Bowl V Quarterfinals and JV Semifinals

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Bowl V Quarterfinals and JV Semifinals NHBB Nationals Bowl 2015-2016 Bowl V Quarterfinals and JV Semifinals Bowl V Quarterfinals and JV Semifinals First Quarter (1) This person succeeded Tomas Estrada Palma as Provisional Governor of Cuba, having much earlier served as Benjamin Harrison's second Solicitor General. This leader replaced Elihu Root as Secretary of War after serving an apprenticeship starting in 1901 as the first civilian U.S. Governor of the Philippines. This man shared the bench with McReynolds, Holmes, Brandeis, and Van Deventer, the last of whom he appointed, when he served as Chief Justice following his time in his highest office. For ten points, name this 24th President of the United States. ANSWER: William Howard Taft (2) One parody of this film ends with an invitation to bask in \television's warm glowing warming glow." In this film, Scatman Crothers' character takes a surprising axe to the chest. Rodney Ascher's documentary Room 237 argues that the distinctive carpet pattern and Danny Torrance's sweater both reference this film’s director's supposed filming of the faked Apollo moon landings. For ten points, name this 1980 Stanley Kubrick film starring Jack Nicholson as a caretaker at the haunted Overlook Hotel. ANSWER: The Shining (3) A battleship named for this region provided naval support for the first battle of World War II, the Battle of Westerplatte. The Gastein Convention split control of this region between Prussia and Austria. Its namesake Question led to two wars named for part of this region. A canal in this region connects the Helgoland Bight with the Baltic Sea, and it was incorporated into the German Confederation after its seizure from Denmark. At the base of the Jutland peninsula is, for ten points, what northernmost modern-day German state, with capital Kiel? ANSWER: Schleswig-Holstein (4) This program's Homing Overlay Experiment failed its first three tests before passing a probably rigged fourth test. Project CHECMATE was created to research hypervelocity railguns for use in this program, which called for the \Brilliant Pebbles," a system which would have made use of tungsten rods. Ted Kennedy derided this program as a \reckless scheme" and coined its colloquial name. Ronald Reagan proposed, for ten points, what defense system that would have placed nuclear missiles in space, whose nickname references a popular science-fiction film? ANSWER: Strategic Defense Initiative (or SDI; accept Star Wars) (5) In a scandal involved with this program, Trevor Flugge, who was indicted in the Cole Inquiry, claimed to lose his hearing. This program was instituted soon after Kuwait was declared to be Iraq's 19th province. The Volcker report studied this program, noting that the Australian Wheat Board was getting the most illegal kickbacks from Saddam Hussein. For ten points, name this UN program that was supposed to give Iraqis nourishment in exchange for Iraq's chief export. ANSWER: Oil-for-food program Page 1 NHBB Nationals Bowl 2015-2016 Bowl V Quarterfinals and JV Semifinals (6) In his last years, this man served as syndic in what is now St. Charles County, Missouri. This man received the name \Big Turtle" after being captured by Blackfish, a Shawnee leader who besieged a town named for him. As part of a project intended to reach a region named Transylvania, this figure reached Ohio Falls in Louisville after passing near the border of Tennessee and Virginia through a mountain pass. For ten points, name this pioneer who helped the settlement of Kentucky by creating the Wildnerness Road through the Cumberland Gap in the Appalachians. ANSWER: Daniel Boone (7) This man captured Witiges and his wife and deposed the short-lived Pope Silverius during his siege of Rome. This man defeated Gelimer ten miles south of Carthage in the Battle of Ad Decimum and later destroyed the Vandal kingdom at the Battle of Tricamarum. According to legend, this man was blinded and was reduced to begging for alms after he fell from favor. Along with an eunuch rival of his, Narses, this man helped to suppress a riot between the Blues and the Greens. The Nika riots were put down by, for ten points, what Byzantine general who served Justinian the Great? ANSWER: Flavius Belisarius (8) The title character of this work \won the praise of Queen Elizabeth for the way she handed a bowl of rose water". In this work, the title character falls in love with Sasha in a \Frost Fair" on the Thames and is assisted by Nick Greene in publishing the poem The Oak Tree. This \biographical" work is heavily inspired by the family history of Vita Sackville-West, the author's lover, as it progresses from Elizabethan era to modern times. For ten points, name this 1928 novel whose title character, a nobleman, lives for centuries without aging after changing sex, written by Virginia Woolf. ANSWER: Orlando, A Biography (9) The MacDonald White Paper repudiated the goal set forth in this document. Leo Avery and Lord Milner are sometimes proposed as authors of this document instead of its namesake, whose prime ministership saw the signing of the Entente Cordiale. This document's creation was influenced by a meeting between its namesake and Chaim Weizmann, in which Uganda was offered as a solution to the \Jewish Question". For ten points, name this letter addressed to Walter Rothschild by its namesake Foreign Secretary that supported a national homeland in Palestine for the Jews. ANSWER: Balfour Declaration (10) Goran Goransson's improved converter for this process made it more efficient. This procedure was invented almost at the same time as its more common namesake inventor by William Kelly. Before this procedure was invented, a time-consuming process called cementation had to be used. A variation on this process that uses a basic lining to remove phosphorous was developed by Sidney Gilchrist Thomas. This process involves blowing air onto molten iron, thus removing impurities. For ten points, name this process that sharply decreased the cost of steel production. ANSWER: Bessemer process (accept Gilchrist-Thomas process before read) Page 2 NHBB Nationals Bowl 2015-2016 Bowl V Quarterfinals and JV Semifinals (11) This man's forces crushed a far larger army at the Battle of Monte Porzio, weakening the Commune of Rome. After divorcing his distant relative Adelheid of Vohburg, he gained Burgundy by marrying Beatrice I. He convinced Geza to join a campaign in which he routed Rum Seljuk at Iconium, but he died in an accident at the Saleph River, after which his body was preserved in a barrel of vinegar. For ten points, name this 12th century Holy Roman Emperor who drowned while traveling during the Third Crusade. ANSWER: Frederick Barbarossa (or Frederick I) (12) While a member of this party, Jimmy Reid gave a 1971 speech telling students \a rat race is for rats { we're not rats." The last member of this party to hold political office was Wogan Philipps, Baron Milford, and Nina Temple disbanded this party in 1991. A document addressed to this party's leadership was co-signed by Arthur MacManus and printed by the Daily Mail shortly before the 1924 general election. The forged Zinoviev letter was sent to, for ten points, what pro-Soviet political party in the United Kingdom? ANSWER: Communist Party of Great Britain (or CPGB; accept answers that indicate Communist Party in Great Britain or England, but do not accept \Communist Party of United Kingdom") Second Quarter (1) One leader of this country made a speech noting that \Man's dearest possession is life," a quote from a Nikolai Ostrovsky novel; that speech advocating this country's independence was the \Motion of Destiny" speech. W.E.B. Dubois died in this nation, where aluminum smelters were powered using the Akosombo Dam. While visiting North Vietnam, this country's first post-independence leader was overthrown in 1966; that leader was Kwame Nkrumah. For ten points, name this country, once known as the Gold Coast which has its capital at Accra. ANSWER: Republic of Ghana BONUS: In 2012, this Ghanian president died in office, the only one to have done so. ANSWER: John Atta Mills (2) The Philadelphia Spanish Flu outbreak was worsened when people flooded to Willow Grove Park to purchase these items. Al Capp created Small Fry in order to sell these items. Warner Brothers created a cartoon titled Any [these items] Today?, and a poster promoting these shows a hand clutching money wanting to purchase them in front of the Statue of Liberty's torch hand. Henry Morgenthau sold the first of its Series E to Franklin Roosevelt. Over $20 billion was generated by the sale of, for ten points, what debt securities that were sold in multiple War Loan Drives? ANSWER: war bonds (prompt on bonds) BONUS: The Treasury Department promoted war bond sales by touring this series of patriotic art works around the country. One work in this series focuses on a turkey. ANSWER: Four Freedoms Page 3 NHBB Nationals Bowl 2015-2016 Bowl V Quarterfinals and JV Semifinals (3) This country's village of A'ali is home to a site in what may be the world's largest prehistoric cemetery, possibly built by the Dilmun civilization. This nation, once famous for its pearl fisheries, became a constitutional monarchy in 2001. This country's Shia majority launched protests that caused this country's neighbor to send GCC forces across the King Fahd Causeway; those protests opposed King Hamad of the al-Khalifa dynasty. For ten points, name this island kingdom that lies off the east coast of Saudi Arabia. ANSWER: Kingdom of Bahrain BONUS: Bahrain owns these islands in the Gulf, though Qatar disputed them until 2001, as they are just off Qatar's coast.
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