Dixons Carphone plc Annual Report and Accounts Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17 2 016 /17 Dixons Carphone plc 1 Portal Way London W3 6RS United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0) 345 013 0345 Email:
[email protected] www.dixonscarphone.com www.dixonscarphone.com @DixonsCarphone “Over the last few years a great deal of work has been done to make the company stronger, lower risk and more resilient. We are seeing the upside of these efforts now as we declare record headline profits before tax of over half a billion pounds – up 10%. More importantly, the improvement in our cost base, the strong leadership position that we have built, the investment that we have made in our digital business and, above all, the enormous shift in customer satisfaction and price competitiveness that we have driven leave us well positioned to flourish in the years ahead. While the UK consumer environment seems to be holding up for us, there will undoubtedly continue to be changes in the way people buy all of the products that we sell from phones to washing machines. Change always represents opportunity, and our job is to find the propositions that keep us compelling to our customers forever. We are excited about our plans in services and about the myriad of initiatives that will drive long- term relationships with our customers. In short, it has been a good year for Dixons Carphone and it gives me great pleasure once again to thank my 43,000 colleagues for the work that they have done to deliver so well and so energetically for our customers.” Sebastian James Group Chief Executive 27 June 2017 Cautionary statement Designed and printed by Black&Callow Certain statements made in this Annual Report and Accounts are forward looking.