Chair of the Parish Council Clerk to the Parish Council Councillor Janet Lockyer [email protected] Ms Rose Hardisty Mill Cottage The Headlands Polmassick School Hill Mevagissey ST AUSTELL PL26 6TH PL26 6HA 01726 842869


Parish Council Meeting St Ewe Village Hall Monday 9 September 2013 7.00pm – 8.30pm

Officers Present:- Parish Cllrs – Vice Chair Cllr John Dickinson , Cllr Diane Clemes, Cllr Rueben Collins, Cllr Trevor Harman, Cllr Trevor Johns and Cllr Will Richards

Apologies Received:- Cllr Janet Lockyer, Cllr Allan Brooks, Cllr Sam Roberts and Cllr Lynne Tregunna

In Attendance:- Cllr Malcolm Harris – Rose Hardisty, Clerk

Public Participation:- No members of the public in attendance

051/13 Declarations of interests • Cllr John Dickinson declared he is an immediate neighbour in relation to enforcement matter EN13/01265. • Cllr Rueben Collins declared an interest in PA13/04495 and PA13/07481 as a relative of the applicant.

052/13 Previous Minutes The minutes of the parish council meeting held on 8 July 2013, having been circulated with the agendas, were considered a true record and were adopted (proposed WR, seconded RC).

Public Participation None

053/13 Planning matters • PLANNING ENFORCEMENT EN13/00842 Breach of cond 6 of PA12/07984 – earthbund has not been created in accordance with plan Hewaswater Engineering Ltd, Hewas Water, St Austell, PL26 7JF Case Closed – Breach resolved • PLANNING ENFORCEMENT EN13/01265 Installation of septic tank Lower Barn, Bosue, St Ewe, St Austell, PL26 6ET Case Closed – Breach resolved The council noted the above two closed enforcement matters without comment.

• SCREENING OPINION REQUEST PA13/04495 Screening opinion for single 500kW wind turbine, maximum blade tip height 79m Tregonan Farm, Tregony, TR2 5SN Notice EIA not required The council noted the conclusion of the planning officer that an EIA is not required.

• SCOPING OPINION REQUEST PA13/07481 Scoping opinion for single 500kW wind turbine, maximum blade tip height 79m Tregonan Farm, Tregony, TR2 5SN Notice and update The council noted that a scoping opinion request is currently being processed by Cornwall Council.

• PRE-APPLICATION ADVICE PA13/01923 Change of use of three holiday cottages to residential The Barn, St Ewe, St Austell, PL26 6EY Notice of advice sought The council noted that advice has been sought.

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• FULL PLANNING APPROVAL PA12/09711 Renewal of 09/00711 for emergency dirty water storage/catchment facility permanent basis Tregenna Farm, London Apprentice, St Austell, PL26 7AW Notice of approval with conditions • FULL PLANNING APPROVAL PA13/02633 Lifting of condition 3 of C2/03/00914 to allow unrestricted occupancy Morwenna, Tucoyse Farm, Polmassick, Tregony, TR2 5SJ Notice of Approval • FULL PLANNING APPROVAL PA13/04125 Removal of conditions to allow unfettered residential use Barn 1, Tucoyse Farm, Polmassick, Tregony, TR2 5SJ Notice of Approval • FULL PLANNING APPROVAL PA13/04127 Removal of conditions to allow unfettered residential use The Wagonhouse, Tucoyse Farm, Polmassick, Tregony, TR2 5SJ Notice of Approval The council noted the above four planning approvals.

• FULL PLANNING APPROVAL PA13/06017 1st floor extension to restaurant kitchen for additional storage and food preparation area M A Grigg Ltd, Pendennis, Hewas Water, St Austell, Cornwall Notice of Approval The parish council noted this application had been received between meetings and as a result the request for parish opinion has fallen out of time. The council noted that the application has now been approved.

• FULL PLANNING GRANTED PA13/06211 Lawful development certificate for retention of dwelling without any occupancy restriction Valley View, Kestle, St Ewe, St Austell, PL26 6EP Notice of Certificate Granted The parish council noted this application had been received between meetings and as a result the request for parish opinion has fallen out of time. The council noted that the certificate has now been granted.

• FULL PLANNING APPLICATION PA13/06671 Garage conversion to annex with internal alteration and new store to external area of garden Valley View, Kestle, St Ewe, St Austell, PL26 6EP Parish Opinion Sought The council considered the planning documents and felt that the changes being proposed were unobtrusive and reasonable. The council resolved (proposed WR, seconded RC) to RAISE NO OBJECTION to the application.

It was agreed that the following two applications would be considered at the same time. • FULL PLANNING APPLICATION PA13/06713 Erection of extension to existing agricultural building Trelewack Farm, St Ewe, St Austell, PL26 6EX • FULL PLANNING APPLICATION PA13/06714 Erection of an agricultural building Trelewack Farm, St Ewe, St Austell, PL26 6EX Parish Opinion Sought The council considered both sets of planning documents and resolved (proposed DC, seconded TJ) to RAISE NO OBJECTION to either of the applications.

It was agreed that the following four applications would be considered at the same time.

• FULL PLANNING APPLICATION PA13/06719 Erection of agricultural building for livestock housing (Building 1) Hewas Farm, Sticker, St Austell, PL26 7JH • FULL PLANNING APPLICATION PA13/06720 Erection of agricultural building for livestock housing (Building 2) Hewas Farm, Sticker, St Austell, PL26 7JH • FULL PLANNING APPLICATION PA13/06721 Erection of agricultural building for livestock housing (Building 3) Hewas Farm, Sticker, St Austell, PL26 7JH • FULL PLANNING APPLICATION PA13/06722 Erection of agricultural building for livestock housing (Building 4) Hewas Farm, Sticker, St Austell, PL26 7JH Parish Opinion Sought The council considered all four sets of planning documents and resolved (proposed TH, seconded RC) to RAISE NO OBJECTION to all four of the applications.

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054/13 Cornwall Councillor Update Cllr Malcolm Harris introduced himself to those present. He is a recently elected independent councillor and he hopes to make a difference and be a voice for the parishioners in his wards. He is really enjoying being a councillor, there is a lot to learn and plenty of interesting challenges. He sits on the planning committees and this is an area in which he is particularly interested. There is a lot of fresh thinking on the planning committees with councillors more ready to robustly challenge the recommendations of planning officers. Cllr Harris believes that the council is working positively and cohesively regardless of individuals political affiliations and lacks the usual wrangling of party politics.

The big issue at County Hall at the moment is the budget and there will be some tough choices to be made. This has only recently been published and it is quite significant to digest all the implications. The thrust is that there is a budget shortfall in the region of £24million despite savings having been made (primarily from the change to a unitary authority). The County Council feels that it has gone as far as it can in making internal savings and now frontline services are going to have to take cuts in order to make up the shortfall. The council tax freeze has made the hole in the budget even bigger and councillors are currently considering what level of increase in council tax will have to be sought. An increase of 2% can be requested without further consultation but anything above this and the council is liable to hold a referendum which has significant cost implications in itself. Even a 5% rise in council tax would not be sufficient to cover the budget deficit. Councillors are lobbying MPs because rural communities do not receive the same level of funding as urban communities. Consultation on the budget is open and can be accessed via the Cornwall Council website.

The Coyte Farm development will probably come into the formal planning process in November. There is significant concern that the delay in starting the process and the resulting lack of clarity about what will happen is causing a lot of hesitation and indecision in St Austell. Once a decision is made, one way or another, this will allow businesses and the community to move forward.

055/13 Polmassick Flooding The council noted a short written report provided by Cllr Janet Lockyer. UK Flood have been working at Hillside and Mill Cottage on extra flood protection. The plan for a relief pipe for the bridge is awaiting funding from Cornwall Council. Cllr Malcolm Harris has agreed to support residents and there may be a little funding available from a grant controlled by him. Steve Gilbert MP is due to be at the next Flood Forum meeting with an update about the insurance situation. Cllr Johns indicated that NFU will give individual quotes for insurance rather than just relying on the postcode.

The council noted a letter from Cormac Solutions which states it is liaising with the budget holder about funding for the professional design team in relation to the relief pipe. In addition, it is intended that some large polychannel type grids will be fitted across the highway from St Ewe to channel water to the new drainage outfall (below the notice board) hopefully before the winter season. There was then a discussion about the frustrations felt when measures are introduced which have no hope of being successful in addressing the flooding problems, such as the new drain installed under the notice board. Cllr Harris agreed to make some enquiries about how money is spent and allocated as it is of concern to him if projects are being undertaken which do not provide solutions and are therefore not cost effective.

A general invitation has been issued to councillors for the Cornwall Community Flood Forum’s 2 nd Conference on Thursday 10.10.2013 at St Austell Council Offices from 9.30am to 3.30pm. It was agreed that, if possible, Cllr Janet Lockyer would attend on behalf of St Ewe Parish Council.

An invitation has been issued to councillors with regard to producing a Community Emergency Plan on Thursday 07.11.2013 at St Austell Council Offices from 7.00m to 9.00pm. It was agreed that, as Cllr Janet Lockyer and Cllr Sam Roberts have already drafted a plan, it would be unnecessary to send a representative of St Ewe Parish Council.

056/13 Heligan/Wildworks Great War Centenary Event Update The council noted correspondence from Candy Smit at Heligan. The first dates for ‘Wildworks Community Tea Parties’ (all at 6.30pm) have been fixed as 06.10.2013 at Jubilee Hall, Mevagissey, 09.10.2013 at St Ewe Village Hall and 11.10.2013 at the Barley Sheaf, Gorran. These will be opportunities for local people to come and hear more about the project. Charlie Grey has been appointed as a project manager and there will be continued liaison with parish councils. It was agreed that, if possible, Cllr Brooks should attend on behalf of St Ewe Parish Council.

057/13 Highways • Temporary road closure notice – Luney Lane – 09.09.2013 to 13.09.2013 (0730 to 1800) • Temporary road closure notice – Nunnery Hill – 11.09.2013 to 15.09.2013 (0730 to 1800) The council noted the two road closure notices and in particular the revised dates/times.

• Potholes, surface and drainage issues The council noted a letter from Cormac Solutions of 05.08.2013 which says the neighbourhood steward gang is dealing as best it can with pothole issues.

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• Hedge Cutting Contact has been made with Cornwall Council with regard to Drunken Bridge Lane and with the Tremayne Estate with regard to Nunnery Hill. The council noted positive responses have been received and work is being undertaken.

• Fly Tipped Asbestos on Lanuah farmland off Drunken Bridge Lane The council noted that the clerk has been in close liaison with Russell Wheeler of Cornwall Council estates department. After a couple of failed attempts locating the material, Mr Wheeler has arranged to meet with the clerk at the site on Wednesday 11.09.2013. The council hopes that the matter can then be swiftly resolved.

• South West Water – sewerage issues Old Pentewan Hill Cllr Johns raised the issue of raw sewerage from the Mevagissey system leaking at the top of Old Pentewan Hill and running off down the road towards Heligan and also down to Pentewan. The problem is not actually in St Ewe parish but it has implications for all residents and in particular local farmers are being affected as the land is being contaminated. SWW do not seem to be taking effective action. Cllr Harris agreed to look into the matter and will liaise with Cllr Bunney who is the councillor for the Mevagissey and Pentewan Valley wards.

• Any other urgent matters No other matters were reported.

058/13 Footpaths

• Obstructed PROW Footpath 418/11/1 at Paramoor The council has been aware for some time that this public right of way is obstructed. For several years our contractor has not been able to access the path for annual maintenance and this has been reported to Cornwall Council each year along with the parish’s annual claim under the LMP agreement. Enquiries by the clerk as to why no further action was being taken by Cornwall Council have never been answered. More recently the matter has been brought to the council’s attention as a result of an in-house survey of footpaths (carried out by Cllr Dickinson) and contact from parishioners. The clerk has spoken with Linda Holloway who is the new enforcement officer at Cornwall Council and she has confirmed that a formal s138 notice has been served on the council by the Ramblers Association. Under the legal framework Cornwall Council has a month from the date of the notice to respond with details of how the council intends to resolve the matter. If the Ramblers Association are not satisfied with this response they may pursue the matter in the courts as Cornwall Council is failing in its statutory duty to ensure that the PROW remains accessible. Accordingly, the enforcement officer will be serving notices on all the land owners asking that they remove obstructions to the PROW. There are approximately 18 obstructions on this route (which extends into grampound parish) and a number of different landowners are at fault. Once proceedings commence the enforcement officer will not provide any further information to the parish council about progress as the matter becomes sub judice.

• Overgrowth at Bridleway 418/13/1 at Little Polgooth Polgooth & District Bridleway Users Association have stated that the growth on this path is significantly overhanging and clearance is not sufficient. Cllr John Dickinson has made a site visit to assess whether this is work that falls within the remit of the LMP or whether it is a matter where the landowner should be approached to make a significant cut back of side growth. Linda Holloway has indicated that she will liaise with any landowners failing in their statutory duties with regard to PROW. However, Cllr Dickinson indicated that the path appears to have been cut since the problem was reported and the path is now fully accessible to walkers and horse riders. The council agreed that no further action is necessary save the clerk liaising with Polgooth & District Bridleway Users Association to check they are satisfied with the work done.

• Any urgent matters No further matters were reported.

059/13 Code of Conduct The new Code of Conduct is being reviewed by the Standards Committee of Cornwall Council and parish councils are being asked to contribute to that review process. Comments should be submitted by 04.10.2013 and in addition CALC have organised a number of meetings where feedback can be given about the Code of Conduct (24.09.2013 at NCH, and 25.09.2013 at Town Council Offices). It was agreed that St Ewe Parish Council did not want to feed into the review process or attend the CALC meetings.

060/13 Notice Boards An invoice has been received from Mr Pearce for the repairs/refurnishing of the St Ewe notice board. The work required was more than anticipated and 10 hours were undertaken resulting in an invoice of £120.00. Councillors commented that the board is back to looking its best and it was resolved (proposed JD, seconded WR) that Mr Pearce be paid.

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061/13 Grant Applications

• All Saints’ Church – grant towards re-publishing of “A History of St Ewe Parish and Church” The council noted a letter of thanks received for this grant.

• Cruse Bereavement Care The council resolved (proposed JD, seconded TJ) not to make a grant at this time.

062/13 Financial Matters

• Approve payments Payment of any grants detailed above and outstanding invoices received up to the time of the meeting were approved (proposed JD, seconded WR) as detailed below:

Rose Hardisty 405.41 Salary - 9 wks @ 5 hrs/wk @ £9.009/hr 6.30 Back pay - 14 wks @ 5 hrs/wk @ £0.09/hr 36.00 Working from home allowance - 9 wks @ £4/wk 8.80 22 miles at 40p/mile Dominic Pearce 120.00 St Ewe Notice Board repairs Cornwall Council 161.91 Election costs

Councillors noted correspondence regarding the cost of the elections and that a number of parish councils are unhappy with the amount charged. The cost charged by Cornwall Council for administering St Ewe’s uncontested election was £161.91 and councillors felt that this was not unreasonable.

• Two-monthly financial update The council noted the second and final instalment of the precept (£2634.50) and CT support grant (£157.17) have been received. The two-monthly update and budget review was noted without further comment.

063/13 New information posted on Notice Boards

• Minutes of 13.05.2013 (and at www.cornwall.gov.uk/steweparish and http://roseland-online.co.uk/roseland-cornwall-community/parishes/stewe.html ) • Stephen Gilbert MP Autumn Surgery dates The council noted the information posted on the notice boards.

064/13 Seagull Proof Refuse Bags

The council noted that seagull proof sacks are available for parish councils to purchase in bulk to sell on locally. Sacks are £3.00 each with a recommended resale of £3.50 to cover administration and promotional costs and to ensure that the scheme is self funding. Sacks can also be bought direct by residents from the Council offices in Truro and St Austell. Councillors did not feel the problems with seagulls were prevalent in this parish and therefore there was insufficient market to engage in the bulk purchasing scheme.

065/13 Clerk Salary and Employment Review

Notice has been received from SLCC and NALC of revised pay rates for parish clerks following the local government national pay award. The new pay rates apply with effect from 01.04.2013 and increases should be back dated. It was resolved (proposed WR, seconded JD) that the new pay rates be applied to the clerk’s salary and that it be back dated to 01.04.2013.

066/13 Any other business

No other business was raised.

067/13 Clerk’s report

The clerk presented a short report listing the magazines and circulars received since the last meeting, which are available for councillors to view should they so wish.

068/13 Date of next meeting

The next scheduled parish council meeting is for Monday 11 November 2013 at 7.00pm . Dates of planning meetings are subject to receipt of planning applications and are arranged as and when required. The date of the next employment committee meeting will be arranged as necessary.

Meeting closed at 8.30pm

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