United States Department of Agriculture Fire Growth Maps Forest Service Intermountain for the 1988 Greater Research Station General Technical Report INT-304 Yellowstone Area Fires January 1994 Richard C. Rothermel Roberta A. Hartford Carolyn H. Chase THE AUTHORS organizations. Without their support this comprehen- sive project would not have been possible. RICHARD C. ROTHERMEL is a senior scientist at the lntermountain Fire Sciences Laboratory in Missoula, The Denver office of the National Park Service, for its MT. He served 26 years as Project Leader of the Fire assistance in installing hardware and software, GRASS Behavior Research Work Unit there. Rothermel has and UNlX training, preparing data tapes compatible degrees from the University of Washington (B.S. with our computer system, and continued support in aeronautical engineering, 1953) and Colorado State problem resolution. University (MS. mechanical engineering, 1971). He The Boise office of the National Park Service, for has published and lectured extensively both in the lending its work station to start the project before United States and abroad. His most notable contribu- purchase of our machine. tion has been the development of a fire spread model Yellowstone National Park, for lending the wall map that has been used as the basis for the National Fire assembled at park headquarters in Mammoth during Danger Rating System and several other systems the summer of 1988, preparing additional data for that require an estimate of fire behavior. Rothermel transfer to our system, helping locate missing data, and is working with scientists in Australia and Canada to accepting the responsibility to distribute the electronic develop models for the next generation of fire behavior data. and fire danger systems. Andy Norman from the Bridger-Teton National Forest for interpreting fire growth on the Huck and Mink Fires ROBERTA A. HARTFORD is a forester at the lnter- and providing maps of those fires. Sciences Laboratory in Missoula, MT. The U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Depart- She began working at the Fire Lab in 1968, assisting ment of the Interior for partially funding this work from with studies on the chemical and physical properties of the grant for Greater Yellowstone Area postfire re- fuels. During the early 1970's she also worked season- sponse studies. ally in fuel inventory and taught high school science. The GIs Laboratory at Central Washington Univer- Since 1976 she has remained at the Fire Lab where sity, Ellensburg, for digitizing the initial data from the she has been involved in studies of fuels and fuel bed headquarters wall map. properties, smoldering combustion, and fire behavior of both laboratory and wi!d!and fires. Recent work includes studies in the use of satellite remote sensing RESEARCH SUMMARY to assess fire potential in wildland vegetation and the The growth of the 1988 fires in the Greater use of geographic information systems to document Yellowstone Area from June 14 to October 1 has been wildfire growth. She has a B.A. degree in zoology digitized and displayed in the form of daily fire growth from the University of Montana in Missoula and an maps. A geographic information system (GIs) was MS. degree in forestry there. used to process the data for distribution and analysis. CAROLYN H. CHASE is a mathematician stationed The fire record integrates information and data from a at the lntermountain Fire Sciences Laboratory. She variety of sources, including daily infrared photography received her B.A. degree in mathematics from the flights, satellite imagery, ground and aerial reconnais- University of Montana in 1969. Chase began working sance, command center intelligence, and the personal at the Fire Lab in 1978; she is a member of the sys- recollections of fire behavior observers. Using GRASS tems development and application team. Her current GIs software, fire position was digitized from topo- work includes integration of geographic information graphic maps to construct a file of daily fire location in system technology for the next generation of fire vector format. The vector file was converted to raster danger and fire behavior prediction systems. format for further analysis. The data base is available in electronic form. A summary of the growth of the fire and points of interest throughout the summer is included. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable assistance of many individuals in the following

Cover: The cover shows the daily growth of the 1988 Yellowstone Fires. Each color represents one day's growth.

Intermountain Research Station 324 25th Street Ogden, UT 84401 Fire Growth Ma~sfor the 1988 Greater ell ow stone Area Fires Richard C. Rothermel Roberta A. Hartford Carolyn H. Chase

1 INTRODUCTION with red indicating growth on the last day of the week. These data are available in electronic format. In the summer of 1988, Yellowstone National Park Appendix B describes how to obtain the data set and and adjoining areas within the National Forests, gives details about file contents, formats, and sizes. commonly referred to as the Greater Yellowstone One of the key elements of this work has been a II Area (fig. I), experienced the most extensive forest comprehensive effort to resolve conflicting or incom- fires seen in the Western States since the great plete data and to develop maps accurately depicting Northwest fires of 1910. As the summer progressed the growth of the fires. Considerable thought and and the fires continued to spread unabated, it be- care were given to preparation 6f the fire growth came apparent that unprecedented opportunities for map, but there are many potential sources of error; studying large-fire behavior were at hand. However, the data should not be considered to be the absolute the very size, intensity, and remoteness of the fires, truth. Boundaries, streams, and sites used for refer- as well as widespread smoke, made personal obser- ence at map production scales were taken from a va- vation and mapping all but impossible. Fortunately, riety of sources and were digitized at a variety of there was a strong effort to map fire progress for use scales. These results should not be considered for in strategic and tactical fire planning. determining legal questions such as whether or when National Parks and National Forests forming the a fire burned a particular feature. If readers have Greater Yellowstone Area include Yellowstone Na- additional data or corrections they feel should be in- tional Park, Grand Teton National Park, and por- cluded in the data set, contact the authors with the tions of the Custer, Targhee, Bridger-Teton, Gallatin, details. All suggested additions or corrections will be Beaverhead, and Shoshone National Forests. Major evaluated early in 1995 and published if warranted.

fires included~~ ~ ~~ in the~ data~~~~ set are the North Fork- Wolf Lake, Fan, Hellroaring, Storm Creek, Clover- MAP PREPARATION Mist, Huck, Mink and the Snake Complex, consist- ing of the Falls, Red, and Shoshone Fires. The initial data were taken from a large wall map A research effort was initiated soon after the fires assembled from Department of the Interior, U.S. were over to reconstruct the fire behavior and the Geological Survey quadrangle maps (quads) at Yel- conditions that produced 3 months of large-fire lowstone National Park Headquarters at Mammoth. growth. The purpose was to put together a data set The location of the fires was recorded on this map, suitable for analyzing large-fire growth. Of particu- to the extent possible, each day throughout the sum- lar importance to further study are growth progres- mer. Figure 2 shows quad coverage over the fire sion, rates of spread, and relation of fire progress to area. The data were obtained primarily from air- weather and terrain. craft using infrared (IR) scanners. Two aircraft he GRASS (U.S. Army Construction Engineering were available until late August, when one was sent Research Laboratory 1988) geographic information to other fires. Unfortunately, the largest fire growth system (GIs) software was used to store and orga- was taking place at this time, and one aircraft could nize the data. The growth layer produced by the not cover all of the active fire perimeter in one night GIs contains polygons made up of perimeters repre- of flying. Areas on the Snake Complex in the south, senting the fire position, each with the single at- the Clover-Mist Fire in the eastern section, and the tribute of date. A complete set of fire growth maps North Fork-Wolf were not well mapped is shown in appendix A. Those maps show the daily late in the summer. fire growth summarized by week. Each color indi- The majority of daily fire positions on the head- cates a different day's growth. Fire growth previous quarters map couldbe verified with IR overlays or to the current week is shown in black, lakes and with chronology information (USDA.USDI 1988). streams are blue; roads are brown. Daily colors Daily fire growth prior to centralized mapping (and grade from "cool" early in the week, through "warm," between IR flights) was reconstructed with the help Figure 1-This figure shows the final perimeters of the 1988 fires in the Greater Yellowstone Area. The colored boxes indicate areas covered by the maps in append~xA. Yellowstone National Park is outlined in black. Mount Mount Mount Cowen Douglas Wood

Crown Mount Cutoff Cooke Bune Miner Gardiner Wallace Mountain

w .

I Tepee Mount Tower Abiathar Pilot Beartooth Deep Creek Holmes Mammoth Junction Butte Lake

m . w w m m . I Dead West Madison Norris Canyon Pelican Sunlight Indian Yellowstone Junction Junction Village Peak

w . . .

Buffalo Old West Lake Faithful Thumb Peak

B W 8 W W

Grassy Lake- Huckleberry- Mount Two Ocean Reservoir Mountain ~anmck- Pass w

Figure 2-Names and locations of U.S. Geological Survey quadrangle (quad) maps that cover the area described in this report. Quad corners are marked, with quad names inside the area covered by the map. of maps from the archives at Mammoth and with ad- Consequently, fires that made a continuous run past ditional documentation from the files of individual midnight are shown as spreading on two separate fire teams. In some cases, two or more versions of days. This is especially noticeable from late August the daily fire position were found on maps from dif- until September 10. ferent sources. Chronology, weather reports, and Table 1 shows burned areas by fire and by day, the teams' shift plan notes were used to select the giving the area in acres (table la) and in hectares most probable fire location. Infrared imaging flights (table lb). The daily fire growth area has been cal- were oRen made after midnight; the dates for some culated as the area within the perimeter outlining polygons had originally been set by the date of the each day's growth (excluding bodies of water). IR flight instead of the burn-period date. Infrared A fire severity map (Despain and others 1989) was flight map times and dates and some IR flight log produced from satellite imagery after the fires had information were used to verify or correct dates of stopped spreading. We compared the final perim- fire growth. Through these efforts, most map dates eter of the fire growth map to severity to locate could be verified by one or more sources of informa- burned areas not included on the headquarters map. tion. In areas flown and mapped daily, the head- Some of the outermost perimeters were matched to quarters map perimeters and dates were corrected the final perimeter shown on the severity map and with a high degree of certainty. dated by the fire chronology report. Fires do not Some of the fire locations in the interior of the fire burn the vegetation in all areas completely, but were uncertain due to large-scale fire activity and leave unburned pockets and irregular perimeters. the lack of time and resources to map all perimeters. Large unburned areas within the fires' perimeters In these cases, we used our experience in fire behav- were excluded when possible, but the fires burned ior along with weather records and topography to as mosaics and many small patches of unburned veg- identify probable dates and perimeter locations. etation could not be identified or excluded. Thus the When an area was not observed for several days, a area within a smoothed estimate of final perimeter "best-guessn date was assigned based on written de- will overpredict the actual area burned. This prob- scriptions or interviews with fire behavior special- lem was discussed by the report of the Burned Area ists assigned to the fmes. When neither of these Survey Team (1988) and Despain and others (1989). methods could be used; the areas were dated as Figure 3 shows the relationship between the growth "burned by" the date the perimeter was finally flown. perimeters and the burned area as seen by satellite The fires rarely stopped moving at the end of a (the basis for the severity map). Tables 2a through day, and the time of the depicted fire growth snap- 2h show the breakdown of growth areas by severity shot was not the same for every 24-hour period. class by day for each of the major fire complexes.

Table l+Area burned per day (acres)for each fire, and totals Date Fan North Fork Clover-Mist Hellroarina Storm Creek Mink Snake Huck Totals ..... 52 4,097 384 1.190 288 676 388 11,232 373 10.394 1,528 4,502 3,108 4,995 17,857 17,382 4,368 13,319 26.807 3.865 (con.) Table la(Con.) Date Fan North Fork Clover-Mist Hellroaring Storm Creek Mink Snake Huck Totals

Totals 27,346 531,182 396.268 101.996 143,661 144,698 222,871 120,387 1,688,409

5 Table lb--Area burned per day (hectares) for each fire, and totals - Date Fan North Fork Clover-Mist Hellroaring Storm Creek Mink Snake Huck -Totals ------.------..------6/30 21 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 712 746 0 0 0 912 0 0 0 1,658 713 0 0 0 0 155 0 0 0 155 715 85 0 0 0 297 0 100 0 482 711 0 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 117 711 2 36 0 0 0 0 0 236 0 272 711 3 0 0 84 0 0 67 6 0 157 711 4 0 0 2,887 0 0 1.659 0 0 4,546 711 6 63 0 0 0 0 0 88 0 151 711 7 72 0 31 1 0 0 3.824 0 0 4,207 711 8 0 0 0 0 0 407 21 1 0 618 711 9 0 0 1,405 0 0 354 63 0 1.822 7/20 62 0 0 0 0 1.176 20 0 1,258 7/21 0 0 692 0 0 1,062 268 0 2,022 7/22 0 0 5,170 0 0 729 1,328 0 7,227 7/23 0 111 4,112 0 0 780 2,032 0 7.035 7/24 0 922 0 0 0 334 512 0 1.768 7/25 0 1,317 718 0 0 786 2,570 0 5,391 7/26 0 758 9,838 0 0 140 112 0 10,848 7/27 0 297 108 0 0 0 1.160 0 1.565 7/28 0 858 0 0 0 0 430 0 1,288 7/29 0 0 0 0 0 0 341 0 341 7/30 0 206 0 0 0 0 332 0 538 7/31 0 3,213 1 0 0 658 1,334 0 5,206 811 4.588 808 131 0 0 0 2,787 0 8,314 812 495 923 1,397 0 0 170 1,242 0 4,227 813 239 0 626 0 0 612 1,422 0 2,899 814 1,377 736 3,102 0 0 0 2,213 0 7,428 815 31 8 908 0 0 0 229 2,270 0 3.725 816 1,301 661 394 0 0 1,062 1,072 0 4,490 8l7 0 266 0 0 0 0 64 0 330 818 336 1,200 1,092 0 0 0 2,091 0 4,719 819 222 791 1,414 0 0 583 455 0 3,465 811 0 369 3,247 1,223 0 0 141 83 0 5,063 811 1 0 3,203 2,535 0 0 1,055 252 0 7,045 811 2 0 0 1,558 0 0 279 473 0 2,310 811 3 0 1.039 1.089 0 0 298 69 0 2,495 811 4 93 290 309 0 0 10 0 0 702 811 5 285 3,653 168 0 0 104 163 0 4,373 811 6 0 1.103 7.846 0 0 664 221 0 9.834 811 7 0 2.1 94 200 483 0 0 36 0 2,913 811 8 25 1,447 549 887 0 1,287 823 0 5,018 811 9 0 2,566 2,866 1,984 2.494 1,428 1,692 0 13,030 8/20 0 5,058 22,534 8,044 9,528 13,187 892 2,660 61,903 8/21 0 1,600 1.21 5 149 0 0 7,072 1.848 11,884 8/22 185 4,093 1,703 1,042 0 0 606 1,177 8,806 8/23 34 3,544 1,189 0 0 476 3,753 1,956 10,952 8/24 0 2,288 706 797 2,622 397 2,350 1.410 10,570 8/25 0 4.250 2,139 1,242 1,063 0 118 1,337 10,149 8/26 0 2,397 604 850 0 0 1,125 2,501 7,477 8/27 0 1,709 808 1,162 2,659 0 0 360 6.698 8/28 0 2,133 5,179 0 0 0 0 0 7.312 8/29 0 1,730 4.1 11 212 6,198 6,755 9.595 2,634 31,235 8/30 0 7,550 1,045 1,196 5,472 3,628 15,614 3,965 38,470 8/31 0 2,452 1,126 1,349 1,666 1,372 680 143 8,788 911 0 2,805 774 1,964 97 0 41 4 0 6,054 912 0 4,966 702 1,983 3,376 0 2,572 0 13,599 913 0 6,616 1,045 1,177 2,189 0 0 0 11,027 (con.) Table 1b (Con.) Date Fan North Fork Clover-Mist Hellroarlng Storm Creek Mink Snake Huck Totals ------.---.------...------.Hectares ------.------...... ------914 0 1,304 448 198 1,322 0 0 0 3,272 915 0 3,116 527 1,739 1,654 556 0 3,297 10,889 916 0 22,507 10,052 872 2,973 231 2,653 3,380 42,668 9n 0 11,241 13.51 8 2,323 8,649 0 3,267 11.838 50,836 918 0 7,803 12,589 3,729 0 0 0 0 24,121 919 0 59,685 9,611 4.323 2,446 3,836 7,470 4,955 92,326 911 0 0 11,824 5,660 3.197 2,367 7,727 3,005 4,999 30,779 911 1 0 109 3,173 0 0 0 0 0 3,282 911 2 0 6.788 434 0 0 0 0 0 7,222 911 3 0 0 0 0 0 495 445 259 1,199 911 4 0 1.024 1,447 0 0 0 0 0 2,471 911 5 0 1,017 0 375 0 0 0 0 1,392 911 6 0 0 1 74 0 0 0 0 0 1 74 911 7 0 2,643 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,643 9/22 0 0 962 0 0 0 0 0 962 9/24 0 0 198 0 0 0 0 0 198 9/25 0 0 1,069 0 0 0 0 0 1,069 9/26 0 0 2,893 0 0 0 0 0 2,893 1011 0 0 91 2 0 0 0 0 0 912 Totals 11,069 214,969 160,372 41,277 58,139 58,558 90,202 48,719 683,305

POINTS OF INTEREST entrance highway despite the best efforts of fire crews and the use of aircraft to drop retardant. Even though the fires burned under similar condi- The Huck Fire started on August 20,joined the tions, they often developed unique characteristics; Snake Complex, and burned across the park below sometimes unusual events distinguished one from Yellowstone Lake. On August 30, the Snake Com- another. plex burned into the Mink in the south- Fan Fire-The Fan Fire, burning in the north- eastern comer of the park. western corner of the park, was initially of great con- Mink Creek =+The Mink Creek Fire, started cern because of the possibility it might spread out of by lightning on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Yellowstone National Park onto private lands, pos- made significant runs in mid-July. The fire was ing a threat to the Yellowstone Valley near Gardiner. burning within and near some of the heaviest dead The fire produced severe behavior in late July and and down fuels encountered throughout the Greater early August. But of all the fires that were fought, Yellowstone Area. A high-elevation cyclone the year it was suppressed most successfully. Although it before had laid down timber in a swath nearly 15 reached a total size of 27,346 acres (11,069 hectares), miles (24 kilometers) long; the cyclone created a it was held without significant growth after the heavy log deck about 3 miles (4.8kilometers) long middle of August. and a mile (1.6 kilometers) wide that was now adja- Snake Complex-Initially the Falls, Shoshone, cent to the fire. Because of the threat to nearby and Red Fires made up the Snake Complex. This ranches, the incident command team was instructed complex, which burned together by August 23, was to keep the fire from burning into the heaviest of the named after the Snake River, which has its headwa- blowdown. A burnout was conducted on July 20 to ters in the southwestern portion of Yellowstone Na- isolate the fire from the large log deck. This was tional Park. These fires had the potential to bum done successfully, but the fire moved north following extensive acreage in the park due to the prevailing the upper Yellowstone River headwaters, reaching southwesterly winds. Grant Village was the first fa- Yellowstone National Park on July 23. After enter- cility threatened, and tourists were evacuated so de- ing the park, the fire curved to the east, burning fensive preparations could be made. The problem through the park's southeastern corner and out onto of spot fires £rom wind-blown firebrands that would the Shoshone Forest. frustrate fire control all summer became evident on The combination of the Snake Complex and the July 23, when the Shoshone Fire crossed the south Huck and Mink Fires covered a total of 487,956 Fgure 3-Growth perimeters are shown in black with overlaid colors indicating various levels of fire severity. The fires burned in patches, leaving a mosaic of unburned areas. Areas of red were burned by crown fires, green by surface fires, and yellow by mixed surface and crown fires. acres (197,479 hectares) straddling the park's south- Hellroaring Fire to the north, completely burning ern boundary. out the trees at the upper end of the Hellroaring Clover-Mist, Hellroaring, and Storm Creek drainage. Concurrently, the Storm Creek Fire to the Fires-The Clover and Mist Fires burned together east spread south toward Silver Gate and Cooke in midJuly. ARer merging with several other fires, City. The magnitude of these three fires was beyond it became the largest fire complex in the park during the experience of anyone present. Some fire manag- July and August, encompassing a total of 232,710 ers questioned whether the Clover-Mist Fire had acres (94,184 hectares) by August 31. Since the fire caused inflows that pulled the Storm Creek Fire to was in the rugged east-central portion of the park, the south, while the Clover-Mist and Hellroaring access was all but impossible. Smoke prevented Fires were spreading to the north. Investigation at aerial surveillance. The fire made a &n toward the the time concluded that it probably had not, due to open range at the northern end of the Lamar Valley, the large valleys and mountain ridges between the but it was successfullystopped on August 16 when it Clover-Mist and Storm Creek Fires. burned into a sagebrush-grass area where fue crews During the last week of August and the first week had good access. This action prevented the fire from of September, these three fires posed a severe threat entering the Soda Butte Creek drainage where pre- to Silver Gate and Cooke City. Bulldozers con- vailing southwesterly winds could have taken it into structed a broad fuel break just outside the north- the towns of Silver Gate and Cooke City. east park entrance as a holding line for a burnout On Saturday, August 20, referred to as Black operation to protect the towns. Unfortunately, fire- Saturday, the Clover-Mist Fire burned approximately brands from the burnout crossed the line (Inter- 55,000 acres (22,500 hectares) just south of Cooke agency Congressional Oversight Task Force 1988) City: On the same day, winds estimated to be over and some of the most fervent firefighting of the sum- 60 miles per hour (96 kilometers per hour) drove the mer took place to protect Cooke City and Silver Gate.

Table 2a-Percent of perimeter area burned by severity class by day for the Fan Fire in and outside of Yellowstone National Park In Yellowstone Park' Outside Yellowstone Park2 Cano~v Mixed Nonforest Undifferentiated Cano~v Mixed Nonforest Date burn* burn burn burn Water Unburned burn- burn burn OtheP 6130 35.71 712 49.01 715 28.53 711 0 21.84 711 2 0.00 711 6 12.25 711 7 7.67 7/20 20.65 811 16.16 812 8.44 813 18.53 814 3.61 815 3.31 816 12.78 818 9.09 819 7.31 811 0 29.07 811 4 21.83 811 5 15.69 8/18 57.58 8/22 16.89 8/23 5.19 'Based on Oespain and others (1989). Unburned includes area they calculated as undeiineated bwn (surfaceburn under dense, unburned canopies that often appeared unburned to the satellite). Undifferentiatedbum consisted of burned areas of varied composition that could not reliably be placed in another category. 'The corresponding data within Yellowstone National Park were refined by Despain and others (1989). These figuresprovide an indication of severity patterns outside park boundaries and are subject to correction as a result of refinement. 'includes unburned lands and water. Table 2bPercent of perimeter area burned by severity class by day for ihe North Fork Fire in and outside of Yellowstone National Park

In Yellowstone Perk' Outside Yellowstone Perk2 Canopy Mlxed Nonforest Undlfferentleted Canopy Mixed Wonforest Date burn burn burn burn Water Unburned burn burn bum Other'

'Based on Despaln and others (1989). Unbumea includes area they calculated as undelineated bum (surface bum under dense, unburned canopies that ollen appeared unburned tothe satellite). Undiflerentiatw bum mnsisted of bumed areas of varied mmposillon that could not reliably be placed in another category. The mnespanding data within Yellowstone National Park were relined by Despaln and others (1989). These figures pmvide an Indication of severilq PaUems outside park boundaries and are subject to mrredion as a result of refinement. alncludesunburned lands and water. Table 20--Percent of perimeter area burned by severity class by day lor the Clover-Mist Fire in and outside of Yellowstone National Park

In Yellowstone Perk' Outside Yellowstone Park2 Canopy Mixed Nonforest Undlfferentlated Canopy Mixed Nonforest Data bum burn burn burn Water Unburned burn burn burn Other'

'Based on Despain and others (1989). Unburned includes arealhey calculated as undelinealed bum (surface bum under dense, unburned canopies that onen appeared unburned to the satellite). Undifferentiated burn wnsisled of burned areas of varied mrnpcsilion that could not reliably be placed in anolher category. 'The mnesponding data within Yellowstone National Pa* were refined by Despain and others (1989). These figures provide an indication of severity patterns outside park boundaries and are subiwcl to mrrection as a result of refinement. 'Includes unburned lands and waier.

11 Table 2c&Percent of perimeter area burned by severity class by day for the Hellroaring Fire in and outside of Yellowstone National Park

In Yellowstone Perk' Outside Yellowstone Park2 Canopy Mixed Nonforest Undifferentiated Canopy Mixed Nonforest Date burn burn burn burn Water Unburned burn burn burn OtheP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.82 43.29 1.71 44.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.17 29.41 2.79 15.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.81 22.43 5.26 41.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.32 13.15 5.70 44.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.18 5.21 0.00 93.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.43 18.00 0.98 68.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.14 19.77 0.50 66.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.99 17.99 3.46 57.56

'Based an Despar and otners 11989) Unodrneo nc~desarea they calcLlaleo as unde ineateo om(s~rtace om .noer dense. .nodrned canop es Inat ohen appeareo unb~rneoto the sale I le) Unotlerenl aled bun cons sled of Dbmed ateas of vane0 mmpcsltton lnatcodd not re .aoiy be place0 m anolner categov 'Tne correseanalna dala w 111 n Ye lowstone hatonal Park were ref ned by Dewam an0 aVlers (1989). Tnese fgures pmu oe an lnolcat on of sover fy panerns outside park boundarks and are subject to correction as a result of refinement. 'Includes unburned lands and water.

Table 2e--Percent of perimeter area burned by severity class by day for the Storm Creek Fire in and outside of YellowsIOne National Park

In Yellowelone Perk' Outside Yellowstone ParkZ Canopy Mixed Nonforest Undifferentiated Canopy Mixed Nonforest Dale burn burn burn burn Water Unburned burn burn burn Other 712 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.58 18.67 1.32 60.43 7n 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.53 6.12 4.83 75.52 76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.67 16.48 5.05 59.80 811 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.74 10.21 16.95 63.10 8/20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.18 16.68 10.30 31.86 8/24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.62 16.12 5.65 55.61 8/25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.15 21.47 1.95 65.44 8/27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.70 7.31 4.17 80.82 8/29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.66 6.42 6.99 75.93 8/30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.29 26.22 5.19 36.31 8/31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.08 29.95 7.74 27.22 911 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.10 23.20 7.47 49.23 912 0.41 0.29 0.00 0.35 0.00 3.23 45.25 21.78 4.16 24.54 913 17.92 5.88 7.41 8.95 0.00 18.34 21.16 8.02 2.75 8.57 914 11.44 12.88 7.85 2.74 0.00 44.15 6.1 1 4.61 1.19 9.04 915 30.01 19.36 0.30 0.54 0.00 22.61 10.73 9.05 1.35 6.05 916 7.99 10.86 0.51 3.78 0.00 30.00 8.54 13.70 3.78 20.86 9n 1.50 2.57 0.61 0.53 0.00 14.67 30.81 13.65 6.30 29.36 919 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.56 14.95 8.31 64.19 911 0 0.59 8.45 6.09 0.13 0.00 40.23 2.78 4.97 1.13 37.64

'Based on Desparn and others (1989). Unb~meoincluoes area lhey calalated as .noel neated bm(surtaa, bum under dense. ~nbJrnedcan0p.E mat onen appeared ~nbdmedtolhe salsll~te).Und;nersnt ated b~rnmns:sted d oLme0 amas of varied mmposMon Ulal could not lei'+ y beplaced In anothor catepocy. The mrresmndma dala wiih n Yellowstone Natma Park were retined bv Dasoain and olners 11989). These Imres prnvlde an molcatlon of sevenhl panems

'lnclides unburned lands and waier Table 21-Percent of perimeter area burned by severity class by day for the Mink Fire in and outside of Yellowstone National Park

In Yellowstone Park' Outslde Yellowstone Park' Canopy Mixed Nonforest Undlfterentiated Canopy Mixed NonforeSt Date burn burn burn burn Water Unburned burn burn burn OtheP

'bedon Despain and others (1989). Unburned inciudes area they cakuiated as undeiineated burn (surface burn under dense, unburned canopies thal ollen appeared unburned to the satellite). UndiHsrentiated bum consisted of burned areas ol varied composition that could not reliably be placed in another categow. 'The WrreSoOndin~data within Yellowstone National Park were refined by Despain and others (1989). These figures provide an indication of severity panerns oulside park baundarks and are subject to correction as a result of refinern& 'Includes unburned lands and water. Table ZePercent of perimeter area burned by severity class by day for the Snake Fire in and outside of Yellowslone National Park

-- ~ In Yellowstone Perk' Outside Yellowstone Park2 Canopy Mixed Nonforest Undilierentiated Canopy Mixed Nonforest burn burn burn burn Wmar Unburned burn burn burn Other'

'Based on Despain and othen (1969). Unburned includes area they calculated as undelineated bum (surface bum under dense, unburned canopies that onen appeared unburned to the satellite). Undiflerentiatedburn consisted of burned areas of varied composition that could not reliably be placed in another category. iThe WrreSWndinO data within Yellowslone National Park were refined bv DesDain' and others (19691.. . These fi!lures provide an indication of severih Patterns outside park bbunda&s and are subject to correction as a result of refinsmint. 'Includes unburned lands and water. Table 2h-Percent of perimeter area burned by severity class by day for the Huck Fire in and outside of Yellowstone National Park

InYellowstone Park' Outside Yallowstone Park2 Canopy Mixed Nonforest Undifferentiated Canopy Mixed Nonforest -Date burn burn burn burn Water Unburned burn burn burn Other 8/20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.43 30.93 4.60 22.05 8/21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.46 27.67 7.70 45.17 8/22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.95 40.16 4.74 41.16 8/23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.81 28.65 6.77 43.77 8/24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.50 32.09 3.05 37.36 8/25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.42 28.25 3.23 55.09 8/26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.49 26.40 5.11 57.00 8/27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.71 16.04 4.03 77.22 8/29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.16 20.73 3.37 63.74 8/30 6.76 4.59 0.95 0.96 0.06 5.51 24.49 19.22 3.11 34.35 8/31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.94 1.05 86.01 915 1.47 6.22 0.00 0.80 0.00 6.39 29.42 22.76 4.77 28.18 916 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.84 29.97 6.21 46.98 9/7 6.24 2.51 0.00 1.12 0.00 2.12 23.31 17.97 6.93 39.80 919 11.07 16.97 0.70 4.25 0.00 37.74 3.93 8.46 0.58 16.29 911 0 5.47 7.02 0.09 0.74 0.00 13.47 18.76 19.67 4.83 29.96 9/13 5.69 14.75 1.06 0.39 0.00 42.24 8.49 7.91 0.77 18.71

~ - ~p - 'Based on Oespam an0 olhers (1989) Lnb.me0 ncl~oesarea they calcu alw as mde. nealw omisdace bmLnoer dense. no-me0 canop;os thal onen appearm Lnburneo lo me sale ile. Jnd,Herenlmlso burn wns slw ol ojrned areas ol rat eo mmposil on lnal ca. d no1 re1 a0 y be placao n anolner category 'Tne mrrespond ng oata .+.Inon Ye lowslane Nalzona Pam rere ref ned oy Despam and olners (1 989,. These lq.res provide an md calm of sever ry panerns OdlS de Par* bomdar es an0 are s.o;scl lo wrrecl on as a resu I of rel'nomenl. %cludss unburned lands and wafer.

The Clover-Mist Fire continued to spread to the burned past the junction on the 22d, continuing to east, with fingers burning into the Clark Fork Val- the northeast toward Canyon Village. Three days ley where many homes and stmctures were located. later, on August 25, it split to the north and south Some of the heaviest damage to personal property of the village. Extraordinary defensive actions by took place in this area. fire crews averted loss at these three facilities. One of the most dramatic single runs by any of the Even West Yellowstone, outside the west entrance, fires took place on the south end of the Clover-Mist was threatened by the North Fork Fire when down- Fire in the evening and early morning of September canyon winds began spreading the fire to the west 6 and 7; the fire ran 14 miles out of the park, burn- and out of the park. The fire made significant runs ing over 37,000 acres (15,000 hectares) in Jones from the first through the third of September. For- Creek near the park's southeast entrance. tunately, it was held south of the town. But holding North Fork Fire--The North Fork Fire was the fire did not stop the smoke. Every morning in started July 22 just outside the western boundary late summer, residents of West Yellowstone awoke of the park by a woodcutter on the Targhee Forest. to a fog of smoke enveloping the town. By the end of the first week of September, the dry It became the Greater Yellowstone Area's largest fire, burning across 531,182 acres (214,969 hectares) cold fronts that were causing the strong southwest- erly winds increased in strength and frequency. by the end of the burning season. For administra- tive and logistic purposes, the north end of the North Winds on the 6th and 7th of September caused the Fork Fire was designated the Wolf Lake Fire. The North Fork Fire to spread toward Old Faithful. North Fork Fire was fought from the time it was dis- Again, fire crews saved all but a few minor stmc- covered. At first, it was viewed as a threat to the tures as firebrands spotted across the valley and the past this major tourist attraction. Old Faithful area, but driven by prevailing southwest- fire ran erly winds, it spread to the northeast. This fire sys- Yellowstone National Park Headquarters at tematically overran most of the facility complexes Mammoth was also threatened by the fire's progress within the park. Madison Junction Campground was northward. On the night of September 9 and the endangered on August 15; the humidity dropped to early morning of the loth, the fire reached the road single digits and the wind gusted to 35 miles per approaches to Mammoth and was burning down the hour (56 kilometers per hour). The North Fork Fire north slope of Bunsen Peak, just south of the com- crossed the highway and jumped the Madison River munity. Fortunately, the weather changed before as it headed up the Gibbon Valley toward Nonis. the flames reached Mammoth. The humidity rose, The fire reached Norris Junction on August 20 and rain began, and snow capped the higher peaks. Although suppression action continued for some of the Interior, National Park Service; US. De- weeks, the Yellowstone Fires of 1988 posed no more partment of Agriculture, Forest Service; National threats. Aeronautics and Space Administration; Montana Comparisons of the sues of other large fires may State University. 27 p. help to give some perspective to the growth of the Despain, Don; Rodman, Ann, Schullery, Paul; Yellowstone Fires. The Sundance Fire that spread Shovic, Henry. 1989. Burned area survey of 16 miles (26 kilometers) across northern Idaho in Yellowstone National Park: the fires of 1988. 1967 covered 55,000 acres (22,300 hectares) in 1day Yellowstone National Park, WY: US. Department (Anderson 1968). The Canyon Creek Fire, driven by of the Interior, National Park Service, Yellowstone a surfacing jet stream (Goens 19901, spread 23 miles National Park. 14 p. (37 kilometers) in two large fronts on September 6 Goens, David W. 1990. Meteorological factors and 7,1988, covering 165,000 acres (66,800 hectares) contributing to the Canyon Creek blowup, on those 2 days. Over 3 million acres (1.2 million hec- September 6 and 7,1988. In: Proceedings, tares) were estimated to have burned in northern fifth conference on mountain meteorology; 1990 Idaho and western Montana during the great 1910 June 25-29; Boulder, CO. Boston, NIA: American fires (Koch, n.d.). Most of the fire growth occurred Meteorological Society: 180-186. during a 4-day period from August 20 to 23. During Interagency Congressional Oversight Task Force. the 5-day period from September 6 through 10, the 1988. Greater Yellowstone Area Fire Situation North Fork Fire in Yellowstone National Park grew 1988. [Phase I report]. West Yellowstone, MT: by 279,374 acres (113,060 hectares). During this pe- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; riod the total size of fires in the Greater Yellowstone US. Department of the Interior, National Park Area increased by 614,618 acres (240,730 hectares). Service. 60 p. The area encompassed by the final perimeter of the Koch, Elers. [n.d.l. History of the 1910 forest 1988 Yellowstone Fires was about 1.7 million acres fires in Idaho and western Montana. [Publisher (690,000 hectares). Within the park, the actual burn unknown]. On file at: US. Department of Agricul- area was about 65 percent of the perimeter area (es- ture, Intermountain Research Station, Intermoun- timated from the severity maps of Despain [1989], tain Fire Sciences Laboratory, Fire Behavior Re- after accounting for irregular fire perimeter and is- search Work Unit, Missoula, MT. 25 p. lands of unburned fuel). U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory. 1988. Geographic Resource Analysis REFERENCES Support System (GRASSbusers and program- mer's manual. USA-CERL ADP Rep. N-87/22. Anderson, Hal E. 1968. Sundance Fire: an analysis Champaign, IL: Environmental Division, US. of fire phenonema. Res. Pap. INT-56. Ogden, UT: Army Constmction Engineering Research US. Department ofAgriculture, Forest Service, Laboratory. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment US. Department ofAgriculture; U.S. Department of Station. 39 p. the Interior. 1988. Greater Yellowstone Area Fire Burned Area Survey Team. 1988. Preliminary Situation, 1988. [Phase I1 Report]. Lakewood, CO: burned area survey of Yellowstone National Park US. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and adjoining National Forests. Yellowstone Na- Region 2; National Park Service, Rocky Mountain tional Park, WY: Greater Yellowstone Post-Fire Region. 207 p. Resource Assessment Committee, U.S. Department APPENDIX A: FIRE GROWTH MAPS To permit larger scale maps of growth through the summer. only portions of the Greater Yellowstone Area are shown. Figure 1shows the windows of coverage appearing in each of the following series. Page Page The North Fork and Fan Fires The Clover-Mist Fire For the week ending: For the week ending: July 2 ...... 18 July 16...... 42 July 9 ...... 19 July 23 ...... 43 July 16...... 20 July 30 ...... 44 July 23 ...... 21 For the week ending: July 30 ...... 22 August 6 ...... 45 For the week ending: August 13...... 46 August 6 ...... 23 August 20 ...... 47 August 13...... 24 August 27 ...... 48 August 20 ...... 25 For the week ending: August 27 ...... 26 September 3 ...... 49 For the week ending: September 10 ...... 50 September 3 ...... 27 September 17 ...... 51 September 10 ...... 28 September 24 ...... 52 September 17 ...... 29 For the week ending: The Hellroaring and Storm Creek Fires October 1...... 53 For the week ending: The Snake. Huck. and Mink Fires July 2 ...... 30 For the week ending: July 9 ...... 31 July 9 ...... 54 July 16...... 32 July 16...... 55 July 23 ...... 33 July 23 ...... 56 July 30 ...... 34 July 30 ...... 57 For the week ending: For the week ending: August 6 ...... 35 August 6 ...... 58 August 13 ...... 36 August 13 ...... 59 August 20 ...... 37 August 20 ...... 60 August 27 ...... 38 August 27 ...... 61 For the week ending: For the week ending: September 3 ...... 39 September 3 ...... 62 September 10 ...... 40 September 10 ...... 63 September 17 ...... 41 September 17 ...... 64 West 4 Yellowstone

No Data Through 6/25/88 North Fork and Fan Fires 6/26/88 I Growth for week ending July 2,1988

0 5 10 15 20 25 miles

40.2 km (February 1993) West ' Yellowstone

No DL. PThrough 7/2/88 North Fork and Fan Fires W 7/3/88 7/4/88 Growth for week ending July 9,1988 7/5/88 7/6/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles I I I I I I ERE: 40.2 km 0 7/9/88 0 Water (February 1993) i-J i-J No Data a Through 7/9/88 North Fork and Fan Fires 711 0188 Growth for week ending July 16,1988

0 5 10 15 20 25 miles I I I I I I 711 5/88 40.2 km 711 6/88 (February 1993) rn Water West 3 Yellowstone

No Data HThrough 711 6/88 North Fork and Fan Fires 711 7/88 Growth for week ending July 23,1988 711 8/88 711 9/88 7120188 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles 5 7/21/88 I I I I I I 77/22/88 40.2 km ' m7123188 5 Water (February 1993) I

west , Yellowstone

No Data mThrough 7/23/88 North Fork and Fan Fires 7/24/88 Growth for week ending July 30,1988 7/25/88 a7126188 7/27/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles 0 7/28/88 @ 7/29/88 40.2 km (February 1993) Water west 4 Yellowstone

No Data C] Through 7130188 North Fork and Fan Fires 713 1/88 Growth for week ending Aug. 6,1988 6/1/88 r] Wus8 8/3/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles 8/4/88 L I I I I I 8/5/88 40.2 km C] 8/s/88 Water (February 1993) West r Yellowstonc

a No Data g Through 8/6/88 North Fork and Fan Fires g 8n188 Growth for week ending Aug. 13,1988 8/8/88 8/9/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles 8/10/88 I I I I I I 8flll88 40.2 km 8/12/88 a 8/13/88 (February 1993) Water I I n No Data I North Fork and Fan Fires m..-.-aL for week ending Aug. 20,1988

0 5 10 15 20 25 miles I I I I I I 40.2.. .- km...... (February 1993) West , Yellowstone

17 No Data Through 8/20/88 North Fork and Fan Fires 8/21/88 Growth for week ending Aug. 27,1988 812U88 5 8/23/88 8/24/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles % I I I 8/25/88 I I I 8/26/88 40.2 km 81 8/27/88 (February 1993) Water West ~e~~owstone'fa

17 No Data rn Through 8/27/88 North Fork and Fan Fires pJ 8/28/88 8/29/88 Growth for week ending Sept. 3,1988 j@l 8130188 5 15 w3m 0 10 20 25 miles I I I I I fg 9/1/88 I /a 9lus8 40.2 km - j@l 9/3/88 Water (February 1993) Canyon

[1 NOData Through 9/3/68 North Fork and Fan Fires 9/4/88 Growth for week ending Sept. 10,1988 @J 9/5/88 @J 9/6/68 gl 9/7/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles I I I I I _I 9/8/88 40.2 km @ 9/9/88 FE' (February 1993) . ,.

North Fork and Fan Fires Growth for week ending Sept. 17,1988

40.2 km Storm Creek Fire: 6/14/881

moData mhrough 6/25/88 Hellroaring and Storm Creek Fires E] 6/26/88 Growth for week ending July 2,1988 6/27/88 E] 6/28/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles 6/29/88 I I I I 130188 I I 11/88 40.2 km g 7/2/88 (February 1993) g Water

No Data g Through 7/9/88 Hellroaring and Storm Creek Fires g 711 0188 Growth for week ending July 16,1988 g 711 1/88 18 711 2/88 &l7/13/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles p~711 4/88 I I I I I I ~17/15/88 40.2 km 711 6/88 (February 1993) Water No Data ;;;;;h ;;;;;h 711 6/88 Hellroaring and Storm Creek Fires Growth for week ending July 23,1988 1iiz! 0 5.10 15 20 25 miles 7/21/88 I I I I I I el 7/22/88 40.2 krn g 7/23/88 (February 1993) Water Hellroaring and Storm Creek Fires Growth for week ending July 30,1988 e] 7/26/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 rn~les DEE I I I I I I DZE 40.2 km Water (February 1993) No Data m Through 7130188 Hellroaring and Storm Creek Fires Sji 7/31/88 Growth for week ending Aug. 6,1988 @ 8/1/08 8lU88 8/3/88 20 25 miles 8/4/88 8/5/88 8/6/88 (February 1993) m Water Hellroaring and Storm Creek Fires Growth for week ending Aug. 13,1988

0 5 10 15 20 25 miles I I I I I I 40.2 km (February 1993) I Hellroaring Fire: 8/15/88 1

Growth for week ending Aug. 20,1988

40.2 km .

37 h i. No Data Through 8120188 Hellroaring and Storm Creek Fires Id 8/21/88 8/22/88 Growth for week ending Aug. 27,1988 g 8/23/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles I I I I I I 40.2 km (February 1993) No Data Through 8/27/88 Hellroaring and Storm Creek Fires 8/28/88 Growth for week ending Sept. 3,1988 li :EE: 0 5 10 15 20 25 e] 8/31/88 miles 9/1/88 I I I I I I 9/2/88 40.2 km 9/3/88 (February 1993) Q Water Hellroaring and Storm Creek Fires Growth for week ending Sept. 10,1988

40.2 km (February 1993) No Data rn Through 9110188 Hellroaring and Storm Creek Fires 911 1/88 Growth for week ending Sept. 17,1988 91lU88 9/13/88 epl 911 4/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles 9/15/88 I I I I I I 911 6/88 40.2 km rn 911 7/88 (February 1993) Q Water I Mist Fire: 71918t1

Clover-Mist Fire Growth for week ending July 16,1988

40.2 km 711 6/88 (February 1993) El No Data 1?1 Through 711 6/88 Clover-Mist Fire 01 711 7/88 Growth for week ending July 23,1988 01 711 8/88 1?1 711 9/88 &1 7120188 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles %] 7/21/88 I I I I I I [11] 7/22/88 40.2 km 7/23/88 (February 1993) Water East Entrance

Clover-Mist Fire Q 7/24/88 0 7/25/88 Growth for week ending July 30,1988

0 5 10 15 20 25 miles 7/28/88 I I I I I I 7/29/88 40.2 km Q 7/30/88 n Water (February 1993) I Fern Fire: 8/5/881

East Entrance

Clover-Mist Fire Growth for week ending Aug. 6,1988

40.2 km f 0 No Data Through 8/6/88 Clover-Mist Fire E] 8/7/88 E] 8/8/88 Growth for week ending Aug. 13,1988 8/9/88 8Il0188 0 5 10 15 20 25 m~les @ 811 1/88 I I I I I I 811 2/88 40.2 km E] 8/13/88 Water (February 1993) * Cooke City

Tower Jct

17 NOData rn Through 811 3/88 Clover-Mist Fire rn Ell4188 Growth for week ending Aug. 20,1988 Ell5188 8/16/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles 8/17/88 I E] 8ll8/88 I I I I I 8/19/88 40.2 krn 8120188 (February 1993) Water rl'Cooke City

( Sour Fire: 8/27/881

East Entrance

No Data M Through 8/20/88 Clover-Mist Fire &I 8/21/88 Growth for week ending Aug. 27,1988 rn 8/22/88 0 8/23/88 &I 8/24/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles rn 8/25/88 I I I I I I 8/26/88 40.2 km 8/27/88 g Water (February 1993) + Cooke City

No Data Q Through 8/27/88 Clover-Mist Fire 8/28/88 Growth for week ending Sept. 3,1988 g 8/29/88 Q 8/30/88 8/31/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles 9/1/88 I I I I I I $1 9/2/88 40.2 km Q 9/3/88 (February 1993) LII] Water rl'Cooke City

-7East Entrance

No Data Through 9/3/88 Clover-Mist Fire rnP 9/4/88 9/5/88 Growth for week ending Sept. 10,1988 9/6/88 9/7/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles a9/8/88 I I I I I I 9/9/88 rn 9/10/88 mwater (February 1993) Tower Jct

I No Data Through 911 0188 Clover-Mist Fire en 911 1/88 Growth for week ending Sept. 17,1988 g 911 2/88 9/13/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles 911 4/88 I 911 5/88 I I I I I 911 6/88 40.2 km . 911 7/88 (February 1993) g Water No Data Through 911 7/88 Clover-Mist Fire pJ 9/ipJ 8/88 Growth for week ending Sept. 24,1988 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles @ 9/22/88 I I I I I I 9/23/88 40.2 km 9/24/88 (February 1993) aB Water East Entrance

C] No Data rn Through 9/24/88 Clover-Mist Fire I 9/25/88 Growth for week ending Oct. 1,1988 25 miles @ 9/29/88 9130188 1 O/l/88 (February 1993) Water No Data El Through 7/2/88 Snake, Huck, and Mink Fires Q 7/3/88 Growth for week ending July 9,1988 Cg 7/4/88 Q 7/5/88 7/6/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles Q 7/7/88 I I I I I I 7/8/88 40.2 km Q 7/9/88 Water (February 1993) No Data Q Through 7/9/88 Snake, Huck, and Mink Fires Q 711 0188 Growth for week ending July 16,1988 81 711 1/86 fl 711 2/88 a 711 3/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles el 711 4/88 I I I I I I @I711 5/88 40.2 km . e] 711 6/88 (February 1993) Q Water nNo Data Snake, Huck, and Mink Fires Growth for week ending July 23,1988

~712~88 15 20 25 miles E] 712 t I88 7/22/88 40.2 km 07/23/88 Water (February 1993) No Data E Through 7/23/88 Snake, Huck, and Mink Fires CJ 7/24/88 Growth for week ending July 30,1988 7/25/88 7/26/88 25 El 7/27/88 miles 7/28/88 a] 7/29/88 C] 7130188 an Water Madison

CiNo Data &Through 7130188 Snake, Huck, and Mink Fires m7131/88 Growth for week ending Aug. 6,1988 E]8ll/88 58/2/88 8/3/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles 0 8/4/88 I I I I I I m8/5/88 40.2 km ecl8/6/88 (February 1993) Elwater Madison '9

East Entrance LOld Faithful *

No Data m~hrough8/6/88 Snake, Huck, and Mink Fires 8i7188 Growth for week ending Aug. 13,1988 8/8/88 25 miles

Wan 3/88 (February 1993) water I Madison

No Data 5 Through 8/13/88 Snake, Huck, and Mink Fires dI UI4/88 Growth for week ending Aug. 20,1988

0 5 10 15 20 25 miles

40.2 km (February 1993) Madison *East Entrance

No Data 5 Through 8120188 Snake, Huck, and Mink Fires 5 8/21/88 Growth for week ending Aug. 27,1988 8/22/88 5 8/23/88 8/24/88 25 miles 8/25/88 8/26/88 40.2 km . 5 8/27/88 (February 1993) Water No Data Through 8/27/88 Snake, Huck, and Mink Fires 5 8/28/88 Growth for week ending Sept. 3,1988 Q 8/29/88 8/30/88 8/31/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles rn 911 188 I I I I I I rn 9/2/68 40.2 km 9/3/88 5 Water (February 1993) n No Data Snake, Huck, and Mink Fires Growth for week ending Sept. 10,1988 g 9/7/88 25 miles rn 9/8/88 @ 9/9/88 40.2 km - 911 0/88 (February 1993) g Water [I] No Data Through 9/10188 Snake, Huck, and Mink Fires 911 1/88 Growth for week ending Sept. 17,1988 9Ilu88 911 3/88 9/14/88 0 5 10 15 20 25 miles C] 911 5/88 I I I I I I 911 6/88 40.2 km r] 911 7/88 Water (February 1993) APPENDIX B: THE ELECTRONIC DATA BASE The electronic data set is a GRASS (US.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory 1988) mapset of approximately 3.5 megabytes, which has a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 12 projection and is bounded by the following coordinates (meters): North: 5034650 South: 4851650 East: 634200 West: 477850. Elements of the mapset are described in the following table:

Type Name Description Vector perimeters 0.001 -inch digitizing resolution from 1 :62,500 and 1:24,000 US. Geological Survey quads; contains daily burn period positions Raster perimeter 50- x 50-m resolution: a composite derived from the digitized perimeters vector file with water-covered areas taken out; attributes (categories) are the first confirmed date for burning of the area Raster firemasks 50- x 50-m resolution: a masking layer which can be used to separate individual fires for analysis purposes; the fires are mutually exclusive and exhaustive with regard to areas burned Sites starts Fire-start locations labeled by date of start

The electronic data set for fiegrowth is available from: National Park Service P.O. Box 168 Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190

Rothermel, Richard C.; Hartford, Roberta A,; Chase, Carolyn H. 1994. Fire growth maps for the 1988 Greater Yellowstone Area Fires. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-304. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 64 p.

Daily fire growth maps display the growth of the 1988 fires in the Greater Yellowstone Area. Information and data sources included daily infrared photography flights, satellite imagery, ground and aerial reconnaissance, command center intelligence, and the personal recollections of fire behavior observers. Fire position was digitized from topographic maps using GRASS GIs software to construct a file of daily fire location in vector format, later converted to raster format for further analysis. The data base is available in electronic form.

KEYWORDS: forest fires, fire growth, geographic information systems, Yellowstone National Park, fire mapping

Federal Recycling Program a Printed on Recycled Paper INTERMOUNTAIN RESEARCH STATION

The Intermountain Research Station provides scientific knowledge and technology to im- prove management, protection, and use of the forests and rangelands of the Intermountain West. Research is designed to meet the needs of National Forest managers, Federal and State agencies, industry, academic institutions, public and private organizations, and individu- als. Results of research are made available through publications, symposia, workshops, training sessions, and personal contacts. The Intermountain Research Station territory includes Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and western Wyoming. Eighty-five percent of the lands in the Station area, about 231 million acres, are classified as forest or rangeland. They include grasslands, deserts, shrublands, alpine areas, and forests. They provide fiber for forest industries, minerals and fossil fuels for energy and industrial development, water for domestic and industrial consumption, forage for livestock and wildlife, and recreation opportunities for millions of visitors. Several Station units conduct research in additional western States, or have missions that are national or international in scope. Station laboratories are located in:

Boise, Idaho

Bozeman, Montana (in cooperation with Montana State University)

Logan, Utah (in cooperation with Utah State University)

Missoula, Montana (in cooperation with the University of Montana)

Moscow, Idaho (in cooperation with the University of Idaho)

Ogden, Utah

Provo, Utah (in cooperation with Brigham Young University)

Reno, Nevada (in cooperation with the University of Nevada)

The policy of the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, or disability, familial status, or political affiliation. Persons believing they have been discriminated against in any Forest Service related activity should write to: Chief, Forest Service, USDA, P.O. Box 96090, Washington, DC 20090-6090.