Radio Guide 31-12-27.Pdf
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VoL 1 - No. 10 Chicago, III., Dec. 27, 1931 - Jan. 2, 1932 Price 5c Tulane-Trojan Heard on G. E. H our ((Lohengrin" to Football Game Be Presented in on Air Friday English Sunday • Word Picture of Annual Rose Bowl Damrosch Modernizes Wagner to Also to Be Given Aid America.n Audiences • • Two features of the Pasadena. Cali Walter Damrosch will continue hi. fornia Toutnament of Roses - the series of operatic broadcasts done in famous Rose Bowl Parade and the English when he presents the first act Tulane-Southern California football of Wagner's "Lohengrin" this Sunday game-will be visualized for radio at 12:15 p. m. over an NBC nation listeners over an NBC network and wide network and WMAQ. The pro WLS this Friday at 12:45 p. m. gram will be broadcast during the The parade will consist of hun Damrosch Symphonic Hour, and wiU dreds of gorgeous floats covered with be sung entirely in English. grasses, ferns, smilax, vines, palms, "I am determined to continue the roses, lilies and poinsettias from the fight, if fight it is, until both the gardens of California-to say nothing Metropolitan and Chicago opera of the host of lovely girls, the pick of houses adopt the English language for California beauty. the performance of all their operas," Following graphic word pictures of the dean of American directors said. the parade, the NBC announcers, Don "European countries long ago insisted Wilson and Don Thompson, will take on operl in the national tongue, with the radio audience to the Rose Bowl, the natural result that opera audiences where Tulane will line up against abroad fuUy enjoy the drama as well Southern California. as the music." Following Mr. Damrosch's presen • tation of Wagner's "Valkyrie," the Tito Guizar, Leon first of the series, a deluge of congratu Belasco's Orchestra latory telegrams and letters were re on New CBS Feature ceived in which all expressed the con • viction that the English words added Beginning tbis Friday, Leon Belasco immeasurably to a better understand and his orchestra wilI be co-featured ing of the music. with Tiro Guizar in a program to be • known as "To The Ladies," which Lawrence Tib- H aggard Discusses will be broadcast weekly from 8:30 bett, Metropoli to 8:45 p, m. over a Columbia net tan 0 per a Com (he Roentgen Rays work and WGN. pany baritone, will appear as guest artist on the General Elec Celebrating the anniversary of The programs, sponsored by the tric Home Circle program to be breadcast this Sunday at 4:30 p. m. over an Roentgen's discovery of x-rays this makers of Woodbury Facial Soap, will NBC network ;lnd WENR. Mr. Tibbett will also be beard over the air in a Saturday, Dr. Howard W. Haggard. include a group of popular dance tunes series of Monday night broadcasts, the first of which will be heard Monday, associate professor of physiology at played by the Belasco orchestra, a solo Yale University, will devote his talk January 4. and which will be sponsored by the Firestone Rubber Company. by Belasco in one of tbe six foreign to the new developments in medicine languages which he speaks, and a This series will be known as the "Voice of Firestone" and will be heard that have grown out of Roentgen's Spanish number with guitar accom through WMAQ from the National Bro;ldcascing Company studios in New work, during the "Devils, Drugs' and paniment by Tito Guizar. In addition York. Doctors" broadcast. The program will there will be a two-minute beauty talk Mr. Tibbett is the first of the better known operatic artists to be heard be presented this Sunday from 7:00 by Janet Parker, author of the "Index on a regular series of commercial broadcasts. It is rumored that :firestone is to 7: 15 p. m. over a Columbia net to Loveliness." parting with a fabulous sum each week for Mr. Tibbett's services. work and WGN. Friendship Town An Innovation Daily Series to Newest Addition Depict Life of to Radio's Map "The Washingtons" • • Modern small-town life will be "The Real George Washingtons" a portrayed in Friendship Town, a new program of intimate stories told about program series to he inaugurated over the life: of George Washington and his an NBC network and KYW this family, will be presented in a new Friday at 8: 00 p. m. series of sustaining programs over an An all-star cast, including Edwin NBC network and WENR beginning Whitney, Don Carney. Pick Malone this Monday. The program will be and Pat Pagett. blackface comedians; broadcast daily except Sunday at :Virginia Gardiner and Edith Spencer 11 : 15 a. m. Edna M. Colman. will depict the various characters of authoress, and Charles Colfax Long, the modern country village. Harry lecturer and authority on Washing· ton, will direct the presentations. Salter and his orchestra will provide Eighteenth century music will be fur the musical background. while Frank nished by the Black and Gold Room Luther. tenor. will offer vocal selec orchestra under the direction of Leon tions. Rosebrook. • • "Nats" on the Air. Al and Gennan President Pete are ('the Nats" on Airs • Speaks to America Al and Pete, known as • 'The Nu t New Year's Eve crackers" on their WLS program, per • meate the ether with "nut" comedy President Paul von Hindenburg of and "wise-cracks," every week day at Germany, will speak to~ America on 3 :00 p. m., but in their more serious part of his orchestra, pic New Year's Eve, when his greetings moments devote their time to com tured above, will take part from Berlin will be rebroadcast in the United States over an NBC network posing tunes tbat brighten up Tin in the first synchronization program of its kind tried over the at 2:25 p. m. The local outlet for Pan Alley whenever released. "Needin' networks ' when the "Oldsmobile this program has not as yet been an )"ou," a musical brain-child of last Goes A-Calling" program is presented this New Year's Day from 2:00 nounced. Von Hindenberg's voiet season, ushered in one of Mary Nolan's comes to America for the first time, to 3 :00 p. m. over an NBC network. Miss Bebe Daniels (inset). motion pictures as the theme song. Orchestral music will begin the picture star, will sing from Hollywood to the accompaniment of White "Step by Step" met with great popu broadcast from the Berlin studios of man's orchestra hundreds of miles away in Chicago. This will involve larity this summer when Earl Burtnett the German Broadcasting Company. introduced and featured it. "Oh, What an engineering problem in synchronization and the experiment is the The eighty~four-year-old chief of the a Perfect Night for Love" was another first of its kind in the history of network broadcasting. Reich will then talk in German for tone recorded by several important disc about ten minutes. His remarks will orchestras last year, These two boys be translated for American listeners by are responsible for a number of tune Happy Jack Conducts Dog SKEPTICAL TECHNICIANS Dr. Max Jordan, international journ Clab Every Saturday on WLS • alist. hits and have a few new ones on the Whether or not radio waves might fire. Their signarures appear on their • "Happy Jack" and his Dog Club, compositions as At Cameron and Pete cause baldness will be determined • Bontsema. a, new children's program over WLS, shortly in the master control room of Novel Spanish Duo has hit the highwater mark in mail. WHK. Workmen there are busy instal Sundays on WIBO Several thousand letters deluged ling permanent loudspeakers directly Radio Guide "Happy Jack" aher his initial broad above the cbief operator's desk so that At 12:30 p.m. each Sunday, WIBO .... nluotn.te4 w ..tly of l'rograma ..,,4 l'enlonilitlu cast. "Happy Jack" tells a true dog tbe sound waves will be thrown presents a program of Spanish music VoL 1 • No. 10 De(l.27, 1931 - Jan. Z. 1932 story in which some dog has played a directly down upon tbe bead of the brought to the air by Alfonso Men hero, and conducts the meeting of the operator. If the operator, thus exposed, doza and Salvador Castanares. It is Pnbll0he4 weekI), b1 RadIo G~J4e. 1",,_ becomes bald we are to assume tbat U3 Pitmolll.b Coart, ChlNlgo. IlL T~L Wabaoh 8848 dog dub which he has formed. "Happy harmony-but of a very different type radio waves cause people's hair to fall than what is usually heard on the air• • ntel'<'d .. ~ml ~1 .." matte. October :!.l. 1931. at Jack" and his dog come thundering lb. POlt OUJoe. CIIloago. 1111llol. A.... U out. If tbe young man's bair stays put, Senor Castanares accompanies as the Ib~ ..!.ct of March S. 18'i9 into WLS every Saturday morning at we are to assume-----{)b shucks, what's duo sing such songs as "Aye Ayc 8:15a.m. the use! Aye" and "La Golondrina." II STUDIO MIKE Silent Humor II MELLO FOLKS~ "'U'5 IS MIKE' HIMSELf:' 5PEA'::ING ~NO NOW I'''' GOINC TO PRESeNT TO 'IOU A C.OMEDY TRIO - THE .,. H F;!E e. OE.NTI5TS_ORILI..ET_ FILLET Io.NO YA.N"E.T- Tl!.£Y OU(4KTA PUL.L A c:ooo. OfiE NOW AN 0 Tl-IEN P 2 · COM [DY AND P/l TTI:R • 11.1.. ,. PETE "".L,· S w>1,!;' e · t"" 3 PROGRAMS FOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER WMBI_Blble :Ji;.J:poslt!OIl.