Chair of the Parish Council Clerk to the Parish Council Councillor Janet Lockyer [email protected] Ms Rose Hardisty Mill Cottage The Headlands Polmassick School Hill Mevagissey ST AUSTELL PL26 6TH PL26 6HA 01726 842869


Parish Council Meeting St Ewe Village Hall Monday 13 January 2014 7.00pm – 9.35pm

Officers Present:- Parish Cllrs – Chair Cllr Janet Lockyer, Cllr Allan Brooks, Cllr Diane Clemes, Cllr Trevor Harman, Cllr Trevor Johns, Cllr Will Richards, Cllr Sam Roberts and Cllr Lynne Tregunna

Apologies Received:- Cllr Reuben Collins and Cllr John Dickinson

In Attendance:- Cllr Malcolm Harris – CC David Malen – Projects Group Manager, Property Services, CC Team Caroline Cragie – Assistant Project Manager, Property Services, CC Phil Osmond – Consultant Project Manager, Mace Mike Hawes – Landscape Architect, MeiLoci, working with CSA Architects Tim Strange – Renewables Engineer, Parsons Brinckerhoff Richard Hunter – Renewables Engineer, Parsons Brinckerhoff Rose Hardisty, Clerk

Public Participation:- 12 members of the public in attendance

096/13 Declarations of interests

• Cllr Will Richards declared he is a neighbour in relation to PA13/10703

• Cllr Diane Clemes declared she is a relative or Farmer Colgrove (raised under 099/13 mud on highway)

097/13 Previous Minutes

The minutes of the parish council meeting held on 11 November 2013, having been circulated with the agendas, were considered a true record and were adopted (proposed DC, seconded TH).

Public Participation An assessment was made of the public attendance and the council agreed that the chair would adjourn the meeting at intervals to take public participation on an item by item basis.

098/13 Planning matters • Lanuah and Levalsa Wind Turbines – Outline Proposals David Malen, Projects Group Manager from Cornwall Council Property Services and his team were in attendance to present the parish council with further information about plans to apply for wind turbines on county owned land. Two of these proposals are within St Ewe Parish. The public were informed that no public participation would be taken on this matter as it is to be an information giving/gathering exercise only. The CC representatives provided an email address for Phil Osmond, Consultant Project Manager to which the public could send any comments or questions they have about the proposals ( [email protected] ) as a result of the presentation. A reassurance was also offered that a formal public consultation would take place in due course.

Cornwall Council is committed to a green energy programme and as part of that the council has been looking for some time at the possibility of benefiting from the green energy and the income which could be generated by wind turbines sited on land owned by the County Council. Cornwall Council feels that it is an advantage to local people as the income will stay in Cornwall and will help address the budget deficit. The turbines would be cash positive after the first year. There would be a considerable financial benefit direct to the parish community and a figure in the region of £90,000 for Lanuah and £80,000 for Levalsa to the parish over the 20 year lifetime of the project was mentioned.

Original ratified and signed by Vice Chair 10.03.2014 ..377

A number of sites have been identified and matters have now reached the stage when screening applications are to be submitted and public consultations take place. It is proposed that a 67m turbine be sited at Lanuah and a 78m turbine at Levalsa. There are also two sites in neighbouring parishes under consideration at Trevaskis Farm and Barwick. Parish councillors commented that these sites are very close to parish boundaries and would have a direct impact on St Ewe residents.

Clarifying questions were asked by parish councillors about the scope and size of the turbines. In addition, the site at Lanuah raises issues as it is only a few hundred meters from a private application which ran into difficulties with an MOD objection. Phil Osmond was clear that he was aware of this application and believed that the MOD objections would not apply or could be overcome.

It was clear that there are general concerns about wind turbine applications and in particular where one department of the county council will be applying to another department for planning permission. David Malen pointed out that this means his team has to be especially robust in the application process and also that if the application is not successful there is no right of appeal, so the decision will definitely be made at a local level. St Ewe parish councillors are concerned about the number of turbine applications currently in process and the cumulative impact if all sites receive consent.

Six representative of Cornwall Council left the meeting

One member of the public left the meeting (11 remain)

• FULL PLANNING APPLICATION PA13/10703 Construction of a Stockman’s dwelling and associated works Penberlan Farm, Lower Sticker, St Austell, PL26 7JJ Parish Opinion Sought

The applicant was in attendance but did not wish to speak, however, he indicated he was available to answer clarifying questions if councillors had any. The council considered the planning documents and thanked the applicant for his attendance. Councillors felt the proposal was reasonable and understood that an agricultural occupancy restriction would be imposed. On that basis the council resolved (proposed AB, seconded JL) to RAISE NO OBJECTION to the application.

One member of the public left the meeting (10 remain)

• Wind turbine applications in other parishes In advance of the specific planning matters included on the agenda the clerk has received correspondence asking that the issue of wind turbines in other parishes (especially neighbouring parishes) be highlighted to the parish council. There followed a short discussion about other applications that councillors are aware of nearby and in particular the proposals at Pittsdown Farm (PA13/03229 screening request) and Trecaine Farm (PA13/08105 application and PA14/00026 screening request). Concerns were raised about the general principal that these applications are being dealt with in the absence of a clear Cornwall strategy on wind turbines. It is a complete nonsense to ask parish councils to make recommendations on individual applications when it is clear that the issue of cumulative impact is so significant.

It was resolved (proposed JL, seconded AB) that a letter be sent to the Head of Planning outlining the concern felt by St Ewe Parish Council that neighbouring parishes are not formally consulted with regard to proposals that are close enough to have an impact on parish residents, that applications are proceeding whilst there is still no clear Cornwall strategy in place and that it is unreasonable and lacking in any logic to ask parish councils to make recommendations on planning applications for wind turbines on a case by case basis when cumulative impact is such an overriding issue. Cllr Harris suggested also sending a copy of this letter to John Pollard who is the Head of Cornwall Council. Cllr Harris reassured parish councillors that cumulative impact is something which is considered in detail for applications which reach the committee.

Cllr Roberts suggested asking that the issue of wind turbines also be included for discussion at the Community Network and it was agreed that the clerk write to Helen Nicholson about this.

It was also agreed that, at the present time, the parish council would not formally comment on specific applications unless consulted.

One member of the public left the meeting (9 remain)

• FULL PLANNING APPLICATION PA13/10074 Wind Turbine 79m to blade tip and associated works Tregonan Farm, Tregony, TR2 5SN Parish Opinion Sought

Meeting adjourned to allow public participation on this matter

Original ratified and signed by Vice Chair 10.03.2014 ..378

Stephen Bailey has been nominated as spokesperson to present the views of Tucoyse residents and of nearby Gweltek Cottage, Greenhills and Trelissick Farm. This is a précis of his presentation. The properties at Tucoyse are about 680m from the proposed turbine site. There are 7 cottages immediately adjacent to Tucoyse Farmhouse and other houses nearby which would also be affected. The 79m structure is higher than the spire of Cathedral and will stand out starkly in open countryside and will be visible for a long distance being set at a high level. The proposed site is almost due west of us and so at sunset particularly there will be a serious “flicker” effect and this can have health implications. According to the developers the noise impact at Tucoyse will be in the range of 30dB. I believe this could be greater, particularly as we are downwind of the prevailing winds from the West and in any event 30dB is not a reasonable noise level to be tolerated in this peaceful quiet countryside. The developer’s photographs of the viewpoints show the countryside under-exposed so that it appears dark diminishing the impact of the view of a turbine set against it. This misrepresents the impact of the turbine. It is clear the position and height of the wind turbine is such that it will dominate the surrounding countryside – an industrial structure of this size will not fit in and will de-value the environment. The Cornwall economy relies heavily on tourism and the south coast is a popular area for visitors to Cornwall staying locally in rented cottages, camping, caravans, bed & breakfast, hotels or with friends. This particular location is within 2 km of an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and visitors come to see locations such as the Caerhays Estate, Heligan Gardens, beaches, coastal path, villages and general countryside. All this creates valuable income in the immediate area. There are mixed opinions about what impact wind turbines will have on the tourists but we believe it will be negative. I have been told by the owners of Lamorna Cottage that their sale has fallen through because of the threat of this wind turbine. Stephen Bailey then quoted some extracts from a report produced by Visit Cornwall. Caution must be applied when relying on any survey carried out by or on behalf of the wind turbine industry. We must think about the legacy we leave for the next generation and whether the negative impact will increase as the numbers of turbines and their sizes increase. You are aware of new turbines being proposed not only in our parish but next to it. One of these sites is only 500m from the Tregonan site. At some point the countryside views will lose out to industrial views and you don’t need a large drop in the number of visitors to affect the economy. I am not against all turbines but there must be a balance and we do not believe that this turbine is appropriate so we urge you to oppose this planning application.

John Collins and Sandra Collins were in attendance as applicants and this is a précis of Mr Collins’ presentation. Tregonan is a 300 acre farm on the western edge of our parish and my family has farmed the farm for three generations (106 yrs). Four of the main constraints for human life on this planet in the future will be: Water, Food, Energy and Pollution. Water: At present we have plenty in this part of the British Isles. Food: As farmers we are trying to help feed the world. Energy and Pollution: These are linked. As a nation we could carry on producing electricity from coal or we can turn to low CO2 technologies. The land based sources are wind, solar and anaerobic digestion. Both solar and anaerobic digestion require areas of land to support them thus reducing the area available for food production. Wind energy requires a very small land foot print. It helps farmers diversify their business whilst still maintaining their core business of producing food. We accept there will be visual impact but we believe one 500kW turbine at 79m is better than ten 50kW turbines at 34m. The degree of visual harm must be weighed against the significant benefits of clean renewable electricity generation. The siting of this turbine has been considered to minimise the visual impact. We run a Bed and Breakfast business alongside our farming and don’t envisage any negative impact on it. Research suggests that visitors can accommodate the presence of turbines and they will not stop coming because of them. The proposed turbine will help balance the sometimes fragile economics of agriculture and help us maintain a business that provides full time employment for six people and part time employment for another eight. We do not accept that flicker effect is a significant factor. This scheme is in fact very quiet, 30dB is described as being a whisper at 6ft and this turbine meets the criteria of below 35dB. According to Natural ’s advice there is little risk to bats as long as turbines are sited 50m from hedgerows and tree lines and this turbine is located in accordance with this guidance. On consulting the RSPB’s website they are broadly in favour of wind turbines. Surveys have been conducted and they concluded that any effects on birds and bats were unlikely and not significant. The nearest point a horse can get to the proposed turbine is 300m away on the public highway and it is therefore very unlikely to be spooked at this distance. You will also note from the planning application that some ecological trade off’s proposed will compensate for disturbance during the construction stage and should have long term ecological benefits to the area. The proposal also brings with it a £2500.00 a year community fund.

Meeting reconvened

The council is grateful to the applicants and opponents for coming to the meeting and putting forward their views. All councillors have had the opportunity to view the planning documents and there was a lively discussion about the concerns this application raises. There was a discussion about what statements it would be appropriate to include in the parish council’s comments for the planning officer. The following statements were agreed:

At its meeting on Monday 13 January 2014 St Ewe Parish Council considered planning application PA13/10074 for the erection of a single wind turbine with a maximum blade tip height of 79m along with associated works at Tregonan Farm.

The applicant and a number of the opponents were in attendance at the meeting on 13 January 2014 and the Parish Council has been assisted by the respectful conduct of the parties and the provision of succinct arguments as to points of view. Councillors are grateful to all parties for allowing each other fair opportunity to represent the facts with clarity from their own perspectives.

Original ratified and signed by Vice Chair 10.03.2014 ..379

The Parish Council is of the view that this is a development which has significant and long-term implications for the locality. Wind turbines by their very nature are visibly imposing and can be seen from a considerable distance and it is intended that their presence will endure for many years. That being the case, the Parish Council takes extremely seriously its responsibility to make a recommendation which properly reflects what is appropriate for the local environment and local economy together with local residents and visitors, now and well into the future.

Parish Councillors have had the opportunity to study the planning documents and have taken the time to familiarise themselves with the comments made by others via the on-line planning facility. The Parish Council notes that the majority of comments oppose the application and the Parish Council asks that the Planning Officer gives adequate and appropriate consideration to the comments made by members of the public. The Parish Council notes the comments made by the Principal Public Space Officer and concurs with the concerns raised. Her arguments in relation to cumulative impact and her concerns about the misleading portrayal of the scale and impact of the turbine are of particular relevance.

The Parish Council notes the comments made by the Historic Environment Service which highlight concerns about the proximity and effect of this application upon the listed farmhouse and gate piers at Tregonan and the listed Trevithick farmhouse as well as other heritage assets in the area. The Historic Environment Service does not consider that the supporting documents have gone far enough in assessing or addressing these issues. The service has requested a more detailed assessment with photomontages dealing with all heritage assets within 10km of the site. The parish council supports this request.

The Parish Council notes that Natural England has recommended consultation with the Cornwall AONB unit with regard to the impact of the development on the natural environment. The Parish Council hopes that the Planning Officer will ensure that such consultation takes place. The Parish Council is mindful of its duty to protect Cornish hedgerows and the natural landscape for both heritage and environmental reasons. The ancillary works required to gain access to the site are significant and involve cutting through an area of woodland and the removal hedgerow. Although reinstatement is intended the environment can take a significant time to recover from such disturbances and it is a concern that permanent damage could be caused.

The Parish Council is mindful that there are already in existence two wind turbines in close proximity at Tregerrick. There are also a significant number of proposals within the locality which are at various stages of the planning process. Councillors are particularly concerned about cumulative impact and the lack of any clear Cornwall policy on wind turbines. It is unjust and impractical for parish councils to make recommendations on a case by case basis when one of the central issues is the impact of multiple turbines on rural locations.

It is clear to Parish Council that residents in close proximity oppose the application and Councillors ask that the Planning Officer be rigorous in investigating the impact of noise and loss of residential amenity on these residents. The Parish Council would expect the Planning Officer to ensure that the turbine, at the very least, satisfies the criteria laid down in planning guidance to prevent risk of noise pollution. The Parish Council would like to see noise pollution and loss of residential amenity addressed in detail in the Planning Officer’s final report.

The Parish Council wants the Planning Officer to consider the potential for direct negative impact on all properties and businesses, many of which are based on tourism, within sight of the proposed turbine.

The Parish Council appreciates that the applicant is attempting to reduce the carbon footprint of his business by the use of an alternative power source and also to diversify in a way that increases the economic viability of the farm.

The Parish Council is aware of the proposed community fund being offered with this project (£2,500.00 per annum for lifetime of project) but does not think it is relevant or appropriate to take this into account when making its recommendation. However, if planning permission is granted the Parish Council would like the opportunity to input into the arrangements for the setting up of the community fund and its system of administration.

The Parish Council believes that this application is significant and needs to be considered in the wider context of wind turbine development across the county and therefore believes that it is inappropriate for such a matter to be decided under delegated authority. Opposing local residents should be afforded the opportunity to argue their concerns before the Planning Committee.

Following the agreement of these statements there was a short further discussion about what recommendation the parish council should make to the planning officer. The council resolved (proposed SR, seconded AB) to OBJECT to the application by 6 votes in favour, 1 against (WR) and 1 abstention (DC).

In the event that the planning officer is minded to approve the application and invoke the planning protocol the parish council will seek the support of Cllr Harris to force the matter to planning committee and it was agreed that Cllr Allan Brooks will represent the parish council at the committee.

Four Members of the public left the meeting (5 remain)

Original ratified and signed by Vice Chair 10.03.2014 ..380

• Erection of concrete base and covered scaffolding in yard at Polmassick Correspondence has been received from Simon Parsonson who is concerned about a structure in Jim’s Yard. This is a large framed structure standing upon a concrete base and covered in white “marquee” material and is being used to provide cover for a boat. Many councillors were aware of the structure and accepted that it has a significant visual impact. A written statement has also been provided by Paul Savage who is responsible which states that the shelter will be removed by 22 April 2014. He has spoken to local residents directly and the council noted that a solution appears to have been reached without the need for further action.

• FULL PLANNING APPLICATION PA13/11445 Hedgerow removal and realignment and widening by 1m of bridleway 418/14 Land South West of Sunnyside Cottages, Little Polgooth, St Austell, PL26 7DD Parish opinion sought

The clerk advised the council that the applicant has now indicated her intention to withdraw the application and the planning officer has confirmed he has received a telephone call to this effect. As a result there was no discussion of this application.

The Chair agreed to take Highway matters so that remaining members of the public could speak about mud

099/13 Highways • Mud on Highway The council is grateful to members of the public for their interest in highways matters and for coming to the meeting to outline their concerns. The clerk has received complaints about mud on the highway, specifically at Tucoyse and from Pengrugla to the Bosue turning.

Meeting adjourned for public participation

Sandra Bailey addressed the council about the state of the public highway at Tucoyse. Conditions have become so bad this year that the road is a serious hazard and residents have slipped and fallen. It is the responsibility of farmers to keep the road clean where they are responsible for the mud deposits. Mrs Bailey stated that the Farmers Collins and Colgrove are responsible for the problems at Tucoyse. Residents are also concerned about the increasing size of farm vehicles which is resulting in the verges being damaged and exacerbating the mud problem. The other residents of Tucoyse still present concurred with Mrs Bailey.

Meeting reconvened

Councillors all felt that mud on the highway was a significant issue at the moment and not just at the two locations raised in correspondence. Cllr Clemes stated that Farmer Colgrove always cleaned up after depositing mud on the highway. Farmer Collins has received a letter from Cornwall Council about the mud on the road and he has provided the parish council with a copy of his response which was read out. Mr Collins wants to work with the Highways department to ensure he meets his responsibilities with regard to mud on the road as well as with local residents. He is seeking to meet with CORMAC to discuss problems of verge encroachment and drainage. Councillors had sympathy with the Tucoyse residents and some councillors had experienced the conditions themselves. The general state of the highways and the apparent lack of action by the County Council on a number of issues is a source of frustration. The parish council hopes that local residents and farmers will be able to communicate so that problems do not get out-of-hand. It was agreed that the parish council will raise the matter in correspondence with Teresa Frost but residents were also advised that sending letters direct to CORMAC is the best method for action.

Four members of the public left the meeting (1 remains)

098/13 Planning matters (reconvened)

• FULL PLANNING APPLICATION PA13/112558 Conversion/rebuilding of redundant agricultural buildings into eight dwellings Tregenna Barns, London Apprentice, St Austell, PL26 7AW Parish Opinion Sought The council considered the significant bundle of planning documents. This is a sizeable development in a rural area and the parish council is considering the matter at a very early stage in the application process. The parish council is therefore cautious as it does not have the benefit of seeing the public comments or comments from the official consultees. Some concerns were expressed about the materials and finishes proposed and that the allocation of one parking space per residential unit will prove to be insufficient. After some time it was resolved (proposed WR, seconded JL) to RAISE NO OBJECTION to the application but that comments would be made to reflect the issues which the parish council believes the planning officer should investigate thoroughly.

• Coyte Farm Development Update Cllr Harris informed the council that this matter is to come before planning committee on Thursday 16.01.2014. The planning officer is recommending approval but this is not supported by St Mewan Parish Council or St Austell Town Council. Formal consultees do not support the application either so it promises to be an interesting meeting.

Cllr Allan Brooks left the meeting Original ratified and signed by Vice Chair 10.03.2014 ..381

099/13 Highways (reconvened) • Potholes, surface and drainage issues The clerk has received correspondence about surface drainage issues particularly in Polmassick and councillors highlighted a number of road areas which are in a very poor state of repair. The council noted an email from Teresa Frost of 20.12.2013 which says that gully clearance is completed by the rural maintenance gang on a routine schedule every 16 weeks and at times of bad weather additional checks are made at Polmassick and other locations. Councillors felt that current clearance programmes were not effective. Councillors continue to be concerned about the state of road surfaces which have been further affected by the bad weather. The letter states that roads requiring resurfacing in the parish are assessed and prioritised against other rural class roads across Cornwall. The parish council is not happy about the priority being given to the concerns about highways in the parish. Parish councillors are extremely frustrated by the current situation. Reporting matters to highways does not appear to result in any effective action taking place. Concerns were expressed about the way in which money is spent, the reduction of the workforce on the ground and the quality of workmanship when repairs are undertaken.

Teresa Frost is currently looking at the levels to determine whether a large diameter relief pipe will be able to be placed in the highway at Polmassick to take water from one side of the bridge to the other. It is still intended that some large polychannel type grids will be fitted across the highway from St Ewe to channel water to the new drainage outfall (below the notice board) but this is stalling whilst suitability checks are completed. Councillors were disappointed that action in relation to the issues at Polmassick is not happening quickly enough. A number of councillors felt there were some simple solutions that could be put into action quickly and cheaply in particular to alleviate the surface drainage issues on roads running down into Polmassick. These have been highlighted by Cllr Johns to Teresa Frost but very little is happening on the ground to improve matters.

The council agreed that the clerk should contact Highways repeating the concerns about road maintenance. The issue of mud on the road is also to be included (as discussed above). It is understood that St Goran Parish Council have recently enlisted the support of their ward councillor to push forward concerns about rural roads in this area. Cllr Harris agreed to liaise with Cllr Bunney and try and get things happening.

• Fly Tipped Asbestos on Lanuah farmland off Drunken Bridge Lane The council noted that the clerk observed that the asbestos had been removed when she posted the agendas on Tuesday 07.01.2014. Sadly, the workers did not take the opportunity at the same time to remove the other flytipped building materials at the same location.

• Roadside weed treatment Cornwall Council has indicated that they will no longer undertake this work save for injurious weeds (ragwort, Japanese knotweed, etc) and where weeds are considered to adversely affect highway safety. Parish councils may deliver the service themselves at their own expense. Cornwall Council will provide further details about the requirements and areas previously treated on request. Cornwall Council is also prepared to arrange the work via CORMAC for the price of £160.00 per km treated. Grampound with Creed Parish Council have approached neighbouring parishes with a view to joint contracting to reduce costs. Councillors discussed whether there were any known areas within the parish that required spraying. It also had to be born in mind that the parish council made no financial provision for weed spraying at its November budget meetings as this matter was not raised by Cornwall Council at an early enough time. Councillors felt there were no areas within the parish that required routine spraying and therefore agreed to take no further action. The clerk is to write to Grampound with Creed parish clerk to explain the decision.

• Any other urgent matters No other matters were reported.

100/13 Polmassick Flooding A short update was provided by Cllr Janet Lockyer. The issue of the relief pipe and surface water issues were discussed at 099/13 above. There were two occasions in particular during the holidays when Polmassick residents were on red alert as river waters rose. Residents spent a lot of time actively clearing drains themselves and keeping a close eye on the river and surface water. Cllr Lockyer will attend the next flood forum meeting and report back to the council.

101/13 Cornwall Councillor Update Cllr Malcolm Harris did not have a formal update for the parish council as things have been quiet over the Christmas period. However, he issued a reminder that he has a community fund from which he can award small grants. St Ewe Village Hall representatives indicated they are intending to apply.

102/13 Community Network Update The council noted the next meeting is due to take place on Thursday 30.01.2013 at the Penwinnick Road offices at 7.00pm. It was agreed that Cllr Sam Roberts would attend to represent St Ewe Parish Council. As detailed above it was also agreed to ask Helen Nicholson to include the issue of wind turbines on the agenda for the next meeting or the following meeting.

Original ratified and signed by Vice Chair 10.03.2014 ..382

103/13 Footpaths • LMP and Grass Cutting monies received for 2013 agreement The council noted that payment has now been received from CC in line with the claims made in November.

• Any urgent matters No further matters were reported.

104/13 Consultations • CC Children’s Health and Wellbeing Review – closing date 31.01.2014 The council agreed not to respond to this consultation but the information has been circulated to councillors who may respond personally if they wish.

105/13 Grant Applications • Cornwall Air Ambulance • Merlin Centre The council resolved (proposed TJ, seconded LT) not to make either grant at this time.

106/13 Financial Matters • Clerk’s SLCC Membership 2014 It was resolved (proposed SR, seconded WR) to pay the membership fees to the Society of Local Council Clerks for 2014 in a sum of £76.00.

• Approve payments Payment of any grants detailed above and outstanding invoices received up to the time of the meeting were approved (proposed JL, seconded DC) as detailed below:

Rose Hardisty 405.41 Salary - 9 wks @ 5 hrs/wk @ £9.009/hr 36.00 Working from home allowance - 9 wks @ £4/wk 8.80 22 miles at 40p/mile 2.07 04.01.2014 – A5 Laminating pouches 0.42 VAT SLCC 76.00 Membership 2014

• Two-monthly financial update The council noted the two-monthly update and budget review without further comment.

107/13 New information posted on Notice Boards • Minutes of 14.10.2013 (and at www.cornwall.gov.uk/steweparish and http://roseland-online.co.uk/roseland-cornwall-community/parishes/stewe.html ) • Stephen Gilbert MP Surgery dates January to May 2014 • Notice of intention to cease use of notice boards from 01.04.2014 (Little Polgooth and Lower Sticker only) The council noted the information posted on the notice boards.

108/13 Any other business No other business was raised.

109/13 Clerk’s report The clerk presented a short report listing the magazines and circulars received since the last meeting, which are available for councillors to view should they so wish.

110/13 Date of next meeting The next scheduled parish council meeting is for Monday 10 March 2014 at 7.00pm . Dates of planning meetings are subject to receipt of planning applications and are arranged as and when required. The date of the next employment committee meeting will be arranged as necessary.

Meeting closed at 9.35pm

St Ewe Parish Council Clerk - VACANCY St Ewe Parish Council is looking for a new Clerk and Finance Officer. Five hours per week (home based and mostly flexible). Salary based on national pay scales for local council employees and graded by experience/skills. A home office allowance is also paid along with travelling expenses. If you are interested in finding out more about the work of a parish clerk, please contact the current clerk who will also be able to provide information about the application/interview process. Interviews to be scheduled for Monday 28.04.2014 Rose Hardisty, Clerk to St Ewe Parish Council The Headlands, School Hill, Mevagissey, ST AUSTELL, Cornwall, PL26 6TH 01726 842869 - [email protected]

Original ratified and signed by Vice Chair 10.03.2014 ..383