Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics Evolutionary psychology and the historian Version 1.0 April 2013 Walter Scheidel Stanford University Abstract: New possibilities have been opened up for historians by a new wave of engagement with biology, or more particularly with human biology, for the study of human history, environmental history, health history, and the co-evolutionary history of humans and other species. This paper critically explores the uses and limits of evolutionary psychology for the study of history by focusing on the particularly intensely discussed phenomenon of incest avoidance. © Walter Scheidel.
[email protected] “He who is the son says this to his mother: ‘Let us give (ourselves) in bodily intercourse so that we shall not have fear of Hell, and the sins we have committed will go from the account, and at the Cinwad Bridge [of posthumous judgment] we will be (pure in) heart, and a beautiful and seemly place will be ours, and we shall please Ohrmazd and cause harm to Ahriman.’ The mother says this to (her) son if she speaks righteously: ‘I give (myself) to you (in) bodily intercourse,’ even as that son said. The father says this to (his) daughter, the brother says this to his sister, (so) the sister says this to her brother.” 1 In the former Zoroastrian tradition represented in this text from around 900 CE, sexual relations between members of the nuclear family were not only to be encouraged but meant to result in progeny: “And there are those children who are born of a father and his daughter. Light flashes and glows and can be seen in course of time; and very fortunate and pleased is someone who has a child of his child (…).