Summer 2013 Editorial Office: Summer 2013 SEAHO Editors [email protected] Mailing & Fax Information Feat U Res Available Upon Request

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Summer 2013 Editorial Office: Summer 2013 SEAHO Editors Seahoreport@Gmail.Com Mailing & Fax Information Feat U Res Available Upon Request SUMMER 2013 Editorial Office: Summer 2013 SEAHO Editors [email protected] Mailing & Fax Information feat u res Available Upon Request. ____________ 8 Housing Brings FAFSA to the Halls Jessica Lai, University of Florida ____________ 9 CERT: A new kind of Professional Development opportunity Terry Fassanella, College of William and Mary ____________ 10 Maximizing Professional Development through Professional Reading Anthony Dustin Rollins, University of Florida ____________ 12 Retreating the Right Way: Staff Retreats 101 Chantal Matthews, Old Dominion University ____________ 14 Fire Safety Education at Mercer Ricky Clark, Mercer University ____________ 15 Simulation Activities as Diversity Education Tori Charette & Anthony Dustin Rollins, University of Florida ____________ 18 Building the Future: Emory & Henry College Incorporates the Passivhaus Standard Josh von Castle, Emory & Henry College ____________ 20 Making the Most of Your First Professional Position Christine Winget, University of Florida ____________ 25 Building a Career on a Housing Foundation Reshaud Rich, Old Dominion University ____________ SEAHO Report Editorial Policy: 27 Squeezing the Most Out of Your Internship All members of SEAHO institutions are Donvontae E. Walton, ACUHO-I Intern, Clemson University encouraged to submit articles for publication. ____________ Articles should be typed and can be e-mailed to the SEAHO Editors. If necessary, articles 28 Bluegrass to Blue Devil – Participants Reflect on RELI can be faxed or mailed, but e-mail 2013 at Duke University attachments are preferred. Be sure to include Jay Carnes, Ashley Hazen, & Jared Hirtz, the author’s name and institution, and RELI 2013 Delegation SEAHO committee or task force affiliation ____________ as appropriate. Photographs or other camera- ready graphics are welcomed. Material that 29 Practica(lly) a Professional: Utilizing Experiences in has been submitted to other publications is Graduate School discouraged. Any questions should be Tiffany Griffith, University of Florida referred to the SEAHO Report Editor or ____________ State Editors. 30 Unorthodox Residential Living: When in Rome… Trish Gomez, Clemson University Materials not received on time or not used ____________ due to space limitations will be considered for the next issue if still timely. Necessary editorial revisions will be made to ensure publication quality and to meet space requirements. Permission is granted to reproduce portions of the contents, but credit to the SEAHO Report is required SEAHO Report Summer 2013 departments SEAHO President 3 SEAHO Editor 4 SEAHO News 5 RELI 2013 Wrap-Up 5 SEAHO Well Represented at STARS College 6 SEAHO 2014 Program Submissions 7 “Thank You SEAHO” 7 Student Affairs Around the Region 31 Alabama Updates 31 Florida Updates 33 Georgia Updates 35 Kentucky Updates 37 Louisiana Updates 39 Mississippi Updates 40 North Carolina Updates 41 South Carolina Updates 42 Tennessee Updates 42 Virginia Updates 43 SEAHO Report Summer 2013 SEAHOSEAHO P FRESIDENTEATURES Happy Summer SEAHO! As I write this greeting, I know that your campuses, like mine, are abuzz with orientation events, housing assignments and notifications, and staff pulling together the last minute details for staff training. Such a great time of year! Doesn’t it crack you up when people assume you get the summer off, and think you sit by the pool sipping fruity drinks? SEAHO has had a busy summer. I hope those of you that were lucky enough to be at the ACUHO-I Annual Conference and Exposition enjoyed catching up with friends at the SEAHO reception. Thanks to Tim Blair and Adrienne Frame for hosting the event for our region. We are accomplishing two HUGE tasks this summer: First, we have completed our periodic Member Needs Assessment. We received almost 200 responses to the survey, and collected some great data and comments. These data will be used for our next HUGE task- completing a new strategic plan for our association that will provide us with our direction from 2014-2019. The executive council will spend two full days in retreat at the end of July reviewing the survey data, our current strategic plan, and our mission and vision statements. By the time we meet in Louisville in February, the Governing Council will have a new strategic plan to present to the membership. I am excited to report as well that we are working with an experienced consultant to make sure we get our work done in a thorough manner that allows us as volunteers to maintain some semblance of work-life balance! I am so excited to work with Dr. Brian Charette of Learnership Solutions on this important task. Brian is able to bring the strategic planning process into a meaningful and enjoyable series of manageable pieces. He is passionate about planning, and is able to draw participants into his passion. For those of you that have been through the strategic planning process before, it is not always, well, much fun. Brian makes it fun, meaningful, and our end product will be a living document that will lead our association through the remainder of this decade. Pretty exciting stuff! Can you tell I am pretty geeked out about this? I’d like to thank our RELI coordinators Vickie Hawkins and Steve Stauffer and the RELI faculty for planning and implementing yet another amazing professional development event. Once again the reviews have been raving, and careers changed for the better. I look forward to hearing more from participants and faculty. Ashley Guinn Taylor is working hard on programs for the annual conference. Programs proposal will be accepted very soon, so be thinking about all the great knowledge you can share with us in Lousiville. Finally, Tom Hardy and the host committee have been hard at work planning for our 50th SEAHO conference in Lousiville. Our anniversary is gonna be BIG! Mark your calendars now for February 18-21, 2014. You do not want to miss this one! Sending out all kinds of summer SEAHO love- Maggie Maggie Burkhart Evans President, SEAHO SEAHO Report Summer 2013 3 SEAHO Editor Happy summer everyone! It’s a time to take a breath, relax, travel, and reflect. Right? Don’t worry, we all know that we secretly work our tails off during the summer – just with fewer students in our faces. I sincerely hope that each of you have taken at least a few days where you have gone away or stayed off campus, not checked your e-mail or answered a phone call, and done something that brought a huge smile to your face and a deep sigh of relief. I just wanted to thank everyone for making this such a strong issue of the SEAHO Report. There are thirteen feature articles for you to enjoy and updates from all ten SEAHO states! Please continue to send in your ideas to us. We hope to soon have a submission site available for you all on the SEAHO website, but for the time being continue to send article, updates, and news to [email protected]. Our future deadlines are September 24, 2013 and January 7, 2014. Please add those to your calendar and set a reminder for yourself. I would like to issue a special challenge to the more seasoned professionals in SEAHO to submit feature articles for the fall issue. I know you all have a wealth of knowledge to share, so please represent mid-level professionals and CHOs by showing the new and entry-level professionals “how it’s done.” As always, your readership is appreciated. Good luck with the remainder of the summer and the start of your fall semesters/terms. Take care out there! In Service, Ben Wicker SEAHO Report Managing Editor 4 SEAHO Report Summer 2013 SEAHO News Regional Entry-Level Institute “RELI” 2013 RELI 2013 was held on the campus of Duke University, June 5-8, 2013. In a future edition of the SEAHO Report, there will be an article from several participants reflecting on their four day experience. Until then, this article will provide general information on the 10th anniversary of SEAHO’s Regional Entry Level Institute. The Co-chairs for RELI 2013 were Vickie Hawkins (Appalachian State University (NC) and Steve Stauffer (University of Kentucky). Hosts from Duke University were Deb LoBiondo and Andrea Becker. Shadowing the Duke hosts to prepare for RELI 2014 were Andrea Trinklein and Ambra Yarbrough of Emory University (GA). The curriculum was created around competencies for housing staff as defined by Dr. Diane Porter-Roberts of the University of Florida. Eight faculty members prepared thought provoking presentations on: • Professionalism • Budgeting • Supervision • Assessment and Evaluation • Facilities Management • Crisis Management • Professional Development • Advising and Mentoring The eight faculty members were: • Curt Erwin (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.) • Lauren Taylor (Samford University (AL)) • Calvin Mosely (Mississippi State University) • Kirsten Kennedy (Univ. of South Carolina) • Charlie Macke (Tennessee Tech University) • Adrienne Frame (Florida State University) • Maylen Aldana (Louisiana State University) • Bob Brown (Transylvannia University (KY) The selected common reader set the tone and established the theme for the Institute. Choice, Not Chance by Joanne P. McCallie (Head Women’s Basketball Coach at Duke University) was enjoyed by all. The faculty members infused quotes and lessons from the book into their presentations. Deb LoBiondo led a 90 minute discussion on the book and how the examples described by Coach P could be helpful with the work University Housing professionals complete every day. A sports theme was the backbone of RELI; however, the highlight of the Institute was actually hearing from
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