Metallurgical Abstracts (General and Non-Ferrous)
METALLURGICAL ABSTRACTS (GENERAL AND NON-FERROUS) Volume 4 DECEMBER 1937 Part 12 I —PROPERTIES OF METALS (Continued from pp. 481-493.) *0n the Source of the Copper in Virgin Aluminium. A. Brenner and F. Wechtel (Metallwirtschaft, 1937, 16, (40), 1009-1010).—The alumina contains 0-0007-0-007% copper, the electrodes 0-0001-0-001% copper, and the cryolite 0-0025% copper. The alumina is thus the chief source of the copper.—v. G. *Surface Tensions of Molten Aluminium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium. V. G. Givov (Trudi Vsesoiuznogo Aluminievogo-Magnievo Instituta (“ VAMI") (Trans. Aluminium-Magnesium Inst.), 1937, (14), 99-112).—[In Russian.] The surface tensions of various metals determined by the bubble method in an atmosphere of argon were found to be as follows in ergs/cm.2. : aluminium at 706° C., 494, a t 935° C., 463; magnesium at 681° C., 563, at 894° C., 502; potassium at 79° C., 400-5, at 228° 0., 391-5; sodium a t 110° C., 205-7, a t 263° C., 198-2. In each case the decrease in tension between the two tem peratures given is linear.—D. N. S. Physical Constants of Aluminium. Junius D. Edwards (Metals Handbook (Amer. Soc. Metals), 1936, 922-929).—Discusses and gives data for atomio weight, crystal form, density, compressibility, thermal expansion, freezing point, specific heat, latent heat of fusion, boiling point, thermal conductivity, heat of combustion, fluidity, optical properties, electrical resistance, electro chemical equivalent, electrolytic solution potential, thermoelectromotive force, magnetic properties, and mechanical properties. A bibliography of 27 refer ences is appended.—S. G.
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