NHBB Nationals Bowl 2015-2016 Bowl V Quarterfinals and JV Semifinals Bowl V Quarterfinals and JV Semifinals First Quarter

(1) This person succeeded Tomas Estrada Palma as Provisional Governor of Cuba, having much earlier served as Benjamin Harrison’s second Solicitor General. This leader replaced Elihu Root as Secretary of War after serving an apprenticeship starting in 1901 as the first civilian U.S. Governor of the Philippines. This man shared the bench with McReynolds, Holmes, Brandeis, and Van Deventer, the last of whom he appointed, when he served as Chief Justice following his time in his highest office. For ten points, name this 24th President of the United States. ANSWER: William Howard Taft

(2) One parody of this film ends with an invitation to bask in “’s warm glowing warming glow.” In this film, Scatman Crothers’ character takes a surprising axe to the chest. Rodney Ascher’s documentary argues that the distinctive carpet pattern and Danny Torrance’s sweater both reference this film’s director’s supposed filming of the faked Apollo moon landings. For ten points, name this 1980 film starring as a caretaker at the haunted Overlook Hotel. ANSWER:

(3) A battleship named for this region provided naval support for the first battle of World War II, the Battle of Westerplatte. The Gastein Convention split control of this region between Prussia and Austria. Its namesake Question led to two wars named for part of this region. A canal in this region connects the Helgoland Bight with the Baltic Sea, and it was incorporated into the German Confederation after its seizure from Denmark. At the base of the Jutland peninsula is, for ten points, what northernmost modern-day German state, with capital Kiel? ANSWER: Schleswig-Holstein

(4) This program’s Homing Overlay Experiment failed its first three tests before passing a probably rigged fourth test. Project CHECMATE was created to research hypervelocity railguns for use in this program, which called for the “Brilliant Pebbles,” a system which would have made use of tungsten rods. Ted Kennedy derided this program as a “reckless scheme” and coined its colloquial name. Ronald Reagan proposed, for ten points, what defense system that would have placed nuclear missiles in space, whose nickname references a popular science-fiction film? ANSWER: Strategic Defense Initiative (or SDI; accept Star Wars)

(5) In a scandal involved with this program, Trevor Flugge, who was indicted in the , claimed to lose his hearing. This program was instituted soon after Kuwait was declared to be ’s 19th province. The Volcker report studied this program, noting that the Australian Wheat Board was getting the most illegal kickbacks from . For ten points, name this UN program that was supposed to give Iraqis nourishment in exchange for Iraq’s chief export. ANSWER: Oil-for-food program

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(6) In his last years, this man served as syndic in what is now St. Charles County, Missouri. This man received the name “Big Turtle” after being captured by Blackfish, a Shawnee leader who besieged a town named for him. As part of a project intended to reach a region named Transylvania, this figure reached Falls in Louisville after passing near the border of Tennessee and Virginia through a mountain pass. For ten points, name this pioneer who helped the settlement of Kentucky by creating the Wildnerness Road through the Cumberland Gap in the Appalachians. ANSWER: Daniel Boone

(7) This man captured Witiges and his wife and deposed the short-lived Pope Silverius during his siege of Rome. This man defeated Gelimer ten miles south of in the Battle of Ad Decimum and later destroyed the Vandal kingdom at the Battle of Tricamarum. According to legend, this man was blinded and was reduced to begging for alms after he fell from favor. Along with an eunuch rival of his, Narses, this man helped to suppress a riot between the Blues and the Greens. The Nika riots were put down by, for ten points, what Byzantine general who served Justinian the Great? ANSWER: Flavius

(8) The title character of this work “won the praise of Queen Elizabeth for the way she handed a bowl of rose water”. In this work, the title character falls in love with Sasha in a “Frost Fair” on the Thames and is assisted by Nick Greene in publishing the poem The Oak Tree. This “biographical” work is heavily inspired by the family history of Vita Sackville-West, the author’s lover, as it progresses from to modern times. For ten points, name this 1928 novel whose title character, a nobleman, lives for centuries without aging after changing sex, written by Virginia Woolf. ANSWER: Orlando, A Biography

(9) The MacDonald White Paper repudiated the goal set forth in this document. Leo Avery and Lord Milner are sometimes proposed as authors of this document instead of its namesake, whose prime ministership saw the signing of the Entente Cordiale. This document’s creation was influenced by a meeting between its namesake and Chaim Weizmann, in which Uganda was offered as a solution to the “Jewish Question”. For ten points, name this letter addressed to Walter Rothschild by its namesake Foreign Secretary that supported a national homeland in Palestine for the Jews. ANSWER: Balfour Declaration

(10) Goran Goransson’s improved converter for this process made it more efficient. This procedure was invented almost at the same time as its more namesake inventor by William Kelly. Before this procedure was invented, a time-consuming process called cementation had to be used. A variation on this process that uses a basic lining to remove phosphorous was developed by Sidney Gilchrist Thomas. This process involves blowing air onto molten iron, thus removing impurities. For ten points, name this process that sharply decreased the cost of steel production. ANSWER: Bessemer process (accept Gilchrist-Thomas process before read)

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(11) This man’s forces crushed a far larger army at the Battle of Monte Porzio, weakening the Commune of Rome. After divorcing his distant relative Adelheid of Vohburg, he gained Burgundy by marrying Beatrice I. He convinced Geza to join a campaign in which he routed Rum Seljuk at Iconium, but he died in an accident at the Saleph River, after which his body was preserved in a barrel of vinegar. For ten points, name this 12th century Holy Roman Emperor who drowned while traveling during the Third Crusade. ANSWER: Frederick Barbarossa (or Frederick I)

(12) While a member of this party, Jimmy Reid gave a 1971 speech telling students “a rat race is for rats – we’re not rats.” The last member of this party to hold political office was Wogan Philipps, Baron Milford, and Nina Temple disbanded this party in 1991. A document addressed to this party’s leadership was co-signed by Arthur MacManus and printed by the Daily Mail shortly before the 1924 general election. The forged Zinoviev letter was sent to, for ten points, what pro-Soviet political party in the United Kingdom? ANSWER: Communist Party of (or CPGB; accept answers that indicate Communist Party in Great Britain or England, but do not accept “Communist Party of United Kingdom”)

Second Quarter

(1) One leader of this country made a speech noting that “Man’s dearest possession is life,” a quote from a Nikolai Ostrovsky novel; that speech advocating this country’s independence was the “Motion of Destiny” speech. W.E.B. Dubois died in this nation, where aluminum smelters were powered using the Akosombo Dam. While visiting North Vietnam, this country’s first post-independence leader was overthrown in 1966; that leader was Kwame Nkrumah. For ten points, name this country, once known as the Gold Coast which has its capital at Accra. ANSWER: Republic of Ghana BONUS: In 2012, this Ghanian president died in office, the only one to have done so. ANSWER: John Atta Mills

(2) The Philadelphia Spanish Flu outbreak was worsened when people flooded to Willow Grove Park to purchase these items. Al Capp created Small Fry in order to sell these items. Warner Brothers created a cartoon titled Any [these items] Today?, and a poster promoting these shows a hand clutching money wanting to purchase them in front of the Statue of Liberty’s torch hand. Henry Morgenthau sold the first of its Series E to Franklin Roosevelt. Over $20 billion was generated by the sale of, for ten points, what debt securities that were sold in multiple War Loan Drives? ANSWER: war bonds (prompt on bonds) BONUS: The Treasury Department promoted war bond sales by touring this series of patriotic art works around the country. One work in this series focuses on a turkey. ANSWER: Four Freedoms

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(3) This country’s village of A’ali is home to a site in what may be the world’s largest prehistoric cemetery, possibly built by the Dilmun civilization. This nation, once famous for its pearl fisheries, became a constitutional monarchy in 2001. This country’s Shia majority launched protests that caused this country’s neighbor to send GCC forces across the King Fahd Causeway; those protests opposed King Hamad of the al-Khalifa dynasty. For ten points, name this island kingdom that lies off the east coast of Saudi Arabia. ANSWER: Kingdom of Bahrain BONUS: Bahrain owns these islands in the Gulf, though Qatar disputed them until 2001, as they are just off Qatar’s coast. ANSWER: Hawar Islands

(4) While trying to synthesize a drug to fight this disease, William Perkins accidentally synthesized the dye mauve. In the early 1900s, infection with this disease was used to cure syphilis via the high fever that this disease causes. Tu Youyou won the 2015 Nobel in Medicine for discovering that artemisinins can treat this disease. Thalassaemias can confer resistance to this disease, which is treated by a compound extracted from cinchona tree bark. Plasmodium parasites cause, for ten points, what disease that is transmitted by Anopheles mosquitos and treated with quinine? ANSWER: malaria BONUS: During World War II and the inter-war period, 90% of the world’s quinine was produced by colonies owned by this European country. The Japanese occupation of those colonies forced Allied malaria infection rates to rise. ANSWER: The Netherlands (accept answers describing Dutch Indochina)

(5) One ruler of this region hosted the Feast of the Pheasant to drum up support against the Turks. After fighting in the battle of Nicopolis, John of this region received the nickname “The Fearless.” One ruler of this region presented the massive cannon Mons Meg to James II of England, and another ruler of this region formed the League of the Public Weal. Joan of Arc was handed over to the English by Philip the Good of this region, which lost power at the battle of Nancy following the death of Duke Charles the Bold. For ten points, name this powerful region of medieval France. ANSWER: Burgundy BONUS: Charles the Bold of Burgundy was isolated from his British allies after this scheming French monarch signed the Treaty of Picquigny. ANSWER: Louis the Spider

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(6) Directed by Kenneth Bainbridge, this operation’s handlers used the McDonald Ranch House in the Jornada del Muerto to house and assemble its components. This operation was commemorated by General J. Frederick Thorlin, who had a lava-rock obelisk erected to mark its hypocenter. This event ended up not using Jumbo, a steel containment vessel. It was probably codenamed from the poems of John Donne, and it centered on an object called the Gadget, which released the equivalent of 20 kilotons of TNT as a Fat Man-type implosion device. For ten points, name this July 16, 1945 explosive detonation at New Mexico’s Alamogordo Bombing Range, the world’s first atomic bomb test. ANSWER: Trinity test (accept Alamogordo test before “Alamogordo;” prompt on descriptive answers) BONUS: The Trinity Gadget and other Fat Man-type nuclear devices use implosion of this radioactive metal to create runaway fission. In the Gadget, this metal was surrounded by a beryllium tamper to amplify the number of neutrons. ANSWER: plutonium

(7) This leader allied with Prince Gong and Prince Chun in the Xinyou [shing-yoh] Coup to defeat Sushun and the Eight Regent Ministers. This ruler ordered Zeng Guofan [zuhn gwoh-fahn] to quell a rebellion, and helped appoint Zaitian to replace Tongzhi after he died. This figure was accused of embezzling naval funds to build a Marble Boat for the Summer Palace, and also quashed the Hundred Days’ Reform while ruling on behalf of the Guangxu Emperor. This ruler was defeated by the Eight Nation Alliance after encouraging the army to support the Boxer Rebellion. For ten points, name this Dowager Empress of the Qing Dynasty. ANSWER: Dowager Empress Cixi BONUS: Leaders like Zeng Guofan headed this movement in late Qing Dynasty China which sought to modernize the country so it could take on foreign powers without compromising Chinese values. ANSWER: Self-Strengthening Movement

(8) George Tenet urged caution on the usage of this technology in opposition to Cofer Black. The editor of Inspire was selected in the Disposition Matrix for the usage of this technology. An example of this weapon that uses SAR is the RQ-1. These weapons, part of modern “shock and awe” strategy,possibly caused excessive blowback when they were used to kill Anwar al-Malaki. The Predator is a common example of, for ten points, what aircraft that lack onboard pilots? ANSWER: Drones (or unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs, or Predator drones until mention; prompt on aircraft or similar; do not accept airplanes) BONUS: Predators use these missiles that were designed to be “forgotten” after shot at tanks from a helicopter. ANSWER: AGM-114 Hellfire missile

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(9) This group won its first victory at the Battle of Tegyra under Pelopidas. Gorgidas hand-picked members of this group, which consisted of erastes and eromenos. Plato’s Symposium argued that a unit developed the way that this one was could conquer the world. Philip II wept upon seeing the dead bodies of this unit, which was part of a massively reinforced left wing that smashed through Spartan lines at the Battle of Leuctra but was annihilated at Chaeronea. For ten points, name this military force consisting of 300 homosexual male lovers from Thebes. ANSWER: Sacred Band of Thebes (or Hieros Lokhos; do not accept Sacred Band of Carthage) BONUS: The reinforced left wing at the Battle of Leuctra was the idea of what Theban military commander, who died in another clash against the Spartans at Mantinea? ANSWER: Epaminondas

(10) Los Lobos claimed to have written the final song on this album, and Morris Goldberg played a penny whistle solo on its first single. The inspiration for this album was a bootleg cassette entitled Gumboots, on which a Joseph Shabalala-founded ensemble perfomed township jive. The appearance of groups such as Ladysmith Black Mambazo led Artists United Against Apartheid to protest this album. For ten points, “You Can Call Me Al” was from what Paul Simon album, named for Elvis Presley’s mansion? ANSWER: Graceland BONUS: Artists United Against Apartheid also released this 1985 single, named after a South African luxury resort where performers such as Queen and Linda Rondstadt performed in defiance of the cultural boycott. ANSWER: Sun City

(11) One of these people, Harriet Fairley, edited a publication created by the Reverend Abel Thomas. Many of these people contributed to that periodical, an “Offering.” Sarah Bagley formed a Labor Reform Association for these people. A handbook governing these people stated they would not be employed if they were “habitually absent from public worship on the Sabbath,” the only day they were not scheduled to work. For ten points, name these industrial employees of 19th century textile mills in Massachusetts. ANSWER: Lowell Mill Girls (prompt on Mill Girls before mentioned) BONUS: The Lowell mills relied on this man’s Rhode Island system, which relied on proprietary technology that this man stole from England by memorizing it and sailing to America. ANSWER: Samuel Slater

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(12) Victims of this event were briefly brought to the Metropole, until it was evacuated for fear of a second attack. The warning “We only have to be lucky once; you will have to be lucky always” followed this event. Despite taking place at nearly 3 AM, the target of this event was awake and uninjured, giving a scheduled speech 5 hours later. Sir and four others died in this event, which blew a large hole in the Grand Hotel. For ten points, name this October 1984 terrorist attack that failed to kill Margaret . ANSWER: hotel bombing BONUS: The perpetrator of the Brighton bombing, Patrick Magee, was released from prison as a result of what agreement? ANSWER:

Third Quarter

The categories are . . .




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ADLAI STEVENSON II In the life of Adlai Stevenson II, who or what was... (1) the president under whom his father served as vice-president during the second of two non-consecutive terms? ANSWER: Grover Cleveland (2) Republican president who defeated him in the elections of 1952 and 1956? ANSWER: Dwight David Eisenhower (3) state in which he served as governor from 1949 to 1953? ANSWER: Illinois (4) Wisconsin Senator peeved by his veto of a Red Scare era anti-subversives bill? ANSWER: Joseph McCarthy (5) the location of his ambassadorship as appointed by John F. Kennedy? ANSWER: United Nations (6) State Department employee he testified for during a trial for Soviet espionage? ANSWER: Alger Hiss (7) length of time he was prepared to wait for an answer about missiles in Cuba? ANSWER: until Hell freezes over (accept verb forms) (8) state in which his first running mate, John Jackson Sparkman, served as Senator? ANSWER: Alabama

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THE FIRST CRUSADE In the First Crusade, who or what was the... (1) holy city to Christians, Muslims, and Jews captured at its climax in 1099. ANSWER: Jerusalem (2) pope who declared the crusade in 1095. ANSWER: Urban II (prompt on “Urban”) (3) Catholic council where that pope made that declaration. ANSWER: Council of Clermont (4) Egypt-based Caliphate that controlled the Levant at the outset of the crusade. ANSWER: Fatimid Caliphate (5) Count of Toulouse who aided Godfrey in the recapture of the aforementioned holy city. ANSWER: Raymond IV (6) French priest who led the People’s Crusade. ANSWER: Peter of Amiens or Peter the Hermit (accept Cucupeter) (7) city his forces laid siege to in 1097 and 1098, defeating Kerbogha. ANSWER: Antioch (8) 1097 battle in Anatolia where Godfrey’s defeat of the Seljuks paved the way for that siege. ANSWER: Battle of Dorylaeum

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YUGOSLAVIA Who or what from Yugoslav history was the... (1) first nation to break away from Yugoslavia in 1991 when it declared its new capital in Zagreb? ANSWER: Croatia (2) military alliance through which countries like the United States participating in bombing efforts during the Kosovo War? ANSWER: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (3) first President of Serbia who was tried at the Hague for war crimes in 2002? ANSWER: Slobodan Milosevic (4) Ohio city where the end of the Bosnian War was negotiated? ANSWER: Dayton (5) Bosnian town in which a 1995 genocide killed eight thousand Muslims? ANSWER: Srebenica (6) 1916 agreement between Slavic peoples that allowed for a united Yugoslavia? ANSWER: Corfu Declaration (7) collective agency of Communist nations set up in Belgrade that relocated after a falling out with Tito? ANSWER: Cominform (8) line that divided Italian and Yugoslavian lands at the end of World War II? ANSWER: Morgan Line

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Fourth Quarter

(1) One character is mocked in this film with the line “Well, I’ve been to one world fair, a picnic, and a rodeo, and that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard come over a set of earphones.” A reference in this film to “a pretty good weekend in Dallas” was dubbed over with “” after the (+) JFK , and in the original ending to this film, General Turgidson says “our beloved president has been infamously struck down by a (*) pie.” The line “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This the War Room,” is delivered by President Muffley in, for ten points, what 1964 Stanley Kubrick film about the ? ANSWER: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

(2) The longest remaining section of this trail is near Dodge City. Mirabeau Lamar launched an expedition named for this trail which sought to take control of it. A ferry in Arrow Rock was operated by the father of this trail, Willam Becknell. A modern (+) railroad combines the name of this trail with Burlington Northern. The Cimarron River was a rare source of water along this trail, which passed through the land of the (*) Comanches and was used to transport American troops to the Mexican-American War. For ten points, name this 19th century trail to the West that terminated in New Mexico. ANSWER: Santa Fe Trail

(3) Sam Derry wrote a history of this city’s “Escape Line” directed by Priest Hugh O’Flaherty. In response to a bombing by the Patriotic Action Group, occupiers massacred 335 men in this city’s (+) Ardeatine Caves; that massacre was directed by Herbert Kappler, this city’s Gestapo chief, and Pietro Caruso. This city’s largely-civilian (*) San Lorenzo district was bombed by the Allies before it was declared an open city in June, 1944. For ten points, name this capital city that was occupied by the Nazis after the fall of Benito Mussolini. ANSWER: Rome

(4) Participants in this event attempted to escape the jurisdiction of the 1836 Punishment Act. The independence of a state established after this event was recognized by Britain in the Sand River Convention. Hundreds of participants in this event were killed in the (+) Weenen Massacre. In an extremely lopsided battle during this event, more than 3000 warriors massacred by a few hundred settlers led by Andries Pretorius, who only suffered three wounded, at the Battle of Blood River. This event led to the establishment of republics like the (*) Orange Free State and the Transvaal. For ten points, name this mass migration from the Cape to inland South Africa by Boer settlers. ANSWER: Great Trek (or Groot Trek)

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(5) This man suppressed a rebellion by John Okello by slaughtering thousands of Arabs. Though this man stepped down as president in 1985, he served as president of his political party, the Chama Cha (+) Mapinduzi, for five additional years. After an invasion of his country’s Kagera region, this man overthrew a neighboring dictator. Operation Vijiji helped carry out this man’s villagization plan based on an ideology called (*) ujamaa. This man advocated and Pan-Africanism in his Arusha Declaration and oversaw the union of Zanzibar and Tanganyika. For ten points, name this first president of an independent Tanzania. ANSWER: Julius Nyerere

(6) Lupicinus and Maximus lured the winning commander of this battle to a feast where they intended to kill him, but were killed instead after the cries of his men being slain made him realize it was a trap. In this battle, the losing side was unwilling to wait for (+) Gratian’s reinforcements and were hastily slaughtered. Ammianus Marcellinus’ history of the Roman Empire ends with the death of this battle’s losing commander, who was succeeded in his position by (*) Theodosius I. For ten points, name this 378 battle in which the Gothic chieftain Fritigern crushed forces led by Valens. ANSWER: Battle of Adrianople

(7) A height restriction of 150 feet was imposed in this city after a university building was purposely put on a hill to be higher than a government building. Lansdowne Park and Lebreton Flats are revitalization projects in this city home to an annual (+) tulip festival which commemorates this city’s hospitality to the Dutch Royalty during World War II. The northern terminus of the Rideau Canal is in this city, whose Peace Tower is part of its (*) Parliament Hill. This city was made its country’s capital in 1855 to distance the government from potential American invasion. For ten points, name this capital of Canada. ANSWER: Ottawa

(8) Shaw v. Reno stated that this technique’s use on the basis of race was subject to strict scrutiny, which led to one case of it being overturned in Miller v. Johnson. One example of this technique was named for Governor Gustavus (+) Henry, who used it against future president Andrew Johnson. Cracking, packing, and hijacking are variations of this technique. A creature shaped like a (*) dragon named this process, which the governor of Massachusetts used in 1812 to benefit the Democratic-Republican party. For ten points, name this process in which a political party changes the shape of electoral districts to benefit itself. ANSWER: gerrymandering (accept Henry-mandering)

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(9) This man revived a land allotment method in which the center of a nine-plot arrangement of land was worked for the landowner while the outer sections were worked for the benefit of the serfs. This leader banned land sales in addition to reinstating the aforementioned (+) well field system. This leader’s dynasty was essentially doomed after Liu Xiu’s [lee-oo she-oo’s] agrarian rebels won at the Battle of Kunyang; a few months later, this man was killed in his palace at (*) Chang’an. The Red Eyebrows rebellion targeted, for ten points, what Chinese leader who briefly interrupted the Han dynasty in 9 AD with the founding of the Xin [SHIN] dynasty? ANSWER: Wang Mang

(10) During the , this man was commissioned to build the Renkioi Hospital, which had a patient death rate many times lower than other army hospitals. This man used new screw propeller technology to (+) design the first iron steamship to cross the Atlantic, the SS Great Britain. This man’s 7-foot broad gauge competed with the narrower standard gauge to control as much (*) railroad line as possible, leading to the Gauge Wars. For ten points, name this chief engineer of the Great Western Railway, named by the BBC as one of 100 in 2002. ANSWER:

(11) One of this author’s characters thinks he is the Abb´e Dalla Piccola and spies on the Expedition of the Thousand. That figure is a forger who creates The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in the novel The Prague Cemetery. The drowning death of (+) Frederick Barbarossa is investigated by the title figure one of this man’s novels, who manages to visit Prester John’s kingdom. A copy of Aristotle’s book on comedy drives one of this man’s novels, in which (*) William of Baskerville investigates murders at a monastery. For ten points, name this Italian author of Baudolino and The Name of the Rose. ANSWER: Umberto Eco

(12) Georgia Gilmore created the Club from Nowhere to support this event. When asked about a change in the prelude to this event, E.D. Nixon stated “I had to be sure that I had somebody I could win with,” explaining why the pregnant (+) Claudette Colvin was not supported by this event. Taxi drivers were prohibited from charging less than (*) 45 cents per ride during this event, which harmed National City Lines’ profits. For ten points, name this 1955 protest sparked by Rosa Parks’ arrest. ANSWER: Montgomery Bus Boycott

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Extra Question

Only read if you need a backup or tiebreaker! (1) A figure, who is made up of thousands of tiny people, looms over a landscape while carrying a sword and scepter and wearing a crown on the cover of this work. This work avoids mention of the “greatest good” in favor of the “greatest evil.” The title entity of this work’s (+) fourth section is described as ignorance rather than Hell; that entity is “The (*) Kingdom of Darkness.” This work argues that the title figure can prevent the “war of all against all.” For ten points, name this work advocating control by the title being, written by Thomas Hobbes. ANSWER: Leviathan BONUS: William “Devil Anse” was the patriarch of what 19th century rural family? ANSWER: Hatfields

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