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BURUNDI Photo: Field visit to an IDP home destroyed by torrential rains. Bururi province, Rutovu commune © IOM 2018. JANUARY Publication: March 2019 2019 FaitsHighlights Saillants displaced due to natural disasters including 76% 134,054 displaced as a result of the socio- Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) 24% political situation 29,536 4% 61% Displaced Households decrease in the number of IDPs of IDPs are children between December 2018 and January 2019 under 18 years old RWANDA N DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Legend Lake Tanganyika Province boundary Commune boundary Map 1: IDP Presence by commune Number of displaced persons 8 - 1,000 1,001 - 3,000 3,001 - 5,500 5,501 - 12,039 This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM Source: IOM, IGEBU 1 © IOM Burundi - Reference map (February 2019) DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE IDP POPULATION 3% 60 years + 3% 55% Male 18% 18-59 years 15% 17% 6-17 years 14% 11% 1-5 years 9% Female 45% 6% < 1 year 4% Graph 1: Demographics of the IDP population PROVINCES OF ORIGIN* ACCOMMODATION TYPES Bujumbura Mairie 26,422 Bujumbura Rural 16,688 Kirundo 14,583 Cankuzo 9,347 Bubanza 8,993 52% 26% Rumonge 8,922 Cibitoke 8,451 Host families Rented houses Rutana 7,380 Ruyigi 6,650 Gitega 4,284 Muyinga 4,284 16% Karusi 4,215 Straw houses Kayanza 3,111 Bururi 2,845 Ngozi 1,140 Muramvya 672 4% 2% Makamba 409 Empty houses Collective sites Mwaro 116 * These numbers refer to data for IDPs displaced since 2015 Graph 2: Estimated number of IDPs by province Graph 3: Percentage of IDPs by type of accommodation of origin PERIOD OF DISPLACEMENT 134,054 internally displaced (displaced between 2013 and January 2019) 35% 24% 15% 21% 4% 1% 2013-2014* 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 * Numbers of IDPs displaced in 2013-2014 are taken from December 2018 data Graph 4: Percentage of currently displaced IDPs by period of initial displacement 2 Highlights DISPLACEMENT REASONS* 100% 99%99% 97%97%96% 94%92% 88% 88%85% 84% 79%77% 58% 49% 41% 35% Bururi Karusi Ngozi Ruyigi GitegaRutanaMwaro Bubanza Cibitoke Cankuzo KirundoMuyingaKayanza Rumonge Muramvya Makamba Bujumbura Rural Bujumbura Mairie Graph 5: Percentage of IDPs displaced by natural disasters in January 2019, by province Natural disasters 76% 24% Socio-political situation 65% 59% 51% 42% 23% 21% 16% 15% 12% 12% 8% 6% 4% 3% 3% 1% 1% Mwaro Rutana Gitega Ruyigi Ngozi Karusi KayanzaMuyingaKirundo Cankuzo Cibitoke Bubanza Makamba Muramvya Rumonge Bujumbura Mairie Bujumbura Rural Graph 6: Percentage of IDPs displaced as a result of the socio-political situation in January 2019, by province .06% displaced for other reasons * These percentages refer to data for IDPs displaced since 2015 3 NEW DISPLACEMENTS DUE TO NATURAL DISASTERS TORRENTIAL RAINS Bubanza 23% In December 2018, 80% of new displacements were due to torrential Bujumbura Mairie 22% rains that caused damage in many provinces in which houses were destroyed and people were forced to leave their homes. Bubanza Ruyigi 13% (336 IDPs), Bujumbura Mairie (322 IDPs) and Ruyigi (186 IDPs) were Cankuzo 10% the provinces most affected by torrential rains. Cibitoke 10% Bujumbura Rural 9% Rutana 5% Rumonge 2% 1,453 IDPs Kirundo Gitega 1% Kayanza 1% Cibitoke RWANDA Bururi 1% Muyinga Ngozi Muyinga 1% Muramvya 1% Kayanza Bubanza Karusi 1% DEMOCRATIC Karusi Cankuzo REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Graph 7: Percentage of new displacements due to Muramvya torrential rains in December 2018, by province Ruyigi Bujumbura Mairie Mwaro Gitega Bujumbura Rural UNITED REPUBLIC STRONG WINDS OF TANZANIA Rumonge Rutana Number of IDPs Bururi 1% 191 - 336 Bururi 21 - 190 Karusi 1% 3 - 20 Mwaro 1% 362 IDPs Non affected province Ngozi 1% Makamba Affected province Bubanza 4% Natural disasters Bujumbura Rural 5% Torrential rains Makamba 7% Strong winds Cibitoke 7% Strong winds displaced 362 people in December 2018. This Cankuzo 10% phenomenon caused significant damage in most provinces Ruyigi 15% across the country. The most affected provinces were Rutana (173 IDPs), Ruyigi (53 IDPs), and Cankuzo (38 IDPs). Strong Rutana 48% winds destroyed houses and removed roofing of many houses, particularly in the commune of Giharo (Rutana province). Graph 8: Percentage of new displacements due to violent winds in December 2018, by province 4 Humanitarian Overview Health Kirundo of collines in the Muyinga Cibitoke, Karusi, Kirundo Cibitoke and Muyinga provinces report that displaced households do Karusi >80% not have means to pay for health care. 100 100 100 National average: 71% Education Kirundo of displaced children in the Muyinga provinces of Kirundo and Muyinga do not attend school. The Bugabira in the province of Kirundo >50% has no displaced children attending school. National average: 28% Food Security of collines in the Bururi, Ngozi, Rumonge Ngozi and Ruyigi provinces report that market prices are not >90% affordable for displaced persons. Ruyigi National Rumonge average: 73% Bururi 5 Kirundo WASH of collines in the Cibitoke, Karusi, Kirundo Bubanza, and Muyinga provinces Cibitoke Cibitoke and Kirundo report that displaced households do provinces report the not have means to pay for health Bubanza >80% unavailability of latrines care. for the displaced persons. National average: 42% Shelter/NFI of the collines in the Cibitoke Cibitoke, Rumonge, Rutana and Ruyigi provinces >70% report that protection against bad wheather is the most recent problem with shelter. Ruyigi Rumonge National Rutana average: 82% Protection Kirundo Bururi, Ngozi, Rumonge and Ruyigi provinces report that market prices are not Cankuzo affordable for displaced persons. >90% of collines of the Cankuzo, Kirundo and Rumonge provinces indicate Rumonge girls and women cannot report gender based violence. National average: 61% 6 DTM Methodology The IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix is a comprehensive system to analyze and disseminate information to better understand the movements and needs of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Burundi. Volunteers from the Burundian Red Cross (BRC) consult with key informants to identify displacement trends and needs in their communities. Key informants can be community leaders, local government authorities and religious leaders. Enumerators complete two types of assessments: The commune level assessement The colline level assessment provides provides information on displacement information regarding humanitarian trends in all communes in Burundi needs in the top five displacement areas (119 communes). This assessment (collines*) hosting the highest numbers provides information on displacement of displaced persons per commune.** periods, provinces of origin and new This assessment provides information on displacements phenomena. demographics, vulnerabilities and sectoral needs. Data for the January 2019 report was collected for IDPs displaced since 2015 to 2019. Data on persons displaced in 2013 and 2014 was collected in December 2018. * Collines are the smallest administrative entities in Burundi. ** While colline assessments are conducted in the 5 collines hosting the highest numbers of displaced persons in each commune. 5 communes in the provinces of Bujumbura Rural, Karusi, Muyinga, Mwaro and Rumonge have 13 collines that do not host IDPs. Assessments from 582 collines are used in the analysis of this report. All DTM Burundi reports and information products are available on https://displacement.iom.int/burundi Previous reports https://displacement.iom.int/reports/burundi-%E2%80%94-displacement-report-july-2018?close=trueReport - July 2018 https://iomint-my.sharepoint.com/personal/dgbolahan_iom_int/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fdgbolahan%5Fiom%5Fint%2FDocuments%2FDTM%2FRapports%2F2018%2FRapports%2FDTM%20Burundi%20Report%20%2D%20September%202018%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fdgbolahan%5Fiom%5FintReport - September 2018 %2FDocuments%2FDTM%2FRapports%2F2018%2FRapports&slrid=33bfaf9e-6097-0000-4b07-a5e4f7080b80 https://displacement.iom.int/reports/dtm-burundi-report-november-2018?close=trueReport - November 2018 CONTACT INFORMATION IOM Burundi, [email protected], Tel: +257 75 40 04 48 Facebook: International Organization for Migration – Burundi Twitter: @IOM_Burundi 7.