Entered Second Class Vol. XI as Matter, April 29, 1927, at Post- Published Every Saturday at 800-801 Warner Bros. Down- office, Los Angeles, Calif,, Saturday, January 25, 1930 under Act of March 3, 1879. town BuildiM-, 401 West Seventh St., Los Angeles, Calif. No. 4 MEETING HELD ON NEW CONTRACT; REPORT PROGRESS *


An effort is being made by The long-heralded new standard many of the astute show observ- contract for picture players was ers to determine exactly what is understood to be “hot” this week. the cause of the general failure While semi-official sources de- of shows to make money in the clared it to be still in the “forma- legitimate field. Aside from the tive” stage, a meeting of framers Duffy theatres, all of the houses of the new document was held at have generally found it tough sledding during the past year. the Roosevelt Hotel Tuesday night Some ascribe it to the bad at the supper hour, and reports shows, but all of the losing shows emanating therefrom were that have not been bad and some of “progress had been made.” them, went into the red despite Principal the fact that business seemed to feature of the proposed be flourishing. new contract, it is reported, is a It is just a matter of arithmetic, limitation of the hours of work say some of those who have per week for freelance players, dropped rolls of various propor- with provisions for overtime tions in the game. Primarily, all where other work shall be required. houses are charging too much It is also rumored that the “on rent, the consensus of opinion or about” clause of the present says, The basis of rental for the- contract is given a definite re- striction atres was at one time based upon in the new instrument, with the the seating capacity, that is ,a date of pay forced to start fixed price per seat per month es- within 48 hours of the day named. tablished the rent. Then came Various other minor the boom and rents went soaring clauses, many, it is said, borrowed from the contract so that the general price of $1.50 advocated by Equity per seat for a well located theatre at the time of the Equity strike last summer, are jumped up to $5 and $6 a seat also in- and then some. corporated. First reports of An ordinary house like the the proposed new contract came Hollywood Music Box, with a immediately fol- lowing collapse of the seating capacity of less than a Equity strike. Almost immediately thousand, asks something like pro- posals were made that a $4000 a month rental. Four or new con- tract granting many of the Equity five dollars a seat per month is demands should be written, considered nominal by the land- both to lessen the bitterness which threat- lords. When the overhead of op- ened for a time following the erating the house is considered strike and also to prevent any pos- the advertising, light, heat, license, sible recurrance. When the report taxes, janitor services, wear and got bruited about that the tear on furnishings, and inciden- plan's were being made, the proposition tals, not to mention the show, the was allowed to cool off, all sources stage hands and the orchestra connected therewith stating that it can readily be understood that, they knew nothing about it. regardless of the type of show, The proposed new contract is the net will hover close to $5000 TED REICARD AND CHRISTEL generally called a new “Academy per week, and from that to almost LE VINE contract,” but it is actually being anything, depending upon the framed by representatives of the type of show and the quality of Musical Comedy Favorites producers association and of the the performers. actors, the latter being- drawn Featured this week at Loew’s both $5000 a Week Profitless State, Los Angeles. from among those known as the So a show doing an average Fanchon and Marco’s “Trees” Idea “loyalists” during the strike and those business of $5000 is not making who were with Equity. any money and in order to get RADIO PICTURES WILL REPORT the profitable weeks it is neces- EQUITABLE TO BUY TEC-ART STUDIO! MACKLIN MEGLEY IS sary to put on shows the cost of INCREASE COLOR USE DIRECTOR AT RADIO which is a great gamble. A report which was not con-+ A1 Mannon, president of Tec- However, good Color is slated to play a big- firmed states that Equitable, the shows properly Art, and John Boyce-Smith, vice- Macklin M. Megley, for producing organization for the five presented will make money, as is ger part in the Radio Pictures pro- president, are both in New York years general manager of the evidenced by the consistent win- newly formed Motion Picture Con- RKO gram this year than last 'in line at the present time, but whether ning weeks of the Duffy houses. gress, is negotiating to purchase vaudeville production department, with the general trend toward the Tec-Art studios. report But one show at the El Capitan The or not in connection with this has signed a contract to assist in color. lost Estimate is that big pic- said the new company also planned rumored deal was not disclosed. money last year, according to stage direction of Radio Pictures. tures will be up to one-half made to purchase Henry Duffy. Only two of them the Winter Garden Harry Hoyt, preminent as a in color, as compared to approxim- ice skating rink nearby His first assignment will probably fell behind at the Playhouse, and with the Hollywood director and producer, ately one-third in color during object of converting it into an ad- has been named production man- be on a musical show soon to go (Continued on Page 5) 1929. ditional sound stage. ager for Equitable. into production. £ YOULL SEE IT IN FACTS PAGE TWO INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1930 ROAD-SHOW SEASON DOES FLOP Themie Change Due

If the Hollywood producers would attend regular picture showings with conscientious frequency they would discover one PLAY 1 very definite trend of the times, and that is that the interpo- lated song-and-dance numbers are becoming extremely bore- some to audiences in the metropolitan centers. It happens now at picture after picture that a sigh of res- TERRIBLE B. O. S ignation goes up simultaneously with the opening bars of a number which the spectators know only too well presages a VANCOUVER, Jan. 23.—The length of footage dedicated to nothing more interesting than road-show season which opened a second rate song delivered by a second rate singer and fol- with more bookings at the Van- lowed by a typical ensemble doing steps which have been old couver than for many seasons stuff this twelve-month. Not only this, but the number sud- heretofore has turned out a decid- denly jerks the audience out of whatsoever interest the story ed flop. The companies which did has worked up, and when the story starts again the feel of come in, with few exceptions, the house is cold. It takes many scenes before the audience is played to heart-breaking business, again lost in the romance, and sometimes the story interest is while the majority cancelled, definitely gone forever. Favorable word-of-mouth is lost, and among them being "Rio Rita,” the boxoffice figures are far under what they might have been. “Blossom Time.” “Chauve Souris,” The eagerness with which producers rushed into the 100 per "Pordgie,” “Tommy Merson, Eng- cent theme song— racket is easily understandable. The first ones lish musical comedy star and his went over big “Weary River,” “Tonia,” etc.—and Hollywood Company, Capt. Plunkett’s "Dum- decided that the public must have its themies. Maybe so then, bells” and a dozen others. The but certainly not so now. The talking pictures have settled last road attraction in at the Van- down to a comparative normalcy, and the introduction of theme couver is the “Columbia Urand songs into certain of the recent pictures is as ridiculous as As “Tecalero” As the “Ship Captain" Opera Co„” the last part of Feb- would be the case were the legit producers suddenly to write ruary. The Maurice Colbourne themies into all their product. Imagine the effect should the Co. in Bernard Shaw comedies characters of “Strange Interlude” suddenly pause while one of Bud Averill plays a return engagement the them sang “You May Be the Sweetie of Somebody Else But week of 20. The stage You’re Just My Interlude,” or if the e. of Who is appearing in “Oh, Susanna” at the Mayan Theatre, Los January m. “The Front Page” were to lead a line Angeles, displays his versatility in two distinct characterizations, crew and musicians have been of girls in “I* Lost My Watch on a Sandy Beach.” in “Tecalero,” a Spanish grandee, and the “Ship Captain” of the Sacra- given their notice and the house But the movies they do it. will The producers mento packet, both in the same production. His vocal rendition of a be dark with the exception of should heed the storm signals. Operettas, local rentals and bookings, which yes; musical comedies, yes; “Vengeance Calls” is one of the highlights of the finale of the first act. but the hybrids of story with an are fairly interrupting Prior to his engagement at the Mayan, Averill has appeared on the numerous for the bal- theme song are just about washed up insofar as ance the winter months. the public is concerned. R-K-O Circuit and in the Fox West Coast theatres as the “Singing of And one of these days the producers This is. the first since don’t see the signals Paul Whiteman,” where he has won the plaudits of press and public season who will have on their hands a whole lot the that Plunkett’s of footage dedicated with his rich baritone voice. war Capt. to songs and dances that the exhibs don’t “Dumbells,” a soldier revue which want. last season added a line of girls, has not made its annual coast-to- coast tour of Canada. Capt. ‘SUSANNA’ CONTINUES TO BE Plunkett spent $18,000 on his pro- duction this season, which he WARNERS’ HOUSES BOTH called “Come Eleven.” After BIG playing the legit houses in east- LEADER IN LEGIT GROSSES ern Canada they closed in To- ronto. George Guerrette, business IN OFT PICTURE HOUSE WEEK manager for Plunkett, came west “Oh Susanna” is maintaining its •held up very nicely with perhaps in advance of stride at the Mayan, three of the best plays Gordon McLeod’s high powered they have In a generally English Co. and is spending off week in pic-^-one of. the best figures for that leading once more with $17,100. offered simultaneously. At .the El now the winter in . He states ture house business, Warner house in many a day. Supported This opus deserves its success for Capitan “The Boomerang” got Brothers there is a possibility of the “Dum- two houses each ran to by the Fanchon and Marco “Des- it has been conscientiously pro- $5900. It will remain until Feb- bells Revue” jumping to the coast better than twice average business, ert Idea” it grossed $11,239. improved. ruary 1. duced and consistently On Sunday, February 2, thereby being the in the early spring, if conditions the sensation of “Chauve Souris” at the Mason, Mary Boland comes to the house The run houses were all on the improve, week. attracted a splendid week’s in “Ladies the and playing from west down side of the slate, as they also of Jury.” Warner Brothers’ “Show of box-officing, gathering $15,000 for At the President Henry Duffy to east. closed or drew near the close of Shows” continued its big boxoffice long its first week. As it is musical in and Dale Winter in “The Cat and showings. record in its second week at the character its fine takings be the Canary” are up fine In its ninth may keeping a downtown house, taking $31,700 week at the Car- accredited some extent to the average, getting for their thay Circle, to $5800 for the period. Queues, which Radio Pictures’ “Rio popular demand for shows of this second week. This also Rita” garnered house were the order of the day during $8438, which is type. changes on February 2, Kolb and not a good figure for the the first week, still continued in house three Duffy houses also Dill being the next attraction in but is a The a modified degree, and the picture good figure for a ninth “Give and Take.” week there. looked good for a couple more Bebe Daniels, John The Hollywood Pliay House is Boles, Robert Woolsey weeks at least. and Bert drawing strong with “It to Wheeler head the cast. Pays Out in Hollywood, the War- Advertise,” with $5900 for its first George LeMaire, who has been ners found further cause for re- Fox’s follow-up on “The Cock- I. week and Indications for an ex- STUDIOS TO directing and acting in a series of joicing in First National’s “Sally,” eyed World,” “Hot for Paris,” fell tended run. to the comedies for Pathe, made in the with Marilyn Miller, a $10,000-a- moderate figure of $6663 in The Majestic opened last Mon- its run eastern studios in New York, week girl, starring. The first week at the Criterion. Victor day with “The New Moon,” an- dropped dead in his office Monday took in $31,100, which presaged McLaglen, El Brendel and Fifi SPEED UP SHORTLY other musical and from reports of this week from heart disease, for it a good run but one not as D’Orsay are the featured players. thus far, is packing them nightly. according to advices received here. essential as that for “Show of Big doings are now on at this The Belasco has “Journey’s Activity at the Metropolitan At the time of LeMaire’s death, Shows.” house with Greta Garbo’s first End” drawing fair houses during talkie, “Anna Studios is picking up. E. B. Derr, new production chief Both of these takings more than Christie,” starting its initial week. its run. Sono-Art is engaged on Stage at Pathe, was drafting a wire to doubled the average for their re- A good bet that it will The Hollywood Music Box smash all records at theatre. where George Crone is direct- him instructing him to move pro- spective spots. the 3, opens next week with “And So ing Reginald Denny in a talker duction of the comedy series from Gloria Big Chinese Change to Bed,” the first of the Civic from the story by E. Rath, en- New York to Hollywood. Gloria Swanson’s first talkie, J. Repertory Theatre’s series. The U. A. picture, ‘'Condemned,” titled “The Dark Chapter.” Sono- The westward move of the “The Trespasser,” came to Hol- Other houses are dark. Ronald Colman and Ann Hard- the to write Art will follow closely on the heels Pathe comedy making will not be lywood at Egyptian ing heading the cast, took the un- affected of this picture with Ruth Roland by LeMaire’s death, der-par figure of $8013 in its last in her first talkie, “Reno.” TECHNICAL DIRECTOR IN though who his successor will be week at the Chinese, giving way not NAME EDDIE HITCHCOCK Caddo is preparing “The Front DEATH FALL IN N. W. had been decided the middle to M-G-M’s “The Rogue Song,” of this PAR. PUBLICITY CHIEF Page,” to go into production week. with Laurence Tibbett the star. early in February. SEATTLE, Jan. 23.—John A. William Haines held his clientele James Cruze, Inc., is soon to get Dewey, formerly a Hollywood mo- “BAMBINA” OPENING NEW YORK, an. 23. — Eddie despite a weak vehicle called under way filming a picture for tion picture technical director, fell Hitchcock, known as “Double “Navy Blues” (M-G-M), drawing Sono-. to his death from the tenth floor “Bambina,” the locally produced Truck Eddie” on account of the $32,795, an average boxoffice, to Halperin Brothers are preparing of the Savoy hotel. His body musical comedy which opened re- way in which he used to crash the Loew’s State. Fanchon and Mar- cently in a sequel to their “Party Girl.” landed on the mezzanine floor roof San Francisco, is booked Pacific Coast papers with pub- co’s “Manila Bound Idea” was in to follow Christie is getting things lined of the inside court. “Oh Susanna” at the licity stunts, has been named as support. Following was Lenore up for another two-reeler featur- Dewey’s wife, Margaret, told Mayan, opening Feb. 3. publicity director for the ace Para- Ulric in “South Sea Rose.” ing Charlie Murray. police her husband had been drink- mount house, the Paramount here. Paramount’s “Seven Days Alf Goulding, director of the ing heavily and had gone to open Since leaving the coast several Leave,” a Gary Cooper starring Lloyd Hamilton talking comedies, the window before retiring. Al- months ago for a publicity post vehicle with Beryl Mercer the real Uncle Carl the- is planning another two-reel com- though she did not see him fall with the Fox New England star, did average at the Paramount edy for Educational. she said she believed he had lost atres, Eddie has proved himself Theatre,. drawing $26,000 for a Robert C. Bruce will do an- his balance. The body was taken Is Host on as sensational a publicity getter film which is more artistic than other of his outdoor talking sce- to the Bonny-Watson Mortuary on the east coast as he was on boxoffice. Paramount’s Chevalier nics for Paramount soon. for shipment to Buffalo, N. Y., 63rd Birthday the west. picture, “The Love Parade,” looks where his parents live. He was signed up to go abroad good for again climbing up into SILVERNAIL BACK with Horace Heidt for a European the bigger and better figures. Mil- JOAN ARTELL ILL Uncle Carl of Universal cele- tour, and was all set to sail when ton Charles, singing organist, is brated his sixty-third birthday last at the last minute the Paramount the only in-person entertainment Clarke Silvernail, the “stormy him to Joan Artell, coloratura prima Saturday and the event was cele- people made their bid for there. petrel” of the Equity strike, has Theatre donna, whose work as a piano and brated by a party at his home in handle the Paramount Orph Run Good returned to Hollywood. He left publicity. assignment was ef- violin soloist and singer has been Beverly Hills to which 19 inti- The “Hit the Deck,” Radio Pic- several months ago to direct the fective at once and Eddie is now in frequent demand at the studios, mate friends came. tures’ film, held up nicely at the dialogue for Inspiration’s “Hell’s ensconced in his new position. was stricken with an acute appen- Laemmle founded Universal City Orpheum, taking $15,000 in its Harbor” which was shot in Flor- spot he left vacant with the dicitis attack last week and taken in 1915 and has presided over its The fourth week, with Bob Hamilton, ida. While on location, Silvernail not filled. to the French hospital where she destinies ever since. Last year he Heidt aggregation was featured organist, aiding the draw. was taken ill and rushed to New was operated upon. She is recover- turned over the management of William Boyd in a most pleas- York where he was incarcerated ing satisfactorily. the studio to his son, Carl, Jr., SAM FRIED BACK ing Pathe picture, “His First Com- in the hospital. While Silvernail when the latter reached his ma- mand” and with a vaude bill, is still convalescent he feels able NEW FOX HOUSE jority. Sam Fried has returned from brought in $18,000 to the to return to the job of preparing RKO Announcements were made this Guests at the party were Junior, New York with reports that con- Theatre. a new picture for his firm. week by the Fox West Coast Stanley Bergerman, his son-in- ditions there in the entertainment “The Taming of the Shrew,” Theatres of another new house law; John Tippett, Moe Mark, world are terrible. Fried was stage Mary Pickford- TO START ROCK SERIES .to be added to that chain on Sam Behrendt, Ben Strauss, Julius manager for David Belasco last so-starring U. A. vehicle, held up West Pico boulevard, near Rob- Bernheim, A1 Green, Abe Gore, year. to the fair gross of $4800 in its “She’s a Wow!”, the first two- inson boulevard. Mike Gore, Clarence Mayer, Rob- last three days giving way to reel comedy to be released by the ert Klein, Samuel Von Ronkel, GORE HOUSE SOLD Norma Talmadge’s first talkie, newly organized Premier Pictures FRANKLIN BACK Mannie Lowenstein, Maurice “New York Nights” (U. A.). Corporation, of which Joe Rock Harold B. Franklin, president Fleckles, Felix Schiff, King Char The Savoy Theatre, formerly Fox’s “Romance of the Rio is president, will have Gil Pratt of the Fox West Coast Theatres, Fleckles, King Charney, M. L. owned by Gore Brothers, has Grande” boosted up the Boule- as director. Production will start returned this week from a flying Finklestein, Felix Schiff and Jo- been taken over by the Consoli- vard receipts to the excellent fig- within a fortnight. trip East. seph Rosenfeld. dated Theatres. ure of $9680. SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1930 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN PAGE THREE FOX PICTURE BEST OF MONTH '


Best performance: Warner Baxter in “Romance of the Rio Grande.” Best performance, opposite sex: Beryl Mercer in “Seven Days’ Leave.”

Best character performance (exclusive of Miss Mercer) : Rob- ert Edeson in “Romance of the Rio Grande.”

Best heavy : Antonio Moreno in “Romance of the Rio Grande.” Best heavy, -opposite sex: Nothing outstanding. Inside Facts last week discon- "Best comedy: Jack Oakie in “Hit the Deck.” tinued its “Bests of the Week in Best comedy, opposite sex: Nothing outstanding. Pictures” box, a feature which it Best juvenile: Robert Montgomery in “Their Own Desire.” carried through the last year. The Best ingenue: June Clyde in “Tanned Legs.” feature was inaugurated at a time Honorable mention for performances : Mona Maris, Antonio when many new angles were be- Moreno and Robert Edeson in “Romance of the Rio Grande”; ing tried in the talkies, and at that J. C. Nugent in “Navy Blues”; Lila Lee, Conrad Nagel and time therefore we considered it a Hugh Huntley in “Second Wife”; Ruth Chatterton and Clive feature which would aid in show- Brooke in “The Laughing Lady” Gary Cooper in “Seven ; ing audience reaction to the vari- Days’ Leave.” ous brand of . Best story: “Second Wife,” from Fulton Oursler’s stage play Now, however, with ithe lines of “All the King’s Men” and “Seven Days’ Leave,” from M. ; J. production much more definitely Barrie’s “The Old Lady Shows Her Medals.” formed, it is felt that the box may

Candidates for ten best pictures of the year : “Romance of the frequently work an injustice. It

Rio Grande” (Fox) ; “Second Wife” (Radio Pictures) “Seven ; has happened frequently that a Days’ Leave” (Paramount); “Show of Shows” (Warner comparatively weak picture would Brothers). rate the best of the week, whereas if its release had been a week later, it wouldn’t have rated any- DUFFY DENIES RUMORS where in the running. OF GIVING UP HOUSE So we are changing the “Bests” CLOSING DUE ID box to a monthly feature, the first appearing in this issue. Rumors have been flying loose Pictures Reviewed and careless anent the financial Reviewed during the month were ‘OPEN SHOP' try condition of Henry Duffy and his the following feature pictures: policy. They have had him in “Hit the Deck,” “Tanned Legs” and “Second Wife” (RKO) “Ro- Sudden closing of the Actors’ all sorts of financial difficulties, ; mance of the Rio Grande,” “Hot Theatre,- formerly the Orange offering his houses sacrifice, at a for Paris” and “South Sea Rose” Grove on Grand Avenue, was this trying to borrow money, etc., etc. (Fox); “Glorifying the American week disclosed as having been due In view of this, a representative Girl,” “The Laughing Lady” and to refusal of Equity to permit its of this paper asked Duffy “Seven Days’ Leave” (Para- members to work with non-union Henry as mount); “Oh Yeah” and “His stage hands. to his financial status and he got as First 'Command” (Pathe); “Navy The venture was to a certain comprehensive an answer as could be desired. Blues” and “Their Own Desire” degree a co-operative proposition, Henry Duffy (M-G-M); “Taming of the Shrew” the major members of the stock has grown from a condition of almost straitened and “New York Nights” (United cast taking .stock in part pay- circumstances into Artists) “The Lost Zeppelin” The Young Smart Song Comedian ment for their services. But the almost mil- ; lionaire proportions in less than (Tiff:any), and “Show of Shows,” minor parts were filled by people Warner Brothers. HEADLINING ORPHEUM CIRCUIT who were protected by Equity five years. Not only is he affluent Of these pictures, Inside Facts bond and regulations. but he also owns several of the gives first place to “Romance of The house opened with regular theatres upon his chain in fee sim- Eddie Pardo the Rio Grande,” a Fox picture union stage hands, but the time ple. In San Francisco, he not only directed by Alfred Santell and (Assisted by Blanche Latell) arose when salaries for them were owns the President Theatre but a large portion of the prop- having Warner Baxter back in not forthcoming and it was planned erty adjoining, his Mexican caballero role, thus In a Sophisticated Twentieth Century Vehicle to continue with make-shift stage being one of the making the picture somewhat like Himself hands from among the members most valuable properties in the Written by a sequel to “In Old Arizona.” An of the organization. Equity re- downtown district. excellent cast helped put this one While at the Palace, York, N. Y. Telegram said: fused to permit this state of af- The rumor that he is trying to New dispose of one of his local houses in first place, with special mention fairs and its members left the “Pardo had them begging for more.” is true only in the sense that he for excellent performances due cast. Upon which the house Variety said: “He is sure fire.” has a price for any of his hold- Baxter, Mona Maris, Antonio Mo- closed. All salaries for the Equity Zit’s “Plenty personality this boy.” ings is willing reno and Robert Edeson. said: of people were settled, and those who and to let go of the President Play- Director Honor Roll agreed to go in on the stock prop- or Hollywood Directors who particularly dis- Now at the osition -made what arrangements house if any of the several bid- ders will his but tinguished themselves during the they could in their own individual meet demands, none of the Duffy houses is on month were: cases. R.K.O. Theatre, Los Angeles the bargain counter. Alfred Santell for his “Romance of the Rio Grande,” Fox. Week of January 23 Los Angeles FOX UNIT FINDS COLD Richard Wallace for his “Seven GOING ON LOCATION Days’ Leave,” Paramount. ‘Head Man John Adolfi for his “Show of JED BUELL NOW HEAD SEATTLE, Jan. 23. — Wading Shows,’’ Warner Brothers. OF SENNETT PUBLICITY through nearly three feet of snow, Dispute in Russell Mack for his “Second LUCILLE VERNE some of them for the first time Wife,” Radio Pictures. Jed Buell, former L. A. theatre in their lives, 55 members of a Luther Reed also had an excel- M & M Team manager, has taken office as chief Fox Film Co. unit are “on loca- lent musical comedy in “Hit the of publicity at the Mack Sennett tion’’ in Mt. Rainier National Deck,” Radio Pictures. OPENS AT VINE ST. Studios. park. Pictures which signally fell be- Moran and Mack, the two black Buell was manager of the West- Coming from “hothouse” stu- low standard program dimensions Lucille LaVerne is opening at crows, are now doing their act in lake Theatre, bringing it into dios in California, where the tem- were “Glorifying the American the Vine Street Theatre Sunday in Judge Handby’s court. Mack put prominence as the ace preview perature races near the 80 mark, Girl”—Millard Webb, Paramount; a production of “Sun Up,” which one over on Moran the latter al- house of Southern California about to a country where the ther- “South Sea Rose”—Alan Dwan, she played at the Mason and Egan leges. by which Mack aspired to a year and a half ago. He left mometer drops to zero at night, Fox; “Navy Blues” — Clarence theatres here for a total of 27 be head man of the act. He this position to go with the Laem- is somewhat of a change but the Brown, M-G-M. weeks in 1927. Whether options claims that Mack got him to sign mle chain, and was with them actors don’t seem to mind it. Inside Facts’ first “Best of the on the reported lease will be re- an agreement whereby Mack was until the houses were sold to Fox. “The Girl Who Wasn’t Wanted” month” box is printed elsewhere newed for future productions de- to be manager of the team. When He then went into the story busi- is the picture being filmed on the on this page. pends upon the success of “Sun he wanted the agreement can- ness, his most notable sale being mountain, and included in the Up,” it is rumored, and also upon celled, Mack refused and claims the story “Reno,” to Sono-Art, cast are George O’Brien, Helen whether or not Miss LaVerne’s that he has received no money as COONS WITH PATHE which organization is now making Chandler and Antonio Moreno. portrayal of the stellar part which compensation for signing the the picture with Ruth Roland is one of the best things she has papers. Maurice Coons, fictionist and doing a starring come-back in PAR READYING SEVEN done, gets her a sufficiently en- The petition states that Mack’s playwright, arrived in Hollywood pictures, in it. The story is by ticing bid from the talkies. name formerly was Charles E. late last week under contract to Cornelius Vanderbilt. Paramount is preparing seven “Sun Up” has a good record, be- Sellers and Moran’s name was Pathe. _ pictures for early production, “The sides the local runs having played George Searcy, which they changed Benson Murder Case,” to be di- MAKING SONG SERIES three seasons in New York, and for stage purposes. They first rected by Frank Tuttle with an also runs in Paris and London. joined hands in 1917 and later all-star cast; “The Light of West- Popular Pair The Van Beuren Corporation is Grace Tryon, Miss LaVerne’s originated the skit, “Two Black ern Stars,” starring Richard Arlen, making a group of six “Song daughter, will be in the supporting Crows,” which became a sensa- to be directed by Otto Brower At Loew’s In Sketches” to be released by Pathe. cast, which also will have Don tional hit as a phonograph rec- and Edwin Knopf; “Safety in First three are entitled “Manda- Travis, Harry Willard, James ord a couple of years ago, and Numbers,” starring Charles “Bud- lay,” “The Trumpeter” and “Songs Ryan, Arthur Turner Foster, Fer- which formed the basis of the ‘Trees’ Idea dy” Rogers, with Victor Schertz- Our Mothers Used to Sing.” In- dinand Rodrigue# and Byron Paramount picture, “Why Bring inger directing; “The Devil’s Sun- cidentally, “Mandalay” was booked Shores. Miss LaVerne will stage That Up.” They separated Janu- day,” starring Nancy Carroll, di- Ted Reicard and Christel Le into the George M. Cohan The- direct. ary 11, 1929. rected by Edmond Goulding; Vine, whose picture appears on atre in New York with the long Moran seeks to prevent Mack “The Texan,” an all-star cast, the front page of this issue of In- run of “Hunting Tigers in India” TO DIRECT HARDING from using the team name of under the direction of John Crom- side Facts, are both well known and proved so successful that it Moran and Mack and also from well; “The Return of Fu Man- favorites of musical comedy, hav- is now held over with the run of using the name “Two Black Russell Mack, director of the chu,” also with an all-star cast ing appeared in such productions “Blaze o’ Glory,” a Sono Art dialogue Crows.” Judge Hanby has issued in “Rio Rita,” and whose and Roland V. Lee directing, and as “Sally,” “Irene,” “Going Up,” Production. first a temporary injunction returnable picture, “Second Wife,” made one untitled, uncast and with di- “Student Prince,” “Naughty Mari- for Radio Pictures, is hailed by rector assigned under January 30. the the su- etta,” “Firefly,” “No, No, Nan- HOYT NAMED TO POST studio officials as showing excel- pervision of B. P. Zeidman. FACE ette,” “Wildflower,” and “Merry lent directorial ability, is to direct NEW CHARGE Widow.” Harry O. Hoyt has been selected Ann Harding’s next picture for MOSBY CASE OUT Ted possesses not only good by George W. Stout, president of Pathe. Several stories are under Sam Landesman and Gene Lath- looks, but also a great voice plus the newly formed Equitable Pic- consideration, with tentative plans Curtis Mosby, owner of the rop, managers of a Main street some real personality and show- tures Corporation, as production being made to start in a couple Apex Night Club, got a break girl show, have been charged with manship, while his partner, a cute manager for the new concern. of weeks. when his case for possession of criminal contempt of court for al- blonde, with plenty of appeal, is Hoyt is in Hollywood working on two pints of whiskey came up be- legedly advising Dixie Lee, one of also very versatile. plans for Equitable’s production TWO HOUSES WIRED fore Judge Curtis last week. The their employees arrested upon an The pair are artists in their line schedule, due to get under way case had already been tried, re- indecent show charge, to stay out of toe, tap and soft shoe dancing. within a few weeks. Equitable Symphony Theatre, Compton, sulting in a hung jury, but since of court. Seven girls refused to They were featured in Fanchon Pictures are for exclusive release Calif., and Lynnwood Theatre in then one of the police officers obey the court order. The girls and Marco’s “Beaus and Bows by The Motion . Picture Congress, Lynnwood, both owned by A. who raided the club is dead and are Babe Perry, Johnnie Talber, Idea” and they are appearing this the new distribution organization Hanson of the National Theatre another is a fugitive from justice Gary Powell, Helen Martin and week at Loew’s State, Los An- formed for a close link-up with Supply Company, are being wired and so the case was dismissed. Myrtle Madison. geles, in the “Trees Idea.” unaffiliated exhibitors. with Western Electric equipment. — — — —


1 11 1 1 " ’ ' 1 '* : -" . , s.t ss-rnry" — a - —US Picture Reviews ~ Previews ~ Shorts By A. H. FREDERICK

‘HIS FIRST COMMAND* ‘SEVEN DAYS’ LEAVE’ “NEW YORK NIGHTS” “SALLY” ‘SOUTH SEA ROSE’ Radio Pictures’ Picture Paramount Picture U. A. Picture First National Picture Fox Picture (Reviewed at RKO Theatre) (Reviewed at Paramount) (Reviewed at U. A. Theatre) (Reviewed at Warners’ Hollywood) (Reviewed at Loew’s State) As a programmer without pre- This picture looks to be a great Norma Talmadge’s talking debut Transferred to the screen with This is a hybrid affair, the story tentions of small proportions, this deal more of an artistic triumph was not happily chosen. It is an- fidelity and with Marilyn Miller in moving along the lines of a real is a most pleasing picture, with than a boxoffice cleanup. Artistic- other of the backstage stories, with her familiar title role, this picture take but the laughs mainly being an even flow of comedy and story, ally it is a creation which will be nothing particular to distinguish could not help be otherwise than of the slapstick variety. Which sure to please those who like the distinctly pleasing.. And it is. The means that there are more laughs a weak climax which nonetheless it from its many predecessors. more elevated phases of the drama, old catchy tunes are as catchy as than there is entertainment. A is kept up to a good standard by There is the true-blue Lou who but from a boxoffice standpoint it ever, Marilyn is as efficient and al- considerable improvement would all in sticks to her as as the way it is handled, and lacks love interest and the more man long she luring and with as sweet a voice have been obtained by working all one which any exhibitor may showy climaxes. Which will not is allowed to do so, despite his and personality, and the surround- the script over for laughs in line weakness for drink; book with assurance that his audi- please the sheik and the sheba there are the ing cast is almost unanimously with the story and eliminating the type of movie fans. usual chorus ensembles and single good. Mack Sennett angles. As it stands ences will be pleased. The direction of Richard Wal- acts interpolated to interrupt what In one respect the picture out- it is certainly a weak vehicle while, not entirely un- The story, lace and the work of the cast, par- flow to the story there is; there does the play, and that is in the dramatically for anyone of the sure-fire, and in- stereotyped, is ticularly of Beryl Mercer, is is a good themie presumably en- department of being more convinc- reputation of the star, Lenore the smooth, terpolated gags and splendid. Taken from one of titled “A Year From Today”; ing. On the stage one always felt Ulric, and its draw should be flow of dialogue laugh-provoking James M. Barrie’s ultra-saccharine there is the heavy who tries to the orchestra ready to tune up and looked for mainly from the title it to certain returns. build up plays, Wallace has tinged it with make the girl, only to meet his that it was just another musical and from the exploitation and ad- shots show William Opening touches which embellish it to a just deserts (according to the comedy, albeit a good one. But vertising angles used. Loew’s had Boyd arriving in Kansas under movies) greater height than was reached ; and there’s the happy Director John Francis Dillon has a trio of Hula players, two men father, who is direction of his by the play, “The Old Lady fadeout of the husband and wife managed to imbue the play’s lines and a gill, out in front of the the- with angry at Bill’s escapades Shows Her Medals.” Miss Mercer westward bound to start anew. with a naturalness in sequential de- atre to attract the passerby. The girls on Broadway. The chorus is no small contributor to the As the story is average, so is velopment which frequently dis- picture can stand something like rubber magnate, and daddy is a same end, with the star, Gary the cast, with just one exception. abuses the mind from the fact that that in houses where titles are not orders are to learn the rub- Bill’s Cooper, also sharing in it. Gary John Wray, playing the heavy, has it is a musical show, and better the paramount consideration. There But there is a girl ber business. is good, but it is Beryl Mercer’s something new to offer, under the heart-throbs or good moments are the name and the Hula posters men in uniform, who admires only play. direction of John Milestone. the result. should make it march steadily enlists. The comedy starts so Bill Wallace is to be commended Miss Talmadge has a clear The story is long familiar. The enough. laugh after immediately, with for the touching appeal he has put voice, quite adequate to demands little girl whose dancing feet skip The picture opens prettily the rookie’s mis- laugh coming at into the drab phases of London of all but the more dramatic mo- her out of waitress jobs until fin- enough with South Sea Island in believing that he has takes life in which the story moves, and ments. At these crises it fails to ally she gets a second rate chance scenes, dances and songs. The enterprise and joined a business for the deep sympathy with which be wholly convincing. But none in a cabaret. Then her promotion themie, “South Sea Rose,” is suf- officers on terms of can meet the he has caught the loneliness of of her work stands up to the into an evening of entertainment ficiently pretty though strongly learns—with sev- equality. But he the old charwoman. There can standard she set in the silents. at a society affair, where she is in- reminiscent of bygone melodies, the girl thrown eral snubbings by be little doubt that this film will Her talkie presence as yet is not troduced as a foreigner of distinc- but there are too many repeti- ropes and becomes color- j n—the come into deserved consideration the equal in convincingness of her tion. Of how she there learns tions of it. guard. when the best pictures of the year silent screen presence, though her that the man she loves is to wed A ship’s captain (Charles Bick- day for Then there is a field 1930 are being considered, and personal attraction in the one me- another. Of her rise to Ziegfeld- ford) has sailed into the port to and a little girl, the officers, that Wallace’s direction of it will dium is as good as in the other. ian heights and the reconciliation marry a French girl there (Lenore one of the officers, daughter of be likewise considered among the Gilbert Roland fails to rise above between her and her lover, who Ulric) in the belief that she is an jump over falls behind a water 10 outstanding directorial achieve- the description of being just an- has got out of the announced en- heiress. This comes to pass, with hoofs of the which the thundering ments of the period. The picture other leading man for the talkies, gagement to the other girl. an ocean storm thrown in for will pass. Boyd racing horses is filled with throat-gripping mo- and not at all a vivid one when his The one best comedy spot in good measure on the trip home. shortly there- rescues her, and ments for those who lose them- offering is compared to some of the picture is a sequence wherein Also on shipboard are scenes a commission. after is awarded selves in its artistry. the sterling work which the talkies Joe E. Brown and Jack Duffy exe- wherein Miss Ulric is called upon wins the girl Of course he also The story deals with an elderly have uncovered. cute some dangerous antics on a for a display of her 'native cute- who likes the man in uniform. The story starts with the wife ladder. nevertheless it is ness, and VIEWPOINT: London charwoman whose deep But with she acquits herself fairly EXHIBITORS’ regret is that she has no part in (Norma Talmadge) of a song writ- a memory complimentary to a well therein. picture, this is a For a program the world war. Every woman she er (Gilbert Roland) upbraiding former day that the work of Leon Bickford takes his bride to his be boosted safe booking and will knows has contributed either her him for his weakness for drink, Errol in the silent “Sally” version New England home, kept by his word-of-mouth. Audi- by favorable efforts dr her son. She can do which, so she says, is killing their with Colleen Moore is recollected. prudish sister (Elizabeth Patter- which like to laugh will future. ences neither, because she is too old to Certainly Joe E. Brown comes no- son). Miss Ulric properly shocks here, and the find the opportunity be given war work, and because But in company with his buddy where near stealing the present all the natives by her ultra- one. week should be a good she has no son. (Roscoe Karns), he has "written a picture, and Leon Errol wrapped French garb and mannerisms, VIEWPOINT: song, and, PRODUCERS’ Her lonely heart creates a fic- through the agency of up the silent version without much Culminating when she performs a and Gregory LaCava directed, titious son from a name she has the wife, it is sold to the producer trouble. Hula dance at a lecture on the fault to be found in there is no seen in the paper. Then the man of a show of which she is the EXHIBITORS’ VIEWPOINT: South Sea Islands. Meanwhile His contribution this department. of that name comes to London on star. This producer is a gangster The career of this picture will be Bickford has sailed for France adequate in every foot, though chief of was leave and is steered to her house (John Wray), interesting and exhibs had better to get guardianship papers, and his story prevented the . the nature of by a well-meaning acquaintance, whose one present ambition is to look it over for themselves. bride has been carrying on a ever becoming more than make the wife. it from who thinks he is her son. At first Whether the popularity of the play prodigious flirtation with the vil- straightaway exceptionally good rough in his treatment of her The gangster frames it for the in former days, and the former lage doctor (Kenneth McKenna). get stuff. cheat, the boy is gradually won husband to drunk and be silent version will aid or hinder When Bickford returns he dis- did the story, Jack Jungmeyer over by her tender regard for caught with a girl in a hotel raid. good boxoffice on this one is some- covers his wife in the doctor’s audience. with a keen eye to A him and enters the deception and This finally breaks down the wife’s thing to be considered in the in- arms. So he says he will sur- job. Jungmeyer and faith very good she becomes the envy of all the and she steps out of the dividual case. Marilyn Miller’s render her, and he leaves. How- collaborated in the James Gleason neighborhood at being the mother home to have a good time on her name will necessitate a consider- ever, he declares that he loves this department dialogue, and of such a strapping soldier. own. able amount of explanatory exploi- her and can tell her so manfully are parties is A-l. But, in a fracas, he reveals a There and entertain- tation in other than metropolitan now because it has been dis- CASTING DIRECTORS’ complete lack of patriotism, and ment at this point, and climaxes first runs if full value is to be covered by him that she hasn’t a William Boyd con- VIEWPOINT: discloses that he intends to de- of virtue nearing its defeat, but of achieved therefrom. dime in the world. As he is about himself as a talkie per- course everything all firms sert. This so much breaks her up comes out PRODUCERS’ VIEWPOINT: to sail away Miss Ulric comes can be depended upon right former who that he is conscience-stricken and and the two-person family John Francis Dillon rates credit aboard and says that it is he program performance. for a good changes his plans. He returns to turns westward to start all over for his very clever direction of this whom she has always loved. is equally proficient at draw- again. He the war, and is killed. The fade- picture. He has neatly blended Through lack of good scenariz- handling dra- ing laughs and in out shows her mother’s heart ten- EXHIBITORS’ VIEWPOINT: picture demands with the stage ma- ing there are many draggy spots, matic sequences. derly pondering over her few me- Except for the draw of “New terial so that an interesting story with the opening scenes promis- Sebastian is weak as Nights” being Tal- Dorothy mentoes of him, until it is time York Norma weaves its way as much more than ing far more than is delivered in girl. "While her talking is up first talkie, there is noth- the for her to lift up her scrubbing madge’s a mere skeleton upon which to the remainder of the picture. lacks the appeal to average, she pail and go to her char work in ing here other than an average hang catchy melodies. The en- EXHIBITORS’ VIEWPOINT: girls have gained which other company with three old cronies program picture based on the well- sembles, staged by Larry Ceballos This is just mediocre entertain- articulate. through the power to be who are her chief companions. worn motif of backstage life. Box- are excellent. ment, and with no particular cast hard-boiled ser- Paul Hurst is a EXHIBITORS’ VIEWPOINT: office will be in proportion to the Waldemar Young did the screen name to draw looks like under- his part sec- geant, and he makes Look this one over before book- public desire to hear Norma speak. version of the Guy Bolton musical average boxoffice. Lure of the ond only to that of Boyd. His ing. While it has a big appeal for PRODUCERS’ VIEWPOINT: comedy, and did a good job of it. South Sea title is the best thing moments on the screen are all Lewis Milestone has brought ade- those who like the artistic, it is CASTING DIRECTORS’ to draw the shoppers with, with by the audi- good and welcomed a doubtful booking in houses quate but no sensational direction VIEWPOINT: Marilyn Miller’s heavy play also on the sirenic ence. which want them “move.” Of to the picture. His touches are famed stage attributes are in no- reputation of the star. Bickford Ethier is splendid as the Alphonse course Gary’s “The Virginian” good, but nature of the story wise lost upon the screen. Rather of “Dynamite” fame is also good part has been a colonel. The has put him at the zenith of his prevented him from doing other enhanced, if anything, by the abil- for a percentage of the patronage. without drawn from the life, and drawing power, but those who than average. ity to bring her near in closeups PRODUCERS’ VIEWPOINT: over-doing of army offi- is in the usual come in on the strength of the The dialogue best the por- and short shots. In addition to her Alan Dwan directed, with the ex- roles, and Ethier plays it just tions wife, cer Wister play will find little of between husband and intriguing personality, she has a cellence of certain shots scenically part is excellent that way. The that Gary in this picture. the other stuff having a thoroughly real ability at screen singing and outweighing the dramatic direc- treatment and both in the script PRODUCERS’ VIEWPOINT: familiar ring. dancing (which is sometimes dif- tion. He played the comedy in the manner in which it is Richard Wallace has something The picture is from the stage ferent from stage singing and broad, thus insuring laughs though handled. to be very proud of in “Seven play, “Tin Pan Alley” and would dancing), the total rating her right scarcely building up the picture Gordon does a lieutenant have been better Gavin Days’ Leave.” It is one of the much movie ma- in the top ranks of screen musi- from a story or romantic stand- Hickman has well, and Howard most admirably directed talkies terial a year ago than it is now. cal comedy stars. point. also is a minor character which yet done and shows a depth of CASTING DIRECTORS’ Alexander Gray is possessed of CASTING DIRECTORS’ for its values. qualifica- developed ability. VIEWPOINT: Talkie a pleasing enough personality, but VIEWPOINT: The cast runs at Parrreh, a youngster, of tions of Helen John Farrow and Dan Totheroh Norma Talmadge and Gil- (Continued on Page 13) (Continued on Page 13) lines about 9 or 10, handles her did the adaptation, and a very bert Roland have been discussecj convincingly and is a worthy ad- above. neat job of it, building up every dition to the cast. scene for a maximum. John Wray plays the gangster chief with a new interpretation, SION PRICES CASTING DIRECTORS’ l9^5E4SOIM SOON the outstanding difference being a GABRIEL 7S? */au STRAUSS DUE VIEWPOINT : Beryl Mercer’s 100 IN CAST laughing period to almost all of R.D. Mac Lean as frayjuniperoserra characterization of the sonless EVERYAETERWON-EXCEPT MOHDAY-i'S — &'S his remarks, and a most convinc- WED. AND SAT. EVE Oscar Straus, coming to Holly- charwoman is tremendously effec- ing and true-to-life manner of wood to write original operettas tive. By it and her work in handling his every sequence. for Warner Brothers, will arrive “Three Live Ghosts” she has un- Lilyan Tashman is cast in an- in Hollywood about Jan. 27. questionably leaped to the top of other of her wise-cracking roles, in Straus has had numerous works character women of her type, and which she is always certain to this country, including has written herself boxoffice. MARCAL produced in MARQUIS deliver for full value. the “Chocolate Soldier,” “The Gary Cooper’s part is support Hollywood Blvd. at Gower Melrose at Doheny Dr. Mary Doran has a fluffy-talk Waltz Dream” and “The Last for Miss Mercer despite his stellar HO. 8069 OX. 2208 chorus girl role, in which she ac- Waltz.” His latest is “Marietta,” billing. In it he leaves nothing quits herself in standard but effec- One Week Starting Sun., Jan. 26 Sun. and Mon., Jan. 26-27— not yet presented in America. to be desired, making the most of tive manner, COLLEEN MOORE in EDDIE BUZZEL in his every chance. But Gary’s more and Roscoe Karns is fully satisfactory ‘FOOTLIGHTS AND ‘LITTLE JOHNNY JONES’ ardent fans are likely to dis- as the second be Tues. and Wed., Jan. 28-29 Tin-Pan-Alley er. FOOLS’ appointed in its limitations. Spectacular and Entrancing JOHN GILBERT in Three elderly women, playing Also ‘HIS GLORIOUS NIGHT’ LAUREL and HARDY in “Chic” KENNEDY frowsy, gossipy charwomen, all trio. They are Daisy Belmore, Thurs. and Rri., Jan. 30-31— do splendid work, developing their Nora Cecil and Pigott. THE HOOSE GOW’ ‘GOLD DIGGERS OF BROADWAY’ Direction: Tempe Coming respective roles to the full with- Arthur Hoyt and Arthur Met- Sat., Feb. 1 — EDDIE ^UZZEL in MARION JIMMY MURPHY out any one overshadowing the calfe have small assignments, DAVIES in ‘MARIANNE’ ‘LITTLE JOHNNY JONES’ a - and 5 Acts of RKO Vaudeville consistently good work of the which they perform satisfactorily. —


Needs Development PLANS FOR LOCAL Lack Firm Bases

is attributed very prominent motion picture The Little Theatres are apparently to be the savior of the A remark to a effect that is least important part of legitimate drama. There was a time when every city had its exec to the “the story the the picture.” dictum sprung years ago, it stock company, either high class or melo or, perhaps, as was While the was many is error. frequently the 'case, both. From these schools of stagecraft still charged against the man as a flagrant either because the belief is still prevalent in Hollywood, sprung most of the talent that tops the stage of today. But or else because there is truth in the oft-repeated wail of With a change of play every week, an actor was given the some a shortage talking picture material, analysis past opportunity to perfect himself in a variety of roles and particu- of an of the month’s releases show that by far their weakest point was the larly to submerge himself in them. A few years ago it was a story bases for them. Only two of the pictures reviewed, and reflection upon a stock actor to have someone say “He’s the Production of “June Moon” at one previewed, showed any discernment at all in the selec- same in everything.” Today types are the thing and when an the Belasco, which report has been tion of the plot and its unfoldment. 'The two reviewed were actor proves his fitness for a certain kind bf part, he is never causing considerable of a flurry “Romance of the Rio Grande,” which, while the characteriza- considered as eligible for any other kind. among those seeking castings, has tions and colorful atmosphere were its chief assets, nonetheless This has seriously crippled the art of acting by eliminating been postponed, and when it does had a good story foundation and “Seven Days’ ; Leave,” which the only place where actors can learn to act. Good parts make open it will be with the Chicago also built gripping atmosphere and characterization on an good actors and many kinds of parts make for versatility. company intact. unusual plot. The preview was “Second Wife,” which was fun- With the passing of the stocks, the little theatres, dramatic The play was originally slated damentally a good story, well directed and acted. clubs and organizations which occasionally present plays have to follow “Journey’s End,” the war It is more than a coincidence that, in looking over the lists been the only source of supply unless one includes the dra- play now current, and it was un- to select the candidates for the ten -best pictures of the year, matic schools. derstood that it would be produced the Inside Facts reviewers should name all of these three These schools, however, with the old-fashioned technique of with a local cast if a local man among four selected, the fourth being a straightaway revue actors who have either failed or retired on account of lack of could be found to play the lead. type of picture, Warner Brothers’ “Show of Shows.” It is a demand for their personal services, have inculcated into their But this was changed and it is truism that a chain is no stronger than its weakest link, it pupils such faulty methods as to make managers look askance now planned to bring the Chicago and takes a superlative order of direction, seldom encountered, to at their product regardless of other qualifications. company to the coast when it fin- make a good picture out of a story which is uninteresting The practical opportunities which the little theatre affords ishes its run in Chi. and vapid. should be considered a lot more important than it is. Every Sam Harris, producer of the Inside Facts has stated that the day of the writer is here, performance that is given should be seen by a legit manager. show in the east, is here at the and it still insists on the point even though the Hollywood pro- This would enthuse the little theatre movement and bring a lot present time, and will collaborate ducers are chasing all over Broadway and of interest into the work and the result would be the develop- with Belasco and Curran in the Europe looking for stuff which may be adapted after a fashion to screen ment of future talent at no expense to the theatres. bringing of the show here, it is presenta- tion. The reading departments at the studios There also should be more light opera produced by these stated. have long been more or less figureheads, their chief office clubs as the incentive for the development of that all-important being to read scripts and record them in order that no plagiarism suits later and rara avis, the comic opera principal, who is now sadly may be filed. Their “noes” have worked incalculable scarce. Opportunities for singers in the west are exceedingly harm to the indus- try, many a potentially great picture being killed few and far between and the chance for a student to attend Readers’ Views off by their indifference toward original creations. a musical show—not to mention to aspire to a part in one The studio which first recognizes this and installs has for many months been practically nil. a reading department which will read with Rochester, N. Y. - a view to finding material Editor, Inside Facts, rather than perfunctorially with a view to acquitting a routine duty, will Los Angeles, Calif. profit immeasurably. If never before, now, at least, the story is the thing. Dear A. H. F.—We all thought DICK TAKES SIXTH BRIDE; you were good until you reviewed this cluck “Show of Shows.” What a “Show!” she sure laid an egg around these parts. It’s ALMOST MISS AT CHURCH a great picture to empty your WILBUR CUSHMAN TO OPEN AT house on. What a week here. Re- gards. Dick L’Estrange, who em-t Richard, as you will, has taken (Signed). JACK E. OL'CUTT. braces in the same person Count unto himself another spouse. Some * * * L. B. WITH AUGMENTED CO. Strensch L’Etsrange Black- de men are fiends for punishment, Portland, Ore. mere and the Duke of Shrewsbury some afraid to go home alone Editor, Inside Facts, Wilbur Cushman with his Own there is about the marryingest man in while others are just simply sim- when the call come for him Los Angeles, Calif. Hollywood. Six times has he ple. It is said Revue will open an indefinite en to move back into that our friend Mighty glad to see you’ve California. walked the thirteen steps and Dick is out to break Nat Good- started a radio page, as it’s a gagement at the Strand Theatre, Cushman will augment his com- placed the noose around his neck. win’s record. He has it tied now branch of the entertainment field Long Beach, on February 2. This pany for the Long Beach engage- He knows his lines “I do” so well Last Tuesday in accordance with that is sure worthy of considera- will mark the return of the that he doesn’t have to look at the previous announcements Cush- ment. Several new principals will Dick elect- tion. Where pictures and shows manuscript any more. He takes ed to try, try again. man company to California after be added to his present He engaged reach thousands and hundreds, re- company his marriages so nonchalantly that a little church in Glendale for the spectively, radio reaches millions, an invasion of New Mexico, Mon- roster and musical and novelty he doesn’t even have to look for ceremony; 11 o’clock a. m. was and the people who are making tana and Texas where they rang acts will be interpolated into the the bride. the hour appointed. Some of the it more popular every day sure up a record of successful busi- His Grace, His Highness or Sir boys desiring to witness the cere- musical comedy production each ought to get recognition for their mony from afar stood upon the ness on consecutive run of over a week. services and how good they are. street corner awaiting the wed- And when you get a real page year. ding procession. Opposite the like yours that really knows what After a stay of over two years church a young lady was likewise its all about it’s a treat and I for in the San Joaquin valley, Cush- L standing on the same errand bent. one think it’s great. man moved into Albuquerque, N. WIDE She heard the boys conversing (Signed) » SCREEN and let it be known to them that A. W. WOOLWARD. M., where he played for 44 weeks, she was the bride’s sister. TO AID LEGIT * * topping all records for the Kimo Promptly at 11, the bride, Miss Oakland, Calif. Theatre in that city. The advent Agnes Warmoll, arrived in a taxi Editor, Inside Facts, (Continued from Page 1) properly attended. The sister of the talkies forced a decision to Los Angeles. Calif. the President showed a profit on asked her if she had heard from move to Butte, Mont., but the CLEVELAND. — The research I see where somebody in your Dick. She said No! and her face laboratories of the the year. last issue thought that was a operation of the houses in that sec- National Car- perceptibly paled. Thereupon the bon Company, Inc., tion the circuit made it here, claims Opposed to this is the large bride joined good feature where you had a by Fox the waiting throng. perfection of a light source in the list of how good everybody was impossible for the producer to losses of the Majestic, where two The minutes passed but no Dick. form of a special carbon arc in the talkies. But what I can’t which shows, the first and the last pro- Eleven-thirty approached and secure theatres in which to rotate has 30 to 50 per cent greater understand is why you said Helen the bride it announced as the dead- his then took over brilliancy than the sun itself. duced by Horton, were the only Chandler is “just another ingenue company. He line. She would go home and This, they say, removes prac- ones that did not fall into the without any particular weight.” All the lease of the Crawford Theatre call it off. Then someone had the tically the last obstacle her in “Salute” but in in the way red. bright to I saw was in El Paso and was operating idea go in and ask the of projection of wide film of ster- The Vine Street also had a los- that one I thought she showed manager—er, minister if he had eopscopic moving pictures. ing season, but one or two shows heard that she’s really one of the best from the groom, and there The manufacture of this carbon playing to a profit; the Belasco is of the young girls in pictures and they found Dick fretfully sitting requires from six to eight weeks. said to have had but two profita- is mighty appealing. I agreed in a pew, his six__ feet five trem _ ^ _ So great is the care required that ble shows during 1929; and ^thejblmg with you on most of the others, lil< e an aspen in the wind. the raw materials are produced un- Figueroa Playhouse The particularly Sally O’Neil and her He had been waiting there since der careful technical supervision Hollywood Music Box is said to squeaky voice, and Winnie Light- 9:30 and was almost too nervous in a plant designed and built for one winner in its ner, who gave me more laughs in have had but to feel relieved. that specific purpose. “Gold Diggers of Broadway” than The perfec- history, Louis Macloon’s “Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Gunther Siegfried tion of these carbons I’ve had in a long time. And makes the cago.” Richard Augustus Alexander von exhibition of the wide stereoscopic another favorite of mine is Jack Costs Too High Strensch L’Estrange de Black- Opening the new Louis O. Mac- film a certainty Oakie. and it will be only By this, it is evidenced that the mere, Duke and Duchess of loon-Lillian Albertson production, a matter of a few (Signed) weeks before cost of operation is too high. Shrewsbury, are honeymooning in PAUL HOLLIS. * * ^ “New Moon,” at the Majestic they will be shown by several There should be a. general lower- a locale unknown. Monday night, was a brilliant af- New York theatres, Medford, Ore. the Cleveland ing of the scale of costs on the fair which drew the most distin- execs state. Editor, Inside Facts, part of all concerned. Rents guished of the playgoers of both DRAMATIC SHORTS Los Angeles, Calif. should go down., advertising rates Los Angeles and Hollywood. OPPOSITE scaled in proportion to I have noticed that you have McLAGLEN should be Cal Core is preparing to The play, which will be reviewed make been giving a lot of valuable space the possible returns. A house a series of six two reelers with in Inside Facts next week, got off recently to radio people, and I Mary McAlister has been signed playing to $30,000 per week should most of the locale laid in . to a big start, indicating that these , daily have been wondering whv. No- to play the feminine lead in the pay a higher rate for their This will be the first dramatic producers have got another big body who could get anything else Fox picture, “On the Level,” in advertising than a theatre whose short series to be made with winner to follow up the sensation- to do would take a job around a which Victor McLaglen is the possible takings are but $5000. sound and dialogue,- though indi- al record they made with their radio station. The radio business star. This is Miss McAlister’s A general lowering of the over- vidual dramatic shorts have been last coast production, “The Desert cannot last because it is stimulated biggest chance since the talkies. head on the part of the landlords, made formerly. He starts shoot- Song.” by manufacturers of radio sets In. her younger days she was a one that would enable their ten- ing February 10 at the Tec-Art who talk you into tying yourself child star under the name of Mary ants to live, would tend to bring studios. The cast and director are up for years to pay for something tunity of saying that the opinions Sunshine. them more money and improve not as yet signed. that’s always going out of whack, expressed each week by Mr. the value of their property more just to hear somebody advertise a Jacobs of the various plays pre- than will long, periods of darkness PICTURE PAIR WED DUNCAN’S NEXT place to bury yourself or boost sented in the legitimate theatres and the reputation of the house some real estate subdivision. If here in Los Angeles, should be of being a jinx. Francis Marion, scenario writer Returning from a two months they are not all amateurs they great value, not only to the the- Also the unions should look and widow of Fred Thompson, vaude tour in the East, Vivian sound like it, so why waste space atregoing public, but to the au- carefully into the possible profits western film hero, was married last and Rosetta Duncan are in Holly- in a professional paDer on them. thors and producers of plays as of the theatre and permit a week in Phoenix, Ariz., to George wood to begin preparation on a (Signed) F. CURTIS. well, for he not only gives us a smaller crew whenever possible. Williams Hill, motion picture new picture for Metro-Goldwyn- * * * fair and impartial opinion, but in- di- Putting the shoulder to the wheel rector. Mayer. Los Angeles. variably gives us a constructive on the part of everybody with Editor, Inside Facts, criticism as well, which, if acted the object of keeping all of the BEAUDINE’S RUSS PLAY NEXT Los Angeles, Calif. upon, would always be beneficial NEXT theatres open continuously would Following “Jack Straw” at the In looking over my files of to all concerned. in the long run be a wiser policy Pasadena Community Playhouse, “INSIDE FACTS” for the past I feel it a great privilege to be William Beaudine will film “At than making the business of pro- Gilmor Brown, the "director, will season, I wish to express my great one of your subscribers and we Bay” as his next directorial as- ducing plays prohibitive except stage “The Armoured Train” on satisfaction and particularly for could hardly do without it. signment for First National. Lo- for producers with bottomless Thursday, January 30. Gilmor the helpful criticism of Mr. Louis (Signed) retta Young is to have the stel- purses and a disregard for losses. Brown will head the cast of 50. B. Jacobs, and take this oppor- HARRY CLAY BLANEY. lar role. — : ; —

PAGE SIX INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1930 FILM ROW TEL-APHONEY By GRACE MEREDITH bj) JAMES MADISON J. H. McIntyre, former Minne- apolis exchange manager at Pathe, Published Every Saturday is expected here this week to be Hello, Mack Sennett. Hello, James Madison. One Year ... $4.00 Foreign - $5.00 western division manager at the Advertising Rates on Application local office. He replaces Les Weir, Hello, James Madison. How would you typify a who died about four weeks ago. make-up salon? What do you tell a hokum As a bi-monthly publication : Entered as Second Class Matter, No- * * * comedian who is unsuited for As an academy of applied vember 17, 1924, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under Les S. Dolliver of the Western the part cast for? art. the Act of March 3, 1879. Theatrical Supply Company, was As a weekly publication: Entered as Second Class Matter, April here from San Francisco for a You are not the tripe. * H= * 29, 1927, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act few days on a business trip. of March 3, 1879. * * * * * Hello, Congresswoman Flor- ence Kahn. Arthur Riddle of Prescott, Ari- Hello, Henry L. Mencken. zona, is building a new audi- Published by Hello, James Madison. torium for dancing and talking Hello, James Madison. Inside Facts Publishing Inc. Company, pictures in his vicinity. Auditorium Prohibition is ten years old. 800-801 Warner Bros. Downtown Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. is being equipped by the National What is the sacred animal Telephone TUcker 7832 Theatre Supply Company here. of Hollywood? Well, you see what happens * * * The sheep. when they let a ten-year-old JACK JOSEPHS ------President and Editor for the child have a gun. Thomas Cleary, auditor * * * ARTHUR WM. GREEN - - - - Vice Pres, and Counsel Pacific Coast exchanges for Fox * * * WILLIAM C. OWENS - Secretary and General Manager Film Company, was here this Hello, Lucille La Verne. week at the local exchange. Cleary Hello, A1 Smith. Vol. XI Saturday, January 25, 1930 No. 4 makes his headquarters in New Hello, James Madison. York. Hello, James Madison. * * * A little simile, please. Why do you consider your- What’s wrong with Hollywood? Where are the good old Fox pictures which will be “As old as a magazine in a self a lucky guy? days of wild parties, Babylonian orgies, murders, suicides, shown at Loew’s State include dentist’s office.” “The Cockeyed World,’’ to be scandals and the like? Gone, all gone like the snows of yes- =!==(=* Just suppose the stock shown the week of February 6; crash had occurred during my terday. Hollywood is now chemically pure and the industry “Sky Hawk,” February 20, and presidential administration. has settled down to the humdrum existence of the steel mill “Men Without Women,” tenta- Hello, James Gleason. tively set for March 20. * * * or fabric center of New England. Hello, James Madison. * * H= Where once wild revelry rang out on the midnight air and Hello, Joe E. Brown. Two new theatres supply and Give me a good name for the hills, dales and canyons to the north of the boulevard, all accessory local offices will open an eating place that caters to Hello, James Madison. is now serene and a late patrol of the former haunts of the here on the row very soon. Con- colored folk. untrammeled roisterers shows lights out and silence supreme. tinental Accessories, Inc., will open Why were the Pullman peo- in the M-G-M Exchange building “The Black Spot.” The cause is accredited to the fact that the motion pic- ple in such a huddle last when they move into their new * * * week? ture industry has become a business just like that of any building about the first of Feb- other factory. The talkies have brought about a change, as ruary. William Glick will be here Because somebody suggested Hello, Woman’s Organiza- the oil the from New York to be in charge. that they name one of their midnight must be burned in the study of lines and tion for Prohibition Reform. B. F. Shearer will also open a sleeping cars Kotek. midnight work at the studios has prevented the holding of local office here within about six Hello, James Madison. * * * parties. weeks with Frank Harris and A. Then again, Larsen in charge. just like any frontier, wildness is always Why are you opposed to the Hello, William Randolph associated with the early days of its existence before the present dry administration in Hearst. California? coming of law and order. The. pioneer days of Hollywood are NEW SOUND EQUIPMENT Hello, James Madison. over and the whole colony has settled down to work in the IS OFF TO GOOD START Because the Wright law is same manner. Then, too, there is the influence of the church. the wrong law. Do the Coast Guard follow introduction to the the dictates of fashion? No district in Los Angeles has the number of churches that New York * * market of the new type G model Hollywood has and perhaps size Yes, indeed; no town of equal can show sound reproducing equipment, re- they are dressed Hello, Norma Talmadge. to the same religious attendance. That and the fact that per- cently put out by RCA Photo- kill. haps the coming of a foreign element of eruditeness and a phone for theatres having small passing of the wild western types has something to do with seating capacity, resulted in dis- KINGSTON JOINS STAFF tribution to 42 theatres located in it. Whatever it be, there is the fact that OF EDWARDS’ OFFICE may no gainsaying various sections of the country in Hollywood has been tamed. FIRST raw TO the first 10 days. Among the theatres in which the new model Gus Edwards, whose contract as For many years the term “kike” has been used in refer- is being installed are the New a director at M-G-M expires soon, Star at Amityville, Long Island; ring to certain Jews, who have resented it as an insult, con- has opened offices in the Holly- STURT IT PATHE the Pilot Theatre, Winston-Salem, sidering wood Bank Building, under the it an aspersion to be so referred to. North Carolina; the Stratford The- of But no such aspersion is in the word, as its origin shows. atre, Stratford, Conn.; the Con- name Gus Edwards Enterprises, The first in Pathe’s series of Ltd. The whole word “kikel” is Yiddish, meaning “circle.” cord, Springdale, Ark.; Rialto, Ft. two-reel viesterns is on the sched- Smith, Ark.; Kinema, Escondido, A1 Kingston, formerly press rep- Many years ago it was customary for Jewish immigrants on resentative trade ule to start this week. Calif.; Isis, Lamar, Calif.; Palace, and paper man, Wallace Fox, will landing to be signed up for certain kinds of labor at the Atlanta, Ga.; DeKalb, Decateur, has associated himself with the Ed- who supervise wards’ staff. steel works. The demand for this labor was great and as the Ga.; Orpheum, Eldorado, 111.; the entire series of six, is to di- The office is planning to handle Jews, mostly from Russia, arrived, they were asked to sign Grant, Cicero, 111.; Luna, Battle rect the first one from an original

all phases of . theatrical Creek, la.; Dickerson, Macon, enterprise, their names to the company’s register. story by him. It is entitled “Flame Mo.; Rickerson, Odessa, Mo.; including personal representation of the West,” and will be the But few of them could write their names and were asked Mary Lou, Marshall. Mo.; Melvin, for artists, writers and directors, and with a possibility to make their mark against their names on the book. This St. Louis, M/o.; Roosevelt, St. that later new style talkie western, to-wit, Gus Edwards will produce musical with cowboy songs, plenteous com- is usually Louis, Mo.; Red Wing, St. Louis, done by making an “X.” The Jews, being largely comedies. Mo.; Veterans’ Memorial, St. Among other things edy, etc. While casting was not orthodox, refused to place a cross against their name for a Edwards plans to Louis, Mo.; Hall, Stratford, Ne'b.; open a theatrical completed the middle of the week, presumed religious reason and, instead, described a circle or school. it was planned to use Mona Rica Grandview, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Ma- Edwards will still “kikel” as they called it. jestic, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Paradise, be identified as the feminine lead, it was re- with the profession as a song ported. On one occasion, an immigration officer was asked by a Brooklyn, N. Y.; Harlem King, York, Cameo, writer, director and producer. The other five of the series are clerk, “How many ‘kikes’ have you?” merely contracting the New N. Y- Sche- nectady, N. Y. Capitol, Schenec- Kingston is general manager of in preparation now, and it is ; the Enterprises, word “kikel.” The word stuck and there you have it. tady, N. Y. Strand, Watertown, and will actively likely they will be shot at the ; negotiate and superintend rate of N. Y.; Little Carnegie, New York, the one a week. N. Y. Luxor, Brooklyn, N. Y. workings of the office in Holly- talking two-reel comedies, 26 one ; wood. A similar office will be reelers in sound, 26 silent one Palace, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.; LATHAM AT RKO opened in New York. reelers, 52 silent two relers, 12 Palace. Roxboro, N. C.; Alham- U. HAS AMBITIOUS Due to the initial business com- two reelers in the “Sporting bra, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; Rex, Frederick G. Latham, long-time ing into the offices, it is probable Youth” series and five serials in Altos, Okla.; Mecca, Enid, Okla.; director of musical comedies and that they will be moved shortly to sound. University, Norman, Okla.; Audi- operettas, has larger quarters. been added to the torium, Manheim, Pa.; Brockway, LIST OF SHORTS Of the itwo-reel comedies, 10 RKO executive staff. Among the Brockway, Pa.; Alvarado, Alva- have all-star casts, and 10 star important musical comedies and rado, Texas; Rex, Borger, Texas; MINSTREL PICTURE Sunny Jim. The silent group com- operettas he directed were “Mile. LTniversal is to start the new Idle Hour, Petersburg, Va.; Fair- prises 10 Sid Saylor and 10 Ar- Modiste,” “The Red Mill,” “The season in their shorts’ division by lawn, Anaoostia, D. C.; Broad- thur Lake shorts. “The Grand Parade,” a minstrel Slim Princess,” and “The Madcap making 98 silents and 63 in dia- way, Palmyra, N. J.; Princess, story picture, is due for early re- Duchess.” “Bull Dog Drum- Of the 52 one reelers, 26 are logue. A total of 265 short sub- Sausalito, Calif. lease by Pathe. A minstrel show mond,” “Three Wise Fools” and Oswald Cartoons in sound. The jects for the entire year is the is part of the film. Fred Scott “The Lullaby” are among the dra- rest are comedy , silent program with the plans for the and Helen Twelvetrees have the matic productions Latham di- only. Stars are Bert Roach, Slim balance of the schedule not as yet leading roles. rected. announced. Summerville and Neely Edwards. In the 52 silent westerns Joe LETTERS The schedule includes 40 all- Bonomo, Ted Carson, Josie Sedg- There are letters at the Los wick, Bobbie Nelson, Billy Sulli- Angeles office of INSIDE van and Edmund Cobb will ap- FACTS for the following pear. WILBUR CUSHMAN’S 13. The 12 two reelers of the ALLEN and Louise B.B. Says: “Sporting Youth” Series have a ALLY. Narcisse Plenty of laughs all week featured cast which includes Ann BASSETT, Alice Big crowds down and the Christy, Tom Carr, Sumner Get- BIDMEAD Bros. OWN REVUE wise-crracking brethren turned chell, loose a flock of new ones. John McAvoy and Robert BUCK, Guy EDDIE LAMBERT back from Foster. CARLTON, Will STRAND THEATRE, LONG BEACH, CALIF. a F. and M. tour. The five serials are “ the COLLINS. Harry Tiger,” “The Box,” “The Jade DOWNING. Harry C. WANTS—Chorus Girls (Mediums) with Specialties • • •• Lightning Express,” “Terry of the EDWARDS, Chas. H. Times” and another not yet an- EMANUEL Real Dancing Character Woman—Ingenue with Voice nounced. The last three named P. S. — The CELLAR is at GILLETTE, Bobby Dancing Soubret—Real Versatile Dance Team and Musi- Cosmo Street and Hollywood will be in 10 episodes, while GOODWIN, Babe Boulevard ... between Vine “Tarzan /the Tiger” is a 15-episode LOCKHART. TRUE G. cal and Novelty Acts. and Cahuenga . . . the phone serial. numbers are GRanite 3 3 8 2 MacDONALD, E. Jeanne

and HOIlywood 9 . There also will be 104 issues of 15 9 . . MAHRA The Great parking is free at the lot the Universal Newspaper News- MASON, Marvel across from . the CELLAR . . See WILBUR reel. CUSHMAN the CHRYSLER and SAM- PARSONS. Ruth SONS are there. QUAKER CITY Quartette At Above Theatre, Bert Roach has been assigned SAVLEY. J. Thank You. to the important singing role of SINGAPORE Troubadours “Gus,” in Warner Brothers’ “Vien- TAYLOR, Slade (Mike) Jan. 23 to 25 at 10 A. M. nese Nights.” Bert has an excel- TIFFANY, Owen lent singing voice. !


KRESS BLDG. Harold J. Bock Manager 935 Market St., PHONE DOUGLAS 2213 FRANCISCO SAN Office Salts 504

RAIN CUTS IN ON PICTURE On The Air ‘BAMB1NA’ OPENS STRONG Happenings HOUSE GROSSES; JOAN LEADS TO $16,000 GROSS AT CURRAN 'SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.— _ SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.—- “Hot For Paris” (Fox) and “In- Under new contracts just issued SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.—$ $5000. “That Ferguson Family” Rain made things pretty dreary ternational Idea” now in. him by the Shell Oil Co. for whom Old Jupe Pluvius kicking over the is now in. First week of Kolb | for local picture show shops, the Third wek of Fox’se “Sunny he broadcasts, Hugh Barrett rain barrel to generous proportions and Dill in “Give 'and Take” okeh Fox getting the nicest intake of Side Up” at Loew’s Warfield was Dobbs, better known as “Dobb- didn’t do legit houses any good. at $5200. ^ the lot, with Joan Crawford in nice at $21,000 and is still there, sie,” this week becomes the coun- The Curran with the world pre- Columbia has the Columbia “Untamed” (M-G-M), Fanchon with “Hallelujah” due soon. try’s highest salaried radio enter- miere of “Bambina” came out Opera Co. and the Geary is dark and Marco’s “Hot Dominoes Second week of Norma Tal- tainer. Way ahead of the rest. Initial with nothing set to follow. “Oh, Idea” and Walt Roesner, m. c., madge in “New York Night” at Over KPO and the N. B. C. stanza of this Venetian operetta Susanna” opens February 3 at grossing the nice figure of $46,000. Publix’s Granada drew in $18,000, network for the past four and a presented by Daniel C. Blum and the Curran. and Ruth Chatterton in Par’s half years, Dobbsie will continue with Nancy Welford arid Al St. “Laughing Lady” with the star with that chain for at least an- John iii the cast took $16,000 and other three years at art approxi- making personal appearances on . looks set td do as well this week Midnite Show German-Talk the opening day is okeh now. mate annual salary of $75,000. provided the present dice weather First National’s “Sally” opened Dobbsie was honor guest at a holds out. Gets Best Of Film, Chorus to $22,500 at Publix’s California luncheon tendered him last week “Bad Babies” Opened to only and continues. St. Francis weaker at the Whitcomb hotel by execu- $8000 at the Capitol but will do and weaker with Maurice tives of Shell Oil, when Manager better that publicity Biz Cheva- much now . Bad Weather Does Big lier in “Love Parade,” doing J. W. Laughlin of KPO, Don attached to the show following $9500 on his fifth week—not what E. Gilman, coast head of KPO, three arrests by the police has it was hoped to be. and E. H. Sanders, Shell execu- got around. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.— SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.— First week of Universal’s tives, spoke, and extended their Eighth and final week of Char- Fox TheStfe inaugurated its first Cliff Work organized and pre- “Broadway” at the Orpheum appreciation to Dobbs for his ex- lotte Greenwood in “She Couldn’t sented an all-Teutonic show at midnight show Saturday night grossed $13,500, with “Love cellent work during the past years. Say No” at Duffy’s President did the RKO Orpheum this week, with good business results despite Comes Along” (Radio), starring * * * making a play for the big German inclement weather. Bebe Daniels due in this week. After injury his population of this territory by of- a serious to JENSEN HAS FLU Fourth and final stanza of George Fanchon and Marco’s “Hof fering the German talking version foot that kept him confined to his Arliss in Warner Brothers’ “Dis- home for several weeks, Walter Dominoes Idea” augmented by of “Broadway” on screen and a Jan. 23.— raeli” at the Embassy drew in has returned N. B. SAN FRANCISCO, vocal chorus of 200 voices on Beban to the other acts, Walt Roesner and the $9500, with “Show of Shows” Karen Jensen was forced to tem- stage. (W. C. studios where he again swings B.) currently big. Second and porarily retire from the "Odds and Fox orchestra and Joan Crawford The idea was great for busi- his baton over the Vagabonds and last week of Ted Lewis in “Is Ends” Revue at R-K-0 Golden in “Untamed” completed the show. ness-getting, as all Teutonic or- Musical Musketeers, Everybody Happy?” (W. B.) at Gate as result of an attack of flu, ganizations in the city were be- * * * Present indications are that this the Davies okeh at $8500 and hind it. Over the KTAB mike each Saturday “whoopee show” policy “Skinner Steps Out” (U) now night comes the voice of Herb WIRING THEATRE there. will be continued, especially since Scharlin. one of the studio’s oldest ‘BAD BABIES’ CAST IS With Universal’s “Hell’s Heroes” San Francisco is noted as a lively employes in point of service, and SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.— and a stage show, the Casino ARRESTED 3 TIMES one who has built up an enviable Morris Klein i§ installing W. E,. town on Saturday nights. grabbed $10,500. “South Sea reputation for himself. In addi- equipment iii his Victory Theatre, Rose” (Fox) is currently on the Jan. 23.— tion to crbonirtg times Scharlin San Josd, SAN FRANCISCO, screen. MANDARIN CAFE REVUE The long arm of the law swooped accompanies himself at the piano ENTERTAINS 12:10 CLUB and announces. And to. top it all PREMIERE OF “SOMBRAS” down on the Capitol Theatre and JOINS WILBUR PLAYERS off he has to his credit several its show “Bad Badies,” not once published numbers, “I Got a The world premiere of the first SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.— but thrice this week, arresting SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.— Misery” being among them. feature-length talking picture to At its regular meeting at Cafe be in Hollywood in a foreign members of the cast and the pro- May Robson sailed this week for * * * made Marquard Monday Soon, mem- language, “Sombras de Gloria,” ducer, manager and director and Honolulu where she joins the Only his ability to sing a tune this starring Jose Bohr, a Sona-Art bers of the 12:10 Club, swie Of carting them off to jail where Richard Wilbur saved Dud Williamson from wash- stock company at production, will be held at the Cri- city's livest civic organizations they were released on $10 bail ing a stack of dishes the other the Liberty Theatre as guest art- terion Theatre Saturday night at each. A trial will be held at once day. Dud hurried briskly out of with many theatrical members, ist. She returns here Feb. 27. 11:15. All seats are reserved with to determine whether or not “Bad KYA for a hasty bite of lunch. In were entertained by a revue ffoiflt a scale of $1 to $2. The picture Babies” is unfit for the local legit his rush he dropped his wallet. the Mandarin Cafe, presented by INSTALL EQUIPMENT has been made with an entire cast stage. He ordered hangtown frys at 85 Bill Muldoon and Paddy Diilon Arrest of the troupe cents, discovered, pay- of Spanish-speaking players, and has not and when and m. c.’d by Herb Meyerinck. only the Spanish language is used prevented the show from continu- SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.— time came, he had only 35 cents. the entertainers were throughout. Eddie Dowling is the Among ing, however, and at bigger busi- Local offices of Pathe, managed So to prove to the doubting Cashin, Reade, Irene star of the English language ver- Leo Peggy ness than in its first and mediocre by M. E._ Cory, has installed talk- cashier that he really worked at Fredericks, the Mandarin Revue, sion, “Blaze o’ Glory.” week. ing equipment in its preview KYA he warbled a few bars from Wilbur Stump, Lee Freeman, Those arrested three times were rooms. “Just One—That’s All” and con- Shirley Marvin, Trixie Murray arid I.. A. Arms, producer; vinced her he return with David would ing staff. Bunker, like most of the Jerry Andrews, all front the: Cantor, manager; George Sher- BIDS FOR NEW HOUSE the needed four bits. studio’s announcers, writes his Mandarin. director, wood, and Mildred Van * * * own talks. Henry Starr, N. B. C. vocalist, Dorn, new star of the show, * * * who OAKLAND, Jan. 23. —Warner National Broadcasting Co. has offered a group of numbers to replaced Pauline Garon; Arthur Brothers have ordered bids taken been getting some nifty returns Frederick Raymond Howard, such enthusiastic response that he Rankin, Russell Hopton, Rhoda for a $750,000 house they will from throughout the country on violinist, has joined the staff of was made an honorary member Cross, Wesley Barry, Elinor erect here, construction to start its Pacific Vagabonds program KYA and is heard daily on the of the club. Flynn, Jean Reno and Franklyn within 90 days. The site is at that features Jack Dealt arid the Bridge Party Hour, 2 to 3 p. m. The Big Three, vocal trio, com- * * Lewis. Broadway, Franklin and Twentieth Pepper Maids along with Walt * posed of Ronald Jonsort, Heine Pauline Garon had a break in streets, next to the Elks’ Club. Bebart’s orchestra. A stack of To their half hour programs Klotz and Harry Morton, s'Sffig, escaping the raiders, having quit wires and telegrams from all over over KYA each Monday, Wed- The. meeting was in 'charge of the show the dav before the first evidence the popularity of this nesday and Friday Tommy Mun- Arthur Young. Dr. Wm. Hoag' arrests were made. COMPLETE CAST hour. roe and Bob Alien, the 1640 Boys, land is president, Walter Swan-- The show, which deals in an * * * have added the voice of George With the signing of Virginia son, secretary, and Ray Stephens, outspoken way with the wildness Bowers, a protege of Rube Wolf. Sale, Allen Kearns and Selma Some clever sketches come over treasurer of the 12:10 Club. of the younger generation, also the air Jackson, the cast of Richard Dix’s from KYA where Metro ran into purist wrather in its Los and Cosmo are regular features. Angeles showing, second Radio Picture has been but after some Tom Smith, who is Cosmo, writes JACK DELANEY'S completed. Miss Sale is the sister minor changes was allowed to the vehicles and Harold Bechtel, of Chic Sale, famous star. DANCE ORCHESTRA INVEST stage finish its out run. It will be con- who is Metro, completes the cast Others in the cast are Lois Wil- In Its Second Year at sidered a kick if San Francisco, Your Earnings Wisely son, who plays opposite Dix; Rita of two. which in former days prided itself * * * ALABAM CAFE La Roy, Renee Macready and For Conservative Investment on its Bohemian liberality, sud- In the first week of the Febru- Anthony Bushell. Mel Brown is OAKLAND Consult denly proves to be more self- directing. ary school term KFRC will in- righteous than the somewhat far- augurate “The American School merized Southern California me- of the Air,” a series of educa- THE {SENSATION! Wm. J. Kreuz tropolis. ESTABROOK AT F. N. NEW tional broadcasts coming from the D« Fremery & Co. It is understood that the Equity New York studios of Columbia “JUST ONE— bond covering the show provides Howard Estabrook has been THAT’S ALL” 947 Russ Bldg. _ Broadcasting System. that the show can be closed in signed by First National for a A Comedy Mock Ballad _ * * * San Francisco case of arrests, but what action, if special assignment. Estabrook is Walter Bunker, Jr., is a recent AMERICAN MUSIC CO. any, Equity will take in the mat- under contract to Paramount but Phone Sutter 3300 addition to the KFRC announc- KRESS BLDG., SAN FRANCISCO ter had not been learned at press has in recent months been loaned time. r to Gaddo, Pathe and Fox.

INVESTIGATE THIS NEW PROCESS Getting Nabbed We Make * PHONOGRAPHIC RECORDS Nightly Affair DOROTHY WILLIAMS OF TOUR OWN TALENT With 602 Kress Bldg. 935 Market Them Now Phone Kearney 6083 San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.— Soloist With Golden Gate Park Band Nightly raids by local John Laws’ “Bad Babies” at the Capitol and HOTEL GOVERNOR subsequent arrest of cast mem- SAN FRANCISCO TURK AT JONES bers is no doubt responsible for the gag current among legit row: SAN FRANCISCO Boy Friend: “Shall I 'call for NOW ON A CONCERT TOUR OF THE HOME OF ALL THEATRICAL PEOPLE you at 10:30, babe?” PLAYING SAN FRANCISCO One of the Fern “Bad Babies”: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS SPECIAL RATES TO PROFESSIONALS “You’d better make it 11:15, JACK WOLFENDEN, Prop. FRANK RATCHFORD, Mgr. John; I haven’t had my nightly arrest yet.” SCENERY BY MARTIN STUDIOS HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA PAGE EIGHT INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1930 Uaudeville and ^Presentations

ORPHEUM Myrtle Strong at the organ com- value and reaped results accord- Maxine Hamilton lead the girls better than they started. The SEATTLE bine forces this week in a well- ingly. The forerunner of a com- through their several numbers in couple opened up by interpreting received (Reviewed January 19) medley of songs from a pletely satisfactory bill of talent addition to warbling a number or an old man and woman ‘about to coming picture. which was devoid of opportunities so, her big is The stage bill at the R-K-O but forte her high be married. Most of their wise- The screen opus was William for criticism, Orpheum this week shows about kicks and spirited dances. In cracks fell flat. However, a quick Boyd’s “His First Command.” as wide a variety as anything sent Eddie Meredith. these she surpasses. change to collegiate costumes, H. B. M. Lee Wilmot, eccentric dancer, us this season, and it can be truth- singing and dancing brought much also landed heavy his stuff, fully be best described as from BOULEVARD with better results. Their harmony his ‘deadpan looks grabbing over the sublime to the ridiculous. RKO THEATRE LOS ANGELES whistling at the finish of their the laughs. The boy is nimble to act did considerable to strengthen The Pavley - Oukrainsky ballet LOS ANGELES (Reyiewed Jan. 20) a nicety. opens the show with a group of (Reviewed Jan. 16) Slim Martin, who holds the it. Arnold Grazer, the last of the Betty Lou returned to offer dances which for skilled perform- Rathe’s feature flicker titled great record of a year at Long two specialties, was forced to a short interpretations to the tune of ance, colorful costuming and back- “His First Command” with Wil- Beach and held the master .of speech following his efforts. “Could I? I Certainly Could.” ground and effective music haven’t liam Boyd and five acts of excel- ceremonies berth for a long time Doused in gold paint, the boy is Her interpretation of a sober Eng- been equaled since this same lent entertainment were the rea- at Pasadena, opened at the Boule- a statue for the better part of the lishman and of one when ine- group’s visit here a year ago. sons for the satisfactory box-office vard this week. On his opening opening, coming to life for a neat briated was excellent and brought Edris Milar, premier danseuse this downtown vaude house had show, Slim received a round of toe offering. approval. Miss Webb has a pleas- with the Chicago Grand Opera on the current week. The five applause that proved that he is a Peabody’s bit was the highlight, ing personality and inasmuch as Company for six years, heads the acts of good entertainment were a great favorite with the Los An- naturally, of the afternoon. He she was perfectly at ease on the group of figurantes who charm in decided improvement on last geles fans and it looks as though pranced on the stage to a nice stage she made a good m. of c. this offering;, and her work is just week’s stage talent. Slim is at the Boulevard for an opening reception and stepped into The finale followed presenting as superlative as to quality as blonde LeVere with Edyth indefinite stay. He has loads of the first band number, “Happy 11 pianos arranged to form a when we last saw her. She pre- Handman and a capable pianist personality and with his showman- Rhythm,” with the saxes headed pyramid. Their first number, sents again her famous mechanical substituting for Lou Handman’s ship he is bound to be a big by Eddie and the trusty fiddle “Rhapsody In Blue,” gave each doll number and also offers a valuable position in the act, easily success. leading the group in some fine girl an opportunity to her charming solo to Delibes’ “Vari- scored top applause honors. Flor- Assisting on the bill were Bar- show soloing. And then to his own musical talent. The next number, ante.” rie LeVere is a sure-fire enter- num and Bailey, a couple of hoke especial offering. He went the “Turn On the Heat,” was played Lydia Arlova is another capable tainer, dynamic in pep and with funsters and singers; Toki and limit on “pops,” including the with the girls standing and pro- performer with this troupe who is ability, personality and delivery Yoki, and the Boulevard chorus following: “Painting the Clouds viding the breaks with hot steps. seen in the solo number in a outstanding. Smooth tempo and in their usual nice routine coached With Sunshine,” “Am I Blue?” After playing a nice arrangement gypsy dance and also offers a solo construction of the act is also by Flo Kelly. “Vagabond Lover,” “Some of of “Nola,” all came on to end the interlude in the flower ballet which particularly noticeable. Her char- The band offered a hot tune These Days,’’ “Talking Picture of Idea by singing and dancing to opens this act. Nine finely-trained acterizations are exact, and she with Slim entertaining with a You,” “Singing In the Rain,” the theme song. girls work with the principals, sells her songs and dancing spe- trombone solo in his individual “So n g of the Nile” and was Picture was “Navy Blues” (M- along with Nelson Henderson. cialties for everything they’re style that drew him his share ol forced into the aisles to appease G-M). Here is an act which is far above worth. Edyth Handman shows applause. some of the requests. They hol- 0. K. the class of ordinary vodvil offer- stage education since her last ap- The ensemble offered a snappy Hoffman. lered for “St. Louis Blues” but ings and one to be recommended. pearance in coast vaude houses, routine which was followed by Eddie talked them out of the old McGivney, protean artist, delivering with pleasing style a Toki and Yoki, who added an Owen favorite and kept talking the gang CASINO is familiar player to all vod- brace of songs that hit the bell. oriental touch to the show. who a from keeping him overtime, but SAN FRANCISCO vil fans, presents his sketch from She’ll be doing a single, in one, Barnum and Bailey, who have (Reviewed they finally let up enough to let Jan. 18) Dickens, in which he plays seven some day and will be better than been seen at practicaelly all the This Sam Harris-staged show good. night the show continue. characters himself. A novelty is Plenty of bows tagged this clubs around town, provided had for its setting There is no doubt that Eddie a New York seen this year in that he exposes one, with the encores bowing in the comedy for the evening to- roof Peabody hasn’t lost one iota of garden night club, a particu- how these changes are effected, Lou Handman, a relation of the gether with their pleasing singing his popularity, and he’ll always (Continued on Page 9) making it a highly interesting fea- pair, visiting from the lots where which never misses. be going strong when some of ture, even to those who have he is sojourning lately. Lou’s Picture was “They Had To ^ them are back selling neckties. watched this finished artist work medley of past song compositions See Paris” (Fox) with capacity They crave him here, and he likes before. landed in cyclonic style. business. it. For a boxoffice attraction, The remainder of the bill can be Chamberlin and Himes landed Wtody. PAUL MALL Marco showed his shrewd show- laugh' purposes okay with their familiar Bowery classified as for manship when he dragged Eddie “HOT DOMINOES” Idea only, and include William and Joe turn. They’ll click on any bill FIFTH AVE. up to Seattle for these few weeks. Senator Theatre, Sacramento Mandel, two athletes who offer and anywhere. SEATTLE He’ll make dough here, or any Thanks to Fanchon and Marco just as much comedy as they do Six Brown Brothers in closing (Reviewed Jan. 16) all, only spot place, for, after there’s well-handled R i s 1 e and stand made the grade with a rou- Peabody’s y back and with it he one Eddie Peabody, a great little work. Dick Nash, a sort of human tine of saxophone nonsense and brought the . smile to Jim Clem- showman. Eifel tower, and Midgie Lately, a otherwise. Another good bet for mer’s face, for the diminutive The screen attraction was “The little half - pint - size comedienne, entertainment. banjo twanger’s boxoffice records Lone Star Ranger.” SYLVIA DOREE who have a popular offering, with Wm. Nunn and Company offer- have never been topped here. It’s Jean. ing a condensed Featured in Nash/s d,roll humor and rope old-time melo in true, the long line of standees are burlesque gesture, twirling getting over nicely, and went over in smaller, but that can be laid to Fanchon and Marco's Miss Fately, very eye-pleasing as double forte fashion. The fans the door of the weather man, who FOX-WEST COAST trumped the few probable “JAZZ TEMPLE IDEA” a foil. audience has had the city under snow for LONG BEACH “The Wager,” closing offering, is plants with a double-barreled the past few days. (Reviewed Jan. 18) EN TOUR burst of hissing a burlesque on McGivney's quick and a goodly time They turned out for the opening Herb Kern opened the “Ivory” change act, and everyone on the was had by all. day, plenty strong, and witnessed Idea with a band number, Stra- LaSalle and Mack, a better bill except the opening act work- one of the best all round bills della Overture, from the pit. At than ordinary a c r o at i c turn, ing in it. The Mandels grab a b that Marco has ever sent up this the conclusion of the number Bet- opened and had no trouble in reg- load of laughs with their hokum. way, topped off by a whale of an ty Lou Webb introduced herself MURIEL Tiny Burnett’s R-K-Olians and istering. Sold their wares for full outdoor western that clicked. as mistress-of-ceremonies. This “Black and Gold” Idea Carita, a snappy yqung lady, did STRYKER evidently hasn’t lost any of the well-executed back bends before Fanchon and Marco’s FANCHON AND MARCO pep since playing Loew’s State, the ensemble who were presenting although nothing could drag with a Far East rythmatic dance. The DESERT IDEA PRESENT Eddie out there in his first day tap dancing of the evening was back at work, putting everything furnished by the Four Hi-Hatters. he had. into the show. The girls These four young men displayed JOAN KENNY CREEL are good-looking, well-costumed some fine work in their dancing and dance ... a triple quality that and functioned as a well-trained A FEATURE IN “TREES” IDEA AT has been lacking in some of the group. Each gave an individual HARDCASTLE Featured in “Idea” line-ups, at least when they dance that was different and each LOEW’S STATE, LOS ANGELES, THIS WEEK FANCHON and MARCO’S hit here. They’re gratifying to one was well received. "FAR EAST IDEA” the extreme, looked “Sun-kisted” Miss Webb next presented the _ against a gorgeous setting, with line girls in a Cameo number rep- lighting far superior to the av- resenting the eighteenth century. PHIL SYLVIA erage. This one will go over to Their dancing was nothing extra TOOTS NOVELLO a fare-thee-well in the east. but Carita’s toe dancing was the WHITE and NOIR The Three Kemmys, assisted by highlight of the act. Her rapid Fanchon and Marco’s Eva Ivey, put across as neat an whirling while on her toes brought “Overtures” Idea TENOR SOPRANO exhibition of acrobatic adagio solid applause. Direction Wm. Morris Booked Solid Over R-K-O Circuit In “Songs and Steps” topped off by a balancing offering The mixed comedy team of that clicked heavy. Goetz and Duffy ended up much MAVIS AND FEATURED DANCERS IN a TREES 1DEA--AT LOEW’S STATE, LOS ANGELES, THIS WEEK THANKS TO FANCHON AND MARCO



FOX EL CAPITAN TALKIES AT SEA SAN FRANCISCO (Reviewed Jan. 17) 10 ACTS All the passenger steamers on With Fox’s “Cockeyed World” the Dollar Steamship Lines fleet to using up most of the running time the Orient and around the world this week’s Merrymakers Revue (Continued from Page 8) was limited to a scant 26 minutes, IN PUR’S PARADE will be equipped with talking mo- larly attractive bit of work by necessitating fast moving work on tion pictures starting with the in- Buck Theall. Overseeing the en- the part of the acts and Jay stallation on the round the world tire affair Smith who Taking over the California was Don Brower, m. c. Show was framed ARE MADE PUBLIC liner President Fillmore, departing master - of - ceremonied in highly by Peggy O’Neill and Brower Studios on Beachwood Drive, adequate fashion. along the “School Days” lines and from New York westward Janu- Hollywood, last occupied by the After a routine by Nell Hard1- was okay. The first Paramount revue, fol- ary 16, according to announcement John Ince organization, Herman ing’s chorus, Pinkie Green put band number by Brower .and lowing in A the footsteps of those by R. Stanley Dollar, president of Fowler, head of the Fowler over rope-skipping tap number the boys started off affair and the of Fox, M-G-M and Warner Dollar Steamship Lines. Western and then Duke Kuana and a fern then Royal Gascoigne sold the Studios has announced a program Brothers and made the Electric installed the partner offered a group of Hawa- Missionites heavily on his clever under equipment on of nearly 500 one and two reelers iian selections, the girl later re- juggling, following it up with com- title of “Paramount on Parade,” President Fillmore. This marks on his 1930-31 program. Produc- turning for a hula and the Duke edy stuff with a dog. Nice all was revealed in detail this the first invasion week. of the Pacific tion, it is stated, will start about doing a solo. the way through and scored easily. Contents during shooting time was Ocean and seas westward as far the first of February. Selections from “Madame But- Rosemarie led the sixteen girls kept secret. Elsie Janis prominent as the Mediterranean with sound- So far on the program, it is terfly” as sung by Jacqueline Bru- in “Icky” and then Brower brought -on-film. Talking movies are said, are three short sound reels nea provided a pleasing bi.t of the on Barr, who, in his in not only being one of the stars Jimmie sec- known in Japan, China and the per week, with additional produc- show. Helen Cuneo, stepping out ond week doubling in the but she from also aided in putting the Philippines, but the arrival of the tion of 12 one and two-reel nov- of the line, sold a fast moving Silver Slipper, again rang the bell opus together and also is said to President Fillmore at Straits Set- elty numbers in color, a series of dance to big returns and then Don for heavy returns. Opened with have written some of tlements, Ceylon and other far 12 2-reel comedy and dramatic Smith high-tenored a classy tune “Ain’t Misbehavin’ ” and followed the songs. eastern ports will give residents subjects in the Hebrew tongue, for nice results. The Nearing with “Singin’ in the Rain,” Thirty-five stars and featured and there the first opportunity to see several one and two reel comedies Sisters in an average dance and went plenty big. players are in the cast and also talking movies. The President and a series, of novelty shorts. then Don and Jacqueline returned Finale was “Paper Dolls.” some freelance personalities for Fillmore arrives at Los Angeles There will also he a series in the to duo “I Love You Only.” Mel Hertz at the organ. important bits. Harbor Feb. 2 on her voyage Spanish language, it is announced. Picture was Fox’s “South Sea Listed in alphabetical order the Hal. round the world. Fowler claims over 1000 ad- Rose” with Lenore Ulric. following stars and featured play- vance bookings, and says he will Joe Livingston and his Orches- ers appear at various times in SENNETT STUDIOS AT BREAK FOR BARBARA open exchanges immediately in tra were in the pit. “Paramount on Parade”: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dal- Hal. STEADY SHOOTING PACE Richard Arlen, Jean Arthur, Barbara Kent has been assigned las, Chicago, New York and Min- William Austin, George Bancroft, the feminine lead opposite Robert neapolis, with others to follow. The Mack Sennett Studios are Evelyn Brent, Mary Brian, Clive FOX Armstrong in Warner Brothers’ Foreign rights have been disposed keeping to their steady pace of Brook, Virginia Bruce, Nancy SAN FRANCISCO “Dumbells in Ermine.” Miss Kent of to William Pizor, New York about one production a week, hav- Carroll, Ruth Chatterton, Maurice (Reviewed Jan. 17) ing got her break opposite Harold picture man. one just completed, one in Chevalier, Gary Cooper, Stuart Walt Roesner and the Fox Con- production Lloyd in “Welcome Danger.” The California Studios, which and another preparing Erwin, Kay Francis, Sheets Gal- cert Orchestra with their overture for Others in the cast include Char- will be renamed the Fowler an early start. lagher, Harry Green, Mitzi Green, offering “Singin’ In the Rain” was A. Leslie lotte Merriam, Arthur Hoyt, Studios, will be used for produc- Pearce, who co-di- James Hall, Neil Hamilton, Phil- the one bright spot in an other- rected Claude Gillingwater, Julia Swayne tion purposes only, the executive the dialogue of U. A.’s lips Holmes, Helen Kane, Dennis wise dull stage show, Fanchon and Gordon, Beryl Mercer, Mary Foy offices and laboratories being “Bulldog Drummond” and also di- King, Frederic March, David Marco’s “International Idea,” full and Marie Astaire. John Adolfi maintained at their present locale rected the Paramount Douglas Newell, Jack Oakie, Warner of color but little else. Built up is directing. in the Lillian Way building. MacLean starring vehicle, “The Oland, Zelma O’Neal, Eugene by the aid of a sound trailer with Carnation Kid,” first the action Pallette, Joan Peers, William a vocal the number provid- chorus , talkie, and many others, has been Powell, Charles “Buddy” Rogers, ed plenty in the way of class en- signed by Sennett to do the pic- Lillian Roth, Stanley Smith, Regis tertainment. A flash finale with a ture which is start about to under Toomey and Fay Wray. ana rainbow effect in the background the title of “He Trumped My PATRICK directors MARSH The who contributed and a group of girls at the trap Ace.” Pearce’s contract calls for (AGENCY) are : Dorothy Arzner, Otto drums brought the tune to a wow a series of Sennett productions. Brower, Edmund Goulding, Elsie VAUDEVILLE—ORCHESTRAS of a finish and netted a half doz- Johnny Burke has been signed Janis, Edwin Knopf, Rowland V. en bows for Roesner and his gang. for the male lead in the picture. Lee, Ernst Lubitsch, Lothar The stage show opened in a Burke WANTED! was lead in Sennett’s fea- Mendes, Victor Schertzinger, Ed- Spanish setting with Federico ture-length silent, “The Good-Bye ward Sutherland and Frank Tut- ACTS SUITABLE FOR PICTURE HOUSE PRESENTATION Flores handling the vocals in ade- Kiss,” made a few weeks ago. tle. Several of these directors, as AND CLUBS quate fashion. Then Billy Carr in Marjorie Beebe will play oppo- for example Ernst Lubitsch, di- a new type of Apache and okay. site Burke, with the cast in- WHITE—WIRE—CALL also rected several of the numbers. Mignon Laird, harpist, followed, cluding Dot Farley, Robert 607-8 Majestic Theatre Bldg., 845 South Broadway, Los Angeles M. Luibitsch directed each of the three doing nice work, and then she and O’Connor, Ken Thompson and Phone TUcker 2149 in which Maurice Chevalier is Carr doubled for a rough dance. Rosemary Theby. starred. Osaki Boys, juggling barrels, The picture just finished is “Paramount on Parade” is made .good for a novelty, the number “Match Play,” with Marjorie _ up. of fifteen separate starring being built up by the line girls Beebe in the feminine lead, with units, each in itself a complete also in Japanese costume. Markel Andy Clyde and Bud Jamieson in short feature production either in- and Faun in a long group of com- support. It is a golf story. timate or spectacular, musical or edy dances, netting them only fair Walter Trask also comedy skit. Each of these, returns. Finale had a lot of flash Travis Banton, fashion creator taken by itself, has been .titled to WANTS STANDARD ACTS and ENTERTAINERS (or and was good. for Paramount, has left on a tour make up, in fact, a collection of On the screen was Fox’s “Hot of London, Paris, Cannes, THEATRES, CLUBS, LODGES and SMAROFF-TRASK Monte short pictures under one general For Paris.’’ PRESENTATIONS Carlo and Antibes for ideas. He heading. Hal. will return the first of April. The numbers are: WALTER TRASK THEATRICAL AGENCY “The Rainbow Revels,” “In a 1102 Commercial Exchange Bldg. Paris Park” and “Origin of the 416 West Eighth Street Los Angeles Apache,” by Maurice Chevalier; Telephone TUcker 1689 “The Gallows Rag,” by Dennis Meiklejohn Bros. King”; “Show Girls on Parade,” featuring Virginia Bruce and show ASSOCIATED VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS girls; “Love Time,” by Charles WILLS-CUNNINGHAM “Buddy” Rogers and Lillian Roth; Fourth Floor, Spreckels 7016 Hollywood Boulevard Studio of Dancing GLadstone 9502 Bldg. “The Toreador,” featuring Kay Professionals Taught by Professionals Phones: 714 So. Hill St. Francis as Carmen and Harry Routines Created and Perfected for Single, Double and. Ensemble Green as the toreador; “The Dancing Acts TRinity 2217, TRinity 2218 LOS ANGELES School Room,” by Helen Kane; Walter Wills Theatrical Employment Agency VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURE HOUSE “Mitzi Herself,” with Baby Mitzi Talent Booked for Pictures, Vaudeville, Production, Clubs ENGAGEMENTS AVAILABLE Green; “In a Girls’ Gym,” with FOR STANDARD ACTS Jack Oakie and Zelma O’Neal; “The Montmarte Girl,” with Ruth Chatterton singing; “Dance Mad,” presenting Nancy Carroll and Ackerman & Harris Charles “Buddy” Rogers; “Dream Girls,” featuring Richard EXECUTIVE OFFICES WANTED—Acts Suitable for Vaudeville, Picture Arlen, Jean Arthur, Mary Brian, Vir- THIRD FLOOR, PHELAN BLDG. House Presentations, Clubs and Talkies ginia Bruce, Gary Cooper, James Hall, Phillips Holmes, David T AL Newell, Joan Peers and Fay Ella Herbert Weston, Booking Manager AL WAGER ™ Wray. “Murder Will Out,” a travesty (Artists’ Representative) on detective mysteries, and “Im- Market, Grant and O’Farrel] Sts. SAN FRANCISCO pulses,” starring 221 LOEW’S STATE BLDG., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. George Bancroft, LOS ANGELES—20 Film Exchange Bldg. and others. Phone: VAndike 3619 Washington and Vermont — Telephone: BEacon 7969 The picture is being prepared for early spring release.

Artists and Acts Register For 206 Majestic Theatre Building Theatrical Bookings, Orchestras and IRA F. GAY AGENCY 845 South Broadway Club Entertainment FA 3421 Los Angeles PAGE TEN INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1930


GET COPYRIGHT ON Tm Following IT You Should VANCOUVER By A. K. MacMARTIN Be Her Next TO FIFTH IE SUES Phenomenal business is being chalked up at the Dominion with SEATTLE. — Betty Shilton, or- IN SEATTLE HOUSE (EOT LEVEL George Arliss in “Disraeli.” ganist at the Fox Fifth Ave. LOW The ILL HOUSE RECORDS Theatre for the past three years, Warner Brothers’ feature is now SEATTLE, Jan. 23.—Ron and pulled the prize one the other SEATTLE, Jan. 23.—Still sub- in its third week and still holding organ team in SEATTLE, Jan. 23.—Eddie Pea- Don, the duo now morning on her way into town to them out from the opening to Publix zero weather up here, considerably body, the banjo wizard, opened at their second year at the broadcast over KOMO. closing shows. George Bancroft hurting the standing line proposi- the Fifth Avenue on Thursday, Seattle Theatre, have recently It appears that Betty was in “The Mighty” (Paramount) the drawings their January 16, proceeding to smash copyrighted on speeding, got caught, and told the tion. Even the heroic efforts of polled big returns at the R-K-O all house records to a total of $14,- “Baby Console.” It is claimed guy just “why.” He proved to the press agents, Orpheum. Four acts who surpassed and an after- 260 for four days. The dough that it is the smallest console in be one of her fans and turned her piece supported the themselves in their attempts to en- screen feature came in as follows: $3260 opening existence. loose with with a warning. Betty told Willie and Joe Mandel hold- day, Friday, The minute instrument at no tice the populace downtown, failed $3200 $3400 Saturday him she’d play a number for him ing down the topline honors. Aver- and inches, in to $4200 Sunday. The latter fig- point measures over 36 and she led off thait evening with bring >the grosses up. Tough age boxoffice takings were regis- and, by ure for Sunday tops anything Pea- height, breadth or depth, “I’ll Get By So Long as I Have breaks all the way round on good tered at the Strand with Reginald body has ever done at this the- an intricate system of wiring, the You.” offerings due to the weather Denny in “One Hysterical Night” atre. The grosses are considered entire range of the four-manual There the story should end, but breaks. as the screen feature and F. and phenomenal and are of a sensa- organ is made available at its one he called up and asked for more With the weather man reporting M. “Idea in Green” as the stage tional order due to the inclement keyboard. It is connected to the plugs, so she let him have :‘The a rise in the thermometer, the attraction. and sub-zero weather which actu- main organ by a cable 185 feet Prisoner’s Song” with the death boys expected the long-horded en- “Gold Diggers of Broadway” ally. forbids any line for any length long which contains over 5 miles march from tertainment dough to start rolling Saul interspersed. The (Warners) missed the mark at the of time. of copper wire. next evening he called again and in. The Orpheum topped the week Capitol. After a nine-day run this Despite this, Peabody lined ’em Change of tone color is made told her that he had clocked her with an estimated $16,000 with feature, which has shown big re- Sunday night for over a block, possible by 10 combination pistons stepping on it that morning and Rudy Vallee’s “Vagabond Lover” sults in other cities, has failed to besides packing the lobby. in positions directly above the she’d have to tone dcwn some, and five acts of vaudeville. reach the goal expected. Playing Any doubt as to his drawing keys. An example of the scale of else she’d really have need to play Maurice 'Chevalier’s “Love Pa- second run. to the Strand, “Her power or popularity due to his size of the “Baby Console” is the the “Prisoner’s Song.” She came rade” (Paramount) was another Private Life,” featuring Billie absence from the Northwest has dimensions of the pedal keyboard back with “I’m Sorry, Dear,” an4 disappointment at the Seattle where Dove, was not strong enough on been easily dispelled. It is re- for the feet. Where the ordinary at the last broadcast the gang it took $15,000. Had the weather the repeat to poll anything better ported that Peabody’s engagement key rises some 9 inches off been better, both of these would pedal around town who are hep to the than poor business. was are due to personal invitation and the floor, the “Baby” pedals budding friendship are wondering have done from $5000 to $6000 Going it alone in the legit field, hunch on the part of Jim 'Clemer, exactly 154 inches over all. what Betty is going to use next. more easily. the British Guild Players hit the manager of the Fifth Avenue The- Ron and Don introduced the Close behind in the trey spot near-capacity mark at every per- atre. It is further reported, while “Baby Console” to the public at was “Hot for Paris” (Fox) at the formance with “Interference.” The ORGAN DUO ON KJR Peabody’s verbal agreement is but the Seattle Theatre the week of Fox Theatre, which took $11,000. production was high class in every for four weeks, his engagement February 16. 1929. Vic Meyers and his band in their respect and the SEATTLE, Jan. 23.-—Lorain Le natives, following here will be indefinite according sixth week helped considerably; the usual Bel, the wife of Henri Le Bel, custom, turned out in to an announcement made by Mrs. Owen Sweeten takes the organi- force to welcome the FOSTER AND KLEISER both organists of repute, are broad- “over ’ome” Eddie Peabody, his sole personal zation for two weeks. product. REMODEL BILLBOARDS casting daily over KJR. Le Bel The Vancouver was representative. The big surprise of the is one of the most original organ- week dark. was “Red Hot Rhythm” at the * * * SEATTLE, Jan. 23.—One of ists in the business and the tie-up Fox Fifth Avenue, which cost the MULVIHILL DIES the many improvements in the on the air with Lorain Le Bel is The stage show has been pulled house dough. The F. and M. “Jazz Foster and Kleiser expansion pro- expected to bring forth some un- out of the Pantages here and sec- Temple Idea” did its share to- DENVER, Jan. 23. John M. gram for the new year is a com- usual arrangements. The latter ond run talkies make up the pres- — wards getting what came in. The Mulvihill, president of Elitch Gar- plete remodeling of the boards in has quite a rep at the console. ent program. W. P. Dewees, who house did $8000 for the week. Ed- dens and Broadway Theatres and the northwestern district. Included purchased the leasehold interest die as m. c. followed and made prominent figure in local theatri- in this program is the rebuilding WITHERS WITH F. N. from Alexander Pantages at a the red on this back in his first cals for many years, died last of over 300 panels in Seattle alone. reported figure of $125,000 some four days. week of pneumonia. The new boards are six inches time ago, has not yet made an SEATTLE, Jan. 23. — W. T. Hamrick’s Blue Mouse with deeper than the old ones, with (Tillie) Withers, announcement of the transfer to has just joined Colleen Moore in “Footlight and . “IDEA” three feet of lattice between and the First National Exchange as a the public. It is rumored in local GIRLS BACK Fools” (F. N.) did $6200, while under each panel, giving each member of the sales organization. theatrical circles that Dewees in- the last five days of “Shows of tends panel a “single panel” effect. Ac- Tillie is well known in terri- to book the F. > and M. “B” Sunkist Beauties, who termi- this Shows” (W. B.) at the Music cording to the program, there will tory and relieves units and open with a big pub- nated their tour with “Up In the Tommy Gib- Box did $1000 a day for a $5000 than three panels on bons. licity campaign in the near future. Air,” Fanchon and be no more total. Marco “Idea,” any one location. He operates the Strand, where the when the act closed At the two night clubs “Tiny” Jan. 14 at One of the first accounts to en- F. and M. Ideas have been shown Waterbury, Conn., are back in Los JOINS WILBUR Burnett and his orchestra at the joy a showing on the new plant in this city. Angeles for a brief rest before Venetian Gardens did a nice week- was the heavy poster order placed Florence * * * being offered a route with one of Holland has left for night business with a sellout Fri- Eddie Fitzgerald for the cam- Honolulu The the “Ideas” now in rehearsal. by to join the Wilbur day and Saturday; while Vic Mey- Strand Theatre, which has paign he is conducting for Eddie Players as ingenue. been playing Fanchon The com- ers’ Club Victor is making plenty and Marco Peabody’s engagement at the pany has undergone a reorganiza- Ideas for the past two years, of dough, pulling in the newly edu- has week, has been eating up all the Fifth Avenue. The others, sensing tion with a guest star policy put cancelled and played its cated Seattle nighthawks. last stage profits. The house belongs to a the value of the new Foster and into effect. Dick Wilbur intended show the week of The Duffy Players did $3100 on January 20, group controlled by W. P. De- Kleiser program, include Vic to come to the coast shortly after “The Jazz Temple” Idea “Boomerang”; nice business. being the wees and Ira Edison is house Gauntlet, who stepped out on John the first of the year but post- last one in here. manager. Barrymore’s “General Crack’” at poned his trip because of the ne- NEW ACTS BOOKED Jackie Souders and his Band * * * the Music Box, and Roy Cooper cessity of his presence with the will, be retained. The will band The Rex Theatre, which is di- who has made a big splurge on company during be increased the change-over to 25 members from rectly opposite the Pantages, on “Paris” for Sterling Chain The- in policy. NEW YORK.—Among acts re- the present 11 and will put on a Hastings St., East, has been atres, Inc. cently booked by RKO, are: Billy a musical program three times a closed temporarily. W. P. De- Mack and George Wright, in day. To overcome the . drop in wees, who operates both houses STUNT LOOP JOINS I. F. “Highlights of Harmony”; Bento draw DOING LOBBY when the Ideas went out and recently acquired the Brothers and Rita, Pan- an acrobatic stronger pictures were featured. tages, team; is experimenting to see SEATTLE, Jan. 23. — Ruth SEATTLE, Jan. 23. Ed Lerner and Calvin, musical “Paris” is the — feature on the talk- what effect the Rex being dark Layne and Dave Gordon, well Loop, vvho is connected with comedy and vaudeville steppers; ing screen the week of January will have on the attendance on known in and around Los Angeles the display advertising Moran and McBan, in a rustic odd- 27, the de- first time in two years that the Pan house across the ity, “Slick street. and San Francisco, were recently partment of the Seattle P. I., and Slicker”; Don Gal- this house has opened without a Talking pictures, second run. with- signed by Charles Kurtzman, head has joined the forces of In- van, “the Spanish Banjo Boy”; the stage show. The following week out a band or stage show of any of the Publix on the coast to do side Facts as assistant to Teller Sisters; the Alexander will have “Romance of the Rio kind, was the policy of both four weeks in each of the coast Jean Armand, district man- Troupe, gymnasts and pyramid Grande.” houses when the Rex went dark. houses. The pair do a novelty act ager. Loop will cover the ac- builders; Roslyn and Gertrude The Strand, which seats a little The house staff at the Rex are in the lobby of the theatre, sing- tivities of the profession in .Green; Colby and Murphy, terp- less than has 2000, cancelled its continuing on the payroll and the ing requests from the patrons, Seattle. sichorean artists; Milo?; and the stage show because the extra over- talkie equipment is being over- mostly the themies from the pres- Monge Troupe, equilibrists. head, amounting to about $3000 a hauled while the house is closed. ent and coming attractions. The gag is somewhat new here and is going over great. Dress Your Theatre or Eddie Meets Your Act With Old Friend The Finest and Most Artistic Long Way Off Drop Curtains SEATTLE, Jan. 23.—The phrase “You never can tell” was brought Picture Screens home to Eddie Peabody a short while ago while playing Philadel- Presentations phia. Some years ago, while Ed- Cydoramas die was playing the Met in L. A., Jim Loughborough, one of the Unusual smartest exploitation men in the business, together with Mrs. Pea- Fabrics body formed with Eddie an “Eddie Peabody Club” throughout the high schools. - Memberships ran into the thou- DESIGNED RENTED PRODUCED sands with the ballot for vice- By the Largest and Best Staff of Scenic president going to Le Roy Green Artists at Polytechnic High school. Le In America’s Most Beautiful Studio Roy walked back stage in Phila- delphia and found Eddie reading LOS ANGELES his review on the show. Le Roy SCENIC STUDIOS, Inc. is now drama critic on the Eve- 1215 Bates Ave., at Fountain, Near Sunset Hollywood, ning Ledger. California Phone OL. 2914 SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1930 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN PAGE ELEVEN


Pickups & Program


An aggrieved woman recently VOICES FROM FILMLAND put in appearance at KECA and CLASH OVER LOAN KHJ, LOS ANGELES SAT RADIO CHIEFS asked permission to go before the CBS National Release mike and tell the world badly There is a crying- need for com- how The friendly liaison existing be- January 20 “We want criticism, not apple- her husband treated her. edy on radio programs, according tween broadcasting stations and Opened with Earl Burtnett Dance sauce!” So says Earle C. Anthony, to Richard Creedon, director of * * * Orchestra and vocal trio in sig. operator of KFI and KECA, two picture lots is threatened! features for KHJ. wish the Federal Radio song “California, Here We Are.” powerful Los Angeles radio sta- We Sound-effect technicians employed But, according to Creedon, while Commission would bar the St. Announcer, Lindsay MacHarris, tions, and in so saying he echoes by some of the local broadcast introduced the desires of all there are available many comedians Louis Blues from the air. Even who Ray Paige and Southern Cali- 1 fornia of all sorts, sizes and varieties, the “original arrangements.” stations are up in arms over the Orchestra (Kenneth Niles batting broadcast executives. for Paige in the vocal response), “Newspaper criticism has de- there is a serious shortage of com- * * * alleged attempts of technicians on edians who can make the air audi- which offered “Farewell Blues” in cayed to the point where you get picture lots to steal their ences laugh. Tuners of musical instruments ideas. a novelty symphonic arrangement nothing but applesauce about even around the radio stations have pe- “An almost unnameable some- The said technicians believe the full of variety and interest. the worst shows, concerts or culiar problems. Everything is thing is required,” says Creedon, The Biltmore trio sang “Chant operas. Shows fail in spite of the interna- continuance of their jobs depends “an artistry of the voice that must supposed to be tuned to of the Jubilee” very carefully, and most extravagant praise by news- tional , symphonizing this not alone on resourcefulness and sell the comedy without the aid but the Burtnett band followed with papers, influenced by the adver- difficulties. ce- of visible personality or facial ex- pitch has its The ingenuity in devising synthetic ef- “Lonely Troubador,” with vocalled tising department,” continues An- lesta glockenspiel a fixed pression; a sense of timing that and have fects that reproduce better than the refrain. Then Ray Paige’s Don thony. pitch almost impossible to alter. Lee Filmland “The same thing to is at present lacking in most radio originals, but also, once success- Orchestra gave applies Pianos tempered scale and humor. With all this, though, the use the “Sailing on a Sunbeam,” supported radio. We follow newspaper ac- fully devised, in keeping them effect must be natural and un- bells have two or three distinct by the Filmland Male Chorus, in counts of our programs with a tones on each tap. cloaked in strained. f mystery in order to which the tenor carrying the mel- great deal of attention and inter- “Where can such comedians be “And,” as one of the tuners sad- preserve the benefits for them- ody was exceptionally good. est, and nothing so delights us as ly comments, “the next ukulele found? selves. Scene shifted to M-G-M, sound to find a candid, freely expressed player' will play a quarter-tone off stage opinion, whether favorable “While there is always a de- In a weak moment of friendli- 12, where Jack Benny acted or not. for half an hour and get a million as m. c. The radio business will mand for gags, jokes, situations ness the sound effects man of one A clamor of many voices never be offers of marriage by -the next followed his * endangered if a publication prints and general comedy material, the of our leading broadcast stations announcement he mail. Wotta woild!” would strong, well founded opinions greater need is for artists to sell consented to lend one of his freak introduce the star of a new on * * picture. After radio. programs. It will rather re- them to the listeners. We have noise-making gadgets to a picture a few comedy lines sult in strengthening found out the same thing on radio Fan mail evoked by cookery studio. Having a sudden occasion Benny introduced Chas. King, who the appeal of sang “Love Ain’t the radio entertainment by pointing that showmen of the theatre dis- talks over KiFWB discloses a hus- to use it he appeared unexpectedly Nothin’ But Blues,” and sang it well. out weak spots that need building covered some time ago: that the band who stays home to do the at the studio and found his pet all up. tried and proven gag or joke, al- cooking while the wife goes to apart, with a crowd of technicians Then Bessie Love was intro- - duced, and she sang “I’ve Got a “We solicit and welcome Inside though draped with whiskers, will business. Modern conditions ex- around it trying to determine what Man a Facts’ candid and well-informed invariably get a laugh where a posed by the modern medium. made it go. Of My Own,” good sub- ject in view of her recent criticisms of our work. have brand new untried crack, smart * * All bridge games are now off mar- We though it be, falls as flat as a riage, but—she is a MUCH bet- discovered that such criticisms between the . KHJ invited its audience to wives of the respective cheer for Beelzebub at the An- ter actress than singer. stimulate interest in our stations leave sets tuned in to the station technicians, and icicles are to be gehis Temple. Benny offered some more chat- and, whether favorable or not, al- when retiring Monday night, prom- found on the knobs of all doors “The good comedian can sell ter and King closed the M-G-M ways have a beneficial effect.” ising to broadcast a siren to marked “Sound Effects.” any kind of a joke. The poor one interlude with “Lucky Me and Wm. G. Ebersole, manager of awaken them in time to hear King cannot even tickle a naked baby. Lovable You.” KEJK, when asked if impartial re- George speak from London. Mis- plicated for the boys around the Laughter is the most popular en- The Burtnett band and trio pre- views of radio programs were of understanding as to the nature of Anthony stations. tertainment merchandise in the sented “Happy Days Are Here value, said, “Very much so. We this siren caused no little confu- world, and we wish there were * * * Again,” followed by a novelty duo badly need them, but they must be sion, especially in apartment more laugh merchants.” “Bygones,” which sounded like by competent, well informed houses, many shadowy figures be- An interesting Friday evening steel, guitar and sax. Announcing critics,” and this sentiment was ing noted leaving doors rather can be spent around KNX, when Hal Roach studios for next week, supported by Glenhall Taylor, man- FILM LUNCH BROADCAST hurriedly immediately after. Bert Butterworth stages two one- ager of KTM, as well as hour programs of variety and cir- program closed with the sig. song. Duke =K * H= Hancock of KGFJ. cus. The public is admitted and Locals unable to attend the an- L. A. have just put in something to eat is usually served. nual luncheon of the National really live radio departments, pub- “THE RAINFALL” His colored entertainers are a REPERTORY ON AIR Board of Review of Motion Pic- lishing news and comments as well KNX, LOS ANGELES show to watch in themselves, es- tures in Washington may hear as programs. Station managers January 20 the pecially the tiny Snowball who George Fifield, The Los Angeles Civic Reper- proceedings as broadcast over are naturally happy over it and Charles Stanton peeps around the edge of a big tory Players have arranged to the CBS. Saturday, January 25, give much of the credit for the and Pierre Nellonino in a triangle base viol very much bigger than broadcast abbreviated plays of the through KHJ. new departure to the pioneering story of love on the desert. Stan- he and saws away with great in- repertory school from each of Inside Facts. The Record cred- ton married Miss Fifield out of a KHJ dustry. well-to-do family and took her to Thursday evening, following with- SIGN MURRAY GIRLS its a considerable gain in circula- * * a in a short time the performances tion to its radio section. ranch where poverty, heat and We are quite sure we recog- three years of drought have re- of the New York Civic Repertory Billy Reynolds, Irene Snow, * * * nized a pair of voices on the Jam- duced them to desperation. Nel- which come to the same station Eva Hoffman and Patsy Lee, four Those who listened to the M- boree from San Francisco last lonino is a rich man in that coun- over the Columbia chain Thursday girl graduates of the Bud Mxirray G-M hour Wednesday of last week Monday night introduced as “Mr. try for his health. He makes love afternoons. School for Stage, have just signed and heard the excerpt from Law- Long and Mr. Short.” If we are to the other man’s wife and per- 16-month contracts with Metro- rence Ti'bbett’s “Rogue Song” not mistaken this pair have been suades her to leave, she consent- “FREE” OFFER Goldwyn-Mayer to appear in the suner by Pietro Gentile, heard the SWAMPS known as “Doby and Lou,” who ing provided it does not rain with- forthcoming “Good News” picture. crack of the whip as the singer started with a two-act in grind in 24 hours. was supposedly flogged and nat- Who says the public doesn’t like houses in the Northwest and ‘‘The Rainfall” is a bad title for to get something for urally supposed it was another nothing? TO DIRECT RUBIN forged to the front in that region this as most of the dramatic tensity sound effect. It .was not. Gen- An announcement recently made very rapidly. They are comedy hangs on the uncertainty of rain, the tile had himself tied to a scaffold over CBS, in connection with Norman Taurog has been as- singers with a naive style of de- and it is a tip-off on the fact that and actually lashed with a whip, its new School of the Air, that a signed to direct Benny Rubin’s livery. it does rain. not only, he savs, to get an au- certain publishing house would first starring vehicle, “Sunny * * * Miss Fifield and her two sup- thentic, sound effect, but to make send a free book to those asking, Days,” for Tiffany. The picture porting players gave a remark- him sing the song with the right Showing how people listen to resulted in 20,000 requests being was written by A. P. Younger and ably clear enunciation of the lines, dramatic feeling. the radio during the night hours, received overnight and the offer depicts college life. Rubin was but Nellonino was a most casual * * * Charlie Wellman received 400 re- had to be withdrawn to save the under contract to M-G-M up to lover, his quests between 1:30 and 2:30 a. m. reading lacking in publisher from bankruptcy. Jan. 13. We discovered this week that warmth and earnestness. He National Tuesday morning last. many programs for the talked like a salesman closing a Broadcasting Company originate NITA AT METRO Before Herbert Brenon begins deal rather than a romantic heavy AT LIBERTY in the L. A. studios of KFI and his first picture under his new talking an unwilling woman out DICK BURNS KECA that local listeners never Nita Mitchell, radio star from contract with Radio Pictures, he of her fidelity. Fast drummer; fine outfit; Vibrai hear, being produced here for San Farncisco, lately come to Los will spend six weeks vacationing phone. Bead anything. Union. Eastern release at the same mo- Angeles, has been functioning vo- Age 35. All requirements. Xylo- in England and the Continent, is SPEECH OF KING GEORGE cally at the M-G-M studios during phone soloist with large rep. of ment that an Eastern program leaving New York Feb. 1. the past few days. Folos. Consider Fadio, Presenta- being broadcast from the local KFT. LOS ANGELES tion, Dance or Hotel. All an- stations. In the new studios four INBC Release) swered. Go anywhere. Care of In- programs can be handled at once, January 2 side Facts, 801 Warner Brothers’ That this program held ele- Downtown Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. two coming in and two going out. Life is becoming more com- ments of showmanship is attested by the numbers who arose at 2:30 AN EGOTIST Advertise a. m. to hear it. In spite of the is a person who cannot many technical difficulties and the make his “Ps” behave. I YOU’LL READ IT FIRST short-wave roar, the voices came over clear enough to be recog- am no egotist but never- m nized and understood, and this was IN theless insist the first oonortunitv for many to that my hear the “King’s English.” services on a picture are An interesting sidelight is the INSIDE FACTS INSIDE a definite economy, incident of the technician in the OF STAGE AND SCREEN NBC receiving station who used whether they be utilized his bodv for half an hour as a on plot construction, 800-801 Warner Bros. Downtown Bldg. Los Angeles, Calif. FACTS connection between the broken ends of wire, without noticeably comedy relief or dia- affectino- the broadcast. logue. It will be interesting to observe SUBSCRIBE NOW! * * * the effect of His Majesty’s “ac- Kindly enter my Subscription for One Year, for which I enclose cent” on Hollywood: $4.00 in Payment for Same The Real ELAINE LOSES VIOLIN Na Elaine Hardsteen had her violin JAMES MADISON Coast stolen out of her car last Mon- day night and in consequence was (An Author and a Showman) unable Address to plav her usual midnight 465 South Detroit St. Theatrical concert over KHT. Manager Dol- Los Angeles berg of the station rushed down and filled in with baritone solos. (Phone ORegon 9407) Town and State.. Newspaper It is asserted there is no truth in the rumor that the violin was stolen by a radio listener, —••


JIMMIE BARR STARTS CONTRACT AT EL CAP Song Leaders ‘BOOTIES’ SOI Hot Lic\s of Music SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.— LOS ANGELES Jimmie Barr leaves the Silver The only additional new tune on Slipper Cafe this week to begin is still prov- BOOK CUTS I By B. Harry Owens’ Band the third of a JACK TENNEY the list of best sellers this week week 10-weeks’ con- ing popular. The piccolo-player had the solo. was Berlin’s “Year From Today,” tract at the Fox El Capitan as fea- * * * tured In the sixteenth measure he hit the theme song from United Art- vocalist. Casey Jones takes Kay Robinson and his Orches- the Slipper job. a blue one that smote the most ists' latest release, “New York Oi SHEET SUES tra are still holding forth at the calloused ear with a brutal smack. Nights,” starring Norma Talmadge. Two weeks ago Barr doubled .' Adams Hotel in Phoenix . . into the El from the Slipper The piccolo-player blushed and No great change since the last Cap Frankie Allen is at the Grand and has been there since. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.— asked the accompanist to try it week’s line-up. Ten best were: Now, . . Seidel is at the Cafe . Mike however, he’ll concentrate on the over. The accompanist was agree- 1. “Chant of the Jungle”—Rob- Music publishers ran into new Frolic with Ollie Kittleson play- Mission able. In the sixteenth measure bins. district house, being fea- competition this week when a ing sax. tured in Peggy O’Neill’s stage the piccolo-player murdered the 2. “Following Berlin. publication called “Songland Her- =K * You”— shows. ald” made its appearance on Mar- same note. be- 3. “To Be Forgotten”—Berlin. I have often wondered what To his credit Barr has just street, “The dirty so-and-so!” ex- 4. “Love, Your Spell Is Every- ket kids peddling the sheets came of the members of Persh- completed 12 weeks at the Silver claimed a voice in exasperation. where”—'Berlin. with choruses from 100 of the still see ing’s Own Band. I can Slipper, an equal length of time latest The deacon arose and faced the 5. “Should I?”—Robbins. pop tunes. those boys doing guard mount at at Marquard’s, two weeks at the Despite protests audience. 6. “I’m a Dreamer, Aren’t We from all music GHQ, Chaumont. France . . . the Orpheum and called the piccolo-player All?” DeSylva, Brown and Hen- engagements of from publishers, the American Society “Who turning cartwheels. It — drum major five to 50 weeks at local show- of Authors and Composers, repre- a dirty so-and-so?’’ he thundered. organization. derson. was a great rooms. sented locally Silence reigned supreme and the 7. “That Something Called by Attorney Sam * * * Roeder, deacon sat down. The piccolo- Love”—Robbins. took no action against the After ten years, one becomes infringement of copyright player nodded to the accompanist 8. “What Do I Care?”— Sha- law. In- more or less sentimental over the all and ventured his solo once more. piro, Bernstein, Inc. stead action was held in abey- AEF. Which reminds me that ance pending word from the At the sixteenth measure he turned 9. “Singing In the Bathtub”— MIT HICilDIES New I haven’t heard the “Terrible Bat- York headquarters organi- red in the face and once more Witmark. of the tle of Paris” and “Bond Swa Mah zation as to what course slaughtered the same note—a long 10. “A Year From Today”— should be Cherry” for beaucoup time. The followed in wail of indigo torture. Berlin. stopping this competi- revival of those songs in a typical tion. “Oh, the dirty, dirty so-and-so!” Recordings AFTER OPEMI Division Show might be a good According to music men there came the voice with agonized em- 1. “Chant of the Jungle”—All suggestion for the American Le- is a decided phasis. recordings. dropping off of sheet gion. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.— music sales due to the herald. on his feet. 2. “I’m Following You” Paul song The deacon was * * * — “WHO CALLED THE PIC- Spect (Columbia). Leaving behind him a host of There are probably 20 or 30 kids The greatest asset to the sales friends and followers, Art Hick- about town peddling the sheets at COLO-PLAYER A DIRTY SO- 3. “Little By Little” — Guy of records and sheet music is the man, veteran a dime a throw and every time AND-SO?” he yelled, quivering Lombardo (Columbia). of the music world new tune fadist and the bird who and credited generally as the one of them is sold, a sheet with rage. For a few seconds 4. “Singing In the Bathtub” or- mu- would be known as “just crazy iginator sic sale is dropped, it is claimed. there was no response. Then an Ben Bernie (Brunswick). of jazz, died here this week over music.”. Both these pests after a major operation that cli- The sheet evidently is printed in old man arose and faced the irate 5. “Should I?” — Paul White- are distinguishable by their musi- the East as deacon. man (Columbia). maxed nearly three years of ill- there are no western cal ignorance and their overwhelm- ness, the last five months of which publishers’ tunes in the lengthy “The question, deacon,” he said 6. “Love, Your Spell Is Every- ing desire to be “in the know.” were spent in St. Francis Hospi- list. slowly, “is, not who called the where”—All recordings. The “new tune fadist” never asks tal. piccolo-player a dirty so-and-so, 7. “That Wonderful Something for the same number twice and The day but who called that dirty so-and- Called Love”—Roy Ingraham before New Year’s CROSS NUMBER GOING probably couldn’t name yesterday’s Hickman was removed from the so a piccolo-player?” (Brunswick). GOOD ON COAST, EAST hit. The bird who is “just nuts hospital to his home here, but * * * 8. “You’re Always In My over music” buys records by the Arms”—Bebe Daniels (Victor). shortly afterward suffered a re- SEATTLE. Mai Hallett and his Orchestra, carload in order to impress his lapse and underwent a series of — The Sylvester L. 9. “I’m a Dreamer, Aren’t We Cross recently at the Cocoanut Grove, (or her friends). It is a forgot- number, “Rock-a-Bye to All?” All recordings. blood transfusions in an effort to — Sleep in Dixie,” is being featured broke their jump east by playing ten art when they find themselves save his life. 10. “Your Fate Is In My one night, Monday, January 13, by Ron and Don at the Seattle, alone. Hands”—Paul Whiteman (Colum- In the old dance halls of the at the Rendezvous Ballroom, Mesa, * * * with “Kisses,” the other Cross bia). Barbary Coast Art found inspira- Arizona about sixteen miles east publishers, dealers hit, due for a plug the following — The music SAN FRANCISCO tion for what is now modern jazz. of Phoenix. Mai and his boys and recording companies should week. in In 1913 he organized the first jazz There was a general reversal Eastern houses are getting calls proved a big attraction and the avail themselves of these com- band at Boves Springs, and dur- sheet music sales with all of the for the numbers through the local fans from Phoenix and the sur- plexes and inaugurate a sales cam- ing his earlier career had under previous week’s sellers still in but house here, handled by the Calitol rounding country flocked in to the paign for their full development. his baton such men as Walt Roes- music in different positions. “Chant of Music Co., local music jobbers. Rendezvous to dance to the Slogans, such as “If You Don’t ner, Jesse Stafford, Frank Sie- the Tungle” and “Talking Picture Gene McCormack, professional of the famous orchestra. Man- Know the Latest Song You’re a grist, Frank Ellis, Vic King and Up.” manager for ager C. M. Kjmpton reported a Back Number” and “What! You the firm, is now in Leaders are: others. record night. Haven’t Heard Whoozit’s Record- San Francisco, headed for Los * 1. “Aren’t We All?”—DeSylva, Angeles to close for representation * * ings?” might Drove helpful. “A DIES Brown and Henderson. WILL COBB there. The Rendezvous Park Ballroom New Song a Da 3‘- is the Up-To- 2. “Sunny Side Up”—DeSylva, the way, is Date Way” has possibilities. A at Mesa, Arizona, by Brown and Henderson. Will Cobb, who twentjr years NOT of the class spots in Arizona. subtle advertising campaign would NORMA’S KIN one 3. “Tip Toe Thru the Tulips”— ago was one of the most success- soon build a clientele of morons Such aggregations as Glen Os- un Witmark. ful song writers of his dav. died wald’s Victor Recording Orches- who would feverishly buy any and Norma Shearer disclaims rela- 4. “Talking Picture”—DeSylva. last week at the State’s hospital it the popu- evervthing musical as soon as pub- tionship with Bermona Shearer tra have helped make Brown and Henderson. on Ward Island, N. Y.. at the lar dance spot in and around Phoe- lished and recorded. who recently broke into the news 5. “I’m Tn Love With You”— age of 53. Among his hits were columns when her marriage to Dr. nix. * * * Sherman, Clay. “I’ll be With You When the Roses Gilbert * * * • H. Wyenkoop was carried There is, of course, a tyne that 6. “I’m Following You” Ber- Bloom Again,” “Goodbye. Dolly — in the dispatches. Bermona claimed Tucson, Arizona, is reported as really is "crazv over music.” They Gray.” “School Days,” “Sunbon- lin. that she thir- was a cousin of the fam- “booming” musically. About are easilv distinguished from the 7. “Chant of the Jungle” Rob- net Sue,” “Goodbye, Little Girl. — ous Norma, but Norma denies hav- ty or forty big Sharp and Flat crude imitation. There is discrimi- bins. Goodbye.” “Waltz Me Around ing any relative by the name of men, dedicated to the Rhythm nation in their selections. They 8. “Lonely Troubadour” Sant- Again Willie,” and “I Tust Can’t — Bermona so far as she can ascer- Racket, are pounding out a living know what they want and their ly Bros. Make Mv Eyes Behave.” the song tain. —and that is quite a few for Tuc- collection of records is a credit 9. “When the Sun Goes Down” that made Anna Held famous. them. imitators these son. ! to The of —Tdovd Campbell. * * * real lovers of music constitute the 10. ’’Love Is Like That”—Vil- ON CONCERT TOUR IT’S A HIT! class mentioned above. The new Pioneer Hotel is the la Moret. “I MISS YOU” class spot in Tucson. Lyle Thay- SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 23.— (When the Day Is Done) er, has the orchestra at the who OPENS AT EL PATIO LEONARD STEVENS ILL Dorothy Williams, vocal soloist Slow Fox Trbt Westward Ho Hotel in Phoenix, with the Golden Gate Park Band, has the music contracted at the AMERICAN MUSIC CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 23.— Leonard Stevens, pianist and left this week for a concert tour KRESS BLDG., Pioneer. This consists of six men SAN FRANCISCO Tohn Wolohan has signed for a composer, is ill at the California of the Hawaiians. under the direction of “Doc” Gar- long term contract at El Patio Lutheran hospital. rison, trombonist. Ballroom, onening February 9 with * * * a 10-piece band.X EVELYN PREVIATT DIES Among other rumors around Phoenix: The Westward Ho Ho- OFF SICK LIST SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23.— tel is take over chain about to Evelyn Previatt. radio and opera in Fran- OWEN San the St. Francis Hotel SAN FRANCISCO. Tan. 23.— singer who has been with the Pa- cisco and Lyle Thayer will have Miss Karan Dunn, music publish- cific Coast Ooera Co. for the

. think the music . . and don’t er. has recovered from a recent nast five or six seasons, died in Lyle can’t cut it. illness and returned to her offices Colfax this week. She was only * * * in the Kress Building. 21 years of age. FALLON The Arizona Biltmore at Phoe- nix is not going so big this year BACK AT TAIT’S PRISCILLA FORECLOSES AND HIS and there is talk that it may close down earlier than usual. It 3AN FRANCISCO. Tan. 23.— Priscilla Dean last week took may be that this beautiful hostelry After an absence of several months foreclosure proceedings against CALIFORNIANS is a little too far ahead o,f the Henrv Warner has returned to nroDertv belonging to Harrv Arn- town. At the rate Phoenix has Tait’s-at-the-Beach w^ere he nur- old. unon which she held a mort- been going for the past few years, IN vevs nop tunes in coniunction with gage for $10,000 with additional NOW SECOND however— it’s bound to catch tyt. Tack Coaklev’s Orchestra. claims running no a total of $12.- 180. Arnold is related to Leslie YEAR MARTIN AT BOULEVARD Arnold, aronnd-the-world flier, Sales Representatives and husband of Miss Dean. "SHm” Martin, trombonist mas- AT Wanted in Large Eastern Cities ter-of-ceremonies at the Colorado SUES PROFESSIONALS with well known music pub- Theatre. Pasadena, where Fanchon lisher. Commission basis. and Marco “Ideas” break’in before Florence Eldridge. screen and WILSON’S opening in Los Angeles, has Keen stage, recent.lv =een here with Ed- Address: IXL, Inside Facts promoted to the Boulevard The- ward Everett Horton at the Ma- San Francisco atre. Ralph Pollock took up the iestir and in various pictures, and BALLROOM baton in Pasadena Jan.- 16. her husband Frederic March the (Formerly Cinderella Roof) “Tohn Gilbert” of the talkies were sued for $52,000 bv Harrv Green- When in San Francisco be sure to see Lou Emmel, representing berg who claims to have been in- LOS ANGELES, CALIF. jured in an automobile accident DE SYLVA, BROWN FHENDERSON last December for which he blames Hear Our Latest Recordings MUSIC PUBLISHERS the Marchs. “Shanghai Rose” and “Till I Kissed You” 935 Market St. San Francisco “I’M A DREAMER, AREN’T WE ALL?” STARTS REVUE SHORT Phone Your Favorite Radio Station TURN ON THE HEAT” “SUNNY SIDE UP” Martv Brooks has started direc- “IF I HAD A TALKING PICTURE OF YOU” tion of a new M-G-M colortone During the Recording Periods “PICKIN’ PETALS OFF O’ DAISIES” “SITTING BY THE WINDOW” revue titled “The Clock Shoo.” “A NIGHT OF HAPPINESS” Included in the cast are Cliff Ed- wards and Doris Mahon. Y


PICTURE Fanchon and Marco Orchestra Reviews Route List of “Ideas” REVIEWS VAL VALENTE SWEETEN AND BAND ROOF GARDEN FOX THEATRE Following is the Fanchon and Marco+ MILWAUKEE (24) ‘ San Francisco ‘SALLY' Ideas route schedule, with the opening Wisconsin Theatre SEATTLE ‘ ’ (Reviewed Jan. 8) dates, all of the current month, in pa- ‘Art in Taps’ Idea (Reviewed Jan. 17) “ (Continued from Page 4) renthesis besides the name of the town: Myrtle Gordon Johnny Plank Since ’way back when” the Rodney and Gould Jeanne McDonald Tremendous applause greeting does not work easily, thus de- Roof Garden has been high- PASADENA (23) A1 and Hal Eddie Lewis THE the close of Owen Sweeten’s first tracting from the final effective- Colorado Theatre Brown and Willa . light of San Francisco night life, offering here wrote an okeh to 1 ‘Eyes” Idea DETROIT, MICH. (24) and although, during the past few the ness of his portrayal. and management’s judgment in the Wells Winthrop Six Candrevas Fox Theatre years, new cafes have sprung up, ‘ switch in c.’s. Joe E. Brown has his usual style Bob and Ula Buroff 'Types’ ’ Idea m. the Roof always has held its pop- LOS ANGELES (23) Carlena Diamond Leading Vic Meyer’s band, of clowning to offer, and his work ularity. in Val Valente’s Loew’s State Trado Twins Harold Stanton And whose deader is due in the south always is funny to a part of the “Trees” Idea NIAGAGRA FALLS, N. Y. (24-26) Band it has a firmly implanted to record, the smiling Shapiro Swede audience. Jack Duffy’s comedy ond O’Malley Nayons Birds Strand Theatre backbone upon which it can base' ‘ stepped into the breach and stayed moments were a howl. Keo, Toki and Yoki ‘Drapes’ ’ Idea much of its business. ’em. SAN DIEGO (23) Frank Melino & Co. Jerome Mann Ford Sterling over-mugged to a Valente’s Band has rhythm, it Fox Theatre Dorothy Kelly They’ve been at the house for certain extent, but not enough to “Peasant” Idea UTICA, N. Y. (27) has sock, it has sweet qualities, six weeks with Vic and had met kill off the generous of share Diehl Sisters General Ed Lavine Gayety Theatre and the majority of attributes that with June Worth Bert a degree of success, but it laughs which were his apportion- Prival “Drapes” Idea go to make up a darn good musi- Belcher Dancers Frank Melino & Co. Jerome Mann remained for Sweeten to add the ment. cal organization. With Val’s piano LONG BEACH (24) Dorothy Kelly “it.” T. Roy Barnes brought standard as its basis the band pounds out West Coast Theatre BUFFALO, N. Y. (24) Sweeten brought it out of the effectiveness to his role as the “Manila Bound” Idea Lafayette Theatre tunes that are an unanimous hit boys like Family nobody’s business, re- breezy, wise-cracking promoter. Romero Stella Royal “Kisses” Idea with the clientele. The excellent Harry vealing that he still is one of the Lane’s part small, and Frank Seamon Mabel and Marcia Joe & Jane McKenna Nora was but Will trumpeting of Russ Jones, the nice HOLLYWOOD (23) Mitzi Mayfair Cowan best directors in the F. and M. this girl with a distinctive person- Wallen and Barnes E. Flat Four sax and the comic songs and Egyptian Theatre work line-up, as much at home with a ‘ Helen Aubrey ality, distinctively pleasing, made ‘Ivory’ ’ Idea Dave Hacker arranging of George Dolbier and dance band as he is with a stage it stand out, bringing to it more Betty Lou Webb Hy Meyer WORCESTER, MASS. (24) Valente’s ivory tickling are just a Four High Hatters Goetz and Duffy Palace Theatre or concert orchestra. than was written there. Miss Lane of the features. Christel LeVine and Ted Reicard “Columns” Idea few band’s Some of his regulars from the is set to be way up among the is Val- FRESNO (23-25) Rome & Gaut Billy Rolls Personnel of the group Fifth Ave. must have been over talking artists, given the proper Niles Marsh Maxine Evelyn ente, piano and director; Roily Wilson Theatre for the first one up, for Owen got breaks. ‘Overtures” Idea . Dorothy Henley Furnas, trombone, arranger; Russ a great Toots Novelle Harry Rapee SPRINGFIELD, MASS. reception when the boys E. J. Ratcliffe instilled a pomp- (24) Jones, trumpet; Johnny Wesch, Edison and Gregory Huff and Huff Palace Theatre hove into view. ousness into his role at the cost of ‘ ’ trumpet; George Traeger, violin, SAN JOSE (26-29) ‘Gobs of Joy’ Idea Snapping into their first offer- effectiveness. The over-doing drew Pat West Scotty Weston Dolbier, ar- California Theatre voice; George sax, ing, the gang, after warbling the several snickers which were not “Overtures” Idea ' Bailey and Barnum Coley ranger; A1 Cicerone, sax, arranger; “Hallelujah,” went into wanted. Toots Novelle Harry Rapee Cook Sisters Loma Ruth a special I Harry Carlisle, sax, arranger; Bob Edison and Gregory Huff and Huff Billy & Elsie Lewis Dolly Kramer orchestration of “Largo” that Maude Turner Gordon had both Moore and Moore Johnny Ashford Derning, bass; Ike Eynon, drums SAN FRANCISCO (24) presaged the type of music the the poise and delivery necessary Jones and Howett Wanda Allen and Ham Richards, banjo. Fox Theatre Henry Aguirre pasteboard holders were to get. for the best development of the “Desert” Idea Bock. The brass section, composed of society woman assignment and Ed and Morton Beck Muriel Stryker HARTFORD, CONN. (24) , Cropley Capitol Theatre Glen Atchison, Bill Stewart, A1 Pert Kelton did quite adequately and Violet Manuel Lopez Carla Torney Girls “Hollywood Studio Girls” Idea BURTON TO DO “CIRCLE” Thompson and Gale Claggett, with the part of “Rosie.” Three Gobs Miles & Perlee OAKLAND (24) stood out a peak of the others Fox Oakland Chas. Rozelle John Vale David Burton, stage director, has in a solo bit. This “International” Idea Lorris & Fermine one got ‘SOUTH SEA ROSE’ Frederico Flores Osaka Boys NEW HAVEN, CONN. (24) been chosen to direct Metro-Gold- Sweeten’s offerings away with Billy Carr Markel and Palace Theatre speed. It’s (Continued from Page 4) Faun wyn-Mayer’s filmization of “The been many weeks since Mignon Laird “Screenland Melodies” Idea Circle,” Somerset Maugham stage a Fox Theatre audience clamored a general level of adequacy but David Reece Lucille Iverson SACRAMENTO (24) success. The play was adapted like they did at the close of this with none distinguishing him or Senator Theatre Sherry Louise Everts & Lowry “Hot Dominoes” Idea Karavaeff Franklin & Warner by Sylvia Thalberg and Frank number. herself. Betty Welling Les Ivlicks Pall Mall Lamberti Jack & Butler. Included in the cast are A distinct contrast from the first Lenore Ulric obtains laughs in Dexter, Webb and Diaz BRIDGEPORT (24) Lewis Stone, Alison Skipworth, bit was the second, “Tweet, the sure-fire chances of a wild girl Palace Theatre SALEM, ORE. (25) British character actor, Paul Cav- Tweet.” Here the boys displayed brought into a conservative civili- Elsinore Theatre “Jazz Cinderella” Idea Mae Usher Albert Hugo anagh and Mary Forbes. comedy to a nicety, with Billy dramatic “Uniforms” Idea zation, but her moments Roy Rogers Randall Armand & Perez Joy Brothers Billy Stewart doing a “Yid,” A1 Taylor seem weak, and all-in-all she James Gaylord Pauline Alpert Sylvia Shore & Helen Ruth Hamilton a dude, Frank Spencer a tough never makes more of her part Adair & Stewart DOG STAR IN VAUDE PORTLAND (23) and Gale Claggett grabbing plenty than was there before she started. Broadway Theatre WATERBURY, CONN. (24) Fox Theatre of laughs with a Swede. Charles Bickford has a tendancy “Carnival Russe” Idea Rin-Tin-Tin has been booked for “Gardens’ ’ Idea For the pay-off, Sweeten told Countess Sonia Sam Linfield Co. a limited engagement on the to be stagey, but apart from this & Slate Bros. Vina Zolle RKO Alex-SherBekefi the audience out front that the is strong and one who commands Moffa and Mae Cliff Nazzaro Circuit, opening February 1 at Russian Sunrise Trio boys were going highbrow with attention. A toning down of PHILADELPHIA, PA. (24) the Palace, Cleveland, followed by SEATTLE (23) a classic. They played Fried- “technique” and a dose of more Fox Theatre appearances in several other mid- Fifth Avenue Theatre man’s Slavic Rhapsody in a man- naturalness, plus the very evident “Watermelon Blues” Idea west houses. “Let’s Pretend” Idea Mammy and Her Ted Ledford ner that Tilyou & Rogers Ed Chaney would have doffc credit sincerity he Wings to his work Picks Louise & Mitchell Florence Forman Rita Lane to a symphony aggregation. should make him among the big- Southern Steppers MOVIE PAIR GREAT FALLS, MONT. ON RKO Jean. gest. But he hasn’t struck the (28) WASHINGTON, D. C. (24) Grand Theatre proper chord yet. Fox Theatre “Black and Gold Idea” Cookies” Idea NEW YORK. — John Bowers Four “Sweet JOINS IDEA While their roles do not permit Kemmys Maxine Hamilton Eva Mandel Roy M. Loomis and Marguerite de Arnold Grazer Lee Wilmot la Motte are them to steal the picture, Kenneth Jones & Hull Bobbe Tomson back in DENVER, COLO. RKO vaudeville with a Louise Manning joined the McKenna and Farrell Macdonald (28) ATLANTA, GA. (24) Tabor Grand new act, after a former appearance “Overtures Idea” at the Egyptian, fulfill the demands of their parts Fox Theatre “Idea In Green” and an absence of several in the Air” Idea months. ; Hollywood, last week. more convincingly than do any Doris Nierly “Up Franklyn Record Walter Nilsson Joan Knox Moran other members of the cast. Mc- & Weston Neil Castagneli Laddie La Monte Way Watts & Arminda Kenna has a pleasing personality TULSA, OKLA. (17) well suited to the assignment. ST. LOUIS (24) Orpheum Theatre * Daphne Pollard and Tom Patri- Fox Theatre 'Speed’ ' Idea Songs” Four PRIOR “Baby Idea Black Cat WILL cola are in the main laugh se- Penny Pennington Rose Valyda Cal Norris Parker & Mack quence of the picture, and con- Alene and Evans’ Pearl Hoff Greyhounds Helen Burke CONDUCTOR tribute the main antics therein. NEW STATE THEATRE, SYDNEY. AUSTRALIA They were directed with the ac- cent on the slapstick angles of the HAS FEM LEAD GUS SHY SIGNED situation, getting the guffaws but, of course, failing to make the se- Catherine Dale Owen, whose Gus Shy, in the Broadway quence click from a naturalness part in '“The Rogue Song,” has “New Moon” company, will play standpoint. placed her up among ’em after a the part of Bobby in the talkiza- Elizabeth Patterson is an ex- lukewarm picture debut in “His tion of “Good News” which Edgar TED HENKEL cellent type as the straight-laced Glorious Night,” has been assigned and disapproving sister, and Ilka McGregor and Albert Kelly are to the feminine lead in M-G-M’s Chase is all necessary as a slat- screen for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. MUSICAL PRESENTATION “The Circle,” which David Burton ternly maid servant. CONDUCTOR in directing. Others in the cast Shy created the part in the original and DIRECTOR are Paul Cavanagh, Lewis Stone, stage production. Mary Lawler is HERB Ernest Torrence, Tyrrell Davis, to be featured. CIVIC THEATRE Alison Skipworth and Mary KERN Forbes. Auckland, New Zealand Organist-Master of Ceremonies Pit - DENNY TO SING Orchestra of 30 : - Stage Band of 20 FOX WEST COAST As\ Long Beach, Calif. Reginald Denny has been signed by Cecil B. DeMille for the lead- ing role in “Madame Satan” at Your M-G-M. Denny was formerly a FOX WEST COAST THEATRES WM. (Billy) KNOX musical comedy baritone, and the PRESENT SOLO ORGANIST DeMille picture will require use of News Dealer his singing voice. Fox Oakland Theatre STARRING COMEDIENNES for PETER BRESCIA AND HIS Marie Dressier and Polly Mo- FRANK ran, comedy team who have CONCERT ORCHESTRA HIPSLE scored in shorts, are to be co- INSIDE starred in a feature comedy which And His FOX T. & D. Chuck Reisner will direct for THEATRE Personality Band M-G-M. OAKLAND, CALIF. Balconades Ballroom San Francisco BOYD AT PARAMOUNT FACTS

William Boyd has been signed by Paramount for a featured role On Sale WALTER KRAUSGRILL in “The Benson Murder Case.” Jay William Powell will be featured in AND HIS MUSIC this S. S .Van Dine story, with at EL PATIO BALLROOM MARKET AT VAN NESS Frank Tuttle directing. SAN FRANCISCO Brower OPPOSITE KEN AIL News

Master-of-Ceremonies Doris Hill is Ken Maynard’s leading woman in his latest Uni- Stands FOX EL CAPITAN versal picture, “The Man from PETER PAUL LYONS Monterey,” which has started. Others in the supporting cast are AND HIS CONCERT ORCHESTRA San Francisco Every Week Frank Rice, Francis Ford, Gino LOEW’S WARFIELD SAN FRANCISCO Carado and Joyzelle. —a


‘CHAUVE-SOURIS’ ‘MISSION PLAY’ Bustamente, Amos Silva, Miguel ‘BROKEN DISHES’ ance increases of late make one MASON THEATRE MISSION PLAYHOUSE uQiroz, Bias Cota, William Jonn- PRESIDENT THEATRE question the value of breaking this LOS ANGELES SAN GABRIEL son, Triad Harvey, Raymond Ram- SEATTLE combination. irez, Pas-a-dan, Lmef x oung Eagle, H. B. M. (Reviewed (Reviewed 18) (ixeviewed Jan. Jan. 15) Jan. Ortensia Rocleriguez, Jose Vaien- 19) Excellence, originality and qual- Nineteen years of consecutive zuela and Jane Rupple. Martin Flavin’s “Broken Dish- ity are in this collection of tit- spring seasons has not dimmed the jaumta Vigare did an excellent es,” which opened at ihe Presi- bits which Balieff brings us from luster of this epic of John Steven dance in the fiesta. Juan Zorra- dent on Sunday, is more than just the Bat Theatre of Moscow. McGroarty. The dramatic story quinos, Charles King, Carmen de a much-better-than-average small- Twenty numbers are listed on of the California Missions since Rara, .Olivia Castillo and Salvador town comedy; it is a cross section the program, none of them over the first founding of the San Diego V. Chavez also contributed excel- into the mental quirks of humanity in that four or five minutes in duration Mission in San Diego 1/09 lently to the fiesta entertainment. will hit home whether your of in ALL GOING FULL but each one a gem of humor or through the glorious period Jacobs. watcher be bucolic or urban of musical interpretation, placed their flourishing in 1784 to be de- type. Much of credit for this fiesta at the Mission must go to the fine work of the in a setting of exquisite artistry picted by a “BAMBINA” and finally Henry Players, with Earl and performed by finished artistes San Carlos de Carmel CURRAN THEATRE Duffy BLAST AT PRESENT whose voices are of grand opera an incident which occurred at the Lee and Leona Powers drawing merit. ruins of the Mission San Juan SAN FRANCISCO the heaviest roles and Howard (Reviewed Jan. increasing Balieff himself, the father of all Capistrano in 1847, tells the tale 8) Miller shining again in one of the The popularity of col- or in films masters-of-ceremony, officiated be- of the heroic priests who did much There’s no getting around the juvenile comedy parts which he has brought about a can himself well in. keen rivalry for business tween each act. In appearance he in establishing and making im- fact that in “Bambina”. taking its acquit so among the three concerns might have stepped out of one of portant the resources of this state. initial bow at the Curran. Produc- The Bumpsted family consists now engaged in color Hogarth’s cartoons, overly short, Scenically nothing more inspir- er Daniel C. Blum has a colortul mainly of Jenny, the mother, whom photography for the stu- considerably overstuffed and with ing nor beautiful has ever been operetta with a competent cast— Dorrit Kelton makes a character dios. Each of the three are run- ning to the limit of a puffy face that radiates good conceived for the theatre. The combination that presages a profit- to remember, and her two older their capacity and each are better than the other humor. He makes his announce- large stage, perhaps the largest table lifetime for the vehicle. daughters, played excellently by in some respects, according to their ments in broken English with a in this vicinity, was taxed to its Throughout the entire show is Lulu Mae Hubbard and Helen adherents. pronounciation studied for laugh utmost with the grandeur of the discernible the excellent direction Kleeb. Just to complete the group, Technicolor at present, being the effects—and he never fails of his exteriors of the mission sites. The of Edward Royce whose ensem- there is Elaine, the young daugh- older, is having the better of the laughs. scenes were produced with a keen bles, particularly, are outstanding. ter, and the poor, little henpecked contest but is being closely pressed Accompanned by an orchestra eye to the reality and proportions The book, written by Myrta Bel father. by Multicolor, whose new develop- directed by M. Zlatin with an ac- of the original and with a strict Gallaher, tells a love story of Ve< An almost mythical suitor of ment, Rainbow film, enables them curacy and musical efficiency ex- fidelity to detail. netian carnival season in 1815 and the mother’s, who is paraded as not, to photograph color with the same pected only in opera, the musical The text of the story has been surrounding settings carrying out everything that their father is lighting arrangement as is used part of the program was a genuine polished almost to perfection. It the motif of the story received has been held up as a model of musical virtue to long by black and white; and Harris Color, treat. Each number has a literary as’ well as an hearty applause at the opening male them so is a gem the development of Kelley Color setting of its own. They might be night. the mother that romance has been historical treasure. Its three acts has termed miniature operas grand killed for the older daughters which contributed to the cause both characters who The cast is large 60 two are connected by —almost a three-color process whereas the and comic, each complete in its in and up and the father reduced to a door begin childhood grow and only by hard work and excel- others have but a two-color method. telling and despite the fact that mission. mat. The younger girl shows under the influence of the lent trouping do remaining mem- objection rebelling, is The one to the gen- all but one number was in a for- The effect of the Spanish as well bers of the company keep Marie signs of and here eign language, principally Russian, of cider proves eral use of color is the fact that as the American incursion is deli- Wells from stealing the show. As where a jug hard its cost has been excessivly high. the fact that the words were not cately told and the fictional epi- Carmella, of Miss an effective aid to Cupid. In a dancer Rome, Many producers, too, have been understood the audience did fact, it falls on Voltaire’s by sodes are no doubt built upon in- Wells is seen throughout a number back their that and liquor laying off of color with the idea not detract from thorough cidents which may have occurred of ensemble numbers and in vari- axiom thinking that the public would tire of its enjoyment of the offerings. have caused all the world’s revo- in fact. ous scenes, but her outstanding monotony, inventions No encores were given, although lutions and liquor most of the but the new In. the second act the fiesta is triumph comes with her rendition and improvements are lessening several times it was thought that thinking. depicted with all of the grandeur of the song “Bambina” which nets objections to the undesirable fea- the enthusiasm would have to be her three encores. Howard Miller makes much of and pomp of the period. The tures of color such as vibration, responded to. Especially was this the role as the youngest daugh- Spanish dancers, the singing of With plenty of appeal, both au- failure register the fading true of the “Parade of the Wooden ter’s suitor, and Edward Cassidy to and Spanish songs and the musical rically and optically, Nancy Wel- Soldiers” which has become a presents a good piece of acting as and unevenness of the color. contributions were exceptionally ford had everything in her favor classic of pantomime; “The Night the town’s cemetery custodian. It is believed that with the ele- well done. The choral work was as a light comedienne. A rain dimension on Idyll,” a humorous scene in which Paul McGrath and Clifford Dun- ment of third and well trained, while the soloists, number, “Pitter Pat,” though a bring the a lover (Ermoloff) tried to seren- stan are both effective in the re- the wide films, color will particularly Irmalee Campbell and trifle long, was her best offering. nade his sweetheart (Mme. Fehr maining roles. movies as close to realism as it Eleanor Bryan, were splendid. Early in the show where he had possible attain. ner) in competition with coterie This marks the’ final week of will be to a his best opportunities, A1 St. John r general of the color of amorous eats. The acting, however, is where How ard Miller *and Leona Pow- The use looked fit to swipe the honors processes is at present handicapped “The Minuet,’’ after a tale by the play is weakest. In the first ers’ engagement here, with Guy from everybody else, but other en- labora- Guy De J^Jaupassant, was another act, R. D. MacLean had a ten- Bates Post and Lillian Kemble both by the limitation of trants into story interest cut down the of charming divertissement. One of dency to overplay the character Cooper coming next week as guest tory facilities and fewness his chances. St. John was excel- the available cameras for the pur- the high spots the staging of Fray Junipero Serra. His emo- stars. There is a report that this was lent in his comedy role, at all and singing of “El Ukhnem,” bet- tions seemed too exaggerated and popular pair will not be back with pose. times running a high laugh aver- here are ter here as “Volga his gestures too broad. However, us after the Post season closes. The cameras that are known the age. A burlesqued sword duel be- in the second act he rose to fine kept as busy as is possible. The Boat Song.” It was done with a tween him and Ernest was One cannot but hope this is in- Wood color films is about 44 male chorus in silhouette and was heights of dramatic merit. His correct. Stock fans form a peculiar cost of the good for plenty of laughs. Wood, 11 reading was dignified and impres- group theatre at cents a foot as compared with one of the most artistic contribu- as Florindo, a medical student of patrons and tions on the program. sive and he carried the advanced least 50 per cent of a show’s ap- cents for black and white. The who particularly fancied piccolo a day or $400 age of the great priest with an peal to is the favorite player cameramen get $100 “Les Amourfe De Jean-Pierre,” playing as a pastime, was excel- them a understanding of the burden of or players. by the week, all of which makes parody on an operatic produc- lent in his characterization. his task. the cost mount up, but it is be- tion, played in the same costumes, In the leads This team has more than set it- romantic Laurel lieved that these features will soon scenery and settings as it had One of the best bits of acting Nemeth self with Seattle audiences; in and Wilbur Evans were be brought down to a more rea- been done hundreds of years ago was contributed by Barry Gill as fact, it will be recalled that the very fine. Miss Nemeth’s strik- color as well at the Opera Comique in Paris, the designing commandente. He bad break in stock attendance came sonable figure when ingly pleasing voice afforded her will become standard was a masterpiece of humorous looked the dandy and played him last season after the removal of as sound adequate opportunity to provide labora- conception acting ren- the Miller-Powers lead pair equipment at all of the both in and with a swagger and daintiness that something classy in the of and way tories. dition as well as in conception. was deserving of the highest vocal entertainment and she took Eddie Waller—a statement which a finale, tobog- is made discredit to For a grotesque praise. In the fiesta scene he also care of her assignment in great without any scene rich the players followed IN DIX PICTURE gan snow was arranged with displayed a baritone voice of style. Evans displayed a nice who and mere- the figures painted ly indicates that the Allen Kearns has been signed on the sleds quality. This chap should not be voice, especially in the number stock fan wants role in Richard Dix’s second but the actors contributing the overlooked by those who are look- “Lelio Lies.” WHO he wants. The pres- for a arms ent group has starring vehicle, “I Love and heads. The song they ing for musical comedy villains in Russell Scott made an excel- a pair of proven Radio sang leads and a light player in a stage play by William Le was “I Miss My Miss” and the future. lent impression in his number comedy You.” the only Earl Lee, hit, is directing. was number in English. Irmalee Campbell contributed an “Cavaliers,” and Fred Walton as who has and attend- Baron. Mel Brown There not was a weak number excellent bit of dramatic reading a Venetian merchant was okay. on the bill and all of the per- and acting in the last act, the Peter Pope as the landlord gave a formers were artists of high merit cast seemed to lack experience. nifty characterization and Hedley although none stood out over the Their make-ups were generally Hall as father of Miss Welford others. The timing and speed of poorly put on and looked just and Miss Nemeth was convincing- the performance calculated was to what they were, particularly the ly stormy. HERBERT'S keep everything on edge so that mustaches and beards. Then, too, Victoria Alden. Lorrayne Du there Courtesy were no dull minutes. the types were not in every in- Val, Margaret Oliver, Evelyn Def- Good Food With entire The show was conceived stance well selected, but these did fon and Dorothy Dix were in and staged by Nikita Balieff OPEN ALL NIGHT and not detract particularly from the minor roles. Marjorie Moore fol- the music was arranged by Alexis general excellence of the ensemble, lowed a violin solo while toe 745-749 South Hill Street Los Angeles Archelangelsky. Jacobs. which was exceedingly large. dancing that received good ap- The costuming was most ac- plause. RUSS curate and commendable and the Other members of the show in- direction of the play was in most cluding gondoliers, serenaders and COLLER cases very well executed. ladies and gentlemen of the en- Bachelor Hotel & Grill Among those in the cast were semble include Iris Adrian, Dor- And His William Ellingford, Alexander othy Dix, Gloria Faythe, Isabelle 151-159 Powell Street San Francisco CELLAR SHAKERS Smith, E. A. Pyke, Francisco Hager, Lillian Harrell, Marilen Mixing Musical Melodies Cuellar, John Bergman, William Kay, Edna Livingston, Virginia at the Maginnetti, Edgel Blackham, Le- McAdoo, Mildred Rider, Jacklyn B. B. B. CELLAR CAFE Grande A. Anderson, William F. Roth, Mildred Terris, Mary Wind- Harrison, Jose Vuella, Leandra sor, Florine Dickinson, Vera French, Bernice Giffen, Hope Har- SHOW ris, Marjorie Hipsley, La Verna Harrelle. Joy Hanniff, Theresa EARLE Kremer, Ernestine Mahoney, Nell PRINT WALLACE O’Donnell, Rignoir Peterson, Mar- Always Busy Developing Dancing Stars but Never Too Busy garet Relling, Parmelia Smith, ALLES ME. 4872—224 E. 4th St., Los Angeles—ME. 4873 to Create and Produce Dorothy Scudder, Carol Scott, Constance Webb and Dorothy Original DANCE ROUTINES and REVUES That Sell Warren. Felix Celecia, Huncey Belmont Theatre Bldg., First and Vermont Gildner, Dudley Hammond, Henry IN TIJUANA Phone Exposition 1196 Los Angeles, Calif. WHEN Markworth, John Mather, Stanley Visit the Rendezvous of the Profession O’Connor, Art Rowlands, Don Raymond, Ed Rockwell, Hal Roe- lofs, Fred Seeley, Richard Webb, ALEX BAR and ASSOCIATtS- David Lanigan and Murray Mine- MURRAY ' •S^BUb rLor-. MoBK^r hart. I GLADYS MURRAY The orchestra was under the Pil SCHOOL/o'STAGE — — ' 1 — O RESTAURANT direction of John R. Britz. Though Opposite the Foreign Club 3636 BEVERLY BLVD. — Los Angeles — Tel. DU. 6721 hampered on premiere night by in- PRACTICAL STAGE TRAINING adequate orchestrations this later FRENCH AND ITALIAN CUISINE PAR EXCELLENCE was remedied and all is now well. IMPORTED LIQUORS AND WINES (In All Its Branches) FINEST STAGE TAP DANCING The excellent scenery was by Con- Proprietors—Alex Cardini and Johnnie Montepagno BALLET- "Technique*) By SIGNOR G. V. ROSl rad Tritschler. Bock. :

SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1930 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN PAGE FIFTEEN PERSONNEL OF WEST COAST FILM STUDIOS Permission to use, all or part, must be secured from Inside Facts Publishing Co.

PARAMOUNT STARS COMPOSERS—LIBRETTISTS FIRST NATIONAL UNIVERSAL Lon Chaney Greta Garbo Harry Ruby Sidney Clare MELROSE NEAR VINE Joan Crawford John Gilbert Bert Kalmar Harry Tierney BURBANK UNIVERSAL CITY Marion Davies William Haines Oscar Levant HO. 2400 Anne Caldwell GLadstone 4111 HEmpstead 3131 Vivian Duncan Buster Keaton Harry Ruby EXECUTIVES Rosetta Duncan Ramon Novarro PRODUCTION EXECUTIVES EXECUTIVES Norma Shearer DANCE DIRECTOR First Vice-President in Charge of Pro- Robert North Robert Lord President Carl Laemmle duction I*. Lasky Pearl Eaton Jegse FEATURED PLAYERS General Manager Carl Laemmle, Jr. General Manager of West Cast Pro- CO-EXECUTIVES IN CHARGE OF Renee Adoree Charles King GENERAL MUSICAL DIRECTOR Asst, to Carl Laemmle, Sr duction .. B. P. Schulberg PRODUCTION Nils Asther Mary Lawlor M. Stanley Bergerman Assistant to the First Vice-President in Wallace Beery Gwen Lee Victor Baravalle Hal B. Wallis C. Graham Baker Studio Manager J. J. Gain Charge of Product’ n„Albert A. Kaufman Jack Benny Bessie Love Cimini Grand Chorus Asst. General Manager....Harry HL Zehner Executive Assistant to Mr .Schulberg.... Charles Bickford George F. Marion Maestro Pietro Cimini, Musical Director SCENARIO EDITOR Business - David O. Selznick Edwina Booth Nina Mae and Conductor Manager..., Walter Stern A1 Cohn Associate Producers John Mack Brown John Miljan Production Manager Martin Murphy Rosemary Cameron Robert Montgomery Hector Turnbull, Louis D. Lighton, J. Supervising Scenario Chief Karl Polly STARS AND FEATURED PLAYERS G. Bachmann, B. F. Zeidman, E. Lloyd Dane Moran * C. Gardner Sullivan Marie Dressier Conrad Nagel Sheldon. COLUMBIA Corinne Griffith Daphne Pollard Story Editor Mary Doran Elliott Nugent Leon Abrams Richard Barthelmess Wm. Janney Production Manager Sam Jaffe J. Casting Director Harry I. Garson Cliff Edwards C. Nugent Alice White Edwards 1428 GOWER STREET Cornelius Keefe Attorney for Company Henry Herzbrun Gus Edward Nugent Alexander Gray Leila Hyams Film Editor-in-Chief Del Andrews Julia Faye Catherine Dale Owen HOUywood 7490 Studio Manager Frank Brandow Bernice Claire Clive Brook Director of Publicity Ivan St. Johns Lawrence Gray Anita Pago Walter Pidgeon Noah Beery Studio Comptroller A. C. Martin President , Joe Brandt Stenographic Raymond Hackett Basil Rathbone Doug. Fairbanks, Jr. Grant Withers Grace H. Ryan Director of Department of Music Marion Harris Duncan Renaldo Treasurer Jack Cohn Lois Wilson Lila Lee Art Director O. D. Hall Nathaniel Finston Hedda Hopper Benny Rubin Chief Studio Executive Billie Dove James Murray Supt. of Laboratory and Sound Departments Lottice Hawell Dorothy Sebastian .. Harry Cohn, Vice- Marilyn Miller Wilfred Lucas Head of Editing and Title — C. Roy Hunter Julian Johnson Leila Hyams Sally Starr President in Charge of Production Otis Skinner Vivian Oakland Kay Johnson Lewis Stone Dorothy Mackaill Louise Fazenda Camera Department C. M. Glouner Assistant to Mr. Selznick....Harold Hurley Executive Assistant to Harry Cohn Helen JohDson Etlielind Terry Samuel J. Briskin Jack Mulhall Raymond Hackett Purchasing Dept A. W. Klinordlinger Story Department Editor....Edw, Montagne Dorothy Jordan Raquel Torres Allan Prior Inez Courtney General Studio Manager. Location Manager Sigmund Moos Scenario Editor Geffrey Shurlock Charles Kaley Ernest Torrence Loretta Young Montagu Love , Samuel Bisehoff Paul Kavanaugh Fay Webb Sidney Blackmer Betty Compson Musical Director David Broekman PARAMOUNT STARS Carlotta King Roland Young Assistant General Studio Manager Frank Fay Hallam Cooley Technical Department Archie Hall Marion Kohn Eddit Nugent DeWitt Jennings Louis Mann Electrical Department Frank Graves Richard Arlen Maurice Chevalier Assistant Production Manager Monte Blue Geneva Mitchell George Bancroft Gary Cooper Art Title Department Max Cohen SONG WRITERS - . Joe Cooke DIRECTORS Clara Bow Dennis King Chief Sound Engineer John Lividary Zoo Department Charles Murphy Evelyn Brent Moran and Mack Fred Ahlert Howard Johnson Recording Engineer...... John Gray John Francis Dillon Frank Lloyd Ranch Department E. E. Smith Nancy Carroll William Powell Lon Alter Jack King Ruth Chatterton Charles Rogers Amplifyng Engineer Edward Hahn Mervyn Le Roy William A. Seiter Accounting Dept Graydon B. Howe Martin Broones Reggie Montgomery Clarence Badger Howard Hawks Herb Nacio Brown Andy “Mike” Control Engineer (Mixer) Ladies’ Wardrobe Johanna Mathieson FEATURED PLAYERS Rice William Beaudine Gus Edwards J. Russell Robinson Harry Blanchard Men’s Wardrobe .Edward Ware Fred Fisher Herbert Stothart Camera Department Head....Ted Tetzlaff WRITERS Transportation Jean Arthur Harry Green Arthur Freed Dept...Maurice E. Kurland Roy Turk Laboratory Chief George Seid Mary Brian Paul Guertzman Clifford Grey George Waggoner Francis Faragoh Henry McCarty Police Department Dick Solberg V irginia Bruce J ames Hall Property Master Edward Schulter George Ward Dimitri Tiomkin Bradley King Forrest Halsey Prop Shop E. A. Johnson Kay Francis Neil Hamilton Art Director Harrison Wiley Paul Perez Julian Josephson Mitzi Green Phillips Holmes Nursery., Walter Tauer DIALOGUE AND SCENARIO WRITERS Casting Director Clifford Robertson Earl Baldwin Humphrey Pearson Helen Kane Fred Kohler Waldemar Young F. Hugh Herbert Scenic Dpartment James Holroyd Jeanett MacDonald Paul Lukas Location Chief Joe Cooke Ralph de Alberich Gene Markey Property Dept Russell A. Gausman Lillian Roth Fredric March Maxwell Anderson Sarah Y. Mason Scenario Editor Elmer Harris CASTING DIRECTOR Hospital ~.Dr. Stanley Immerman Fay Wray David Newell Alfred Block John Meehan Story Editor D. A. Doran William Austin Jack Oakie Wm. Maybery A1 Boasberg Bess Meredyth Music Department Head Bakaleinokoff DIRECTORS Clive Brook Warner Gland Frank Butler James Montgomery Morgan Farley Guy Oliver Lenore Film Editor.Z. Maurice Pivar WARDROBE DEPARTMENT Coffee Charles MacArthur J. Murray Anderson Harry Pollard Richard “Skeet” Eugene Pallette Chief Dialogue Writer....Norman Arthur Caesar Fred Niblo, Jr. Edw. Wm. James Craft John Gallagher Frank Ross Lambert, Head of Department Robertson John Colton Jack Neville Chief Title Writer Weldon Melick Edward Stevenson, Costumes Henry MacRae Ray Taylor Stuart Erwin Regis Toomey Mitzie Cummings Samuel Ornitz Director of Publicity Alec Moss Lewis Milestone William Wyler Salisbury Field Frank Partos DIRECTORS Purchasing Agent A1 Brandt dAnce director PARAMOUNT Martin Flavin W. L. River PLAYERS Madame de Gresac Madeleine Ruthven Chief Studio Electrician....Denver Harmon Larry Ceballos George Abbott Rowland V. Lee Paul Dickey Richard Schayer Paymaster G. A. Sampson Lew Ayres Ernst Lubitsch “Sunny Jim” (Law- Dorothy Arzner Robert Hopkins Raymond Schrock ART DEPARTMENT John Boles* Ludwig Berger Lothar Mendes Transportation Manager Joe Cooke rence McKeen) Wm. Hurlbut Zelda Sears Kathryn Crawford Joan Marsh Otto Brower V ictor Schertzinger John B. Hymer Samuel Shipman Jack Okey Anton Grot Robert Edward Sutherland Ellis Ken Maynard* John Cromwell Hans Kraly G. Sil-Vara John J. Hughes HootGibson* George Cukor Frank Tuttle James Murray Anthony Jowett May Straus Otis Harlan Mary Marcel DeSano Josef von Sternberg MAKE-UP DEPARTMENT Nolan* John H. Lawson Lawrence .Stallings WARNER BROTHERS Merna Kennedy Joseph Louis Gasnier Richard Wallace Sehildkraut* Albert Le Vino Sylvia Thalberg Barbara Kent Nancy Torres Perry Ivins William Wellman Pure Westmore, Hairdressing Lew Lipton A. E. Thomas 5842 SUNSET BLVD. Mel Burns, Make-up Scott Kolk Glenn Tryon* Josephine Lovett Wanda Tuchock HOUywood 4181 Laura La Plante* Helen Wright PARAMOUNT WRITERS Willard Mack Dale Van Every MUSIC DEPARTMENT * Mrs. W. Mack Edward Welch Executives Indicates player is star. T. J. Ah earn Percy Heath Prances Marion Leo Forhstein, Director Grover JondS Zoe Akins Vice President and Production Execu- Jerome Kern-Otto Harbach WRITERS " Doris Anderson Patrick Kearney TITLE WRITERS tive Jack L. Warner Edwin Warde and A1 Bryan Guy Bolton Edwin Knopf Harry Akst and Grant Clarke Associate Executive in Charge of Pro- Tom Reed Matt Taylor Norman Burnstine Herman Mankiewicz Ruth Cummings Con Conrad, Sidney Mitchell and Joseph Farnham duction .. Winifred Reeve Paul Walton Butterfield Jos. L. Mankiewicz Darryl F. Zanuck Gangelin Lucile Newmark Archie Goettler Bob Wyler Bherman James A. Clark George Marion, Jr. General Studio Manager Wm. Koenig A1 Dubin and Lowe Edward T. Lowe, Jr. Cormack Wm. Slavns McNutt M. Jerome and Harold Berg Jed Kiley Bartlett Publicity Director George Thomas Charles Webb Lloyd Corrigan Alice D. G. Miller Michael Oleary, Ned Washington and Gene Towne Charles Logue Elinor Howard Estabrook Edw. Paramore, Jr. PLAYERS Herb Magidson Carlisle H. La Cossitt Len John Farrow Win. N. Robson II RKO STUDIOS Fields Wm. Houston Branch Ernst Charles Furthmann Daniel N. Rubin John Barrymore Lois Wilson Laemmle Albert De Mond Gerald Geraghty Viola Brothers Shore 780 ST. A1 Jolson Lew Collins GOWER Patsy Buth MiUer Well Boot Zane Grey John V. A. Weaver HOUywood 7780 Dolores Costello Waldemar Young Monte Blue Rm-Tin-Tm executives Grant Withers Tully Marshall PATHE STUDIOS CAMERAMEN CONTRACT CAMERAMEN Myrna Loy Edna Murphy Hal Mohr Vice-Pres. in Charge of Production Marian Nixon Marion Byron Arthur Edeson CULVER CITY Frank Booth Farciot Edouart Henry Gerrard William Le Baron Frank Fay Alice Gentle Walte'r Cline Harry Fischbeck William Rand Betty Compson George Arliss EMpire 9141 George Robinson Gilbert Warrenton Asst, to Mr. Le Baron Pandro Berman Lila Lee Vivienne Segal A1 Jones Jerry Ashe CASTING DIRECTOR Associate Prducer Louis A. Sarecky Louise Fazenda Pauline Frederick EXECUTIVES Associate Producer Myles Connolly Noth Beery Winnie Lightner CARTOONISTS Fred Datig Lotti Loder General Manager in Charge of Produc- Associate Producer H. B. Warner Henry Hobart Edward Everett Horton tion E. B. Derr Walter Lantz William C. Nolan Associate FASHION CREATOR Producer Bertram Milhauser Personal Representative for J. P .Ken- General Studio Manager C. D. White nedy Charles E. Sullivan Travis Banton Studio Superintendent Major Fairbanks Producer William Conselman TEC-ART STUDIOS SOUND DEPARTMENT Art Supervisor Max Eee METROPOLITAN STUDIOS Producer Ralph Block Director of Publicity Don Eddy Production Manager George Bertholon BRONSON Albert DeSart, Technical Director of 1049 LAS PALMAS AVE. AND MELROSE Sound Assistant Treasurer L. B. Smith Literary Editor Carl Hovey GR. 3111 President Alfred Casting Director Rex Bailey Chief Title Writer John Krafft Mannon WARDROBE DEPARTMENT First Vice-President and Treasurer Asst. Casting Director....Harvey Claremont President Charles H. Christie Studio Superintendent Harvey Leavitt —J. BoyceSmith Frank Richardson (Head) Production Manager L. G. Ransome Treasurer and General Manager Art Director Edward Jewell Vice-President Maurice De Mond Scenario Department Betty Roberts .. Wm. S. Holman Purchasing Agent PLAYERS Secretary and Studio Manager. DANCE DIRECTOR Richard Wilde General Representative Phil L. Ryan Construction Supt Earl McMurtrie .Irving Meiliken Studio Manager Leo Cahane William Boyd Helen Twelvetrees David Bennett Chief Electrical Dept William Johnson Technical Director Albert Ann Harding Ina Claire D’Agostino Chief Property Dept..... Sam Comer Auditor H. P. Ratlff Eddie Quillan Harry Bannister Genl. Purchasing Agent.. ..Harry Englander SPECIAL EFFECTS DEPT. Chief Wardrobe Dept Walter Plunkett Chief Sound Engineer R. S. Clayton Chief Camera Dept William Eglinton Chief Electrician Leslie Tracy Oren W. Roberts (Head) Chief Scenic Dept Assistant Sound Engineer....A, M. Granich DIRECTORS Holt Lindsley Paul Publicity Director Wilson B. Heller Location Department Art Director C. L. Cadwallader L. Stein Tay Garnett Herb Hirst Assistant Publicity Julie Goss STUDIO PUBLICITY DIRECTOR Chief Drapery Department Frank Construction Supt Sam E. Wood Vert DIALOGUE DIRECTOR Auditor RCA Photophone Chief Engineer on Chief Electrician Wally Oettel Florence Hinkle Arch Reeve Chief of Props F. W. Widdowson Properties Coast— _.R. H .Townsend Richard Boleslavsky G. Altweis Following are the companies renting CUTTING DEPARTMENT Silent and Foreign Versions Scenic and Paints Larry Sorenson Leon D’Usseau space at the studio Harold Lloyd Corp. Draperies W. S. Hepburn James Wilkinson (Head) Head of Miniature Dept Don Jahraus Chief Cutting Dept William Hamilton Caddo Co., Inc. Transportation O. E. Norstrum Chief Sound Department Carl Dreher Sono Art Prod., Inc. TELEFILM STUDIOS Outter.™ Charles Henkle FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVE Photo Effects Lloyd Knechtel Lloyd Hamilton Prod. Chief Engineer ROA Ernest Rovere Christie Film Co., Inc. Recorder..... Geoffrey Shurlock (also Scenario Editor) 1376 SUNSET DRIVE _L. E Tope STARS AND FEATUEED PLATERS Associated Artists Prod. Fine Arts Pictures, Inc. OLympia 2111 (Under Contract) Cliff Broughton Prod. President W. T. Lackey Behe Daniels Dorothy Lee Edward Small Prod. METRO-GOLDWYN- Richard Dix Vice-President Jack O’Rourke CHAPLIN STUDIOS Rita LaT „ Roy Halperin Prod. MAYER Rod La Rocque James Cruze, Inc. Secretary and Treasurer L. R. Turner Betty Compson Renee Macready Italotone Film Prod 1416 N. LA BREA AVE. General Manager Ralph M. Like Olive Borden Bert Wheeler Robert C. Bruce Outdoor HEmpstead 2141 CULVER CITY Ivan Lobedeff Joel McCrea Talking Pictures, Inc. Director of Music George Cox EMpire 9111 Hugh Trever Rudy Vallee Soung Engineers „ President, Director and Star Sally Blane June Clyde Earl Crane and O. B. Mills - Charles Chaplin EXECUTIVES : Roberta Gale Marguerita Padula Chief Engineer Dick Gray "V ice-President and General Manager.... Polly Walker Franker Woods Alfred Reeves Louis B. Mayer Hunt Stromberg DARMOUR STUDIOS Construction Superintendent....Floyd Price Helen Kaiser Roger Gray Treasurer .Lois C. Runser Irving G. Thalberg Bernard Hyman Chief Cinematographers Harry Rapf Laurence Weingarten 5823 SANTA AUTHORS AND WRITERS MONICA BLVD. Rollie Totheroh and Gordon Pollock E. J. Mannix Paul Bern HO. 8704 Photographer Mark Albert Lewin Marlatt John Russell Ben Hecht TIFFANY PRODUCTIONS Director of Publicity and Advertising.... President Supervision Eugene Walter J. Walter Ruben and — - Carlyle Robinson DIRECTORS Wallace Smith Hugh Larry Darmour Herbert SUNSET BOULEVARD Script Department Della Steele James A. Creelman Beulah Marie Dix Cameraman James Brown, Jr. Executive Clarence Brown Sammy Secretary Kathleen Pryor Lee George O’Hara Jane Murfin Publicity and Advertising L. E. Heifitz OLympia 2131 Communication Lionel Barrymore Robert Z. Leonard Consuelo Jackson Charles MacArthur Vina Delmar Story Dept E. V. Durling Purchasing Agent Joseph Harry Beaumont Edgar J. McGregor President L. A. Young Van Meter George Abbott Samson Raphaelson Technical Frank Dexter Property Charles Brabin Marshall Neilan Master Hal Atkins Tom Geraghty Recording O. S. Franklin Executive Vice-President....Grant L. Cook Laboratory David Burton Fred Niblo Chief Val Lane Chief Electrical and Sound Neil Jack Chief Studio Executive .Phil Goldstone Assistant Jack Conway William N igh Henry Bergman DIRECTORS Purchasing and Production....Pell Mitchell Still Department Cecil B. DeMille Robert Ober Comptroller .. Ira E. Seidel Ed. Anderson Property Department Wsley Morton Chief Electrician Wm. deMille Charles Riesner Luther Reed Purchasing Agent Frank Testera Frank Craven Directors Milton Gatzert Foreman Carpenter Sidney Franklin Mai St. Clair Bert William Bogdanoff Glennon nerpertHerbert Brenrm A1 Herman, Lew Foster, Phil Whitman Director of Publicity Casting Jacques Feyder Victor Seastrom Brenon Director Allan Garcia Mai St. Clair Still Department .Harry Blanc Arthur Nick Grinde Rupert Julian Q. Hagarman Edward Sedgwick Lambert Hillyer Head Cutter Edgar Scott Art Director...... Hervey Libbert PLAYERS George Hill W. S. Van Dyke Paul Sloane Reginald Barker RCA Photophone Licensee Albert Kelley King Vidor Wesley Ruggles Mel Brown Home Office: Standard Cinema Head of Sound Dept .. Lewis Myer Sam Wood Corpora- Virginia Cherrill Harry Myers Marshall Neilan tion, 1560 Broadway, New York Head of Set Dressing Dept Geo. Sawley Albert Austin PAGE SIXTEEN INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1930





Week Of January 25th Scanned from the collection of Karl Thiede

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