American Policy and East Asia in the Shadow of the Past

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American Policy and East Asia in the Shadow of the Past 120 The Strategist Too Much History: American Policy and East Asia in the Shadow of the Past Hon. James B. Steinberg, JD Texas National Security Review: Volume 1, Issue 1 (December 2017) Print: ISSN 2576-1021 Online: ISSN 2576-1153 121 East Asian countries have a tendency to recall their historical grievances with rival nations, thus increasing the risk of eventual conflict. American policy toward East Asia, on the other hand, tends to have too short of a memory. The great genius but also the Achilles’ heel of it launched a surprise attack on our homeland; it American diplomacy is an irrepressible “can do” could be seen in the decision to normalize relations optimism — a conviction that every problem has with a Communist China which had fought us a solution, that no conflict is too wicked or too in Korea, because contemporary security and intractable to defy resolution. De Tocqueville economic interests were more important than past observed that Americans “have all a lively faith grievances; and in the decision to reconcile with in the perfectibility of man. ... They all consider Vietnam, two decades after a bloody war came to a society as a body in a state of improvement.”1 That bitter end for the United States. view has propelled America to great achievement But to our friends and interlocutors in East Asia, in forging an era of peace and prosperity for nearly as T. S. Eliot observed, three-quarters of a century after World War II, ending wars and brokering peace among apparently Time present and time past implacable foes, and building institutions to Are both perhaps present in time future. tame economic cycles and interstate rivalries. And time future contained in time past.3 Much of that optimism stems from our “eyes forward” approach to contemporary challenges, a Their national narratives as well as their conviction that the past is not prologue and that perspectives on self and others are deeply rooted past performance is not indicative of future results. in their historical experience. It is a history that This optimism is rooted in our earliest experiences in most cases — from China, Japan, and Korea to as a nation, a belief that the New World could and Thailand (Siam) and Cambodia (Khmer Empire) — should forge a fresh approach to foreign policy, is measured in centuries and even millennia. These one not snared in the ancient quarrels of the Old images are powerful forces both constraining the World, but springing from an enlightened vision choices available to policymakers and providing of harmonious relations among free peoples. It tools that policymakers can use to justify their was an approach fitting for a nation whose very actions and mobilize their publics. founding was an attempt to escape from the past. Scholars have long debated whether history As Thomas Paine noted, “We have it in our power influences policymakers’ perceptions and choices,4 to begin the world over again.”2 The founders including whether and to what extent a historically were not ignorant of history — they simply were based “strategic culture” shapes contemporary determined not to be shackled by it. policy.5 As Robert Jervis has written, “Previous That inclination to put history behind us, to international events provide the statesman with focus on present interests rather than past slights, a range of imaginable situations and allow him has been and remains evident in the U.S. approach to detect patterns and causal links that can help to East Asia. It was reflected in our willingness to him understand his world.”6 Some go beyond the enter into an alliance with Japan only a decade after impact of history on individual decision-makers to 1 Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (London: Saunders and Otley, 1835). 2 Thomas Paine, Common Sense, Appendix to the Third Edition (Philadelphia: W. and T. Bradford, 1776). 3 T.S. Eliot, “Burnt Norton,” Four Quartets (London: Faber and Faber, 1936). 4 See, for example, Robert Jervis, “How Decisonmakers Learn From History” in Perception and Misperception in International Politics, 2nd ed. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017). 5 In a seminal piece, Jack Snyder defined strategic culture as “the sum total of ideas, conditioned responses, and patterns of habitual behavior that members of a national strategic community have acquired through instruction or initiation and share with each other with regard to nuclear strategy.” Jack L. Snyder, The Soviet Strategic Culture: Implications for Limited Nuclear Operations (Santa Monica CA: RAND 1977). The concept has since evolved to embrace approaches to national security more broadly. See Alastair Iain Johnston, “How New and Assertive is China’s New Assertiveness?” International Security 37, No. 4 (Spring 2013). 6 Robert Jervis, “How Decisonmakers Learn From History” in Perception and Misperception in International Politics, 2nd ed. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017). 122 The Strategist suggest that a “historically based strategic culture” “nationalize” the Senkaku Islands as an effort to can shape national choices.7 Although there are insulate the islands from provocative actions of the skeptics (A.J.P. Taylor observed “men use the past far right, led by former Tokyo Governor Shintaro to prop up their own prejudices”8), there seems to Ishihara. Instead, China insisted it was proof of a be little doubt that images of self and others drawn more aggressive policy.10 Nor are China’s leaders from the past heavily infuse the contemporary willing to let the historic lesson fade from the public debate about the future of East Asian security. mind; just three years ago, Xi led the first “national Nowhere is this more evident than in modern day of remembrance” for the Nanjing massacre — China. President Xi Jinping’s first evocation of the 77 years after the event.11 At the speech, President “China Dream” came in a speech pithily entitled Xi cautioned that “forgetting history is a betrayal.”12 “To Inherit From the Past and Use It for the Future, By contrast, from China’s perspective, its own and Continuing What Has Passed in Beginning breathtaking military modernization is not a threat the Future: Continue to Forge Ahead Dauntlessly to its neighbors (unlike Japan’s comparatively Towards the Goal of the Great Rejuvenation of the modest defense increases and operations) because Chinese People.”9 Xi’s speeches frequently draw “history” shows that when China was powerful on historical images and experiences, contrasting in the past it did not threaten others but used its the period of China’s greatness with the “Century power to establish an era of peace and prosperity. of Humiliation” from the Opium War to the Chinese officials’ resurrection of the story of Ming Nanjing massacre. Lessons are to be learned from Dynasty Admiral Zheng He over the past decade both. What made China great — its military and coincided with their effort to make the case that economic strength and its distinctive culture — is China’s growth would be a “peaceful rise.” Chinese to be put at the center of policy, while what made officials regularly insist: China vulnerable — weakness and the inability to resist foreign pressure — is to be avoided. During the overall course of six voyages to At the center of this historic narrative is the the Western Ocean, Zheng He did not occupy danger posed by Japan. The “history issue” is a single piece of land, establish any fortress not merely a scholarly debate but also informs or seize any wealth from other countries.13 China’s views of Japanese behavior today. China opposes Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s effort to Former President Wen Jiabao cited this example make Japan a “normal” nation with the usual right to show that “Hegemonism is at odds with our to pursue individual and collective self-defense, cultural tradition.”14 because “history” shows that an unshackled Japan Of course, for Japan, history offers quite a is inherently a threat to its neighbors and it thus different story. To Japan, the story of the “divine is not entitled to the same rights of sovereignty winds” — the typhoons that thwarted China’s enjoyed by China and others. China refused to attempt to subjugate Japan in 1274 and 1281 — is accept the Noda administration’s 2012 decision to not simply a tale of Japanese heroic resistance but, 7 For a discussion of strategic culture and its applicability to China’s grand strategy, see Alaistair Iain Johnston, Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995). On the impact of strategic culture on U.S.-China relations, see James Steinberg and Michael O’Hanlon, Strategic Reassurance and Resolve (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014), 38-40. 8 Jervis, “How Decisionmakers Learn From History,” 217. 9 It is noteworthy that Xi’s initial articulation of the China Dream was a speech at an exhibition called “The Road to Revival,” dedicated to the history of China’s victimization from the Opium Wars through World War II by the West. See Camilla T.N. Sorensen, “The Significance of Xi Jinping’s ‘Chinese Dream’ for Chinese Foreign Policy: From ‘Tao Guang Yang Hui’ to Fen Fa You Wei,’” Journal of China and International Relations 3, no. 1 (2015), See also Benjamin Carlson, “The World According to Xi Jinping,” The Atlantic, September 21, 2015, 10 One writer has suggested that China’s anger over the decision was exacerbated by the fact that it came during a period when China typically commemorates the Japanese aggressions of the 1930s and 1940s. See Scott Cheney-Peters, “How Japan’s Nationalization Move in the East China Sea Shaped the U.S.
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