Chapter 11 - Terms and Names

Section 1

1. Cabinet – A ______that advises the ______executive 2. Revenue – The ______or ______income of a government 3. Promissory note – A ______promise to pay a sum of ______at a future time 4. – First permanent ______of the New Republic 5. John Allen - Brother of ______Allen, planned to build a new ______near Harrisburg 6. Augustus Allen - Brother of ______Allen, planned to build a new town near ______7. Houston – town named after Sam Houston, became the ______of the New Republic 8. Felix Huston – Commander of the ______army. Raised an army of _____ to ______volunteers to fight in the . Wanted to renew _____ with 9. Texas Rangers – Group of soldiers organized during the ______to patrol the ______10. Mirabeau B. Lamar – Vice-______under Houston.

Section 2

11. Public debt – the amount of ______a national government owes 12. Mirabeau B. Lamar - Became second ______of the New Republic after Houston’s first tem. Write Lamar’s remark in his inaugural address in 1838 –“If ______can be obtained on by the ______, let the ______do its ______.” 13. Council House Fight – a fight that broke out between Comanche ______and Texas administration over the surrender of all ______. When the Comanche leaders tried to leave, they were ______. It led to the death of ______Texans and ______Comanche leaders. 14. – Location where Texans fought the ______, killing more than _____ Comanches 15. Public Education System – Education system in Texas started by ______, also know at the “Father of ______in ______” 16. Austin- location of the new capital of ______named in honor of ______. 17. Redbacks- Bills (money) used in Texas, known for the color of _____ used on the reverse side. The redbacks went down in ______until they were worth almost ______.

Section 3

18. Archives – Public ______, papers or ______19. Joint Resolution – a formal ______passed by both houses of the ______and intended to become a ______20. Sam Houston – again became ______and defeated David G. Burnet 21. Edwin Moore – Commander of the Texas _____, defied Houston’s orders to return to ______22. Mier Expedition – An expedition where Texas forces pursued Mexican forces after Mexico too control of ______. Once in Mexico, the Texans demanded that the citizens of ______provide them with needed supplies. While waiting, ______troops arrived and captured the Texans. Santa Anna ordered every____ out of _____ prisoners be put to death. Each prisoner was asked to select a _____, and those that drew a ______bean were shot, and the others were ______. 23. Archive War – After Houston moved the capital to Washington on the Brazos, he wanted to move the archives from Austin to the new capital. The citizens of ______refused to allow the archives to be removed. Houston sent men to remove the state ______and loaded the on a wagon. Angelina Eberly sounded the ______by setting off a ______. Austin citizens returned the ______to Austin. 24. Anson Jones –elected ______in 1844 after Houston, and the last president of the Republic of Texas 25. Texas becomes a state – Texans voted to join the ______as its ______state.