Jay 6Hree Tea 6 Induslries Ltd B K BIRLA GROUP of COMPANIES

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Jay 6Hree Tea 6 Induslries Ltd B K BIRLA GROUP of COMPANIES Jay 6hree Tea 6 Induslries ltd B K BIRLA GROUP OF COMPANIES SHR/SA/ Share/ Date.09l04/2021 Registered The Secrttary National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. "Exchange Plazt" Plot No.C-l, 'G' Block Bandra-Kurla Complex Bandra @) Mumbai-400051 Dear Sir, Re: Disclosure of Shareholdins According "Promoters(s)", "Control" and other provisions of the Securities Shares & Takeovers) Regulations, 201 I and based on the inform the disclosure required to 6" rn-"d" uy tire promoters and/or persons deemed to be in control of Jay Shree Tea & Iridustries Ltd. as on 31.03.2021 for your information and records. Hope, you find the above in order. Kindly acknowledge the receipt. Thanking You, Yours faithfully For Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd. (R.K.Ganeriwala) President & Secretary Encl: as above. t Regd. & H. O.: lndustry House, 75th Floor, 70, Comoc Street, Kolkota - 700 077, lndio, Ph. : +97 33 2282 7537-4, Fox : +97 33 2282 7535 E-mail : webmoster@j oyshreeteo.com Website : www.joyshreetea.com, CIN : L75497W8 7945PLC012777 t-ta,A J^"V Disclosurc3 under Regulatlon 30(l) And 30(2) of SEBI (Subtantial Acqui3ition of Sharcs E TakeoveE) Regulatlons, 201I Name of the Target Company : JAY SHREE TEA & INDUSTRIES LIMITED Date of Reporting 3t sr MARCH,202t Name of Stock Exchanges: CSE, BSE E NSE (l) tnformauon about p€rlom holding mol€ lhen 25% sharBs or Yoting righb (VRs.) Name of persons Details of Share holding / Voting rights ( in Number holding more than and % ) of persons mentioned at 25% shares or (A) as informed u/r 30(1) & 30(2) to target company). votinq rights. As on As on Changes, Mar-31 Mar-31 if any, (Cunent (Previous b€tween year) year) (A) & (B) (B) (c) 31.03.2021 31.03.2020 (ll) Promoter(s) or every p€raon having control over a company and also action in concert with him Name of promote(s) Share holding / Voting rights ( in Number and % ) or every person(s) of oersons mentioned at having control over a (ll) as informed to target company u/r 30(l). company ano persons ac{ing in concert with him Name As on As on Changes, Mar-31 Mar-3'l if any, (Current (Previous between year) year) (A) & (B) 31.03.2021 31.03.2020 (A) (c) JPit ilerchandise Agencios Limitod 61 14108 0fi4108 No Birla Building, 7lh Floor 9/1, R.N. Mukheriee Road 2'1.17% 21.17o/o Kolkata-700001 Bharat Arogya And gyan Mandir 36828 36828 No Birla Building, 7th Floor 9/1, R.N.Mukherjee Road o.13Vo 0.'l3o/o Kolkata-700001 Century Textiles and Industries Ltd. 300000 300000 No Cenlury Bhavan, Dr. Annie Besant Road Worli, Mumbai-400 030 'l.04o/o 1.040/o g,z, no.2 31.03.202'l 31.03.2020 (A) (B) (c) Manav Investment & Trading Co. Ltd. Yes Birla Building, 7th Floor 9/1, R.N. Mukherjee Road Kolkata-700001 Pilani Investment And Industries Corpn. Ltd. 2844 2844 No Birla Building, Tttt Floor 9/1, R.N. Mukherjee Road 0.01% 0.01% Kolkata-700001 Prakash Educational SocietY 3000 3000 No Birla Building, 7th Floor 9/1, R.N. Mukherjee Road O.O1o/o 0.01% Kolkata-700001 Aditya Marketing & Manufacturing Ltd. 70000 70000 No Birla Building, 7th Floor 9/1, R.N. Mukherjee Road 0.24% 0.24o/o Kolkata-700001 Birla Education Trust 313788 313788 No 9/1, R.N. Mukheriee Road Kolkata-700@1 1.09% 1.09% Jayantika Investment & Finance Ltd. 6210630 6210630 Yes 10,Camac Street Kolkata-700017 2',1.51% 21.510/o ECE Industries Ltd. 445600 445600 No 28-A Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi-110001 1.540/o '' .54o/o Syt. B.K. Birla 46000 46000 No 9/1, R.N. Mukherjee Road Kolkata-700001 0.16% 0.16% Smt. Jayashree Mohta 985770 985770 No 7, Ronald Shay Road Kolkata-7OO 027 3.41o/o 3.4'lYo Syt Vikash Kandoi '1126 1126 No 4,Synagogue Street Kolkata-7@ 001. 0.01o/o 0.01o/o Syt. Kumar Mangalam Birla 4500 4500 No Industry House, 6th Floor 1 59, Churchgate Reclamation O.O2o/o o.o20h Mumbai-400020 Smt. Vasavadatta Bajaj 15264 152il No 16A,llPalazo, Little Gibbs Road Mumbai-4OO 006 0.05% 0.05% ForFoT jfYJAY SHREE TEA & INDUSTRIES LTDLTD. n4 'l'-' R.K. GANERIWALA Signature of authorised person Dale: O9lO4l2O21 E-mail : [email protected] Phone :22427398 .]PM MERCEANDISE AGENCES LIMNED CIN No. : U51109WB2009PLC1 36827 BIRI.A BUILDING 9/1, R. N, Mukherjee Road, Kolkata 700 001 R.n Aoqd|fto|r of Shrtt' a T*aov'lt 3O(4 rtd uflh fr$||t'| 2(l) (O of In tq|r d Brlulatlql .SE4.($balffl L'r tnd'e iJi-.. ir. - rtam lra cr herg r ur 3ro}anO h ltrt Go"?69 tLtDorl ltocl Erohang. of lndh Ltl ttr Crlostt. E@k Erchrngr Ar.oclrtlon Ltd nrd rny dlr hrhlmfit ltalltou5 au0' !tr t$'r ro'oijivr rtrmr n hr fedcaneq!|| nct htl lli a urc .nen or vothe .igl$ d n' Tc' q b. Nirc(.) ot pfomoL.(.). rrmb.. of |L p|mj JPX XERCI{A}Elt! AoENclt|s utulTlo crou9 d|d P..|qlr^Glhe h C(flotrc C)$'h rh' if ilfftono,*..rh-,ry$n) c) Wrtdrb, O Cm\ar(bL Sgotrltbr ri o; rly othr hrturnant ha would mtld.0r hold" b of tho outrhtldho (1 Dtut d rhr.A,o0ng c+{a mGrrlt h. btd nursaf of nfo h trc TC r|ar|tlrn ftJl dlv.r.lon ooilv.rtDL.ctltl.rlmmntl hb cwlty rh{toof crTC. ddllonrl dbdorl|rt undcr flgulaton 30(t) ,lou In co. of 9rcnortro) mddt{ dlr&rn und.. r.g/h[al lt(2). m b,.$/h.d. For JpM MerchancliseJT\,ta- Agencies Lttt; PlclOI(.b gdc: 6r0a/2m'l Authorised Signatory Contd...U- Phone:22427398 E-mail : [email protected] JpM MERCHANDISE AGEI{CES LndrrBD 2rpage CIN No. : U51109WB2009PLC1 36E27 BIRI.A BUILDING 9/1, R. N. Mukherlee Road, Kolkata 700 001 ti# Tcr & lndrnriee Ltd' *. t*tt Ccnproy' Jey Shrec ", ,{ioni rrr crncett ( ltt\C) For JPM Merchandise Agencies Ltd. Phcc- Kolletr DrE- o!104n27 Notc llncorcofFromcxer(u)mlkingdisc|ocr'rrcundcrrr:gulrtion30(2)'ooerlditiorrr|disckltufl:under regutrtior 30(1) io rcquircd' full lbcr ofdurer in drc'I C rsurning (r) Dilun<l rhrc / voting crpinl mcuu thc rhe'l'(i r / uarnnt inro uluity rrln<cx rf co{rvrttnfir of thc ouFcrxling G(tnvcfllblc I3rchengcs but rhdl not be disrcrninatcd' ' (tt) Prrt'$ shall bc dirrdos'd to thc stock We hereby declare that, we have not made any encumbrance, directly or indirectly, other than those already disclosed during the financial year 202O-2L. Place: KOLKATA Date: 03.04.2021 2lPage PHON E : 2242 7 996, 2242 7 398 BHARAT AROGYA AND GYAN MANDIR BIRI.A BUILDINO, STH FLOOR, g/1, R. N. MUKHERJEE ROAD. KOLIGTA. TOO OO1 JPM Merchandlse ASPncles Umlted 9/1, R. N. Mukherj€e Road Kolkat.-7oo Q1 D.rt 8l?4, In tc.ri of Ro$Idon 3O(2) trd {0r R.0i5on 10 (O ol EEBI (E$drt[d Acqttd[on 0t thdtr e Td.o\r.tl ql R.eddon . 2Ol I, w. drl||| hl cr ho|(tLrg .. 3t{}ml O h lh! ComPUry L m $dtt: ltllon.l Etocl lrchrmo o{ Indl. Ltd t" 0t b. Nrdr) of p|omdat(tl, nr3rbrr ot lha 9llllldr DHARAT AROOYA ANO GYAN iIANDIR grorip r|d P.t.ci. Aclne h Conc.n eAC) ht'h hh' r) 6hrroa b) Volkre Rlghb (o|hfrb. hm bt d|r[) s) tarllrslt. dl Conw.0bl. Saqrillca o) olher hrlrum.|lt lhlt would on0ta h. hold.t to O Dtlbd nJ|^ro0ng cTla ,tLm h. btC firs.' d nf[ h !t TC r|.|ille M cmF.{on ot tlr. flhlrtdhC corra.ttslc .cuiL.Arfl|tnb F .qlry d|..tr of h. TC. lbic ln cr. of prqnoHf, mfhg drcb.|lrr t[rdr rrgdrfcr O(2), no addlon l dlrdoot! urd.r ruguh[on lo(l ) L roquL.d, For ltttlAT IR06YA AtO GVII ll|il0n Pl6cc: Ko*!b D!i.: ()3O{rZ02t ru6rtcd6nrtctcr c,oftd*.2t- UMTS: SARALA BIRLA UNIVERSITY SAR/AII BIRIA PUBLIC SctlOoL f,AHADEVI BIRLA INSTITUTE OF NURSINO t CLINICAL TECHNOLOGY P.O. ilAHILONG RANCHI .83t l0! PHONE : 0361 2il@10 r 3552s50 PHON E : 2i242 7 996, 2242 7 3gg , R.I-'. MUKHEruEE ROM, K9!I4IIS991 Itrn-ll" Shrte Tee & lorlulricl [rd' tl'crn,, nf *to'f*.gr Compury- Jey Acnrg ur Crnccrt ( PAQ With tltu Person f6r B||rnn rn08!r AmSYTI ItX0lR Phct- Kolkoa Arrthcircd Slgrrldlc! Data- 0!/0412021 Notc undcr undcr rcgrhtion 30(2)' no edditirml disclotrutc 1 In croe of prornotc(s) rnrking dirclonlc rcguledon 30(1) is requircd" of rtlrcr in thc TC marmrrg frtll (.) Dilurul shra / uorhg crpitrl mceiu the taol nrnrbcr 'l'c *t*tr ioo aluity rherc6 of the convtfiirrr o f thc ;;;t'i; t*oitit" l """"ihtg but rhdl not bc diescmineted' (.r) P.fi-B slmtl bc dircloscd to thc noclr Exchrngps we hereby declare that, we have not made any encumbrance, directly or indirectly, other than those already disclosed during the financial year 2020-21. Place: KOLKATA Date:03.04.2021 UMII: EARAI.A BIRII UI{IVERSIW SARAII BIR13 PUBUC SCHOOL I|AHADFI/I BIRI.A INSNTUTE OF }IURSI}IO E CUNICAL TECHNOLOGY -Co.n*uuoNq, RAr{cHl' f!5 t0! P}lollE : oftl t2lt040 "t32E60 ADITYAMARKETING & MANUFACTURING PRIVATE LIMITED Registered Office. 9/1, R. N. MUKHERJEE ROAD, KOLKATA-700 001 To JPM Merchandise Agencies Limited 9/1, R. N.
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