Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery Bookstore 2864 Chicago Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407 Newsletter #125 March — May, 2019 Hours: M-F 10 am to 7 pm RECENTLY RECEIVED AND FORTHCOMING SCIENCE FICTION Sat. 10 am to 6 pm; Sun. Noon to 5 pm ALREADY RECEIVED Uncle Hugo's 612-824-6347 Fantasy & Science Fiction January / February 2019 (New fiction, reviews, Uncle Edgar's 612-824-9984 Fax 612-827-6394 more)............................................................ $8.99 E-mail:
[email protected] Locus #695 December 2018 (Interviews with Kim Stanley Robinson and Becky Website: www.UncleHugo.com Chambers; forthcoming books; industry news, reviews, and more).. $7.50 Locus #696 January 2019 (A look at sf and fantasy art; industry news, reviews, and more)............................................................ $7.50 45th Anniversary Sale Locus #697 February 2019 (2018 year in review; industry news, reviews, and more)............................................................ $7.50 Uncle Hugo’s is the oldest Atkinson/Tucker Tardis Type 40 Instruction Manual (Doctor Who: Full operational guidelines, surviving science fiction bookstore including all regenerative updates, for the ship that can take you anywhere in time and in the United States. We opened for space, plus explanations of what to do if things go wrong. Full color illustrations business on March 2, 1974. To throughout)...................................................... $19.99 encourage you to help us celebrate Cole, Steve Combat Magicks (Doctor Who: Features the 13th Doctor and her companions. Gaul, Uncle Hugo’s 45th Anniversary, we 451 CE: The TARDIS arrives in Gaul on the eve of battle between the forces of Attila the Hun are having a sale.