Chadayammuri et al. Patient Safety in Surgery (2015) 9:32 DOI 10.1186/s13037-015-0079-0

REVIEW Open Access Innovative strategies for the management of long infection: a review of the Masquelet technique Vivek Chadayammuri1, Mark Hake2 and Cyril Mauffrey3*

Abstract Post-traumatic long bone (PTOM) is a relatively frequent occurrence in patients with severe open fractures and requires treatment to prevent limb-threatening complications. The Masquelet technique represents a length-independent, two-staged reconstruction that involves the induction of a periosteal membrane and use of an antibiotic-impregnated cement spacer for the treatment of segmental bone loss that result from bone infection. In this review, we summarize recent developments regarding the diagnosis and treatment of long bone PTOM, with a special emphasis on the use of the Masquelet technique for reconstruction of wide diaphyseal defects. Keywords: Osteomyelitis, Posttraumatic, Defects, Diaphyseal, Reconstruction, Masquelet, Antibiotic, ORIF, Fixation

Introduction PTOM may result in fracture , sepsis, and dif- Osteomyelitis, or infection of the bone, represents a fuse tissue devitalization underlying a requirement for complex and challenging clinical entity in the field of or- limb amputation [4]. thopedics. In 1951, Gallie et al reported a case of recurring osteomyelitis following a period of 80 years since onset of Diagnostic evaluation of long bone PTOM initial infection. The patient was a 90-year-old woman The clinical diagnosis of long bone PTOM is challenging, with a Brodie’s localized to the distal femur. Given in large measure, owing to the non-specific nature of its a largely asymptomatic presentation throughout the initial presentation. In addition to findings of localized patient’s lifetime, diagnosis and treatment was exceedingly pain, long bone PTOM classically presents with signs and delayed. This case is but one of many that illustrates the symptoms of infection including low-grade fever, erythema, complex nature of osteomyelitis [1]. edema, and/or draining sinus tracts [5, 6]. In pediatric pa- The focus of this review will be on long bone posttrau- tients, presentation may also include systemic manifesta- matic osteomyelitis (PTOM), defined as infection of the tions such as fever, chills, and night sweats [5]. Clinical bone in conjunction with recent fracture or traumatic examination should reveal localized tenderness to palpation insult. Long bone PTOM is a relatively frequent occur- overlying an aspect of bone with prior or current fracture. rence and may be involved in as many as 10 % of all open Diagnosticwork-upoflongbonePTOMtradition- fractures and 1 % of all closed fractures [2]. Several etio- ally involves a combination of imaging, tissue culture, logical factors have been previously described, including and laboratory studies [7]. Acute inflammatory direct inoculation at time of injury, macro- or microvascu- markers such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), lar damage, surgical contamination, host immunodefi- C-reactive protein (CRP), and leukocyte count (WBC) ciency, and/or postoperative wound contamination [3–5]. have low specificity for diagnosis, particularly in the Barring early diagnosis and adequate treatment, long bone setting of a profound systemic inflammatory response (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, systemic * Correspondence: [email protected] lupus erythematosus, etc.). Therefore, trending levels 3 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Denver Health Medical Center, of acute inflammatory markers is more appropriately University of Colorado, School of Medicine, 777 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204, USA reserved for monitoring infection status following ini- Full list of author information is available at the end of the article tiation of treatment [5, 6]. The ‘gold standard’ for the

© 2015 Chadayammuri et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Chadayammuri et al. Patient Safety in Surgery (2015) 9:32 Page 2 of 10

diagnosis of PTOM is a bone culture obtained in the oper- confounded by the presence of orthopedic hardware that ating room; however, this should always be complemented generates artifact interference on imaging. In addition, no by histopathological analysis to reduce the incidence of classification schemes incorporate the location of the false-positives [7, 8]. Currently ongoing clinical studies are infection on long (intra articular, metaphyseal or investigating newer technologies such as polymerase chain diaphyseal), which in our view is an important consider- reaction (PCR) and fluorescence in situ hybridization ation for the treatment plan. (FISH) that may improve diagnostic sensitivity; however, additional research is required to inform the feasibility Pre-operative optimization of the patient and validity of such modalities [8, 9]. The management of long bone PTOM is complex and Following positive findings on culture and pathology challenging. Therefore, patients must be prepared for a suggestive of long bone PTOM, preoperative work-up long course of multiple surgeries and counseled on the must include an imaging series consisting of anteroposter- risks for postoperative complications that include non- ior (AP) and lateral radiography, MRI, and/or CT. A union, hardware failure and infection recurrence. More- multimodal imaging approach is employed to surmount over, initial stages of preoperative planning must involve the independent limitations of each imaging modality. In correction of modifiable co-morbidities and/or risk factors patients with long bone PTOM, AP and lateral radio- that portend poor postoperative wound healing. In- graphs traditionally demonstrate regional , peri- deed, a study by Brinkler et al showed that 31 of 37 osteal reaction (“Codman’s triangle”), and patients (83 %) with fracture nonunion had one or (segments of necrotic bone with interspersed viable granu- more underlying metabolic or endocrine abnormalities lation tissue). However, sensitivity of plain radiography is such as vitamin D deficiency, calcium imbalances, quite poor during the initial two weeks of infection [5]. central hypogonadism, thyroid disorders, and parathyroid Computed tomography (CT) may enable earlier detection hormone disorders. Eight of these patients (25 %) achieved of infection through visualization of devitalized cortical bony union in an average of 7.6 months (range, 3 to 12 bone, sequestrum, and/or (periosteal bone months) following treatment of their metabolic or endo- formation) on multiplanar reconstructions but demon- crine abnormalities without further operative treatment strates poor capacity to delineate soft-tissue involvement [12]. In addition to nutritional and metabolic testing, pa- [10]. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enables excellent tients with long bone PTOM should also be evaluated for visualization of soft-tissue pathology in as early as 3–5 poor glycemic control (in diabetic patients), tobacco or days following initial onset of long bone PTOM [10] and illicit drug use, malnutrition, and vascular insufficiency of is therefore considered the ‘gold standard’ for confirm- the affected limb [13]. Low socioeconomic status (SES) is ation of osteomyelitis infection via imaging studies. Exud- also a prognostic indicator of worse treatment outcome ate, edema, or sequestrum appear as hypodense lesions on [14], a fact that should not deter the provision of care but T1-weighted MRI images and short-tau inversion recovery rather alert the treating surgeon to the increased potential (STIR) sequences, while surrounding granulation tissue for postoperative complications. appears as a low-intensity signal on T1-weighted images and high-intensity signal on STIR sequences or T2- Surgical treatment options weighted imaging [10]. The downside of MRI use is the In severe cases of long bone PTOM, debridement of the artifact in the presence of hardware. infected tissue results in extended diaphyseal loss of The classification of long bone PTOM is done according bone that cannot be adequately managed by conven- duration (Waldvogel et al) or disease stage (Cierny-Mader tional methods of reconstruction. In particular, conven- et al) and may facilitate treatment planning [11]. In the tional methods often fail to satisfy at least one of the Walvogel classification, osteomyelitis is classified on the following goals of therapy: basis of being hematogenous, contiguous, or chronic in nature. In the Cierny-Mader classification, osteomyelitis is I. Control of the local infection with radical categorized by anatomic location into Stage 1 (medullary), debridement and antibiotic therapy Stage 2 (superficial), Stage 3 (localized), and Stage 4 (dif- II. Fracture stabilization when instability occurs due to fuse). This scheme also incorporates consideration of the debridement or nonunion host’s health status, divided into local factors (chronic III.Provision of adequate soft-tissue coverage to ensure lymphedema, venous stasis, or arteritis) or systemic wound healing [2, 5] factors (malnutrition, renal failure, diabetes mellitus, and immunodeficiency status). Both classification systems can Radical debridement may further precipitate widening be useful for informing diagnosis and treatment of long of the osseous defect in cases where segmental bone de- bone PTOM; however, a critical shortcoming is that ana- fects exceed 5 cm in size [15]. Conventional techniques tomical staging within these classification schemes is often such as vascularized fibula autograft and Iliazarov bone Chadayammuri et al. Patient Safety in Surgery (2015) 9:32 Page 3 of 10

transport also yield poor long-term outcomes, often due insertion of the cement spacer. Options include to graft resorption and revascularization by creeping unilateral or ring external fixation, plate osteosynth- substitution [16, 17]. These treatment options are tech- esis, or IM nailing. The choice of stabilization is nically demanding and typically are not performed with- based on the location of the defect. For bone loss in out specialized training. Bone regeneration may also be the mid-diaphysis, an IM nail offers stable fixation impeded secondary to inadequate vascularization or that allows early weight bearing. A narrow diameter soft-tissue coverage [18]. Finally, insufficient delivery of nail is used and coated with antibiotic-impregnated concentrated antibiotic therapy to the site of infection cement. For defects close to an articular surface, ex- may result in high rates of disease recurrence. ternal fixation is preferred. Ring-fixators offer stable The Masquelet technique represents a two-staged re- fixation and the ability to modify the bony alignment constructive procedure that overcomes several of the postoperatively. When placing external fixation, care shortcomings in the treatment of osteomyelitis defects, must be taken to keep pins away from the site of de- particularly those located to the long bone and associ- finitive fixation so that the external fixator can be left ated with infected and/or non-viable soft tissue [19]. in place until healing is achieved (during Stage 2 of First developed in the late 1970’sbyACMasqueletbut the procedure) [18]. only recently popularized, the chief advantages of this In our experience, the preparation of an antibiotic strategy include control of the local infection with rad- IM interlocking carbon-fiber nail can be achieved ical debridement, placement of a polymethylmethacry- using a simple and reproducible technique [20]. Plas- late (PMMA) cement spacer for maintenance of dead tic tubing such as chest tubes, D&C tubing and D&E space, and induction of a periosteal membrane that tubing are used as a mold. The tubing is cut to a protects against graft resorption. Furthermore, the length such that the proximal threaded portion of the Masquelet technique is length-independent and is nail is left free of cement. The inner portion of the therefore a viable option for the treatment of larger os- tube is coated with sterile mineral oil to facilitate ex- seous defects. A detailed description of the Masquelet traction of the nail. One end of the tubing is then technique with ‘Tips & Tricks’ and an illustrative case clamped with a Kocher while the other end is loaded example are provided in the following sections. with the viscous cement-antibiotic preparation using a cement gun. The authors use 3 g of Vancomycin Two-staged reconstruction of extended powder combined with 40 g of Palacos-R (Zimmer, diaphyseal bone defects using the masequelet Warsaw, Indiana) PMMA cement. When polymicro- technique bial of gram-negative infection is suspected or dem- Stage 1 onstrated by bone cultures, 3.6 g of Tobramycin can A. Radical debridement be added to the mix. An extra 10 to 20 cc of mono- The Masquelet technique is performed in two stages. In mer should be used to obtain injectable cement, and the setting of an unstable long bone with infected and/ mixing should be performed under a vacuum to im- or non-viable soft tissue, the first stage involves radical prove antibiotic elution profile [21]. An IM nail is debridement of all infected or non-viable bone and in- then inserted centrally into the chest tube to produce terposed fibrous tissue. Given that devitalized tissue a wide cement mantle with a consistent thickness. serves as a nidus for recurrent infection and predisposes The entire construct is then placed into a cool sterile to increased risk of postoperative complications such as saline bath during the exothermic polymerization delayed union, nonunion, and vascular thrombosis, re- process to prevent melting of the inner layer of the construction of the bone defect (conducted in Stage 2) is plastic tube and facilitate removal of the nail [22]. only possible once complete eradication of infected and The authors recommend allowing the interlocking non-viable tissues has been achieved. The margins of holes to be covered with cement. Once hardened, the debridement should extend until viable bony edges are chest tube is cut longitudinally and peeled off of the encountered, determined intraoperatively using the cement-coated nail. The distal end of the cement “paprika sign” (punctate bleeding upon drilling with a mantle can be contoured with a rasp to allow for 2.5 mm drill bit). Once the margins of debridement have easier insertion. The intramedullary canal is then pre- been determined, an osteotome can be utilized to per- pared in a standard fashion for nail insertion. The form a corticotomy in order to prevent destruction of cement-coated nail is often wider than standard nails healthy surrounding tissues. so aggressive reaming may be necessary prior to placement. If there is concern for proximal or distal B. Limb stabilization spread of the infection in the canal, a Reamer- Following debridement, stabilization must be achieved Irrigator-Aspirator (RIA) system may be used. The to maintain length, alignment and rotation prior to IM nail is then inserted and statically locked under Chadayammuri et al. Patient Safety in Surgery (2015) 9:32 Page 4 of 10

fluoroscopic guidance, with proper alignment con- elution profile in seromas, granulation tissue, and bone. firmed by plain radiography. High concentrations of tobramycin were observed accu- mulating in bone and granulation tissue, compared to C. Placement of the antibiotic-impregnated cement spacer high concentrations of vancomycin occurring in bone The next step following bony stabilization is the fash- alone [28]. In an in vitro study by Penner et al, the ioning of a cement spacer, traditionally composed of elution of tobramycin and vancomycin from Palacos-R polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) cement, to fill the cement was found to persist over the course of 9 weeks segmental bone defect. A cement spacer is preferable [29]. This study also demonstrated that the dual admin- over other modalities of local antibiotic delivery pri- istration of these two antibiotics increased antibiotic marily because it assumes the conjoint functions of elution by 68 % for tobramycin and 103 % for vancomycin inhibiting fibrous tissue ingrowth and maintaining as compared to the use of each antibiotic independently. dead space volume until time of reconstruction [15]. Finally, Wahlig et al. determined local concentrations of For optimal outcome, the cement spacer should fill gentamycin to be as high as 80 mg/mL after 4 days post- the intramedullary canal and edges of surrounding vi- implantation in a series of 41 patients treated with able bone [18]. It is important to use a spacer to fill gentamycin impregnated PMMA beads [30]. the entire defect as opposed to antibiotic cement Of note, the largest permissible ratio is 8 g of beads. A membrane will form around the cement, antibiotic per 40 g of cement; higher doses of antibiotic which will be filled with bone graft during the second may impede cement molding [31]. During placement of stage of the procedure. Beads leave an irregular mem- the cement block it is critical to irrigate the spacer with brane that is less than ideal for containment of the cold saline during its polymerization phase as the raised graft. Furthermore, the authors recommend irrigating temperature may cause skin burn. with cool saline during the exothermic polymerization process to prevent local tissue necrosis. The cement D. Soft-tissue coverage and wound healing spacer may also be premixed with antibiotic to enable In the final phase of stage 1, there must be closure of localized delivery of higher concentrations than would the wound without tension. This may require treatments be feasible with systemic therapy. This practice also ranging from wet-to-dry dressings to a flap procedure to provides a convenient and controlled dosing scheme provide adequate soft-tissue coverage. As a guiding that relinquishes issues related to poor patient com- principle, the least technically demanding strategy that pliance [23, 24]. enables successful soft-tissue coverage should be chosen. The appropriate choice of antibiotic therapy is predi- For acute injuries, free-flaps are preferred over rotational cated on the results of culture and pathology testing per- muscle flaps, as the latter can potentially increase formed on direct wound and bone samples. Additionally, destruction of viable surrounding tissue [14]. In a pro- the chosen antibiotic must be thermostable to the exo- spective study of 11 patients undergoing reconstruction thermic polymerization (solidification) process of the of diaphyseal defects averaging 10.5 cm (range, 5 to 18 PMMA cement. Aminoglycosides (gentamicin, tobra- cm), 6 patients (54.5 %) required soft-tissue repair by mycin) and vancomycin represent good options given flaps (3 free flaps, 3 pedicled muscle flaps). At 24 month their thermostability, broad-spectrum of activity, high follow-up, all flaps were viable and there was no recur- rates of elution, and relatively low incidence of anaphyl- rence of infection [19]. In Masquelet’s first report of the actic reactions [25, 26]. In an in vitro study by Chang et technique, 28 of 35 patients (80 %) undergoing recon- al, the longest duration of antibiotic-elution from struction for long bone segmental defects (range, 5 to 24 PMMA cement spacers was observed with gentamicin cm) required soft-tissue repair procedures (14 free-flap, as compared to vancomycin, teicoplanin, ceftazidime, 14 pedicled muscle flap). Thirty-one patients (89 %) imipenem, piperacillin, or tobramycin [27]. In this study, were able to resume unprotected weight-bearing at a gentamicin also demonstrated excellent coverage against mean of 8.5 months (range, 6 to 17 months). Four pa- methicillin-sensitive , coagulase tients (11 %) sustained late stress fractures and required negative Staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and further cast immobilization to achieve complete healing. Escherichia coli species. In another study performed in There were no cases of infection recurrence, which the 15 mongrel dogs, Adams et al compared the elution authors attribute to aggressive initial debridement [19]. characteristics of PMMA spacers loaded with cefazolin Wound vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) can also be (Ancef; 4.5 g/40 g cement powder), ciprofloxacin (Cipro; used to promote tissue granulation, reduce tension re- 6 g/40 g powder), clindamycin (Cleocin; 6 g/40 g pow- quired for wound closure, and minimize postoperative der), ticarcillin (Ticar; 12 g/40 g powder), tobramycin complications [32]. This is believed to occur second- (Nebcin; 9.8 g/40 g powder), and vancomycin (Vancocin; ary to a variety of mechanisms: (1) increased endothe- 4 g/40 g powder). Clindamycin proved to have the best lial proliferation and angiogenesis, (2) increased Chadayammuri et al. Patient Safety in Surgery (2015) 9:32 Page 5 of 10

tensile force that promotes tissue granulation and ac- 2 of the Masquelet technique). Trending inflammatory celerated wound closure, and (3) presence of an air- markers before and after completion of systemic antibi- tight negative-pressure seal that reduces interstitial otics can help confirm clearance. If there remains any edema [33]. While data on clinical outcomes doubt as to the presence of residual infection, then tis- following use of wound VAC therapy in patients with sue specimens at the site of the segmental defect can be osteomyelitis remains limited, one retrospective study harvested for culture and pathology [18]. Sending sam- found that patients with osteomyelitis treated by ples for pathology is critical due to the high rate of false- wound VAC experienced significantly lower rates of negative culture results [8]. Levels of acute inflammatory infection recurrence and required less flap procedures markers, including CRP and ESR, should be normal in relative to patients treated by conventional wound patients lacking comorbidities [15]. In the second stage management strategies. Debridement time and type of reconstruction, the cement spacer is carefully re- was similar between the two groups [34]. In a separ- moved and the resulting cavity is filled with morcelized ate study of 20 pigs with open fractures treated by autogenous corticocancellous bone graft. antibiotic-impregnated PMMA beads containing vancomycin and tobramycin, concentrations of locally F. Removal of the cement spacer and permanent fixation of eluted antibiotics were unaltered by the application of the fracture wound VAC therapy [35]. A single longitudinal incision is made centrally through On a final note, a randomized control trial performed the self-induced periosteal membrane. The cement spa- by Bouachour et al demonstrated potential benefit with cer should be removed in one piece or a few small pieces treatment by hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) in pa- created with a saw or osteotome. Particular care must be tients suffering severe crush injuries of the limbs [36]. taken to avoid iatrogenic injury to the induced periosteal The study involved 36 patients with severe (grade III) membrane so that it remains a self-contained compart- crush injuries who were randomly allocated into HBO ment. The ends of the resected bone margins should be or placebo treatment groups within 24 h of surgical re- freshened with a drill bit or rasp to remove sclerotic construction. Compared to the placebo group, patients bone and facilitate bone graft integration. The medullary receiving HBO had significantly lower requirements for canal should also be debrided to enable communicate additional surgical procedures (flaps, grafts, vascular sur- with the graft. Definitive fixation can be revised at this gery, or amputation); moreover, complete wound healing point if necessary. was achieved in 87.5 % of patients receiving HBO com- pared to only 30 % of patients receiving placebo. Hence, H. Harvest of autogenous bone graft using the Reamer/ augmentation of surgical reconstruction of severe crush Irrigator/Aspirator (RIA) system injuries with HBO may improve clinical outcome; how- The hollowed periosteal cavity is best filled with morce- ever, additional studies are required to inform this treat- lized autogenous bone graft. A synergistic effect between ment strategy. the bone graft and the induced membrane promotes in- Following completion of stage 1 of the Masquelet creased bone formation, angiogenesis, and consolidation procedure, weight-bearing is determined based upon of the bony defect through stimulating the release of the stability of the defect size, location and implant. growth factors such as VEGF, TGF-beta 1, and BMP-2 Patients with small and medium diaphyseal defects [19, 38–40]. treated by IM nailing can bear weight as tolerated. Bone graft can be harvested from a number of loca- The patient is then placed on a prolonged systemic tions, including the iliac crest, proximal tibia and calca- antibiotic regimen for a period of 6-8 weeks. This is neus. Use of the RIA system from the femur is preferred done in order to allow adequate time for a number and portends less morbidity than iliac crest bone graft of processes to occur: (1) epithelialization of free or pedi- harvesting [41–43]. Furthermore, RIA aspirate has been cled muscle flaps in order to prevent surgical site contam- shown to contain osteoprogenitor cells and tissue ination by bacterial skin flora, (2) revascularization of growth-factors (BMP-2, FGF-2, IGF-1, and TGF-β) that marginally viable tissue surrounding the bony defect, (3) may accelerate bone repair [44, 45]. In a prospective formation of the self-induced periosteal membrane, and study of 10 subjects, Sagi et al determined that aspirate (4) treatment of any residual infection by systemic and/or obtained from medullary canal of the femur via RIA local antibiotics [19, 23, 37]. contained significantly higher levels of osteoinductive compounds compared to conventional iliac crest bone Stage 2 graft harvests [45]. A cadaveric study by Kovar et al fur- E. Clearance of infection ther determined a significantly greater quantity of bone Complete eradication of infection is a prerequisite to re- graft to be harvestable from the medullary canal of the construction of bone defects due to osteomyelitis (Stage femur compared to the tibia using RIA reaming [41]. Chadayammuri et al. Patient Safety in Surgery (2015) 9:32 Page 6 of 10

While preparing for graft harvest using the RIA alternative techniques such as bone transport and vascu- system, a few important considerations must be kept in larized fibular grafting, the Masquelet technique is often mind. The reaming head size should not exceed the technically easier and can produce good outcomes in a canal diameter at the isthmus of the femur (as deter- majority of patients. mined on AP and lateral radiography) by more than 2 mm [42]. Reaming should be performed under fluoro- scopic guidance using an alternating motion of advan- Case description cing and withdrawing at a slow enough pace to allow As an illustrative case example, we present a 33-year-old proper irrigation and aspiration [42]. Once reaming is male who sustained an open (Gustilo IIIB) diaphyseal frac- complete, aspiration should be turned off to reduce ture of the right tibia following an occupational forklift intraoperative blood loss. accident. Initial treatment was performed at an outside Harvested bone graft should be loosely packed to facility and included multiple rounds of debridement bridge the osseous defect. It is important to avoid tight followed by open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) packing of bone graft when bridging the defect, as this of a buttery fragment along the medial tibia with locking can precipitate necrosis of the graft due to impaired plate and IM nailing. The patient was placed on wound angiogenesis. Large defects may require additional aug- VAC therapy for three months and subsequently devel- mentation of autogenous bone graft with allograft or oped a chronic draining wound over the anterior tibia demineralized bone substitute at a ratio less than or with concomitant osteomyelitis (Fig. 1), prompting referral equal to 1:3 (autograft to allograft) to achieve sufficient to our Level I trauma center. graft volume or strength [18, 19, 46]. Autogenous bone Upon initial presentation to our institution, the patient graft may also be enhanced with synthetic bone morpho- was noted to have a foul-smelling wound with inflam- genetic protein (BMP) [47, 48], bisphosphonates [18], or matory hypergranulation surrounding an open 3 × 2 cm hydroxyapatite [18, 48]; however, the clinical utility of bony defect. The patient reported a deep, throbbing pain such synthetic derivatives remains controversial. Indeed, localized to the right anterior tibia with an intensity of Masquelet et al observed increased autograft resorption 7/10 at rest. Past medical and family history were not in patients receiving additional local injections of recom- significant for any metabolic, endocrine, or chronic in- binant BMP-7 [19]. flammatory conditions. The patient reported smoking one-half pack of cigarettes daily for the past 10 years. I. Postoperative course On physical examination, the patient had decreased sen- Following surgery, the patient is encouraged to re- sation to light touch over the cutaneous distribution of sume immediate weight-bearing as tolerated. Early the superficial peroneal nerve and had drastically reduced weight-bearing stimulates secondary bone healing strength of ankle dorsiflexion (1/5) in the right leg. Diag- (callus formation) and may help to reverse long- nostic imaging with anteroposterior (AP) and lateral ra- standing physical and psychological disability. The diographs revealed a mid-diaphyseal comminuted fracture patient should be scheduled for routine follow-up nonunion of the right tibia with overlying soft-tissue postoperatively to evaluate for fracture alignment, os- swelling (Fig. 2). Direct bone samples were obtained seous consolidation, and functionality. With careful planning and execution, reconstruction of long bone osteomyelitis defects using Masquelet technique can yield excellent long-term clinical out- comes. In a case series of 25 patients presenting with 27 segmental bone loss averaging 5.8 cm in size (range, 1 to 25 cm), 24 cases (90 %) demonstrated full clinical and radiographic healing within 1 year following reconstruction with Masquelet technique. No postopera- tive complications, including infection recurrence, were reported [49]. The technique described here to treat long bone osteo- myelitis is a feasible option for most orthopaedic surgeons. The materials required (PMMA cement, antibiotic pow- der, D&C tubing and mineral oil) are readily available at most centers. Carbon fiber products are becoming more popular and readily available, although a standard metallic Fig. 1 Preoperative clinical photograph demonstrating an anterior wound with exposed bone nail can be substituted if necessary. Compared to Chadayammuri et al. Patient Safety in Surgery (2015) 9:32 Page 7 of 10

Given the patient’s chronically infected nonunion and extensive necrosis of surrounding soft-tissue, a two-staged reconstruction using the Masquelet technique was per- formed. First, plate and screws were removed. Intraopera- tively, absence of pinpoint bleeding was noted along an 11 cm segment of devitalized bone. Under fluoroscopic guid- ance, a Monotube multiplanar external fixator (Stryker, Kalamazoo, Michigan) was placed. Tibial osteotomy was carried out using an oscillating saw to resect necrotic bone, followed by radical debridement of all nonviable surrounding tissue. A PMMA cement spacer with 3.6 gm tobramycin and 3 gm vancomycin was prepared and placed into the bone defect. Soft-tissue coverage was pro- Fig. 2 Preoperative lateral radiograph demonstrating a mid-diaphyseal vided using a rotational soleus flap. Incisional wound VAC comminuted fracture of the right tibia and sequestrum (red arrow) therapy was applied for 1 week to promote tissue granula- tion and accelerated wound closure. The patient received a 6-week course of Vancomycin and Flagyl after direct tis- for culture and pathology, which demonstrated a poly- sue cultures grew MRSA and Streptococcus milleri. microbial infection comprised of Methicillin-resistant Eight weeks post-operatively, the patient returned to Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Streptococcus angino- undergo the second stage of reconstruction. Intraoperative sus. The patient was started on a 6-week course of Vanco- mycin (15 mg/kg IV q8 hr) and Metronidazole (500 mg PO q8 hr).

Fig. 3 Intra-operative photograph of the self-induced periosteal membrane during the second stage of reconstruction following Fig. 4 Postoperative MRI of the tibia following definitive fixation removal of the cement spacer. A cement coated antibiotic nail was with radiolucent antibiotic-impregnated carbon-fiber IM nailing. Use placed to provide bone stability and allow early weight bearing of the carbon-fiber IM nail enables artifact-free MRI visualization Chadayammuri et al. Patient Safety in Surgery (2015) 9:32 Page 8 of 10

Fig. 5 Standard AP (a) and lateral (b) plain radiograph taken at 5 months postoperative follow-up demonstrating improved bone healing without evidence of , infection, or hardware migration

bone and tissue samples were culture negative. A signifi- ✓ Radical debridement should extend to viable bone cant self-induced periosteal envelope was visible overlying margins (as indicated by the paprika sign). Use of an the previously placed cement spacer (Fig. 3). A central in- osteotome to perform corticotomy helps prevent cision of the periosteal membrane was made in line with damage to healthy surrounding tissue. the tibia. The cement spacer was removed and pins of the ✓ Following thorough debridement, an antibiotic- external fixator were backed out until they were unicorti- impregnated PMMA cement spacer is placed. Irrigation cal in nature. A 10-mm radiolucent carbon-fiber intrame- with cold saline during preparation of the antibiotic- dulary nail (Carbo-Fix, Collierville, TN, USA) was coated cement mixture will help prevent skin burns. with Palacos R cement (Warsaw, IN, USA) premixed with ✓ Stabilization during the first stage can be achieved 3 g vancomycin and 3.6 g tobramycin. Under fluoroscopic with an external fixator, plate or IM nail. guidance, the nail was positioned in an anterograde man- ✓ The cement spacer must be left in place for 6-8 weeks. ner and locked with 2 proximal interlocking titanium Complete eradication of infection, confirmed by culture screws (Fig. 4). The ipilateral femur was used for autograft and pathology, is a prerequisite to the second stage of the harvest using RIA, which was loosely placed into the de- procedure (reconstruction of the osseous defect). fect. The soft tissues, including the periosteal membrane, ✓ In the second stage, we favor definitive fixation using were closed in layers. an antibiotic-coated carbon fiber IM nail. This allows for artifact-free visualization on MRI, which is import- Patient outcome ant for monitoring treatment response. The patient was followed at 2, 8, 12, and 20 weeks postop- ✓ Autograft harvested using an RIA system should be eratively. The patient was able to resume full weight- loosely packed around the IM nail to permit bearing by 2 weeks postoperatively and was pain free at angiogenesis. Bony margins should be freshened with a his 3 month follow-up visit. Radiographs at his 5 month drill bit to facilitate graft integration. visit showed consolidation of the defect without evidence of infection, osteolysis, or hardware failure (Fig. 5). Consent Obtained from patient. Concluding remarks Competing interests ✓ The Masquelet technique is a viable option for Dr Cyril Mauffrey is Co investigator on a grant sponsored by Carbofix. No other conflicts noted in relation to this manuscript. treatment of long bone PTOM. Primary advantages of this technique include its length independence, Authors’ contribution induction of a periosteal membrane that protects All authors contributed to this manuscript equally. The concept and against graft resorption, and eradication of infection innovative idea came from CM. VC wrote most of the draft while critical revisions and illustrations were done by CM and MH. Dr Cyril Mauffrey is Co with an antibiotic-impregnated cement spacer that pre- investigator on a grant from Carbofix. No other conflicts in relation to this serves dead space volume for delayed reconstruction. manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Chadayammuri et al. Patient Safety in Surgery (2015) 9:32 Page 9 of 10

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