THE HIDDEN ROOM by Johnny Ragland
THE HIDDEN ROOM by Johnny Ragland The Hidden Room A Short History of the ‘Privy’ by Johnny Ragland Kingston University, Faculty of Art, Design and Music, New Design Centre, St. Pölten, Austria BA (Hons) Product and Furniture Design. February 2004 II To my grandmother, who died in 2003 aged 100. III Acknowledgements Thanks to: • Amalienbad, Reumannplatz 23, Vienna for generously giving me their last copy of ‘Unsere Baeder’ • Elderfield, Colin, Resident plumber and consultant for antique bathrooms at Drummonds, Hindhead • Lischka, Fritz, Founder of the Sanitaermuseum Gmunden, Gmunden • McGowan, Paul, Buyer of antique bathrooms at Walcote Reclamation, Bath • The Science Museum, Exhibition Road, London with its helpful staff • Stieg, Peter, Founder of the Sanitaermuseum Wien • Woolliscrost, Terry Curator at Twyfords Museum, Stoke-on-Trent • Special thanks to Mag. Monika Huber for her help in the National Library, Vienna and her help with translating text from German to English • Warren, Michael of Kingston University • Finally I would like to thank my mother for lending me her car for my research while in England IV “A fifty yards’ walk to the lavatory or the dustbin is not exactly an inducement to be clean”. George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier, 1937 (Eveleigh, 2002, p. 163). V Table of Contents Introduction - XI - Chapter 1 A brief history of the development of the closet - 1 - Chapter 2 The various types of closet - 8 - 2.1 The pit closet 2.2 The valve closet 2.3 The ash closet 2.4 The earth closet 2.5 The pan closet 2.6 The cottage and funnel closet (the ‘hopper’) 2.7 The wash-out closet 2.8 The wash-down closet 2.9 The syphonic closet Chapter 3 Necessities of the water closet - 26 - 3.1 The privy-midden 3.2 The Cape lavatory 3.3 Boxing in of the W.C.
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