


Copyright © 2016 Shrew Enterprises Ltd.

Text Copyright © Rosalind Paterson 2016

Illustrations Copyright © Rosalind Paterson 2016

The author and illustrator assert the moral right to be identified as the author and illustrator of this work

ISBN 978-0-473-22314-4

Conditions of Sale

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author.

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Special thanks must go to my long-suffering sister, Frances Manwaring, for supporting me through this, and everything else.

I’d also like to mention, in dispatches, my stunning and very firm editor Bronwyn Watkins, who helped me turn my woolly, random thoughts and illustrations into a lovely, cohesive book.


Chapter 1 ~ Strange News 1 Chapter 2 ~ Sadie Finds a Treasure 5 Chapter 3 ~ Seven Spots a Weakness 13 Chapter 4 ~ The Globe Collection 22 Chapter 5 ~ Sadie has a Bad Night 36 Chapter 6 ~ Family Secrets 46 Chapter 7 ~ Penstamon Lends a Claw 54 Chapter 8 ~ Extraordinary Guests 60 Chapter 9 ~ Magic Button 67 Chapter 10 ~ Rub for Three Wishes 72 Chapter 11 ~ Seven Does Some Spying 78 Chapter 12 ~ Deltahaven 89 Chapter 13 ~ Fun with Snew 95 Chapter 14 ~ Who’s Been Bouncing on My Bed? 104 Chapter 15 ~ There’s a Demon in the Church 118 Chapter 16 ~ Penstamon for Afternoon Tea 126 Chapter 17 ~ Seven and Naream Make a Plan 135 Chapter 18 ~ The Healer’s Kit 141 Chapter 19 ~ The Shake 151


Chapter 20 ~ Two + Two + One = Five 159 Chapter 21 ~ The Keepers 172 Chapter 22 ~ Seven Tries the Keys 179 Chapter 23 ~ The Climb 189 Chapter 24 ~ The Razors Attack 202 Chapter 25 ~ Sadie Sings for a Life 209 Chapter 26 ~ Home Sweet Home 220 Chapter 27 ~ Annihilation Trench 230 Chapter 28 ~ Seven Makes a Break 244 Chapter 29 ~ Inspection Day Arrives 253 Author’s Notes 263



Chapter 1 ~ Strange News

“What kind of stupid answer is, ‘All in good time, little one.’ Little one! Really!” Sadie growled to herself. All she wanted, in the whole wild ocean, was to learn Song Power and be a healer like her Aunt. She was ready, but it felt like the entire family disagreed. I am grown up, I mean just look at my beautiful jade tail! She loved how the scales shimmered and changed colour in the morning sun. “Mum thinks I’m useless, and Aunt Destriana thinks I am ‘little one’– a baby. It isn’t fair! I’m so not.” Sadie sulked, then realised how childish that was. A large black-backed gull circled several times then swooped towards her. “Morning, Sadie, I’ve got a juicy bit of news today?” he croaked. “Some rich businessman has bought a tower block and all the waterfront warehouses in Deltahaven,” the hovered skilfully. “Well! That IS interesting, Jacob, I thought that


no-one except the Queen could own those towers. Any idea who?” Sadie asked.

“Mr Maaaa . . .” Jacob’s words were lost on the wind as he flew away. “What was that, Jacob? Maa-something, Marrion? Mahjong?” she shouted pointlessly after him. Well, if the black-backed gulls are talking about it, it must be important. Anyway, time to go. Work to do. The Wild Western Bays and her beloved Westies, wouldn’t look after themselves. In one smooth move, Sadie flipped over and dived under the water. What if this Mr Ma—whatever his name was—is another Air with his greedy eyes on the sea? Sadie sighed so hard that she blew a small starfish off a kelp strand. “Oh, sorry, REALLY sorry,” she said and put him back. Sadie could hear her mother’s scolding voice; ‘Sadie, do be more careful. She sighed again (mindful not to dislodge any small creatures). Always on duty, Sadie continuously scanned for creatures who might need her help. A large shoal of little silver fish shimmied in a hollow ahead. “Hello everyone, how are you all this morning? Have you had any more trouble with that mean Nargh fish?” she asked. Lots of voices replied in unison. “No, we’re fine. Thanks, Sadie. No more trouble. Whatever you said worked. What did you say? Tell us, tell us!” the little voices piped. 2

“I told him I was good friends with a sea dragon, and if there was any more bullying, she’d hear about it. You should have seen his face!” Sadie laughed. The funny, bubbly sounds of little fish laughing made her realise how much she loved her job. If only the family could see that I am good at it. I am NOT too small, too timid, too ordinary or too . . . anything else. Sadie swished her tail so angrily that a family of prawns washed off their rock ledge. “Oh, sorry, REALLY sorry,” she said, popping them all back. Get a grip girl, before you hurt someone! She thought. Sadie fondly observed all the little creatures that lived on the seafloor. Many waved and called ‘hello' as she swam overhead. They all seemed happy enough, and no-one needed her help. At last, I am so overdue for a quiet day. A colossal manta ray passed silently overhead, and for a few seconds, his dark shadow cut off the sun. "Morning Miss Sadie. Look, you fixed it," he called and wriggled his large black wings at her. A nasty jagged scar gleamed newly white. "See, good as new," he beamed at her and swooshed low over her head. "That's great, Sean. It seems to be healing nicely. Looks like my blue weed lotion did the trick." The great fish came down lower, "It sure did! But that healing chant—just magic—I felt better the minute you started to sing." "OK, Sean, but don't you overdo it now," Sadie wagged a warning finger at him. "No leaping or any other stunts for at LEAST six tides, understand?" she said.


The ray smiled and winked, then performed a perfect 180° barrel roll. Sadie burst out laughing. "Honestly, Sean, what did I just tell you?" A warm glow spread right through her; she was good at her job. She'd show her Mother and Aunt D, who had the healing talent in the family!

I WILL be the best, they'll see.


Chapter 2 ~ Sadie Finds a Treasure

Uh oh, what was that? Sadie pulled up fast sure she'd heard someone call. "So much for a quiet day, mermaids never get a break!" Sadie grumbled. A sharp sensation that someone was in trouble prickled at her Mer senses. Sadie looked everywhere, in crevices, in holes and under rocks. She swam slowly, pulled in the direction of a tall pinnacle of rock, through some kelp, and on towards a deep chasm. The prickling was strongest here. "Come here; I'm over here, find me" it felt like the words were in her mind not in her ears. Sadie didn't like this, and she didn't know what to do. Her gut told her to swim home as fast as possible. Go on, have a look, don't be such a wimp, her thoughts told her differently. Sadie gave herself a big shake to get rid of tension. Right! We'll see who's a wimp! I'll find out what this is all about! "Hello there. Do you need help? Where are you?" Sadie called. The enticing voice in her head grew more intense, "Come on, find me . . . over here . . . this way," it urged. 5

Sadie swam out over the edge of the cliff and peered down into the gloom. Something glinted way below her, and she gulped nervously. "Hold on; I'm coming down." It took her two seconds to reach a narrow rock shelf. A beautiful glass globe teetered dangerously on the edge. Sadie grabbed it just as the strong current washed it in the direction of viciously pointed crags beneath her. Surely nothing could survive being smashed into that lot, she thought. "Hello, hello, anyone down there?" she called. Clutching the globe tightly, Sadie made a quick dive to the jagged sea-bed to put her mind at rest. There was no-one there. Whoever called must be long gone. Back in shallower water, Sadie held up the globe for a closer look. "Wow, am I lucky or what?" Sadie whispered. "You're pretty lucky too. If I hadn't come along you'd be smashed to bits by now," She told the globe. What was that? Had she heard a spiteful-sounding giggle? Sadie spun around there must be someone there. Sadie shook the globe. As the pretty glitter settled, she heard a gleeful laugh. What? Sadie looked everywhere. Once again, there was not even so much as a tiny hermit crab was in view. What were these feelings and voices? Who was watching her? Utterly creeped out, Sadie decided to look for somewhere more private. She popped the globe into her woven kelp collecting pouch and swam off. In no time Sadie found a comfortable rock almost hidden by weeds.


No-one could possibly spy on me here. Sadie wriggled her tail fins into the soothing sand and felt the Deep Green Energy pulse through her. Sadie continued her inspection. She turned the globe round several times. It's Air World for sure, but what's it for? Inside the glass globe was a miniature Air village. Sadie marvelled at the tiny houses. They clustered around a much bigger building with coloured glass windows and a tower. Tall, dark trees stood behind the settlement, and a layer of twinkly white stuff covered everything in sight. Watching the bubble at the top with fascination, she tipped the globe gently this way and that. White and silver glitter twirled and twinkled. It made her feel day- dreamy. Sadie half shut her eyes and imagined herself living in that little village. As the glitter drifted gently down, she fantasised about playing in the sparkly water. When all the sparkles had settled, she shook it again, and this time the nasty giggle was back. "Who's there?" she said, snapping out of her trance. "I can hear you, you know. Are you following me?" There was no reply, not a sound. Sadie put the globe back in her bag. She must get away from this laughing spy and back to her cave. Keeping low, Sadie wove a stealthy path through the kelp so as not to be seen. Her swimming was erratic, her tail wobbled, and she felt faint. I must be getting a dose of green kelp fever? That's all I need. She sighed. From the direction of the light, Sadie knew it was early afternoon. That's weird; I've been sitting dreaming for hours. The tattered weed curtain that disguised the


entrance to her cave flapped as she swam past. She still felt sick. "Great strands of kelp! My cave is a complete tip!" she cried. If her mother saw it in this state, Sadie would fail her independence trial, and she'd be stuck living at home forever! It was only five days until the final inspection. Sadie threw herself on her bed, causing a mass of small bubbles to erupt. Why can't Mum understand? I'm plenty old enough to live and work on my own. I bet she managed fine at my age. Sure, I'm small, but that doesn't make me stupid or useless. Mum's standards are impossible, she thought. Tears began to well up, but she choked them back. One little tear escaped, and Sadie watched as it turned into a tiny seed pearl. When she saw there was barely any room left in her tear pearl jar, she wanted to cry again— how sad she'd been lately. "Stop it at once, stupid!" Sadie launched off her bed and swam up and down. "Sniveling isn't going to get this done. Feeling overwhelmed isn't going to get this done. I won't give up, that's exactly what Mum expects. She thinks I'll quit and come home. No way! That's not going to happen."


Collecting pretty or interesting things was a favourite pastime for Mers. Unfortunately, Sadie thought everything she found was pretty and interesting. Airs lost so much stuff in the sea—tons of it! Thousands of containers floated everywhere like rusty, impenetrable icebergs. How amazing would it be to find a way to open them? What untold treasures did they carry in their steel bellies? Sadie thought. Suddenly she remembered the treasure she had just found, her beautiful globe. Sadie cleared a space in the centre of a rock ledge. The globe looked stunning as it sparkled in its very own sunbeam spotlight. She couldn't pull her eyes away; she loved it. It was the best thing she had ever found. Everyone will be so jealous—even Mum. She relished that thought. Without warning, Sadie heard words in her head again. She was shocked. It was one thing to hear a strange voice way out on the reef, but quite another to have it inside her cave. Sadie shivered. Could her precious globe could be to blame? It was the only new thing in here. Could that voice be coming from inside? She inched closer to check it out. It couldn't be! NO, she wouldn't even consider it. But what if it's dangerous? There you go again being a scaredy-fish—don't be so pathetic, she scolded herself. A hollow giggle made her skin prickle. Again, she felt compelled to shake the globe. What in the wild seas is happening? The only explanation she could think of was magic—but was it good or bad? The globe was exquisite,


and she refused to believe it was bad. Sadie was forbidden to 'mess about' with any kind of magic. 'It's much too dangerous for untrained young Mers,' her mother repeatedly said. But what if it's the good kind? Sadie thought. Maybe she could use it for something great, like opening containers or stopping pollution. That would surely impress her Mother! Hovering in front of the globe, Sadie had the uncomfortable feeling something was watching her. Now I am imagining things, she thought. It's probably just the hermies. Sadie glanced around but didn't see even a feeler of the hermit crabs who shared her cave. "Right! It's tidying time! Angry mum is way scarier than a talking globe," Sadie said. Sadie hunted around for her lucky charm? She always felt safer with the little gold dolphin hanging inside her shirt. She found the trinket—the sapphire eyes twinkled as she popped the chain over her head.

A commotion flared up outside. "Sadie, Sadie, come quick. Sadie, please hurry, it's Uncle, he's got a terrible hook in his mouth," a little fish cried.


"Ah well, duty calls, again. My tidying will just have to wait!" Sadie muttered. She grabbed her first aid bag, and spiteful giggles followed her out. She knew for sure that wasn't the hermies. "Vents Blast all fishing hooks!" Sadie cursed under her breath—the dreadful things caught so many of her friends. Behind the Wobbly Rock, Sadie found a group of anxious fish holding up their uncle. Freeze-weed and a healing song soon relaxed the patient (and everyone else.) It was an intricate job to remove the vicious double barb. But the fish was big and healthy—Sadie felt confident he would make it. By the time she finished operating, it was late. The Rock Pool creatures were heading for their corals and crevices, and Sadie went home, delighted with her work. She always felt good when she helped someone. Thousands of spark bugs created a gleaming welcome home display. Sadie grew their favourite food on her cave walls in carefully designed patterns. (This month was spirals, next month she thought stars?) Normally their blue and green illumination gladdened Sadie, but tonight everything looked sinister. Just as she feared, the minute she returned, The Voice began again. "Come here, come here," it enticed her. Sadie clutched her dolphin charm. "Please, who are you? Have I made you angry? Are you a ghost?" she asked in a shaky voice. Sadie didn't believe in ghosts, but this creepy voice made her less sure. Perhaps she had disturbed one when she was poking about the old pirate wreck. Which was worse, evil magic or a ghost? She couldn't


decide, but she didn't like either possibility. She wished her mother was here; Marguerite always knew what to do. A movement from behind a wicker hamper made her jump. First, a forest of feelers waggled then a row of six tiny hermit crabs appeared. "Oh, shells! You gave me such a fright!" she said. Her small tenants scuttled up the rock wall and onto her lap, chattering and waving in alarm. "So, you heard it too!"

The little crabs nodded, their stalky eyes twitching.

What happens next? Find out all about Seven. Is Lissa a witch? Will Dolly and Blanche escape the dungeons? Does Sadie pass the test?

Buy the book to read more. Sadie and the Snow Globe is on Amazon printed version or eBook.


Let me introduce Ngaream. She sits spinning in her sewing room, in The Mansion.

This is just one of the beautiful illustrations from the Bio’s Book. Will Ngareem escape from the evil clutches of the Globe Master, her horrible son?

Book two in the Sadie The Mermaid series, Sadie and The Siren Sisters, is well underway and I hope to have it published around the end of 2021. For more information about me, Sadie or updates on book progress please visit my website. www.rozpaterson.com www.sadiethemermaid.wordpress.com/

I would be delighted to hear from you. Let me know how much you enjoy the book.