* 219/363-0384 Deb Kozachenko 219/324-5805 Barb Pinks 219/325-0006 Judi Donaldson 219/879-1411 Ellen Holloway* 219/878-3721 Ken Larson 219/873-7101 Pat Tym*, ABR, GRI, SRES 219/210-0324 Laurie Farrell* 219/871-0526 Maria Jackson* 269/369-7477 Fran Lysaught 219/879-3454 Stephanie Duffy Wisner 219/879-1998 Jamie Follmer 219/851-2164 Susan Kelley* 219/874-5610 Daiva Mockaitis*, GRI *Licensed in Indiana and Michigan Joe Gazarkiewicz 219/861-3750 Tina Kelly 219/873-3680 219/670-0982 THE Page 36 June 29, 2006 Micky Gallas Properties 123 (219) 874-7070 Beach CRS (219) 874-5249 City T (269) 586-2350 Michigan 1-800-680-9682 Micky Gallas ABR, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, SRES Long Beach • Michigan City • New Buffalo Cell 219/861-6012

Years g 10 ratin Celeb

204 B California Avenue Sunset Point $449,000 3 bed- 1 rooms, 3 ⁄2 baths. 2507 Shorewood Drive 3514 Calumet Trail Fireplace, Long Beach Cove• $479,000 Duneland Beach • $450,000 hardwood 1 4 bedrooms, 2 2⁄ baths. Very open floor plan, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Open floor plan, new floors. Lake lofted ceilings, stone fireplace, screen A/C, island counter, laminated floors on view from deck. Private boardwalk to porch. New construction! lower level & more! Situated on wood- private association beach! ed dune!


912 N. Roeske Trail 4051 Creek Drive 2605 Fairway Drive Pottawattomie Park • $429,000 Michiana Village • $424,000 Hidden Shores • $395,000 4 bedrooms, 4 baths. 4 fireplaces, addt’l 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Cathedral ceiling, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Wet bar adjoins den, full gourmet kitchen. Pond & fountain. wooden floors in living room, screen sunroom. Incredible views of both Lake Adorning 3 lots! Far too many incredi- porch. Situated on 2 landscaped lots! Claire & 9th fairway of LBCC! ble amenities to list!

Shirl Bacztub, GRI 219/874-5642 Linette Gresham 219/229-0312 Karen Kmiecik 219/210-0494 Randy Novak*, ABR, E-PRO, GRI, 219/877-7069 Megan Campbell* 219/861-3683 Diana Hirsch* 219/363-0384 Deb Kozachenko 219/324-5805 Barb Pinks 219/325-0006 Judi Donaldson 219/879-1411 Ellen Holloway* 219/878-3721 Ken Larson 219/873-7101 Pat Tym*, ABR, GRI, SRES 219/210-0324 Laurie Farrell* 219/871-0526 Maria Jackson* 269/369-7477 Fran Lysaught 219/879-3454 Stephanie Duffy Wisner 219/879-1998 Jamie Follmer 219/851-2164 Susan Kelley* 219/874-5610 Daiva Mockaitis*, GRI *Licensed in Indiana and Michigan Joe Gazarkiewicz 219/861-3750 Tina Kelly 219/873-3680 219/670-0982 THE June 29, 2006 Page 37 Micky Gallas Properties 123 (219) 874-7070 Beach CRS (219) 874-5249 City T (269) 586-2350 Michigan 1-800-680-9682 Micky Gallas ABR, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, SRES Long Beach • Michigan City • New Buffalo Cell 219/861-6012

306 Lady Lane 2015 Oriole Trail 2020 Somerset Road Birch Tree Farms • $394,000 Long Beach • $369,000 Long Beach • $369,000 1 4-5 bedrooms, 2 full & 2 half baths. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths. Remodeled kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 baths. Fireplace, break- Fireplace, formal dining room, deck, in- French doors to screened porch, newly car- fast room with bay window, formal din- ground pool & hot tub. One mile to peted. The work has been done! ing room. Only 2 blocks to the beach! the beach!

Celeb ratin g 10 Years


2141 Chastleton Drive 18743 Old Field Road 1813 Ridgemoor Drive Long Beach • $369,000 Harbor Dunes • $359,000 Long Beach • $349,000 1 5 bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 baths. Fireplace, beach 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Double sided fire- 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Completely updat- shower. Great views of golf course. About place, wood floors, lots of light. Lovely ed. Hardwood floors, new electric,coun- 1 3 ⁄2 blocks to Lake at Stop 22! wooded development with private asso- tertops, landscaping & fence. Just 1 block ciation pool! to beach!

Shirl Bacztub, GRI 219/874-5642 Linette Gresham 219/229-0312 Karen Kmiecik 219/210-0494 Randy Novak*, ABR, E-PRO, GRI, 219/877-7069 Megan Campbell* 219/861-3683 Diana Hirsch* 219/363-0384 Deb Kozachenko 219/324-5805 Barb Pinks 219/325-0006 Judi Donaldson 219/879-1411 Ellen Holloway* 219/878-3721 Ken Larson 219/873-7101 Pat Tym*, ABR, GRI, SRES 219/210-0324 Laurie Farrell* 219/871-0526 Maria Jackson* 269/369-7477 Fran Lysaught 219/879-3454 Stephanie Duffy Wisner 219/879-1998 Jamie Follmer 219/851-2164 Susan Kelley* 219/874-5610 Daiva Mockaitis*, GRI *Licensed in Indiana and Michigan Joe Gazarkiewicz 219/861-3750 Tina Kelly 219/873-3680 219/670-0982 THE Page 38 June 29, 2006 Micky Gallas Properties 123 (219) 874-7070 Beach CRS (219) 874-5249 City T (269) 586-2350 Michigan 1-800-680-9682 Micky Gallas ABR, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, SRES Long Beach • Michigan City • New Buffalo Cell 219/861-6012 Celeb ratin g 10 Years


126 & 128 Prairie Avenue 219 Adahi Trail 2017 Melrose Drive Sheridan Beach • $349,000 Michiana Area • $339,000 Long Beach • $339,000 1 Very nice duplex unit - Each unit has 2 4 bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 baths. Cathedral ceiling, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Brick fireplace. bedrooms, 1 bath, fireplace, open kitchen fireplace, 2nd story screen porch, many Multi-level decks overlooking Moon area to living room. Just steps to beach! new improvements. Move-in condition! Valley walking trails. 3 blocks to beach!


1845 N. Ridgeview Road 9 St. Andrews Drive 721 Washington Park Blvd. Michigan City • $329,500 St. Andrews Village • $245,000 Lake Hills • $179,000 1 1 5 bedrooms, 3 ⁄2 baths. Formal living & 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Vaulted ceiling, 3 bedrooms, 1 ⁄2 baths. Updated kitchen dining rooms, 2 fireplaces, skylights. fireplace, French doors. Beautiful master & bath. New furnace, a/c, windows, Beautiful wooded setting with expan- suite. Fabulous golf course views! hardwood floors. Short walk to beach! sive lot!

Shirl Bacztub, GRI 219/874-5642 Linette Gresham 219/229-0312 Karen Kmiecik 219/210-0494 Randy Novak*, ABR, E-PRO, GRI, 219/877-7069 Megan Campbell* 219/861-3683 Diana Hirsch* 219/363-0384 Deb Kozachenko 219/324-5805 Barb Pinks 219/325-0006 Judi Donaldson 219/879-1411 Ellen Holloway* 219/878-3721 Ken Larson 219/873-7101 Pat Tym*, ABR, GRI, SRES 219/210-0324 Laurie Farrell* 219/871-0526 Maria Jackson* 269/369-7477 Fran Lysaught 219/879-3454 Stephanie Duffy Wisner 219/879-1998 Jamie Follmer 219/851-2164 Susan Kelley* 219/874-5610 Daiva Mockaitis*, GRI *Licensed in Indiana and Michigan Joe Gazarkiewicz 219/861-3750 Tina Kelly 219/873-3680 219/670-0982 THE June 29, 2006 Page 39

Making Dreams Come True... One VIEW at a Time. Micky Gallas Properties

(219) 874-7070 BEACH (219) 874-5249 CITY Years (269) 586-2350 MICHIGAN Celebrating 10

Shirl Bacztub Megan Campbell Judi Donaldson Laurie Farrell Joe Gazarkiewicz Linette Gresham (219) 874-5642 (219) 861-3683 (219) 879-1411 (219) 871-0526 (219) 861-3750 (219) 229-0312

Diana Hirsch Ellen Holloway Maria Jackson Susan Kelley Tina Kelly Karen Kmiecik (219) 363-0384 (219) 878-3721 (269) 369-7477 (219) 874-5610 (219) 873-3680 (219) 210-0494

Deb Kozachenko Ken Larson Fran Lysaught Daiva Mockaitis Randy Novak Barb Pinks (219) 363-1707 (219) 873-7101 (219) 879-3454 (219) 670-0982 (219) 877-7069 (219) 325-0006

Micky Gallas ABR, CRS, e-Pro, GRI, SRES Broker/Owner Cell: (219) 861-6012 Pat Tym Stephanie Duffy Alison Jansen Jamie Follmer (219) 210-0324 Wisner Office Manager Assistant (219) 879-1998 Office Manager THE Page 40 June 29, 2006 really sharp...



1 2 sheila carlson  gorgeous!  wooded bldg site  Long Beach  2-3 bedrooms in rear of home  close to beach  wood & slate floors  1st refusal to  almost all new  fireplace buyer of home  loads of charm! selling homes inc  Michiana Shores, IN  $250,000  3 car garage 219.874.1180 219.861.3702 cell  $389,000  $489,000 [email protected] licensed in IN/MI THE June 29, 2006 Page 41 great weekends...


2 3

1 2 3 sheila carlson  lakeview condo!  Michiana Shores, IN Open 7/1 • 1-3 pm  New Buffalo  heavily wooded! DIR: El Portal to 3852 Birchwood in town!  2 bedrooms plus loft Michiana Shores, IN  2 bedrooms, 2 baths  separate dining room selling homes inc  cedar shake cottage   219.874.1180 in-ground pool screened porch  $369,000 219.861.3702 cell  $379,000  $354,000 [email protected] licensed in IN/MI THE Page 42 June 29, 2006 THE June 29, 2006 Page 43 THE Page 44 June 29, 2006 THE June 29, 2006 Page 45

Serving LaPorte County For 28 Years. Let Our Experience Work For You!

Larry Middleton, GRI Broker/Owner

319 Maplewood Dr., Shoreland Hills 50 Marine Dr. #7, Michigan City 118 Westwood Dr., Shoreland Hills Lots of room in an attractive and functional floor plan. Two bed- Breathtaking views of sunsets from your deck! Condo Distinctive remodel includes stainless & granite in custom kitchen, rooms and a bath on the main level and two spacious bedrooms on Lake Michigan exquisitely decorated and fully fur- baths redone, luxurious master suite open to extensive deck back to dining room, new windows throughout & with another bath up. Kitchen opens to Family nished. This condo has a gourmet new garage. Exterior and balcony were redone Room. Full basement is unfinished, with some kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths and the to take advantage of unimpeded views. stud walls erected, and suitable for improve- best of everything in upgrades. 50’ dock Reasonable walk to beach. Stone fireplaces in ment as recreation room, offices and bed- with 27,000 lb. boat lift and dingy lift at lower level rec room & lovely formal living rooms. Level 75'x 100' lot fronts Maplewood the front of your condo. Gated entry with room. All updated, all perched high on the hill, Drive and extends to Duneland Drive. Walk to pool and tennis court. #157099 all private and peaceful. Four lots across the street public or association beaches at Stop 31 $394,900 insuring your view and additional parking. Rick Roger #152628 $445,000 Rick #147609 $319,319 Ask for Roger Miller @ 874-2121 Ask for Rick Remijas @ 874-2121 ext. 36 Ask for Rick Remijas @ 874-2121 ext. 36 Remijas ext. 38 Miller Remijas

904 Lake Shore Dr., Michigan City Beautiful Lake Mich-igan views rom all levels! Contemporary architec- tural appeal, light & bright, about 4000 sq. ft. 5-7 bed- room, 4 baths. Only steps from back door to beach. 2228 Oriole Tr., Long Beach 3510 Arrowhead Trl., Duneland Beach Custom design & crafts- Flexible & friendly, custom built home on 14th fairway of Long Beach manship from granite to 2003 new construction, expansion & remodel from Stop 35 beach glass block & beyond. Country Club set back on 150' frontage, w/210' of depth to Oriole entrance. Open floor plan in living areas accented by pine floor- Trail. Hardwood flooring, granite countertops & ing, vaulted ceiling & stone fireplace. Kitchen maple cabinets accent floor plan built for fam- finished w/maple cabinets, stainless appli- Soaring three-story glass block atrium houses grace- ily & friends. Living areas open to spacious ances & complimentary granite tops. Breakfast screened porch & flow out to deck overlooking ful spiral staircase leading to rooftop sunroom & over area flanks 1 side, w/dining. Wonderful gath- 1,300 sq ft. of ADDITIONAL entertaining space golf course's 14th & 15th fairways. Walk to the ering areas w/family room on main level-den & beach at Stop 23, walk the golf course, walk the w/panoramic lake views. All new stainless gourmet rec room in basement. Views & breezes of kitchen. Carefree rock garden landscaping. Additionally, cul-de-sac that is Oriole Trail or walk up to Lake Michigan from wrap-around deck. Private Country Club at your leisure. #153703 lower level has fully equipped kitchen, bath & theatre patios to rear of house are open to bedroom wing room ideal for related living, separate rental, or but- $769,000 Rick & living areas. #150809 $995,000 Rick Christy Ask for Rick Remijas @ 874-2121 ext. 36 ler's quarters. p.s. Nice low taxes! #155242 $895,000 Remijas Ask for Rick Remijas @ 874-2121 ext. 36 Remijas Ask for Christy Facciponti @ 874-2121 ext. 25 Facciponti 2701 Roslyn Trl., Long Beach THIS LONG BEACH ESTATE blends clas- sic architecture with a thoroughly modern restoration. The inte- rior renovation in- cludes a wet bar, wine cooler and ice 7 Elm Pl., LaPorte 310 Maplewood Dr., Shoreland Hills machine in the great PARADISE FOUND AT LANDS END WITH MILLION Man, this place is the definition of 'cute'! Compact, with big house amenities DOLLAR SUNRISE VIEWS ON PINE LAKE. 100' foot lake like the brick fireplace, privacy fenced yard and carport. Beach, bike and lawn room and spiral stair to game room below. The frontage with sea wall, dock and boat storage in the shed. Two nicely sized bedrooms, tiled grounds are landscaped and terraced with lift. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths built in 2000 bath, knotty-pine walled den or TV room open to kitchen brook, fountain, gazebo and hot tub as focal of contemporary design versatile open and dining area! All windows, including bay window in points! The electric gate opens to paver park- floor plan with lake views from almost living room, installed four years ago with new vinyl sid- ing and welcomes you to an expansive yard every room. Wrap around deck with ing. EZ walk to the Shoreland Hills association beach at perfect for family entertainment including exte- gazebo on lake front. #157467 Stop 31. If you are looking for a reasonable price, low main- $625,000 tenance, a quiet street and private yard, now is the time rior TV’s and audio! #155083 $795,000 Rick Roger Rick Ask for Rick Remijas @ 874-2121 ext. 36 Ask for Roger Miller @ 874-2121 and here is the place. #159727 $219,000 Remijas ext. 38 Miller Ask for Rick Remijas @ 874-2121 ext. 36 Remijas THE Page 46 June 29, 2006



Lakefront Condos with Awesome Panoramic Lake Michigan Views

Amenities include private lakefront balconies, indoor parking with storage units, fitness center with pool, sauna, whirlpool and workout room

Sand Castle #108 NE 2 bedroom/2 bath condo $485,000

Sand Castle #401 3 bedroom/2 bath upgraded corner $479,000

Sand Castle #706 3 bedroom/2 bath center condo $399,000


Rebecca Miller Judy Crawford Judith Dillon-Farley Broker/Owner Realtor Realtor Specialists in Beach Area Condominiums! (219) 872-0588 • (800) 578-6777 THE June 29, 2006 Page 47

CENTURY 21 Long Beach Realty 1401 Lake Shore Drive ~ 3100 Lake Shore Drive 132 (219) 874-5209 ~ (219) 872-1432 T Open 7 Days a Week Family Owned and Operated Since 1920

Galena Meadows, Galena Township Vineyard Hills, LaPorte 903 Tall Timbers, Michigan City • New Prairie Schools • Lots Starting At $22,100 • 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath 1 • New Pergot Floors • 1 - 3 Acre Lots • ⁄2 Acre Lots, LaPorte Schools • New Bath • $72,000

910 Birch Tree Lane, Michigan City 201 Euclid Ave, Michigan City 4236 N. Highway 35, LaPorte 1 • 2 Bed, 1 Bath Condo • 3 Bedrooms, 1 ⁄2 Baths • Almost 5 Acres • Community Pool • Breezeway to Garage • LaPorte Schools • Close to Beach • Located in Edgewood Subdivision • Great Possibilities • $114,900 • $164,000 • $169,900

195 Larson, LaPorte 7582 W Arndt Ct., Michigan City 105 Kenwood Ave., Michigan City 1 • Office Building & Shop • 5 Bedrooms, 3 Baths • 4 Bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 Baths • 3.69 Acres • Master Suite w/Whirlpool • Hardwood Floors, Cedar Closets • Heart of LaPorte • Theatre Room in Basement • Floored Attic & Screened Porch • $169,900 • $225,000 • $245,000

Phyllis Waters*, Owner/Broker, CRB, CRS, GRI Tom Cappy* 874-6396 Rosemary Braun 879-9029 Doug Waters*, Managing Broker, GRI 219-877-7290 Richard Klare 872-0947 Don Niven 708-259-9471 June Livinghouse*, Broker Associate, ABR, GRI 800-957-1248 Beverly Szybala 219-861-2066 Bill McNew 872-8254 Sylvia Hook*, Broker Associate, CRS, GRI 800-518-5778 Patti Slayden 219-608-6012 Annette Clark 219-363-3545 Beverly Bullis*, CRS, GRI 800-518-6149 Sandy Rubenstein*, Broker Associate 879-7525 *Licensed in Michigan and Indiana

Phyllis T. Waters* Doug Waters* CRB, CRS, GRI Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated GRI Broker/ Owner Managing Broker THE Page 48 June 29, 2006

CENTURY 21 Long Beach Realty 1401 Lake Shore Drive ~ 3100 Lake Shore Drive 132 (219) 874-5209 ~ (219) 872-1432 T Open 7 Days a Week Family Owned and Operated Since 1920

409 Coolspring Ave., Michigan City Lots 10 & 11 Oaks Ct, Long Beach 220 Island Drive, LaPorte • 5 Bedrooms • Two Blocks from Stop 16 Beach • Pine Lake • Fireplace • Hillside Wooded Lots • Lake Views • 2 Full Baths, 2 Half Baths • Located in Quiet Cul De Sac • Deed Beach & Boat Dock • $245,900 • $250,000 • $259,900

50 Marine Drive, Michigan City 717 Pine Street, Michigan City 222 Lady Lane, Michigan City • Totally Updated Condo • 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths • 4 Bedroom, 3 Baths • Walk to Beach • New Kitchen and Bathrooms • Family room with fireplace • 50 ft Boat Slip • 2 Fireplaces, Large Covered Porch • 1 Mile from Lake Michigan • $259,900 • $279,900 • $309,000

801 Washington St., Michigan City 15 St. Andrews, Michigan City 2925 Lothair Way, Long Beach • Excellent Business Location • 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths • Golf Course Views • One Block from Downtown Michigan City • Beautiful Golf Course Views • 5 Bedrooms, 3 Baths • Over 5000 Square Feet • Almost 2000 Square Feet of Living Space • Over 2600 Sq Ft of Living Space • $275,000 • $354,000 • $425,900

Phyllis Waters*, Owner/Broker, CRB, CRS, GRI Tom Cappy* 874-6396 Rosemary Braun 879-9029 Doug Waters*, Managing Broker, GRI 219-877-7290 Richard Klare 872-0947 Don Niven 708-259-9471 June Livinghouse*, Broker Associate, ABR, GRI 800-957-1248 Beverly Szybala 219-861-2066 Bill McNew 872-8254 Sylvia Hook*, Broker Associate, CRS, GRI 800-518-5778 Patti Slayden 219-608-6012 Annette Clark 219-363-3545 Beverly Bullis*, CRS, GRI 800-518-6149 Sandy Rubenstein*, Broker Associate 879-7525 *Licensed in Michigan and Indiana

Phyllis T. Waters* Doug Waters* CRB, CRS, GRI Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated GRI Broker/ Owner Managing Broker THE June 29, 2006 Page 49

CENTURY 21 Long Beach Realty 1401 Lake Shore Drive ~ 3100 Lake Shore Drive 132 (219) 874-5209 ~ (219) 872-1432 T Open 7 Days a Week Family Owned and Operated Since 1920

2740 Floral Trail, Long Beach 2125 Avondale, Long Beach 1705 Lake Shore Drive, Michigan City 1 1 • 4 Bedrooms, 3 ⁄2 Baths • 2-4 Bedrooms, 1 Bath • 5 Bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 Baths • 2 Large Wooded Lots • Almost 1 Acre of Land • Just a Few Step to Beach Access • Close to Beach • Totally Rehabbed • Large Spacious Rooms • $435,000 • $599,000 • $675,000

602 & 604 Lake Shore Drive, Michigan City 213 California Ave., Michigan City • 10 Bedrooms w/ Individual Baths 200 Hilltop, Michigan City 1 • 3 Brand New Townhomes on Lake Michigan • New Kitchen • 5 Bedrooms, 4 ⁄2 Baths • 3 Levels with Roof Deck and Lake Views • Close to Lake Michigan Beaches • Lake View Lot, Balconies 1 • 3 Bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 Baths • Can be split into 2 units • Two Full Kitchens, Wine Cellar • $699,000 • $798,000 • $799,900

2043 Lake Shore Drive, Long Beach 2207 Lake Shore Drive, Long Beach Lake Shore Drive, Long Beach 1 • 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths • 3 Bedroom, 1 ⁄2 Bath Dutch Colonial • Largest Vacant Property on the Lake • Lake Views • Guest House • Lake Front Lot w/ Lake Views • Very Large Lot • 3 Seasons Wrap Around Enclosed Porch • Water Rights • $1,100,000 • $1,300,000 • $2,100,000

Phyllis Waters*, Owner/Broker, CRB, CRS, GRI Tom Cappy* 874-6396 Rosemary Braun 879-9029 Doug Waters*, Managing Broker, GRI 219-877-7290 Richard Klare 872-0947 Don Niven 708-259-9471 June Livinghouse*, Broker Associate, ABR, GRI 800-957-1248 Beverly Szybala 219-861-2066 Bill McNew 872-8254 Sylvia Hook*, Broker Associate, CRS, GRI 800-518-5778 Patti Slayden 219-608-6012 Annette Clark 219-363-3545 Beverly Bullis*, CRS, GRI 800-518-6149 Sandy Rubenstein*, Broker Associate 879-7525 *Licensed in Michigan and Indiana

Phyllis T. Waters* Doug Waters* CRB, CRS, GRI Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated GRI Broker/ Owner Managing Broker THE Page 50 June 29, 2006

CENTURY 21 Long Beach Realty 1401 Lake Shore Drive ~ 3100 Lake Shore Drive 132 (219) 874-5209 ~ (219) 872-1432 T Open 7 Days a Week Family Owned and Operated Since 1920

608 W 11th Street, Michigan City 2426 Rue Du Lac, LaPorte 100 Lake Shore Drive, Unit 502, Michigan City • Great Income Property • 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths • Lake Michigan Views • 2 Units, Walking Distance from South Shore • Full Basement • 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Condo • Live in one and rent the other! • Perfect Location for Commuting • Association Pool, Sauna, Hot Tub, and Private Beach • $69,900 • $214,000 • $405,000

Phyllis T. Waters* Doug Waters* CRB, CRS, GRI GRI Broker/ Owner Managing Broker

June Livinghouse*, Sylvia Hook*, Beverly Bullis*, Sandy Rubenstein*, Tom Cappy* Richard Klare Broker Associate, Broker Associate, CRS, GRI Broker Associate ABR, GRI CRS, GRI

Beverly Szybala Patti Slayden Rosemary Braun Bill McNew Annette Clark

Phyllis Waters*, Owner/Broker, CRB, CRS, GRI Tom Cappy* 874-6396 Rosemary Braun 879-9029 Doug Waters*, Managing Broker, GRI 219-877-7290 Richard Klare 872-0947 Bill McNew 872-8254 June Livinghouse*, Broker Associate, ABR, GRI 800-957-1248 Beverly Szybala 219-861-2066 Annette Clark 219-363-3545 Sylvia Hook*, Broker Associate, CRS, GRI 800-518-5778 Patti Slayden 219-608-6012 Beverly Bullis*, CRS, GRI 800-518-6149 *Licensed in Michigan and Indiana Sandy Rubenstein*, Broker Associate 879-7525

Phyllis T. Waters* Doug Waters* CRB, CRS, GRI Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated GRI Broker/ Owner Managing Broker THE June 29, 2006 Page 51


Located at US 12 and Karwick Road

2 bedroom 2 bath units are 1185 sq. ft

3 bedroom 2 bath units are 1473 sq ft

Private garages available Less than 5 minutes to Lake Michigan On-site management

Fully equipped fitness center Clubhouse with pool

219-879-9950 THE Page 52 June 29, 2006

2424 Franklin Street, Michigan City, Indiana (219) 872-0626

For detailed information on these and other fine properties Visit

Beverly Shores $429,000 Beverly Shores $569,000 40 Marine Drive D7 $299,900 Beautiful lakefront community within an hour of downtown Chicago and Talk about your wooded setting!!! The views are awesome Freshly painted and new carpeting highlight this desirable surrounded by the Dunes National Park. Rock solid well built brick 4-5 from any room. Almost total privacy on the 7 lots sur- Marina Park South 3 bedroom loft condo. Enjoy the views of bedroom home on a wooded corner lot 5 minutes from beach. Renovation Lake Michigan, the Trail Creek Marina and Washington Park completed 2005. New appliances, cherry cabinets, oak flooring and cus- rounding this house. House could have related living set tom tile work in all the new baths. New roof and gutters. 2 large master up. Or finish attached garage for more living space. All from your new 10 x 17 foot glass surrounded deck. Your 50' boat slip with dual electric and water makes for easy access to suites with separate entrances. 24 x 25 garage with lots of storage space. open concept with vaulted ceilings throughout upper level. Lower level office rec room could be another guest suite with large sitting Lake Michigan waters. Live year round in this resort style 3 Screened-in porches or decks off most rooms to further area. New sauna installed right next to a custom ⁄4 bath. This complete compound. Easy commute to Chicago via the expressway or renovation compliments the quality of original construction. enjoy the outdoors. Short walk to beach. the South Shore train. Price just REDUCED! Mortgage Title Services Concierge Relocation Commercial Previews 877-202-8618 219-322-2257 800-493-1181 800-982-0909 800-838-7922 888-572-Home


SUNSET POINTE Sunshine & views, steps to the beach, park, and marina. Four bedroom, vaulted, airy design for your family & friends with - generous park- YOUR NEW SHORELAND COMMU Your beau unity ing. NITY steps $445,000 Limited time preconstruction bon - your lakeside comm At Vaulted great room, loft, 3 bedroom, NEW DUNELAND agingLANDMARK Allegretti design, DUNESCAPE us. ou $445,000 porch, room for family room or additionalscreen bed tifully executed & eng vels and all y with private beach, Lakeviews fromAt rooftop to private association beaches off Stop 35. rooms, 2 car garage. At - Four bedroom, 2 le terrace, screen porch, decks, and indoor PRIVATE $ have come to expectve home. in a 575,000 distincti $ pool for year round bonus. ACREAGE IN At 950,000 LAPORTE IN THE WRIGHT COUNTY Your TRADITION rural retreat with Thoughtful ne easy access to Allegretti designw Chicago & SBend/ underway in distinc- Notre Dame. Com- ort- tive Duneland. For plete with comf discerning home- ing fireplaces, hard- seekers, a com- woods, country n.kit- pelling new home chen, horse bar , steps from private Close to golf and beaches. STONE LAKE CO water recreation, - At $799,000 orchards & winer full of traditional cottaTTAGE $364,000 ing master suite & deck with lake views. ies. At ge charmsteps topped from with the smash lak vate alternative to busy city lif e & Bobbie Cavic Associate Broker/Licensed in Indiana and Michigan - e. At Your pri- 269-469-8748 [email protected] $215,000 THE June 29, 2006 Page 53 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES

1435 Pennsylvania - LaPorte 15709 Lakeside – Lakeside, MI 2991 Stonehedge - LaPorte STEPS FROM STONE LAKE BEACH, Caven PICTURESQUE FRENCH COUNTRY CONVENIENTLY CLOSE to every- Cottage will delight & surprise you. Original cot- HOUSE with 18th & 19th century antique thing plus the perfect escape views include tage charm topped with beautifully executed mas- details. Hand carved doors, mahogany com- pastures, ponds, fields in all directions. ter suite complete with lake views from sprawling mode, dining room overlooks gardens, & Highest quality finishes craftsmanship & deck. A discerning alternative to the bustle of the design. So quiet that sounds of nature are 800 sq. ft. guest house by pool. $2.9M City. Easy access to Chicago. $215K all that is heard. $635K Call Bobbie Cavic 269-469-8748 Call Gail Lowrie 800-469-6360 Call Bonnie “B” Meyer 269-469-8735 204 California - LaPorte SUNSET POINTE Lakeside town- home commu- nity, smart & sassy design, steps along beach path to 11373 Maudlin – New Buffalo 15911 Goodwin Ave – Union Pier, MI Lake Michigan, CLEAN BRIGHT HOME recently ren- WONDERFUL VINTAGE bungalow short walk to harbor/park/ ovated, still has room for your personal touch- beautifully renovated with 3 bedrooms, 2 dining. Airy es. Excellent starter home with pretty views baths & extra large yard. Just 2 short blocks clerestory win- of the wooded back yard. $319K to a great beach. You are in the heart of Union dows, fireplace, 3 bedrooms/4 baths, hard- $ Call G. Lowrie or T. Maki 269-469-8300 Pier. $539K wood floors, ample parking. 445K Call Gail Lowrie 800-469-6360 Call Bobbie Cavic 269-469-8748

223 Felton - Michigan City 9303 E Division – Mill Creek 1214 Lake Shore Dr – Michigan City COMPLETELY REHABBED cottage Just over NINE PRIVATE ACRES & custom BEACHFRONT RANCH - 3 units separated or joined can be just 4 short blocks to Lake MI beach, crisp home in rural LaPorte County. Easy access to rented, shared or used by a crowd. Only fine sand & dune grass & clean, new windows, furnace, electric, Chicago, South Bend/Notre Dame, & Lake separate the deck & patio from miles of shallow Lake MI beach. 5 bedrooms/4 baths compose the well constructed main AC, roof. Perfect for beach house prima- Michigan. Gracious 4BR/5BA custom home, & lower walk out levels with hardwood floors, casement win- ry or second home. Great gardening poten- country kitchen, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, $ $ dows, even separated utilities. 2 gas fireplaces. Perfect for a tax tial. 179K 4 stall barn. A quiet setting. 364K free exchange. Drastically Reduced to $898K Call Bonnie “B” Meyer 269-469-8735 Call Bobbie Cavic 269-469-8748 Call Bonnie “B” Meyer 269-469-8735 GOLD COAST LINCOLN PARK SOUTH LOOP SANDBURG VILLAGE NEW EASTSIDE NEW BUFFALO 312-368-5300 773-687-4663 312-980-5100 312-368-5336 312-540-9000 888-257-5800 THE Page 54 June 29, 2006 THE June 29, 2006 Page 55

101 N. Thompson, New Buffalo, MI Model open 1:00-5:00 pm EST

1851 Lake Shore Drive, Michigan City, IN By Appointment Only Please contact Deirdre or Laura to schedule your personal appointment 269-469-9580 THE Page 56 June 29, 2006 Look no further than Dan Coffey

PRICE REDUCED TO $349,000 for this 3 bed- room, 3 bath, wonderful cottage on a very wood- ed lot at the south end of New Buffalo. Easy bike or car ride to town and beach. Brand new with "subway tiles" in baths, soapstone counter top in kitchen and attached screen porch. Living room offers peaked ceil- ing, fireplace, bookcas- es, and wall of windows. You could not afford to build a house this size for this price, let alone pay for the land.

A HAPPY HOUSE with a 30' square tower that showers light inside. Totally open living plan. Wooded lot on quiet dead end street with tall trees. Loads of windows. Modern kitchen big enough to cook gourmet meals. Screened porch. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, fireplace in living room. Detached 1 car garage. All for $429,000

THE POINT OF THIS PHOTO is to show how this house is hidden from view. On a 120' x 149' extra large wooded lot with native plants. Located in Union Pier within 3 blocks to Gowdy Shores beach. 3 bed- rooms, 3 baths, front porch and screen porch in back. Wide plank floors, open spaces that reach 2 stories in the kitchen. Skylights and high windows bring mother nature's warmth and light into this home. $639,000

T: 269.469.5635 E: [email protected] W:

harbor country THE June 29, 2006 Page 57 COMPOUND IN HEART OF MICHIANA Magnificent Georgian Estate An hour from downtown Chicago and 6 miles from the beaches of Lake Michigan. Lavish grounds architecturally designed for pri- vacy, and the ultimate entertain- ing experience. Georgian style house built in 1938 and renovat- ed in ‘91. The interior woodwork is walnut from trees milled on the estate. Spectacular pool with 4 adjacent pool houses/cabanas. 2 guest houses, gourmet kitchen and screened in dining pavilion. Equestrian polebarn and stables for 2 horses. Lighted tennis courts and basketball courts for late night tournaments. Private creek for fishing. Custom built treehouse for 8 overnight guests. Offering Price: $2,200,000

Exclusively Listed by: LORI OSMANSKI (312) 264-5856 (312) 391-4870 [email protected] OPEN SUNDAY JULY 2ND NOON -5PM Traditional Long Beach Cottage This 4 bedroom, 3 bath cottage built in 1920 has been updat- ed with knotty pine floors, bead board walls, maple kitchen, fireplace, and a newly renovated basement. This charming cottage has a four seasons back porch and a limestone patio. Perfectly located, 1 1/2 blocks from the beach at stop 23 and two blocks from the Long Beach country club. The perfect summer retreat for your family or for a rental income proper- ty. To find this property take Lake Shore to Chastleton, north to Oakwood, east on Maryben to house number 2211.

980 North Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL RUBLOFF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES THE Page 58 June 29, 2006

1 Marine Drive & 3 Marine Drive Two condos sold as one. Only condo with its own elevator, sauna and laundry room. All furnishings except paintings included. Main level has living room, dining room, rec room, and 1 bedroom. Upper level has kitchen, master bedroom, and 3rd bedroom. Condo has a total of 3 full baths and two 3 ⁄4 baths. total of 1728 sq. ft. of living space. Boat slip includ- ed. Great for business which has incentives for the owners and executives. Call me now!

PlusPlus Pool!Pool!

MasterMaster SuiteSuite ChicagoChicago ViewsViews

GuestGuest RoomRoom YourYour OwnOwn ElevatorElevator

2 W. Marine Drive No wish list needed for this fantasy condo. Just park you boat in your private slip and after a swim in the pool or beauti- ful Lake Michigan, you can relax on your covered deck or sauna. Seller has thought of everything for you. Even a lovely fire- place for chilly splendor. Main level has living room, dining room, LakeLake ViewsViews kitchen, and master bedroom. Upper level contains 2 bedrooms. Additional laundry,12 x 10 stor- age, and sauna. Condo has 2 full baths, one for each level. 2102 sq. ft. of living space. Let me be the key to your new adventure!

RES. 219-879-3123 FAX: 219-878-0464




Carie O’Donnell Multi-Million Dollar Producer Associate Broker Specializing in Lakefront, Beach Area & 269-469-9813 Investment Property! RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Indiana & Michigan Cell: 269-612-0412 10 N. Whittaker Street [email protected] New Buffalo, MI 49117

Union Pier - You will truly enjoy the wonderful Forest Beach - Open, bright & airy explains Lakeside - Build your dream home on this beau- natural setting of this fabulous log home situat- this great 3bedroom, 2.5 bath home located in the tiful property totaling 1.76 acres just a short dis- ed on 1.5 acres with Galien River Frontage. gated community of Forest Beach. $659,900 tance to the beach. $349,900 $550,000

Bridgman - Imagine the possibilities with this enor- Bridgman - A terrific year round or weekend retreat. Michiana - Are you ready to own your own mous 6 bedroom home located on 3 lots only Totally renovated with great cottage style complete piece of Harbor Country? Build your dream 2/10th’s of a mile to Weko Beach. New 18x36 heat- with inground heated pool and hot tub. home on one of these great woodsy lots located ed inground pool completes this fabulous home. $499,000 two blocks to the pristine sandy beaches of $449,000 Michiana. Starting from $299,900

Union Pier - Location! Location! Location! Enjoy New Buffalo - Neat home zoned commercial yet New Buffalo - Escape to your own private oasis magnificent lake views from this gorgeous home. an easy walk to the beach. Great Hardwood in the back yard of this adorable 3 bedroom This contemporary style home boasts all the floors and some neat fixtures. Second lot runs into home complete w/Koi pond, deck & screened gaze- $ modern amenities with an enticing bright and open ravine. $279,000 bo. 225,000 floor plan. Beach access right outside your door. $1,400,000

New Buffalo - Unobstructed Views of Lake Michigan!! Location! Location! Steps from the marina, beach, restaurants & shops of downtown. Comes with 40 ft. boat slip. Come experience the luxury amenities from this poolside condo and enjoy beautiful sunsets over Lake Michigan. $1,650,000 THE Page 60 June 29, 2006


Vacation every weekend. Just 60 miles from Chicago, The Woodlands offers over 70 acres of dense forest, with lot sizes ranging from 3/4 to 5-1/4 acres and homes carefully sited to enhance privacy and preserve the natural surroundings. And for those who want to come out and play, The Woodlands has two pools, a playground, tennis court, basketball court, nature trail and a beach shuttle with regular Lake Michigan stops. Starting in the mid $300’s, choose from 4 distinctive home styles including The Escape, featured above. Call 219.561.3515, visit our on-site sales center on Tryon Road (just west of Route 212), Michigan City, Indiana, or log on to for further information. A development by UrbanStreet Properties, LLC.

Close to Home. A World Apart. THE June 29, 2006 Page 61 Executive Group Realty Have a Safe & Happy 4th of July Holiday! of Indiana & Michigan Sales & Rentals Michigan (269) 469-6892 Sales & Rentals Indiana (219) 874-1122 SPECTACULAR LAKE & COUNTRY PROPERTIES Visit ( To View Our Open House Schedule & OUR COMPLETE INVENTORY

Sunset Shores - Long Beach Best of Both Worlds! Lakeview Home New Buffalo - 2 blocks to marina & 1- block to Lake MI with deeded beach This home is 1 block from Lake MI & access. Brick ranch mega space, step offers beach rights & seasonal lake 1 down living area, vaulted ceilings, views. 3 bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 baths, large liv- huge wall of windows, brick fireplace, ing & rec room, whirlpool tub, fireplace, 1 3 bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 baths, family room, wet deck, balcony, & 2 car garage. Situated bar, workshop, & utility room. Fenced backyard, patio, screen room, & 2 car on a wooded lot. Owners motivated! $ $ 585,000 DEEDED BEACH ACCESS garage. 499,900

Lakefront Living 4 bedrooms, each has its own private suite w/bath, balcony & walk-in closet. Total of 5 full baths & Karwick Glen Condo 1 (1) ⁄2 bath. Kitchen & dining room look out at Beautiful Condo! 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, Lake MI & down a 2-story atrium to family room all furnishings & Bose System. This is with fireplace, wet bar & wine fridge. Granite countertops, & stainless steel appliances. Cathedral one of the larger mega loft units and also 1 ceilings, sky deck on 4th floor, elevator & 2 ⁄2 car includes (2) 1 car garages & 2 parking garage, & much more! Steps to beach from back door. spaces. Must see to appreciate! Owner Seller is a Licensed Realtor. $1,499,000 motivated! $185,000 Note: (2) Additional buildable lots adjoin proper- ty. $699,000 Ea. Lot

Sunset Shores Raised Ranch Anchor Haven This home is situated in a lovely wooded This is a must see! Fabulous 4 bedroom, setting with a meandering creek right out 3 bath home right across from harbor. your back door! Deeded beach access on Spectacular wood & ceramic floors Lake MI only 7 houses away & only 3 with lovely colors throughout! Offers blocks to the harbor. 4 possible bedrooms, fireplace, 2 screened porches, hot tub, 2 baths, living room, family room, W/O patio deck, small pond w/waterfall, firepit, & great wooded views of creek. Plus 2 and much more. Backyard offers much car garage is carpeted & could serve as large privacy & ambiance. Also includes rec room. Seasonal peeks of the lake. private beach access. Located in the heart Sunset Shores Assoc. Park across the street of New Buffalo. $525,000 $289,900

Income Opportunity Sheridan Beach Ranch Attn. Investors. This commercial This adorable home is near Lake building consists of a store front, plus Michigan and has been totally rehabbed (1) AND (2) bedroom apartments. throughout! It offers 2+ bedrooms Located in the heart of Michigan City! Each unit has separate electric meters hardwood & ceramic flooring, new & furnaces. Great income. Owner heating/air system, many skylights, motivated! $95,000 1 1 deck, 2 ⁄2 car garage & more! Very Prime Development -2 ⁄2 Acres - short walk to beach through Beachwalk Commercial zoned- 150' frontage on access. $119,000 Hwy 212. High traffic location! Many possibilities! $64,900

[email protected] Call To Reserve Your 2006 Vacation Rentals Now!

Lou O’Donnell IV-Broker Linda O’Donnell-Broker Dennis O’Black-Broker Assc O’Lear Sales Assc/Off Mgr Vanessa O’Holecek- Sales Assc/Prop Mgr Mike O’Skudnig-Sales Assc Kent Falconer-Sales Assc Email: [email protected] or [email protected] 9 N. Barton Street, New Buffalo, MI 49117 3636 East U.S. 12, Michigan City, IN 46360 269-469-6892 • Fax 269-469-5168 219-874-1122 • Fax 219-874-1144 THE Page 62 June 29, 2006

CHAD GRADOWSKI T Licensed in Indiana and Michigan RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 10 N. Whittaker Street, New Buffalo, MI 49117 Office: 269-469-7248 • Cell: 219-241-9083 • Fax: 269-469-5445 Check out all my listings

ELEGANT LAKEFRONT LIVING in Grand Beach, New ESCAPE THE CITY and enjoy this rustic style home on near- ONE OF A KIND private country retreat on 40 rolling acres just 1 Buffalo. Custom designed with every detail in mind, this home ly 8 private acres with 2 stocked ponds, and a ⁄4 of a mile 1.5 hours from Chicago. A nice blend of apple orchards, woods, offers stunning lake and sunset views in an unusually private, of frontage on Dowling Creek, just off the Galien River. This and prairies. Architecturally designed contemporary home with cus- semi-wooded setting. 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, custom gourmet home was built for entertaining and family enjoyment, and tom stained glass fixtures, a unique use of several natural woods, kitchen, 2 fireplaces, 3,600 square feet of living space, and is only a few minutes to the charming community of Three custom gourmet kitchen, huge light filled great room with massive all Grand Beach amenities. $4.4M Oaks. $489,000 stone fireplace, large screened porch, 2 luxurious baths, loft, and pool with poolhouse. $1,445,000 FAMILY COMPOUND on six lots in Sheridan Beach, only a few minutes walk to Lake Michigan, Washington Park, and the marina and only an hour drive from Chicago. The main house offers 1588 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, fireplace. The guest house offers 332 sq. ft., 1 bedroom, 1 bath, covered FOREST BEACH BEAUTY. Created in the style of a French BEAUTIFUL FRENCH FARM HOUSE on 11+ acres in patio, front porch. The stu- Country Chateau, this lovely home offers 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, the Heston/1000 North corridor with frontage on Spring dio/beach house offers 1998 custom country kitchen, unique blend of wrought iron and Creek. Over 2500 sq.ft. with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, sq. ft., 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, stone, massive stone fireplace in 2-story living room, wood floor- wall of windows in living room, fireplace, walkout lower basement. All homes are connected by walkways and inter- ing, large private landscaped lot with pool. Private Lake level, custom features throughout. $435,000 com system. $1,150,000 Michigan beach & tennis courts. $1.1M

5873 DUNES HIGHWAY • OGDEN DUNES, IN 46368 (219) 762-9194

STORYBOOK CASTLE IN THE COUNTRY. Once through the gated entry, a private winding drive leads past the man-made lake with its own sand beach to this one-of-a- kind residence set on 80 acres. Victorian in style on the outside, every modern convenience is contained within. The main level has 12 foot ceilings throughout and features an oversized living room leading to the main staircase, which makes one think of grand Gone With The Wind entrances down the stairs; a stunning master suite and bath with heated floors, walk-in closets and more; a state-of-the-art kitchen that opens into the spacious dining room, which has its own fireplace; and the home’s connected garages, which are finished to match the interior of the home and boast heated floors. There are eight bedroom suites, each with its own luxurious bath and fireplace; and the third floor contains two secret rooms, a fantastic family room and a spiral staircase leading to the romantic widow’s peak overlooking the property. Owner is a licensed realtor. MLS #147696

Call to schedule your private tour… (219) 762-9194 • $50,000 SELLING BONUS TO MY FELLOW REALTORS THE June 29, 2006 Page 63

872-4000 FAX (219) 872-4182 Specializing in Distinctive Properties MERRION & ASSOCIATES REALTORS Indiana and Michigan Debbie Burke 707 Washington Street, Michigan City, IN Ed Merrion Owner Broker

BRIAR LEAF VILLAS!! 32 Luxury brick town-homes adjacent to Briar Leaf Golf Course & Portofino Restaurant are located 8 miles south of New Buffalo, 3 miles north of LaPorte & just an hour from Chicago. Five floor plans to choose from (4 single level & 1 two-story; 1525 to 2035 sq ft). All units have masonry fireplaces, vaulted ceilings, 2 car attached garages, full basements, maintenance free decks, Anderson windows, city sewer & water. Call Jim Laughlin for your tour. $241,900 to $269,900


T 123 THE Page 64 June 29, 2006 THE June 29, 2006 Page 65

LA PORTE'S PINE LAKE "ON THE ISLAND" 77 Ft Sand Beach Lake Frontage 380 Oak Drive, La Porte, IN Exceptional 2,700 sq. ft. house in the coveted “On the Island” location. Exceptional Quality Panoramic views of North & South Pine Lake from every window! 4 - 5 Bedrooms / 2 Unexpected Detail Full Baths. Kitchen/family room open floor plan with granite coun- tertops, large island, and fireplace. 600 sq. ft. Great Room, Unfinished Basement, 2 car garage. Oak Floors, Skylights, Cathedral Ceilings, Zoned Heating & A/C. Start enjoying the Summer NOW! Available immediately. $450,000 219-851-5194 or [email protected]

102 LADY LANE, MICHIGAN CITY Picture yourself in this beautiful 4 bed- room, 3 bath home situated with views of Lake Mary and the Long Beach golf course. Gather your friends and family New Michiana Cabin in the cozy kit- OPEN HOUSE,12:00 – SUNDAY, 3:00 PM JULY 2, chen/family room • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. featuring hard- wood floors, carpeting, custom Amish cabinets, a floor to ceiling brick, • Antique pine timbers and flooring. wood-burning fireplace. Celebrate holidays in the formal 12 x 12 din- • Coffered living room and kitchen ceilings. ing room. A main floor bedroom and full bath is just off of the kitchen as is a laundry room with sink. Ascend the oak stairway to • Custom cabinets with stone tops. 3 more spacious bedrooms, plus a bonus room for use as an office, • Metal roofing. Woodburning fireplace den or children’s play room. The master suite features a tray ceiling $ with recessed lighting. Large 3-car heated garage provides room for • Screened porch. 389,000 all of your cars and toys! With the rear deck and spacious yard you’ll enjoy summer activities! This home is within walking distance to Lake Michigan and is in absolute move-in condition! $379,900

Attention Lovers of Nature and History! Rolling and manicured 3+ acre site features 3 bedroom/1 bath 1800’s farmhouse. Beautiful views of yard and landscape including bing cherry, black wal- nut and Red Delic- ious and MacIntosh Price Recently Reduced apple trees. Enjoy home grown red and white concord grapes, black raspberries, and blueberries! Centrally located in close proximity to New Buffalo, South Bend/Notre Dame and Michigan City $240,000

DEBBIE JAKELSKI A short walk to Lake Michigan. Licensed in MI and IN 10 N. Whittaker Street New Buffalo, MI 49117 Direct: 269-469-8951 Office 269-469-3950 THE Page 66 June 29, 2006 Gourmet House 3801 FRANKLIN STREET MICHIGAN CITY, IN 46360 MSG Tel: 219.872.7566 Low Fat - 100% Vegetable Oil Delicious Chinese Cuisine Eat In & Take Out Service • Lunch Specials & Dinners Catering Welcome!

FREE FREE FREE Small Chicken or Large Gen. COOLSPRING AVE. 2 Egg Rolls Jewel Osco Pork Fried Rice Tso’s Chicken w/purchase over $10 or $5 off ourmet ouse w/purchase over $20 G H Cannot be combined w/purchase over $30 Midas Cannot be combined OHIO ST. w/any other offers w/any other offers Cannot be combined U.S. HWY. 20 w/any other offers FRANKLIN ST. Exp. 9-30-06 WOODLAND AVE. Exp. 9-30-06 I-94 Exp. 9-30-06

Faygo 2 ltr. 2/$1 Our Family Pop 12 pk. 12 oz. cans 2/$5 Hot & Ready Hot Dogs 2/$1

$ Bahama Mama Gourmet Hot Dogs 2/ 2 FREE Any Size Coffee 79¢ Medium OzCreme Cone Marlboro $3095 carton • 1st Class $1699 carton or $ 99 $ 99 Sabre 14 carton • Honor 14 carton FREE Medium Slush Page Plus Prepaid Phones $2499 With 100 Minutes with this coupon Expires 7-5-06 Visit New Garden Center 2450 S.R. 212, Michigan City, IN • 219-879-4999 or 219-369-4682 THE June 29, 2006 Page 69 Holiday Activities Planned in LaPorte Jaycee Beer Barn Held at the LaPorte County fairgrounds. Food and beverages will be available. Admission is $5. Doors WHEN WE MAKE open 7 p.m., live entertainment runs 8 p.m.-mid- night. Groups playing include: Middle of the Road (June 30), Teaser (July 1) and Selective Recall (July 3). APPOINTMENTS, 4th of July in LaPorte The 60th Annual Jaycees Parade will step off at WE SHOW UP! 11 a.m. on Tues., July 4, in LaPorte, IN. It will trav- el southwest along Lincolnway (Hwy 2). Theme for this year’s parade is “LaPorte is Buzzing with Patriotic Pride.” The theme was picked by Kingsbury Elementary School. Fireworks Extravaganza A.S. The LaPorte County fairgrounds will be the site of the annual fireworks show which will begin at approx- imately 9:15 p.m. Admission is $5 per vehicle or $1 Painting & Decorating, Inc. per person walk-in. Gates will open at 6 p.m., and enter- tainment and food vendors will be available prior to the fireworks show. 50/50 Drawing Anthony J. Simon, Contractor Tickets are on sale from any Jaycee and the day of the parade at $1 each or 7/$5. For more informa- tion, phone 219/325-3073. Professional, Licensed & Fully Insured

Dan Coffey Elected to State Organization • Residential, Commercial Dan Coffey, realtor from New Buffalo, has been elect- ed Treasurer of the 34,000 member Michigan Association & Industrial of Realtors. He will hold this office through 2007, which will then lead to the position of President Elect for 2008, and President in 2009. • Decorative Faux & Dan has been twice named Realtor of the Year at Custom Painting the local Association level and has served as President, Director and chair of many commitees. He has also served four terms on the MAR Board of Directors. • Wall Papering, Drywall, Dan is also a member of the LaPorte County Association of Realtors Board of Directors and serves Plastering on the New Buffalo Township Planning Committee. He lives with his wife, Kay Hartmann, in Michiana, Michigan. • Family Owned & Operated

WEDNESDAY - FAJITA’S FOR 2 $14.95! (Chicken or Steak) includes Quesadilla Appetizer & Alamo Ice Cream for dessert THURSDAY 269-341-9991 ALL “MEXICAN” DINNERS $9.99 (does not include Huachinango or Crockett Ribs) 773-871-2300 HOURS: Monday-Friday Open at 11:00 A.M. • Saturday & Sunday Open at 1:00 P.M.

310 East Buffalo New Buffalo Mi 269-469-9600 THE Page 70 June 29, 2006

foodstuff by carolyn mcconnell Retro Celebration

Retro Café has been our New Buffalo neighbor for a number of years, but even so, they recently celebrated a grand opening. Chef-owner Judy Kite-Gosh and husband Tom hired Ranzen Home Services (that’s Judy’s brother Cris Ranzenberger!) to add a beautiful deck onto the restaurant we’ve visited since 1999. Cris designed the patio, built it, fenced it and presented it to his sister – all in one short week. That’s when we enjoyed the grandly opened outdoor dining room and, of course, the celebration food that came with it.

Early in the season, the new patio is having a grand opening

Julie Westergren with her husband Bob, mayor of New Buffalo

Our pleasant hosts, Tom and Judy Gosh

That’s Judy’s brother Cris Ransenberger – he’s the builder of this beautiful deck

Roger and Beverly Harvey. Roger’s handsome artwork is on the Retro’s walls THE June 29, 2006 Page 71

The food there has always been outstanding, both breakfasts and lunches. All baking is done in-house and a popular catering service continues – and yes, everything leaving the Gosh’s kitchen is hand made. One delicacy that ceremonial evening was an organ- ic steak burger on organic multi grain bun with organic lettuce and tomato, all from local farmers. Retro’s big on organic, and that’s nice. So head on over there — go directly to a pretty table on that pretty new patio and enjoy that Retro food.

Hey, there’s Claire Warshaw – I once wrote a story about her and her husband “on the road again…”

Emily Bettencourt with Judy Kite-Gosh. Emily tells me the grilled cheese sandwich is to die for – I later agreed 100 percent

Jean and Richard Baer, Catherine Cuddeback and Mary P.A. Behrens

Barb and Louis Price from Union Pier Meanwhile, in the kitchen - Heidi, Hilary and Steve THE Page 72 June 29, 2006

Surfing Lite These summer days don’t lend themselves to heavy reading or heavy surfing. So, in the interest of main- taining a proper seasonal laziness, I give you this week a list of websites that won’t challenge your brain. The Mixulator, man ( Have at least a high-speed connection or else pass up the opportunity to play at sound mixing. Kids of all ages will enjoy the graphics and animations, all con- trolled by you at your (computer) keyboard. You can end up making a cacophonous mess or some pleasant “music.” It takes time to get the hang of it. The ani- mations are fun—they change at the drop of a letter on your keyboard. So, go ahead and listen to as much (or as little) noise as you want, and enjoy the graph- ics you create to accompany your sound track. Even toddlers can enjoy this website experience. Random Facts ( Did you know that if you install a door lock upside down so the ridges face downward, it increases the lock’s security by 29%? These are the types of facts you’ll find here. They are updated daily and there is an archive of past entries. If you are the type that likes to surprise your friends with your broad knowledge of how things work in the world, you can gather your ammunition for your next conversational encounter. This site is also good for introverts hoping to arm themselves with tid- bits to talk about at that upcoming social gathering. Plus, you’ll never know when some of these random facts will come in handy. Keepers of Lists (www.keepers of Some of these many, many lists are funny, others are drea- ry, and some are just dumb. All the lists here are made up by the website’s fans, so you’ll never know what you’ll find. Some lists are a bit saucy and not appro- priate for young surfers. Here is an example of one (G-rated) list: “The Top 25 Signs Your Psychic Has No Clue What She is Doing.” Another: “The Top 26 Signs Your Computer Has A Mind of Its Own.” Expect a lot of HAL references. Ebay Weirdities ( You know those news reports that come out now and again mentioning some strange auction objects on Ebay? I always wondered how the reporters found the weird auction items, assuming the writers surfed Ebay overtime to find the gems. I was wrong. This is the place to find those oddities. Someone is selling snake oil. Someone else is selling a real Mach 2-1 jet fight- er. You’ll never know what strange things you’ll find here. This site exists through the cooperation of vet- eran Ebay surfers who contribute the oddities to the weirdity website. Microsoft Joke ( I’ve done you the favor of sifting through Weirdity’s lists of jokes to bring you one that is funny. Here it is, if you don’t want to go to the website and look at THE June 29, 2006 Page 73 all of them: There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer. Landscaping When asked to define great, he said, "I want to write by Free stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that peo- Landscape ple will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that Estimates will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!" Since 1945 He now works for Microsoft writing error messages.

Blueberries - Strawberries - Raspberries 25% off New Local Author Publishes Series of Books Fruit Trees 25% off • Hydrangea 25% off Selective Pyramidel & American Arborvitae 50% off Ruth Merkel has always loved telling stories. When MULCH SALE TOPSOIL TOPSOIL her granddaughter, Erin, was born, Ruth wanted to Shredded Unshredded Cedar 36.00 14.50 sq. yd. 13.00 sq. yd. share with her not only the family stories she cher- Hardwood 24.50 PEA GRAVEL WASHED ished, but the significance of what it meant for Erin Red Dye 26.00 STONE to be a sixth generation Seventh-day Adventist Brown Dye 26.00 19.50 per ton 24.00 per ton Christian and 13th generation American. “I wanted her to know it wasn’t by chance that she was a sixth Small’s Dept. 9 Gifts generation Adventist,” Ruth explains, “that it was by 25% off God’s providence, guidance and abundant love. • Turtles & Frogs • Table Fountains Heritage is very important and too often not paid atten- • Lamps & Nightlights tion to.” Michigan We So Ruth started to write, putting together a small New Buffalo 12 Lake Michigan Open 7 Days a Week booklet of stories for Erin about each of the six gen- Michigan Deliver! City 94 SMALL’S GARDEN Mon.-Sat. 8-5 • Sun. 10-4 erations of Adventist girls in her family. About a year 12 39 CENTER 80 90 1551 E. • U.S. Hwy. 20 • LaPorte Fall Rd # after she finished the booklet, Ruth saw an ad in the 20 To South Bend 7 miles east of I-94 on US 20 90 Andrews Agenda, Andrews University’s weekly 80 Exit 49 421 Indiana 219-778-2568 Expires newsletter, about an upcoming visit by representatives To LaPorte N 7-2-06 from the Review and Herald Publishing Association. Thinking it was a seminar for writers, Ruth called and set an appointment time. With her collection of sto- ries in hand, Ruth showed up promptly at her sched- uled time only to discover that this was not a semi- nar, but rather a one-on-one meeting with editors looking for new authors. Ruth shared with them her little book of family stories, and the editor’s interest was piqued. Soon, Ruth found herself with a contract that would turn her stories into six children’s books. Now, almost ten years after that first meeting, the first three in what will be a series of six books, hit • GAZEBOS • PLAYHOUSES the shelves in May 2006. The Hannah’s Girls series • STORAGE SHEDS • FURNITURE • LIGHTHOUSES • LOG & CEDAR FURNITURE takes young readers back through six generations of • LOG CABINS & MORE! Adventist girls, starting with Ann (1833-1897), Ruth’s great-grandmother and Erin’s great-great-great grandmother, then Marilla (1851-1916), Grace (1890- 1973), Ruth, Elaine, and of course, Erin. The last three books are expected to be released sometime next year. Ann, Marilla, and Grace are now available through the Review and Herald Publishing Association, Adventist Book Centers, and Superior Amish Craftsmanship! Ruth is a long-time member of the Berrien Springs community, having served as secretary to four Andrews University presidents, as well as attending the uni- versity herself, receiving a BA in office management in 1989. Currently retired, she and her husband, Eugene, recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Ruth’s granddaughter, Erin, will be a senior exit 34B, right at first light 1/4 mile this year at Spring Valley Academy, in Dayton, Ohio. Andrews University is located one-half mile east of the U.S. 31 Bypass in Berrien Springs, Mich. THE Page 74 June 29, 2006 Great American Music Fest This event will take place in Three Oaks, MI, 5-mid- night EST, on Sat., July 1st. Cost is just a friendly smile as the event is free to the public. This year’s Great American Music Fest promises to be something for everyone! Downtown Three Oaks 208 Wabash Street • Michigan City, IN will be lively as various musicians and poets share their (North of Lighthouse Mall) talents on the street from 5-8 p.m. MI time. Some of Phone 219-TRY-HOPS (879-4677) the local favorites to be included are poet laureate Rick Tuttle, musicians Jane Pellouchoud, Phil Tanton and HOURS: George Swanson and those are just a few! Lunch Daily 11 am - 4 pm Billy Nicks & the Rhythm Rockers will take the Dinner Sunday - Thursday 4-10 pm • Friday & Saturday 4-11 pm BAR Sunday-Wednesday ‘til Midnight plus Dewey Cannon Park Mainstage from 7:30-10:30 Thursday-Saturday ‘til 3 am p.m…bring a blanket and your dancing shoes! Then enjoy the fireworks display at Watkins Park We serve fresh foods and fresh beers! when the sun goes down. Squirm Orchestra works their Sunday - $7 Pitcher • Monday - $8 Growler Refill magic, creating a music installation in conjunction with the fireworks. Tune in your radio as the local Radio Daily Specials for Lunch & Dinner Harbor Country WRHC 106.7 also accompanies the fireworks with music. Or watch the fireworks while LIVE ENTERTAINMENT (No Cover) listening to the Dead Flies band performing on the out- June 30 Stampead - 10 p.m. side deck at Featherbone Restaurant, 9 p.m.-1 a.m. July 1 Elwood Splinters Blues Band - 10 p.m. July 7 Tarheels - 9 p.m. July 8 Wasabi - 10 p.m. American Red Cross Bloodmobile If you are at least 17 years of age, weigh a mini- mum of 110 pounds and are in good general health, you may be eligible to donate blood. Walk-ins are always welcome, or you can schedule an appoint- ment at 800/448-3543. The American Red Cross Send a Copy of Bloodmobile will be at the following locations next week: THE Wed., July 5, noon-6 p.m. St. John’s United Church of Christ, 101 St. John Rd., Michigan City. All presenting donors will be eligible to enter a draw- ing to win one of seven $25 gasoline gift cards. Sat., July 8, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. to a Friend or Relative Acme Lodge #83, 8700 W. Pahs Rd., Michigan City. All presenting donors will be eligible to enter a draw- ing to win one of two $25 gasoline gift cards. BEACHER SUBSCRIPTION RATES

Six Months ...... $16.00 One Year...... $28.00


911 Franklin Street Michigan City, IN 46360 Phone: 219/879-0088 Fax: 219/879-8070 E-mail: [email protected] THE June 29, 2006 Page 75 Taco Night Returns to New Troy Friends of New Troy will celebrate its June 20 purchase of the former New Troy Campus with a Majestic Faux nod to to the town’s and the school’s past. The Take Possession Dinner planned for July 15 will be a repeat performance of Taco Night, which was enjoyed & Stenciling by many people over many years. Classic Catering will prepare the tacos, beans, rice, salsa and chips. LEGANT LAZE ENETIAN Brett Boyd, owner of Classic Catering, was formerly E G • V the owner of Old Mill Run, a popular Mexican restau- OLD WORLD • ITALIAN • MARBLE FINISHES rant located in New Troy. Taco Night at the restau- rant always drew a crowd. So when the PTO of New MURALS • TROMPE L’OEIL Troy Elementary School was looking for a fund-rais- EXTRAORDINARY STENCILING • AGING ing idea, a Taco Night at the school seemed like a great idea. It was. The event drew patrons in the hun- For Walls, Ceiling, Columns, Furniture & Cabinets dreds every year. Friends of New Troy expects it will do so again. 219-508-1137 “We’ve got the same food, the same chef, the same location. What’s not to like?” says Lorraine Hanover, a member of Friends of New Troy and organizer of the dinner. “This is a celebration. The school property belongs to New Troy again. What better way to celebrate LAKESHORE CONSTRUCTION than by bringing back a little of our shared past?” The dinner will be served under a tent on the lawn COMPANY of the former elementary school, and will be followed by an auction in the gymnasium. Cost is $8 per per- All phases of interior & exterior son, and advance ticket purchases are encouraged. remodeling and add ons. Tickets are available at Schlipp’s Pharmacy and Dunes Hot Springs in Sawyer, Three Oaks Pharmacy, United Sports Apparel in Stevensville, and Center of Up to the World Woodshop Showroom in Harbert, or can be 20% CALL ordered by calling Terry or Lorraine Hanover at 426- off 4281 or mailing a check to Friends of New Troy, PO All NOW Box 125, New Troy, MI 49119. Materials

Ted Perzanowski, M.Div., B.A. Essential Life Skills Training Kitchens • Bathrooms • Siding • Roofing Sun Porches • Decks • Concrete Work An effective alternative to counseling and psychotherapy for individuals and couples Driveways • Sidewalks Custom Concrete Stamping & Staining Michigan City, IN - 219.879.9155 • Chicago, IL - 312.938.9155 Garages & Screen Rooms [email protected] Quality Interior & Exterior Painting Floors Leveled • Crawl Space Repair Foundations Residential & Commercial Deal Direct with Owner, NO Salesman 3611 E. US Hwy. 12, Ste. B Michigan City, IN 46360 Irresistible Mix of Lionel®, Thomas®, Toys, Mobile 219/229-4995 Books & Video Office 219/861-1070 (269) 469-6811 Fax 219/861-1080 (800) 892-2822 Licensed • Bonded • Insured 16 S. Smith Street (across from Oink’s) Since 1979 New Buffalo, Michigan THE Page 76 June 29, 2006 PNC Summer Youth Programs Michigan City’s newest Pub in one of its oldest neighborhoods! The Purdue University North Central Office of Continuing Education will be offering a number of week- * appetizers * quaint banquet long, hands-on classes for children in kindergarten facility * salads available through fifth grade this July. All courses are offered from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., * soup * full service bar Monday through Friday, from July 10 through 14 at sandwiches the PNC Westville campus. The course fee is $130. A * open lunch & * 10 percent discount will be given for each registration Choices for the whole family! entrees dinner * when signing up multiple children in a family or for registering with a friend. COME JOIN US JULY 3 The Super Summer youth program offers acceler- ated classes for academically gifted children who FOR A HAWAIIAN PARTY score within the 90th percentile on ISTEP. Courses Live music 8 p.m.-? • Giveaways include “Fun with Dr. Seuss,” “We Love Bugs,” “It’s Drink Specials • Barbeque • Games a Pirate’s Life for Me!,” “Animals of the Arctic,” “Survivor,” “Science Challenges,” and “Trial by Jury.” 227 W. 7th St. • 872-8200 • Proof of eligibility is required at registration. The Wonderful Weekday program offers hands-on classes for children of all abilities and includes class- es such as “Tell Me a Story,” “Count Down to Blast Off,” A collection of classic, antique and unusual vehicles in a “Ready, Set (van) Gogh!,” “Blast Off and Beyond,” “What’s creative setting amidst a vast collection of memorbilia. Inside?” and “Mad for Marionettes.” To register, phone 872-0527, ext. 5343, or visit Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact ext. 5343.

“Music on the Lawn” Thursday, July 13 6 pm Coolspring Library, 7089 W 400 North, Michigan City. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy this free outdoor performance by the “Silver String Trio.” Special appearance by a Hoosier Star finalist. Sponsored by the La Porte County Public Library. 209 W. Michigan Blvd. Open Michigan City,IN 46360 7 Days a Week 219.878.1514 Indoor Miniature Golf & Birthday Party Room At Rag Tops Auto Museum

ty Michigan City li S i a b t WILSON i (219) i s Call 878-1514 for Details! s f n a




t s



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Member SIPC • 2005 A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. 4 THE June 29, 2006 Page 77 “Music Thyme” Enjoy Summer with a Beautiful Bouquet Michigan Thyme Ltd, 107 N Whittaker St in New Buffalo, announces the summer schedule for “Music from Thyme,” a series of live musical performances from 2-4 p.m. Mi time. Flowers With Jazz In its second year, “Music Thyme” features region- Jonas and Jane Zimmerman al talent with a live musical program in the cafe or New outdoor patio on the first Saturday of each month 1026 N. Karwick Road! Customers Always throughout the summer. Let us create something special Welcome! The schedule continues on July 1st with The Town for you!! Cryers returning to the Southwest of Michigan hav- ing performed extensively in the Midwest during the 1026 N. Karwick Road folk revival of the 60s and 70s. Michigan City, IN46360 On Aug. 5th, Christina Athena performs her orig- (Next to Karwick Dental) inal melodic blends of guitar and vocals. And, Michiana Music concludes the summer series with sentimen- 219-872-5668 Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00 tal ballads on Sept. 2nd. Saturday 8:30-3:00 More information at 269/469-3470.

Real Estate Licensing Course Catholic Charities Michigan City, IN Purdue University North Central Office of Continuing Education is offering the course, Real Estate Licensing sseett CCr for Salespeople, to prepare individuals to take the SSuunn rui Indiana Real Estate Licensing Examination and see 22000066 become licensed real estate salespeople. You are invited…Come join the fun… Tim McColly, a licensed real estate broker, will Thursday, July 20, 2006 teach the course on Tuesdays and Thursdays, July 11 at through Aug. 31, from 6 to 9 p.m. on at the Westville Bridges Waterfront Café at Pioneer Pier campus. The course fee is $404. There is a $25 manda- 508 E. 2nd St., Michigan City, IN tory book fee. 5:30 pm Buffet/Social Hour To register, contact 872-0527, ext. 5343, or visit 6:30-9:00 pm Cruise on Lake Michigan Persons with disabilities requiring $60 per person (All inclusive) accommodations should contact ext. 5343. Dress: Casual attire with jacket or sweater and rubber-soled shoes For further information please call Catholic Charities Kristel Anderson Mary McPherson 219-879-9312 KRISTEL’S KRITTERS Pet / Farm Sitting

Professional Quality On-Site Service References Available (219) 324-2947

NEW LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH OF HOPE “An exciting church where ALL of God’s children are welcome!” • Spirit-filled • Pastoral Counseling Sunday Service • Reconciling • Weddings/Holy Unions 10:15 Adult Class • Christ-centered • HIV/AIDS Outreach 11:00 AM Worship • Singles ConneXion Ministry Wednesday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6:30 PM Life Training Contact us: 219.871.1033 4318 W US Hwy 20 Email: [email protected] LaPorte, IN 46350 Web: Next to Holy Macaroni THE Page 78 June 29, 2006 Symphony Annual Meeting & Luncheon SPECIAL, LIMITED TIME OFFER! The Annual Meeting and Recognition Luncheon of Order now and Save $5! the The La Porte County Symphony Orchestra and Friends of the Symphony will be at Noon on Wed., July VINTAGE RE-RELEASE: 12 at Portofino Grill, 3233 N. State Road 39, La “The Workshop of Porte. Philip Bauman, music director and conductor, will America” be the guest speaker and present a sneak preview of By Brennemann the 2006-07 season. Nicolas Orbovich, concertmaster, (poster measures 24 x 36) will be the featured soloist. A Hoosier Star finalist will also perform. A Volunteer of the Year and a Musician th $ Special price thru JULY 10 is 30 of the Year will be honored. After July 10th, price is $35 The public is invited. Lunch is $10 per person. To The make a reservation, send payment to: LCSO, P.O. Box a Framing Station 563, La Porte IN 46352. For more information, call y 912 Franklin, Michigan City 715 Indiana Ave., LaPorte 219.325.0666 or visit (219) 879-2115 (219) 324-0168 The La Porte County Symphony Orchestra performed r Open Tuesday - Saturday 11 concerts during the 2005-06 season, all under the direction of maestro Bauman, who is entering his 12th year as music director and conductor. The 65-piece orchestra begins its 34th season this fall. Catch a Sneak Peek! Girl Scouting Summer Programs The Girl Scouts of Singing Sands Council is host- CM Gift & Christmas Shop ing a variety of summer programs throughout the will host a book signing of Michiana area. Many of the Girl Scout programs “’s First Snowflake” being offered are in collaboration with local parks pro- grams, migrant programs, Boys and Girls Club or other by Cheri L. Hallwood community agency. July 1 • 1-3 p.m. In Michigan City, girls participating in a summer This will be a great time to get your very own program will take part in the Zink the Zebra program: signed copy before it hits bookstores. July 6 and 13 from 11:15 AM-12:15 PM—YMCA or July 6 and 13 from 1-2 p.m.—Emmet D. Wise Neighborhood 14 N. Whittaker, New Buffalo, MI Center. (269) 469-2890 For more information, contact Susan Corwin, 574/273-3021, ext. 316.

DINE IN • CARRY OUT DELIVERY INCLUDING THE BEACH COMMUNITY $200 Off Large Pizza FAMILY SPECIAL Large 1 Topping Pizza THE CLIPPER SHIP GALLERY $ 50 1 Off Medium Breadsticks Pizza • Paintings • Limited Edition Prints 2 liter Pop • Custom Framing • Nautical Gifts & Accessories $ 00 $ 99 1 Off Small Pizza 19 + Tax Specializing in Marine Art by Charles Vickery & other artists. See our fine selections of Wildlife, Florals, Not Good With Any Other Offer Not Good With Any Other Offer Landscapes & Contemporary Art

Sunday Noon-10 pm • M-Th 11 am-10 pm • F-S 11-12 Midnight ta116 North Whittaker Street 5184 S. Franklin St., Michigan City 872-3838 New Buffalo, Michigan iw(269) 469-2590 We Deliver to the Whole Community! THE June 29, 2006 Page 79 Holiday Activities Planned in LaPorte Jaycee Beer Barn HUGE SALE Held at the LaPorte County fairgrounds. Food and beverages will be available. Admission is $5. Doors ENDS open 7 p.m., live entertainment runs 8 p.m.-mid- JULY 3RD night. Groups playing include: Middle of the Road (June 30), Teaser (July 1) and Selective Recall (July 3). Café Open Daily 4th of July in LaPorte Bakery Fresh The 60th Annual Jaycees Parade will step off at 11 a.m. on Tues., July 4, in LaPorte, IN. It will trav- Pastries el southwest along Lincolnway (Hwy 2). Theme for this Lucrezia’s Own year’s parade is “LaPorte is Buzzing with Patriotic Coffee Creek Retail Center Pride.” The theme was picked by Kingsbury Elementary 850 E. Sidewalk Road, Bldg 4 Pasta School. Chesterton IN and Desserts Fireworks Extravaganza 219-926-8809 The LaPorte County fairgrounds will be the site of Daily 9 am - 6 pm Seattle’s Best Coffee the annual fireworks show which will begin at approx- Sunday 11 am - 5 pm Espresso Drinks imately 9:15 p.m. Admission is $5 per vehicle or $1 per person walk-in. Gates will open at 6 p.m., and enter- tainment and food vendors will be available prior to the fireworks show. Offering all day weekend workshops to get your creative 50/50 Drawing juices flowing. Located 90 minutes from Chicago, 15 Tickets are on sale from any Jaycee and the day of minutes from downtown New Buffalo in LaPorte, Indiana. the parade at $1 each or 7/$5. For more informa- this summer tion, phone 219/325-3073. Get Inspired Get Creative Get Away The Beverly Shores Depot Art Gallery to the , inspiring setting at Silver Creek Farm Beginning Watercolor July 15 & 16 The Beverly Shores Depot Art Gallery announces Beginning Art July 22 & 23 an exhibition of Textiles and Paintings by Michelle Altered Books July 29 & 30 Wiser from July 2-30. There will be an opening recep- Polymer Possibilities August 5 & 6 tion Sun., July 2, from 11:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Advanced Watercolor August 19 & 20 The Beverly Shores Depot Museum and Art Gallery Altered Landscape August 26 & 27 is located at 525 Broadway, Beverly Shores, just north of Highway #12. Admission is free, donations For more info and free brochure go to are welcome. The Depot is now open every Fri.-Sun., phone 219-926-8318 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., April through November. email [email protected]


   Okay! The weather is finally here and it’s beautiful!     WE HAVE COLD DRINKS! Just Ar rived - Iced Mochas (Ghirrardelli Chocolate Syrup), Frappé Chinos and Smoothies Store Hours Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 11-5 The Ne w Fresh Pastries, Panini, Salads Call for free brochure 269-469-4354 WIFI    ! "  $ %&  $$ % Robert Allen 9935 Townline Rd, Union Pier, Michigan 444 Wabash Psst…Diehards - we still have  '  '    ($( )(* )+%) (corner of 5th & Wabash) the best coffee in town! **+% ,  -& .  & / 0 F abr ic Co l lecti on Michigan City 874-7006 Open early every day. THE Page 80 June 29, 2006 Potawatomi Audubon Butterfly Count H & G PLUMBING & Counting native butterflies at Creek Ridge County Park and beyond will be the mission of the Potawatomi HEATING INC. Audubon Society and any other interested volun- CALL US FIRST FOR PROMPT, PROFESSIONAL teers on Sat., July 8. SERVICE AND GREAT RATES! Everyone is welcome to come to the park, located • 24 Hour Service Available at 7943 W 400 N to join in the search and tabulation • Qualified Tech. Licensed Plumbers of local butterfly species at 9 a.m. No special exper- • Family Owned & Operated All 40 Years tise is required, but field guides and binoculars are • FREE Estimates helpful. Butterfly nets will be available for capture, Everyone Can Save 10% All Year identification and release. On Every Service Call - Ask Us How! Officially recognized by and reported to the North 40 Y American Butterfly Association, the count records EARS butterflies with the same 15 mile diameter circle OF SERVICE 1966-2006 designated for the annual count. Results help to track the location and abundance of the various species, providing an indication of their health and (219) 362-1632 • Toll Free (888) 471-9777 survival. Mary Campbell an NABA member, who recently attended its national convention, will lead the count, help with species identification and submit the results for the national tabulation. For more details, phone her at 219/362-4043.

Quality 1st ArtComp Accepting Entries • Custom Every other year, Northwest Indiana’s artists pre- Decks & pare for the much-anticipated ArtComp presented by Maintenance the Chesterton Art Center. Entries will be accepted from August 5th through the 13th. The exhibition will • Paver Patios run from Aug. 26 through Sept. 30. Judge for the competition is Ron Mosma, head of • Play Drawing & Painting at I.U.-South Bend. Mosma, whose work has been featured in several national art Equipment publications, is represented by Blue Gallery in Three Tom Oaks, MI, Miller Gallery in Cincinnati and Green Leaf Brown PH/FAX(219) 326-9349 Gallery in Bannockburn, IL. The competition is open to all artists 18 years of age and older living in Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. All mediums are accepted, however all works must be orig- BODY FRAME REPAIR inal in concept and execution, not completed under UNI- • FO K • REIG OR N instruction and not previously exhibited at the W & E DO NC M A E Chesterton Art Center. The prospectus listing all R S U T I S C entry requirements is available at the Art Center, 115 N I HARRINGTON COLLISION REPAIR South Fourth St., Chesterton or phone (219) 926-4711. A UT LE O AB REN AIL Harbor Country Art Happenings TAL & TOWING AV u a t q The Harbor Country Chamber of Commerce 269 469-1961 • fax 269 469-3151 announces the start of Harbor Country Art Happenings [email protected] • 16153 Red Arrow Hwy., Union Pier, Michigan on the third Sat. of each month beginning July 15th. Participating businesses will extend their hours and feature art happenings, exhibits, receptions, demon- Free Avis Car Rental strations and other art-related events. with jobs totaling $1000 or more. The communities of Harbor Country include Grand Terms and exclusions apply. Beach, Harbert, Lakeside, Michiana, New Buffalo, Three Oaks, Union Pier and Sawyer. Info: 269/469-5409. THE June 29, 2006 Page 81 MR. MOW-IT-ALL 205 Maple Ave. • LaPorte, IN 46351 219-898-5891 Gem & Mineral Extravaganza Spiritual Faire Sage Spirit Terra 9464 North Meer Road WHO CAN Michigan City, IN 46360 Gems, Minerals, Jewelry, YL Essential Oils, DO IT ALL? Energy Workers, Massage Th-Fri-Sat, June 29-30, July 1, 10 am - 9 pm Sunday, July 2, 11 am-4 pm Reliable, reasonably priced residential services include: Entertainment Nightly IMowing and Edging I Thatching ITrimming I Clean Ups - Phone: 219-879-3906 or IAerating Spring & Fall 219-877-3223 Call for free on-site consultation and estimate 219-898-5891 FREE Pick up & Delivery!

Tom McCormick Builder

Licensed in Indiana & Michigan **$50 minimum charge or Toll Free (888) 327-1010 Whh Wi h hi i Wi h hi i With this coupon receive With this coupon receive $30 Sofa With this coupon receive Voice: 219.928.2953 $20$20 Off Off $60 Sofa $69.95 $22$44Loveseat Loveseat $99.95 AnyAny Area Area Rug Rug or or Fax: 219.879.3536 Oriental Rug Cleaning $20 Chair$40 Chair For 2 Rooms &Hallway& Hallway Oriental Rug Cleaning Upholstery cleaning synthetic Carpet CleaningCleaning on $100 or more order materials. Minimum 2 pieces. Abiney’s - Expires 8/15/06 email: [email protected] Abiney’s - Expires 8/15/06 Abiney’s - Expires 8/15/06

NEW! Discount Tools, T HINGS Merchandise, H AWAIIAN Imports, Closeouts 100% Kona Coffee Chocolate Macadamia Nuts Tarps Deet Free Insect Repellent Botanical Soap & Bath Salts Kani of Hawaii Ceramics New Unique ComingFresh Orchid June 2 Leis- Fresh from Orchid Hawaii Leis Merchandise

Arriving Daily Lamps Lampshades Sterling Silver OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK, 364 DAYS A YEAR Jewelry Located on the corner of Route 39 and 1000 North BE DE “LIGHT” FULLY SURPRISED Open Fr, Sa, Su, Mo, 11 to 5 (MI time) (219) 362-2674 900 W. Buffalo (U.S. 12), New Buffalo (269) 469-2742 THE Page 82 June 29, 2006 Colts “Make it Personal” Tour The Indianapolis Colts NFL team is making 31 stops throughout the states of Indiana and Kentucky from now to the end of July. The website DESIGN has an up-to-date listing of locations to be visited. The tour will make a visit to LaPorte on Thurs., June Residential Interiors 29, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., at the Kiwanis Field, at the corner of 10th and E streets. Colts players and cheer- City & Country leaders will be on hand to meet and greet the people 10 years in business in Chicago • Featured in Chicago Tribune and sign autographs. There will be a Quarterback Short/Long Term Projects • Hourly/Project Fees Challenge football toss, register-to-win Colts prizes, Merchandise Mart • Retail Buying Colts giveaways, and the new Colts in Motion trav- 312.375.4915 • 269.231.0270 eling museum. Tom Zupancic, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing said, “This is our way of ‘Making it Personal’ for Colts fans all across the state and region. This is Eat At our chance to show the entire state of Indiana and fans Mediterranean in our area how much we appreciate their support. Moe’s Cusine We want to give our fans the opportunity to touch our organization from their own neighborhoods.” Fri., June 30 - Mediterranean Nights with DJ Burak 10:00 pm - 3:00 am Weekday Lunch Specials - $5.99 Wine Down Tuesdays - 1/2 Price Wines Beginning Golf Class at PNC Wednesdays Dinner Specials - $9.95 Pasta Purdue University North Central Office of Continuing Education will be offer the non-credit class, Golf 3301 Franklin St. • Michigan City, IN • 219-871-1223 “Fore” Beginners this summer. Visit The class, taught by golf pro Don Butler, will get students started with basic golf techniques such as how to swing woods and irons, how to avoid slicing and hooking and how to use proper stance. We offer a warm, inviting atmosphere The class will meet at The Clubhouse in Michigan within where you can Gather, Relax and City and golfers may select to enroll in sessions meet- enjoy our fine hot, iced and blended ing on Tuesdays, July 11 through Aug. 15, from 6 to coffees and teas, as well as selections from 7:15 p.m. or sessions meeting on Thursdays, July 13 our food and dessert menu, including many through Aug. 17, from 6 to 7:15 p.m. The course fee vegetarian choices. is $134. Clubs and balls are provided or golfers may We have couches, books and bring their own. Class size is limited to 10. games, so bring the kids! To register for this course or to obtain Information Free Wifi. about this or other courses available through the Hrs: 6am-10pm M-Th • 6am-Midnight Fri and Sat • Sunday 7am-7pm PNC Office of Continuing Education, contact 872-0527, 2701 Franklin, Michigan City ext. 5343, or visit Persons with • 219-879-3595 disabilities should contact ext. 5343.

One of NW Indiana’s newest & most unique eateries. Smoke free envi- ronment. Dine in or carry out. Friendly family atmosphere. Featuring: Soups/Salads, Traditional and gourmet pizza, Italian sandwiches, Calzones, scrumptious Pasta selections, daily specials, weekend OPEN DAILY 11 am - 6 pm delights, including housemade desserts. Catering, private parties, ban- quet facility. Gift cards. PLAN TO INCLUDE A VISIT WITH US Dan Wright, Executive Chef~Maggie Grivetti, Chef Credit Cards accepted~Reservations recommended on weekends Design Services Available. Please Call for Appointment. Open lunch & dinner Tues-Thurs 11AM – 9 PM CDT 14913 Lakeside Road, Lakeside, Michigan 49116 Friday-Saturday 11AM – 10 PM CDT Tel 269-469-2344 • Fax 269-469-0254 219.872.3046 or FAX 219.872.5239 Located 1 mi east of I-94. Take South Bend/LaPorte exit. THE June 29, 2006 Page 83

LIVE-IN CAREGIVERS AND MORE, INC. Local Employment Agency Indulging & Gratifying helps people maintain their independence in the Customers with Quality, security of their own homes since 1998 Delicious Ice Cream & Pie! We provide: Ice Cream Parlor & Pie Shoppe • 7 days/24 hours care and attention • day or night shift assistance Featuring Sherman’s Hand Scooped Ice Cream • limited medical/nursing services & SOUTH BEND CHOCOLATES • medication management Hours: Monday-Saturday 11 am-10 pm & • meal preparation • light housekeeping Sundays Noon-10 pm! Michigan City: (219) 872-6221 Cell: (219) 221-1672 Corner of Coolspring & Wabash An alternative to nursing home Michigan City 219-872-1024

DR. BART TYRRELL CHIROPRACTOR ooff AA QQuueeeenn nnggeellss 55 Years of Practice in BookBook andand GiftGift Lansing, IL “For All Your Religious Needs…” Gentle and Affordable Rosaries, Prayer Books, Jewelry, Gifts, (219) 877-8920 (cell) Lovely Outdoor Statues & Much More (269) 469-1932 (office) Open (219) 872-7300 Monday-Friday 10-5 Yes…We’re right next to 21 S. Whittaker St., Ste. 2 Saturday 10-3 Tylisz Appliance New Buffalo, MI 1605 E. Coolspring Avenue • Michigan City, IN 46360

60% High fashion teamed with Herniated Disc? practicality! Over 300 OFF exciting colors, vinyls and No Surgery! fabrics. Priced to make A new free report has recently been released that reveals how break- you smile. Loads of through medical technology is offering surgery free new hope for disc Outstanding exclusive quality features. pain sufferers. Vertical See them today! For your free report entitled, “How Space Age Technology Is Solving Blinds! Back Pain Without Drugs Or Surgery!” call 1-888-428-6647 and lis- ten to the toll-free 24 hr recorded message or go to These free reports are avail- able for a limited time. Since 1950 Quality Products at Competitive Prices 1102 Franklin St., Michigan City 219-872-7236 • 1-800-949-4530

IS YOUR CPA YOUR BASICTRAINING BUSINESS PARTNER? Fully Equipped Private WE WILL BE. Personal Training Studio For your complimentary, no obligation copy of “Your Accountant – Your Partner,” Call 269.469.9300 FREE CONSULTATION 269-469-2058

CPA & Business Advisory Services Kurt Kennedy 23 N. Thompson Street Now Accepting Business and NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer New Buffalo, Michigan 49117 Individual Clients THE Page 84 June 29, 2006

VON DER HEIDE Intermediate Microsoft Access Class ARCHITECTS Purdue University North Central Office of Continuing INCORPORATED Creating unique living environments in the Education will offer a non-credit three-day course that Indiana & Michigan Lakeshore Communities continues a series of classes on Microsoft Access. 269.857.8035 “Beyond the Basics of Microsoft Access” will allow students to expand their skills with the Microsoft Access program. This course will help students to better customize Access to fit their needs with topics such as refining forms, filtering information and modify- ing reports. Students are expected to have taken “Basics of Microsoft Access” or have practical Access experience. This course will meet Wednesdays, July 12-26 from 6-8 p.m. at the Westville campus. The registration fee is $84. A recommended book is available for $25. To register, contact 872-0527, ext. 5343, or visit Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact ext. 5343.

kitchens, baths & flooring ï Kitchen & Bath Cabinetry PNC Beginning Golf Class ï Custom Countertops ï Ceramic & Natural Stone Tile ï Carpet ï Wood & Laminate Flooring Purdue University North Central Office of Continuing ï Window Blinds & Shutters Education will be offer the non-credit class, Golf ï California Closet Systems ï Interior Design, Planning & Consultation “Fore” Beginners this summer. ï Complete Installation/Construction Services The class, taught by golf pro Don Butler, will get ï Kitchen/Bath Remodeling ï Room Additions, Decks, Porches, etc. students started with basic golf techniques such as ï Licensed in Indiana, Michigan, Illinois ï Free Estimates & Measuring how to swing woods and irons, how to avoid slicing 1916 E. Hwy. 20 ï Michigan City ï 219-871-0555 and hooking and how to use proper stance. The class will meet at The Clubhouse in Michigan City and golfers may select to enroll in sessions meet- ing on Tuesdays, July 11 through Aug. 15, from 6 to 7:15 p.m. or sessions meeting on Thursdays, July 13 through Aug. 17, from 6 to 7:15 p.m. The course fee Residential is $134. Clubs and balls are provided or golfers may bring their own. Class size is limited to 10. Commercial To register for this course, contact 872-0527, ext. 5343, or visit Persons with dis- abilities requiring accommodations should contact ext. Remodeling 5343.

830 Karwick Road Materials provided Knitting Group Michigan City, IN by Pioneer Lumber (219) 874-6224 A knitting group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays Tom Wagner serving the beach area since 1994 of the month at the LaPorte County Public Library, 904 Indiana Ave., LaPorte. Meeting time is 6:30-8:30 p.m. If you already know how to knit, or would like to learn, the group welcomes new members. 219-874-2015 For more information, contact Jacque, 219/369- 9453 or email her at [email protected] QUIETLY CONDUCTING THE First Fridays at the Lubeznik Center BUSINESS OF PRODUCING On Fri., July 7, the Lubeznik Center for the Arts, 101 W. 2nd St., Michigan City, will hold the second FINE WORK of its First Fridays series celebrating cultures from SINCE 1961 around the world. This month’s program will be “Five Star Spangled Polka” featuring the food and culture of Polish- WENTLAND CONSTRUCTION Americans. Doors open at 5 p.m. Admission is $5, and there will be a cash bar. More information at 874-4900. THE June 29, 2006 Page 85

Custom Built Computer All About You ACTION PC Systems (269) 469-5944 a division of XCOM, Inc. Books Computer Repair, 16170 Red Arrow Hwy. Books for all ages Service Upgrades, LAN, [email protected] Union Pier, MI 49129 and reading levels Wireless LAN and POS 1990-2006 269-586-2328 16 years of Commitment and Service

BUD’S LAWN CARE Pines Lounge Lawn Grooming Kitchen is Open 11 p.m.-8 p.m. Property Maintenance & Clean Up Come in and try one of our Daily Specials Debris Removal 25¢ Pool • Daily Drink Specials • Carry-Outs Available Residential/Commerical Bud Mohamed, Founder Scott Mohamed, Manager 3860 West US Hwy. 12 874-7330 Michigan City, IN (219) 210-9256


Chimneys • Tuck Pointing Kitchens • Bathrooms • Garages • Roofing • Siding • Decks ALL MASONRY REPAIRS Porches • Concrete Work • Exterior & Interior Painting 20% DISCOUNT ON ALL REMODELING 30 Yrs. Exp. • Free Est. Northern Ind. & Lower Mich. Glass Block “Improving With The Future” Chimneys Windows Cell: 919 Hwy. 212 Office: Gene Burke • 219-324-8702 (LaPorte) • 229-4109 (M.C.) 219-898-4069 Michigan City, IN 46360 219-874-2069

Lou Butcher’s Hair Studio New York (219) 879-9528 FURNITURE Refinish WERKS Pick-Up & Upholster W I N C S Delivery in 1101 Pine Street • Michigan City, Indiana 46360 Restore IL, IN, MI Formerly of Vidal Sassoon/New York City 4980 W. Hwy 20 • In “The Pines” • Michigan City, IN 46360 • 219-872-1700 Dennis E-mail: [email protected]

Turn To A Friend… WARREN J. ATTAR Agent Carlisle Representing State Farm Since 1971 FUNERAL HOME My 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service Number is (219) 874-4256 STATE FARM 613 Washington Street Auto 1902 E. US 20 • Evergreen Plaza Life Fire

Phone Michigan City, IN 46360 INSURANCE Michigan City, IN 46360 219/874-4214 Funeral Directors ® Fax: (219) 874-5430

Junctiques ~ A Junker’s Paradise Antiques & Collectibles

Rag Tops Open 7 Days a Week! Auto Museum 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Open Wednesday - Sunday 5 pm (MI time) 209 W. Michigan Blvd. We Buy & Sell Michigan City, IN U.S. 12 MICH.-IND. STATELINE • NEW BUFFALO MICHIGAN • 269.469.5300 THE Page 86 June 29, 2006 Activities to Explore & Washington streets, Michigan City. July 1— MC Summer Festival events: LULAC In the Local Area: Latino American Breakfast. 7 am-noon at 1208-1210 June 28 — Noon Organ Recital at First Franklin St., MC. Chalk Drawing Contest 10:15 am Congregational Church, corner 6th and Washington in front of Virk’s BP 1204 Franklin St. The Big streets, MC. Free & open to the public. Ea. Wed. Parade. 11 am. Starts from 10th & Franklin; goes to through Aug. 16. Various area organists will per- Ames Field. form. Free & open to the public. July 1 — MC Summer Festival events at Washington June 28-July 1 — “Do I Hear a Waltz?” Second play Park: Pro-Am Volleyball Tourney. 9 am-5 pm on the of the season for the Festival Players Guild at beach. Beach Jam 2006. 5-9 pm featuring “Spellbound.” Mainstreet Theatre, 807 Franklin St., MC. Wed 2 & July 1 — MC Summer Festival event: “The Big 8 pm; Thurs-Fri 8 pm; Sat 5 & 8 pm. Tix: matinee & Show.” DCI Drum & Bugle Corps. Competition. 7:30 Wed-Thurs $12.50; Fri & Sat $14; students 1/2 reg. pm at Ames Field. Tix at Virk’s BP or 219/872-9500. adm.; sen. cit. $1 discount off reg. price. 874-4269. July 1 — Great American Music Fest. 5-midnight June 29 — Indianapolis Colts “Make it Personal” in Three Oaks, MI. Musicians and poets from 5-8 pm; tour. Players and cheerleaders will be at Kiwanis Billy Nicks & the Rhythm Rockers 7:30-10:30 pm at Field (10th & E streets, LaPorte), 11 am-1 pm. Free Dewey Cannon Park Mainstage; fireworks at dusk at event. Autograph signings, Quarterback Challenge foot- Watkins Park. ball toss, register to win prizes and the new Colts in July 1-2 — Summerset Free Concert Series. 5-8 pm Motion traveling museum. MI time on the lawn behind the Harbor Grand Hotel, June 29 — MC Municipal Band Concert in the Guy New Buffalo. T-shirts and featured artist CDs avail- Foreman Amphitheater, Washington Park. Bring able for purchase to benefit Make-A-Wish of Michigan. chair or blanket or sit on benches. Free. 8 pm. Every Concert schedule at Thurs. thru Aug. 24. July 2 — MC Summer Festival Events: Pro-Am June 29-July 3 — “The Notorious Bettie Page.” Volleyball Tourney on the beach. 9 am-3 pm. Beach Jam Rated R. Thurs, Fri, 6:30 pm; Sat, 4 & 6:30 pm; Sun, 2006: “Electric Koolaid” playing from 3-7 pm. 6:30 pm; Mon, 6:30 pm. Also showing: “Mrs. Palfrey July 2 — Patriotic Concert performed by the at the Claremont.” Not Rated. Thurs-Mon, 9 pm only; LaPorte Co. Symphony Orchestra. 8 pm at the Guy Sun also 1:30 pm. (all MI times). Vickers Theatre, 6 Foreman Amphitheater, Washington Park, Michigan N. Elm St., Three Oaks, MI. 269/756-3522 or www.vick- City. Concert free, but park entry fees will apply. July 4 -- Patriotic Program at Millennium Plaza, June 30 — MC Summer Festival event: Luau Washington Park, MC. 8 am. Fish Fry at the Michigan City Senior Center, Washington July 4 -- 5K Fun Run/Walk. 6:45 am registration Park. 4-6:30 pm. Tix $7; purchase at the Center, ($5 entry fee); race starts 7 am. At the Old School Park Office, Top Dog Restaurant or Virk’s BP. Community Center, Long Beach. June 30 — Children’s Concert at the MC Public July 4 — 60th Annual LaPorte Jaycee’s 4th of Library. 2 pm. Community Children’s Choir will per- July parade (downtown) at 11 am and fireworks at the form in concert in the lobby. Sunny Gardner will fair grounds Gates open at 6 pm (adm. $5 per car or direct. Free & open to the public. $1 per person walk-in). June 30 — Jazz vocalist Kevin Mahogany in con- July 5 — Noon Organ Recital at First Congregational cert at The Acorn Theater, 107 Generations Dr., Church, corner 6th and Washington streets, MC. Three Oaks, MI. 8 pm. Tix $20; reserve at 269/756- Music starts 12:15 pm for 45 mins. Various organists 3879 or purchase at the door. each week. Free & open to the public. June 30-July 1 — Farmer’s Market at the Old July 5 — Red Cross Bloodmobile. St. John’s United Schoolhouse Shop, 278 E1500N (north of US 20), Church of Christ, across from Marquette Mall, MC. Chesterton, IN. 10 am-4 pm. Noon-6 pm. Presenting donors will be entered into a June 30-July 1 — Fri. & Sat. Night Fever in drawing for seven $25 gasoline cards. Walk-ins wel- New Buffalo. Businesses stay open late; live music (cor- come or schedule appointment at 800/448-3543. ner of Whittaker & Merchant streets) and street July 5-9 — MC Summer Festival: Lakeview magician some weekends. Details at Fundays at Washington Park. Food, kiddie rides, RV June 30, July 2, 7-9 -- “Guys & Dolls” at Dunes show, helicopter rides, arts & crafts, and more. Wed- Summer Theatre, Michiana Shores, IN. 8 pm Fri & Fri 5-10 pm; Sat & Sun noon-10 pm. Info: 874-3630. Sat; 7 pm Sun. Tix $15/adults, $12/sen.cit & stu- July 6 — MC Summer Festival event: Teen Battle dents; reserve 219/879-7509. of the Bands. 5-9 pm at Washington Park. Info: 874- June 30, July 1, 3 -- 4th of July in LaPorte. Live 3630 or 888/FUN-SUNN. music, food and beverages at the LaPorte Co. fair- July 6 — Knitting group at the LaPorte County grounds. Gates open 7 pm; music 8 pm-midnight. Public Library, 904 Indiana Ave., LaPorte. 6:30-8:30 Middle of the Road (Fri), Teaser (Sat), Selective Recall pm. All invited whether you know how to knit or (Mon). would like to learn. Info: Jacque at 219/369-9453 or July 1 — Farmer’s Market. 8 am-noon. Corner 8th email [email protected] THE June 29, 2006 Page 87

July 8 -- Potawatomi Audubon Chapter Butterfly Count. 9 am at Creek Ridge County Park, MC. All invit- Thomas Mulcahy ed to join. Info: Mary Campbell, 219/362-4043. Mulcahy Builders General Contractor, PE Every Monday — New Buffalo Chess Club. 6 pm (MI time) at the New Buffalo Public Library, 33 N. QUALITY BUILT Thompson, New Buffalo. Open to all ages and skill lev- CUSTOM HOMES & els. John Calo, 269/469-6507 or email [email protected] Places to Visit: MAJOR REMODELING Barker Mansion, 631 Washington St., Michigan PROJECTS City. Adm. $4/adults, $2/kids 18 & under, free/kids under 3. Guided tours Mon.-Fri., 10 am, 11:30 am & 1 pm; Materials supplied by 219.241.1020 (cell) Sat/Sun noon & 2 pm. Lemonade & a stroll through Pioneer Lumber, Inc. [email protected] the gardens: Mon-Fri 2-3 pm. 219-873-1520. Beverly Shores Depot Museum and Art Gallery, 525 Broadway, Beverly Shores, IN. Open Fri.-Sun. 11:30 am-3:30 pm thru Nov. Adm. free; donations welcome. Great Lakes Museum of Military History, 360 De Vries Tire Co. 1260 E. Michigan Blvd. Dunes Plaza, Michigan City. Open 9 am-4 pm, Tues- Michigan City, IN Fri; 10 am-4 pm Sat; closed Sun & Mon. Adm. $3/adults, $2/vets & senior citizens, $1/ages 8-18, Serving the Michigan City Area since 1968 219 874-4261 and free to under 8 and active military personnel. Info 872-2702 or International Friendship Gardens, E. US Hwy 12, Firestone Tires Michigan City, IN. Open weekends 10 am-4 pm. 219/878-9885 or specializing in: LaPorte County Historical Museum. Currently Computerized Alignments closed for move to new location. 219/326-6808, ext. Air Conditioning Repairs 276 or Mechanical Repairs Lubeznik Center for the Arts, 101 W. 2nd St., Michigan City. Tues.-Fri., 10 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun, 11 am-4 pm. Phone 874-4900. New Buffalo Railroad Museum, 530 S. Whittaker St., New Buffalo, MI. Mon-Fri, 9 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun, 10 am-3 pm (MI time). Info: 269/469-5409. Old Lighthouse Museum, Washington Park, Michigan WINFIELD City. Open Tues-Sun 1-4 pm. Adm. $2/adults, $1/grades W 9-12, 50 cents/grades 1-8. Groups of 10 or more must Construction make reservation. 872-6133. Renovate • Restore • Construct Rag Tops Museum of Michigan City, 209 W. Michigan Blvd., Michigan City. A collection of classic, antique Experience real service & skilled craftsmen & unusual vehicles & memorabilia. Open every day to take your project from design to completion.

10 am-7 pm. Adm. $6/adults, $5/sen. cit, $4/kids, Scott Winfield - Gen. Contractor Insured / Licensed free/under 3. 878-1514. Southern Shore Art Association Gallery, 724 Franklin (219) 878-7268 Michiana Shores St., Mchigan City. Open Sat. 11 am-4 pm & Sun., noon- 4 pm. 219-879-4980. Washington Park Zoo, Michigan City. Open 10 am- 5 pm. (Gates close 4 pm).$4.50/adults; $3/sen.cit. (62+); kids 3-11/$2.50; under 2/free. 219-873-1510. Ric’s Mobile Power Washing Farther Afield: SPECIAL DISCOUNTS STAINING / SEALING DECKS June 30-July 2 — “Jacques Brel is Alive and Well JULY & AUGUST STEAM IT CLEAN PATIO and Living in Paris.” Musical stage play produced by WITH SIDING GUTTER Twin City Players, 600 W. Glenlord Rd., St. Joseph, RIC’S MACHINE Awnings MI. Fri & Sat 8 pm; Sun 4 pm (all MI times). Tix CLEANING Storefronts $10/adults, $9/students & sen. cit.; $5/kids under 12. Sewer Jetting LEAF GUARDS 269/429-0400. INSTALLED Call Rick for July 1 -- Carl Payne (Celtic to Van Morrison) in con- Free Estimate cert at the Box Factory for the Arts, 1101 Broad St., Rick C. Sparks 1-269-556-9277 St. Joseph, MI. 8 pm MI time. Tix $7/adults, $5/sen.cit. Insured Licensed 1-866-350-9399 Reserve at 269/983-3688. THE Page 88 June 29, 2006 Your helpful

On June 29, 1776, the Virginia state constitution was adopted, and Patrick Henry was made the state’s landscape and garden resource. first governor. On June 29, 1834, Congress created the Department of Indian Affairs. On June 29, 1841, African explorer Sir Henry Morton Stanley, who, along with David Livingstone, made the continent of Africa know to the world, was born at July Specials Denbigh, Wales. On June 29, 1880, France took possession of the South $100 off Weeping Hemlocks The early bird …….. Pacific island of Tahiti. 30% off all Wisteria On June 30, 1859, 5,000 watched as French acrobat Selected 3 gallon Junipers Now $7 each Emile Blondin crossed Niagara Falls on a tightrope. 5' Skyrocket Junipers Now $15 each On June 30, 1870, Ada Kepley, of Effingham, Illinois, 219-879-0089k 219-879-0089 was graduated from the Union College of Law in 504 Eastwood504 Eastwood Road Road kMichiganMichigan City, City, IN IN46360 46360 Chicago, the first woman in the United States to SPRING HOURS APRIL THRU JULY k M-F 8-6 Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4 SUMMER HOURS TH-F 10-6 Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4 graduate from a law school. On June 30, 1906, the United States “Pure Food and Drug Act” became law. Garden Essentials On June 30, 1936, “Gone With The Wind,” a Civil War novel by Margaret Mitchell, was published in New York. On July 1, 1804, France’s George Sand, the pen name of female novelist Aurore Lucie Dupin, was born in Paris. She gained sensational success with her novel Indiana, published in 1831, dealing with the suf- ferings of women. On July 1, 1847, the United States Post Office issued the nations first adhesive postage stamps. On July 1, 1862, Congress established the Bureau of Internal Revenue. On July 1, 1943, “pay-as-you-go-” income tax with- holding began for American workers. On July 1, 1963, the Post Office inaugurated the five- digit ZIP codes. On July 1, 1966, Medicare officially went into effect. On July 1, 1969, England’s Prince Charles was installed as the Prince of Wales. On July 1, 1991, actor Michael Landon, best known for his portrayal of Little Joe Cartwright in the “Bonanza” television series, died (of pancreatic can- cer) at the age of 54. On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress passed a resolution saying, “These United Colonies are, and of right, ought to be, Free and Independent States.” On July 2, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the “Morrill Act,” giving the states land to establish land-grant colleges. On July 2, 1904, Chicago’s “Riverview Park” was opened to the public. THE June 29, 2006 Page 89

On July 2, 1937, aviator Amelia Earhart and her nav- igator, Fred Noonan, while attempting to make the first round-the-world flight at the equator, disap- Superiority peared somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. No trace has ever been found of them. Like the Italian sports car, our pizzas are the finest in the world, On July 2, 1955, the Lawrence Welk Show, one of the so naturally they’re not for everyone. best loved shows ever to hit television, premiered on ABC. Some people don’t recognize unique quality. On July 2, 1997, film legend Jimmy Stewart died, Some recognize it, but don’t want to pay for it. at his home in Beverly Hills, California, at the age of Some just don’t care. 89. But our customers know the difference, On July 3, 1775, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, That’s why our pizzas are number one. General George Washington officially took command of the Continental Army. At Little Giant, we believe in a credo; “We use only superior quality products to attract On July 3, 1819, in New York, the Bank of Savings (the first savings bank in America), opened its doors superior quality customers.” to the public. The bank had 80 customers on the Since 1986, we have not disappointed. first day, receiving total deposits of $2,807.00 That’s why we’re not for everyone, On July 3, 1890, Idaho became the 43rd state to be but then neither is a Ferrari. admitted to the Union. Proud to be Serving You From $1.00 off any 16'' LARGE On July 3, 1898, during the Spanish-American War, The Same Location for 20 years! 50¢ off any 14'' MEDIUM the United States Navy defeated the Spanish off iaName & Address LITTLE GIANT ______Santiago, Cuba. Crafters of the finest in REAL PIZZA 87G - IANT coupon valuable ______On July 3, 1989, Jim Backus, the actor whose boom- 874 - 4268 Phone Number: ______FREE DELIVERY NOT VALID WITH OTHER OFFERS ing voice gave life to the nearsighted cartoon character of Mr. Magoo, died at the age of 76. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1802, the United States Military Academy ™ opened at West Point, New York. PowerGlove On July 4, 1804, Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of The A revolutionary fitness and heart rate Scarlet Letter, was born in Salem, Mass. monitor for men and women On July 4, 1817, work began on the construction of Features: the Erie Canal. • No chest strap or watch On July 4, 1826, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, • Measures calories burned and heart rate the second and third presidents of the United States, • Personalized profile for fat burning and cardio died on the same day. target zones • Conveniently worn during exercise or daily On July 4, 1939, in a farewell speech to fans in routines - running, walking, treadmill, tennis, Yankee Stadium, terminally ill baseball star Lou weight/resistance training Gehrig referred to himself as “the luckiest man on the • Weighs less than 1 ounce face of the Earth.” On July 4, 1986, more than 250 sailing ships, along Available Now at: with America’s biggest ever fireworks display, honored the Statue of Liberty on the occasion of her 100th birth- Figures Fitness day. Center On July 5, 1865, in London, William Booth found- 1115 E. Michigan Blvd. ed the Salvation army. corner of 11th & Michigan Blvd. On July 5, 1894, a major fire destroyed several of the buildings left from Chicago’s 1893 “Columbian Great Father’s Day Exposition.” Gift On July 5, 1945, General Douglas MacArthur announced that the Philippines had been liberated from 874-8550 Japanese occupation. THE Page 90 June 29, 2006 Travels with Charley: Out Spokin’ with the Three Oaks Spokes Bicycle Club by Charles McKelvy

If you do not like to ride your bicycle on an empty stomach, then you need to join the Three Oaks Spokes Bicycle Club at your earliest convenience. Why? Because they base their rides on food. Case in point: Neil Beneditz phones in the I recently phoned Spokes President and Apple dinner order to Cider Century Tour Director Bryan Volstorf and told Stevetty’s in him I wanted to reconnect with the Spokes. You Hudson Lake. know, do a story for The Beacher and, well, rejoin the club that took me and my old Trek in when Natalie and I first moved over to this side of the lake way back in 1987 or so. Dues, he said, are quite reasonable with an indi- vidual membership going for a mere $15 and a fam- ily enlistment for $25. Such a deal Lance Armstrong himself could not find this side of Paris, France. Sure, Bryan said, come on along on one of the Wednesday Night Rides from the clubhouse at 3 Dewey Cannon Avenue behind the Vickers Theatre and across the street from historic Dewey Cannon Park in dazzling downtown Three Oaks and take all the pho- tos necessary to fill these pages. And, he added, bring an appetite. A big appetite, because, as I was soon to discover, the Three Oaks Spokes do not travel on bike lube alone. On Wednesday evenings at least, they ride to such destinations as Stevetty’s in Hudson Lake where they dine on such delicacies as “Killer Italian Beef.” Three Three Oaks Spokesmen ready to ride: Whoa! (from left to right) Don Swikoski, Neil Beneditz, and Fred Nelson. That sure got my attention, and so when I report- ed for duty at the clubhouse on a splendid Wednesday evening in the present season, veteran members Don Swikoski of Niles, Fred Nelson of Osceola, and Neil Beneditz of St. Joseph heartily welcomed me and asked what I wanted for dinner. “Don’t we wait until we get there?” I, the new kid, asked. “No,” Neil said, “we phone the order in, so the food will be ready when we get there.” “Okay, so how’s the Killer Italian Beef?” As if I had to ask. Well, let me tell you fine folks, the Killer Italian Beef sandwich at Stevetty’s in Hudson Lake is to bike for. Truly! And, yes, Carolyn of the McConnells, it is a quadru- The Spokes head east on 1000 North toward Stevetty’s. ple “YUM!!”, and it would be the perfect addition to your next small plate dinner. I would even volunteer Now, just so you know, Spokes rides attract from to bring some were you so inclined to invite us again. from 2 to 20 riders, and even those numbers are not Before setting tooth to that delectable delight, accurate. So it would behoove you to join at your however, I had to mount up and head south with earliest convenience by calling Spokes President Messrs. Swikoski, Nelson and Beneditz for the 11-some- Bryan Volstorf by landline at 269/756-3361 or on his thing mile ride to Stevetty’s. cell at 269/208-4255. THE June 29, 2006 Page 91

After freely admitting that he was no longer the aer- obic monster he once was, Neil said matter-of-factly, “I’ll be 71 in October.” Well, I was fit to be retired from bicycling right then and there, because I turned 56 in May, and I turned as red as Neil’s jersey every time I tried to keep pace with him. But, I am happy to report, I prevailed, and I am even happier to report that Neil and I performed “a turtle rescue” on 1000 North by safely escorting a basking painted turtle back into the underbrush. I also must report that the Three Oaks Spokes are not just Wednesday Night riders. They have a daz- zling line-up of Saturday rides on their 2006 docket Don, Fred and Neil eagerly await the servin’ o’ the beef at Stevetty’s. including one in August called the “Brats & Dogs Ride” that will follow routes of 15 or 25 miles over the Bryan will tell you, I am sure, that the 2006 winding roads in and around New Troy. So, again, you Wednesday Night Ride schedule has been extended simply must speak to Bryan Volstorf about joining the into mid-September, and that the other culinary des- Spokes. tinations are: Mario’s in Union Pier for Italian cuisine, The club is actively seeking new members, and the Little Tavern II in Rolling Prairie to enjoy salads best way to join is to stop in at 3 Dewey Cannon and sandwiches, and Rio’s in New Buffalo for the best Avenue across from Dewey Cannon Park daily from Mexican food north of the border. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. There you will not only find the Three Oaks Spokes clubhouse but the club’s new business, The Dewey Cannon Trading Company. They carry tourist information and gifts and offer big-tired bikes for rent for $15 per day or $25 for the weekend. That’s about it for this ride, except to say that when we got back to the clubhouse from our 22-mile expedition into LaPorte County, what should await our sweet teeth but a freezer full of Sherman’s Ice Cream and all the fixin’s for homemade milkshakes, banana splits and sundaes.

Three Oaks Spokes President Bryan Volstorf in club’s newly opened Dewey Cannon Trading Company. Bryan will hasten to add that the Wednesday Night Rides are but one of the club’s many activities, and, most importantly that the Spokes “are a recre- ational touring club, so all of the rides offer distances to match your ability, and there are always members to ride and talk with.” Well I sure got to talking with Don Swikoski, Fred Nelson and Neil Beneditz as we hit the “hill country” south of the state line on our way to Stevetty’s. Knowing that a legendary Killer Italian Beef sand- wich awaited me, I foolishly dared to “hang with” Neil Beneditz as he powered up a particularly steep hill Fred Nelson makes himself a sundae after a Wednesday on 1000 North in eastern LaPorte County. Night Ride with the Three Oaks Spokes. I had to break a sweat to stay on his wheel, and Yes, the Spokes spoke to me and my tummy, and this pattern continued as we ascended and descend- they can say the same to you, so join today by stop- ed our way to the charming restaurant in the coun- ping by the clubhouse and Dewey Cannon Trading try. Company. When Neil Beneditz didn’t look any worse for the Again, you will find them at 3 Dewey Cannon wear, I finally popped the big question: “Just how old Avenue behind the Vickers Theatre and across the street are you?!?” from Dewey Cannon Park. Or phone: 269/756-3361. THE Page 92 June 29, 2006

Off the Book Shelf There is no such thing as a by Sally Carpenter

Heat by Bill Buford “Perfect Storm” Harry Truman once said, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” Never were those words more Be Prepared with a true than in this book, subtitled “An Amateur’s Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta- Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher Generac Guardian Automatic in Tuscany.” Dante certainly comes to mind in this diary of life Generator in a kitchen mostly full of testosterone-filled males. Why is cooking such an intensely personal and, well, intense, thing to them? I’ll never understand, although reading this book is quite an eye opener into the culinary world… Author Buford, a writer for The New Yorker and chef wannabe, convinces his boss that he should write about Mario Batali, owner of Babbo, a very famous Italian restaurant in Manhattan. Mario is also a ELECTRIC Inc. very flamboyant man about town and TV personal- ity on the Food Network. In fact, I saw the man recently on an “American Iron Chef” program, and call 219-872-7736 I can see most definitely that he fits author Buford’s description. GUARDIAN ELITE SERVICE DEALER “Mario Batali is the most recognized chef in a city Sales, Installation & Service with more chefs than any other city in the world. In addition to Batali’s television show—and his appear- ances promoting, say, the NASCAR race track in Delaware—he was simply and energetically omnipresent. It would be safe to say that no New York Dimensional Stone, Inc. chef ate more, drank more, and was out and about as much.” Author Buford thought this assignment would also give him the golden opportunity to learn more about cooking from the kitchen god himself. Buford got the Custom Granite job and suddenly discovered that he was a “kitchen slave,” that is, do whatever you’re told. He was accept- Counter Tops ed on a trial basis working only several nights a week. He started out plating pasta, then working in the prep kitchen, finally working himself up to line cook. Important point: there is a big difference between a cook and a chef; cooks work for chefs, they take their orders from chefs. Period. No questions asked, none given. The kitchen hierarchy is firmly established. Buford’s first timid forays into Mario’s kitchen are told candidly. The reader learns of his triumphs and, more often than not, his humiliations and errors, many of which are hysterical. You have to remember

Expo Hall For Rent Weddings, Parties, Meetings, Dances, Exhibitions, Etc… Seating for 300+ People P.A. System, Dance Floor, Stage & Bar Area For More Information Call 7635 West 100th Place, Bridgeview, IL email: [email protected] (219) 878-1514 Tel: 708.598.6695 Fax: 708.598.4515 web: Rag Tops Auto Museum THE June 29, 2006 Page 93

is pleased to announce the addition of our outdoor furniture that Buford is in his 40’s, while those around him are line... mostly in their 20’s and early 30’s. This was an enor- mous leap, both mentally as well as physically, to take • Adirondak Chairs for someone pushing middle age! “I came to regard the prep kitchen as something like • Gliders a culinary boot camp, especially during my first • Gazebos weeks, where I was being taught basic techniques of • Arbors being a cook, especially knife skills. It seemed that I’d been using a knife for years without knowing how to • Swings use one.” More than just his experiences in the kitchen, Come See Us At... Buford learns about the lives of the men and women he worked with. Mario’s interesting life from child- 0752 S. Forrester Rd., LaPorte, IN hood on the west coast to celebrity chef is woven Call (219) 324-4738 or (219) 324-3152 For Information throughout the chapters and you can see the friend- Formerly Known As... ship developing between him and Buford, in a slow, THE WOODWORKS manly kind of way, mostly born of Mario’s obvious plea- sure in how fast a study Buford was in picking up not 416184 only the ways of the kitchen, but his cooking skills, too. The book moves from the states to Italy where SURE, SOME A/Cs MAY GIVE Buford eventually decides he must go in Mario’s foot- steps to feed his insatiable appetite for learning the YOU MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK. real art of Italian cooking. He even goes to England ALONG WITH A FEW CLINKS, to meet Marco Pierre White, a chef famous for both his cooking skills and his lifestyle and the man Mario CLANKS AND CLUNKS. first worked for. Lennox Elite™ Series air conditioners include a 10-year Through all this, it is Buford’s ruminations about compressor limited warranty. They’re energy-efficient as the connection between cooking and life through the ages that make this a truly “cook’s stew” of history, well, so you save money over the long run. To find out life and food told in a way like no other. more, give your independent Lennox dealer a call today. And You may never enter a restaurant and feel the over the next few years the loudest sound you’ll be hearing same again; Bill Buford will make you think twice about the food you are ordering, and the people who are prepar- is “ka-ching.” ing it for you. This is truly a book to savor—perhaps with a nice chianti? Till next time, happy reading! ONE LESS THING TO WORRY ABOUT.® T.R. BULGER, INC. THE 3123 E. Michigan Blvd. BOOKSTORE Hea t • Residential • Commercial • Industrial 10 and 12 SEER Models by Bill Buford FREE INSTALLATION ESTIMATES - 24 HOUR SERVICE hardback $25.95 [ y 616-469-5454 219-879-8525 1203 LIGHTHOUSE PLACE MICHIGAN CITY QUALITY and SERVICE 219/879-3993 THE Page 94 June 29, 2006 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED RATES - (For First 2 Lines.) FOR SALE BY OWNER 1-3 ads - $7.00 ea. •• 4 or more ads - $5.50 ea. (Additional lines- $1.00 ea.) PH: 219/879-0088 - FAX 219/879-8070. Email CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FRIDAY - 4:00 P.M. - PRIOR TO THE WEEK OF PUBLICATION PERSONAL SERVICES CUSTOM PC TECHNOLOGIES – Home/Office Calls, Computer Set-up, System Restoration, File Transfers, Wired & Wireless Networks, Repairs, Upgrades, Dependable On Call Service. For all your computer needs, call 219/872-7478. Service with YOU in Mind! SAVE YOUR PRECIOUS MEMORIES DIGITALLY ON CDs OR DVDs Home movies-slides-pictures transferred to CDs or DVDs Wedding & Event Documentation. Corporate and Industrial Video Productions Contact: Patrick Landers at Midwest Video Communications 219-879-8433 AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION — door to door on your schedule. Call Mike at In-Time Delivery 219-898-3138. LOVE YOUR PET? We’ll keep him in your yard! Charm abounds in this “The Juneway” model. An easy Pet Stop of Michiana — 888.325.7387 — three block walk to Stop 20 beach. Large corner lot. PERSONAL ASSISTANT. Busy corporate women—let me help you. 1 Hair, skin and makeup professional; also personal shopper, Home has three bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 baths. Woodburning fire- cook and a baker. Ref. avail. 25 yrs. exp. Call 219-878-9772. place in spacious living room. Basement has two finished OUT OF TOWN? Will bring in your trash can Monday p.m. $3. rooms that could be used as a 4th bedroom and office. One Other services available. Have references. Call Howard Brenneman at 219-879-8624 or 219-561-1545. proud owner for 52 years. Well loved and cared for. INDIVIDUAL BASEBALL PITCHING LESSONS from former Minor Wonderful gathering spot for family and friends. Owner League Pitcher. $30/1/2 hr. lesson. Call Carl Swenson 219-878-3427. is including firewood, swings and picnic table. $429,000 SELF IMPROVEMENT - INSTRUCTIONS MUSIC TEACHER – Lessons for Classical Guitar – Voice - Pop - Call 219-872-5464 for an appointment Traditional - Band – Instruments. Call 219/872-1217. NO SUMMMER BAND? TRUMPET/CORNET LESSONS CALL MICHIGAN CITY (219) 872-8423. HEALTH & PHYSICAL FITNESS • • • MASSAGE THERAPY & WELLNESS CENTER • • • Therapeutic Massage • Acupuncture • Brain Gym • QiGong Classes • Reflexology • Healing Touch • Feldenkrais® • Personal Fitness Training Dog Massage Classes • Gift Certificates Call 219/879-5722. ACUPUNCTURE & HERBAL MEDICINE CENTER Jennifer Huang, Licensed Acupuncturist — Call 219/879-2100. CLEANING - HOUSEKEEPING FINISHING TOUCH: Residential & Specialty Cleaning Service Professional - Insured - Bonded - Uniformed #1 in Customer Satisfaction. Phone 219/872-8817. PERSONAL TOUCH CLEANING — Homes - Condos - Offices. Day and afternoons available. - Call Darla at 219/879-2468. FINAL TOUCH HOUSE CLEANING & WINDOW WASHING. Reasonable. Quality service. Ref. avail. Call Debbie at 219-879-1429. TIDY KAT’S CLEANING SERVICE. Specializing in Residential & Commercial Cleaning. Insured. Call 219-878-1955 or 219-898-6737. HOUSECLEANING. Will do windows. Excellent cleaning. References. Call 219-874-6125, leave message. FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS — CALL DAWN’S TOP TO BOT- TOM CLEANING. CALL 219-362-6047. DIANA’S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Call 219-229-4300. HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE looking for yr. round houses to clean. 10 yrs. exp. References available. Call 269-449-4701. WE CLEAN COTTAGES, HOMES & CONDOS. Excellent & reliable services. References. Call 269-426-0034. When You Want Perfection — Insured & Bonded JP’s HOUSE & DECK CLEANING Home - Business - Rental - Construction Pressure Wash Homes & Decks J.P. 219-874-3714 — Email: [email protected] THE June 29, 2006 Page 95 HANDYMAN-HOME REPAIR-PLUMBING H & D TREE SERVICE and LANDSCAPING, INC. — Full service tree and shrub care. Trimming, planting, removal. QUALITY CARPENTRY: Expert remodeling of kitchens, bathrooms. Firewood, snowplowing, excavating. — Call 872-7290. Also: doors, windows, skylights, ceramic tile, drywall, decks & repairs. FREE ESTIMATES Small jobs welcome. Call Ed at 219/878-1791. # # H&S SERVICES —2621 E. US HIGHWAY 12 # # • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Call 219/872-8946 HIRE Sue’s HUSBAND Let Us Be Your One Stop Shop Is your list of household repair & maintenance projects growing? Colored Mulch - Topsoil - River Rock Small jobs welcome. - Quality Work. — Call Ed Berent Retaining Wall Blocks - Natural Stone @ 219/879-8200. $ # JIM’S LAWN SERVICE – MOWING – WEEKLY RATES $ # • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Leave message at 219-874-2715. H & H HOME REPAIR 3 : 3 : 4 : 3 : 3 : 4 : 3 : 3 : 4 : 3 : 3 : 4 : 3 : 3 • Carpentry • Custom Decks • Doors/Windows/Siding • Home ADDIE’S LAWN MAINTENANCE • Residential & Commercial Maintenance. 27 Years experience. Insured. — 219/861-1990. Yard Clean-Up • Mowing• Aeration• Thatching• We also do Ext. Power CHIMNEYS – TUCK POINTING Wash, Stain & Seal. Free Estimates. We Beat Any Written Price. All masonry repairs. 30 yrs. experience. Call 219-879-2017 or (cell) 219-210-2249 - Leave message. Call Gene Burke at (MC) 219-229-4109 OR (LaP) 219-324-8702. 3 : 3 : 4 : 3 : 3 : 4 : 3 : 3 : 4 : 3 : 3 : 4 : 3 : 3 • •• •••••••••••• CAPPY’S LAWN CARE BIZZY “B” CONSTRUCTION & MASONRY. Decks, siding, garages, COMPLETE LAWN SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED additions, all concrete work. Tuckpointing, Brick and block work. Roofs 219-874-3580 and fences. Senior citizen disc. “We take the sting out of construction Lawn and Tree Care – DIV. OF BIZZY “B” CORP. prices.” Free est. Insured. Call 219-877-4979 or 219-561-4077. All Landscaping and Lawn Care. Trim, Top and Tree Removal. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • Call 219-877-4979 or 219-561-4077. ROOF LEAK? Guaranteed repairs. 26 yrs. union experience. TRADITIONS LAWN CARE Commercial or Residential. Flat or Shingle Roofs. Call 219-325-4503. Professional Turf Management/General Property Maintenance. BILL SMART – Home Repair & Remodeling • Carpentry • Electrical Complete Turf Maintenance, Mowing, Fertilization Mgt., The one man for all your big jobs too small for the big contractors. Spring/Fall Cleanup, Leaf Maintenance, Snow Removal. Serving Harbor Country since 2001 • 269-469-4407. Call Mark direct at (office) 219-872-9326, (cell) 219-877-0980. HANDYMAN – Small jobs welcome. AREA’S LARGEST Call Fred Fegely at 219-879-2285. LANDSCAPING BY SMALL’S GARDEN CENTER 219-778-2568 Landscaping PAINTING-DRYWALL-WALLPAPER Patios – Flagstone, Brick WISTHOFF PAINTING — REFERENCES Walls – Flagstone (cut drywall), Timber, Block, Retaining, Boulder Small Jobs Welcome — Call 219/874-5279 Waterfalls & Ponds JEFFERY J. HUMAN INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING & STAINING Complete Site Work – Free Estimates Custom Designed Installation Custom Decorating - Custom Woodwork - Hang/Finish Drywall 13 Acre Garden Center: Mulch, Soil, Decorative Stones, Gravels Wallpaper Removal – Trim Carpentry Flagstone, Boulders. 27-Years experience. Insured. Ph. 219/861-1990. S & B WELL DRILLING DUNIVAN POWER WASHING AND PAINTING 1-1/4 or 2 INCH HAND DRIVEN SHALLOW WELLS FOR Decks, Homes, Trailers, Businesses, etc. SPRINKLING SYSTEMS. Call after 4 p.m. 219-778-4832. Local. Exp. Insured. Reasonable Rates. Call Brian at 219-879-8239. PAT’S TREE SERVICE. THE A & L PAINTING COMPANY — INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Complete tree and landscaping service. 20-YEARS EXPERIENCE. Also Power Wash, Seal & Paint Decks. Experts in storm damage. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. 13 yr. anniversary 10% off labor discount for all of 2006. Call 219-362-5058. Seniors (65 +) 15% off. References. Reasonable. 219/778-4145. HALDY BROTHERS PAINTING - Interior & Exterior. Licensed & EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Insured. Experienced & Reliable - Call 1-866/255-9266 ATTENTION DRIVERS willing to train to obtain CDL! NO EXPERI- • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ENCE NECESSARY! TMC Transportation needs drivers. Guaranteed weekly earnings. Premium equipment and benefits. Excellent earn- MICHIANA PAINTING & PRESSURE CLEANING ing potential and still be OFF WEEKENDS! It’s not a job, it’s a Int/Ext Painting – Decks – Siding – Sidewalks – Free Estimates future! FOR CDL Training through Commercial Driver Institute in Call 219/879-8017 or 24 hr. cell 219/861-3966. South Bend, IN. Call today. - 1-800-882-7364 AC0064 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WARREN’S PAINTING AND PRESSURE CLEANING - Int./Ext. WANT TO SELL Painting- Decks— Siding — Sidewalks. Free Est. – 219-872-6424. FOUNTAIN & CALLIGRAPHY PENS AT FIRME’S PREMIER POWER WASH. Decks, fences, concrete, houses. Resealing (2 Stores) 11th & Franklin Streets, Michigan City - 219/874-3455 and Gutter Cleaning. Insured and bonded. Call 219-363-0475. Highway 12, Beverly Shores - Just West of Traffic Light. WAYNE’S PAINTING. From top to bottom, interior/exterior. Painting, Shomer Shabbat Antiques & Art staining, decks, pressure washing. Free est. Fully insured. 13 yrs. exp. 8 rooms, jammed with antiques and collectables. 20% SAVINGS ON LABOR ALL YEAR. 1004 E. Michigan Blvd., Michigan City. 879-1942. Closed Saturday. 219-363-7877 days; 219-778-2549 evenings. Ask for Wayne. 1975 BUICK LESABRE CONVERTIBLE. Excellent condition. Burgundy,   white top. 60,000 original miles. $6000 obo. Call 219-872-1174. LANDSCAPE-Lawns-Clean Up, Etc. HARDESTY CARPET OUTLET. All your flooring needs. HEALY’S LANDSCAPE & STONE 636 Longwood Dr., Michigan City. 219-879-3325. Mon-Fri. 9-6, Sat 9-3. 219/879-5150 — FAX 219-879-5344 FLEA MARKET SALE. West of Michigan City on US 20 - [email protected] next to 84 Lumber. Saturdays and Sundays, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Voted: BEST LANDSCAPE SUPPLY YARD IN N.W. INDIANA! 15+ Types of Flagstone, 30+ Types of Stone, MOVING SALE. Furniture, linens, dishes, holiday decorations, vintage Adirondack glider, antique wicker sofa, ice box, and English Walnut dining Granite boulders, River Rock, Mulch, th th Landscaping, Stonescaping, Ponds, Patios, Walls, Pavers, Design! table w/chairs, etc. July 7 . 8 a.m.-3 p.m. and July 8 , 8 a.m.-noon. WE NOW CARRY Bluestone Veneer (better than cultured stone) 2108 Avondale, Long Beach (Stop 21). Because it’s REAL! GIRL’S SCHWINN BIKE – 24” wheels/15” frame, 18 speed. Spring SALE: Canadian Hemlocks Starting @$150, Model Sidewinder 24. Like new. $70.00. Call 219-872-2513. Pachysandra/English Ivy $24/Flat, Concolor, Pine, BRAND NEW FIRM, KING MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING. Asking Serbian Spruce Ask! $800 OBO. Call days 312-341-3617, weekends 219-879-3116. THE Page 96 June 29, 2006 REAL ESTATE SHERIDAN BEACH - STOP 3 - 3BR, 2/Bath. Sleeps 10. Central A/C. W/D. 2-Decks. Grill. Enclosed veranda. 100 yards to beach. COMMERCIAL - RENTALS/LEASE/SELL Summer/Fall rental. 708-532-4927 or GARAGE AND BASEMENT OVERSTUFFED? WONDERFUL LONG BEACH “FLIP FLOP” BEACH HOUSE!! Store your stuff with us and get a 6 month lease for a 5 month price. Only a few weeks remain for Summer ’06 weekly (Sat. to Sat.) rentals! GOLDEN SANDES STORE AND LOCK. House is located only one block up from Stop 22. Sleeps 10-14. House 4407 E. U.S. 12 (@ Hwy. 212) includes all stainless appliances, granite island/counters. Remodeled Michigan City, IN. bathrooms. Finished basement w/2 auxiliary rooms. Fresh, cool & colorful 219/879-5616. décor. A/C, cable, DSL, lg. screen porch, gas grill, lg. yard with hammock. FOR LEASE WITH IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Just show up with clothes, food & drink…amenities include: beach chairs, Approximately 1,500 square feet of executive office space located at beach towels, wagon, coolers, bikes, pedal cars. 1411 S. Woodland Ave., Michigan City, IN. Contemporary style, ample Call Tim at 773-975-1291 for availability & weekly rates. drive up parking and energy efficient. Call 219/872-0318. HOUSE FOR RENT ON LAKE SHORE DRIVE OFFICE SUITE. 3 private offices and reception area. Expenses, except 3/BR, 2BA. A/C. Fpl., W/D. Summer rentals avail. phone, paid. Well maintained, high traffic area. 2811 E. Michigan Blvd., Also avail Sept thru May. $850/mo + util. Call 708/424-8756. Michigan City. (219) 879-9188, 879-2700. EXCLUSIVE DUNELAND BEACH JOHN LLOYD WRIGHT. WANT TO RENT At Stop 35 is the perfect place for a summer retreat. Perched atop a large wooded private dune, this home will comfortably accommodate 2-3 fami- lies. C/A, fireplace, sunroom, 2 private balconies. 1 blk. to private beach and endless sunsets. Avail. beginning June1, 2006. UNIT AT DUNESCAPE BEACH CLUB As this property is an exclusive rental, there will be no pets/no FOR ANNUAL LEASE. smoking allowed. Please inquire by calling (773) 619-3558. NON-SMOKER/NO PETS. CALL DAN SHEEHAN HOUSE FOR RENT ON THE BEACH/LB. AT 219-983-1535. 2BR, 2BA, D/W, W/D, A/C, TV/DVD, CABLE/HSI or email [email protected] GOURMET KITCHEN, 2 FIREPLACES, ALL LINENS NO SMOKING, NO PETS CALL FOR AVAILABLE DATES (312)925-2642. LONG BEACH POINTE – 2BR, balcony, pool. Close to beach, casino, RENTALS INDIANA restaurants, churches and schools. $850/mo. Call 312-685-7445. HOUSE FOR RENT IN LONG BEACH ON THE WATER CRATE AND BARREL CONDO-MICHIGAN CITY. 3/BR. Across from lake. Great view & beach. Call 219/874-8692. All new décor, stainless, hardwood and granite. Lg. balcony. Pool & ten- LONG BEACH COZY 4/BR HOUSE AT STOP 15 (Across from Beach) nis courts. 1BR sleeps 4. No pets/no smoking. $100/day. 219-988-4318. Fireplace and Large Deck. No pets. Call 708/370-1745. LAKE SHORE DRIVE, HILLSIDE, STOP 20 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Great lake views, 4BR, 2BA, big deck, D/W, C/A, Frpl, W/D and other DUNESCAPE BEACH CLUB amenities. Avail. 8/15-8/24; also Oct 1-June 1, 2007. LAKEFRONT CONDOS — 2 and 3 bedrooms. Winter: $800/mo. + util. & sec. deposit. Call 708-349-0442. Avail. Sept.-June — $1,400 to $2,000 per week. SHERIDAN BEACH. Stop 2 beachfront, never before available. DUNESCAPE REALTY - 219/872-0588. Sleeps 20, 2 kitchens, 8 BR, 5BA. Perfect for large family get-togethers. SHERIDAN BEACH SUMMER RENTAL. Beautifully furnished and fully May be combined with adjacent cottage sleeping an additional 10-12. equipped large, modern, luxury 3BR, 1-1/2BA across from beach. Enjoy beautiful summer sunsets from the deck. $1,250/weekly. Discount for longer stays. Call 219-872-4446. Call (708) 226-5615 or email [email protected] THE PERFECT BEACH HOUSE IN SHERIDAN BEACH SHERIDAN BEACH – Stop 2 cottage sleeps 10-12. 3BR, 2.5BA. 1 blk. to beach. Great big eat-in kitchen. Pool table. Only steps to the beach. 4BR, 2BA. Quiet block. Fireplace, 2 decks w/gas grill. Satellite TV w/DVR, DVD, VCR. W/D. A/C. Call (708) 226-5615 or email [email protected] REALLY COMFY BEDS! Sleeps 10. Rates negotiable. STOP 31 SHORELAND HILLS HOUSE SLEEPS 10 IN NEW BEDS. Contact Stacy, 312-282-1535 or email [email protected] Annie’s Beach House. Freshly remodeled. 4BR/2BA. for pictures and more info. Call Vanessa @ 269-469-6892 or [email protected] COZY KNOTTY PINE COTTAGE IN SHERIDAN BEACH. 4BR, 2BA 1/2 blk. from beach. A/C, cable. Modern kitchen. Close to park and zoo. JULY AVAILABILITY — “The Summer Place” at Stop 33. $1,000.00/wk. Call 708-383-2635. 2 blks. from beach. Charming décor, beautiful surroundings, 4BR, 2BA, HARBOR COUNTRY: Unique cottage with large, two story living family room with fireplace. Patio, deck, sun porch. A/C, W/D. space. 2/BR, 2/Baths. Can sleep 6. Large screened porch. Lovely Available July & Sept. Call 708-784-9866. terrace & garden. Gourmet kitchen. W/D. A/C. Cable, TV/DVD, YOUR PERFECT SUMMER GETAWAY – 1/4 blk. from lake at Stop 37. Stereo, Computer. All linens. Bicycles. 8 blocks to beautiful beach. 3BR, 2 full baths, C/A, wraparound deck, screened-in porch, sleeps 8. Sat./Sat. rental, $1,200/wk. Photos avail. A must see. 773/929-2295. Avail. June 17-July 1; July 8-15; July 29-Aug. 5; Aug. 12-26. LONG BEACH STOP 31 BEAUTIFUL, COMFORTABLE HOUSE WITH For information phone Judy at 847-814-8215 POOL. 6BR, 5BA. 2 Master Suites. W/D, A/C. 2 Decks. Wooded lot, or email [email protected] 2-1/2 blocks from beach. Basketball net. Shabby chic feel. LONG BEACH ON THE LAKE. Fantastic views. Always newly remodeled and clean. 3BR, 2-1/2BA, new appliances, A/C. Make a beautiful family memory. Call 312-404-4457. By week or month. Call 773-405-9879. LONG BEACH MAJESTIC LUXURY LOG CABIN. Bird nest views. 3BR, BEACH HOUSE FULLY FURNISHED. 3BR. A/C. with all Cal. King size beds. 4BA. 3-1/2 blks. from beach. 1 block to private beach. $800/weekly. Call 219-872-5979. Exquisitely decorated. 3 decks. State of the art entertainment system. Very romantic. Brand new. Call 312-404-4457. LONG BEACH POINTE. 2BR. Balcony. Next to pool. 2nd floor unit. Call 312-685-7445. LONG BEACH STOP 28 SUMMER RENTAL. 3BR, 1BA, A/C, W/D, grill & deck. Short walk to beach and park. Call 317-716-7321. LONG BEACH –UNFURNISHED, YEAR ROUND RENTAL. Very close to Stop 20 beach. Newly renovated. 4BR, 3-1/2BA. CHARMING RALPH LAUREN LOG CABIN RETREAT C/A, energy efficient. Call 808-277-1313. A perfect blend of log cabin and modern amenities nestled on private 1+ acre wooded site within walking distance to Lake MI, stables, and **SUMMER RENTAL –- HOUSE ON STOP 16** summer theatre. Ideal for couple or small family. 3BR, Fam. Rm, 2-1/2BA, A/C, W/D, BBQ, 312-952-2806 or [email protected] Cable. Private Beach! 630-363-3176. SUMMER ESCAPE RENTAL, STOP 31, SHORELAND HILLS. BEACH RENTAL BY WEEK OR MONTH 1-blk to lake. Charming rehabbed cottage. Retro décor. Sleeps 8-10. overlooking Lake Michigan. Call 219-874-5209. 2 Baths. A/C. Huge screen porch & yard. Family friendly. BEACH RENTAL, YEAR ROUND. 3 or 4 bedrooms, $1,200/wk. Call 847/696-0878 or 847-323-8456. 2 baths. $1850 per month. Call 219-874-5209. THE June 29, 2006 Page 97

ANNUAL LEASE OR MORE ON HOME IN LONG BEACH, INDIANA. LONG BEACH POINTE. 2BR. Balcony. Next to pool. One hour from Chicago: LUXURY 2 bedroom 2 bath home; across from 2nd. floor unit. Call 312-685-7445. Long Beach Golf Course on LAKE CLARE; central AC; large kitchen & 1 acre building site in DUNE ACRES ceramic tiled baths with custom wood cabinets; woodburning FIRE- 45 miles from Chicago in Porter County PLACE; bi-leveled arbored patio on the lakefront; automatic sprinkler; Unique 1-acre building site, spectacular views of Lake Michigan and alarm; new no-clean gutters; atrium entrance; 2 car garage; was model. Chicago skyline. Natural dune park on two sides. 1/10 mile to beach Call 312-670-7978. $1695/mo. plus utilities. access. Located on dead end road, very private. City water/septic. Topo & RUSTIC 3BR LAKE COTTAGE IN SHERIDAN BEACH. soils report available. Architect’s concept sketches available. Private, wooded setting. Weekends, weekly, seasonal or year round. Call 219-878-1724. $150/day or $850/week. Call for details and website 219-879-9319. VACANT LAND UNION PIER, MI. Over ? acre. SHERIDAN BEACH COTTAGE FOR RENT year round. Lake side of Red Arrow Highway. Heavily wooded. Short walk to beach. 205 Hilltop. 2BR, 1BA. $750/mo. plus deposit. Call 812-219-5936. $279,900. Call 630-546-7764. LARGE FAMILY HOME, built in 2004 with 5 acres of land. 2816 OAK ST., MICHIGAN CITY. 4BR, 2.5 BA. Over 2400 sq. ft. 5BR, 5BA, with a possibility of purchase. 10 mins. to Lake Michigan, Beautiful Edgewood neighborhood. Newly remodeled kitchen, new range Blue Chip Casino, shopping. Call 219-923-6191. & D/W. 2-car garage. Carpeted basement with pool table. New hot tub ROOMS with bath in a new house for rent weekends, weekly, daily. with carpeted patio. New upstairs bath, and much more! Short distance to Lake Michigan, casino, shopping. 219-923-6191. Asking $250,000. Call Carl & Lottie Swenson, 219-878-3427. RENTALS MICHIGAN BEAUTIFUL VINTAGE MICHIANA COTTAGE FOR RENTAL One block from beautiful Lake Michigan Beach at Stop 39. Fully furnished—Charming Deco decor. Air conditioned, forty windows to Read The Beacher On Line catch lake breezes. Sleeps up to eight persons. Three bedrooms. Two full baths. Two woodburning fireplaces. New kitchen. Secluded forty oak tree landscape with Adirondack chairs and hammocks. TVs with cable and movie channels. BBQ grill. Pets welcome. Prefer multiple weeks but will consider weekly. Call [773] 528-0825 or [773] 281-7100, or 773-454-2200. At the Michigan City Senior Center MICHIGAN, New Buffalo, Village of Grand Beach. Lake front home, Wed., July 5, 11 a.m. just 42 steps down to this private beach on Lake Michigan. Enjoy magnifi- cent sunsets from this lakeside deck and living room. Garden Discussion Group headed by Dave This cozy 3BR is completely furnished. Available July and August for Fennell. It will be a seminar with an open forum $1900 per week and June or September for $1100 per week. For discussing soil composition, bed preparation and more information and viewing appointment, call 708-848-1025. more. Sign up at the front desk or 873-1504. MICHIANA, 3745 LAKE SHORE DRIVE – 2BR, 2BA; sleeps 6. Lake across street. Spectacular Lake-Sunset views. $1,000 week. Thurs., July 6, 2 p.m. AVAIL: weekly/monthly June through September. (312) 857-2114. South Shore Seniors. This investment club meets HOUSE FOR RENT IN NEW BUFFALO. 3BR, 2BA. the first Thursday of each month. Visitors are welcome. Private community with swimming pool. $1,600/week. 708-227-1908. Get more information from A.J. Stark, 872-6769, or 2BR COTTAGE RENTAL. Newly redecorated. Walk to beach. Janice Gonzales, 269/469-1756. $750/week. Inquire at On the Lounge Slipcover Studio for viewing or call 269-469-4354. Tues., July 18, 1 p.m. SPECIAL RATE FOR JULY 1-8. $2200 (REG. $2800). Beginning and Refresher Bridge Lessons. UNION PIER – Hamptons in the Midwest. 4BR (2 on 1st flr.), 3-1/2 BA. Will continue for 6 weeks; each session approxi- Across from beach access, walk to restaurants & stores. On half acre. mately 2 hours long. Phone 873-1504 to sign up. September open @ $1800/wk. Call 847-644-0308. Sessions are free. EXCLUSIVE HOME IN MICHIANA, STOP 42. A perfect place for sum- mer retreat. Large hilltop house. 4BR, 3BA, sleeps 8-12. Balconies, patio, Mon., July 24, 8 a.m.-11:30 a.m. or noon-3 p.m. garage. 5 mins. to private beach. A/C, fireplace. Avail. weekly, weekends Shirt Decorating Class and/or monthly. Avail. now. Call 219-923-9161. Led by Eileen Schnick; two sessions are available. YEAR ROUND COTTAGE RENTAL IN NEW BUFFALO. Check the front desk for the design. Cost is $5 and Charming, newly-renovated. Sleeps 8. 3BR, 3BA, cable, fully equipped kitchen/new appliances, W/D, linens and C/A. Deluxe gas grill on large you must bring a white/cream shirt. Phone 873-1504 deck and outdoor play set. Overlooking the boat docks, a 2 block walk to sign up. from the public beach and downtown. Weekly rental $1600. Call Maggie Bogue – 773-394-9496. SECLUDED VACATION RENTAL on 12 Beautiful Wooded Acres in SAWYER. Cable TV, W/D, A/C, linens, deck, trails, pond, Holiday Weekend at Hesston Steam Show gas & charcoal grills, fire pit. Sleeps 8. Pets welcome. 3/4 mile to Warren Dunes. Call 269-426-3774. Sat., July 1 to Tues., July 4, visit the Hesston  REAL ESTATE FOR SALE  Steam Show, 1000N (east of Hwy 39), LaPorte. Noon- GREAT VIEW • GREAT BEACH • GREAT PRICE! 5 p.m. Free admission and parking, fee to ride trains. at Stop 11 Exceptional living on Lake Michigan. Spectacular views of Lake Michigan and Chicago skyline. City utilities and services. Built in 2000, this 4,000 sq. ft., 5BR, 5BA, nautical style house has 2 fireplaces, granite and cherry Fly-In Pancake Breakfast kitchen, hardwood and tile floors, custom arched doors, 2 car garage w/additional parking for 9 cars. Great amenities and living spaces! Michigan City Aviators Chapter 966 sponsors this Call 219-878-1724. event on Sun., July 9, 7 a.m.-noon. at Michigan City “SUNSET SHORES” NEW BUFFALO, MI. 3BR, 3BA Airport. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, cof- vacation or year round home. 300 ft. to Lake Michigan. $465,000. Call 269-469-0300 (wk. days) or 269-469-2943 (ev. or wk. end). fee, juice and milk. Tickets: $4.50/adults, $2.50/kids. HOMESITE. 80 FT. X 200 FT. Easy build lot. First street off LSD. Get a 50¢ discount for purchasing tickets at the air- Very close to Stop 31 beach. City sewer and water. Call 219-878-1724. port in advance. Phone Don or Carol for info: 872-9587. THE Page 98 June 29, 2006

MERRION & ASSOCIATES REALTORS Debbie Burke 707 Washington Street, Michigan City, IN Owner HERE’S TO YOU! A SAFE...

AFFORDABLE SUMMER GET- BUILDABLE LOT WITH SEWER & VINTAGE 1920'S COTTAGE high above AWAY! 1200 sq ft A-Frame on over 2 WATER fronts on Lake Mary, right across Lake Shore Drive offers panoramic vistas acres of land is located just 20 minutes the street from Notre Dame Church & of Lake Michigan. Original knotty-pine south of LaPorte in Fish Lake, Indiana. 2 school. Peaceful views of water & golf paneling in living rooms & bedrooms will bedroom, 1 bath; walk-out basement is course come with the 125' frontage. Call Ed bring back memories of summers gone by. framed, insulated & ready to finish. Merrion! $119,000 Just $578,500 $94,500

GRAB YOUR GOLF CLUBS! 14th fair- THERE AIN’T ENOUGH SPACE to YOUR OWN SECRET GARDEN is the way of LBCC is home to this 3 bedroom, tell you all the features which this 3240 sq key to this fabulously restored 3 bedroom, 3 1 ⁄4 bath open-concept cottage. Situated on ft (not including finished walk-out basement) 2 bath cottage in Michiana, Michigan! a 60' lot, with an additional 30' x 150' avail- contemporary home offers. Architect- Huge decks, original pine-paneled living room able for future expansion. Great deck for grad- designed and professionally decorated, with fieldstone fireplace, finished walk- ing neighbor’s golf game. $319,000 you’ll have to experience it. Call Debbie out lower level! $590,000 Burke. $949,000

Call Jim McGah at 219-874-5927 for a popular local restaurant opportunity!

LOOK FOR US ON THE INTERNET! • THE June 29, 2006 Page 99 872-4000 FAX (219) 872-4182 Specializing in Distinctive Properties Indiana and Michigan Ed Merrion Broker ... AND PEACEFUL 4TH OF JULY!!!

BUILD EQUITY FAST! 2 bedroom, 2 BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED COR- CONVENIENT CONDO LIVING could- bath one-level unit in The Shores is perched NER LOT hosts this 4 bedroom, 3 full n’t be sweeter than in this 2 bedroom Long at the end of Island Drive, with views look- bath home in Shoreland Hills! Cherry- Beach Pointe unit. Newer carpeting, kitchen ing down the shores of Lake Claire. Priced wood flooring, 2 fireplaces & French doors & bathroom floors. $226 monthly assess- below the neighbors! Finish to your own taste! are just some of the features you’ll love! Call ment includes gas heat and all mainte- $199,900 Michele to see the rest. $419,000 nance. Call John Hayes $118,500

ALWAYS TIME FOR FISHING! 3 bed- THERE ARE ONLY A FEW LEFT! CLASSIC ARCHITECTURE in a second room, 1.5 bath cottage on 80' frontage on Reasonably priced, buildable lots, that is! home means high ceilings, hardwood floors, Lower Fish Lake. Furnace, AC, electrical This one has over 12,000 sq ft, a septic arched entryways, leaded glass windows & system & roof have all been updated. Fish permit from La Porte County Health Dept., doors, lake views, enchanting gardens & from the dock or your own pontoon boat! and is ready for your building plans! Located more. It’s all here in this 3 bedroom, 2.5 home $135,000 on a quiet street in Long Beach. $159,000 from 1927. Call Debbie Burke today!!

Debbie Burke, GRI, ABR Ed Merrion*, CRS, GRI

Liv Markle*, CRS, GRI Julie Gring Jim Laughlin Debbie Mengel Jim McGah*, Broker Associate Bill Moldenhauer Jerry Lambert Heather Melnyk Fran Merrion, GRI, ABR Michele Meden, ABR Jeff Meyer Jessica Storey John Hayes, GRI, ABR Dave Walsh Tricia Meyer *Licensed in Michigan THE Page 100 June 29, 2006

CENTURY 21 Long Beach Realty 1401 Lake Shore Drive ~ 3100 Lake Shore Drive 132 (219) 874-5209 ~ (219) 872-1432 T Open 7 Days a Week Family Owned and Operated Since 1920 201 EUCLID AVENUE

Authentic Sears and Roebuck Model Home as seen in the 1934 World’s Fair “Century of Progress” in Chicago. The original model, air conditioned, describes “staggered floor levels” with only 8 steps between rooms. Double ceilings lessen noise from upstairs rooms. This home has been so well maintained it appears almost unused.

Bright open living room has fire- Original Dwyer metal cabinets in Beautiful Oak floors, arched ceil- place and beautiful oak floors in the kitchen appear almost like ings, and many windows give the original condition. Two full length new. A door opens to breezeway 3 bedrooms an airy feeling. glass doors open to back yard and garage. $$164,000 patio surrounded by tall pines.

Phyllis Waters*, Owner/Broker, CRB, CRS, GRI Tom Cappy* 874-6396 Rosemary Braun 879-9029 Doug Waters*, Managing Broker, GRI 219-877-7290 Richard Klare 872-0947 Don Niven 708-259-9471 June Livinghouse*, Broker Associate, ABR, GRI 800-957-1248 Beverly Szybala 219-861-2066 Bill McNew 872-8254 Sylvia Hook*, Broker Associate, CRS, GRI 800-518-5778 Patti Slayden 219-608-6012 Annette Clark 219-363-3545 Beverly Bullis*, CRS, GRI 800-518-6149 Sandy Rubenstein*, Broker Associate 879-7525 *Licensed in Michigan and Indiana

Phyllis T. Waters* Doug Waters* CRB, CRS, GRI Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated GRI Broker/ Owner Managing Broker