National Inland Waterways in India A Strategic Status Report Shripad Dharmadhikary JindaSandbhor Published by Manthan Adhyayan Kendra and SRUTI 30 March 2017 National Inland Waterways in India A Strategic Status Report Shripad Dharmadhikary JindaSandbhor Published by Manthan Adhyayan Kendra and SRUTI 30 March 2017 National Inland Waterways in India: A Strategic Status Report Authors: Shripad Dharmadhikary, JindaSandbhor Research and Map Support: AhemadShaikh, Manthan Adhyayan Kendra Published by: SRUTI, New Delhi and Manthan Adhyayan Kendra, Pune & Badwani Date: 30 March 2017 Author Contacts:
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[email protected] Publisher Contacts: SRUTI, Q-1, HauzKhas Enclave, New Delhi - 110016, India Ph. +91 -11 26964946, +91-11 26569023 SRUTI Mail:
[email protected] Manthan Adhyayan Kendra Acknowledgements: We gratefully acknowledge all the following for their support and contribution in various ways to this report, and the analysis and field work that went into it. AnandPrakashTiwari, Anil Prakash, ArunShivkar, Bharat Jhunjhunwala, Dhananjay, EktaShekhar, GovardhanPatil, JagritiRahi, Krishna Yashwanth, Nagesh Thakur, Nandikesh, NandiniOza, Pooja Kumar, PrafullaSamantray, PranabChoudhary, PriyabrataSatpathy, Prof. P.K. Mishra, Prof. S.N. Upadhayay, Prof. U.K. Choudhary, RajanZhemse, Rajeshwar Mishra, Ravi Shekhar, RinaParija, SandeepPattnaik, SudarshanChhotoray, Shankar Pani,SurekhaDalvi, UlkaMahajan. In earlier times, we shaped our boats to fit our rivers. Now, we are shaping our rivers to fit the size of our vessels. Inland waterways possibly represent the biggest intervention in our rivers, second only to large dams. FOREWORD Weare very happy to share the Strategic Status Report on National Inland Waterways in India which is now becoming a new dimension of current development paradigm in India.