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MEET the FINDLAY TOYOTA All J ~ .l .; ~ J / J !.J JJ': ~!.J!J:; -' :;:.: 4 U ::J :;J :;J :;./ .. :.J JJ .:J JJ .:J JJJ ..:J :J .:.J ~ j JJ ::: .. .:: :.J JJJ MEET THE FINDLAY TOYOTA I ® All-CAR TEAM! (family) SEE THE LLINE TODAY. 2002 TOYOTA AVALON 2002 TOYOTA CAMRY 2003 TOYOTA COROLLA Engi ne: 210 horsepower 10-liter 24 valve OO IiC WI-i V6. En gin e: 192 horsepower 10-liler OOIiC 24-valve V6 _ Engi ne: 130 horsepower i8·lilerOOHe 16-valveWH Interior space: 106_6cubic leeL Honors: Consumers Oi gesl besl buy Ihree slJa ighl years; Motto: ''II's all aboul having lun." Special features: lealher-wrapped wheel, wood-gra in slyle Oelroil News' 2001 Car of IheYear. Miscellaneous: Revampedlor 2001 Allordable, Irim, driver's sidemirror automa lically adjusls when Ihe car Misce ll aneous: Redesigned in2002. wilh six models ranging from $13,B55 10 $15,965_ behind you has its brighl s on. 2003 TOYOTA MATRIX 2002 TOYOTA SEOUOIA 2002 TOYOTA TUNDRA Transmission: AUl omalic or live and six-speed manual. Engine: 240 horsepower 47-liler OOIiC 32-valve Engin e: 245 horsepower 4Jliler OOIiC i- fORC( VB. Special feature s: 115-voll power oullellor all your gadgels i-fORCE VB . Specia l ab ilities: Seals six comlorlably Definition: II's nOImerelv anOl her ulility vehic le. It's nOi Room avai lable: full -size SUV seals eighL Honors: Insurance Inslilule lor lI ighway SalelY's highesl si mill yl lielal esl hOI rod .lI's not jusl an allordable sedan . Ii's Special abilities: (Qually adePI on-road as oil. overall salelY raling lor pickups; 10_Power &Associales all oi lli ea bove andl li en so me . mOSI appealing lull ·size pickup lor Ihe second siraighl year. tr; IN THE VALLEY AUTOMALL Flriillay 566·2000 TOYOTA Dealer 1# 1346 YOUR INITIALS, CORPORATE LOGO OR CUSTOM ARTWORK! MANY STYLES ANO COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM! DICE AND DICE GAMES! WE CARRY THE SLOT MACHINES, VIOEO POKER, ANTIQUES FINEST MADE! ANO EVERYTHING IN·BETWEEN. -ALL SIZES -ALL SHAPES State-of·the·art electronic slot & video -PRECISION poker machines. These are the same CASINO DICE machines that are in use in every major - BACKGAMMON Aloha Airlines® daily flights from Las Vegas to Burbank and Oakland casino ... and we also carry the best -CRAPS International. All w ith a choice of United Mileage Plus® or AlohaPass® miles. -AND ALL THE And a level of service that's second to none. ro u n dtrip aalaction of ganuine antique slot and por pe.son GAMES TO GO gaming machines! WITH THEM! To reserve a seat at our special fare - or for more information on our fares LAS VEGAS TO aURBANK to Hawai'i - call your travel agent or Aloha Airlines toll-free at Special Fare 1·877-TRY-ALOHA (1-877-879-2564). Or visit . CALL FOR OUR SS-PAGE EVERYTHING YOU NEEO FOR A GREAT FULL CO OR CATALOGI rou n dtri p per pe r t on NIGHT OF BINGO! CALL (BOD) 322-2447' LAS VEGAS TO OAKLAND • BINGO CAGES A R L NESCI Special Fare • DAUBERS Spread a little Aloha around the world. • BOARDS ONLY 8 BLOCKS FROM THE CAL • WANDS & FREMONT STREET! ,..~"" • TICKETS • SPOTTERS $77 Burbank fare is inclusive of all taxes, fees and surcharges. with the exception of the Federal September 1 1! ~ Security Fee of S2.50 per enplanement Passengers will nO! be charged for more than two enplanements per one-way trip or four enplanements pe r roundtrip. S77 Burbank fa re is good for one round trip Coach Class ticket originating from Las Vegas to Burbank. Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights. all days or dunng holiday periods. Reservations and tlcketm9 must be completed at the same time AI! tll:kets are non-refundable GAMBLERS GENERAL STORE Any dale changes will be sublect to a service chaq]e of S25. Fare subjec t to change or cancellation Wi thout notice and other restnctlons may apply 800 S. MAIN STREET, LAS VEGAS, NV 89101 HOME S99 Oakland fare is inclusive of all taxes. fees and surcharges wltll the exceptIOn of the Federal September I ,tll Security Fee of S2.50 per enplanement. Passengers will not be charged fo r more than two enplanements per one -way trip or fOllr enplanements per ro undtrip, $99 Oakland fare IS good for one round tnp Coach Class IIckm onglnatmg from Las Vegas to Oakland IN NV: (702J 382-9903 FAX: [702J 366.(J329 G AMING International. Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights, all days. 01 durmg holiday periods. Rese rvations and ticketing must be completed at th e sam e tlJn e All tIckets are [email protected] pRODUCTS non-refundable Any date changes will be subject to a service charge of S25. Fare sublect to cha nge or cancellation without notIce and other restrIctions may apply M EI/IUNE 2003 3 - ---- - ----r--.-.....-;==...;;..;==-....;;; C o N I I N I S ••••••••••• MAY - M E l · JU N E - IU N E -F':''E\;IS-? HO'OLAULE'A TIME FROM HAWAI'I TO NY ................ 6 FE AT URES MOTH E R'S AN D FATH E R'S DAY ...18-19 LV MEDIAN HOUSING COST ACCELERATING .. .... .... ..... .26 LOCAL I<INE RESTAURANTS IN CALI F.... ...... .. ...........28 HAWAI'I - ALL YOU CAN EAT & DRINK* , UH FOOTBALL ......... .. ... ......17 · SC HOLARS HIP S FOR H A WAIIANS .. 20 POOLSIDE POLYNESIAN REVUE , TIME SHARE ......................26 MEMORIAL DAY - IIAll You Can Eat" · "G ETTYSBURG ADDRESS" ... ..... .30 · OLD GEEZERS ........... .... ... .. 12 Island & Seafood Buffet · NATIONAL FLAG DAY ............. .31 · SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS .... .. .4, 31 *Unlimited Drinks: Mai Tai • Piiia Colada · EDITOR'S 'OHANA FINAL • Fruit Punch SALUTE TO DAD . ...... ... ... ..... 12 Tuesdays & Thursdays Poolside D E PAR T MEN T S (Weather Permitting) ALOHA FROM SO. CALI FORN IA .....13 Starting April 22, 2003 CALEN DAR .... .. ... ..... .. ...... 21 Doors open at 6:30 p.m. C LA SS I FIE D . ... .... ........ ..22 ISLAND HOPPING .. .. ..... ..10 I<ANAI<A NIELE ....................14 Show Reservations LV POTPOURRI . .. .. .. .. ..... ... 16 702-794-3261 LETTERS TOTHE EDITOR . .. ......12 MARCH TO LITE RACY . .... .. ... 27 Toll Free 888-777-7664 NINTH ISLAND .... .. ... ...... 25 RECI PES ..........................24 MAy 26 MEMORIAL DAY HONOR THEIR SACRIFICES. mJ ~~~!!!~s~!!~,!E! COVER PHOTO: BRIAN JANIS, www. imperialpalace . com PHOTOTECHNIK INTERNATIONAL 4 'O HANA -------~=====~- - -------_.- ~----~----- - ------ ------ Ho'olaule'a on Mainland Keeps Lx-Pats "In-Touch" Ex-islanders everywhere will gather to get their annual "' Island-fi x" in the coming months. Even though they li ve o n the mainland. you know where their hearts and roots are. M O. April 11-13 21ld Pure Aloha, Cali fo rni a Hotel, 702-296-3947 or 804-5 165. April 20-26 40th M errie Monarch Festival Hi 10. HI. 808-935-9 168. April 27 10th 'Ukulele Festival of Northem Calif. Hayward. CA. 5 10-793- 11 65. May 2 & 3 6th George Naope Northwest Hula Festival l=- x ~ at ria t es of Hawai'i co a s l ~ t o - coaS l - as well as fo lk s For the thro ngs of ex-i slander s li v ing throughollt th e Seattle, WA. 425-787-0928. ma inland. it's thei r seasoll to LI se a local Hawaii an festi va l L Sll1I lU Cky enough to live in Hawa i 'j - shed their May 3 o r two <.I S a way 10 re turn to the ir roots and re member overcoats and begin celebratino their annual 110 'o/aule '(I 15th Hilla Ho'ike "homc" - lc ri yaki beeL kalll"a p ig. 1l111 "UIllU ' U and a loha (festi val) agai n. Some of t h o~ ho'olaul e'a attract less G lendale. CA. 8 18-84 1-3547. lhan 10,000, bUl mOSl easil y exceed lhal lofty number shirt. is land ente rtain ment w hic h goes o n-stage all day afler a weekend's lall y. lo ng by singers an u hula hala/{ (u ance g ro ups). M an y M ay 3-4 even d ress as ir they were in Hawai"j - walking shorts. • 6th Lei Day Las Vegas 2003 Th e 2nd Pure Aloha opens th e season at the Cali fo rnia Hawai ia n T-s hirts and " rubha s lippas:" Californi a Hote l. 702-25 1-5793. HOlel parking lot on Apri l 11 - 13. The largest of th em a iL • 14th Pacific Islander Festival the 9th San Diego Festi val on Sept. 27-28, is perh aps th e T he larger fest ivals have SO a nd even surpass 100 booths. Ken Mall oy Regiona l Park. grandest of all fe sti va ls, nearing 100.000 att e ndees Pa rti c ularl y for festi v al s ,- !lo n g th e w es tern region. last year. Wilmington. CA. 7 14-968- 1785. vendors fro m H awai 'j a ls o a tt e nu to se ll the ir wares. M ay 10 191h Hawaiiall May Day Festival Alameida Fai rg rounds. Pleasanton. CA. 650-355-645 1: 5 10-786-2890. 6 ' O H A N A MEI / IUNE 2003 A Note from the Editor MEL OZEKI , PH,D, ilver Financial Needs Anticipated. ___________IOHANA (family)® tate We wi ll like ly be in a state of war Dreams Fulfilled. VO L Uf\,IE 7 ISSUE 5 M ay/June 03 chools when you read this column, If we "'iiii-~~ EDIT UNION Publisher / Editor Mel Ozeki, Ph,D.
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    (APPROVED: 11/07/13) CULTURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 5, 2013 ** All documents, including written testimony, that was submitted for or at this meeting are filed in the minutes file and are available for public viewing at the Maui County Department of Planning, One Main Plaza, 2200 Main Street, Suite 315, Wailuku, Maui, Hawai`i. ** A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Cultural Resources Commission (Commission) was called to order by Chairperson, Warren Osako, at approximately 10:00 a.m., Thursday, September 5, 2013, in the Planning Department Conference Room, first floor, Kalana Pakui Building, 250 South High Street, Wailuku, Island of Maui. A quorum of the Commission was present. (See Record of Attendance.) Chair Warren Osako: The September 5th meeting of the Maui County Cultural Resources Commission is now called to order. At this time, I’d like to make a couple of announcements. First of all, for those of you doing public testimony, the purpose of the public testimony is to give the Commission Members your opinions. If you have questions for the presenter, you should do that at the public meeting. At this meeting, you’re just to give your opinions to the Commission Members. And finally, for the Commission Members, to keep the meeting orderly, shall we go around the table at the end of each so we make it orderly? And please remember to use your microphone. Thank you. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE MAY 2, 2013 and JUNE 6, 2013 MEETINGS Chair Osako: Okay. The first item on the agenda is approval of the minutes of the May 2, 2013 and June 6, 2013 meetings.
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