Cork City Council Comhairle Cathrach Chorcaí Budget 2019
CORK CITY COUNCIL COMHAIRLE CATHRACH CHORCAÍ BUDGET 2019 Page Report from Chief Executive 1 Certificate of Adoption 11 Summary Financial Information & Charts 13 Statutory Tables 21 Service Division Details 29 Appendices 93 Capital Programme 2019-2021 95 BUDGET 2019 REPORT FROM CHIEF EXECUTIVE 1 2 COMHAIRLE CATHRACH CHORCAÍ CORK CITY COUNCIL Budget 2019 A Ard-Mhéara agus Comhairleoirí I enclose for your consideration the 2019 draft Budget for Cork City Council. The overall revenue expenditure proposed for 2019 is €166,843,900 by comparison with €160,241,400 for 2018. This represents an increase of €6,602,500 on 2018. The main contributors to the increase in expenditure are (1) TII Maintenance Grant for the Lower Glanmire Road €2m. (2) An increase in payroll of €1.7m (as a result of the implementation of the Public Services Stability Agreement). (3) Increase in Restoration Improvement Roads Grants of €300,000. (4) Increase in homeless funding of €1,482,000. (5) The introduction of Sports Grants €270,000. (6) Staging of Seafest €250,000. (7) Change in the fee structure of Microsoft licenses €250,000 and (8) An increase in funding for Local Community Development committees (LCDC’s) of €224,000. Preparing this year’s budget for consideration and adoption by Council has once again been a challenging task. The general economic climate and state of the national finances continues to improve. Howeve r many of our income sources continue to be under pressure, while increased demand for services in many areas increases the pressure on the city’s finances. The challenge of the budget is to ensure that the Council continues to achieve a balanced allocation of resources to ensure that it meets the many competing demands across the social, economic, cultural, environmental and infrastructural development of the city.
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