In Theory WINTER 2017 A Word from the Director The School of Kingdom. Together with numerous and geographic, literary and visual, Criticism and visitors from within the larger Ithaca institutional and global dimensions, in Theory (SCT) community, over the course of long view of which we need to reconceive the is sponsored and intensive weeks they explored idiom and conceptual armature—and, by Cornell a new vocabulary and novel forms perhaps, all too theoretical premises or University and of understanding across disciplinary criteria—of theory and criticism again by a consortium boundaries, languages, and competences. today. The topics they addressed were of some thirty The beautiful location of Cornell varied, broad, and complementary to the major American University’s campus resonated with the deep probing that animated the six-week and foreign singular combination of contemplative seminars. They ranged from ontological universities. moods and energetic fows for which pluralism as anthropological critique to Every summer, SCT’s summer sessions have come to be literature and vulnerability, the concept it assembles four known. of just war, and psychological and Hent de Vries distinguished architectural surfaces. Paulette Goddard Professor of the Humanities and faculty for four Opening this yearly Newsletter, I would Professor of Religious six-week long like to express a special word of gratitude My sincere thanks also go to the visiting Studies, German, and Com- seminars, and four to our eminent seminar leaders: Emily public lecturers; Amanda Anderson, parative Literature, New one-week mini- Apter, Faisal Devji, Michael Puett, and Jonathan Culler, Frances Ferguson, York University seminar leaders. Carolyn Rouse. During the six weeks, and Mariët Westermann, who opened We admit between they formed not only a congenial dream- our eyes to motifs and motivations eighty and one team, discussing their latest thoughts on that were altogether diferent still and hundred participants, who enroll in one the theoretical and political ramifcations added something essential as well. six-week seminar and actively participate of thinking in untranslatables, the They discussed theory and doxa in in all other events (which include all of empirical and practical and not merely contemporary political psychology, recent the mini-seminars, public lectures, flm abstract-moral role played by the idea perspectives on the relationship between screenings, spontaneous reading groups, of humanity, the case made for and narratology and the lyric, deep education, and colloquia with the seminar leaders against reparations within the wider and the humanities in the world. From all around pre-circulated papers). The perspective of social justice, and new these diferent angles, there developed a intensive format of the summer institute ways of conceptualizing religion in conversation that was as unregulated as it enables participants to forge lifelong cosmopolitan and comparative terms. was rewarding; the very gift of thinking. intellectual friendships as well as strong Rare are the occasions where we get connections with the group of faculty to see eminent scholars think on their Yet most of all a word of appreciation and other visitors, which often include feet, witness thought in action, with should be addressed to larger group members of SCT’s distinguished group of all the passion and wider institutional of participants, not only for joining us Senior and Honorary Fellows. In addition and political engagement this so clearly at SCT this past summer, showing up to the scholarly working sessions, SCT implies. I remember well what it takes to each day, doing the many readings, and hosts an impressive amount of receptions, sustain a level of intensity and quality of engaging in all the activities, but also outings, and social events in which common readings and discussions over for the wealth of ideas, the penetrating participants have the chance to interact an extended period and in the company questions, and the sheer promise of more informally with each other and with of some of the smartest and most highly refection and critical practice by which the faculty, Senior and Honorary Fellows, motivated participants one will ever meet they reminded all present (during the visitors, and the wider Cornell academic in a seminar. As seminar leaders, these Q&A session following public lectures, community. colleagues have shown us a model of during the colloquia, the ofce hours, what it still and increasingly means to be and over drinks) why it is again that In summer 2017 the forty-frst session an academic and intellectual presence in those who join SCT love and are deeply of the School of Criticism and Theory ways that are exemplary and worthy of committed to the profession, a profession, convened with eight distinguished emulation. This is how we all learn and lest one forgets, which is a genuine faculty members, four prominent public become better scholars and teachers. calling, as Max Weber taught us, and guest lecturers, and a group of just under whose very future and present carriers 80 participants. The majority among Many thanks go also to the superb they, as participants, are. them are studying or teaching at North mini-seminar faculty; Philippe Descola, American universities, but others joined Shoshana Felman, Avishai Margalit, In this Newsletter, we invite you to read us from China and India, Russia and and Anthony Vidler, who allowed us to the participant essays to follow, which Peru, Palestine and South Korea, and let our minds wander into alternative, individually and collectively provide a from across Europe, including Sweden, if often parallel, universes of thought vivid sense of last summer’s experience. France, the Netherlands, and the United and of practice, broadening the social They capture the range and intensity of IN THEORY 2 Winter 2017

2018 Summer Session: June 17 - July 26

Six-Week Seminars Mini-Seminars Visiting Guest Lecturers

Eduardo Cadava Veena Das Homi Bhabha Professor of English, Princeton University Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Anthropology Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of the “Genealogies of Memory and Perception: Literature and Adjunct Professor of Humanities, Johns Humanities, Department of English; Director, and Photography” Hopkins University Mahindra Humanities Center; Senior Advisor “Ordinary Ethics and Its Critics” on the Humanities to the President and Provost, Peter E. Gordon Harvard University Amabel B. James Professor in History; Faculty Bernard E. Harcourt “Statelessness and Death: Refections on the Burdened Afliate, Department of Germanic Languages; Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law Life” Faculty Afliate, Department of Philosophy, and Political Science, Columbia University; Harvard University Director of the Columbia Center for Paul Fleming “Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory” Contemporary Critical Thought; Directeur Professor of German Studies and Comparative d’études, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Literature; Taylor Family Director, Society for the Sharon Marcus Sociales, Paris Humanities, Cornell University Orlando Harriman Professor of English and “Toward a Critical Practice” “The Politics of Anecdotes” Comparative Literature, Columbia University “Critical Methods in the Humanities: Description, Samuel Moyn Alondra Nelson Interpretation, Explanation, Evaluation” Professor of Law and History, Yale University Professor, Sociology and , “American War” Columbia University; President, Social Science Tracy McNulty Research Council Professor of French and Comparative Literature, Avital Ronell “Moral Institutions and Racial Reconciliation after the Cornell University University Professor in the Humanities; Professor Genome” “Psychoanalysis and Politics” of German, Comparative Literature, and English; Director of Poetics & Theory, New York University Sari Nusseibeh “Trauma Zone - Falling Apart in Literature & Professor of Philosophy, Al-Quds University, Philosophy” Jerusalem “The Humanities in the World” For Online Application and Program Information:

(continued from page 1) the Humanities, ever since. Its former of imagination, while never forgetting directors include Murray Krieger, the concrete political responsibilities that the intellectual life at SCT and convey the Geofrey Hartman, Michael Rifaterre, more abstract refections entail. distinct characters of individual seminars Stephen Nichols, Dominick LaCapra, as well as the spontaneous relationships and Amanda Anderson. Yet the school’s Beyond the infatuation with identities and dialogues that developed outside full history remains to be written, now and cultures, national literatures and of formal settings. New intellectual that “theory at Yale” and the humanities cosmopolitanisms, humanisms and friendships and projects were forged elsewhere have become topics of wider antihumanisms, old and new historicisms during these weeks, old and all too discussion and, sometimes, concern, and their opposing structuralisms, close worn-out intellectual positions were and just as a formidable inventory of or distant reading, mind or matter, happily dropped. None of this would worldwide Critical Theory programs and beings and things, SCT seeks out forms have happened were it not for the happy centers is currently being undertaken of undogmatic inquiry into modes and constellation of minds and bodies, at the initiative of , former moods of genuine thinking and practice souls and hearts, interests and passions Senior SCT Board Member, with the help that are both analytical and constructive, that revealed itself there, as those who of Penelope Deutscher and a generous meditative and deeply engaged. Its were present immersed themselves in grant from the Andrew W. Mellon mission, if one can say so, is the pursuit interdisciplinary encounters, reading Foundation. of a certain intellectual style and to foster groups, and merriment. modes of non-criteriological knowledge, From its inception, SCT has played an well beyond method. The School of Criticism and Theory important role as an annual scholarly and began in 1976 as “a forum for the work intellectual platform on which the drama Absent any overarching themes, common of leading critical theorists and scholars of the somewhat fruitless theory wars and methods, or overall aims, the current in a wide variety of humanistic and the questionable virtue of vain polemics practice of criticism and theory thrives interpretive social-science disciplines.” is resolutely sidestepped or “slowed on deeply personal, if often shared, It was founded at the University of down.” Instead a climate of rigorous intellectual styles. Yet it testifes also to California, Irvine, and then relocated investigations and courteous debate of unplanned resonances of decisive global to Northwestern University, where the “themes out of school,” as Stanley Cavell concerns, the apparent universalizing summer school session took place from once aptly called them, is both honored force of singular idioms, and the 1981 through 1985, and subsequently and fostered. In the best tradition of translation of feld-specifc concepts moved to Dartmouth College, where it critical and comparative studies across into wider contexts that end up relating resided from 1986 through 1996. SCT a wide variety of historical and literary to unexpected others without any moved to Cornell University, in Ithaca, in felds as well as empirical and visual rule-governed guidance as to how this 1997, where it has found a secure home disciplines, the School invites thinkers projection succeeds—as clearly, one is in the beautiful A.D. White House, home who cherish the life of the mind, the force tempted to say, demonstrably—it so often to Cornell’s distinguished Society for of the better argument, and the courage does: creating efects without determining IN THEORY 3 Winter 2017

causes and signs without self-evident for the Society for the Humanities; in all its facets. As an alumnus/alumna meaning. Theory travels without Emily Parsons, the Society’s Program of SCT you are very much part of an given roadmaps in hand, forging new Coordinator; and Sarah Hennies, our ongoing conversation, as we see it. And, paths each step of the way; and, for its Building and Events Coordinator. Their yes, we do allow participants to come part, criticism operates just as well— gentle and silent attentiveness to all back in the future. indeed, more and more evidently and fnancial and material conditions of our refreshingly—without established criteria that prejudge its outcomes. The mind and philosophizing and theorizing cannot be Do join us at the SCT reception at the heart learn to wander, the body follows, overestimated. As direct representatives MLA annual convention meeting, early and—professionally and politically, of our estemeemed hosts—the Society for next year in New York, if you happen some would say, spiritually—in the very the Humanities and Cornell University, to be there. And do keep us posted of exercise of this freedom, we all the more more broadly—they remind us year after your ongoing and future projects. I know grow. Not that anything goes, but much year that we’re very fortunate to use these that intellectual friendships and more does. gorgeous grounds for our summer theory have been forged over the course of the camp. program. And fdelity to such events Jim Utz, our SCT Program Coordinator, remains an integral part of this very has once again been the reliable and We have also been very fortunate to genuine scholarly happening, as we friendly backbone of our operation, continue have a yearly Cornell Student conceive it. ofering faculty, participants, and the Assistant. During the summer of director wise and frank counsel, and 2017, Lilian Garrido helped us out on Finally, please take note of the promising making it a such great joy and privilege to numerous scores, including setting up line-up of faculty and guest lecturers for work with him. audio-visual equipment and taking 2018, listed on page 2. Full information photos for our Facebook page. about the upcoming session and the SCT It has also been a joy and privilege can be found on our website: to work with the other members of We hope you will all continue to give our superb staf: Paula Epps-Cepero, us your earnest feedback and creative Administrative Manager for SCT and suggestions for improving the program

AnnuAl SCT ReCepTion AT MlA The annual SCT reception at the MLA will be held on Saturday, January 6th, 2018 from 7:15- 8:30pm in the Empire Ballroom West, Sheraton New York Times Square. Past or potential SCT participants have the chance to meet and mingle at this well-at- tended event. In addition, former and future SCT faculty tend to stop by and the food and conver- sation make the event something to which former attendees look Emily Apter colloquium, with display of 1979 SCT course descriptions forward. We hope to see you! IN THEORY 10 Winter 2017

o begin at the end. In the the virtues of theory camp present perch at the top of East Hill, encamped last hour of our summer themselves. In addition to one’s core for a term, she would still be dwelling together, a visitor arrived and seminar, there are private colloquia, on the capital basis of the university’s unselfconsciously confded to public lectures, complementary (“mini”) raison d’être and the hope that the Tus: “Theory is pretentious.” seminars, ofce hours, and social events; humanities might survive the onslaught Such a confdent clarion call could make thus, there are occasions for refned of economic transfguration carried out by theorists into carrion. What hope for thought, but also rough working notions, an ever-expanding neoliberal regime. For our sense of our eforts in the past six relaxed of-the-record confabulations, Derrida, “[i]t would be the responsibility weeks (and to be sure, before and after and much else. Theory is not one thing. of a community of thought for which that season), and what hope for yours as the frontier between basic and oriented you make plans to head to theory camp? Camp. Campus. And why not also research would no longer be secured” Indeed, what hope for theory as we’ve acknowledge the camp that revels in (16). Peirce’s invocation of a “community known it? artifce and conjures frivolity? Indeed, of inquirers” comes to mind as a sibling Susan Sontag identifes pretentiousness gesture—and one that takes us away from In an age that has been said to mark as a signature trait of camp, and points the need to defne or defend the grander “the end of theory,” when theory might to a “seriousness that fails”; “camp is ambitions (“vision,” “mission,” “values”) be deemed a footnote to history (a playful, anti-serious” (1964). Yet, if theory of the university, and instead—in the phase, at best), and when it is met with camp can present itself as the camp quiet of the quad, in the warmth by the cyclical bursts of antagonism (or more of the campus and not of the comic, water, in the rain of long summer days, worryingly, a perpetual atmosphere of its pretentions to seriousness, and the to hold-up in our camp and contemplate. contempt), it is something of a miracle, presence of sincerity, must abide. Theory What are we doing? How are we and at least a notable anomaly, that we cannot be an act (a put-on, a make- thinking? These questions need not range can invoke the existence of The School believe, a realm of pretend postulations), beyond the seminar table or cheese plate, of Criticism and Theory—that it exists but instead genuinely enacted in and yet they do, they will persist, as the at all. At a time when the Humanities is language, in speech, in writing, in the lessons of camp necessarily fnd their way under siege, when reading has become conversation that occupies our days and to campus, and then to all the hours and evacuated of its postmodern cachet nights. places that one occupies thereafter. Camp (replaced by TLDR), we may ask where is transformative: that is its vision, its one can undertake the mission, its value. work of theory and criticism, and to what Camp is a temporary place, end. For years now, “Theory cannot be an act (a put-on, yet it is—it must be—a place fnding a home at Cornell that one makes into one’s University—haven a make-believe, a realm of pretend home. For a day or two, or also for the Society for six weeks. And thus one’s the Humanities and postulations), but instead genuinely ideas—as Thoreau illustrated diacritics—we might call at Walden Pond, or Muir in such a place a Summer the Sierra Nevada, or Darwin Camp for Theorists. enacted in language, in speech, in above Valparaiso—are site specifc. Camping for As a quick, cursory reply writing, in the conversation that thinking seems a kindred to the present situation— and compelling variation as if sending a postcard on Heidegger’s “building from camp, I’d like to occupies our days and nights.” dwelling thinking,” for, say something small— after all, we are endlessly something about how the seeking a camp to belong to syntagmas “summer camp” and “theory With the vast bulk of Cornell students or to create—to fnd a space for thinking camp” resolve themselves in the sui elsewhere, the busy (and when it seems like thinking is not what generis phenomenon known as SCT. Public) campus becomes a temporary is called for (or forth) from us. “Knowing site for the establishment of a camp—to is the cessation of thinking,” remarked Camp. Camping. We begin with the consider the broader place and purpose Marina Popova, and thus the mindset terrestrial conditions of the camp itself: of the university but with fewer demands (and disposition) of the camper is ideal for Ithaca, New York in summertime; the and distractions. In the quad, at camp, thinking—an endless “onward thinking,” Cornell campus perched atop a hill we create a new horizon for thinking. as Emerson put it. overlooking one of the Finger Lakes; Thinking in one’s summer hours. fresh water for swimming; verdant, Jacques Derrida himself wrote about The community of the seminar—of the fragrant forests and gorges for hiking; the place years ago, and in prescient well-named participants—is mirrored wineries, breweries, farmers markets, terms that frame our present (and by the hospitality of the director and his barbeques, camp fres, and abundant future) situation in the humanities, in team: Hent de Vries & Co. coordinate a varieties of local ice cream. —With all this theory: as theorists, we “may attempt to masterfully rich, syncopated schedule, sensorial pleasure, who needs theory? defne new responsibilities in the face and this includes engaging the resident The camp itself is well-provisioned. Let of the university’s total subjection to the scholars at the camp as well as a generous us, instead, vacation. technologies of informatization” (1983, bevy of visitors—all of them drawn into 14). Years later, when Wendy Brown came the special orbit of the camp while the Yet it is in relation to these auspicious to write Undoing the Demos in the A. university is in ebb mode. physical, material conditions that D. White House, in her own temporary IN THEORY 11 Winter 2017

Six-week seminar leaders (clockwise from top left): Emily Apter; Faisal Devji; Carolyn Rouse; Michael Puett As with all camp/camping/campus us an out and we merely turned it into a for re-fnding and renewing theory—in experiences, there are vacant moments, new domain for theorizing). The theorists, the notion that “theory is pretentious”? moments of being overwhelmed (and at last, were “too dogged,” “they lacked under-), moments that demand stamina, fantasy” (Sontag). One of the rare places that creates the and still others that likely yield an conditions for a reply to such questions is uncontrollable surplus of scintillating Yet, it was hours spent in the company the Summer Camp for Theorists. potential. But these rallies and defations, of seminarians—Apterians, for our insights and disappointments, periods topoi—that gave me a genuine space David LaRocca of intensity and laxity, are part of being for solace. I thought of how theory Binghamton University at camp, being a good camper, being on itself is an endless translation because campus. There are lessons to be had at all it is a perpetual interpretation. When these intervals. Theory camp, in a word, we take this proposition into the realm is not vacation, but a place set aside for of “philosophizing in languages” (as the heeding of a call, as part of one’s Barbara Cassin has described her project), response to a vocation. we are negotiating further unsure, unsettling passages: in a word, how can SCT SoCiAl MediA Now to return to the beginning at the we speak with any confdence about what end. Admittedly, I was troubled—if makes the journey from one language to follow us on Twitter: also darkly amused—by our visitor’s another—and more broadly, from one @SCT_Cornell reafrmation of theory’s demise, and locus of theoria to another, from one therefore the prospect of its dismissal camp to another? As Derrida also said: (from camp, from campus). The drama “it is always difcult to read what does would become tragedy: dedicating a life not let itself be translated” (2002, 17). “like” us on Facebook: to theory, to the struggle for it and after it, What is missing, what is lost, what gets only to see it all dissolve in one’s hands left behind—and perhaps also, more TheSchoolofCriticismandTheory/ (Wittgenstein, doubtless, long ago, gave hopefully, what can be found as a point The School of Criticism & Theory A.D. White House 27 East Avenue Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853

SCT cohort at Taughannock Falls