Secondary Curriculum

Grade 11

Government of Ministry of Education Curriculum Development Centre Sanothimi,Bhaktpur Nepal

Secondary School curriculum

Grade 11

Government of Nepal Ministry of Education Curriculum Development Center

Sanothimi, Bhaktpur


Compulsory English

Grade XI

Full Marks 100

Teaching hours 150

I. Introduction

This is an integrated general English Course which treats English as a medium for communication and as a means to knowledge. This course is divided into two interrelated papers leading students from intermediate level of English Proficiency to upper intermediate.

II. General Objectives

The general objectives of this course are :

a. to teach students skills in the use of English for academic and communicative purposes, b. to train them in the functional, notional and grammatical areas of English Language use, c. to make them see the relationship between structures and meaning, d. to teach them English structures in a communicative context, and e. to provide students a self-complete, self-terminating, as well as a bridge between secondary and University English (+3)

III. Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of this course are:

1. to give a short remedial of link course as a kind of bridge or a refresher course between English at the secondary and higher levels, 2. to teach English for functional, academic and communicative purposes, and 3. to provide students interesting reading materials for information, knowledge and pleasure.

IV. Course Contents

The contents of this paper are:

a. A remedial of refresher course. It will be given at the beginning of the session. The contents include basic English structures and the use of Dictionary. b. Core English. The texts in this component primarily aim at teaching various language skills in an integrated manner. The emphasis is on providing tools for using language for communicative purposes, and for receiving as well as imparting information effectively.

The contents of this unit are:


 Places  comparison  similarities and  decisions and  the past and the differences intensions present  obligation  jobs and routines  likes and dislikes  prediction  direction  events and  objects  past event circumstances  degree  talking about now  leisure activities  setting a scene  requests and offers and skills  criticizing  recent actions and  advice  explanations activities  origin and duration  location c. Extensive reading and writing. The prescribed materials in this component expose students to various interesting and informative topics of global interest and common human concern. The contents include :


Arthur Guiteman,"On the Vanity of earthlyGreatness"

Dorothy Charles, "Concrete Cat"

Mark sTrand,"Keeping Things Whole"

Cower,"The Poplar Field"

W.Wordsworth,"My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold"


1. Barbara Holland, "Speaking Of children"

2. Joan Didion, "In Bed"

3. Issac Asimov,"The Nightmare Life Without Fuel"

4. Roger Rosenblatt, Oops! How's That Again ?"

5. Horold J. Morowitz, "The Six Million Dollar Man"

6. W.S. Merwin,"Unchopping a Tree"


1. Stories Of the Supernatural : The Recurring dream," "The Lost Doll," " The House Call,"" Fear," "The Loving Mother" 2. Hemingway," The Three- Day Blow" 3. R.Kipling,"The Gardener"


4. Patricia Hempl,"Look ata Teacup" 5. Eudora Welty,"A Worn Path"


17, R.N.Tagore,"Malini" V.

Prescribed Texts

1. Doff, Adrian,C. Jones,and K.Mitchell.Meanings into Words(Intermediate),Student,s Book.Combridge: Cambridge Universirty,Press.1983. 2. Link English revised edition.: SAjhaPrakashan,1996. 3. Meanings into Words(Intermediate),Workbook.Cambridge:C.U.P. 1983 4. The Magic of words( A collection of poetry,prose and drama).Kathmandu,1996

VI.Reference Books

1. One of the following dictionaries: a) Cambridge international Dictionary of English.Cambridge: C.U.P..1985 b) Collins COBUILD English Dictionary,New Edition.London : Harper Collins,1995 c) Longman Dictionary of Contemprory English.3rd edition.Harlow: Longman Grpup.1995. d) Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.5th edition.oxford: O.U.P.1996. 2. Doff,Adrian,C.Jones, and K.Mitchell.Meanings into Words(Intermediate).Teacher's Book.Cambridge University Press,1983. 3. Meanings into Words(Intermediate).Test Book,C.U.P 4. …….Meanings into Words,(Intermediate).Casssette (Student's Book),C.U.P. 5. Meanings into Words,(Intermediate).Cassette(Drills),C.U.P.Swan,Michel. Basic English Usage,Oxford:Oxford University Press.1984


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j|md kf7 Jofs/0f af]w cleJolSt kf7\o ;ª\Vof ef/ ! sljtf c_ g]kfnL j0f{ -sYo / ;fdflhs ljifo - – sljtfsf] efjfy{ & g]kfnL xfdL n]Vo_ sf] klxrfg efiff, hflt / n]vg /xf}Fnf sxfF cf_ -s_ :j/ -v_ ;+:s[lt_ ;DaGwL – ;fdflhs÷;f+:s[lts g]kfn} g/x] Jo~hg pRrfo{ cg'R5]bsf] af]w ljifodf cg'R5]b dfwj l3ld/] Jo~hg j0f{sf] n]vg


juL{s/0f -:yfg, k|oTg, 3f]ifTj / k|f0fTj_ @ syf c_ g]kfnL cIf/sf] jftfj/0f / – syf;f/ n]vg & l5d]sL klxrfg :jf:Yo;DaGwL u'?k|;fb c_ g]kfnL cIf/sf cg'R5]bsf] af]w - d}gfnL k|sf/ -:j, :jJo, k|b'if0f / Jo:j, Jo:jJo dfgj:jf:Yo JoJo:j, JoJo:jJo, ljifos_ - JoJoJo:j_ cg'R5]bsf] k7g O_ zAbnfO{ cIf/df ljifoj:t' tyf ljefhg efiff af]w_ # lgaGw c_ tT;d / cfuGt' lgaGwsf] – n}lª\us ;dtf * cfOdfO{ ;fyL zAbsf] j0f{ljGof;sf cg'R5]baf6 af]w / ;DaGwL cg'R5]b Zofdk|;fb k|d'v ;d:ofIf]q / a'Fbfl6kf]6 n]vg zdf{ q'l6x¿sf] klxrfg tyf lg/fs/0f cf_ zAju{M gfd, ;j{gfd, ljz]if0f / lj|mofsf] klxrfg O_ eflifs q'l6 gL/fs/0fdf zAbsf]zsf] k|of]u / cEof; $ syf c_ n]Vo lrXg / e"uf]n ;DaGwL – kfqsf] kl/ro n]vg * dw'dfntLsf] ltgsf] k|of]u M cg'R5]bsf] af]w / – cg'R5]bdf lrx\g syf k"0f{lj/fd, cw{lj/fd, a'Fbfl6kf]6 k|of]u /d]z ljsn cNklj/fd, sf]i7, ljsNkaf]ws, k|Zglj/fd, pb\uf/, p4/0f, lj:do;"rs, lgb]{zs / of]hs lrXgsf] klxrfg / k|of]u cf_ zAbju{M gfdof]uL, lj|mofof]uL, ;+of]hs lj:doflbaf]ws / lgkftsf] klxrfg % lgaGw g]kfnL zAbsf] lgaGwsf] d"n – lgaGwsf] d"n & enfbdL klxrfg, k|sf/ / sfo{ ljrf/ / cfzosf] efj÷ljrf/sf] nIdLk|;fb c_ zAbsf] klxrfg af]w k|:t'lt b]jsf]6f cf_ zAbsf] k|sf/ – lgaGw n]vg, - -s_ ;|f]tsf] cfwf/M ;fdflhs ;f+:s[lts tT;d, tb\ej - ljifodf cfwfl/t_ cg's/0ffTds ;d]t_ /


cfuGt's -v_ ;+/rgfsf] cfwf/ d"n / Jo'TkGg -u_ ¿kfogsf] cfwf/ ljsf/L / cljsf/L ^ sljtf s_ pk;u{4f/f zAb lzIff ;DaGwL – lgwf{l/t !) xs{axfb'/ lgdf{0f cg'R5]bsf] af]w cg'R5]bsf] lbg]z clwsf/L c_ c, cg, s', la, a], ab, u}/, gf ;ª\If]kLs/0f cf_ c, cg\, clw, cg', cle, clt, cj, ck, pk, cf, pt\, b', b'/, b';\, lg, lgM, lg/, lg;\, k/f, kl/, k|, k|lt, lj, ;d\, ;' v_ låTj k|lj|mof4f/f zAb lgdf{0f k"0f{, cf+lzs / cfkl/jlt{t låTj zAb lgdf{0f & pkGof;sf] c+z s_ k|Too4f/f zAb lgwf{l/t c+zaf6 – kfq kl/ro n]vg !) Ps lrxfg lgdf{0f M a'Fbfl6kf]6 / x[borGb|l;+x c_ cSs8, ct, cGt, ;+If]kLs/0f k|wfg cfO, cfOF÷ofOF,cfp, cfnL, cfn', cfj6, cfxf÷ofxf, Oof cf_ of/, Onf], O{, pjf, P, PnL, cf], cf]6, cf}nL÷of}nL, tL, kg÷kgf, nL, n] O_ cs, cg, cgLo, Os, Ot, O{, O{g÷O{0f, O{o, s, t/, td, tJo, tf, lt, Tj, do, dfg, jfg, o v_ ;df; M cJooLefj, tTk'?if, sd{wf/o, låu' -lju|x / ;df; b'j}_ -pkGof;sf] c+zaf6 k|Too nfu]sf Jo'TkGg zAbsf] vf]hL u/L yk zAb lgdf{0f tyf lgwf{l/t c+z / cg'R5]baf6 ;d:t


zAbsf] vf]hL * lgaGw s_ ;df; k|lj|mof4f/f lgwf{l/t c+zsf] – ;/n jfSo -p2]Zo, !) d k"mn lnP/ zAb lgdf{0f–åGå / k7g / ljifojf]w - p2]Zo lj:tf/, cfpg] 5' ax'j|Llx ;df; -lju|x lgwf{l/t c+zsf] ljw]o, ljw]o lj:tf/ ;'wf lqkf7L ;d]t_ cg'R5]baf6 ePsf_df s'g} v_ ;lGw / ;lGwePsf a'Fbfl6kf]6 u/L ljifoj:t' 36gf zAbsf] klxrfg ;+If]kLs/0f_ cflbsf] j0f{g u_ jfSosf] klxrfg / – ljleGg sfn / k|of]u kIfsf] k|of]u u/L – p2]Zo / p2]Zo cg'R5]b n]vg lj:tf/ – ljleGg efjsf – ljw]o / ljw]o lj|mofsf] k|of]u u/L lj:tf/ cg'R5]b n]vg . – lj|mofsf sfn -e"t ce"t_ – kIfM ;fdfGo, ck"0f{, k"0f{, c1ft, cEo:t – lj|mofsf efj M ;fdfGo, cf1f, OR5f, ;+efjgf / ;+s]t ( sljtf kbj|md jfl0fHo If]q;Fu – lgwf{l/t sljtfsf] ^ dfg'ifL s_ ;fdfGo kbj|md ;DalGwt cWoogdf cfwfl/t kfl/hft v_ ljlzi6 kbj|md cg'R5]bsf] af]w eO{ s'g} s[ltsf] -sljtfsf kª\lStaf6 kf7g k|ltj|mof ;fdfGo / ljlzi6 n]vg kbj|mdsf] cWoog_ !) syf -s_ sf/s / ljelSt sfg'g tyf – ;/n / lto{s ^ /ftel/ x'/L c_ ;/n / lto{s k|zf;g;Fu sf/ssf] k|of]u u/L rNof] sf/s ;DalGwt s'g} ljifo 36gf OGb|axfb'/ /fO{ cf_ sf/s stf{, sd{, cg'R5]bsf] af]w cflbsf] j0f{g s/0f;Dk|bfg, ckfbg, – ljleGg sf/ssf] clws/0f k|of]u u/L cg'R5]b v_ sf/sLo cy{, /rgf ljelStsf] k|of]u / – JolStut ljj/0f - klxrfg afof]8f6f_ n]vg -u_ sf], sf, sL, /f], /f, /L tyf gf], gf, gL sf] k|of]u !! sljtf -s_ tb\ej / tT;d ;dfhzf:q – kbk"lt{ ;DaGwL & d]/f] b]z zAbsf] j0f{ljGof; ;DaGwL cg'R5]bsf] lj1fkg n]vg e"kL z]/rg v_ lgwf{l/t af]w – Jofj:flos lj1fkg cg'R5]baf6 tT;d / n]vg


tb\ej zAbx¿sf] klxrfg !@ lgaGw -s_ kb ;ª\ult s_ lgaGwsf] – lnª\u, jrg, k"?if, * cfn' c_ lnª\u -k'lnª\u, lgwf{l/t cg'R5]bsf] cf/ ldnfO{ ;"rgf e}/j cof{n :qLlnª\u_ af]w / k|Zgf]Tt/ n]vg cf_ jrg -Psjrg, lj1fg k|ljlwDaGwL jx'jrg cg'R5]bsf] af]w O_ k'?if -k|yd, l4tLo, t[tLo_ O{_ cfb -cfb/, cgfb/_ v_ zAbe08f/ k|fljlws, kfl/eflifs zAbsf] cWoog !# syf s_ ;/n, ;+o'St / ;~rf/;+u – l6Kk0fL & zq' ld> jfSosf] klxrfg ;DalGwt n]vg÷;DkfbsnfO{ ljZj]/k|;fb / k|of]u cg'R5]bsf] af]w lr7\7L n]vg sf]O/fnf v_ lgwf{l/t syfaf6 ;/n, ld> / ;+o'St jfSosf] klxrfg !$ pkGof; jfSofGt/0f s[lif / jg;DaGwL – lgaGw -:jf:Yo, ^ s_ ;+/rgfut -;/n, cg'R5]bsf] af]w` lj1fg / k|ljlw ld>, ;+o'St_ gful/s clwsf/ / v_ jfRout -st[{, bfloTj, cfly{s sd{, efj_ ljsf; cflb_ u_ syg -k|ToIf, ck|ToIf_ 3_ w'|jLotf -s/0f, cs/0f_ -ª_ jfSo;+Zn]if0f !% syf jfSo ;+Zn]if0f -;/n sfg'g, Gofo tyf – k|ltj]bg n]vg - !) xf/lht jfSox¿nfO{ ld>, jf dfgj clwsf/;Fu uf]i7L, e|d0f, 36gf efjgL leIf' ;+o'St jfSodf ;DalGwt cflbsf]_ ;+Zn]if0f_ cg'R5]bsf] af]w !^ lgaGw zAbe08f/ u|fdL0f ljsf;Fu – lj1fg / k|ljljw;Fu !) vfB ;+s6 / -k|fljlws tyf ;DalGwt ;DalGwt cg'R5]b h}ljs ljljwtf kfl/eflifs zAb cg'R5]bsf] af]w n]vg - h}ljs 8f=tLy{axfb'/ ljljwtf, jftfj/0f, >]i7 k'gg{jLs/0fLo pmhf{, ljB[tLs/0f, cfly{s ljsf;_ !& gf6s – lj|mofsf efj efiff / ;flxTo;Fu – Jofjxfl/s n]vg - !) gfnfkfgLdf – plSt kl/jt{g ;DalGwt ;dj]bgf, >4f~hnL, afns[i0f ;d – j0f{ / cIf/ cg'R5]bsf] af]w awfO, z'esfdgf_ !* sljtf lj|mofsf sfn / kIf OlGhlgol/ª;DaGwL – kq/rgf -lgj]bg ^


sfG5L, e6\6L / cg'R5]bsf] af]w Jofj;flos b]z lgdGq0ff_ s{i0f ;]g – lj1fkg OR5's !( gf6s jfSosf k|sf/ / ;dfhzf:q;DaGwL l6Kk0fL n]vg !) ax'nf sfhLsf] jfSofGt/0f cg'R5]bsf] af]w – sfg'g / gful/s ;kgf clwsf/ ljho dNn – ;+rf/ dfWod / lhDd]jf/L – hgtf, hflt / efiff

;Gbe{ ;fdu|Lx¿ M 1. l3ld/], dfwjk|;fb, g]kfnL xfdL /xfF}nf sxfF g]kfn} g/x], lsGg/ lsGg/L, sf7d8f}F M ;femf k|sfzg . 2. kfl/hft, dfg'ifL, a}F;fn', jt{dfg . 3. z]/rg, e"kL, d]/f] b]z, 3'Dg] d]rdfly cGwf] dfG5] . 4. clwsf/L, lbg]z, xs{axfb'/, w/tLsf] uLt, sf7df8f}FM ;femf k|sfzg . 5. ÚOR5'sÚ, s[i0f ;]g, sfG5L e6\6L / b]z, OR5's /rgfjnL efu @ . 6. d}gfnL , u'?k|;fb, l5d]sL, gf;f], sf7df8f}F M ;femf k|sfzg . 7. leIf', ejfgL xf/lht . 8. sf]O/fnf, ljZj]Zj/k|;fb M zq', bf]ifL r:df, sf7df8f}F M ;femf k|sfzg . 9. ljsn, /d]z, dw'dfntLsf] syf . 10. /fO{ OGb|axfb'/ -@)@&_, /ftel/ x'/L rNof], ljkgf sltko, Zofd a|b;{ bflh{lnª\ . 11. b]jsf]6f, nIdLk|;fb, enfbdL, nIdL lgaGw ;+u|x, sf7df8f}F M ;femf k|sfzg . 12. cof{n, e}/j, cfn' . 13. zdf{, Zofdk|;fb, cfOdfO{ ;fyL . 14. >]i7, 8f= tLy{axfb'/ -@)^%–@–#@_, vfB ;+s6 / h}ljs ljljwtf, lxdfn . 15. lqkf7L, ;'wf -@)%#_ d kmn lnP/ cfpg]5', hLjg ;"q / :jKgfef;, sf7df8f}F M lhuLiff k|sfzg . 16. ;d, afns[i0f -@)@), gfnfkfgLdf, rf/ Psfª\sL, sf7df8f}F M /f]on g]kfn Ps]8]dL_ 17. dNn, ljho -@)@*_, ax'nf sfhLsf] ;kgf, sf7df8f}F M ;femf k|sfzg . 18. k|wfg, x[borGb|;+x, Ps lrxfg . 19. clwsf/L, x]dfª\u/fh / e6\6/fO{, ab|Lljzfn -@)^!_, k|of]ufTds g]kfnL zAbsf]z, sf7df8f}FM ljBfyL{ k':ts e08f/ .


ALTERNATIVE ENGLISH GRADE XI Full Marks: 100 Teaching Hours: 150 I. Introduction This course is designed for non-Nepali students taking the Grade XI/XII. It is offered in lieu of Compulsory Nepali and carries 100 marks. It aims at introducing various aspects of Nepal and Nepalese life, culture, religion, history, geography, politics, languages and literature to non- Nepali students.

II. General Objectives The general objectives of this course are; a. To impart the knowledge of Nepali history, geography, culture, religion, politics, society, language, literature and tourism, through the English language, and, b. To develop the students' language proficiency through various task-based activities.

III. Specific Objectives. On completion of this course, the students will be able : a. to appreciate the culture, religion, history and through various language exercises such as essays, summaries and compositions b. to discuss various aspects of Nepali society, government and travel and tourism in the development of Nepal c. to develop reading and writing skills and d. to enrich their vocabulary and the grammatical structures pertinent to the text prescribed.

IV. Course Contents The contents of Alternative English will be spread over selections under each heading. 1. 18 hrs. (12 marks) - Ancient - Medieval - Modern 2. Geography of Nepal 12 hrs. (8 marks) - Physical - Political 3. Culture/Religion 24 hrs. (16 marks) - Food and dress - Marriage - Hinduism - Buddhism - Temples/Stupas/Gumbbas/Monasteries - Thread ceremony 4. Performing Arts 18 hrs. (12 marks) - Festivals - Dance - Music 5. Society and Government 30 hrs. (20 marks)


- Ethnicity - Gender - Polity - Economy - Diplomacy 6. Language and Literature 30 hrs. (20 marks) - Origin of the Nepali language - Standardization of the Nepali Language - Languages of Nepal - Origin of Nepali literature - Modern Nepali literature 7. Travel & Tourism 18 hrs. (12 marks) - Tourist Places - Rafting, safari, trekking, mountaineering V. Evaluation - Reading 35% (Comprehension of the passages, +short question + Long Questions) (5x2=10+5x3=15+10x1=10) - Writing 35% (Essay + Summary +Composition) (15+10+10) - Grammar 20% - Vocabulary 10%

VI. Prescribed Textbook

"A course in Alternative English" HSEB. Sanothimi.

VII. Reference Books

1. Subedi,A,2044, Nepali Literature: Background and History, Sajha Prakashan, Kathmandu. 2. Bista, D.B., 1998, The , Ratna, Pustak Bhandar. 3. Hurt, M., 1998, Modern Literary Nepali: and Introductory Reader. 4...... Nepal Travelers (magazine) 5. Shah, R., Heroes and Builders of Nepal, Delhi OUP. (Footnotes)


PHYSICS Grade: 11 Full Marks: 100(75T+25P) Pass Marks: 27T+8P Teaching Hours : 150T+50P Nature of Course: Theory +Practical I. Introduction

The curriculum in Physics is designed to provide students with an understanding of the scientific laws and principles of the physical world. As expected this curriculum will provide an opportunity to the students to see physics as a contribution to life in modern society. The Course demands emphasis on conceptual understanding of the physical phenomena. This will involve the proper utilization of suitable mathematical models and equations. The applications of physics together with the social and environmental aspects need to be emphasized whenever possible. The students are expected to actively participate in the learning process through experimentation supplemented by demonstration, discussions and problem solving. The practical component of this course is designed to supplement learning through the application of the learned theory. The students will handle simple apparatus to do simple measurements, verifies physical laws and apply their knowledge of physics to real life example.

II. Objectives

General Objectives The general objectives of this course are: a. to provide students with sufficient understanding and knowledge of the fundamental principles of physics and their applications; b. to develop the skills of experimenting, observing, interpreting data evaluating evidence and formulating generalizations and models; and c. to explain the social, economic, environmental and other implications of physics and appreciate the advancement of physics and its applications as essential for the growth of national economy.

Specific Objective Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. describe physics as a coherent and developing framework of knowledge based on fundamental theories of the structure and process of the physical world; 2. explain phenomena in terms of theories and models; 3. apply quantitatively and qualitatively the knowledge and understanding of physical principles and theories; 4. translate information from one from to another; 5. present information in the language of physics or other appropriate form; and 6. design simple experiment to develop relations among physical quantities and draw conclusions.

III. Course Contents


Unit 1 Mechanics 70 Teaching hours

1. Physical Quantities- Need for measurements; system of units; S.I. unit; Precision and significant figures; Dimensions; Main uses of dimensional equations. (3 hrs) 2. Vectors- Graphical presentation of vectors; addition and subtraction of vectors parallelogram, triangle and polygon laws of vectors; Resolution of vectors; Unit vectors 3. Kinematics- Uniform and non-uniform motion; average velocity and acceleration. Instantaneous velocity and acceleration; equation of motion (graphical treatment); Motion of a freely falling body; relative velocity; projectile motion (3 hrs) 4. Laws of Motion- Newton's laws of motion; Inertia, force, linear momentum, impulse, Conservation of linear momentum; Free-body diagrams: Solid frictions: laws of solid friction and their verifications: Application of Newton's laws: Particles in equilibrium. 5. Work, and Energy- work; work done by a constant force and a variable force; Power; Energy: Kinetic energy; work-energy theorem; Potential energy; conservation of energy; Conservative and non-conservative forces; elastic and inelastic collision (4 hrs) 6. Circular Motion: Angular displacement, velocity and acceleration; Relation between angular and linear velocity and acceleration; Centripetal acceleration, centripetal force Conical pendulum; Motion in a vertical circle; Motion of cars and cyclist round a banked. 7. Gravitation- Newton's laws of gravitation; acceleration due to gravity, g; Mass and weight; gravitational field strength, variation in value of 'g' due to altitude, depth and rotation of earth; Weightlessness; Motion of a satellites: Orbital velocity height and time period of a satellite, geostationary satellite, potential and kinetic energy of a satellite; Gravitational potential energy; Escape velocity; Black holes (9 hrs) 8. Equilibrium- Moment of forces; Torques; Torque due to a couple; Center of mass; center 9. Rotational Dynamics- Rotation of rigid bodies; Equation of angular motion; Relation between linear and angular kinematics; Kinetic energy of rotation of rigid bodies, moment of inertia; Radius of gyration, Moment of inertia of a uniform rod; Torque and angular acceleration for a rigid body; Work and power in rotational motion; angular momentum; Conservation of angular momentum. (8 hrs) 10. Elasticity- Hooke's law: Force constant, Verification of Hooke's law; Stress; Strain; Elasticity and plasticity; Elastic modulus; Young modulus and its determination, Bulk Modulus, Shear modulus, Poisson's ratio, Elastic potential energy. (6 hrs) 11. Periodic motion- Oscillatory motion; Circle of reference; Equation of simple Harmonic Motion (SHM); Energy in SHM; Application of SHM; Motion of a body suspended from coiled spring, angular SHM; simple pendulum; Damped oscillation; Forced oscillation and 12. Fluid mechanics- Fluid statics: Density; pressure in a fluid; Archimedes principle; Buoyancy Surface tension; Molecular theory of Surface tension; Surface energy; Angle of contact and capillarity; Measurement of coefficient of surface tension by capillary tube method. Fluid Dynamics: Newton's formula for viscosity in a liquid; Coefficient of viscosity; Laminar and turbulent flow; Poiseuille's formula (method of dimensions); Stokes law and its applications; Measurement of viscosity of viscous liquid; Equation of continuity; Bernoulli's equation and its applications. (10 hrs)


Unit 2 Hear and thermodynamics 40 teaching hrs

1. Heat and temperature- concept of temperature; Thermal equilibrium; Thermal expansion; linear expansion, cubical expansions and their relation: Measurement of linear expansivity, Liquid Expansion: Absolute and apparent expansion of liquid, Measurement of absolute expansivity by Dulong and Petit method (5 hrs) 2. Quantity of hear: Hear capacity and specific heat capacity; Newton's law of cooling; Measurement of specific heat capacity of solids by the method of mixture and of liquids by the method cooling. Change of phases; Latent heat; Specific latent heat of fusion; and vaporization and their measurements by the method of mixture ( 5 hrs) 3. Thermal properties of matter- Equation of state Ideal gas equation; P-V diagram; Molecular properties of matter; Kinetic- molecular model of an ideal gas: Derivation of pressure exerted by gas; average translational kinetic energy of a gas molecule; Boltzmann constant; Root mean square speed; Hear capacities; heat capacities of gases 4. Hygrometry- Saturated and unsaturated vapor pressure; Behavior of saturated vapor, Boiling point; Triple point and critical point; Dew point, Absolute humidity; Relative humidity and its determination. (3 hrs) 5. Transfer of heat- Conduction, Thermal conductivity and its determination by searle's method; Convection; Convective coefficient Radiation; Ideal radiator; Black body radiation; Stefan- Boltzmann law (4 hrs) 6. First law of thermodynamics- Thermodynamics systems; work done during volume change, Hear and work; Internal energy and First law of thermodynamics; Thermodynamics processes: Adiabatic, Isochoric, Isothermal, Isobaric processes; Heat capacities of ideal gas at constant pressure and volume and relation between them; Isothermal and adiabatic processes for an ideal gas (9 hrs) 7. Second law of thermodynamics- Direction of thermodynamic processes; Second law of thermodynamics; Heat engines; Internal combustion engines; Otto Cycle, Diesel cycle; Carnot cycle; Kelvin temperature scale; Refrigerators; Entropy and disorder

Unit 3 Geometrical Optics 20 Teaching hrs

1. Photometry, Reflection at curved mirrors- Convex and concave mirrors; Image in Spherical mirrors; Mirrors formula; real and virtual images (2 hrs) 2. Refraction at plane surfaces- Laws of refraction, Refractive index; Relation between refractive indices; Lateral shift; Total internal reflection and its applications; critical 3. Refraction through prisms- Minimum deviation; Relation between angle of prism, minimum deviation and refractive index; Deviation in small angle 4. Lenses- Spherical lenses; thin lens formula, lens maker's formula, power of lens; Combination of thin lenses in contact (4 hrs) 5. Dispersion- Spectrum; Spectrometer; Pure spectrum; Dispersive power; Achromatic lenses; Condition for achromatic lenses in contact, Chromatic aberration Spherical aberration; Scattering of light-blue color of the sky (3 hrs) 6. Optical Instruments- The human eye; Defects of vision and their correction; visual angle; Angular magnification; Magnifier; Camera; Compound microscope, Astronomical Telescope (reflection and refractive type) (5 hrs)


Unit 4 Electrostatics 20 teaching hrs

1. Electrostatics- Electric charge: Electric charges; conductors and insulators; Charging by induction; Coulomb's law- Force between two point charges, Force between multiple electric charges. (3 hrs) 2. Electric field- Electric fields; Calculation of electric field due to point charges; Field lines Gauss law; Electric Flux; Gauss law and its application; Field of a charged sphere, line charge, plane sheet of charge. (7 hrs) 3. Potential: Potential and potential difference, potential due to a point charge; Equi potential lines and surfaces; Potential gradient; Potential energy Electron volt. (3 hrs) 4. Capacitance and dielectrics- Capacitance and capacitor; Charging and discharging of capacitor through a resistor; parallel plate capacitor; Combination of capacitors; Energy of charged capacitor; Effect of a dieletric; Molecular theory of induced charges; Polarization and displacement. (7 hrs) A student will perform 20 experiments and 4 activities from the given list: General instruction: Students are expected to learn general ideas of errors, order of accuracy and graphical analysis

List of Experiments A. Mechanics 1. Use of Vernier calipers: a. Determination of the length, the internal and external diameter of a given tube and calculation of its volume and density b. Determination of the volume and density of a given rectangular block and verification of the results using a graduated cylinder. c. Determination of the internal diameter, depth and volume of a beaker or calorimeter. 2. Use of Spherometer: a. Determination of the thickness of a given rectangular thin glass plate and calculation of its area using a graduated cylinder b. Determination of the radii of curvatures of a watch glass c. Determination of the focal length of a spherical mirror 3. Use of Screw gauge: a. Determination of a diameter of a tube (or of a rod) and a small spherical bob and calculation of their densities. b. Determination of a length, volume and density of a tangle of wire. 4. Determination of the coefficient of friction for the two surfaces by (i) the horizontal plane method and (ii) an inclined plane method 5. Verification of the principle of moments and the determination of a mass of a given body. 6. Use of simple pendulum: a. Determination of the length of a seconds pendulum and the value of 'g' in the laboratory. b. Verification of law of length and determination of the value of 'g' in the laboratory by log-log plot of lime period versus length of the pendulum 7. Verification of Archimedes' Principle and determination of the specific gravity of a solid heavier than and insoluble in water 8. Determination of the specific gravity of a) A liquid


b) A solid lighter than and insoluble in water c) A solid heavier than and soluble in water 9. Use of Boyle's law apparatus: a. Verification of Boyle's law b. Determination of the atmospheric pressure in the laboratory without reading a barometer and verification of the result by reading a barometer. 10. Use of Young's modulus apparatus a. Verification of Hooke's law b. Determination of Young's modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire 11. Determination of the surface tension of water by capillary tube method 12. Determination of the coefficient of viscosity of liquid by Stoke's method.

B. Heat 13. Calibration of a given thermometer and determination of the correct temperature of tap water. 14. Use of Pullinger's apparatus a. Determination of the linear and cubical expansivity of a rod. 15. Use of Renault's apparatus: a. Determination of the specific heat capacity of a solid by the method of mixture b. Determination of the specific heat capacity of a liquid by the method of mixture 16. Determination of the Specific heat capacity of a liquid by the method of cooling. 17. Determination of latent heat of fusion of ice. 18. Determination of latent heat of vaporization of water 19. Determination of the melting point of a solid by i. Cooling curve method ii. capillary tube method 20. Determination of the thermal conductivity of a good conductor by Searle's method.

C. Geometrical Optics 21. Reflection of light: a. Verification of the laws of reflection of light b. Verification of the law of rotation of light. 22. Use of rectangular glass slab: a. Verification of the laws of refraction of light. b. Study of the variation of lateral shift with angle of incidence and determination of the thickness of the slab. 23. Use of Travelling Microscope: a. Determination of the refractive index of glass slab 24. Determination of the refractive index of a prism by (i) Symmetry method (ii) I-D curve method 25. Determination of the focal length of a. A concave mirror. b. A convex mirror. 26. Determination of the focal length of a. A convex lens by double pin method b. A convex lens by displacement method


27. Determination of the focal length of a concave lens by using convex lens 28. Determination of the refractive index of the material of a plano-convex lens

List of Activities 1. To study the variation in the range of a jet of water with angle of projection 2. To study the effect of detergent on surface tension by observing the capillary rise 3. To study the factors affecting the rate of loss of heat of a liquid 4. To study the nature and size of the image formed by a convex lens using a candle and a screen. 5. To study the conservation of energy of a ball rolling on inclined plane. Note: The above are only the specimens of activities; In order to arouse creativity, the students must be encouraged to take up new activities (other than mentioned above) in consultation with teacher concerned.

Laboratory Manual. I. Certificate Level Physics Practical Guide, U.P. Shrestha, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu. II. Elementary Practical Physics, Dr. Narayan Hari joshi, Taleju Prakashan

IV. Teaching Strategies:  Lecturing  Group interaction  Problem solving  Demonstration  Evaluation

V. Instructional materials OHP, LCD, demonstrations kits, writing boards etc.

VI. Evaluation scheme (Theory) Unit Teac LAQ SAQ Numer Mark distribution Total hing ical Hou Proble rs m LAQ SAQ Numerical Problem Mechanics 3/4 5/7 3/4 5+5+4 2x5=10 5+3+3 35 70 Heat and 40 2/3 3/4 2/2 4+4 2x3=6 3+3 20 thermodynamics Geometrical 20 1/2 1/2 1/1 4 2 4 10 Optics Electrostatics 20 1/2 1/2 1/1 4 2 4 10 Total 150 7/11 10/157/8 30 20 25 75



LAQ: Long-answer-questions SAQ: Short-answer-questions a. Q. No 1,5, 8 and 10, the first questions of group A, B, C and D respectively should contain 7, 4, 2 and 2 conceptual questions each carrying 2 marks, out of which students should give answers as indicated in the table b. In the table numerator denotes the number of questions to be attempted and denominator denotes the number of questions asked. For example, 3/4 means 3 questions are to be answered out of 4 questions. c. Short answer questions should cover the entire course as far as possible. These questions should be of conceptual type. d. Each of the questions numbering 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11 contains a long answer theory questions and a numerical problem carrying marks as specified in the table. e. There will be only one specific 'or' choice in one of the questions of LAQ type in each group. f. there will be only one specific 'or' choice for numerical problems in mechanics. Practical Every student will perform at least 20 experiments and 4 activities during the academic year.

VII. Evaluation Scheme for Practical examination: One Experiment 12 Marks One Activity 3 Marks Practical record of experiments and activities 5 Marks Viva on experiment and activity 5 Marks Total 25 Marks

VIII. Textbook: 1. University Physics, Sears F.W, M.W. Zemansky, H.D. Young and R.A, Freedman, 11th edition, Pearson Education Singapore, 2004.

IX. Reference book: 1. Advanced level Physics, Nelkon and parker, Heimesmann Education book ltd., 2000. Advanced level Physics Tom Duncan, John Murray Ltd, 200 2. Paudyal, Devi Dutta, Fundamentals of Physics-XI, Bhundipuran Prakashan, ktm.



Grade: XI Full marks: 100(75T+25P) Pass Marks: 27T+10P Teaching Hours: 150T+50P I. Introduction Chemistry is concerned with the physical and chemical characteristics of substances, he nature of matter and the study of chemical reactions. Chemistry, thus, is a powerful process of uncovering and extending our understanding of various chemical phenomena. The power resides in the combination of concepts and experiments involving careful observation and quantitative measurements under controlled conditions. The resulting concepts suggest further experiments and investigations as a result; there will be a modification of the existing concept leading to a creativity of thought. This creativity involves the recognition of a problem formulation of ideas to solve the problem and ultimately refinement of the original ideas. The present curriculum aims to foster this uniqueness among students by enabling them to study both theoretical and practical aspects of chemistry. This course is theory-cum-practical. It is intended to consolidate learning in chemistry achieved in the secondary school. Furthermore, it intends to provide a concrete knowledge and appropriate skills for those students, continuing further studies in chemistry and the students not studying the subject beyond this stage. The course seeks to maintain a balance between useful facts concepts and theories which will facilitate understanding of the properties of substances, reactions and process. Emphasis is enforced to stimulate, create and sustain students' interest in chemistry. Chemistry being an experimental science, laboratory is an essential component of its syllabus. The course intends to make students aware of the importance of scientific method for accurate experimental work and develop the abilities to interpret, organize and evaluate data in order to make decisions and solve problems.

II. General Objectives The general objectives of this course are to: 1. apply appropriate chemical principles, concepts, theories, definitions, laws, models and patterns to interpret, dear conclusion, make generalization, and predictions from chemical facts, observations and experimental data; 2. select appropriate facts to illustrate a given principle, concept, theory, model and pattern; 3. present chemical ideas in a clear and logical form, and 4. select and organize data and perform calculations in which guidance on the method is not supplied.

III. Specific Objectives After studying the course, the student shall be able to: 1. State and apply fundamental facts and principles of chemistry dealing with the I. Methods of Preparation: general, laboratory and industrial process of the matters. II. Physical and chemical Properties, III. Important applications


2. perform chemical calculations: 3. identify the mineral resources of Nepal; 4. understand chemical patterns and principles; 5. apply knowledge and understanding of chemistry in familiar and unfamiliar situations; 6. make accurate observations and measurements, being aware of possible sources of error; 7. record the results of experiments accurately and clearly; draw conclusion and make generalization from experiment; and 8. appreciate the scientific, social, economic, environmental and technological contributions and applications of chemistry.

General and Physical Chemistry (Section A)

Unit 1: Language of Chemistry (Review Lecturers) 3 Teaching hrs 1. Chemical equations, their significances and limitations 2. Balancing chemical equations by: i. Hit and trail method ii. Partial equation method 3. Types of chemical reaction

Unit 2. Chemical Arithmetic 17 teaching hours 2.1 Dalton's atomic theory and laws of Stoichiometry: 1. Postulates of Dalton's atomic theory 2. Law of conservation of mass 3. Law of constant proportions 4. Law of multiple proportions 5. Law of reciprocal proportions 6. Law of gaseous volumes 7. Chemical calculations based on stoichiometry

2.2. Atomic Mass and Molecular Mass: Definition of atomic mass and molecular mass 1. Mole concept 2. Mole in term of mass, volume number and ions 3. Calculation based on mole concept

2.3. Empirical, Molecular Formula and Limiting reactants: 1. Percentage compositions 2. Derivation of empirical and molecular formula from percentage composition 3. Chemical calculation based of following chemical equation - Limiting reactants - Mass-mass relationship - Volume- volume relationship - Mass volume relationship (solving reacted numerical problems)

2.4. Avogadro's Hypothesis and Its Applications:


1. Development of Avogadro's Hypothesis 2. Definition of Avogadro's Hypothesis 3. Application of Avogadro's Hypothesis i. Deduction of atomicity of elementary gas ii. Deduction of relationship between molecular mass and vapor density iii. Deduction of molar volume of gases iv. Deduction of molecular formula from its volumetric composition (Solving related numerical problems)

2.5. Equivalent Masse: 1. Concept of equivalent mass 2. Equivalent weight of elements, and compounds (Salt, acid, base, oxidising agent reducing agents) 3. Gram equivalent weight (GEW) 4. Relation between equivalent weight, valency and atomic weight 5. Determination of equivalent weight of metal by i. Hydrogen displacement method ii. Oxide formation method (Solving related numerical problems)

Unit 3. State of Matter 14 Teaching hours 3.1. Gaseous State: 1. Boyle's law. 2. Charle's law and Kelvin scale of temperature 3. application of charle's law and Boyle's law 4. Combined gas law, ideal gas equation an universal gas constant 5. Dalton's law of partial pressure 6. Mathematical derivation of Dalton's law and their applications 7. Graham's law of diffusion and its applications 8. Kinetic model of gas and its postulates 9. Ideal and real gases 10. Deviation of gas from ideal behaviour (solving related numerical problems)

3.2. Liquid State: 1. Physical properties of liquid i. Evaporation and condensation ii. vapor pressure of liquid and boiling iii. surface tension iv. Viscosity 2. Solution and solubility: i. Equilibrium in saturated solution ii. Solubility and solubility curve and its application. (Solving related numerical problems)

3.3. Solid State 1. Crystalline and amorphous solids


2. water of crystallization 3. Effloresences 4. Deliquesces 5. Hygroscopic 6. Seven types of crystal system 7. Simple cubic, face entered and body centered

Unit 4: Atomic structure 10 teaching hrs 1. Discovery of fundamental particles of atom (electron, proton and neutron) 2. concept of atomic number, mass number, fractional atomic mass, isotopes, isobars 3. Rutherford's ray scattering experiment and nuclear model of atom; limitation 4. Bohr's model of atom and explanation of hydrogen spectra 5. Limitation of Bohr's model of atom 6. Elementary idea of quantum mechanical model i. Dual nature of electron (de-Broglie equation) ii. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle iii. Probability concept 7. Shape of atomic orbital ( s and p orbitals only) 8. Quantum numbers 9. Pauli's exclusion principle 10. Hund's rule of Maximum multiplicity 11. Aufbau principle and Bohr Bury rule 12. Electronic configuration of the atoms and ions(Z= 1 to 30)

Unit 5: Nuclear Chemistry 3 Teaching hrs 1. Concept radioactivity 2. Radioactive rays (alpha ray, Beta ray & gamma ray) 3. Meaning of natural and artificial radioactivity 4. Nuclear reactions, Nuclear energy (fission and fusion) 5. Nuclear isotopes and uses

Unit 6: Electronic Theory of Valency and Bonding 8 Teaching hrs 1. Basic assumption of electronic theory of valency 2. Octet rule 3. Ionic bonds, ionic compounds and characteristics of ionic compounds. Lewis symbol to represent the formation of ionic compounds 4. Covalent bonds, covalent compounds and characteristics of covalent compound- Lewis structure of some typical covalent compounds 5. co-ordinate covalent bonds. Lewis structures of some typical co-ordinate co-valent compounds 6. Exception of the octet rule 7. Partial ionic characters of covalent compounds. Non-polar and polar covalent molecules 8. Dipole moments and its application 9. Some special types of bonds: hydrogen bond and its types, metallic bond, vander waal's -2 -2 -2 bond, resonance and resonance hybrid structures of O3, SO3, SO2, CO3 , SO4 , PO4 , - NO3


10. Classification of crystalline solids i. Ionic solid ii. Covalent solid iii. Molecular solid iv. Metallic solid

Unit 7: Periodic classification of Elements 6 Teaching hrs 1. Introduction 2. Mendeleev's periodic law and periodic table 3. Anamolies of Mendeleev's periodic table 4. Modern periodic law and modern periodic table 5. Advantages of modern periodic table 6. Division of elements into s, p, d and f blocks 7. Periodicity of physical properties: valency, atomic radii, ionic radii ionisation energy, electron affinity and electro negativity (general trends only)

Unit 8: Oxidation and Reduction 6 teaching hours 1. Classical concept of oxidation and reduction 2. Electronic interpretation of oxidation and reduction 3. Oxidation number and rules for the assignment of oxidation number 4. Differentiate between oxidation number and valency 5. Oxidising and reducing agent 6. Redox reaction 7. Balancing redox reactions by i. Oxidation number method ii. ion-electron method

Unit 9: Equilibria 5 Teaching hrs 1. Introduction 2. Equilibrium involving in physical change 3. Chemical equilibrium - Reversible and irreversible reactions - Dynamic nature of chemical equilibrium and its characteristics - Law of Mass action - Equilibrium constant (Kc) and its characteristics - Homogenous and heterogeneous equilibrium - Relation between Kp and Kc (derivation) - Le-chatelier's Principle and its application (No numerical is required)

Inorganic Chemistry Section B Unit 10: Non- Metals I 12 Teaching hrs 10.1. Hydrogen. 1. Position in Periodic table 2. Atomic hydrogen, Nascent hydrogen


3. Isotopes o Hydrogen 4. Ortho and para hydrogen 5. Applications

10.2. Oxygen 1. Position in Periodic table 2. Types of oxides 3. Uses of oxygen

10.3. Ozone: 1. Occurrence 2. Preparation from oxygen 3. Structure of ozone 4. Important properties of ozone 5. Ozone layer and ozone hole 6. Uses of ozone

10.4. Water: 1. Structure 2. Solvent property of water 3. Heavy water and uses 4. Uses

10.5. Nitrogen and Its Compounds: 1. Position of nitrogen in periodic table 2. Uses of nitrogen 3. Types of nitrogen oxides (name and Lewis structure) 4. Ammonia - manufacture by Haber's synthesis method - Physical properties, chemical properties and uses 5. Oxyacids of nitrogen (type) 6. Technical production of nitric acid by Ostwald method - Properties of nitric acid and uses - Taste of nitrate ion - Unit 11: Non- Metals II 23 teaching hours

11.1 Halogens: (Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine)

1. Position in periodic table

2. Comparative study on: preparation, properties and uses

3. Manufacture of bromine from carnallite process and manufacture of iodine from,

i. Sea weeds (Principle only) ii. Caliche (Principle only)


4. Uses of halogens

5. Comparative study on; preparation, properties and uses of haloacids (HCl, HBr and HI)

11.2 Carbon:

1. Position in periodic table

2. Allotropes of carbon including fullerenes

3. Laboratory preparation, properties and uses of carbon monoxides

11.3 Phosphorous:

1.Occurrence, position in periodic table 2.Allotropes of phosphorous and uses of phosphorus 3.preparation, properties and uses of phosphine 4.Oxides and oxyacids of phosphorous (structure and uses) 5.Preparation, properties and uses of orthophospheric acid

11.4 Sulphur:

Position in periodic table and allotropes

1.Hydrogen Sulphide : (Laboratory methods and kipp's apparatus), properties and uses of 2.Sulphurdioxide : Laboratory preparation, preparation and uses 3.Sulphuric acid: Manufacture by contact process, properties and uses 4.Sodiumthiosulphate (hypo) : formula and uses

11.5 Boraon and silicon :

1. Occurrences, position in periodic table

2. Properties and uses

3. Formula and uses of burax, boric acid, silicate and silica

11.6 Noble gas : Position in periodic table, occurrence and uses

11.7. Environmental pollution:

 Air pollution, photochemical smog  Acid rain, water pollution  Green house effect

Unit 12: Metal and metallurgical principles 6 teaching hours


1. Characteristics of metals, non metals and metalloids 2. Minerals and ores 3. Important minerals deposit in Nepal 4. Different process involved in metallurgical process 5. Concentration 6. Calcination and roasting 7. Smelting 8. Carbon reduction process 9. Thermite process 10. Electrochemical reduction 11. Refining of metals : poling, electro-refinement etc

Unit 13: Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals 10 teaching hours

1. Periodic discussion and general characteristics. 2. Sodium: Occurence, Extraction from Downs process, properties and uses. 3. Sodium hydroxide: Manufacture, properties and uses 4. Sodium carbonate : Manufacture, properties and uses.

13.1 Alkaline Earth Metals :

1. Periodic discussion and general characteristics

2. Preparation, properties and uses of i. quick lime, ii. Plaster of paris, iii. bleaching powder

iv. magnesia v. Epsom salt.

Organic chemistry

Section C

Unit 14. Introduction to Organic Chemistry

14.1 Fundamental principles 6 teaching hours

1. Definition of organic chemistry and organic compounds 2. Origin of organic compounds (vital force theory) 3. Reasons for the separate study of organic compounds 4. Tetra covalency and catenation property of carbon 5. Classification of organic compounds 6. Functional groups and homologous series 7. Meaning of empirical formula, molecular formula, structural formula and contracted formula 8. Qualitative analysis of organic compounds. (detection of N,S and halogens by Lassaegne's test

14.2 Nomenclature of Organic Compounds : 6 teaching hours


1. Common names

2. IUPAC system and IUPAC rules of naming hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones carboxylic acid, amines, ester, acid derivative halogen derivatives, nitriles etc.)

14.3 Structure Isomerism in Organic Compounds : 2 teaching hours

1. Definition of structure isomerism

2. Types of structure isomerism: chain isomerism, position, isomerism, functional isomerism and metamerism

14.4 Preliminary Idea of reaction mechanism 2 teaching hours

1. Concept of homolytic and herterolytic fission

2. Electrophile, nucleophiles and free- radicals

3. Inductive effect, +I, -I effect

Unit 15: Hydrocarbons

15.1 Sources : 4 teaching hours

Origin of coal and petroleum, hydrocarbon from petroleum cracking and reforming, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon form coal, quality of gasoline, octane member and gasoline additive.

15.2 Alkanes (saturated hydrocarbons):

1. General methods of preparations:

 Decarboxylation  Catalytic hydrogenation  Reduction of haloalkane  Kolbe's electrolysis method  Using Grigrand's reagent  Wurtzreaction  Form aldelydes and ketones

2. Physical properties

3. Chemical properties : Substitutions reaction, oxidation, pyrollysis or cracking aromatization

15.3 Alkenes : 4 teaching hours

1. General methods of preparation


 Dehydration of alcohol  Dehydrohalogenation  Catalytic hydrogenation of alkyne  Kolbe's electrolysis

2. Laboratory preparation of alkene

3. Chemical properties of alkene: addition reaction (H2, X2, HX2, H2O, O3, H2SO4)

4. Oxidation with alkaline KMnO4 (Baeyer's reaction)

5. Polymerisation

6. Test of ethene and uses

15.4 Alkynes : 3 teaching hours


1. Preparation form i. carbon and hydrogen ii. Kolbe's electrolysis iii. 1,2 dibromoethane 2. Lab preparation of ethyne 3. Physical properties

4. Chemical Properties : Addition (H2, X2, HX, H2O, O3), Acidic nature (action with ammonical AgNO3 and ammonical Cu2Cl2), Oxidation with alkaline KMnO4, Polymerization uses of ethyne 5. Practical

Full marks :25

Pass marks: 10

Students are required to secure the pass marks in the practical paper separately. The following is the list of experiments. The students are required to perform in the practical classes in Grade XI.

A. Experiments based on laboratory techniques:

1. To separate the insoluble component in pure and dry state from the given mixture of soluble and insoluble solids. (NaCl and sand) 2. To separate volatile component form the given mixture of volatile and non volatile (demonstration of sublimation process)

3. To separate a mixture of two soluble solids by fractional crystallization (KNO3+NaCl)


4. To prepare a saturated solution of impure salt and obtain the pure crystal of the same salt by crystallization 5. To separate the component of a mixture of two insoluble solids (the being soluble in dil acids) 6. To obtain pure water from given sample of water (Distillation)

B. Experiment to study the different reactions (Neutralization, Precipitation, Redox reaction, electrolysis) :

7. To perform precipitation reaction of BaCl2 and H2SO4 and obtain solid BaSO4,, 8. To neutralize sodium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid solution and recover the crystal of sodium chloride 9. To test the ferrous ions in the given aqueous solution and oxidise it to ferric ion (FerrousFerric system) Redox Reaction 10. To study the process of electrolysis and electroplating

C. Experiments on quantitative analysis :

11. To determine the equivalent weight or weight of metal by hydrogen displacement method: 12. To determine the solubility of the given soluble solid at laboratory temperature 13. To determine the relative surface tension of unknown liquid by frop count method; and 14. To study the rate of flow of liquid through Ostwald's viscometer and determine the relative viscosity of unknown liquid

D. Experiments on preparation of gas and study of properties:

15. To prepare and collect hydrogen gas and study the following properties;

a. Solubility with water, colour, odour; b. Litmus test; c. burning match stick test; and d. Reducing properties of nascent hydrogen.

16. To prepare and collect ammonia gas and investigate the following properties :

a. Solubility with water/colour/odour; b. Litmus test; c. Action with copper sulphate solution; and d. Action with mercurous nitrate paper.

17. To prepare carbondioxide gas and investigave the following properties:

a. Solubility, Colour, odour, b. Litmus paper test


c. Lime water test; and d. Action with burning magnesium ribbon.

18. To study the properties of hydrogen sulphide (Physical, analytical and reducing);

19. To study the following properties of sulphuric acid:

a. Solubility with water; b. Litmus paper test; c. Precipitating reaction; and d. Dehydrating reaction.

E. Experiments of qualitative analysis:

20. To detect the basic radical of the given salt by dry way and the acid radical by dry and wet ways.

++ ++ + ++ + Basic radicals : Zn , Al , NH4 , Ca , Na

------Acid radicals : CO3 , SO4 , NO3 , Br , I , Cl

Note : Experiment from 1 to 19 requires one practical period of each experiment and the experiment no 20 requires four practical periods. (Two theory periods will be equivalent to one practical period)

Evaluation scheme

The chemistry theory paper (XI) will consist of three types of questions:

(a) Very short answer questions (weightage of 2 marks of each) (b) Short answer questions (weightage of 5 marks of each); and (c) Long answer questions (weightage of 10 marks of each)

According to the manner of questions groups are divided into group 'A', group 'B' and group 'C'

1. Group 'A' will consist of twenty two (22) very short questions, out of which, examinees are required to answer only fifteen (15) questions. 2. Group 'B' will consist of seven (7) short questions out of which examinees are required to answer five (5) questions. 3. Group 'C' will consist of four (4) questions, out of which examinees are required to answer 2 questions.

The weightage of content distribution for the three typer of questions form different sections of the curriculum will be as follows:


Units Teaching V.S.Q S.Q L.Q hours 1 3 * 2 17 2 3 14 2 4 10 2 5 3 1 6 8 2 7 6 1 8 6 1 9 5 1 10 12 2 11 23 2 12 6 1 13 10 1 14 16 2 15 11 2 Total 15 150 22 7 4

Refrencee books

1. Acharys, Suk Dev,, Fundamentals of Chemistry-XI, Bhudipuran Prakashan, Ktm



Grade XI

Teaching hour :150

Full marks : 75+25=100

I. Introduction

Biology, being the science of nature, deals the fascinating changes, which continuously takes place in the living world. Every person is expected to understand the nature of which hi is a part. One needs to be familiar with the changes taking place in nature. The study of biology equips an indvidual, to understand the living world in the light of new researches. Besides realizing the general objectives of any discipline of science like development of scientific temper and anlytical skill, the curriculum in biology has also to be geared to meet the requirement of careers in the field of medicine and related disciplines (wildlife, forestry, agriculture, natural resources, environment, etc). This course is designed for general science (Biological and physical) students of Grade XI.

II. General objectives

The general objectives of this course are,

a. to provide the concept of biology and encourage the learners to use the acquired knowledge in day to day life, b. to make the learners aware of the present development in the biological science as well as to develop the knowledge and skill in the wise use of the available natural resources and sustaining them; and c. to prepare the students to take up advance studies in biology at university level.

III. Specific Objectives

On completion of the course the students will be able to:

1. describe the life components, origin of life and its evolution up to present day; 2. explain the cell components, their types and cell division 3. explain diversity of plant and animal 4. discuss functional processes of the typical animal types 5. describe the environmental concept, ecological imbalances and their consequences; and 6. explain importance of natural resources, their conservation and management with reference to national context.


Biology Grade XI Course Content Section A (Botany) Teaching hour: 75

Full marks : 37.5

Unit 1 : Introduction to Biology 5 teaching hour

 Biochemically important organic and inorganic molecules (general concepts): Carbohydrate, protein, lipid, nucleic acid, minerals and water.

Unit 2 : Cell Biology 15 teaching hour

 The cell: The cell as a unit of life, structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Structure and functions of cell organelles and inclusions.  Cell division: Amitosis, mitosis, meiosis

Unit 3. Biodiversity 40 teaching hour

Definition and scope of biodiversity, flora diversity of Nepal, concept of taxonomy: classification, binomial nomenclature, shortcoming of two kingdom classification, hierarchic system in classification, phylogeny. Five kingdom classification: Monera, protista, Mycota, Plantae and Animalia.

 Monera: General account, structure and function of bacterial cells, concept of autotrophic and heterotrophic life styles, economic importance of bacteria. Cyanobacteria: Nostoc- Structure, reproduction and economic importance.  Mycota: Concept of Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes. Structure and reproduction of Zygomycetes (Mucor), Ascomycetes (Yeast). Economic importance of fungi.  Plantae:

Algae: Introduction to green, red and brown algae, structure and reproduction of Spirogyra.

Bryophyta: Marchantia and Funaria (morphology and life cycle).

Pteridophyta : Dryopteris (morphology and life cycle)

Gymnosperm: Brief morphological structure of Cycas and pinus structure and it's distribution.


Angiosperm: Morphology: root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit and seed relevant to the following families. Taxonomy and economic importance of the following families; Cruciferae (Brassicaceae), Solanaceae,

Leguminosae- Papilionoidae only, Compositae (Asteraceae) and Gramineae (Poaceae)

Lichen: Introduction and economic importance.

Virus: Structure and economic importance.

Unit 4: Biota and their Environment 15 teaching hour

 Ecology: Definition, abiotic, biotic factors and their interactions  Concept of ecosystem, Pond and grassland ecosystems: structural and functional aspects; food chain, trophic level, ecological pyramids, productivity, concept of community and succession.  Bio-geochemical cycle: carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle.  Ecological imbalance and its consequences: Green house effects, depletion of ozone layer and acid rain  Concept of mountain ecosystem (altitudinal and climatic changes)  Conservation:

Forest conservation: Brief introduction of forests of Nepal, importance of afforestation and hazards of defrorestation

Management of land and water

Evaluation Scheme

Unit wise weightage for Botany part 1

Types of questions asked in the examination Unit Teaching Marks Very short Short Long hour question questions question (1 mark) (3 marks) (7.5 or 8 marks) 1.Introduction to 5 3 X 1 X Biology 2.Cell Biology 15 8 2 or 1 opt 2 or 1* 3.Biodiversity 39 18.5 3 or 1 opt 3 or 1 opt 1 or 1 opt (7.5 marks) 4.Biota and their 16 8 2 or 1 opt 2 or 1 opt or 1* environment


Total 75 37.5 7 ques x 1 5 ques x 3 2 ques x marks mark marks 7.5 marks and 8 marks Total 7 Total 15 Total 15.5 marks marks marks *One full question of 8 marks will be asked either from the unit cell biology or Biota and environment


Biology Grade XI Course Content Section B (Zoology) Teaching hour: 75

Full marks: 37.5

Unit 1: Introduction to Biology 5 teaching hour

 Nature and scope of Biology  Branch and relation with other sciences  General approach to understand life processes.

Unit 2 : Origin and evolution of life 20 Teaching hour

 Life and its origin  Theories of origin of life  Oparin and Haldane's Theory  Miller and Urey's experiment  Meaning of evolution, organic evolution  Evidences of evolution, structural, anatomical, paleontological, Embyrological & Biochemical  Lamarckism, Darwinism & concept of Neo Darwinism  Human evolution

Unit 3: Biodiversity 35 teaching hour

Meaning of biodiversity, faunal diversity of Nepal.

 Protista: Characteristics and classification of phylum protozoa upto class with examples; Habit and habitat, structure, reproduction and lifecycle of Paramecium and Plasmodium vivax (a concept of P.falciparum)  Animalia: General characters and classification of the following phyla (upto class) with examples- Porifera, coelenterata (Cnidaria), Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes (Nemathelminthes), Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Chordata. Earthworm (Pheretima posthuma): Habit and habitat, structure; digestive, excertory, reproductive and nervous systems. Economic importance.

Frog (Rana tigrina): Habit and habitat, structure; digestive, circulatory, respiratory, Reproductive anf nervous system.Economic importance.


Unit 4: Biota and their Environment 15 teaching hour

 Environmental pollution: Air, water and soil. Sources of pollution, their effects and control measures. Hazards of pesticides.  Animal behaviour: Taxes, reflexes and reflex action, dominance and leadership migratory behaviour of fish and bird.  Adaption: Animal : Aquatic, amphibious and terrestrial (arboreal and volan)  Conservation: 1. Wildlife conservation: Meaning of wildlife, importance of wildlife, meaning of rare, threatened, vulnerable and endangered species, few endangered species in Nepal. Conservation practices (National parks, wildlife reserves and hunting reserves) ways of conservation and causes of extinction.  Human responsibility for the protection of earth.

Evalulation Scheme

Unit wise weightage for Zoology Grade XI

Types of questions asked in the examination Unit Teaching Marks Very short Short Long hour question (1 questions (3 question mark) marks) (7.5 or 8 marks) 1. Introduction to 5 2 2 X X Biology 2. Evolution of 20 10 2 or 1 opt 0 or 1 opt 1(8marks)* life 3. Biodiversity 35 17.5 1 or 1 opt 3 or 1 opt 1 or 1 opt (7.5 marks) 4. Biota and their 15 8 2 or 1 opt 2 X* environment Total 75 37.5 7 ques x 1 5 ques x 3 2 ques x 7.5 marks mark marks marks and 8 marks Total 7 marks Total 15 Total 15.5 marks marks * One full question of 8 marks will be asked either from the unit Evolution of life or Biota and environment


Format for question model for Biology-Part 1

Section B (Zoology)

1. Answer in very short; any seven 1 mark x 7 ques =7 marks

Total questions to be asked -10

2. Describe in brief; any five 3 marks x 5 ques=15 marks

Total questions to be asked-7

3.Long answer questions (two questions) (8+7.5) marks = 15.5 marks

One questions is given as option as "or"

Total 37.5 marks

Total schedule for questions

Very short question - 1 mark -maximum 1 min

Short question- 3 mark -maximum 7-8 min

Long question- 7 or 7.5 marks -maximum 23-24 min


1. There will be separate answer sheets for section A(Botany) and section B (Zoology) 2. Total exam time period of theory will be of 3 hrs. for both the sections A and B 3. Concerned examiners will evaluate both the papers separately. 4. The pass marks is 27. The students must pass in Botany and Zoology jointly.

Botany Practical

Grade XI

1. Use and maintenance of compound microscope. 2. Study of museum specimen and slides. i. Types of bacterical cells; ii. Spirogyra filaments; iii. Mucor: Culture to demonstrate mycelium and sporangium; culture of yeast cells; iv. Study of vegetative and reproductive structure of Marchantia, Funaria, Dryopteris, Pinus.


3. Study of different stages of mitotic and meiotic cell division through permanent slides and chart. 4. Preparation of temporary slide to study cell structure: Onion scale leaf, leaf of Geranium or Zebrina or Tradescantia or any other locally available leaf 5. Description of following plants in semi-technical terms with their floral diagrams and fromulae and identification and economic importance of at least one plant from each of the following families:

a. Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) b. Solanaceae c. Leguminosae- Papilionoidae only d. Compositae (Asteraceae) e. Gramineae (Poaceae)

6. Study of fresh water ecosystem using an aquarium or pond showing food chain 7. Study of morphological adaptations of the hydrophytes, mesophytes and Xerophytes. 8. Field study: Collection identification of plants and animals from local area; preservation of collected organisms in suitable preservatives and maintain a record. The students are also advised to observe different types of environmental pollution during their field study(Jointly with zoology Dept)

Zoology Practical- Grade XI

1. Study of permanent slide and museum specimen:

Paramecium, Plasmodium, Sycon, Hydra, Fasciola(liver fluke), Taenia (Tape worm), Ascaris(Round worm), Pheretima(Earthworm), Hirudinaria(leech), Palaemon(Prawn), Cancer(Crab), Periplaneta (Cockroach), Pieris(Butterfly), Bombyx(Moth), Aranea (Spider), Palamnaeus (Scopion), Scolopendra (Centipede), Julus (Millipede), Helix (Garden Snail), Astereas (Starfish), Labeo (Rohu fish), Rana (Frog), Bufo (Toad), Hemidactylus (wall- lizard), Chelone (turtle), Columba (pigeon), Rhinolophus (Bat) and Funambulus (Squirrel)

2. Preparation of temporary slide and their study:

i. Striated muscle fibre(thigh) of frog. ii. Setae and ovary of earthworm

iii. Squamous epithelial cell of human cheek.

3. Study of histological structure through permanent slides of skin, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, rectum, liver, pancreas, lung, kidney, testis and ovary of frog. 4. Study of adaptational features of a primary aquatic animal (Labeo), Secondary aquatic animal (Turtle), arboreal (Calotes, Tree frog), primary volant (pigeon or other birds) and secondary volant (Flying fish, Bat) 5. Dissection of animal provided so as to expose their a. Earthworm: General anatomy, alimentary canal, nervous system and reproductive organs. b. Frog: General anatomy, alimentary canal, arterial and venous systems, reproductive organs and brain.


Format of model question for practical exam

Section A- Botany (Grade XI)

Time: 3 hrs

Full marks: 12.5 marks

Pass marks: 5 marks

1. Taxonomy- Identification of family and plant 3.5 marks 2. Preparation of temporary slide 1.5 marks 3. Spotting (6spotting) 3 marks 4. Viva- voce- 2 marks 5. Class record 2.5 marks

Total: 12.5 marks

Model question for practical exam

Section B-Zoology (Grade XI)

Time: 3 hrs.

Full marks: 12.5 marks

Pass marks: 5 marks

1. Dissection of animals- 3.5 marks 2. Preparation of temporary slide- 1.5 marks 3. Spotting (6 Spotting) 3 marks 4. Viva- voce 2 marks 5. Class record- 2.5 marks

Total: 12.5 marks


1. There will be separate practical exam for Botany and Zoology. 2. Practical exam time will be of 3 hr. for each practical exam. 3. Students must pass both the practical exams separately.

References Books.

1. Mahato, Ras Bihari, Advance Level Biology-XI, Ekata Books and Distributors, Ktm




Full Marks: 100

Teaching hours: 150

I. Introduction:

This course deals with the fundamentals of advanced mathematical concepts. It also tries to consolidate the concepts and skills learnt in Mathematics course in school level. It is desirable at the end of each unit sufficient related problems be solved.

II. Specific Objectives:

On completion of this course students will be able to:

1. use principles of elementary logic to find the validity of statement, 2. state field and order axioms of real number system; 3. define functions and illustrate them graphically; 4. sketch and curves; 5. use trigonometrical relations to find general values, understand inverse circular functions and their properties and to find property & solution of triangle; 6. state properties of A.S, G.S. and H.S.Understand infinite series and use method of mathematical induction to establish the result. 7. define transpose, adjoint and inverse of matrix, state properties of determinants; 8. use matrix and determinant to solve system of linear equations; 9. explain the idea of a complex number, verify their properties, prove De-moivre's theorem and use it; 10. define polynominal equations, establish fundamental theorem of algebra and quadratic equation, and find relation between roots and coefficients of a quadratic polynomials; 11. define straight lines, pair of lines in terms of co-ordinates and establish their properties; 12. define circle in terms of coordinates and establish their properties; 13. define limit of a function, establish properties of limits; 14. define continuity of a function using the concept of limit; 15. define derivative of a function and give its geometrical interpretation as rate of change; 16. use derivative to determine the nature of the function and determine the maxima and minima of a function and apply differentiation to find tangent& normal, increasing& decreasing function; 17. define antiderivative as an inverse process of derivative and use various methods of integration; and


18. define integration as the area of the sum, and apply definite integral to find the area between the curves.

III. Course Contents:

Unit 1. Sets, Real Number System and Logic 10 hrs


Sets and set operations, theorems based on set operations.

Real Number System:

Real numbers, field axioms, order axioms, interval, absolute value, geometrical representation of the real numbers.


Introduction, statements, Logical connectives, Truth tables, Basic laws of logic

Unit 2: Relations, Functions and Graphs 12 hrs


Ordered pair, Cartesian product, geometrical representation of Cartesian product, Relation, Domain and range of a relation, Inverse of a relation.


Definitions, Domain and range of a function, functions defined as mappings, inverse function, composite function, functions of special type (Identity, constant, absolute value, greatest integer), Algebraic (linear, quadratic and cubic), Trigonometric, exponential logarithmic functions and their graphs.

Unit 3: Curve Sketching 10 hrs

Odd and even functions, periodicity of a function, symmetry (about x-axis, y-axis and origin) of elementary functions, monotonocity of a function, Sketching graphs of polynomial functions , ,, x2, x3), Trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic functions (simple cases only)

Unit 4: Trigonometry 10 hrs

Inverse circular functions, Trigonometric equations and general values, properties of a triangle(sine law, Cosine law, tangent law, projection laws, half angle law)s, the area of a triangle. Solution of a triangle (simple cases)

Unit 5: Sequence and Series, and Mathematical Induction 12 hrs


Sequence and series:

Sequence and series, type of sequences and series (Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic), Properties of Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic sequences, A.M, G.M., and H.M, Relation among A.M., G.M. and H.M. sum of infinite geometric series.

Mathematical Induction:

Sum of finite natural numbers, sum of squares of first n-natural numbers, sum of cubes of first n- natural numbers. Intuition and introduction, principle of mathematical induction.

Unit 6: Matrices and Determinants 8 hrs

Matrices and operation on matrices (review), Transpose of matrix and its properties, Minors and Cofactors, Adjoint, Inverse matrix. Determinant of a square matrix, properties of determinants(without proof) upto 3x3.

Unit 7: System of Linear equations 8 hrs

Consistency of system of linear equations, solution of a system of linear equations by Cramer's rule, Matrix method(row-equivalent and Inverse) upto three variables.

Unit 8: Complex Number 12 hrs

Definition of a complex number, Imaginary unit, Algebra of complex numbers, Geometric representation of a complex number, Conjugate and absolute value (Modulus) of a complex numbers and their properties, Square root of a complex number, Polar form of a complex number, product and Quotient of complex numbers. De Moivre's theorem and its application in finding the roots of a complex number, properties of cube roots of unity.

Unit 9: Polynomial Equations 8 hrs

Polynomial function and polynomial equations, Fundamental theorem of algebra (without proof), Quadratic equation Nature and roots of a quadratic equation, Relation between roots an coefficients, Formation of quadratic equation, Symmetric roots, one or both roots common.

Unit 10 Co-ordinate Geometry 12 hrs

Straight line:

Review of various forms of equation of straight lines, Angle between two straight lines, condition for parallelism and perpendicularity, length of perpendicular from a given point to a given line, Bisectors of the angles between two straight lines.

Pair of lines:


General equation of second degree in x and y, condition for representing a pair of lines, Homogeneous second degree equation in x and y, Angle between pair of lines, Bisectors of the angles between pair of lines.

Unit 11: Circle 10 hrs

Equation of a circle in various forms(Centre at origin, centre at any point, general equation of a circle, circle with a given diameter), Condition of Tangency of a line at a point to the circle, Tangent and normal to a circle.

Unit 12: Limits and Continuity 10 hrs

Limits of function, Indeterminate forms, Algebraic properties of limits(without proof), Theorem on limits of algebraic, Trigonometric, Exponential and logarithmic functions

sin 1 log1 lim , lim sin ,lim ,lim → → → → Continuity of a function, Types of discontinuity, Graph of discontinuous function.

Unit 13: The Derivatives 8 hrs

Derivative of a function, Derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions by definition (simple forms), Rules of differentiation, Derivatives of parametric and inplicit functions, Higher order derivatives.

Unit 14: Applications of derivatives 12 hrs

Geometric interpretation of derivative, Monotonocity of a function, Interval of monotonocity, Extrema of a function, Concavity, points of inflection, Derivative as rate measure.

Unit 15: Antiderivatives and its applications 10 hrs

Antiderivative, Integration using basic integrals, Integration by substitution and by parts method, the definite integral, The definite integral as an area under the given curve, Area between two curves.

IV. Evaluation Scheme:

No. of questions Marks Total Remarks

15 2 30 covering all units 10 4 40 with for OR questions from the same 5 6 30 with two OR questions from the same The questions of 6 marks will be asked from the units with 12 more credit hours.


V. Reference books:

1. Bajracharya, Parkash Muni, Fundamentals of Mathematics-XI, Buddha Publication, Ktm 2. Adhikary, D.B., Elements of Mathematics-Xi, Ekata Books and Distributors, Ktm 3. G.C. Phan Bahadur, Mathematics-XI, Asmita Books Publication, Ktm 4. Awasthi, Ramesh Prasad, Mathematics XI, Unice Educational Publication, Ktm 5. Mahato, Hem Chandra, Mathematics-XI, G-7 Publication Pvt.Ltd.Ktm 6. Mishra, Sailendra Kumar, Conceptual Mathematics-XI, DIvya Deuuralis Publication, ktm 7. Bajracharya, D.R. and, Basic Mathematics-Xi, Sukunda Pustak Bhawan, Ktm 8. Shrma, Basat Raj, Essentials of Mathematics-XI, I.M Publication Pvt. Ltd., Ktm


Principles of Accounting I

Grade : XI

Full marks: 100

Teaching hrs: 150

I. Introduction

Accounting is a process designed to identify, measure, and communicate financial information about an organization or other entity. It is both an art and a science of keeping record of financial transactions, Presenting and analysing financial information of government and non governmental enterprises. It is and essential component of commerce education.

II. General Objectives

General objectives of this course are to:

a. introduce to the students the basic principles of book keeping and accounting, accounting of non profit organization and governmental accounting, and b. provide them with fundamental knowledge of book keeping and accounting required while pursuing higher education in commerce and management fields.

III. Specific objectives

On completion of this course, the student will be able to:

a. develop strong foundation of knowledge and understanding required for advanced level education in management and accounting, b. learn basic concepts and procedures to prepare financial statements; c. state the procedures of accounting for government, non-government and non-profit organizations; d. ascertain profit or loss from incomplete accounting records.

IV. Unit-wise teaching hours

Unit Chapters Teaching hours 1 Book-keeping and accounting concept 8 2 Recording of transactions 18 3 Cash and banking transaction 15 4 Trial balance and Accounting errors 10 5 Final Account 36 6 Depreciation 8 7 Reserve and provision 4 8 Accounting for non-profit organization 15


9 Accounting for incomplete records 6 10 Government Accounting 30 Total 150

Course Content

Unit 1: Book keeping and Accounting Concept 8 LH

Meaning and concept of Book keeping and Accounting; Origin and evolution of Book Keeping, Objectives of Book keeping and Accounting; Functions of Book Keeping and Accounting; Scopes of Accounting

Basic Accounting Concepts:

Business Entity Assumption, Money Measurement Assumption, Going Concern Assumption, Accounting Period Assumption, Revenue Realization Principle, Cost Principle and Matching Principle.

Double Entry Book keeping:

Meaning and concept, Features and Advantages of Double Entry System of Book keeping; Accounting cycle; Accounting Equation.

Unit 2: Recording of Transactions 18 LH

Basic Terminologies:

Capital; Liabilities: Long term and short term liabilities; Assets: Fixed assets, Current assets, Investment, Tangible and Intangible assets, Inventory; Revenue and Expenses.

Rules of debit and credit: On the basis of personal, real, and nominal accounts; on the basis of increase or decrease in assets, liabilities and capital.

Books of Original Entry:

Journal entries for following transactions:

Capital, liabilities, assets, purchase, sales, credit transactions for purchase and sales, loss and gains, revenues and expenses, return outward and inward, compound transactions including acceptance, discounting and dishonour of bills of exchange.

Ledger Account :

Concept, objectives, importance and utility, opening of accounts, format of account "T" form and continuous balance form, posting into ledger accounts with and without journal entries, closing and balancing of ledger accounts.


Subsidiary Books and its types

Purchase Book: Concept, Purchase Invoice, Trade discount and Cash discount, Preparation of purchase book and posting to purchase account. Sales Book: Concept, Sales invoice, preparation of sales book and posting to sales account.

Purchase Return Book: Concept of debit note, preparation of purchase return book and posting to purchase return account.

Sales Return Book: Concept of credit note, preparation of sales return book and posting to sales return account.

Unit 3: Cash and Banking Transactions 15 LH

Concept of Cash and Banking Transactions

Banking Concepts: Cheque- meaning and types; Parties to cheque, Endorsement of cheque, Dishonour of cheque, Bank statement (Pass Book).

Cash Book: Simple cash book and bank book, Cash book with; Cash and bank column, cash and discount column, Bank and discount column, Triple columns cash book Petty cash Book, Simple and analytical.

Bank Reconciliation Statement: Reasons for disagreement between cashbook and bank statement (pass book) balances, overdraft and its meaning, preparation of bank reconciliation statement from cashbook and passbook balances and overdrafts.

Unit 4: Trial balance and Accounting Errors 10 LH

Trial Balance: Concept, objectives and preparation of unadjusted trial balance.

Accounting Errors: Meaning and types of accounting errors, errors disclosed and not disclosed by trial balance, rectification of errors before and after preparation of trial balance, Suspense account: Meaning, utility and preparation of suspense account.

Unit 5: Final Accounts

Capital and revenue concept: Meaning and concept, types and difference between capital and revenue, receipts, expenditure, losses, profit and reserves. Trading Account: Concept, importance, advantages and its preparation, closing entries.

Profit and loss account: Concept, advantages and method of its preparation, difference between gross profit and net profit, closing entries.

Balance sheet: Concept, importance, objectives, assets and liabilities, marshalling of assets and liabilities


Journal proper: Concept and importance, entries for adjustment, preparation of Adjusted Trial Balance.

Preparation of Final Accounts: Preparation with or without following adjustments: outstanding expenses, prepaid expenses, advance income, accrued income, depreciation, appreciation, closing stock, bad debts, loss of goods, provision for bad debt, provision for discount on debtors, drawings in cash and in kinds, interest on loans, and investments.

Unit 6: Depreciation 8 LH

Concept and causes of depreciation, advantages of providing depreciation, factors affecting the amount of depreciation.

Fixed Installment Method: Meaning, advantages and disadvantages, Accounting treatment for purchase of assets, charging yearly depreciation, addition and disposal of assets.

Reducing Balance Method: Meaning, advantages and disadvantages, Accounting treatment for purchase of assets, addition and disposal of assets, preparation of ledger accounts.

Unit 7: Reserves and Provisions 4 LH

Concept and the objectives of maintaining the following reserves: General reserve and secret reserve, Specific reserves: Sinking fund, Research and development fund, Reserve for redemption of liabilities; Accounting treatment for: Provision for bad debt, Provision for discount on debtors, General reserve and Research and Development fund.

Unit 8: Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations 15 LH

Concept and terminologies of non-profit organizations

Receipt and payment account: Concept, features and limitations, relevant items of receipt and payment account.

Income and Expenditure account: Meaning and relevant items of income and expenditure account, distinction between receipt and payment account and income and expenditure account.

Balance Sheet: Meaning and concept of Balance Sheet for non-profit organizations.

Preparation of Final Accounts for non-profit organizations with or without the following adjustments: outstanding subscription, advance subscription, outstanding expenses and prepaid expenses, accrued income and advance income, revenue and capital nature of receipts, gain or loss on sale of assets, depreciation, interest on loan and investment, life membership fees, entrance fees, legacies, endowment fund and donations.

Unit 9 : Accounting for Incomplete records 6 LH


Single entry system of book keeping: Concept and features, advantages and disadvantages, difference between single and double entry systems of book keeping.

Preparation of statement of affairs and ascertainment of profit or loss: Meaning and importance of statement of affairs, preparation of opening and closing statement of affairs and ascertainment of profit or loss.

Unit 10 : Government Accounting

Concept, objectives and features of government accounting, difference between government and commercial accounting

Government Accounting system: Historical background of government accounting systems, present accounting system: Introduction, objectives, importance, features and forms used

Principles of Government accounting system: Budgetary accounting (Heads expenditure classification), rules of debit and credit, and cash basis of accounting.

Accounting for operating level:

General journal voucher: Meaning, journal voucher for budget expenditure, advance expenditure and clearance of advances under budget heads and miscellaneous transactions; current fund and budget release, establishment of petty cash fund and closing of its account, budget transfer, loan and yearly closing for regular and development budget.

Bank Cash Book: Meaning of bank cash book, preparation of bank cash book with without vouchers for different types of transactions

Budget sheet: Introduction to budget sheet, Preparation of budget sheet with or without preparing vouchers for different types of transactions

Ledger account: Meaning and maintenance of ledger account for current fund and budget release and other miscellaneous transactions.

Petty cash Book: Meaning and maintenance of petty cash fund, record keeping petty cash expenses, reporting for reimbursement of expenditure.

Expenditure report: Meaning and preparation of monthly expenditure, report monthly advance expenditure report.

V. Unit wise weightage

Units Title Number of questions Marks Allocated Th. Pr. Tot Th. Pr. Tot 1 Book-keeping and accounting 2 1 3 6 2 8 concept


2 Recording of transactions ₋ 2 2 ₋ 6 6 3 Cash and banking transaction ₋ 2 2 ₋ 12 12 4 Trial balance and Accounting errors 1 1 2 2 4 6 5 Final Account 1 2 3 2 18 20 6 Depreciation 1 1 8 8 7 Reserve and provision 1 1 2 2 2 4 8 Accounting for non-profit ₋ 1 1 ₋ 10 10 organization 9 Accounting for incomplete records ₋ 1 ₋ ₋ 4 4 10 Government Accounting 2 3 5 6 16 22 Total 7 15 22 18 82 100 VI. Refrences:

1. Sharma, Narendra, principles of Accounting XI, Bhundipuran Prakashan, ktm, 2. Koirala, Yadav raj, principles of Accounting- XI, Asmita Books publication, ktm 3. Rai, Ishwor Man, Principles of Accounting-XI, Nalanda prakashan pvt. Ltd. ktm 4. Shrestha, Dasharatha, Accountancy-XI, M.K, Prakashan, ktm


Business Studies

Grade: XI

Full marks: 100

Teaching hrs: 150

I. Introduction

Modern business organizations are dynamic institutions. Proper understanding of such institutions requires formal study and instruction. To get exposed to the realities of the business world, the business students need to be accquainted with the operations of business along with the office management systems. In view of this, this course is designed to introduce the students with the foundational knowledge regarding the principles and practices of business organizations. The course also aims to develop necessary skills that are needed to carry out major office activities including familiar business support agencies in Nepal. This is a theoretical course which consists of eight units.

II. General Objectives

The genera objectives of this course are to:

1. provide foundational knowledge on the principles and practices of business organizations; 2. provide basic knowledge on operational aspects of business organization and 3. develop students necessary skills in carrying the business office works effectively.

III. Specific Objectives:

The specific objectives of this course are to:

1. arouse interests in the students in learning the theory and practices of business 2. familiarize the students about the concepts of theory and practice of business organizations; 3. introduce the students with the knowledge of office management focused on major office systems, and 4. empower the students through useful methods and techniques so as to enable them to take up the operations of small business, effectively.

IV. Course Contents

Unit 1: Introduction of business

 Concept of business  Characteristics of business


 Components of business  Functions and objectives of business  Importance of Business  Social responsibilities of business (Investors, Consumers, Employees, Community and government)

Unit 2: Evolution and foundation of Business 10 LH

 Evolution of business  Considerations before starting a new business  Requisites of business success  Business environment: Concept and Components (Internal and External)

Unit 3: Forms of Business Organizations

A. Sole Trading Concern 8 LH

 Concept of sole trading concern  Characteristics of sole trading concern  Merits and Demerits of sole trading concern  Registration and renewal of sole trading concern in Nepal

B. Partnership Firm 17 LH

 Concept of partnership firm and partners  Characteristics of partnership firm  Difference between sole trading and partnership  Merits and demerits of partnership firm  Types of partners  Rights and duties of partners  Partnership deed: meaning and contents  Registration and renewal of partnership firm in Nepal  Dissolution of partnership firm in Nepal

C. Joint stock Company 25 LH

 Concept of joint stock company  Characteristics of joint stock company  Merits and demerits of joint stock company  Types of company  Difference between private and public limited company


 Main documents for the incorporation of joint stock company: Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association and prospectus  Incorporation of joint stock company in Nepal  Company meeting, preliminary General Meeting, Annual General Meeting and Extra- Ordinary General Meeting  Agenda and resolution  Winding-up of joint stock company

D. Co-operative Organization 10 LH

 Concept of co-operative organization  Features of co-operative organizations  Types of co-operatives  Role of co-operatives in developing countries  Registration of co-operatives in Nepal  National co-operative development board: formation and functions

E. Public Enterprises 10 LH

 Concept of public enterprises  Characteristics of public enterprises  Importance of public enterprises  Types of public enterprises: Departmental Undertaking, Public Corporations and Government Company

F. Multinational Company 5 LH

 Concept of multinational company  Characteristics of multinational company  Importance of multinational company  Demerits of multinational company

G. Business support Agencies in Nepal 5 LH

 Nepal chamber of commerce: Formation and functions  Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI): formation and functions  Export and trade promotion center (ETPC): Introduction and functions.

Unit 4: Office Management 5 LH

 Concept of an office  Functions of an office


 Importance of office  Concept of office management  Importance of office management  Office accommodation and layout

Unit 5: Filing and Indexing 15 LH

 Concept and purpose of filing  Importance of filing  Types of filing system: traditional and modern  Bases of classifications of files: Alphabetical, Numerical, Geographical, Chronological and subject wise  Qualities of good filing system  Concept and purpose of indexing  Types of indexing  Qualities of good indexing

Unit 6: Records Management 5 LH

 Concept of records management  Importance of records management  Types of records  Principles of records management  Retention and disposal of records

Unit 7: Office Machines and furniture 5 LH

 Office machines: meaning and importance  Office furniture: meaning and importance  Factors to be considered for selecting office machines and furniture

Unit 8: Business Communication 20 LH

 Concept of business communication  Importance of communication  Sources of office information: Internal and external  Types and means of communication  Meaning of business letters  Structure of business letter  Qualities of good business letter  Drafting of business letters in English: enquiry, order, complaint and application letters.


V. Evaluation Scheme

Students' performance will be evaluated on the basis of following structure of questions to be administered in the examination.

Name of Total questions Required of Weightage Total marks Questions to be asked Number of (Group) Questions to be Attempted A. Short 10 8 8 for each 64 Answer B. Long 3 2 18 for each 36 Answer Total Marks 100 Note: Questions relating to drafting of business letter should be asked under Group 'A' Short answer question.

VI. Teaching Strategies:

In order to achieve the set objectives of the course, effective teaching strategies will be implemented, Such strategies include:

(i) lecture; (ii) group discussions; (iii) class assignment and presentation; (iv) field visit and report writing , if possible; and (v) adequate drilling in drafting business letters.

The application of the strategy may include one or a combination of more than one strategy.

VII. Reference books:

(1) K.C., Fatta Bahadur (2008), Introduction to Business Studies, kathmandu, Vidharthi Pustak Bhandar (2) Agrawal, Govinda Ram, Business Studies-XI, G-7 Prakashan pvt. Ltd., Ktm (3) Khadka, Sherjung, Business Studies-XI, Asia Publication Pvt.Ltd, Ktm (4) Rai, Bharat, Business Studies- XI, Nalanada Prakashan Pvt. Ltd, Ktm (5) Shrestha, Naresh Prasad,, Business studies-XI, Aayam publication, ktm (6) Ghimire, Bishnu prasad, Business studies-XI, Welcome Prakashan, Ktm (7) Bhandari, Kedar prasad, Business Studies-XI, Bhudipuran Prakashan, Ktm (8) Sharma, Bhakti prasad, Business Studies-XI, Ekta Books and Distributors, ktm (9) Singh, Hriday Bir, Business Studies-XI, Asia publication Pvt. Ltd., Ktm


Travel and Tourism

Grade: XI

Full marks: 100 (75T+25P)

Teaching hours: 150

I. Introduction

This is an introductory course on Travel and Tourism. Students completing this level will be prepared to attend the next level(XII) course. This is also a theoretical-cum-practical course which consists of ten units.

II. General Objectives

The general objectives of this course are to:

a. introduce students with the basics of travel and tourism including its structure, roles(at global, regional and national levels), functions, and acquaint them with different sectors of tourism; b. orient and induce the students to travel and tourism; and c. prepare students to attain the next level (XII) course.

III. Specific Objectives

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

a. explain basic concepts of travel and tourism; b. appreciate meaning, role and nature of travel and tourism; c. explain the positive and negative impacts of tourism and apprehend the solutions to minimize the negative impacts; d. appreciate the major tourism products of Nepal; e. acquaint with different organizations involved in tourism such as travel trekking, rafting agencies, etc including their operational structure and function; and f. appreciate the role of tourism organizations/agencies.

IV. Course Contents

Unit 1: Introduction

1.1 Concepts and meaning of tourism 1.2 Nature of tourism 1.3 Motivational factors of travel 1.4 Determining factors of tourism 1.5 Types of tourism


Unit 2: Meaning of visitors, tourists and excursionists

2.1 Concepts and meaning of visitors

2.2 Concepts and meaning of tourist and tourist profiles

2.3 Excursionist

Unit 3: Evolution of Tourism

3.1 Evolution of tourism-global perspective 3.2 Evolution of tourism in the region (SAARC) 3.3 Evolution of

Unit 4: Components of Tourism

4.1 Attraction: Attraction in tourism and its types 4.2 Accessibility: Accessibility in tourism and means of transport 4.3 Accommodation: Accommodation in tourism and its types 4.4 Amenities: Amenities in tourism

Unit 5: Organizations and Associations involved in tourism

5.1 Introduction and need of organizations/associations in toursim 5.2 International  International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) and its function  UN World Tourism Organization(UNWTO) and its functions  Universal Federation of Travel Agent Association (UFTAA) and its functions  Pacific Asia travel Association (PATA) and its functions  International Air Transport Association (IATA), its roles and functions 5.3 National  National Tourism Council (NTC) and its functions  Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation (MoTCA) and its Functions  Nepal Tourism Baard (NTB); role and functions  Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agents (NATTA) and its functions  Trekking Agents Association of Nepal (TAAN) and its functions  Hotel Association of Nepal (HAN); role and functions  Other major associations of Nepal, such as NARA, TURGAN, etc

Unit 6: Major Tourism products of Nepal

6.1 Natural and cultural resources of Nepal 6.2 Tourism Geography of Nepal 6.3 Himalayan region- Natural and cultural resources


6.4 Mid Hilly region- Natural and cultural resources 6.5 Region- Natural and cultural resources 6.6 National Parks, Wildlife Reserve and conservation Areas of Nepal 6.7 Other attractions of Nepal, including new products of tourism magnitudes.

Unit 7: Tourism Sectoral Operation in Nepal

7.1 Tourism activities (Businesses) operating in Nepal

7.2 Travel agency, its operational structure and scope of operation

 Role of travel agencies  Types of travel agencies  Source of income of travel agency  Functions of travel agency

7.3 Trekking Agency, its operational structure and scope of operation

 Basics of trekking operations  Trekking in Nepal  Trekking regions of Nepal  Operational guidelines  Altitude sickness

7.4 Rafting in Nepal

 Rafting equipments  Major rafting rivers and their special features.  International classification of difficulties (Rivers and rapids)  Operational guidelines

7.5 Basic information on other tourists services operations such as Mountaineering, Rock climbing, Wildlife safari, Bungee jumping, Paragliding, Ultra light aircraft, Canyoning, Mountain flight, Cable car, Wave running, Mountain Biking, Home Stay or village tourism

Unit 8: Importance of Tourism

Importance of tourism from global, regional and national perspectives;

 Economic importance  Social importance  Educational importance

Unit 9: Impacts of Tourism


Positive and negative impacts and measures to minimize/eliminate negative impacts

 Economic impacts  Social impacts  Natural impacts  Basics of sustainable development of tourism

Unit 10: Career prospects and Attributes in Tourism

 Tourism occupation  Why choose tourism carrier  Is tourism for you  Success factors  Attributes

V. Breakdown of Theory, Practical and Demonstration Class Hours

S.N Subject Demonstration Total Hours 1. Introduction of Toursim 20 2. Visitors, Tourist and Excursionist 6 3. Evolution of Tourism 10 4 Components of Tourism 16 5 Organizations Involved in Tourism 21 6 Tourism products of Nepal 25 7 Tourism Business (Sectoral) Operation 25 in Nepal 8 Importance of Tourism 9 9 Impacts of Tourism 10 10 Career Prospects and Attributes in 8 Tourism Total 150 VI. Evaluation Scheme/Marks Allocation

25 percent marks is allocated for practical activity which includes report writing on study tour of known tourist destination/Place of product and presentation.

To be asked To be answered Marks Comprehensive Answer 3 2 10X2=20 Questions Short Answer Questions 9 7 7X5=35 Very Short Answer Questions 10 10 10X2=20 Practical- Study tour, report 25 preparation and presentation Total 22 19 100 marks


VII. Annual Practical Examination

Annual practical examination should be held under the supervision of the official deputed from HSEB. The official deputed from HSEB will be required to verify the report prepared and evaluate the presentation made by the student.

VIII. Reference books:

1. Ghimire, Ananda, on Toursim XI, Kathmandu: Ekta Books Distributors. 2. Ghimire, Ananda, Travel and Tourism An Introduction, Kathmandu: Ekta Books Distributors.


Hotel Management

Grade: XI

Full marks: 100

Teaching hours: 150

I. Introduction

The Hotel Management course has been specially designed to familiarise the students with the hospitality industry with specific reference to hotels. The course will enable the students to pursue Hotel Line as a career. School offering this course must have minimum facilities for practical demonstration related to kitchen, housekeeping, front office and food and beverage service.

II. General Objectives

The general objectives of this course are:

a) to provide basic knowledge required for hospitality industry; b) to impart basic knowledge required for hotel industry; and c) to prepare the students for Hotel Management course for grade XII

III. Specific Objectives

On completion of this course the students will be able to:

a) explain the role and nature of hospitality industry; b) identify various types of Accommodation and catering establishments and their department and c) explain interdepartmental relations in hotel and their needs and functions.

IV. Course Scheme:

Breakdown of theory, practical and demonstration classes Hours

Units Chapters Theory Demonstration Teaching hours Classroom 1 Concepts and meaning of 20 20 Tourism 2 Introduction to Hotel 20 20 Industry 3 Front Office Department 25 5 30 4 Food and Beverage Service 20 5 25 5 Kitchen 30 5 35 6 House Keeping 15 5 20


Total 130 20 150

V. Course Contents

Chapter 1. Concepts and Meaning of Tourism 20 LH

1. Tourism 1.1. Concepts and nature of hospitality 1.2. Concepts and meaning of tourism 1.3. Nature of tourism 1.4. Components.-Attraction, Accessibility, Accommodation and Amenities. 1.5. Evolution (Development) of tourism-National and International 1.6. Importance and Impact of Tourism. 1.7. Tourists-Meaning and concept, character, and types

Chapter 2: Introduction to Hotel 20 LH

2.1. Concepts of hotel and catering establishment 2.2. Development of hotel and catering industry- National and international 2.3. Classification of catering and hotel establishments. 2.4. Chain hotels 2.5. Hotel Organization  Importance of organization chart  Organization chart  Basis of departmentalization 2.6. Functions of each departments  Functional departments(Administration, Marketing, Finance)  Operational departments (Front Office, Food and Beverage, Kitchen, Housekeeping)  Interrelationship of various departments

Chapter 3: Front Office Department.

3.1. Definition and role of Front Office 3.2. Organization Chart, staffing, and job description.  Sections within Front Office and their Functions 3.3. Attributes of Front Office personnel. 3.4. Front Office Terminologies 3.5. Types of Rooms and Room Symbols 3.6. Registration  Meaning and purpose  Procedure and forms used


3.7. Check- in and Check-out procedures  Use of various forms  procedure 3.8. Sundry services  Handling message  Types of message  Providing information about hotel and facilities available 3.9. Coordination with other department-purpose and process.

Chapter 4: House keeping Department

4.1. Definition and function of house keeping 4.2. Organization chart  Different sections and their functions  Staffing and job description 4.3. Personal attributes 4.4. Housekeeping terminologies 4.5. Guest Room  Introduction  Contents and supplies 4.6. Forms and formats 4.7. Linens/Uniforms  Definition and types  Storage, Inventory, control and Par stock 4.8. Keys o Types o Control 4.9. Handling situations  Guest complains  Lost and Found  Sick Guest  Death of a guest 4.10. Coordination and relation of House Keeping with other departments.

Chapter 5 . Kitchen 35 LH

5.1. Introduction  Types of Kitchen  Kitchen Planning 5.2. Kitchen Organization  Staffing and job description


5.3. Hygiene  Personal Hygiene  Kitchen Hygiene/Safety and rules 5.4. Food Commodities  Vegetables  Cereals and Flours  Milk and milk products  Fruits and nuts  Poultry  Eggs  Meat (Lamb, Mutton, Pork, Buff)  Fish/Sea foods  Raising agents  Fats and oil  spices and Herbs 5.5. Elementary Nutrition  Proteins  Carbohydrate  Fats  Vitamins  Minerals and water 5.6. Food poisoning  Causes and control measures

Chapter: 6 Food and Beverage Service 25 LH

6.1. Food and Beverage service department of hotel

 Nature and function

6.2. Organizational Chart

 Staffing and job description  Outlets and their functions

6.3. Hospitality knowledge, skill and attitude of F and B Service staffs

6.4. Identification of service equipments and other service appointments

6.5. Basic culinary terminologies

6.6. Coordination with other departments.


VI. Reference books;

1. Oli, Gopal singh, Hotel management Principles and practices-XI, Buddha prakashan Ktm. 2. Bhandari, Saroj sing, Principles of Hotel Management-XI, Asmita Books Publication, Ktm

VII. Evaluation Scheme

To be asked To be answered Marks Comprehensive Answer Question 4 3 10x3=30 Short Answer question 8 6 6x5=30 Objective questions 15 15 15 Total 75 marks Comprehensive Short Answer Objective Answer Question question questions Hospitality and Tourism Hotel and 1 2+2=4 catering Front Office and Housekeeping 1 2 3+2=5 Food and beverage Service and 1 2 5+5=10 Kitchen


Computer Science

Grade: XI

Full marks: 100(75T+25P)

Teaching Hours: 150

I. Introduction

Information technology has become a part of contemporary society and as a potential tool in the socio-economic development of country. As information technology manpower is the backbone for the rapid development of ICT sector in the country, government of Nepal has accordingly identified IT as a priority sector. Keeping in view the importance of computer technology in general and indispensability of its knowledge and skill to the society in general and to the students of higher secondary level in particular, the course seeks to introduce computer science to acquaint the learner with the basic skills of computer literacy.

II. General objectives

The general objectives of this course are to:

1. help establish a strong foundation for the development of internationally competent human resources in the field of information communication and technology 2. help decrease the digital device; and 3. fulfill the middle level ICT Human resources to the ICT industries.

III. Specific Objectives

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

1. explain the fundamental principle of computer system mechanism and information and communication technology; 2. identify computer recourse for any specific purpose PC based application in the real life situations; 3. solve the office automation related system problems, general skill about network, internet, email and web site design; 4. provide computing knowledge and skill to individuals or organization; 5. engage in higher study of computer science and information technological course in the country or abroad; 6. provide the services as instructor of computer sciences course in schools or institutions; 7. state programming concept and tools; 8. explain the state of art information technology and works to change agents for spreading ICT culture in their society; and


9. encourage the student for visit the hardware and software industries, e-communities centers.

IV. Course contents:

Unit 1. Introduction and Evolution of computer

1.1. Concept and Characteristics of Computer 1.2. Application of Computers 1.3. History of Computer: Mechanical Calculating era, Electro-Mechanical era, Electronic computers era 1.4. Generation of Computers: First, second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Generation(AI) and its features 1.5. Computer speed and Measurement Unit

Unit 2. Classification of Computer

1.1. On the basis of working principle- Analog, Digital and Hybrid Computers 1.2. On the basis of size- Super, Mainframe, Mini and Microcomputers 1.3. On the basis of brand- IBM PC, IBM Compatible and Apple/Macintosh 1.4. Mobile Computing

Unit 3. Number system and their conversion

3.1. Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal Number system & conversion 3.2. 3.2 9's and 10's complements decimal subtraction 3.3. Calculation in Binary-addition, subtraction, One's and two's Complement Methods binary subtraction

Unit 4. Logic Function and Boolean Algebra

1.1. Logic Function and boolean Algebra 1.2. Introduction of Truth Table, Boolean Expression 1.3. Logic gats- AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR- its definition, use, truth table, logic symbol 1.4. Duality principle 1.5. Laws of Boolean Algebra- Associative, Commutative, Distributive, Identity, Complement laws 1.6. De Morgan's Theorem: Statement and logic Expression 1.7. Venn diagram and its represent of logic gates (AND, OR, NOT)

Unit 5. Computer Systems

1.1. Concept of Computer Architecture 1.2. Concept of Computer Organization


1.3. Components of Computer System-Input, Output, Processor and Storage 1.4. Microprocessor- Concepts, Components of Processor, Functions 1.5. Concept of System Buses: Data Bus, Address Bus, Control Bus 1.6. Memory- Primary and Secondary, Cache (L1, L2), Buffer, RAM, ROM 1.7. Storage Device- Definition, Use, Types: Hard Disk, Floppy Disk, Magnetic Tape, Flash Memory, Optical Disk (CD, VCD, DVD) External storage device 1.8. Input Device- Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Light pen, OMR, OCR, BCR, Scanner Touch pad Kiosk, Microphone and Digital Camera 1.9. Output Devices-Monitor, printer, plotter, Speaker 1.10. Computer peripherals 1.11. Interfaces- Parallel Port, Serial Port, USB ports, IEEE 1394 and slots 1.12. Identification of PC Accessories and Peripherals 1.13. Specification of PC 1.14. Software and classification 1.14.1. System software: OS, Language Processor 1.14.2. Application software including Utilities Software 1.14.3. Computer Virus and Antivirus

Unit 6. Operating System

6.1. Fundamental Concept

6.1.1. Introduction to operating system

6.1.2. Role of Operating System

6.1.3. Functions of an Operating System

6.1.4. Types of Operating System: Based on Processing Method (Batch, Multitasking, Multiprocessing, Timesharing, Real Time), Based on user Interface (GUI, CUI), Based on Mode of User (Single-user & Multi-user)

6.2. Disk Operating System (DOS)

6.2.1. Introduction to CUI and it's feature

6.2.2. Common DOS Commands (External and Internal Commands)

6.2.3. Concept of file and Directory

6.2.4. Wildcards and pathname

6.2.5. System Files: Config.sys, IO.sys, MSDOS.sys. autoexec.bat

6.3 windows operating system


6.3.1 Introduction to GUI and its features

6.3.2 working with a window Environment

6.3.3. Working with a windows Application Program

6.3.4. Working with files and folders

6.3.5. Customizing the task bar and Desktop

6.3.6. Customizing windows

6.3.7. Use of Accessories

6.4. Concept of Open Sources Operating System

6.4.1. Introduction to open sources operating system

6.4.2. Introduction to Linux, UNIX

Unit -7 Programming Concepts & Logics

1.1. Programming Languages (Low level, High level, 4GL) 1.2. Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler 1.3. List of high level programming Language 1.4. Difference between program and software 1.5. Concept of Programming statement 1.6. Syntax and semantics errors 1.7. Program control structures: Sequence, Selection and Iteration 1.8. Program Design tools- Algorithm, Flowchart and pseudo code 1.9. Introduction to data type 1.10. Codes: Absolute Binary, BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode

Unit-8 Application Package

8.1 Word Processor 8.1.1. Concept of Word Processor 8.1.2. Types of Word Processing 8.1.3. Basic terms of word processing 8.1.4. Working and editing text 8.1.5. Formatting Characters and paragraphs 8.1.6. Formatting pages 8.1.7. Working with tables 8.1.8. Working with templates and styles 8.1.9. Drawing and working with graphics


8.1.10. performing a Mail Merge 8.1.11. Document Collaboration 8.1.12. Working with outlines and long Documents 8.1.13. Working with word Art and Charts 8.1.14. Project work on Word processor 8.2 Spread Sheet 8.2.1. Concept and use of spread sheet 8.2.2. Types of spread sheet 8.2.3. Basic fundamentals of spread sheet 8.2.4. Formatting a worksheet 8.2.5. Creating and working with charts 8.2.6. Managing workbooks 8.2.7. General functions and formulas 8.2.8. Data filter and sorting 8.2.9. Working with other objects 8.2.10. Data Analysis and Pivot tables 8.2.11. What-If Analysis 8.2.12. Project work on Spread sheet 8.3. Presentation 8.3.1. Concept of Presentation 8.3.2. Types and use of presentation Program 8.3.3. Basic fundamental of presentation 8.3.4. Editing a presentation 8.3.5. Design and formatting Presentation 8.3.6. Transition of presentation 8.3.7. Animation and Custom Animation 8.3.8. Working with Tables, Graphics and Word Art 8.3.9. Working with Graphs and Organization Charts 8.3.10. Working with Multimedia 8.3.11. Project work on Presentation

Unit -9 Internet and E-mail

9.1. Internet 9.1.1. Introduction of Internet 9.1.2. Uses of Internet 9.1.3. Concept of Protocols 9.1.4. Web Browser, Web page, Website, Web server, URL, DNS 9.1.5. Search Engine, Messenger services 9.1.6. Setting Browser properties 9.1.7. Setup Network Connection


9.2 E-mail

9.2.1. Concept of E-mail

9.2.2. Uses of E-mail

9.2.3. Different types of E-mail Account

9.2.4. Web Based E-mail and POP E-mail

Unit- 10 Web page Designing

10.1. Introduction to HTML

10.2. Types of Tags

10.3. Basic Structure of HTML

10.4. Character Formatting (Paragraphs, Heading, Text format)

10.5. Create an Ordered and Unordered List

10.6. Insert Images and Objects

10.7. Create Hyper Link

10.8. Create Table

10.9. Design Frames and Form

10.10. Concept of CSS and Script Language

10.11. Webpage Design and Editing Tools

10.12. Project work on web page

Unit-11. Final project work

11.1. Project work on webpage or Spread sheet 11.2. Documentation of the project

V. Instructional Materials:

 To be guided by Teaching Manual

VI. Instructional Techniques:

 To be guided by Teaching Manual


VII. Evaluation Schemes:

a) Theory Evaluation :  Short Questions  Long Questions  Short Notes

Theory Questions are guided by marks distribution and model questions

b) Practical Evaluation:

S.No Unit Topics No of Mini Projects Remarks Exercise Evaluation 1 5 PC Component 2 - Practical marks Identification Evaluated By: 2 6.3 Operating 4 - External System Examiner: 10 (windows) Internal 3 8.1 Word Processor 6 5 Examiner: 15 4 8.2 Spread sheet 5 5 Based on Mini 5 8.3 Presentation 4 5 Project, Lab 6 9 Internet, Email 4 2 Exercise and 7 10 Web Page 6 5 Final Project Designing (HTML) 8 11 Final Project Lab exercise are guided by marks distribution and Teaching Manual.

VIII. Marks and Teaching Hours distribution

Units Mark Distribution Number of Hours Theory Practical Theory Practical 1 2 3 2 3 5 3 5 5 4 5 10 5 10 15 2 6 10 3 10 20 7 10 10 8 15 15 10 22 9 10 5 10 16 10 5 2 5 7 11 Total 75 25 83 67


IX. Reference books:

 Pudasaini, Dipak, Computer Science Principles and Practices XI, Buddha Prakashan, Ktm  Adhikari Deepak, Computer Science-XI, Asia Publication Pvt. Ltd, Ktm  Sing, Bikash Kumar Computer Science-XI, Aatharai Publication Pvt. Ltd. Ktm  Shrestha, Prachanda Ram, Computer Science-XI, Asmita Books Publication, Ktm  Gurung, Juddha Bahadur, Computer Science-XI, Bhudipuran Prakashan, Ktm



Grade :XI

Full marks : 100

Teaching Hours : 150

I. Introduction

This course has been designed to familiarise the students with the study of physical Geography. It also seeks to develop in them the knowledge and skills of cartography and surveying. This is a theory-cum-practical course. The theory part(Physical Geography) carries 75 marks and practical portion (Practical Geography) 25 marks. Students are required to pass both the portions separately.

II. General Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:

a. explain the terms and concepts related to physical geography; b. describe the structure, composition and distribution of important faces and features of the earth; and c. use the basic skills of cartography.

III. Specific Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. describe the scope and importance of physical geography; 2. identify and describe the consituents of different layers of earth's interior 3. classify rocks into major types and describe their process of formation 4. explain the processes involved in the formation of major land forms of the earth 5. explain the causes and effects of indogenetic and exogenetic forces that bring changes on the earth's surface 6. point out and describe the landforms associated with river and glacial action 7. list and explain the elements and factors of climate 8. describe the distribution and characteristics of major types of world climates 9. classify the soil and natural vegetation of the world into major types and describe their world distribution 10. construct graphical scale with primary and secondary divisions; 11. draw the profiles from the given contours: 12. identify and draw important conventional signs used on toposheets; and 13. survey an area with the help of a chain and a tape.


IV. Course Contents:

Units Chapters Teaching Hours 1 Introduction to Physical Geography 6 2 Landforms 57 3 Climate 30 4 Soil 9 5 Natural Vegetation 10 6 Scale 12 7 Representation of Relief 15 8 Conventional Signs 5 9 Surveying 6 Total 150

V. Course Content in Detail

Part 1 Physical Geography (Theory)

Unit 1 Introduction to Physical Geography

1.1. Definition and major branches of geography 1.2. Scope and importance of physical geography

Unit 2 Landforms

1.1. Structure of the earth; Lithosphere, Pyrosphere and Barysphere 1.2. Rocks: Formation and types 1.3. Major landforms: Processes involved in the formation of Mountain, Plain and plateau 1.4. Earth movements: 1.4.1. Volcanism- Causes, types and distribution 1.4.2. Earthquake- Causes, effects and distribution 1.5. Denudation: 1.5.1. Weathering- Physical, chemical and biological weathering 1.5.2. Erosion- Introduction to cycle of erosion 1.6. River processes and associated landforms: 1.6.1. Stage, grade, base level and profiles of river 1.6.2. Consequent, subsequent, resequent and obsequent river, antecedent and superimposed drainage 1.6.3. Landforms as a result of river action- water fall, pothole, gorge, river terraces, alluvial fan, peneplain, monad nocks and delta. 1.7. Glacial processes and associated landforms: 1.7.1. Meaning and types of glacier- Mountain and continental glacier


1.7.2. landforms made by glacial action- U- Shaped valley, cirque, Roches, Moutonnees, Moraines, Outwash plain, drumlin, esker and kames

Unit 3: Climate

1.1. Concepts of weather and climate 1.2. Elements and factors of climate 1.3. Temperature: Vertical and horizontal distribution; transfer of heat (radiation, conduction and convection) 1.4. Pressure belts 1.5. Wind system: Constant, periodical, occasional and local winds 1.6. Humidity: relative and absolute 1.7. Condensation: Forms of condensation (snowfall, hailstone, frost, dew, fog and mist) 1.8. Rainfall: Types of rainfall (orographic, convectional and cyclonic) 1.9. World climatic types : Distribution and physical characteristics of: 1.9.1. Climates in the tropical zone (Equatorial, Monsoon, Savanna and Desert) 1.9.2. Climates in the temperature zone (west European, Mediterranean and Temperate Grassland) 1.9.3. Climate in the frizid zone (Tundra)

Unit 4 Soil

1.1. Formation of soil: Process of podzolisation, calcification, laterization and salination 1.2. soil profile 1.3. Major soil types and their world distribution

Unit 5 Natural Vegetation

5.1. Concepts of plant community 5.2. Relation between climate and natural vegetation 5.3. Classification of natural vegetation based on moisture: Hygrophytes, zerophytes and Tropophytes 5.4. Major types of natural vegetation and their world distribution

Part II Practical Geography (Practical)

Unit 6 Scale

6.1. Introduction to scale

6.2. Construction of plain Scale

Unit 7 Representation of Relief

7.1. Methods of showing relief on map: Colour, Hachures, spot heights and contours


7.2. Drawing contours and cross sectional profiles: Conical hill, plateau, valley and spur; gentle, undulating, concave and convex slopes.

Unit 8 Conventional signs

8.1. Identification and drawing of conventional signs used on toposheets

Unit 9 Surveying

9.1. Chain and tape survey

9.2. Surveying of the school premises

Note: Students must submit the practical record book to the department before the practical examination.

VI. Instructional techniques

- Lecture, explanation and illustration - Demonstration and discussion - Individual and group work/project - Self study and practice

VII. Prescribed Texts

1. Khaniya, Prem Raj, Simple Physical Geography (Recent Edition), Bidhyarthi Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu. 2. Kadel, Narayan Prasad, Simple Practical Geography; (Recent Edition) Bidhyarthi Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu

VIII. Refrence books

1. Shakya, Anand Man, Physical Geography (recent edition), Curriculum Development Centre, T.U. 2. Gupta, Das and A.N. Kapoor, Principles of Physical Geography, (Recent Edition), S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi. 3. Kadel, Narayan Pd., Simple Physical Geography (recent Edition), Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu. 4. Leong, Gho Cheng, Certificate Physical and Human Geography, (Recent Edition), Oxford University Press, Delhi. 5. Poudel, Padma Chandra and Ram Chandra Poudel, Practical Geography (Recent Edition) Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu.


IX. Evaluation Scheme

Evaluation will be done mainly to measure the achievement of the students. It will be carried out mainly through written test. Schools can apply various internal evaluation devices to upgrade their teaching learning situation. But there will not be separate mark for internal evaluation. Marks secured in the annual examination will be the only criteria for passing the examination.

X. Assessment Techniques and Mark Distribution

Written examination: 75 marks

Unit wise mark distribution:

Unit 1-5 marks

Unit 2-40 marks

Unit 3-20 marks

Unit 4 and 5-10 marks

The evaluation of the students on the theory portion of the course will be done on the basis of long answer, short answer and very short answer questions. Altogether nineteen questions will be asked covering most of the sub units and the students will be required to attempt fifteen of them.

Specification Grids (Theory)

Type of Questions Total questions to be Total questions to be Total marks asked answered Long answer 3 2 2*12.5=25 questions Short answer 10 8 8*5=40 questions Very Short questions 6 5 5*2=10 Total 19 15 75

Practical examination: 25 marks

Mark distribution:

1. Practical paper - 16 marks 2. Practical record book - 5 marks 3. viva-voce -4 marks


The evaluation of the students on the practical portion of the course will be done on the basis of long answer and short answer questions of 3 hours duration. In the practical examination, six questions will be asked (Two form unit 6 and 7 each and one from unit 8 and 9 each) and the students will have to answer four questions selecting at least one from each unit.

Type of Questions Total questions to be Total questions to be Total marks asked answered long answer questions 3 2 2*5=10 short answer 3 2 2*3=6 questions Total 6 4 16


Political Science Grade: XI Full marks : 100 Teaching hours: 150 I. Introduction Political Science is a systematic study of power in society. It primarily deals with the origin and administration of power and function in the politics of society. The power relationships need to be studied in terms of political system and political processes in the light of underlying political theories. A student at the higher secondary level needs guidance to develop a better understanding of the political system, the constitution and its working mechanisms for the government at deferent levels. A student should also understand the role of his/her country in various regional and international organizations and also its relations with other countries.

This course is designed to facilitate the study of political concepts and theories, constitution and working of the government of Nepal as well as international politics, international relations and world organizations.

II. General Objectives

The general objectives of this course are to:

1. familiarize the students with the basic concepts, values, actors and institutions of politics and the political processes; and 2. make them explain the art and science of politics in the world in general and in Nepal in particular.

III. Specific Objectives

At the End of this course, the students will be able to:

1. explain the meaning of political science, describe its various methods of studies and relate it with other social sciences, 2. explain the concepts of society, association, nation and state 3. define the organs of government and describe their functions 4. analyze major political concepts and political theories; 5. discuss the meaning and scope of international politics and identify the elements of national power 6. explain the determinants of foreign policy of a country 7. describe the functions of the main organs of the United Nations; 8. explain about the meaning and types of federalism and 9. state and analyze Inclusive Democracy


IV. Course Scheme

Units Chapters Teaching hours 1 Political Science as a Discipline 20 2 Society, Association, Nation and State 20 3 Citizenship 20 4 Organs of Government 16 5 Power & Authority: Concepts 4 6 Political Concepts 28 7 Democracy 10 8 International politics 16 9 United Nations Organization 16 Total 150

V. Course Contents

Unit I : Political Sciemce as a Discipline 20 hrs

1. Introduction of political science and its scope

2. Approaches: To the study of political science traditional $ Modern in brief

3. Relationship with other social sciences –History,Economics.Sociology,Geography, Ethics and Law

Unit II : Society,Nation and State 20 hrs

1.Civil Society :concepts,importance and role 2. Nation: concepts, nation-state, distinction between state and nation. 3. State: concepts, elements and its theories of origin.

1. Citizenship: concepts and types, its acquisition and loss. 2. Rights and Duties: concepts and types, 3. The UN declaration of human rights,

Unit IV: Organs of Government 16 hrs

1. Legislature: concepts types and functions. 2. Executive: concepts types and functions. 3. Judiciary: concept, composition, jurisdiction and independence of judiciary.

Unit V: Power & Authority: Concepts 4 hrs

Unit VI: Political Concepts 26 hrs

1. Law: concepts and sources.


2. Sovereignty: concepts, characteristics and kinds. 3. Liberty and Equality: concepts and kinds. 4. Relationship between Liberty and Equality. 5. Political culture, political socialization and political communication: their concepts, types and agents. 6. Unitary system and Federalism: concept and types in brief.

1. Concepts, types, merits and demerits. 2. Prerequisites for the successful working of democracy. 3. Inclusive Democracy.

Unit VIII: International Politics 16 hrs

1. Concepts and scope of international politics 2. Elements of national power and its limitations. 3. Concepts and source of international law. 4. Foreign policy: meaning and its determinants

Unit IX: The UN: Background, Objectives and Organs 16 hrs

VI. Evaluation Scheme Marks Division Long Answer Questions 60% 3x20 = 60 Short Answer Questions 40% 5x8 = 40

Vll. Instructional Strategies

%Project work %Group work %Peer work %Discussion etc.

VIII. Reference books: 1. kf]v/]n, s[i0f -@)%$_, /fhgLltzf:qsf] l;4fGt, sf7df8f}F M 6; k|sfzg . 2. >]i7, cdg / sfˆn, dfof k|;fb, /fhgLltzf:q, lj/f6gu/ M ejg k|sfzg 3. bfxfn, /fds'df/, /fhgLlt zf:qsf l;4fGt, sf7df8f}F M e'F8L k'/f0f 4. bfxfn, /fds'df/, /fhgLlt zf:qsf l;4fGt, sf7df8f}F M /Tg k':ts e08f/ 5. /]UdL, l;l/zrGb| -@)%$_ /fhgLltzf:qsf] kl/ro, -P3f/f}F ;+:s/0f_ sf7df8f}F M ljBfyL{ k':ts e08f/ 6. Bongartz. Heinz and Dahal, Dev Rtlj (1996). Development studies. Kathmandu: NEFAS. 7. Kumar, Mahendra ( 1990), Theoretical Aspects of International politics, New Delhi: Siva Lal Agrawal Publications. 8. Kapoor, A.C. (1990). Principals of Political Science, New Delhi: S. Chand and Co. 9. Johari,J.C. (1989), Principles of Modem Political Science, New Delhi: Strling Publication.


History Grade XI Full Marks:100 Teaching hours: 150

Outline History of Nepal

I. Introduction

This course comprises a brief survey of Ncpal's history beginning from the Ancient to the Modern period (up to 1990), lt begins with the sources of Nepali history and includes the early settlers of Nepal: the Gopalas, Mahisapalas and Kiratas of the , the Sakyas of Kapilavastu, and the Videhas of . Achievements of the major rulers of the Ancient and Medieval periods has been discussed.In the modem period the followed by Nepal s war with East-lndia Company and her relations with Tibet and China have been emphasized.Along with this, the 104 years of the Rana rule featuring the attempts made by the Rana rulers to modernize Nepal and the responses of Nepali elites have been stressed.

Major emphasis has been laid on the issues and trends rather than on the dates of the rulers and their biographical sketches. Thus greater emphasis has been given to civilization and people. A section on social work and community development has also been added to show the students a link between the society and the political apparatus of the state.

II. General Objectives The general objectives oftl1e course are to make the students understand and help them analyze the major building blocks in Nepali history and civilization.

III. Specific Objectives The Specific objectives of the course are : 1. to familiarise the students with the political issues and events in Nepali history from the beginning to the downfall of the Ran a regime: 2. to enable them to analyze the principal elements of Ncpali civilization in ancient, medieval and modern periods and the democratic movements of 1951, 1990 and afterwards. 3. to acquaint the students with the notions of social work and community development in the past and the present: and 4. to familiarize the students with elementary tools of social survey.

IV. Course Scheme: Units Chapters Teaching Hours 1. Ancient and Medieval Nepal 40 2. Unification of Nepal and after 30 3. Nepal Under the Rana regime 35 4. Democratic Movement in Nepal- (1951-1990A.D.) 20 5. Social Organizations and Social Survey Methods 20


Total 150

V. Course Contents

Unit 1: Ancient and Medieval Nepal 40 Teaching Hrs

• Introduction  Sources of Nepali history 1 hrs  Origin of the name "Nepal'' 1hrs  The Gopalas and the Mahisapalas 1hrs  The Kiratas and the Sakyas of Kapilavastu 1hrs  The Videhas of Janakpur 1hrs

• The Lichchhavi Period

 Contributions of Raja Manadev 2 hrs  Contt·ibuticms of Raja Amsuvarma 2 hrs  Contributions of Raja Narendradev. 2 hrs  Contributions of Lichchhavi Civilization  Lichchhavi Administration 1 hrs  Lichchhavi Society 1 hrs  Lichchhavi Economy and Religion. 1 hrs

• Medieval Period  An Introduction to 2 hrs  Foundation and development of the state Simaraungarh 2 hrs  The Khasa empire of Sinja, jumla 2 hrs  A brief survey of the Baisi principalities of Karnali Basin 3 hrs  A brief survey of the Chaubisi Principalities of Gandaki Basin 3 hrs  Contributions of Raja Jayasthiti Malla 2 hrs  Sen kingdoms of the eastern Nepal 2 hrs  Conquest and achievements of Raja Yaksya Malla 2 hrs  Raja Bhupatindra Malla and the city of Bhaktapur 2 hrs  Raja Paratap Malla and his contributions in arts, architecture and literature 2 hrs  Raja Siddhinarsingh Malla and the foundation of Lalitpur 1 hrs  The place of religion in the medieval period 1 hrs

Unit 2: Unification of Nepal and after 30 Teaching hrs

• Unification phase of Nepal

 Role of King Prithivi Narayan Shah in the unification of Nepal 4 hrs


 Pratap Singh Shah and Nepal 1 hrs  Regency period of Rajendra Laxmi 1 hrs  Regency period of Bahadur Shah 4 hrs  Unification of Nepal upto 1816AD, 3 hrs  Foreign relations (India and China) 4 hrs  Causes and effects of Nepal and East India Company war 1814 -1816AD, 4 hrs  Causes and effects of Nepal-Tibet-China war 1788-92A,D, 3 hrs  Reforms of 3 hrs  Political instability (183 7-1846A.D,) 3 hrs

Unit 3: Nepal Under the Rana regime 35 Teaching hrs

• Rise and downfall of the Ranas

 Foundation of Rana regime 3 hrs  Social reforms during the Rana regime 3 hrs  Economic reforms during the Rana regime 3 hrs  Educational reforms during the Rana regime 3 hrs

• Internal politics  Assassination of Ranoddip Singh 2 hrs  Expulsion of Khadga Shamsher 2 hrs  Expulsion of Dev Shamsher 2 hrs  Expulsion of "C class" Ranas 3 hrs  Abdication of Judda Shamsher 3 hrs

• Democratic Movement

 Prachanda Gorkha's case 1 hrs  Activities of Nepal Praja Parishad 3 hrs  Activities of 3 hrs  Revolution of2007 RS. and end of the Rana regime 4 hrs

Unit 4: Dcmocmtic Movement iu Nepal- (1951-1990 A.D.) 20 teaching hrs

• Experiments with democratic rule in Nepal

 Political experiments from 195lto 1958 A.D. 5 hrs  Parliamentary rule in Nepal ( 1959-1960 A.D.) 3 hrs  system ( 1961-1990 A.D.) 7 hrs  People's movement and restoration of democracy in Nepal (1990 and after) 5 hrs


Unit 5: Social Organizations and Social Survey Methods 20 Teaching hours

• A study of traditional and modem social institutions:

 Traditional institutions (social services): 5 hrs Guthi system Paropakar Samstha and Charkha Pracharak guthi and others  Modem institutions (social services): , Lion's Club and Rotary Club 5 hrs

• Introduction to the elementary methods of social survey

(a) General introduction to basic methods of generating data through secondary sources such as books, journals/periodicals, newspapers. 5 hrs

(b) General introduction to basic methods of generating data using original and primary sources such as 5 hrs i) Questionnaire- designing, main types (open end and close end), ii) Interviews iii) Field observation

VI. Textbooks and references 1. dfgGw/, lq/Tg, lg/+hg zdf{ M cfw'lgs g]kfnsf] /fhgLlts Oltxf; -lj=;+= @))&–!(_ 2. clwsf/L, ;'o{dl0f M g]kfndf k|hftflGqs cfGbf]ngsf] Oltxf; 3. ;'j]bL, /fhf/fd M g]kfnsf] tYo Oltxf;, sf7df8f}F M ;femf k|sfzg )^! 4. bfxfn, 8f=k]zn / ld>, 8f= tLy{k|;fb M g]kfnsf] P]ltxfl;s ?k/]vf -Pd=s] klAnzz{_

VII. Evaluation Scheme

The evaluation scheme for Grades XI and XII will be as follows: I. Long answer type questions 5 ( 4 to be attempted) ...... 15x4 = 60 marks Short answer type questions 7 (5 to be attempted)...... 8x5 = 40 marks


CULTURE GRADE XI Full marks: 100 Teaching hours: 150 I. Introduction

The study of culture helps understand the dynamics of human society and provides sound knowledge of the present and the future problems that the human race may encounter. This course has been devised incorporating the various elements of culture since the very dawn of human civilization to understand the dynamism of the . This course will help the students to appreciate the gnosis of evolution of human culture, particularly of numerous ethnic groups practising their socio-cultural traditions and political and economic systems in different forms.

II. General Objectives The general objectives of this course are: a. to enable the students to appreciate the niceties of Nepal's historical tradition of different periods; and b. to acquaint them with the basic cultural life of various ethnic groups of Nepal.

III. Specific Objectives On the completion of this course the students will be able to identify a. Nepal's traditional and documented history; and b. Nepal's social and religious tradition in historical perspective as well as significance of various festivals and sacraments practised by the eople in the country.

IV. Course contents

Section- A. Political History of Nepal (60 marks) 90 Teaching hrs1. 1.Introductory studies:  Definition of history and culture and their relations with Anthropology and Archaeology  Sources: i. Archaeological ii. Literary, and iii. Foreign accounts. 2. Brief history of the Gopalas, Mahisapalas, Kiratas, Shakyas of Kapilvastu and Videhas of Janakpur.  Political history of the Lichchhavi and Malaa periods with special reference to the following rulers: Manadeva, Amsuvarma, Narenclra Deva, Shiva Deva II and Jaya Deva, Raghava Deva and Introduction of Nepal Era, Gunakama Deva and Ari Malla.  Jayasthitimalla. Yakshamalla, Rayamalla, Jitamitramalla Bhupatindramalla and Ranjitmalla of Bhaktapur.


 Ratnamalla, Mahendramalla, Laxinarasinghamalla, Pratapmalla and Jayaprakashmalla of Kathmandu  Siddhinarsinghamalla, Srinivasamalla, Yognarendramalla and Six Pradhans of Patan .  Causes for the fall of the Mallas .  Social and administrative condition of the Nepal Valley during the Lichchhavi and Malla periods.  A brief study of the unification of Nepal: Contributions of Prithivi Narayan Shah, Rajendra Laxmi Devi and Bahadur Shah.  A brief study of the Nepal East India Company War of 1814-16 and the .

Section- B Cultural History of Nepal (40 marks) 60 teaching hrs

• Main features of the Varnashram system:- Main sacraments of the Hindu and Buddhist societies: Education- aims and ideals: Ancient Educational System of the Hindus and Buddhists; Relation between the teachers and students. • Hinduism:- Vedic and Upanisadic religions; important Vedic Deities:- Rudra, Surya, Varuna, Vac and Indra. • Buddhism:- Life and teaching of Lord Buddha; an introduction to Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism and major difference in these schools. • A brief study of Shaivism, Shaktism and Vaishnavism in Nepal. • People of Nepal A brief study o f the area of settlement social structure, sacraments, religion and festivals of the Sherpa. Gurung, Kirata, Newar and • Study of the Main Festivals of Nepal , , Buddha Jayanti, Shivaratri, Vasanta Panchami, Ghode , Rato Matsyendranath Jatra, Chhath, Vibaha Panchami and Losar Tharu communities of Nepal.

V. Reference books

1. bfxfn, k]zn, g]kfnsf] Oltxf; / ;+:s[lt, Pd=s]= klAn;;{, ef]6flx6L 2. Bista, D. B. People of Nepal 3. Pokharel, G. P. Nepala Rajyako Etihasika Vritanta 4. Parbhu, P. N. Hindu Social Organization 5. Regmi, .J. C., Nepalako Dharmika Itihasa 6. Shrestha, H.P., Nepalako Itihasa ra Samskriti Eka Jhalaka



I. Introduction This is an introductory course in sociology m1d m1thropology, which aims at providing exposure to the students with the basic concepts of sociology and anthropology.

II. Objectives

General objective The general objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the basic concepts and languages of sociology and anthropology

Specific objectives

The specific objective of the course is:  to introduce social processes, social structure and social institutions; and  to provide basic knowledge on languages of sociology and anthropology and give exposure to the students to the major contributions of selected sociologists and anthropologists.

End Objectives At the end of the academic calendar, the course should enable the students to:  define the nature and scope of sociology and anthropology  explain basic sociological and anthropological concepts, social processes, social institutions, social stratification and social change,  explain the selected theories of sociology and anthropology (evolutionism, functionalism and conflict theory) and  conduct simple sociological and anthropological studies by using simple data collection methods such as observation and personal interviews.

III. Course Content

Unit 1. Introduction to Sociology (10 Periods)  Definition, nature and scope  Sub-divisions of sociology (rural sociology, urban sociology, political sociology, industrial sociology and economic sociology)  Relationship of sociology with other social sciences (anthropology, psychology, economics, political science and history)

Unit 2. Introduction to Anthropology (10 Periods)  Definition, nature and scope


 Branches (physical anthropology, social and cultural anthropology, archaeological anthropology, linguistic anthropology)  Sub-divisions of anthropology (economic anthropology, ecological anthropology, medical anthropology, anthropology of development, political anthropology)  Relationship of anthropology with other social sciences (sociology, psychology, economics, political science and history).

Unit 3. Basic Concepts in Anthropology and Sociology (30 periods)

 Society: Meaning, Definition and Characteristics  Social system: Meaning, Definition and Characteristics  Community: Meaning, Definition and Characteristics  Culture: Meaning, Definition and Characteristics  Social norms and values : Meaning, Definition and Characteristics  Status and role: Meaning, Definition and Characteristics  Class: Meaning, Definition and Characteristics  Social group: Meaning, Definition and Characteristics  Social organization: Meaning, Definition and Characteristics  Caste: Meaning, Definition and Characteristics  Ethnicity: Meaning, Definition and Characteristics  Gender: Meaning, Definition and Characteristics

Unit 4. Social Processes (15 periods)  Meaning and definition of social process  Meaning and definition of: Acculturation, Accommodation, Adaptation, Amalgamation, Assimilation, Competition. Conflict, Cooperation, Integration and Socialization.

Unit 5. Social Institutions (15 Periods)  Meaning and definition of social institution  Family : Definition, functions and types (nuclear and joint)  Marriage : Definition, functions and types (on the basis of spouse, monogamy and polygamy, on the basis of rules: exogamy and endogamy; on the basis of process: arrange marriage and love marriage  Kinship : Definition, functions and types: Consanguinal and affinal

Unit 6. Social Stratification (10 Periods)  Meaning and definition of social stratification  Dimensions of social stratification  Class, caste/ethnicity, economy and gender based stratification

Unit 7. Social and Cultural Change (15 Periods)

 Processes of social and cultural change: discovery, innovation, diffusion acculturation and modernization  Factors of social and cultural change (economy, technology, education and demography)


 Role of communication and media in social and cultural change

Unit 8. Key Figures in the History of Sociology and anthropology and their selected Contributions (Begin with a brief biography of each) (15 Periods) Sociology

A. Comte- Positivism Max Weber- Class, Status and Power


 FB Tylor- Concept of cultural evolution  Malinowski - Functions of culture

Unit 9. Sociological/Anthropological Research (30 Periods)

o Meaning and definition of social research o Language of social research: concept variables, hypothesis, data (qualitative and quantitative, primary and secondary), census, survey, universe, study population, sample o Steps of social research o Research proposal o Methods of data collection o Questionnaire o Interview o Observation o Data analysis and report writing

IV. Guideline for Teachers  This is a fundamental & introductory course in the disciplines of sociology and anthropology and hence should he taught in such a way that the knowledge and skill gained from this course could be used to better understand any culture and society in general and Nepali culture and society in particular. (Examples should be delivered Nepali society and culture)  While teaching this course attention should be given to make it as participatory as possible. Students might be from various backgrounds in terms of socio- economic status, caste/ethnic composition, sex and value orientations. This, itself is an immense treasure and their life experience could form the leaching material. Experience sharing would provide good exposure to all students and this would lead to smooth teaching and learning.  Attempt should be made to get input from the students on units III, IV and V If the students were from different places (districts/regions), affiliated to different caste/ethnic group & religions, this would provide variability and hence would make the class livelier.  While teaching unit IX, students should be involved in practicum. Each student either in a group of 3-5 or individually should be assigned to a fieldwork/survey and they should be motivated to prepare field reports. This assignment should also be graded and should


carry 20 points. Once graded. this unit should no more become candidate for final examination.

V. Evaluation Scheme 1.Long Questions 3(any two) 2xl2 = 24 2. Short Questions 7 (any seven) 7x8 = 56 3. Internal Assessment = 20 Total = 100

VI. Unit wise Allocation of Marks

Unit Marks Allocated Unit I 7 Unit II 7 Unit III 20 Unit IV 10 Unit V 10 Unit VI 6 Unit VII 10 Unit VIII 10 Unit IX **A From this Unit (Unit IX), theoretical question should not be asked in the final examination.

VII. References

 Sitaula, Mohan Kumar, Introduction to Sociology and anthropology (In English Medium)- XI, Ekata Books and Distributors, Ktm  Sharma, Kamal Raj, Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology in Nepal -XI, Sunrise Prakasan Pvt. Ltd, Ktm  Kharel, Durga, Elementary Sociology and Anthropology-XI  Pokherel, Ishwor, Sociology (in Nepali Medium) XI, Ekata Books and Distributors, Ktm  Khatri, Prem Kumar, Elementary Sociology and Anthropology XI, Bhundipuran Prakashan, Ktm



Grade XI

Full marks : 100

Teaching hours: 150

I. Introduction

There shall be two papers. In the first year the students will have to study paper I Deductive Logic which carries 100 marks. In the second year they have to study in section 'A' Inductive Logic carrying 70 marks and the section 'B' with the definition and importance of philosophy, and Buddha's teachings of Four Noble Truths which carries 30 marks.

Learning begins as life is exposed to this world and it is advanced with the curiosity around one's life. Every human being behaves on the basis of the knowledge he has learnt first by thinking and then imitation. The process of thinking involved in learning develops some ideas and beliefs on the basis of which an individual leads his life and so it is said that every human being lives his life according to some metaphysics and so it is also regarded that the view in accordance with which one leads the life is a choice between good and bad metaphysics and not between some metaphysics and no metaphysics. So the study of philosophy as a parent study of all kinds of studies is continued and hopefully the study will help promote our social values with proper processes of thinking.

II. General Objectives

Man is a man because of thinking power and for systematizing this aspect man has developed some instruments from ancient times in some or other way. Such instruments are in use even to day in the study of different branches of study. As for example if one has to find out a general fact, one has to observe many particular instances relating to that fact, and only after such observations one will be able to prove that fact and if may particular instances are seen and if one is eager to know what will be the conclusion of these instances, then one will have to observe many instances and then be able to draw & conclusion. Within this process we have other means also such as perception, comparison and testimony which are also regarded as the sources of knowledge as they help us in accumulating knowledge relating to our lives and this universe. The word 'philosophy' itself is regarded as the study relating to the 'love of wisdom' which means wisdom relating to life in this universe. In this context the very short and essential teachings of Lord Buddha, the son of our Nation are prescribed.

III. Specific Objective

The specific objective of this course is to develop an adequate and accurate reasoning capacity of the students through the different logical units included in the course of study.


IV. Course Contents

Deductive Logic: Paper I

Unit 1 10 teaching hours

Definition and Scope, Nature, Knowledge, Truth, Utility and uses of Logic Definition and Characteristics of Science and Arts.

Unit 2 15 teaching hours

Terms and words: Meaning of terms and word. Denotation and connotation of a term, Logical division of words, Relation between the denotation and connotation of terms, Relation of terms in denotation and connotation, classification of the terms.

Unit 3 10 teaching hours

Character of Logical definition, Rules of definition and their violations leading to fallacies and limits of definition

Unit 4 15 teaching hours

Nature of logical devision, Rules of division and their violation leading to fallacies and division by Dichotomy.

Unit 5 20 teaching hours

Propositions: Analysis of proposition- classification of proposition forms of logical propositions according to quality and quantity A.E.1.0, Reduction of sentences into their logical forms, distribution of terms in a logical proposition

Unit 6 10 teaching hours

Opposition of proposition, Subalternation-contrary-subcontrary and cotrodictory

Unit 7 50 teaching hours

Inference: Meaning and classification of inference (Immediate and Mediate inference or syllogism)

Immediate Inference- conversion, obverssion, controposition and inversion. Syllogism: Definition, characteristics and analysis of syllogism, Figure and moods of Syllogisms- General syllogistic rules and their violation leading to fallacies determination of general valid Moods(in all the four figures) special rules of each of the four figures, construction of valid moods, corollaries and testing.

Mixed syllogism: classification of mixed syllogism


a. Hypothetical, categorical syllogism, its meaning, rules and fallacies. b. Disjunctive categorical syllogism, its meaning rules and fallacies c. Dilemma, its structure forms, construction of dilemma, refutation of dilemma, rebuttal and testing of dilemma

Unit 8 20 teaching hours

Sources of knowledge according to Gautama: perception, Inference, comparism (Upaman) and verbal testimony.

V. Text books

1. The Principles of logic (Deductive)- A.C. Mitra 2. Textbook of Deductive Logic- Bhola Nath Ray. 3. Knowledge Nvaya Theory of Knowledge- S.C. Chatterjee. 4. Introduction to Indian Philosophy-Dr. S.N. Dass Gupta

VI. Reference books

1. Deductive logic (in Hindi)- A.K. Verma 2. ;/n lgudg ts{zf:q – /fd]Zj/k|;fb l;Gxf 3. lgudg ts{zf:q – ef]nfk|;fb 4. lgudg ts{zf:q – k|f] clg?b| emf


ljifo M g[To sIff !! k"0ff{ª\s M !)) kf7\oef/ M !%) -;}4flGts @%±k|of]ufTds &%_ !=! kf7\of+z kl/ro of] kf7\of+z pRr dfWolds txdf cWoog ug]{ ljByL{x¿sf nflu g[Tox¿sf] kl/ro ljlzi6Ls/0ftkm{ cled"v u/fpg /flvPsf] xf] . 1. g[To ljifo lng] lzIffyL{x¿n] g]kfn clw/fHoel/sf s]xL r'lgPsf s'g} nf]sg[To, g]kfnL zf:qLo g[To dWo]sf -s_ rof{ z}nLsf s]xL g[Tox¿, zf:qLo g[TodWo] -s_ ef/t gf6\od\ -v_ sTys ljifo lnP/ cWoog ug{ ;Sg]5g\ . 2. x/]s kqsf] ;}4flGts kIfdf k"0ff{ªs @% / k|of]ufTds kIfdf k"0ff{ª\s @% x'g]5 . 3. ;}4flGts kIfnfO{ -s_ / k|of]ufTds kIfnfO{ -v_ ul/Psf] 5 . 4. pko'{St @ gDa/sf] c+sdf g]=nf]ssf] ;}4flGtsdf * g]= zf:qLodf ( e/t gf6\od cyjf sTys ( hDdf @% lbOPsf] 5 . k|of]ufTds tLgj6} g[Tox¿nfO{ @$, @$, @&Ö&% ul/Psf] 5 . @=@ kf7\oj|mdsf] kl/ro tyf p2]Zo M ;fwf/0f pb\b]Zo M -s_ g[Tosnfsf] 1fg tT;DaGwL l;4fGtsf] kl/ro u/fpg] . -v_ plNnlvt s]xL g]kfnL nf]s gfr, g]kfnL zf:qLo g[Tox¿ . -u_ e/t gf6\od\ cyjf / sTys g[Tox¿sf] 1fg xfl;n u/fpg] . -3_ g[Tosnfk|lt ljBfyL{df :j:y / ;sf/fTds efjgfsf] ljsf; u/fpg] . ljlzi6 pb\b]Zo M -s_ lzIffyL{x¿nfO{ lnlvt tyf df}lvs ?kdf ;}4flGts ?kdf ;}4flGts tyf P]ltxfl;s kIfsf] pRr k|f/lDes 1fg lnlvt tyf df}lvs ?kdf cleJNoSt ug{ ;Sg] u/fpg] . -v_ g[Tosf] lgldTt cfjZos k|f/lDes ;Lkx¿sf] k|bz{g ug{ ;Sg] u/fpg] . -u_ lgwf{l/t g[Tox¿sf] pRr k|fl/De:t/sf] 1fg lbnfpg] . -3_ kf7\of+zdf k/]sf a'Fbfx¿ cWoog kl5 k/LIffdf lgw{Ss ;Fu a;L k|Zgf]Tt/ lbgfsf ;fy} k|bz{g ug{ ;Sg] t'Nofpg] .

98 k|of]ufTds k/LIff lnFbf M -s_ cfGtl/s k/LIfsnfO{ #* -v_ afXo k/LIfsnfO{ #& &% -!_ g]=nf]= g[Todf ;}= @!±k|=*Ö@$ -@_ g]=zf= g[Todf ;}= @!±k|=*Ö@$ -#_ e/t gf6\od\ jf sTys g[Todf ;}= @#±k|=(Ö@& @%Ö&% -s_ ;}4flGts k/LIffsf] @% df pTtL0ff{ª\s * x'g]5 . -v_ k|of]ufTds k/LIffsf] &% df pTtL0ff{ª\s @& x'g]5 . hDdf #% -!_ g]=nf]= g[Todf ;}=ef/ @$ sf] sIff @$ k|=ef/ * sf] sIff @$ hDdf sIff $* -@_ g]kfnL g[Todf ;}=ef/ @$ sf] sIff @$ k|=ef/ * sf] sIff @$ hDdf sIff @* -#_ e=gf= /STys g[Todf ;}=ef/ @& sf] sIff @& k|=ef/ ( sf] sIff @& hDdf sIff %$ &% &% &% !%) ;}4flGts g[To M %= kf7\o ljifoj:t' ljj/0f M != zLif{s M g]kfnL nf]sg[Tox¿ -c_ j;Gt w'g -gfr_ -cf_ e\mofp/] gfr -O_ ;]a|' gfr / -O{_ lwdfn gfr . @= g]kfnL zf:qLo rof{ g[To -u_ zf]8k nf:o -v_ d~h'>L -u_ cfo{tf/f #= zLif{s M zf:qLo g[Tox¿ M -s_ e/t gf6\od\ -c_ ljleGg c8ffgx¿ ^ gDa/;Dd -#@_ -cf_ hlt:j/d\Ö /fu–tf]8L, hflt–lt>, tfn–Ps, dfqf–tLg


cyjf -v_ sTys g[To -c_ tTsf/, lqtfn–ljnlDat, dWo / b'|tf_ -cf_ tf]8f / -O_ ;nfdL tf]8f -lqtfn_ ljifo ;"rLsf] v08x¿ k|To]s PsfOnfO{ ;do jf sIf ljefhg ! ljleGg nf]sgfrdWo] M * -c_ nf]sgfrsf] kl/ro -cf_ nf]s tyf zf:qLo g[Tosf] e]b -O_ j;Gt wgg[Tosf] uLt, af]n / tfnsf] kl/ro -O{_ e\mofp/] gfrsf] uLt, af]n / tfnsf] kl/ro -p_ ;]a|' gfrsf] uLt, af]n / tfnsf] kl/ro -pm_ lwdfn gfrsf] uLt, af]n / tfnsf] kl/ro -P_ kl/eflifs zAbx¿ u'?, u/f{, no, df?gL, k'?;'ª\u], dfbn] / e6\pfog] -P]_ nf]sgfrdf k|of]u x'g] s]xL afhfsf] kl/or M ltG5', dfbn, 6'ªgf, vLF, klZrdf 9f]n @ g]kfnL zf:qLo g[TodWo] M * -c_ zf:qLo g[Tosf] kl/ro -cf_ g]kfndf g[To gf6\o k/Dk/fsf] ;+lIfKt emns -O_ zf:qLo g[Tosf] kl/efiff / k|sf/ -O{_ g[Tosf] pTklt / hLjg;Fu o;sf] ;DaGw -p_ zf]8if nf:o kl/ro, cK;/f -pm_ dGh'>L g[Tosf] kl/ro -P_ cfo{tf/f g[Tosf] kl/ro # zf:qLo g[To ( -c_ g[Tof]kof]uL c+u k|Toª\u / pkfª\u -cf_ k|fy{gf / k'ikf~hnL -O_ kfqsf] nIf0f -O{_ clegosf e]bx¿ -p_ b]jb]jLx¿sf] lrgf/L -pm_ c;+o'St tyf ;+o'St x:td'b|f %!x¿ -P_ tfn, dfqf, no, ;d, tfnL, VofnL, e/L, ljefu, cfj[lt cª\u, rfFk -3'F3¿_ -P]_ yfx b'u'g, rf}u'g, lqtfn, hflt -cf]_ /ª\ud~r, k|sfz, >[ª\uf/ / e]ife"iff . -cf}_ -s_ e/tgf6\od M ljleGg c8fgx¿ hltZj/d\ . -v_ sTys M tTsf/, tf]8f / ;nfdL tf]8f . hDdf &%


ljifo ;"rLsf] v08x¿sf] cEof; sIff ljefhg ! nf]sg[Tosf] cEof; @$ -c_ nf]sgfrsf] kb tyf cª\u k|Toª\usf] ;+rfng -cf_ j;Gtgfrsf] uLt, af]n, tfn ;d]tsf] cEof; -O_ e\mofp/] gfrsf] uLt, tfn, af]n;d]tsf] cEof; -O{_ ;]j|'gfrsf] uLt, tfn, af]n;d]tsf] cEof; -p_ lwdfn gfrsf] uLt, tfn, af]n;d]tsf] cEof; @ g]nfL zf:qLo g[Todf @$ -c_ g[Tof]kof]uL kb tyf c+u k|To+usf] cEof; -cf_ iff]8; nf:osf] d'b|f;lxtsf] cEof; -O_ cfo{tf/f cK;/f g[Tosf] tfn af]n ;lxtsf] cEof; -O{_ d~h'>L g[Tosf] uLt, :j/, tfn, af]n;lxtsf] cEof; # zf:qLo g[To @& -c_ g[Tokof]uL c+u k|To+ux¿sf] cEof; -cf_ c;+o'St / ;+o'St x:td'b| -%!_ x¿sf] cEof; -O_ kfFr} hfltcg';f/ Pstfsf] cEof; -O{_ c8fg g+= ^ ;Dd -#@_ sf] yfx / b'u'gdf cEof; -p_ tf]8L hlt :j/d\sf] :j/;lxxtsf] cEof; -s_ e/t gf6\od z}nLdWo] -v_ sTys M -c_ sTys z}nLsf] x:t / cf+lus cEof; -cf_ tTsf/ lqtfn yfx, b'u'g . rf}u'g / kN6fsf] cEof; -pm_ ;fwf/0f tf}8f !) j6fsf] cEof; -P_ ;nfdL tf]8f ! j6fsf] cEof;

;Gbe{ k':tsx¿ M

1. sTys g[To, >L nIdLgf/fo0f uu{, !(^) 2. ef/tLo g[Tosnf, >L s]zjrGb| jdf{ 3. clego bk{0f, ;+=k|f= cg'jfbs d[u]Gb|dfg l;+x k|wfg, @)## 4. g[Tosnf -;+o'St_ k|f=d[u]Gb|dfg l;+x, @)#& 5. g]kfnL afhf kbz{gL, ;+=8f= rGb|k|;fb uf]vf{nL, k|f=tn;L lbj; ;+ /fdz/0f bnf{g @)#$ 6. u'?ª\u hflt tyf ;+:s[lt, >L hudfg u'?ª\u, @)#$ 7. lwdfn nf]swd{ / ;+:s[lt, k|f= t'n;L lbj;, @)#( 8. g]kfn nf]jfB ;+uLt ;+uf]i7L, g]=/f=k|=k|= g]kfn !.!(.!!.!).)$& 9. g]kfnL ;+uLt ;fws, /fdz/0f bgf{n 10. g]kfnsf] g[To lzIff k4lt, s'df/k|;bf bz{g, @)%$


;ª\uLt ufog tyf jfbg sIff M !! k"0ff{ª\s M !)) kf7\oef/ M !%) 306f plt{0ffª\s M $) !=kl/ro M of] kf7\ofz+ ;ª\uLtsf] k|f/lDes txsf ljBffyLx¿nfO{ b[li6ut u/L pgLx¿nfO{ Ps lglZrt lbzf]af]w u/fpg / pRr dfWolds txdf pgLx¿nfO{ ;ª\uLt -ufog tyf jfbg_ tkm{ cled'vL s/0f ug{ pTk|]l/t u/fpg agfOPsf] xf] . t;y{ o;df ;ª\uLtsf k|f/lDes Pjd\ Jofjxfl/s kIfx¿nfO{ ;dfj]z ul/sf] 5 . h;cg';f/ zf:qLo kIfdf zf:qLo ;ª\uLtsf l;4fGtx¿ s]xL kfl/eflifs zAbx¿, nf]s;ª\uLt kIfdf nf]s;ª\uLtsf] kl/ro , ljz]iftfx¿ jfBoGq ;DaGwL 1fg / Staff Notation /flvPsf] 5 . k|of]ufTdstkm{ s]xL /fux¿ / g]kfnL nf]suLtx¿ ;dfj]z ul/Psf 5g\ . k|of]ufTdstkm{ ljBffyLx¿n] ufog jf jfbgdWo] s'g} Ps kIfdfq lng ;Sg]5 / jfbgcGtu{t ljljw jfBjfbsx¿sf] pTkfg x]t' ljBffno cg"s'ntfcg';f/ s'g} klg jfBoGqdfkm{t kf7\ofz+ k"/f ug{ ;Sg]5g\ . kfZtfTo ;+uLt afx]s of] kf7\of+z eftv08] :j/lnlk k4ltaf6 l;Sg' l;sfpg' / k/LIffdf o;} k4ltaf6 n]Vg' kg]{5 . ;fwf/0f p2]Zo M of] kf7\of+z k"/f ePkl5 ljBfyL{x¿ lgDg lnlvt s'/fx¿df ;Ifd x'g]5g\ .

1. ;ª\uLt ;DaGwL ;fwf/0f 1fg xfl;n ug{ . 2. :j/, no, tfnl;t kl/lrt x'g . 3. ;fwf/0f uLt ufpg jf ahfpg . ljlzi6 p2]Zo M of] kf7\of+z k"/f ePkl5 ljBffyL{x¿n] lgDg lnlvt s'/fx¿ ug{ ;Ifd x'g]5g\ M

1. z'4 tyf ljs[t :j/x¿l;t kl/lrt x'g . 2. no, tfn / dfqf;Fu kl/lrt eO{ ;dfg / b'u'gsf] nosf/L k|of]u ;xL ¿kdf ug{ . 3. ;ª\uLt ljifodf k|of]u x'g] kfl/eflifs zAbx¿nfO{ cfk\mg} zAb4f/f j0f{g ug{ / ;fwf/0f l;4fGtx¿nfO{ JofVof ug{ . 4. zf:qLo, nf]s;+uLtl;t kl/lrt eO{ To;sf] k|bz{g ug{ . 5. ;fwf/0f :j/lnlk -eftv08] k4lt_ n]Vg . 6. jfBoGqx¿sf] k|sf/ 5'6\ofO j0f{g ug{ 7. kfZrfTo :j/lnlksf lrXgx¿sf] JofVof ug{ . 8. :j/, ;fwgf / cn+sf/ cEof; ug{ . 9. of] kf7\of+z k"/feO{kl5 sIff * ;Ddsf ljBffyL{x¿nfO{ ;ª\uLt ljifodf tflnd lbg ;Ifd x'g]5g\ .


kf7\o ljifoj:t' k"0ff{ª\s M @% pTtL0ff{ª\s M !) sIffef/ M #% 306f v08 -s_ ;}4flGts PsfO M! zf:qLo ;ª\uLt -l;4fGt_ c+s M !) a) ;ª\uLtsf] kl/efiff, ;ª\uLt zAbsf] ;fy{stf, ;ª\uLtsf] pTklt -lxGb', c/]laog, kfZrTo, wf/0ffx¿_, ;ª\uLtsnf tyf c¿ nlntsnfx¿sf] t'ngf . b) Wjlg, cfGbf]ng, gfbsf] kl/efiff k|sf/ / u'0fx¿, >'ltsf] kl/efiff, z'4 :j/x¿sf] >'lt ;+Vof, gfb / >'ltsf] e]b, :j/sf] kl/efiff, rn:j/, crn:j/, z'4 :j/ / ljs[t :j/ . c) ;Kts, :yfg k"jf{+ª\u, pTt/ª\u, k"jf{+ª\uafbL /fu, pTt/fª\uafbL /fu, cf/f]x, cj/f]x, j0f{, cn+sf/ / cfjt{g d) zf:qLo ;ª\uLtsf] kl/efiff, /fusf] kl/efiff, /fusf] k|rlnt nIf0fx¿ tyf j8f Vof -ljnlDjtno_, 5f]6f] Vofn -dWono_, dl;bvfgL ut, /hfvfgL ut, uLt, tf]8f, k|xf/ -cfsif{, cksif{, bf/f, lb/_ emfnf, t/a . ª_ afbL, ;+jfbL, cg'jfbL, ljjfbL, jj|m, jHo{ :j/, ks8, cfnfk, tfg -tf]8f_, ltxfO{, :yfoL, cGt/f . r_ hfltsf] kl/effiff / To;sf] k|sf/ 5_ yf6sf] kl/efiff tyf To;sf u'0fx¿, k|rlnt !) yf6sf] gfd tyf :j/x¿ h_ s'g} Pp6f cfk\mgf] jfBoGqsf] c+u j0f{g PsfO M @ /fu tyf tfn c+s M %

a) /fu kl/ro M /fu odg, /fu e'kfnL, /fu j[GbjgL;f/+u, /fu vdfh, /fu sfkmL / /fu cNx}of ljnfjnsf] ;+lIfKt kl/ro . b) tfnsf] kfl/eflifs zAbx¿sf] 1fg M no, dfqf, ljefu, tfln, vfnL, ;d, 7]Ssf . c) nosf] kl/ro M ljnlDatno, dWono, b'|tnosf] 1fg tyf ;dfg / b'u'g n]Vg] tl/sf d) tfnsf] kl/ro M bfb/ftfn, sx/jftfn / lqtfnsf] kl/ro;lxt ;dfg, b'u'g / rf}u'gdf n]Vg] tl/sf .

ª_ :j/lnlksf] kl/efiff tyf eftv08] :j/lnlksf] k"0f{1fg . PsfO{ M # nf]s ;ªuLtsf\ ] -l;4fGt_ c+s M &

a) g]kfnL nf]suLtsf] kl/efiff / kl/ro . b) nf]suLtsf] ljz]iftf . c) g]kfnL nf]s;ª\uLt]sf] ;+lIfKt Oltxf; .


d) nf]suLtdf k|o'St kfl/eflifs zAbx¿ M af]nL, 6'Ssf, r/0f, y]uf], /xgL, bf]x/L -h'xf/L_, k'mFbf, 6'Kkf / km]b, efsf -efsf hf]g{], efsf lemSg] / efsf 5f]Kg]_ cflb e) nf]suLt kl/ro M e\mofp/]uLt, r'8\sfuLt, kmfu'uLt -xf]nL uLt_ ;]a|'uLt, d}lynL uLt tfdfª ;]nf] uLt, yf?uLt / s'g} b'O{ :yfgLo nf]suLtx¿ . r_ g]kfnL nf]sjfBsf] k/lro, dfbn, afF;'/L, ;f/ª\uL l8Dk"m, k~r]afhf, e':ofM . PsfO M $ kfZrfTo :j/lnlk -l;4fGt c+s #

a) kfZrfTo :j/lnlksf] kl/ro b) s]xL kfl/eflifs zAbx¿sf] 1fg M Pitch, Notes, Interval, Half Step, Whole Step, Octave, Upper and Lower Tetra chord, Beat, Rhythm, Tempo, Measure, Bar line, Sharp, Glat, Natural Sign, Staff, Treble Cleff, Bass Cleff, Key Signature, Time Signature sf] kl/efiff / lrXgx¿sf] ;fwf/0f 1fg c) Scale sf] kl/ro M C Major tyf C Minor -Melodic and Harmonic) sf :j/x¿sf] 1fg lzIf0f ;DaGwL lgb]{zg ;ª\uLt ljifodf ;}4flGts kIfeGbf k|of]ufTds kIfsf] a9L dxTj x'G5 . ctM c+ssf t'ngfdf k|of]ufTdstkm{ ljz]if hf]8 lbgsf nflu sIffef/ ;f]xLcg'¿k /flvPsf] 5 . o; txsf k|f/lDes ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ :j/ tyf nonfO{ 7Ls tl/sfn] k|of]u ug{ hf]8 lbg] / oyf;Dej ;}4flGts kIfnfO{ k|of]ufTds ?kdf klg b]vfpg] . ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ ;do ;dodf d~r k|bz{g ug{ k|]l/t ug]{ . v08 -v_ k|of]ufTds k"0ff{ª\s M &% pTtL0ff{ª\s M #) s"n sIffef/ M !!% 306f PsfO{ M ! zf:qLo ;ª\uLt c+s M $% sIffef/ M ^% 306f a) :j/ tyf cnª\sf/sf] cEof; b) no1fgM ;dfg tyf b'u'g nosf] cnª\sf/x¿sf] cEof;, c) /fucEof;M /fu odg, /fu e'kfnL, /fh j[GbfjgL;f/+u, /fu vdfh, /fh sfkmL dWo] s'g} b'O{df 5f]6f] cfnfk, s'g} rf/df ;fwf/0f tfg jf tf]8f / emfnf -jfbgdf dfq_ ;lxtsf] dWonodf ufpg] jf ahfpg] cEof; d) dfly pNn]lvt s'g} Ps /fudf nIf0f uLt, s'g} Ps /fudf ;/ud uLt -ufog tkm{_ / ;a} dWonosf] :yfoL, cGt/f dfq -afbg tkm{_ ahfpg] cEof; e) tfn cEof; M bfb/ftfn, sx/jftfn / lqtfnnfO{ af]n;lxt ;dfg / b'u'g xftdf b]vfpg] cEof; r_ s'g} Pp6f jfBoGq -kf7\of+z leqaf6_ sf] c+u j0f{g .


PsfO{ M @ nf]s ;ª\uLt c+s M #) sIffef/ M %) 306f

a) e\mofp/]uLt, r'8\sfuLt, kmfu'uLt -xf]nL uLt_ ;]a|'uLt, tfdfª;]nf], e}nf] uLt / s'g} b'O{ :yfgLo nf]suLtnfO{ ufpg] jf ahfpg] cEof; b) g]kfnL nf]sjfB cGtu{t s'g} tLg nf]stfnx¿nfO{ ahfpg] cEof;M e\mofp/]tfn, VofnLtfn, rf]tfn cflb . zf:qLo ;ª\uLt ;Gbe{ k':tsx¿

1. cfrfo{, >L/fd, -@)%^_, ;+uLtfd[t, sf7df8f}FM ;+uLtfd[t k|sfzg . 2. pkfWofo, rGb|s'df/ -====_ ;+uLtsf ;ft tf/f . 3. cf]em}of, k|]drGb|, -@)^^_, tfn ;/f]j/, sf7df8f}F M n]vs :jo+ . 4. uf]vf{nL, 1fg'/fwf, -@)%&_ /fu cf/fwgf, sf7df8f}F M n]vs :jo+ . 5. uf]kfnL, wgaxfb'/, -@)^!), ;+uLt;'q, sf7df8f}F, n]vs :jo+ . 6. 8+uf]n, nIdLgf/fo0f, -=====_ l;tf/ rlGb|sf . 7. 9sfn, g//fh, -@)$^_, zf:qLo ufog, sf7df8f}F M g]=/f=k|=k| . 8. t'nfw/, a'4/Tg, -@)#$_, ;+uLt ;fwg efu !, sLlt{k'/ M kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb| . 9. bgf{n, -@)$!_, ;+uLtsf] lj:t[t cjnf]sg, sf7df8f}F, g]=/f=k|=k|= . 10. kf08], OGbL/f, ztLzrGb| /]UdL / uf]kfn of]Ghg, -@)#$_, ;+uLtf~hnL, sf7df8f}F M >Lkf08] . 11. kf}8\ofn, xf]dgfy, -@)!%_, g]kfnL ufg dGh/L, efu !, sf7df8f}F M n]vs :jo+ . 12. k|wfg, zs'Gtnf, -@)%)_, ;+uLt ;f]kfg, sf7df8f}F M vgfn k|sfzg . 13. a;Gt -;+_ uu{ nIdLgf/fo0f, -O{= !(($_, ;+uLt ljzf/b, OnfxfjfbM xfy/; . 14. dfy]df, k/z'/fd eSt -====_ ;+uLt k|j]lzsf . 15. zdf{, sfnLk|;fb, -====_, tanfaf]w, sf7df8f}F M g]=/f=k|=k|= . 16. zdf{, eutz/0f, -O{=!(^#_, tfn k|sfz, xnfxfjfbM xfy/; . 17. zdf{, o1/fh, -===_, :j/ tfnsf] kl/ro sf7df8f}F, n]vs :jo+ . 18. zD;]/, nId0f, -@)#$_, ;+uLt ;'jf]lwgL, sf7df8f}F M g]=/f=k|=k|= . 19. l;+x, ljj|mdflbTo, -O{= !(()_, ;+uLt sf}d'bL, efu !, nvgpM s]z/ s'= lgud . 20. >Ljf:tj, xl/ZrGb|, -O{ !(&*_, /fu kl/ro, efu !, Onfxfjfb M ;+uLt;bg . 21. >]i7, t]haxfb'/, -===_, tanfafB ljzf/b, sf7df8f}F M n]vs :jo+ . 22. If]qL, sdn -@)^@_, /fusf] ;fFrf], sf7df8f}F, n]v :jo+ . nf]s;+uLt ;Gbe{ k':tsx¿ M

1. sGbªUjf, sflhdfg, -@)@)_, g]kfnL hg ;flxTo, sf7df8f}FM g]=/f=k|=k| .


2. sF8]n, /fdk|;fb, -@)^!_, g]kfnL nf]safhf, sf7df8f}FM g]kfnL nf]safhf ;+u|fxno . 3. h+ud, bLks / a]gL /fjn, -@)%&_, ;+uLt ;'/le, efu !, sf7df8f}F M e[s'6L k':ts tyf d;nGb e08f/ . 4. ltjf/L, zf]ef, -@)^!_, nf]s ;+uLtfk{0f, sf7df8f}F M ;femf k|sfzg . 5. bgf{n, /fdz/0f, -@)$!_, ;+uLtsf] lj:t[t cjnf]sg, sf7df8f}F, g]=/f=k|=k| . 6. kGt, sfnLeSt, -@)@*_, xfd|f] ;f+:s[lts Oltxf;, :ofªhfM n]vs :jo+ . 7. k/fh'nL, s[i0fk|;fb, -@)%&_, g]kfnL nf]suLtsf] cfnf]s, sf7df8f}F M jL0ff k|sfzg . 8. kf08], OlGb/f, ztLzrGb| /]UdL / uf]kfn of]~hg, -@)#$_, ;+uLtf~hnL, sf7df8f}F, >Lkf08] . 9. k|wfg, zs'Gtnf, -@)^@_, ;+uLt ;f]kfg efu @, sf7df8f}FM e'F8Lk'/f0f k|sfzg . 10. jGw', r"8fdl0f, -@)%*_, g]kfnL nf]s;flxTosf] ljj]rgf, sf7df8f}F M Pstf a'S; . 11. /fjn, a]gL, -@)^#_, ;Gbe{ nf]suLtsf, sf7df8f}F M e[s'6L klAns]zg\; . 12. >Ljf:tj, xl/zrGb|, -@)%@_, nf]suLtsf j|mlds ljsf;, OnfxfjfbM ;ª\uLt k|sfzg 13. cfrfo{, >L/fd, -@)%^_, ;+uLtfd[t, sf7df8f}F: ;+uLtfd[t k|sfzg . 14. pkfWofo, rGb|s'df/ -====_ ;+uLtsf ;ft tf/f . 15. cf]em}of, k|]drGb| -@)^^_, tfn ;/f]j/, sf7df8f}F M n]vs :jo+ . 16. uf]vf{nL, 1fg'/fwf, -@)%&_, /fu cf/fwgf, sf7df8f}F M n]vs :jo+ 17. uf]kfnL, wgaxfb'/, -@)^!_, ;+uLt;'q, sf7df8f}F M n]vs :jo+ 18. 8+uf]n, nIdLgf/fo0f -====_ l;tf/ rlGb|sf . 19. 9sfn, g//fh, -@)$^_, zf:qLo ufog, sf7df8f}FM g]=/f=k|=k|= . 20. t'nfw/, a'4/Tg, -@)#$_, ;+uLt ;fwg efu !, sLlt{k'/M kf7\oj|mdljsf; s]Gb| . 21. bgf{n, -@)$!_, ;+uLtsf] lj:t[t cjnf]sg, sf7df8f}F, g]=/f=k|=k| . 22. kf08], OlGb/f, ztLzrGb| /]UdL / uf]kfn of]~hg, -@)#$_, ;+uLtf~hnL, sf7df8f}F, >Lkf08] . 23. kf}8\ofn, xf]dgfy, -@)!%_, g]kfnL ufg dGh/L, efu !, sf7df8f}F M n]vs :jo+ . 24. k|wfg, zs'Gtnf, -@)^@_, ;+uLt ;f]kfg sf7df8f}FM vgfn k|sfzg . 25. a;Gt -;+_ uu{ nIdLgf/fo0f, -O{= !(($_, ;+uLt ljzf/b, OnfxfjfbM xfy/; . 26. dfy]df, k/z'/fd eSt -====_ ;+uLt k|j]lzsf . 27. zdf{, sfnLk|;fb, -====_, tanfaf]w, sf7df8f}F M g]=/f=k|=k|= . 28. zdf{, eutz/0f, -O{=!(^#_, tfn k|sfz, xnfxfjfbM xfy/; . 29. zdf{, o1/fh, -===_, :j/ tfnsf] kl/ro sf7df8f}F, n]vs :jo+ . 30. zD;]/, nId0f, -@)#$_, ;+uLt ;'jf]lwgL, sf7df8f}F M g]=/f=k|=k|= . 31. l;+x, ljj|mdflbTo, -O{= !(()_, ;+uLt sf}d'bL, efu !, nvgpM s]z/ s'= lgud . 32. >Ljf:tj, xl/ZrGb|, -O{ !(&*_, /fu kl/ro, efu !, Onfxfjfb M ;+uLt;bg . 33. >]i7, t]haxfb'/, -===_, tanfafB ljzf/b, sf7df8f}F M n]vs :jo+ . 34. If]qL, sdn -@)^@_, /fusf] ;fFrf], sf7df8f}F, n]v :jo+ . nf]s;ª\uLt ;Gbe{ k':tsx¿ M


!= sGbªUjf, sflhdfg, -@)@)_, g]kfnL hg ;flxTo, sf7df8f}FM g]=/f=k|=k| . @= sF8]n, /fdk|;fb, -@)^!_, g]kfnL nf]safhf, sf7df8f}FM g]kfnL nf]safhf ;+u|fxno . #= h+ud, bLks / a]gL /fjn, -@)%&_, ;+uLt ;'/le, efu !, sf7df8f}F M e[s'6L k':ts tyf d;nGb e08f/ . $= ltjf/L, zf]ef, -@)^!_, nf]s ;+uLtfk{0f, sf7df8f}F M ;femf k|sfzg . %= bgf{n, /fdz/0f, -@)$!_, ;+uLtsf] lj:t[t cjnf]sg, sf7df8f}F, g]=/f=k|=k| . ^= kGt, sfnLeSt, -@)@*_, xfd|f] ;f+:s[lts Oltxf;, :ofªhfM n]vs :jo+ . &= k/fh'nL, s[i0fk|;fb, -@)%&_, g]kfnL nf]suLtsf] cfnf]s, sf7df8f}F M jL0ff k|sfzg . *= kf08], OlGb/f, ztLzrGb| /]UdL / uf]kfn of]~hg, -@)#$_, ;+uLtf~hnL, sf7df8f}F, >Lkf08] . (= k|wfg, zs'Gtnf, -@)^@_, ;+uLt ;f]kfg efu @, sf7df8f}FM e'F8Lk'/f0f k|sfzg . !)= jGw', r"8fdl0f, -@)%*_, g]kfnL nf]s;flxTosf] ljj]rgf, sf7df8f}F M Pstf a'S; . !!= /fjn, agL,] -@)^#_, ;Gbe{ nf]suLtsf, sf7df8f}F M e[s'6L klAns]zg\; . !@= >Ljf:tj, xl/zrGb|, -@)%@_, nf]suLtsf j|mlds ljsf;, OnfxfjfbM ;+uLt k|sfzg


HOME SCIENCE GRADE XI Full marks 100 Teaching hams 150 I. Introduction

The course is designed to impart knowledge and skills for improving the quality of life through education tor better living. This course consists of four sections each carrying 25 marks.

A. Food and nutrition B. Home management C. Child development D. Clothing and textiles Each section comprises of theory and practical components. The section on food and nutrition course aims at developing healthy attitudes towards nutrition. Home management shall equip the students for effective management of various resources for the well-being of the family. The unit on child development is included to develop healthy m1d happy childhood by promoting breast feeding, immunization and introducing proper knowledge and skills relating, to textile fibers and making different garments.

II. General Objectives

The general objectives of this course are: a. to provide fundamental knowledge and skills on food and nutrition, home management, child development, and clothing and textiles, b. to develop knowledge on home economics, women's role, human reproductive system, family health and child care, and c. to impart functional skills in. food preparation, household and environment, maintenance, child raring and caring and garmental constructions.

II. Specific Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. explain importance and effect of nutrition on health. 2. discus source, molecular formulas, structure of organic compounds, uses of organic acids and alcohol in relation to foods. 3. classify foods nutrients and describe their functions in the body. 4. discus the understand metabolism of food. 5. familiarize cooking tenninology and methods. 6. explain the concept of home management and its role in the changing family life to-day. 7. recognize and appreciate women's role in the family economy. 8. plan for the housing needs of the family. 9. use and take care of simple household appliances and maintain cleanliness in the house for healthy living.


10. explain human reproductive system and assess the need and importance of prenatal and postnatal care. 11. describe causes of infant mortality in Nepal and methods to reduce it. 12. state the importance of breast feeding and prepare supplementary food for the baby during the weaning. 13. identify textile fibres, classify and describe general textile fibre. 14. select suitable clothing materials for various occasions and activities. 15. discus the basic terminology in clothing construction, care and maintenance of clothing.

IV. Course Contents Food and Nutrition

Full marks : 25 Theory: 20 Practical : 5 Teaching hours: 39

1. Introduction to food and nutrition 3 teaching hrs • Definition of foods and nutrition. • Functions of food/ nutrition.  Characteristics of adequate and inadequate nutrition.

2. Introduction to basic organic chemistry 5 teaching hrs  Definition, importance and source of organic compounds.  Molecular formula of organic compounds.  Structure of organic molecules. i. Atoms and molecules. ii. Valency of carbon atom, single carbon to carbon bond linkage. iii. Use of acid e.g. acetic, citric and lactic acid, iv. ii. Use of alcohol e.g. ethyl alcohol methyl alcohol and glycerol.

3. Types of foods and Basic food group 7 teaching hrs

 Three basic food groups.  Classification and chemical composition of foods. i. cereals ii. pulses and legumes. iii. milk iv. meat, fish and poultry v. vegetables vi. fruits vii. fats and oil viii. sugar and jaggery • Nutritive value of commonly used and locally available foods.

4. Nutrients 12 teaching hours • Classification, chemical composition, functions, sources, daily requirements and major deficiency symptoms of


i. proteins ii. carbohydrates iii. fats and oil iv. vitamins: fat soluble vitamins and water soluble. v. minerals (iron, and iodine) and vi. water. • Food and its utilization. i. simple diagranm of digestive system. ii. digestion, absorption and utilization in the body. 5. Practical 12 teaching hours

Food preparation terminology • Food processing terminology: beating, chopping, dicing, peeling, stirring, mixing, mincing and slicing. • Cooking terminology: boiling, blancing, stewing, steaming, broiling, simmering, frying (shallow and deep frying), baking, roasting, grilling.

B. Home Management

Full marks: 25 Theory: 20 Practical: 5 Teaching hours: 37

1. Introduction to Home Management 2 teaching hours

• Concept, philosophy and importance of home management • Role of management for family in the changing world. 2. Maintenance and Care of home and environment 6 teaching hours • Introduction • Need for household cleaning and disposal of household waste. • Use of cleaning materials, tools and equipment.  Cleaning Ingredients, for stain removers (lemon, salt, vinegar, water, soap, oxalic acid, turpentine, Hydrogen peroxide, glycerine, kerosene and blotting paper)  Control of household pests, and rodents, lizard rats, mice, coockroach, fly, mosquitoes, bed bug, flea, ant, silverfish, centipede, millipede.

3. Home Economics 6 teaching hours  Concept of family Economics  Constmlcr Economics i. Meaning of consumer. ii. Consumers choice and its implication of family well being, market and the environment and Psychic income.  Income generation i. Real income, money income ii. Need to work for income iii. Agricultural work iv.Income generation.


4. Role of women 6 teaching hours  Role of women in productive working activities .  Reproductive role of women. i. Child bearing and rearing ii. Care of the family members  Social / Community role of women: i.Daily ii. Occasional 5. Housing 5 teaching hrs • Importance and planning • Selection of the house: i. Site of the house ii. Locality of the house iii. Sanitary facilities  Lighting of the house i.Importance of lighting ii. Source of natural and artificial light

6. Simple Household Appliances 8 teaching hours  Introduction to household appliances and their importance.  Use of appliances (i) Pressure cooker, pressure stove, gas stove, mixer, electric iron, oven, refrigerator wick stove, egg beater, their operation, care and safety measures. (ii) Smokeless chula advantages and disadvantages of the chula.

7. Practical Activities 4 teaching hours

• Make students identify human and material resources. • Demonstration of pest, insect and rodents control. • Demonstration of operation, care and safety measttres ofhousehold appliances.

C. Child Development Fullmarks: 25 Theory:20 Practical:5 Teaching hours: 31

I. Reproductive System 8 teaching hours • Male and female reproductive organs (with diagram)  Mensturation Cycle, maintenance of health and hygiene during mensturation period. • Conception and fertilization.


2. Prenatal and postnatal care 5 teaching hour

• Need and importance of prenatal care. • Diet, rest and health care during prenatal and postnatal • Adjustment of a new born baby, Care of diaper, clothes. • Immmization against infectious disease and it's schedule.

3. Infant Mortality in Nepal 5 teaching hour;

• Existing situation.  Causes of high infant mortality, socio-economic factors, lack of education, industrialization etc.  Reducing high mortality rate .  Reducing fertility rate, birth control (males and females)  Temporary and permanent FP methods

4. Breast feeding 5 teaching hours  Importance and value of breast feeding to the new mother and child.  Colostrum feeding it's role in developing resistance against diseases. • Cultural practices about breast feeding in Nepal.  Disadvantages of Bottle feeding.

5. Weaning 3 teaching hours  Need and Importance • Introduction of supplementary food.

6. Practical Activities 6 teaching hours • Preparation of supplementary food for the baby. • Lito prepared from Sarbotam pitho. • Poustik Jawlo (Combination of Cereal, vegetables and pulses) • Cooked fruits and green vegetables (Seasonal and locally available).

D. Clothing and Textile Full marks: :25 Themy: 15 Practical: I 0


Teaching hours: 3 7

1. Introduction to textile fibre and their general classification, characteristics, sources and process of manufacturing fibers. 3 teaching hours

2. Material Selection 4 teaching hours • Selection of material for household. • Selection of colour design and texture of clothing material. • Selection of clothing material for various activities i. School dress ii. dress iii. Party dress iv. Office dress v. Casual dress

3. Weaving 4 teaching hours  Origin of different types of looms.  Weaving- types of weaves, basic and figured.

4. Care and maintenance ofhouschold garments 1 teaching hours  Washing  Pressing  Storing  Starching and gluing 5. Stitching and Embroidery hand stitches 10 teaching hours • Running • Back • Half back • Hemming invisible, Embroidery stitches. • Seams- plain seein, French seem, felt seem.

Seam finishes Drafts, tucks, pleats and gathers, Button holes and fasteners. Hand-worked buttonholes, Fabric bound buttonholes, machine stitch button holes. 6. Garment Construction 15 teaching hours


• Pattem making • Pattem design • Pattern layout • Cutting • Stitching  Finishing Project: a) Apron b) Bib feeder c) Skirt Patching and Mending

V. Prescribed Texts 1. Dr. Sharma, Indra, Ms. Upreti, Nirmala, kf]li6s cfxf/ tyf lzz' ljsf;, M.K. Publishers 2. Ball, Baheand, Elementary Organic Chemistry, S.Chand P.Co.Ltd 3. Acharya I., Shrestha A., cfw'lgs u[x k|aGw, Acharya & Shrestha Kantipur Printing Press 4. Varghese, M.A. Ogale and Srinihasan, Home Management, New Delhi 5. ltldN;gf, dfntL, sk8fM o;sf] agf}6 5gf]6 / ;+/If0f, dfntL ltldlN;gf



Grade XI Full Marks : 100 (75T+ 25P) Pass Marks : Th. 27 + Pr. l0 Teaching Hours : 150 Nature of Course: Theory +Practical I. Introduction (Course Description)

This course is designed for students of grade XI with agticulture as an optional subject. It consists of eleven units. The nature of the course is both practical and theoretical. Agriculture is the science which deals with the farming of crops, livestock, fish and poultry. Crops are grown tor food, fiber, industry and medicinal purposes. The integrated knowledge of growing various crops such as cereals, pulses, oilseeds, industrial crops, spices, vegetables, flowers and fruits become very usefull for profitable farming. Study of the subject provides an understanding of farming operations such permaculture farming, agro-ecology, soil science, plant protection, crop production, agri-engineering, agriculture economy, vegetable production, fish production, livestock production.

I. Objectives The general objectives of this course are: a. to provide knowledge on crops and livestock farming and agro ecology· b. to make aware of the present technologies and developments in crop, livestock and fisheries; and c. to develop skills in adopting agriculture as a profession and generate self employment oppertunities. II. Specific objectives On completion of the courses, the students will be able to: 1. explain the concept of agriculture and discuss the pemaculture farming. 2. discuss the cultivation of various crops such as cereals, pulses, oilseeds, industrial crops, spices, vegetables, fruits etc; 3. explain principles and practices of crop production based on agro ecological zones; 4. explain the production of various livestock such as cow, buffalo, goat, sheep, poultry, pig, fish etc; and 5. discuss principles and practices of animal production based on agro- ecological zones. 6. identify the use and importance of agri-engineering. 7. classify the agro-ecology of crops plants.

IV. Course Scheme


Units Title Teaching Hours 1. Introduction to Agriculture 5 2. Permaculture Farming 8 3. Classification of agro-ecologyof cops plants 5 4. Soil Science I 15 5. Plant protection 20 6. Crop production I 19 7. Agri- engineering I 15 8. Agricultural Economics and Marketing 5 9. Vegetable Production 18 10. Fish oroduction I 15 11. Livestock Production I 75 Total 150 hrs. V. Course Contents

Unit-1 Introduction ln Agriculture:  : past, present and future  Population, climate change and agriculture development  Modern agriculture and sustainable agriculture  Conservation of local biodiversity  Agriculture as commercial enterprises Unit-2 Permaculture Farming - Concept of permaculture - Principles of permaculture design - Management of permaculture. Unit-3 Classification and Agro-ecology of Crop plants - Classification of crops (agronomical and horticultural crops) - Relationship of major crops to climatic and edaphic conditions. Unit-4 Soil Science I - Types of soil - Structure of soil - Instruments used for soil sampling and test Practical - Compost preparation. - Soil sampling technique Unit-5 Plants Protection: - Introduction - Harmful and beneficial insects - General life cycle of insects


- Principle of insect management - Symptoms of diseases - Principle of diseases management - Pesticides and their formulation - Botanical pesticides and their usage - Handling of pesticicles - Plant protection equip ments - Major insects and diseases of prioritized crops and their management (rice, maize, wheat, potato, citrus, apple, mango and vegetables) - Integrated pest management Practical - Identification of major insect pets - Identification of major diseases - Identification of pesticides - Identification of sprayers and their handling - Pesticide calibration - Preparation of botanical pesticides - Visit to farmers fields/ research station/ demonstration plots Unit-6 Crop Production l - Introduction, importance recommended varieties - Origin, distribution, taxonomy and morphology of agronomic crop species. - Agro-ecology (Relation to climate and edaphic conditions) of agronomic crop species. a) Cereals (Rice, Maize, Wheat) - Crop rotations and cropping pattern - Land preparation - Seed preparation, methods of sowing - Nursery management (rice) - Transplanting (rice) - Plant nutrients (chemical fertilizers, organic and bio-fertilizers) - Intercultural operation and weed management - Water management - Harvesting and storage, b) Grain Legumes (lentil, chickpea and groundnut) - Crop rotations and cropping patterns. - Land preparation, - Seed preparation, methods of sowing - Plant nutrients (chemical fertilizers, organic and bio-fertilizers) - Intercultural operation and weed management - Water management


- Harvesting and storage. c) Organic farming and sustainable agriculture: - Importance, - Concept and approaches: organic farming, perma-culture, bio-intensive farming system, - Significance and implications of organic and sustainable agriculture, Practical - Identification of agronomic crops based on the seed type, - Planning of scientific crop rotation and cropping patterns, - Nursery bed preparation for rice, - Field preparation, sowing, intercultural operation and harvesting of selected agronomic crops in each season, - Fertilizer and manure: calculation of dosages; application in the field.

Unit-7 Agri-engineering I a) lrrigation and drainage - Types of irrigation - Irrigation requirement of various crops - Losses due to over irrigation - Types of drainage b) Agricultural equipments - Tillage equipment - Seeding equipment - Intercultural equipment - Irrigation equipment - Harvesting and threshing equipment - Seed cleaning and grading equipment Unit-8 Agricultural Economics and Marketing - Demand and supply - Cost of production - Agriculture marketing

Unit-9 Vegetable Production a) lmportance of vegetables:  Introduction, scope, economic and nutrition value.  Vegetable industry in nepal.  Classification of vegetables.  Vegetable cultivation based on agro- ecological zone.  Vegetable cropping systems and rotation. b) Types of vegetable of gardening:


. Home stead or kitchen gardening. . Advantages, selection, of vegetable type, planning and guidelines for successful management.  Commercial vegetable gardening.  Market gardening.  Truck gardening or farming.  Off season vegetable production  Methods (plastic tunnel system)  Relationship to climatic and edaphic conditions.  Recommended varieties and their characteristics. c) Vegetable nursery management  Introduction  Land preparation  Seed treatment  Seed sowing  Seeding care  off season vegetable nursery d) Methods of vegetable production: o Potato o Cole crops ( cauliflower, cabbage) o Cucurbitaceous crops (cucumber, bitter gourd, squash and pumpkins, bottle gourd, sponge gourd) o Root and stem crops (radish, turnip, carrot) o Bulb crops(onion and garlic) o Green leafy crops (broad leaf mustard, cress, spinach, Swiss chard) o Fruit vegetables (lady's finger, tomato, brinjal, chilly) o Leguminous vegetables (french bean, cowpea and peas) c) Vegetable seed production  Seed quality  Seed production techniques: Isolation (cross pollinated crops); Selection; rouging  Maturity assessment  Harvesting, storage and marketing. Practical  Identification of vegetable seeds and crops based on the part used  Planning of home stead or kitchen garden.  Vegetable nursey bed preparation and sowing  Fertilizer and manure calculation of dosages: application in the field. Crops.


Unit-10 Fish Production I a) Warm water fish culture  Pond construction.  Water quality management in pond fish culture  Preparation of pond for fish culture  Characteristics of cultivable fishes  Types of culture practices  Level of fish culture  Pond management  Economics of warm water fish culture

b) Common fish diseases occurring to carps and their control Practice  Field visit (specify the location)

Unit-11 Livestock Production I a) General  Classification of domestic animals and poultry.  Economic herd size of farm animals.  Distinction between sick and healthy animals  General prevention measures and practices b) Fodder and pasture  Fodder classification  Important fodder trees, grasses, legumes  Grazing management system  Forage conservation  Nursery establishment and management.  Carrying capacity of community pasture land.

Practical  Identification of important fodder trees, grasses and legumes c) Poultry production  Poultry breeds  Poultry production system  Incubation and hatching of eggs.  Brooding and rearing  Care and management  Selection and culling of birds  Feed requirement.


 Parasitic diseases  Infectious diseases Practical:  Poultry breeds  Selection and culling of birds  Vaccinations d) Sheep and goat production  Native breeds  Exotic breeds  Production system  Care and management  Identification methods  Castration ,dehorning, dipping, shearing  Selection and culling  Types of feed and management  Parasitic diseases and management  Infectious diseases and management Practical:  Identification methods  Castration dehorning, dipping, shearing  Selection and culling VI. Teaching Learning Strategies  Project work  Discussion  Group work  Pair work  Question- answer  Demonstration  Field study

VII. Instructional Materials  Multitimedia  Maps  Pictures  Charts etc.

VIII. Evaluation Scheme a) Theory portion Total questions Required no of Nature of questions Weihtage for each


to be asked answers to be attempted 4 3 Descriptive (long 3x12=36 answer questions 8 6 Short answer questions 6x4=24 15 15 Very short answer 15x1=15 questions Total 75 Marks b) Practical Portion

Attendance 5marks Sporting/performance( class/field) 5marks Practical record 5marks Viva-voce 5marks Final practical 5marks Total 25marks

IX. Reference books  Bardach, J.E., .J.H. Ryther and W.O. Maclarney, 1972, Aquaculture. The Farming and Husbandary of Fresh Wartch and Marine Organisms. Science ed, Hohn Wiley & Sons, N.Y. Chichester, Brisbane. Toronto, 868 PP.  Chakrabarty, N.M. 1994, Diseases of Cultivable Freshwater Fishes and Their Contro. Published by International books and periodicals supply Services, Nishant Junj, Pitampura. Delhi. 149pp.  Shephard, Jonathan & N B 1988. Intensive Fish Farming. Black well Science, London.  Leitriz, Earl, 1963, Trout and salmon Culture, state of California, Dept. of fish and Game. fish Bulletin No. 107  Huet. Marcel 1975. Text Books of fish culture, Fishing news (Book) Ltd.; Rosemount Avbenue, West By fleet, Surrey, England.  Martyshev, F.G. 1983 Pond Fisheries, Amerined Publishing Co. Pvt. Lld. New Delhi .454pp.  Sedgwick, Stephen Drummond.1985. Trout Farming Handbook. Fourth Ed. F'ishing News Books Ltd. I Long Garden walk. Farnham Surrey. England.  Freshwater Fish Seed Production Manual.  Natural Water f'isheries Development Project NARC and JICA.  Rajbhandari B.P.2010. Bio-intensive Farming System -;3g h}las v]tL k|0ffnL_.WOREC Nepal. Kathmandu. 211 PP.  Rajbhandari, B.P. 1991 .Gruundnut: biology and production technology, International Offset Press Kathmandu. 170 PP.


 Rajbhandari, B.P. 1998. Grain Legumes of Nepal. Kumar Chhapakhana, Chitwan. 280 PP.  Trainers' manuals, MDAP,DOA. (English & Nepali)


Psychology I GRADE XI (Elements of Psychology) Full marks: 100 Teaching hours: 150

I. Introduction This is an introductory course of Psychology. The aim of this curriculum is to impart basic knowledge about the discipline among the students of psychology along with its application to daily life. The curriculum attempts to provide an overview of mental process, determinants of behavior, common problematic areas of behavior and the societal adjustment within the constraints of the curriculum.

II. General Objectives The general objectives ofthe courses are: a. to make the learner understand the nature of psychology and its relationship with other social, physical and biological sciences. b. to make the learner aware about the determinants of human behavior and provide him/ her the relevant concepts for adjustment in different social situations. c. to plan for wholesome development of his/her own personality, and d. to make them learn the application of psychology in different fields like education, industry and health.

III. Specific Objectives On completion of the course the students will be able to: 1. explain the meaning, scope and methods of psychology. 2. illustrate the bases of human behavior. 3. illustrute the perceptual process and factors affecting it, 4. explain the motivational and emotional aspects of behavior. 5. describe the types and process of learning and memory, and 6. describe the process or thinking, problem solving and concept formation.

IV. Course Contents Unit- 1 : Behavior and Its Bases 30 Teaching hours 1. Psychology -definition, scope, and methods: experimental, case study and interview. 2. Physiological bases of behavior: central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and endocrine system. 3. Environmental determinants of behavior, family, school and neighbourhood: 4. Deprivation-· nature and effects.


Unit-2: Perceiving the World 20 Teaching hours 1. Sensory, attention and perceptual process: 2. Nature and span of attention, distraction, factors affection attention. 3. Perception- nature, laws of perceptual organization, shape perception, colour perception, illusion.

Unit-3: Dynamics of Behavior 15 Teaching hours 1. Motivational and emotional aspects of behavior. 2. Concept of motivation, motivational cycle, needs, drives, and incentives', 3. Emotional reactions-fear, anger, love. 4. James, Lange theory of emotion. 5. Canon-Boyd theory of Emotion Unit-4: Learning and Memory 40 Teaching hours

1. Concepts of learning and maturation leaning curve: 2. Types of learning: trial and error, insight (cognitive learning, conditioning classical and instrumental) and their implications to education. 3. Transfer of learning - factors Influencing learing and transfer. 4. Memory: memory process- encoding, storage, retrieval; 5. Types of memory: short-term, long-term: 6. Measurement of retention: recall, recognition, saving, reconstruction: 7. Forgetting: nature, curve, theories-neural decay, storage failure, motivated forgetting; 8. Factors influencing memmy.

Unit-5: Thinking and Problem Solving 20 Teaching hours 1. Problem Solving: concept, strategy, stages, factors affecting problem solving 2. Concept formation: Types of concepts 3. Creative thinking: concept, developmental stages

Unit-6: Practical Work 30 Teaching hours A minimum of four experiments are required to be performed from the list given below. Only simple mean (average) is to be calculated. 1. Effect of goal-setting on achievement. (Task- drawing human faces/materials-watch, 1-1) 2. Effect of set in perception. (Visual- Flower vase and two laces) 1 vase 1 flower 3. Effect of set in judgment (estimating/judging the coins size by drawing their picture, from a distance subjects- boys and girls). 4. Effect of knowledge of results on performance. (multiplication task) 5. Measurement of error in Judgement. (Muller-Lyer illusion figure, self-made with the help of glaze paper).


V. Prescribed Text To be written

VI. Refet·encc Books 1. NCERT: Understanding Psychology of Humon Behavior: New Delhi. India. 2. Hilgard, Atkinson and Atkinson: Introduction to Psychology 3. S.M.,Mohsin: Experimental Psychology 4. Collins and Driver: Experimental Psychology 5. s]Gb|o dgf]lj1fg ljefufM ;fdfGo dgf]lj1fg 6. kf7s, uf+uf, dgf]lj1fg s] xf] < jf;'zzL :d[lt k|sfzg 7. kf7s, u+uf, afndgf]lj1fg, jf;'zzL :d[lt k|sfzg


Population Studies Grade: Xl

Full Marks: 100 (80 T +10 P) Pass Marks: 28 T +8 P Teaching hours: 180 1. Introduction

Population Studies has been designed to acquaint the students with the concept, knowledge and dynamics of population studies, population characteristics, world population situation, determinants and measures of demographic components, population theories and the population trends, mathematical & statistical tools, problems and their control measures. This course is designed as a link between the secondary school level of population education and the bachelor's level of population education /studies at the university and has two parts: theoretical (80%,) and practical (20%). The students are required to pass both the parts separately.

II. General Ohjcctivcs The general objectives of the course arc: a. to introduce to the students the basic concepts of population studies: and b. to develop their insights into the interrelationship between population growth and various processes of social and economic development at individual, family, community, national and global levels.

III. Specific Objectives At the end of grade XI the students will be able to: 1. explain the meaning of population studies and its importance: 2. state the objectives and major areas of population studies; 3. discuss the meaning, characteristics, population size, composition, distribution, and density of population with reference to Nepal; 4. explain the various sources of population data; 5. compare the population growth trends in developed, developing and SAARC countries; 6. identify the trends and problems arising out of population growth; 7. explain the world population growth and its trends: 8. differentiate between demographic components, processes and measures; 9. discuss the determinants and trends of mortality and fertility: 10. describe the meaning, types, causes & consequences of migration; 11. compute demographic measures on fertility, mortality, migration and population growth; 12. discuss the Malthus, Optimum and Karl Marx theories of population:


13. explain the concepts and the different stages of demographic transition; 14. acquire skills and proficiency in applying mathematical concepts to solve computational problems in population studies; 15. apply the formulae to population related data: 16. draw graphs of population data and interpret the trends: 17. apply the mathematical symbols to simplify the population statements: 18. apply the quadratic equation to obtain the 'intrinsic, rate of growth' (r) of population; and 19. use the basic skills of data collection, report writing and report presentation:

IV, Course Scheme: Units Chapters Teaching hours 1 Population Studies 7 2 Population (with refrence of Nepal) 23 3 Population Trends, Problems and 12 Management 4 World Population situation 18 5 Sources of Population Data 14 6 Demography 35 7 Population Theories 9 8 Mathematics in Demographical Analysis 32 9 Practicum 30 Total 180

V. Course contents

1. Population Studies 7 teaching hours

 Concept and importance . Objectives . Major areas and dimensions

2. Population (with refereuce to Nepal) 23 teaching hours • Concepts and importance  Characteristics of population: Martial status, literacy, educational status, labor-force status  Population size & its growth: Composition- age, sex, religion, occupation, ethnicity, mother tongue, education • Distribution -ecological, regional & rural-urban • Population pyramid- types and its construction


• Population density- computation  Ageing: meaning, needs & importance, family support and care for the elderly people.

3. Population Trends, Problems and Management 12 teaching hrs • Emerging trends and population situation --Emerging population trends and problems in Nepal • Population related attitudes, beliefs and values  Family size  Age at marriage  Child Sex-preference (male) • Problems arising out of population growth: Basic needs: food, shelter, clothes, health, education, security, safe drinking water, recreation, employment and environment.  Population management 4. World Population Situation 18 teaching hours  World population growth and its trend  Situation in developed & developing countries  Situation in the SAARC countries  Population growth measure - rate of natural increase ( RNI ), balancing equation, arithmetical geometrical, exponential and doubling time and their computation.

5. Sources of Population Data 14 teaching hrs

• Census • Vital registration • Sample survey • Administmtive records

6. Demography  Concept and its importance . Demographic components, processes and measures . Fertility and fecundity i. Concepts ii. Dcteiminru1ts iii. Trends iv. Measures: Crude Birth Rate (CBR), Age Specific Birth Rate (ASBR), Total Fertility Rate (TFR), General Fertility Rate (GFR) Child-Woman Ratio (CWR)and Children Ever Born (CEB). Gross Reproduction Rate (GRR) and Net Reproduction Rate (NRR)


• Mortality and Morbidity i. Concepts of morbidity and death ii. Factors affecting mortality iii. Causes of mortality decline in Nepal iv. Determinants v. Trends vi. Measures: Crude Death Rate (CDR), Age Specific Death Rate (ASDR), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Child Mortality Rate (CTVIR). Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). • Migration i. Concept of mobility ii. Determinants- Demographic, Social, Economic, Political and Natural; Push and Pull factors iii. Trends (internal and international) • Types of Migmtion • Causes and consequences of Migrations. • Measures: In migration Rate (IMR), Out Migration Rate (OMR), Net Migration Rate (NMR) Gross Migration Rate (GMR) 7. Population Theories 9 teaching hours  Importance and criticism: Malthusian theory, Optimum theory, Karl Marx Theory and Demographic transition • Demographic Transition: Concepts, Assumption and Stages; Landry, Thompson, Notestcin and CP Blacker

8. Mathematics in Demographical Analysis 32 teaching hours  Real numbers, absolute value, average, absolute numbers, relative numbers (Proportions, ratios, rates) • Set theory i. Concept of set and sub-sets, set notations ii. Universal set, null set, finite and infinite sets iii. Union and intersection of sets. • Relation, Mappings and Functions Logarithms • Simultaneous Linear Equations: i. Constants and variables ii. Direct and indirect variation iii. Equations and identities iv. Graphical and algebraically solution of linear equations v. Graphical representation of inequalities.


• Quadratic equations i. Solving quadratic equations in standard form ii. Solving quadratic equations by factorization iii. Application of the problems involving quadratic equations. • Analytic geometry i. Cartesian plane ii. Distance between two points iii. Equation of straight line in form y, 1, 0 • Matrice and Determinants: Simple addition, subtraction and multiplication; Solution of two and three unknowns by matrix method and determinants, (Using Cramer's Rule/Inverse Method)

9. Practicum 30 teaching hours VI. Instructional Materials  Atlas/Globe  National Report Census 2001 (CBS), Kathmandu.  Population Monograph of Nepal ( 1987, 1995 and 2003)  World Population Data (Current year) ESCAP, Bangkok.  National Planning Commission (7th to current plans)

VII. Instructional Techniques Student-centred techniques: (a) role play (b) demonstration (c) discussion (d) individual /group work (c) field work project work etc (f) report presentation (g) self study (h) problem solving method. (i) case study.

VII. Scheme of Assessment

S.N Type of Duration Number of Maximum Full Pass Questions Questions Marks Marks Marks 1 Th. Short 3 hrs 6 6x8=48 80 28 2 Th. Long 2 2x16=32


3 Practicum Report+ 20 20 8 Viva

The candidates are required to attempt 6 short questions out of 8 and 2 long questiom out of 3.

IX. Prescribed Texts 1. Bista, Premsing, Population Studies-XI, Bhundipuran Prakashan, Ktm 2. lji6, k|]dl;+x / dx]Gb|/fh hf]zL, @)^!, hg;+Vof cWoog efu !, e'F8Lk'/f0f k|sfzg, sf7d8f}F 3. Bhande, AshaA. & Tara Kanitkar (2003) Principles of Population Studies, Himalaya Publishing House 4. 1jfnL, bfdf]b/, @)^) hg;+Vof lzIff -kfFrf}F ;+:s/0f_, ljBfyL{ k':ts e08f/ . 5. zfx, 8f=cf/=s], @)^!, hg;+Vof lzIff XI, Pstf a'S; l8l:6«Jo'6;{ k|f=ln= yfkfynL, sf7df8f}F . 6. Jacobson W. J., 1979, Population Education. A knowledge Base, Teachers College, Colombia University, New York. 7. o'lg;]km g]kfn, !((#, :j:y hLjgsf] ;/n tl/sf .


HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION GRADE XI Fullmarks : 1 00 Teaching hours: 150 I. Introduction

Health has become an increasing concern to individual, family, and community.The consequences of physical, mental and social illnesses aflect not only the natural growth and development of an individml but also the comprehensive upliftmcnt of a nation as a whole. Therefore, timely treatment of illnesses, disease prevention and health promotion all have become indispensable part of national development efforts and individuals' action for healthier living. In order to materialize these premises young, people are required to learn facts about their own bodies. The environmental forces affecting health of the People and the available programs which help alleviate these unfavourable forces. This course is designed to help students understand these phenomena about health, and diseases and take necessary actions to keep themselves healthy and help communities to achieve healthier livings. In addition it also intends to help students to understand the basic concepts of physical education, psychology, sports medicine and organization of games and sports. This course consists of two independent but interrelated parts, namely health education and physical education each carrying 50 full marks.

III. General Objectives The general objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the basic concept and components of health education, including the outlines of health science and physical education, so that it can pave the elementary road leading to mid-level professional studies in health and physical education.

III. Specific Objectives After completion of this course the students will be able to: 1. describe the meaning of health education and list the basic health science contents on which health education is given; 2. describe the structures of human body and the physiology of various human body systems. 3. explain the concept of health and disease and list various socio- cultural, economic and biological factors affecting the state of health and disease; 4. describe the communicable disease process and adopt basic preventive measures of disease prevention; 5. list major communicable and non-communicable diseases and describe their etiologic factors as well as preventive and control measures; 6. describe the essential nutrients, their sources and preservation techniques;


7. explain the concept of environmental sanitation and describe the various ways of managing solid waste and excreta disposal and preventing contamination of drinking water, air pollution and noise pollution 8. identify the emergency conditions when first aid is required-, 9. demonstrate the procedures of care for minor emergencies; 10. define physical education and explain its aims and objectives; 11. explain the meaning and importance of sports psychology-. 12. explain the basic concepts of sport medicine; and 13. mention the general principle of sports organization'.

IV. Course Contents Part.- I Health Education (50 marks) 75 teaching hrs Unit 1: Introduction 3 teaching hrs a. Meaning of health education b. Health education for healthier living c. Basic health science contents for health education: . human anatomy and physiology, including care of bodily organs . factors influencing health and disease . common diseases: their prevention, control and treatment. . accidents and first-aid care . environmental health and sanitation . family health and nutrition . behavioral health problems including smoking, alcoholism. and . substance abuse.

Unit2: Human Anatomy and Physiology 11 teaching hrs a) Structure and functions of cells and tissues b) Reproductive system, including menstrual and sex hygiene, high risk pregnancy and preventable care. c) Circulatory system d) Excetory system e) Nervous system f) Endocrine system g) Stucture functions and care of sense organs and other bodily parts: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, teeth, hair, and nails

Unit 3: Health and Disease Phenomena 8 teaching hrs a. Concept and definitions of health b. Level of health and their characteristics c. Factors affecting health: biological, environmental socio-culture, economic and political


d. Concept and cycle of health-economy and equality of life e. Concept and definition of disease f. Nlicro-organisms, pathogens and parasites g. The communicable disease process: sources, agents, mode of escape, suseptible host and entry, mode of action, stages of disease h. General methods of prevention and control of diseases, including health education i. Introduction to immunity and immunization j. Role and functions of health education in control prevention and treatment of diseases k. Role of individual family and community in prevention and control of diseases, and health problems

Unit 4: Introduction to Common Communicable Diseases 11 teaching hours

Causes, signs and symptoms, domestic care, preventive, promotional and educational measures of the following diseases: a. Viral diseases: Viral encephalitis influenza, measles, chicken pox. MWAIDS, poliomyelitis, diarrhoea b. Rickettsial diseases: typhus lever c. Fungus diseases: ringworm athelets-foot d. Parasitic diseases: malaria, hookworm roundworm, scabies, pediculosis, dysentry e. Bacterial diseases: menigocal meningitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bacillary dysentery, plague, cholera f. Venereal diseases: syphilis: gonorrhoea, chanroid

Unit 5: Intmduction to Selected Non-communicable Diseases 5 teaching hours

Causes, sign and symptoms, domestic care, preventive, promotional and educational measurers of the following diseases: (a) Cancer, ulcer, gallstone, (b) Heart diseases: hypertension, rheumatic fever (c) Deficiency diseases: night blindness, goitre, kwashiorkor, marasmus (d) Mental diseases: psychosis, hystctia, mental depression

Unit6: First Aid and Safety Education 9 Teaching hrs

(a) Meaning and importance of first-aid (b) Meaning and importance of safety education. (c) Procedures of individual and domestic management of the following emergencies, health problems and common ailments:


Fever, unconsciousness, drowning, cuts, burns, bites, nose bleeding, wounds, fractures/dislocations, electric shock, poisoning, dehydration, headache, stomach pain, tooth ache, pink eyes, sorethroat (d) Preparation and use of first-aid box

Unit 7: Food and Nutrition 8 teaching hours a) Essential nutrients: sources, functions, daily requirements  Proteins- fats  carbohydrates  vitamins -minerals (b) Food faddism, adulteration and their effects on health (c) Improper food habits and food-product marketing strategies (d) Individual and consumer responsibilities and education for proper nuttition and food habits

Unit 8: Environmental health and Santitation 11 teaching hours a. Meaning and scope of environmental health and sanitation b. Concept and sources of solid waste c. Health and environmental hazards/effects of solid waste and problems of managing solid waste d. Fundamental principles of solid waste management e. Mode of domestic and community management and responsibilities for solid waste problems f. Classification of Solid waste: Organic and inorganic g. Management of organic wastes: Compost preparation h. Reduction: reuse and recycling of inorganic wastes such as plastics, bottles, paper etc i. Economic value of solid waste j. Individual and community education for solid waste management. k. Concept of excreta-disposal l. Mode, health hazards and effects of inappropriate ways of exerta disposal m. Various types of sanitaty latrines n. Country programs related to latrine promotion o. Drinking water sanitation: concept and scope p. Sources, mode of contamination and health hazards of contaminated water q. Domestic and community protection and purification of drinking water r. Country programs related to drinking water promotion and protection s. Radiation hazards: cone. pt. types, health effects and preventive measures t. Air pollution: concept, modal, health effects, and preventive measures u. Noise pollution: concept, modes, health effects and preventive measures v. Need for individual and community education for environmental health and sanitation: proper disposal of waste, and excreta and water purification and pollution control


Unit 9: Practical Activities 12 teaching hours a) Preparation of illustrations of human body systems and sense organs b) Community visits and identification of prevailing communicable and non-conummicable diseases in the neighbourhood or health care centers and writing reports c) Observations of enviromnental sanitation conditions of schools, crunpus areas and writing reports of the observations d) Demonstration of techniques of using tourniquet, transportation of patient, artificial reparation e) Preparation of rehydration solution f) Demonstration of learning and dressing of wounds g) Identification and use of ingredients of first-aid box h) Compost manure preparation and reuse of solid waste, e.g. making decorative educational materials from waste paper, tin canes, etc.

Part 11 Physical Education (50 mnrks) 75 teaching hrs Unit: Introduction to l'hysical Education 30 teaching hrs ( 1) Definition, aims and objectives of physical education. (2) Scientific foundations of physical education: (a) Biological (b) Psychological (c) Sociological (3) History of physical education (a) Development of physical education in Greece, Rome, lndia, China, Germany, Sweden (b) Role of different international games in the development of physical education: (i) SAF games (ii) Asian games (iii) Olympic games (c) Development of physical education and (i) Role of Faculty Education, Ministry of Education (ii) Present status of physical

Unit 2: Sports Psychology 15 teaching hrs ( 1) Meaning and importance of sports psychology (2) Laws of Learning applied to motor learning (3) Brief description of needs, drives, emotions, motivation, incentive, adjustment, personality in relation to sports

Unit 3: Sports Medicine 23 teaching hrs (1) Basic concepts of sports medicine (2) Doping (Basic concepts) (3) Causes and preventive, measures for the following injuries: Sprain, cramps, shin- splint


(4) Physiological changes during and after exercise on the following systems: Cardin- respiratory, musculo-skeletal, excreto-digestive, neuro-muscular Unit4: Organization of Games and Sports 8 teaching hrs (l) Concept of organizing competitions (2) General principles of sports organization (3) Preparation of fixtures and time tables for different games and sports Reference books 1. Sherchan, Lokendra, Health and Physical-XI, Quest Publication, ktm 2. Kaphle, Bishnumani, Health and Physical Education XI, Bhundipuran Prakashan, Ktm


Linguistics* Grade Xl Paper 1: General Linguistics Full Marks: 100 Teaching Hours: 150 1. Introduction This course is designed to provide students with understanding and knowledge of the fundamental principles of general linguistics. It deals with the sound structure, morphological structure, sentence structure, semantic structure, pragmatic structure as well as the evolution of language.

2. General Objectives On completion of this course, the students will be able to understand the basic structure of language at various levels: phonological, morphological syntactic, semantic, pragmatic as well as the historical aspects of language.

3. Specific Objective Upon complcction of this course, the students will be able to: a) express the nature and structure of language; b) discuss the aims and scope of lingusitics: c) describe the sound structures of language; d) analyze how words are formed: e) explain the organizaiton of words in sentence: f) analyze the role of lingusitic and extralinguistic factors interpreting meaning in language: g) describe and explain language change and h) discuss the development of linguistics as a discipline.

4. Course Scheme Unit Course Topics Teaching hours Unit 1 Language a1and Linguistics 15 Unit 2 Phonetics and Phonology 25 Unit 3 Morphology 25 Unit 4 Syntax 25 Unit 5 Semantics and Pragmantics 25 Unit 6 Historical Linguistics 15 Unit 7 History of Linguistics 20 Total 150


5. Course Contents Unit 1: Language and Linguistics (15 Teaching hrs) 1.1 Why study language? 1.2 Definiton of language 1.3 Characteristics of human language and animal communication 1.4 Levels of language: phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic 1.5. Definition of Linguistics: the scientific study of language 1.6 Branches of Linguistics 1.6.1 Theoretical Linguistics 1.6.2 Applied Linguistics 1.6.3 Synchronic and diachronic linguistics 1.6.4 Psycholinguistics 1.6.5 Sociolinguists 1.7 Basic assumptions about language and modern linguistics 1. 7.1 All languages have a grammar 1. 7.2 All languages and grammars are equal 1. 7.3 Grammars are alike in basic ways 1. 7.4 Speech is primary and writing secondary 1. 7.5 Linguistics is descriptive, not prescriptive 1. 7.6 Change is natural for a language Unit II: Phonetics and Phonology (25 Teaching hrs) 2.1 Definition of phonetics 2.2 Branches of phonetics 2.2.1 Articulatory phonetics 2.2.2 Auditory phoentics 2.2.3 Acoustic phonetics 2.3 Production of speech 2.4 Description and classification of sounds: vowels, consonants, semi-vowels and diphthongs 2.5 Syllable and syllable structure 2.6 Stress 2. 7 Tone and intonation 2.8 Definiton of Phonology, Phonology versus phonetics 2.9 Phones, phonemes and allophones 2.10 General introduction to IPA chart

Unit III: Morphology (25 Teaching hrs) 3.1 Definition of word 3 .2. Morphology: the study of word 3.3 Word structure: root, stem and affix


3.4 Morphs, morpeme and allomorph 3.5 Types of morphemes: free and bound 3.6 Types of affix: (a) Prefix, infix, suffix and suprafix 3.7 Types of affix: (b) Inflectional and derivational 3.8 Major processes of word formation: (a) Affixation (b) Reduplication (c) Compounding (d) Shortening (e) Blending (f) Borrowing (g) Acronymy (h) Coinage (i) Back formation 3.9 Major morphophonemic processes

Unit IV: Syntax (25 Teaching hours) 4.1 Syntax: the study of sentence structure 4.2. Syntactic categories 4.2.1 Criteria for identifying syntactic categories: meaning, inflection and distribution 4.2.2. Types of syntactic categories (i) Word-level categories such as lexical categories: noun, verb, adjective, adposition, adverb and non-lexical categories such as detetminer, degree word, qualifier, auxiliary, and conjuction. (ii) Phrase-level categories: noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adpositional phrase, adverbial phrase. 4.3 Basic sentence patterns and transformations (question, passive, negation) 4.4 Subordination and transformations (complementation, relativization, adverbial clauses). 4.5. Coordination 4.6 Grammatical functions: subject, object (direct and indirect), complement, adjunct (manner, time, place) Unit V: Semantics and Pragmatics ( 25 Teaching hrs) 5.1 Definition of semantics 5.2 Semantic relations among words 5.2.l Synonymy 5.2.2 Antonymy 5.2.3 Hyponymy 5.2.4 Homonymy, homography and homophony 5.2.5 Polysemy 5.3 Semantic relation involving sentences 5.3.1 Paraphrase 5. 3 .1 Entailment 5.3.3 Contradiction 5.4 Types of meaning 5.4.1 Lexical


5.4.2 Grammatical 5 .4.3 Contextul 5.5 Thematic roles: agent, instrument, experiencer source, location, possessor, patient/object, benefactive 5.6 Pragmatics: the study of meaning in context 5.7. Presupposition 5.8. Context 5. 8.1 Setting (physical context) 5.8.2. Discourse (a) Old and new information (b) Topic and comment 5.9. Meaning and discourse 5.9.1. Cohesion 5.9.2 Coherence 5. 9.3 Discourse strategies Unit Vl: Historical Linguisitics: The study of language change (15 Teaching hrs) 6.1 Historical linguistics: The study of language change 6.2 The nature of language change 6.3 Different types of language change 6.3 .1 Sound change 6.3 .2 Morphological change 6.3 .3 Syntactic change 6.3 .4 Lexical and semantic change 6.4 Introduction to the classification of languages 6.4. l Genetic classification 6.4 .2 Typological classification 6.4.3 Areal classification Unit VII: History of Linguistics (20 Teaching hrs) 7.1 Sanskrit Tradition and Contribution of Sanskrit Grammarians: Pratishakhya, Yaska, Panini and Bharttihari 7.2 Contribution of Greeks and Romans 7.3 19th Century Historical-Comparative Linguistics 7.4 Modem Linguistics: contribution of Saussure, Bloomfield, Halliday and Chomsky 7.5 Development of Linguistics in Nepal: Contribution of native and foreign linguists.

6. Textbook (to be prepared by a team of linguists)

7. Evaluation Scheme


7.1 There will be a quetions paper carrying 100 marks for 3-hour duration to evaluate the knowledge of the students. 7.2. Questions will be structured as follows: (a) Long answer to 4 questions: (b) Short answer to 2 out of 3 questions: (c) Short notes to 4 out of 6 questions: and (d) Question number 7 is compulsory. Students are required to attempt other4 questions. 7.3. Questions can be set from all the units of the course as follows: Unit No Teaching Topics Long Short Short Notes hours Questions Questions (5) (20) (10) 1 15 Languages and 1 1 1 linguistics 2 25 Phonotics and 1 1 1 phonology 3 25 Morphology 1 1 1 4 25 Syntax 1 1 1 5 25 Sementics and - 1 1 pragmatics 6 15 Historical 1 1 1 linguistics 7 20 History of 1 1 1 Linguistics

8. Reference Books Bandu, C.M. 2053 VS. Bhasha Vigyan Kathmandu: Sajha Prakashan. Kansakar, TR. 1998, A Course in English Phonetics. Delhi: Macmillan. Pokharel, M.P. 2064, Nepali Dhoni Vynjana ra Nepal ko Bhasa ka Dhoni Parichaya, Kathmandu: Bhuripuran Prakashan. Syal, P. & D.V. Jindal. 1998. An lntroduclion to Linguistics: Language, Grammar and Semantics. New Delhi: Prentice Hall oflnclia. Yadava. YP. 2000. Linguistics: A Basic Course. Kirtipur: New Hira Books. Yadava, Y.P. and B.N. Regmi. 2004. Bhasha Vigyan. Kathmandu: New Heera Books. Yule. G. 1996. The study of Languuge, Cambridge University Press.


OPTIONAL ENGLISH GRADE XI Full marks: l00 Teaching hours: 150 I. Introduction The course comprises three components for the integrative study of language and literature. a. Integrated language and literary studies b. History of English Literature c. Extensive Reading

II. General Objectives The general objectives of this course are: a. to improve and develop students' understanding and use of English through the reading and discussion of literary texts, b. to awaken students' appreciative and critical faculties. c. to introduce a chronological survey of English Literature, and d. to read for the pleasures of reading.

III. Specific Objectives This course is focused on the following specific objectives: 1. to give an exposure to the integrated language and literature activities by providing examples of the texts covering different genres of writing so that at the end of the course students should be able to identify the textual features of the literary and non- literary texts, and produce their own writings on various literary and non-literary topics. 2. to provide students a general survey of English literature from the Anglo-Saxon to the present highlighting major periods, authors as well as outstanding works of English literature, and 3. to introduce students to different literary genres of multicultural nature-prose, poetry and drama-so that they could experience the pleasures of reading well written texts, as well as acquire some practice in criticism /appreciation.


Unit l: Introducing the prose and dramatic genres: FAMILY Unit2: Reading and appreciation of contemporary topics in contemporary prose: ENVIRONMENT Unit 3: Expressing feelings and concepts in non-literary and poetic writings: WAR Unit4: Introducing oducing a contemporary prose written about gender studies: WOMEN


Unit5: Introducing a literary and non-literary writing about law and authority: AUTHORITY Unit6: Introducing literary response to the contemporary Icons and Images: INDIFFERENCE. Unit 7: Introducing literary response to power and violence: REBELLION Unit8: Introducing writing about ideals and faith: IDEALS Unit9 : Introducing more examples of literary discourse: AMBITIONS Unit 10: Introducing the conveyance ofmem1ing through textual structure: MEANING


Unit l: Old English to English Renaissance • growth of English language and literature • theAnglo-Saxons: poetry, prose, chronicles •the age of Chaucer: early heroic and narrative poetry •English Renaissance •golden age of lyrical poetry • Elizabethan drama: the role of William Shakespeare

Unit 2: The Age of Intellect and Rebellion •Jacobean poetry and drama: Metaphysical and Cavalier Poets •Milton and the English epic: Paradise Lost •Puritanism and religious awakening •Bunyan and English pamphleteers •Restoration drama and prose

Unit 3: Augustan lnterlude •the age of Reason: beginning of English crititicism •the growth of English satire: Dryden, Johnson, Pope, Swift •thc age of magazines, coffee houses and essays •Boswell and literary biography •dawn of English fiction: Defoe, Fielding, Richardson, Steme and Radcliffe

Unit 4: The Romantic Poetry and Realistic Fiction •the poetic tradition heralded by the lyrical Ballads • Wordsworth, Coletidge, Keats, Shelley, Byron and Romantic achievements •Realism, Romance and English fiction: Austen, Mary Shelley, Scott, Evans •the Victorian novels: Dickens, Thackeray, Bronte Sisters, Trollope, Collins, George Eliot, Meredith and Thomas Hardy •the Victotian poetry: Tennyson, Arnold Browning, Rossetti. Swinburne

Unit 5: English Literature of the 20th Century •modern voice in Poetry: Hardy, Hopkins, Yeats and EliotAuden, Lewis •English war poetry: Owen, Sassoon, Brooke, Rosenberg •postwar poetry: Dylan Thomas, R.S. Thomas, Stevie Smith, Heaney, Larkin •20th century fiction: Lawrence, Forster, Woolf, Conrad Orwell, Waugh, Golding, Mangham, Greene •20th century drama: Shaw, O'Casey, Galsworthy, Wesker, Beckett. Pinter, Osbome

Unit 6- Selected literary terms



Unit 1- Essays •Bruce Dollar. "Child Care in China" •Christy Brown. "The Letter A" •Clifford Geertz. "Of Cocks and Men" •Vaclav Havel. '"The Velvet Hangover" •Jamaica Kincaid. "A Small Place"

Unit 2: Stories •Nicholas Mohr. "A Vety Special Pet" •Natsume Soseki. "I Am A Cat" •Cathetine Lim. "Paper" •Josef Skyvorecky. "An Insolvable Problem of Genetics." •Slavomir Mrozak. 'The Elephant" •John Collier. "Wet Saturday"

Unit 3: Poems •e.e.cummings. '"Bufflo Bill's" *W. Shakespem·e. "When Icicles Hang By the Wall" •Langston Hughes. '"Dream Variations"  Richard Snyder. '"A Mongoloid Child Handling Shells on the Beach" •Robert Bums.'" My Love Is like a Red Red Rose"

Unit 4: Plays •Rosalind Valianc,"Pandora's Box"* Val Gielgud. "'Friday Morning"

V. Prescribed Texts 1. McRae, John and Roy Boardman. Reading Between the Lines. Cambridge: G.U.P. 1984. 2. Mosaic: Readings in the Genres. Kathmandu. 1996 3. Thornely, G. C. and G. Roberts. An Outline History of English Literature. London. Longman. 1989.

VII. Reference Books 1. Carter, Ronald, and M.N.Long. The Web of Words. Cambridge: C. U. P. 1987 2. Drabble, Margaret. Oxford Companion of English Literature. Oxford: O.U.P. 1985. 3. ELT Journal, NELTA, Kathmandu. 4. McRae, John and Roy. Boardman. Reading Between the Lines (Teacher's Book and cassettes). Cambridge: C.U.P. 1984.


P]lR5s g]kfnL k|yd

sIff !! k"0ff{ª\s M !)) kf7\oef/ M !%) 306f !=kf7\of+z kl/ro M of] kf7\of+z pRr dfWolds txdf cWoog ug]{ ljBfyL{x¿sf nflu uB;flxTo, efiff / ;flxTo kl/rodf ljlzi6Ls/0ftkm{ cled'v u/fpg /flvPsf] xf] . o;df g]kfnL syf, pkGof;, lgaGwsf] ;fdfGo kl/ro, ljj]rgf, ljsf;j|md / ;DalGwt n]vssf] ;+lIfKt kl/ro tyf g]kfnL efiffsf] ljsf;j|md, :j?k / o;sf k|of]hgk/s e]bx¿sf ;fy} ;flxTosf] kl/ro, x]t', k|of]hg, zAbzlSt, /; cn+sf/ / 5Gbsf] kl/rofTds cWoogsf nflu ljifoj:t'x¿ ;dfj]z ul/Psf 5g\ . @=;fwf/0f p2]Zo M of] kf7\of+z k'/f u/]kl5 ljBfyL{x¿ lgDglnlvt s'/fx¿df ;Ifd x'g]5g\ .

a) g]kfnL efiff / ;flxTosf] pGgltsf lglDt ;sf/fTdss efjgf clej[l4 ug{, b) ;flxlTos rrf{ kl/rrf{, n]vg sfo{x¿df ;xefuL eO{ cfk\mgf b[li6sf]0fx¿ JoSt ug[, c) eflifs cleJolStdf ;flxlTostf, l;h{gfTdstf / ;'Gb/tfk|Lt clek|]l/t x'g, d) lgwf{l/t syf, pkGof; / lgaGwx¿sf] cWoogaf6 syf, pkGof; / lgaGw n]vgsf] ljsf; ug{ . #=ljlzi6 p2]Zo M of] kf7\o+fz k9]kl5 ljBfyL{x¿ lgDglnlvt s'/fx¿df ;Ifd x'g]5g\ M

a) g]kfnL syf, pkGof; / lgaGwsf] ljsf;j|mdsf] ;fdfGo kl/ro lbg, b) lgwf{l/t /rgfsf /rgfsf/x¿sf] ;fdfGo kl/ro lbg, c) lgwf{l/t syf, pkGof; / lgaGwx¿sf ;d'lrt k7g / ljj]rgf ug{ tyf ltgdf k|o'St ljlzi6 k+lQmx¿sf] JofVof ug{, d) g]kfnL efiffsf P]ltxfl;s ljsf;j|md, jt{dfg :j?k, ;+/rgf / o;sf k|of]hgk/s e]bsf] ;fdfGo kl/rofTds j0f{g / ljj]rgf ug{, e) g]kfnL ;flxTosf] kl/rocGtu{t x]t', k|of]hg, zAbzlSt, /; cn+sf/ / 5Gbsf] ;fdfGo kl/ro lbg . v08 -s_ g]kfnL syf c+s #), sIffef/ $%

1. syfsf] kl/ro -kl/efiff / tTjx¿_ 2. cfw'lgs g]kfnL syffsf] ljsf;j|md -k|j[lt / r/0fx¿_ 3. lgwf{l/t syfsf/x¿sf] kl/ro / ltgsf syfx¿sf] ;fdfGo ljj]rgf ljlzi6 k+lQmtx¿sf] JofVof M


-s_ u'?k|;fb d}gfnL gf;f] -v_ ljz]Zj/k|;fb sf]O/fnf bf]ifL rZdf -u_ ?kgf/fo0f l;+x lat]sf s'/f -3_ k'is/ zdz]/ nf]Ug] -ª_ uf]ljGbaxfb'/ uf]7fn] nIdL k'hf -r_ /d]z ljsn nfx'/L e}F;L -5_ OGb|axfb'/ /fO{ hodfof cfk'mdfq lnvfkfgL cfOk'uL -h_ dfof 7fs'/L d[ut[i0ff -em_ k/z' k|wfg l5+8Lel/sf] cfsfz v08 -v_ g]kfnL pkGof; c+s @), sIffef/ #) !=pkGof;sf] kl/ro -kl/efiff / tTjx¿_ @= cfw'lgs g]kfnL pkGof;sf] ljsf;j|md -k|d'v k|j[lTt / r/0f_ #= lgwf{l/t pkGof;sf/x¿sf] kl/ro / pkGof;xsf] ;fdfGo ljj]rgf / ljlzi6 k+lQmx¿sf] JofVof -s_ pkGof;sf/ ?b|/fh kf08] ? ¿kdlt -v_ pkGof;sf/ n}gl;+x jfª\b]n / dfOt3/ . v08 -u_ g]kfnL lgaGw c+s @), sIffef/ #) != lgaGwsf] kl/ro -kl/efiff / tTjx¿_ @= g]kfnL lgaGwsf] ljsf;j|md -k|d'v k|j[lt / r/0f_ #= lgwf{l/t lgaGwsf/x¿sf] kl/ro / lgaGwx¿sf] ;fdfGo ljj]rgf / ljlzi6 k+lQmx¿sf] JofVof -s_ nIdLk|sfb b]jsf]6f kxf8L hLjg -v_ x[bol;+x k|wfg h'Fuf -u_ s]zj/fh lkF8fnL v} v}


-3_ /fd[i0f zdf{ ;u/dfyfdf t]lGhª -ª_ z+s/ nfld5fg] cf}kGofl;s kfq hLjgsf] k[i7e'lddf -r_ cR5f /fO{ e'F8L -5_ Zofdk|;fb zdf{ Ps 306f latfpg -h_ tfgf zdf{ /fli6«otfsf] Hof]lt x'nfs3/ -em_ e}/j cof{n cd/fjtL sflGtk'/L gu/L

v06 -3_ g]kfnL efiff c+s @), kf7\oef/ #) != efiffsf] kl/ro

a) efiffsf ljz]iftf b) eflifs Joj:yf -j0f{, Jofs/0f, cy{ / zAbe08f/_ c) eflifs cWoog -P]ltxfl;stf, j0f{gfTds, t'ngfTds_ @= g]kfnL eifffsf] Oltxf;M ef/f]kf]nL k/ljf/, ;+:s[t, k|fs[t / cke+|z, k|frLg, dWosflng / cfw'lgs g]kfnL tyf g]kfnL efiffsf] k|frLgtd clen]v / k'/fgf] jfª\do -k|d'v u|Gyx¿sf] ;fdfGo kl/rodfq_ #= g]kfnL efiffsf] :j?k -s_ pRrf/0f Joj:yf -:j/, Jo~hg / cIf/k|0ffnL_ -v_ Jofs/0fM zAblgdf{0f, ¿k, zAb / jfSo $= g]kfnL efiffsf eflifsfx¿ %= g]kfnL sYo / n]Vo efiff ^= ;fdfGo g]kfnL / ;flxlTos g]kfnL &= 1fg lj1fgsf] g]kfnL -k|of]hgk/s e]bx¿, kfl/eflifs zAbfjnL / jfSo u7g_ *= g]kfnsf k|d'v efiffx¿sf] ;fdfGo kl/ro


v08 -ª_ ;flxTo kl/ro c+s !), kf7\oef/ M !%

1. ;flxTosf] kl/efiff, x]t' / k|of]hg 2. ;flxTosf] ljwfut jufL{s/0f -;fdfGo kl/rodfq_ 3. zAbzlSt M clewf, nIf0ff / Jo~hgfsf] ;fdfGo kl/ro 4. /;sf] kl/ro / gj/;sf] ;f]bfx/0f kl/ro 5. cn+sf/sf] kl/ro / cg'k|f;, ods, Zn]if, pkdf, ¿ks, b[i6fGt, ods cn+sf/sf] ;fdfGo d'Qmno -uB sljtfdf k|o'St_ sf] klxrfg . ;Gbe{ k':tsx¿ M -;xfos k':tsx¿_ -s_ g]kfnL syf efu ! ;femf k|sfzg -v_ ¿kdlt ?b|/fh kf08] ;femf k|sfzg -u_ dfOt3/ n}gl;+x jfª\ub]n /Tg k':ts e08f/ -3_ g]kfnL lgaGw efu ! ;femf k|sfzg -ª_ efifflj1fg / g]kfnL efiff df]xg/fh zdf{ / s[i0fx¿ a/fn sf7df8f}F a's ;]G6/ -r_ ;d;fdlos g]kfnL Jofs/0f 8f=x]dfª\u/fh clwsf/L ;femf k|sfzg -5_ g]kfnL efiff kl/ro b]jLk|;fb uf}td ;femf k|sfzg -h_ /fi6« efiff afns[i0f kf]v/]n ;femf k|sfzg -em_ xfd|f] efiff a|t/fh cfrfo{ ;femf k|sfzg -`_ ;flxTo kl/ro 8f=df]xglxdf+z yfkff ;femf k|sfzg -6_ k'jL{o ;dfnf]rgf l;4fGt 8f=x]dfª\u/fh clwsf/L ;femf k|sfzg -7_ sfJo d~h'/L Cifeb]j zdf{ Ph's]zgn OG6/k|fOh]h, sf7df8f}F -8_ efiff kl/ro 8f=/fdljj|md l;+hfklt /Tg k':ts e08f/ -9_ kf;fª Nxfd' cf]djL/l;+x a:g]t afaf k|sfzg l6Kk0fL M 9fFrfcg';f/ kf7\o / ;Gbe{;fdu|L cnu} x'g'kg]{ eP tfklg kf7\o;fdu|L 5'6} agfpg'kg]{ x'gfn] xfnnfO{ cnu cnu 5'6\ofpg g;lsPsf] .


JAPANESE GRADE XI Full marks : 100 Teaching hours: 150 l. Introduction i. Elementary Japanese Language Course ii. Origin of Japanese Language iii. Types of Scripts iv. Importance of Japanese Language

II. General Objectives a) To give general concepts about the Japanese Language. b) To make the students read, write and converse in simple Japanese Language. c) To give a general introduction to Japanese culture and society. III. Specific Objectives i. To give specific ideas of Japanese characters ( fEragana, Katakana and Kanji) ii. To give specific ideas of Japanese grammar. iii. To give some ideas about Japanese culture and society

IV. Course Contents 1. Greetings 2. Introduction 3. In the reception 4. In the departmental store 5. Schedule 6. Take a train 7. Go to a film 8. Gifts 9. Visiting centers 10. Sickness/ illness 11. Asking the way 12. At the post office 13. Travel/ Journey 14. Outing 15. ln the camera shop 16. Family 17. Visiting restaurants 18. Factory visit 19. Ski


20. Visiting friends & relatives 21. Party 22. Meeting 23. After work 24. Vending machine 25. Japanese language study 26. End of the training

V. Prescribe 1. Shin Nihongono Kiso Part 1 2. Basic Kanji Book Vol I (L 1-10) VI. Reference 1. Tokuhon I 2. Modern Japanese 3. Shokyu Nihongo 4. Nihongono Kiso I 5. Yansan to Nihonno hitobito. 6. Japanese for beginners. 7. Audio+ Video- Shin Nihongono Kiso I


GERMAN GRADE XI Full marks : 100 Teaching hours: 150 I. Introduction

The aim of offering this subject is to give the 10+2 students a chance to learn a second foreign language within their secondary education. Foreign language learning and especially the study of German is an excellent tool for increasing the intellectual ability of the learner, widening of the horizon of general knowledge and providing him/her with more chances in his/her professional career and life as a whole.

II. General Objectives The general objectives of this course consist 'of the acquisition of a basic knowledge of modern everyday Germany by the adolescent learner. The learner gains the skills of reading, understanding, speaking and writing German in an elementary way.

III. Specific Objectives The specific objectives of the course are to enable the student to communicate in German from the very beginning and throughout the course. The systematics of the German language are secondary to the training for communicative purposes. The Grammatical terminology is based on traditional models.

IV. Course Contents In an integrated approach the course includes the acquisition of  Word power (approx. 1200 words)  Syntactic Structures for  identifying and naming persons, objects: and abstracts  greeting and introducing  asking questions  giving information about oneself and other persons  passing an invitation  you forms  orientation in space and time  counting and calculating  affirmation and negation  addressing and requesting  expressing feelings of liking, disliking and indifference  expressing rejection and persuasion  expressing joy and regret praise and blame


 describing qualities  making comparisons  making a choice  reasoning and judgement (personal and objective)  Selected basic information about Germany and German  Speaking countries (geography, history, literature, music and the arts, society) Number of Teaching Units 180= 150 hours

V. Prescribed text books

Course book : Pingpong I Max Hueber: Miinchen 1993 2 Cassettes Exercise book: Pingpong I Arbeitsbuch Max Hueber: Miinchen 1992 Pingpong I Glossar Deutsch-Englisch Max Hueber: Miinchen 1993 or Wolfgang Hieber Lernziel Deutsch Max Hueber Verlag, (Recommended Text Book for Stds M- XII by the Maharastra State Board of Secondry and Higher Secondary Education, Pune) Published in India by German Book Centre 32, Second Main Road, C.I.T. East, Madras 600 035, 1990.

VI. Reference books  Map of Germany or Map of Central Europe  Duden Band 1 Die deutsche Rechtschreihung Dudenverlag 1998  Langenscheidts Handworterbuch Deutsch/Englisch Enghsch/Deutsch 1998, Helbig/Buscha Deutsche Grammatik Langenscheidt 1998  H.F. Wendt Kurzgrammatik Deutsch Langenscheidt/Goy 1 Saab: Delhi 1996 Haussermann ann Sprachkurs Deutsch Band 1, Diesterweg./GoO Saab:.Delhi 1998 Braun/Nieder/Schmoc Deutsch als Fremdsprache IA Klett


FRENCH GRADE XI Full marks: 100 Teaching hours: 150 I. lntroduction

This course of study of the French is designed for students on the assumption that they start learning it from the very beginning. Therefore, it comprises a brief study of French sounds together with other aspects of the language for communication.

II. General Objectives

The present course of study aims at learning the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening lor basic communication purposes.

III. Specific Objectives The specilic objectives of this course are: 1. to impart the basic vocabulary and grammar of French to beginners. 2. to help the students communicate in simple French 3. to help them write simple and complex sentences. 4. to teach them write informal letters 5. to teach them describe and narrate places, animals, people, festivals and events IV. Course Contents 1. French sounds 2. Indefinite, definite and partite articles, their numbers and genders. 3. Nouns, their numbers and genders. 4. Pronouns: personal, possessive, demonstrative, relative, indefinite, interrogative, their numbers, and genders. 5. Verbs: present, past, future tense of indicative mood, infinitive, imperative, present tense of conditional, reflexive and non-reflexive and the three groups of verbs 6. Adjectives: qualificative, possessive, demonstrative, indefinite, interrogative 7. Adverbs 8. Prepositions 9. Agreements

V. Prescribed text books I. G. Mauger, Cours de Langue et de Civillisation Francaise I Reference books 1. G. Mauger, Gmmmaire Francaise 2. Collins. French -English, English- French Dictionary


URDU GRADE XI Full marks: 100 Teaching hours: 150

I. Introduction

This course has been designed for the higher secondary students specializing in Urdu-anguage and literature. It comprises literary pieces of various generis of Urdu prose and poetry as well as composition and grammar. II. General Objectives This course aims at enabling students to : a. appreciate various genres of Urdu literature and language. b. develop attitude towards the promotion of Urdu literature and language, and c. apply various style, forms, rhetoric, idioms and phrases in Urdu speaking and writing. III. Specific Objectives On completion of this course students will be able to: a. explain the given passage with reference to the context, b. define the different generes of prose and poetry. c. give brief introduction of the authors and poets whose works are included in the course, and d. use literalry devices and grammatical rules in spoken and written language.

IV. Course Contents A: 1. Prose (explanation with e erence to context) 20 2. Poetry (explanation) 20 3. Ctitical note on prose-writer or poet 10 4. Summary of prose lesson or poem 10

Grammar and Composition B. l. Letter writing l0 2. Translation from English or Nepali into Urdu 10 3. Kinds of nouns, singular plural, gender, suffixes, prefixes, opposite words, synonyms, idioms, correct and incorrect. 20 V. Prescribed textbooks VI. Reference books


P]lR5s g]kfn efiff sIff !! k"0ff{ª\s M !)) kf7\oef/ M !%) efiff, kB j gf6s != kf7\of+z kl/ro M pRr dfWolds tlu+of lem+5u"u' sIffo\ P]lR5s ljifosy+ g]kfnefiff sofM AjgLlklg nfuL tfo/ h"u' y'u' kf7\of+z ;DalGwt ljBfyL{lklgt g]kfnefiff z'4+ Rjo\ kmo\s]u'of gfk+ g]kfnefiffof kB jf gf6s ;flxTodf g+ 5'+ kl/ro aLu' Hof ofO÷kB ;flxToo\ sljtfl/v] gf+b+lk+ ;'+ ;'+ sljlklg 5'+ 5'+ sljtft gd"gf sy+ 5l;+sy+ toftMu' b' ;f sljj/ l;l4r/0f >]i7of Úne'gL wofu' v08sfJo 5u" g+ b'YofMu' b' . Kofv+l/v] 5wfM Kofv+ 5u" j Do]xgf Kofv+ 5u" ofgfM, lgu" b'Yof+u' b' .

@= ;fdfGo p2]Zo M Yj kf7\of+z Ajg] w'+sfln ljBfyL{lk+ sjo\ \ Rjofsy+ Hof ofou'nL ;Ifd h'O M -s_ g]kfnefiffof eflifs :j¿k ;LsfM z'4+ Rjo\u' kmo\s]u' -v_ g]kfnefiff ;flxToof ;fdfGo 1fg bo\sfM ljlzi6Ls/0fl/v] j] ltaM aLu' -3_ g]kfnefiff sofM aL=P, JjgLlklg nflu k"jf{wf/ sy+of Ifdtf bOu' .

#= ljlzi6 p2]Zo M Yj kf7\of+z Ajg] w'+sfln ljBfyL{lk+ s\jo\ Rjofsy+ Hof ofou'nL ;Ifd h'O M -s_ g]kfn efiff z'4 Rjo\ Jjg] kmos]u' -v_ sljtf, v08sfJo, k"wfM Kofv+, 5wfM Kofv+ j Do]xgf Kofv+of nIf0f l;s]u' j 5u"of d]u' gfk+ u'sy+ kfM y'Os]u' -u_ ;DalGwt slj, gf6sf/lklg af/] ;fdfGo ;flxlTos kl/ro bo\s]u' . -3_ ;DalGwt sljtf, v08sfJo j gf6sof ljj]rgf ofo\ kmo\s]u',pb\w[tf+zof rf]kf] laofM JofVof ofo\ kmo\s]u.' kf7\o ljj/0f != efiff kf7\oef/ &) -s_ efiff :j?k

 kfl/jfl/s kl/ro -ef]6 ad]{nL kl/jf/_  x|:jdo :jefj  PsfIf/L k|j[lt  tflhUjM -Classifiers M UjM, Dx, k', rfM OToflb_  ;+:s[t, g]kfnL j d]d]u' efo\of y'sL k|efj .


-v_ g]kfn efiffo\ j0f{ljGof;

 :j/ / Jo~hg  ;+o'StfIf/ j :j/j|md -Clusters and Vowel Sequences)  x|:j, bL3{ j lj;u{ -Vowel Length)  rGb|ljGb' j zL/ljGb' -Nasalisation and Nasals) -u_ g]kfn efiffof kb e]b

 e]b kb M gfd, ;j{gfd, lj|mof, ljz]if0f, lj|mofljz]if0fof kl/ro j k|sf/  uf}+0f kb M ;+of]hs, k/;u{, ljidoflb+jf]wsof ;fdfGo kl/ro -3_ ?kfog

 gfd ¿kfog -jrg, sf/s_  lj|mof ¿kfog -e"t, ce"t, k"j{sflns, :jefj÷l:yltaf]ws, cf1fy{s_ -ª_ zAb /rgf

 Jo'Tkfbs -s[bGt j tl4t_  cfuGt's -tT;d j tb\ej_ -r_ /rgf

 af]w (Comprehension)  lj:t[tLs/0f (Amplification)  ;f/f+z (Substance) @= kB kf7\oef/ @) @=! sljtf -s_ sljtfof nIf0f -v_ g]kfnefiffof sljtfof ljsf;j|mdof ;fdfGo 1fg -u_ ;DalGwt sljtfof sljlklgu' ;fdfGo ;flxlTos kl/ro j ;DalGwt sljtfof ;fdfGo ljj]rgf j ljlzi6 k+lQmof JofVof kf7\o ;k"m kB k'rM . o]+M g]kfnefiff kl/rifb\, g]=;+ !)(@ . lzif{s Rjld


1. xfo xfo /fd /0flht dNn 2. l;l4gf/fdfo0f l;l4bf; dxfh' 3. /fgL dlGb/fof ljnfk of]ujL/ l;+x 4. x\jo\To+u' :jf+oft a}s'07k|fb nfsf}n 5. klys kmTt]axfb'/ l;+x 6. ySs/ ufMof RofDklt ln;] lrTtw/ x[bo 7. :j= slj l;l4bf; l;l4r/0f >]i7 8. 5\jf; s]bf/dfg Jolyt 9. d';'+ lGxnfM 5fo\ xn HjL j k+sh e}/juf]kfn j}B 10. sfG5f bfO b'uf{nfn >]i7 11. drf ;LDx df+oft gf/fo0fb]jL >]i7 12. cf;gf+ bfh' k"0f{axfb'/ j}B @=@ v08sfJo kf7\oef/ @) -s_ v08sfJoof nIf0f -v_ l;l4r/0fof slj kl/ro -u_ ;DalGwt v08sfJoof ljj]rgf j ljlzi6 k+lQmof JofVof kf7\o ;k"m n'e'gL M l;l4r/0f >]i7 . o]+M kmNrf lkygf, cf]daxfM g]=;+ !!!! .

#= gf6s kf7\oef/ @)±@) -s_ gf6sof nIf0f, gf6s j Do]+xgf Kofv+of kl/ro . -v_ g]kfnefiffof gf6s ;flxToaf/] ;fdfGo 1fg . -u_ kf7\oo\ b'YofMlk+ ;DalGwt gf6ssf/lklgu' ;+lIfKt ;flxlTos kl/ro . -3_ ;DalGwt gf6sof kl/ro, ljj]rgf j af+af+nfu' e\mjMof JofVof . kf7\o ;k"m #=! yMu' 5] -k"wfM Kofv+_ OZj/fgGb >]i7frfo{ . o]FM ;'wfb]jL, g]=;+ !!)^ -ldsM v'l;_ . #=@ lgdGq0ff -Do]xgf Kofv+_ b'uf{nfn >]i7 . o]FM g]kfnefiff Do] u'ly, g]=;+= !!^ -:jsM v'l;_ Ujxfln Hjn+

159 efiff lglt+ -s_ dxh{g, t'o' axfb'/ M emLu' Jofs/0f . lsk"M g]kfnefiff u'ly, g];+= !!!) . -v_ ;fu/ , k'iki/t\g M ;'af]w g]kfnefiff Jofs/0f, o]+M, yf}+sGx] k|sfzg, g]=;+= !)*@ -u_ zfSo, /fhf M ;xnxof ;'nr+ . o]FM Rj;fkf;f, g]=;+ !!)^ kBof lglt+ -s_ tdf]6, sfzLgfy M e"ldsf, g]kfnefiff cfw'lgs sljtf . o]+M kf;f d'gf, g]=;+ !)(^ . gf6s lglt+ -s_ j}B, hgsnfn M yMu' 5]F, gf6sof ;dLIff, v]n'OtfM, NofM@, k[= $(–%^ . -v_ >]i7, dl0fsnfn OJ;gjfbL gf6s, rsgf, MNofM @, k[=$(–%^ .


P]lR5s lxGbL sIff !! k"0ff{ª\s M !)) kf7\oef/ M !%) lxGbL kB cf}/ uB ;flxTo tyf efiff /rgf != kf7\of+z kl/ro M ox kf7\of+z lxGbL ljifo d]F eflifs cleJolSt ;fdYo{ tyf ;flxlTos af]w sf oy]i6 ljsf; s] p2]Zo ;] t}of/ lsof uof x} s . O; d]+ lxGbL sL k|frLg tyf gjLg sljtfcf]+ tyf uB -lgaGw, syf, pkGof;, gf6s, Psf+sL, ;+:d/0f, /]vflrq, cflb_ s] ;+nsg x}F . kf7\of+z d]+ &)Ü k|ltzt e/f ;flxTo cWOog tyf #)Ü k|ltzt ef/ efiff lzIf0f k/ x} . @= ;fdfGo p2]Zo M O;;] lxGbL ;flxTo sf kl/ro k|fKt x]f ;stf x} . #= ljlzi6 p2]Zo M O; kf7\of+z d]+ pTtL0f{ xf]g] k/ 5fq lgDg k|sf/ sL bIftf k|fKt s/]u]+ M -s_ k|frLg tyf gjLg sljtfcf+]sf cy{ af]w tyf JofVof s/gf -v_ ;flxTo sL ;fdfGo ;dLIff -u_ efiff sL z'4 kl/is[t z}nL -3_ ;flxlTos tyf sfof{noLo efiff k|of]u sL Ifdtf, cflb . $= kf7\of+z ljefhg -s_ lxGbL sfJo @^ c+s -v_ lxGbL uB @^ c+s -u_ lxGbL gf6s !* c+s -3_ efiff /rgf #) c+s ljj/0f v08 -s_ d]+ lgwf{l/t sljtfcf]+sf cWoog ck]lIft x} . lxGbL sljtf sL ljsf;wf/f sf ;fdfGo kl/ro, slj kl/ro, lgwf{l/t sljtfcf]F sL ;dLIff tyf kbf]F sL JofVof s/g] sL Ifdtf sf ljsf; ck]lIft x} .

161 v08 -v_ d]F lxGbL uB sL ljljw ljwfcf]F sf kl/ro, lgwf{l/t /rgfcf]+ s] n]vsf] sf kl/ro, cfn]v ;f/f+z p2]Zo, efiff z}nL sf ljj]rg tyf dxTjk"0f{ k+lQmof]+ sL JofVof Ifdtf sf ljsf; ck]lIft x} . v08 -u_ d]+ gf6s cyf{t b[ZosfJo s] ljsf;sf] kl/ro, gf6s d]+ syf;Djfb tyf clego tTjf]+sf kl/ro, rl/q lrq0f, gf6sLo ;+s]t tyf dxTjk"0f{ plQmof]+ sL JofVof Ifdtf sf ljsf; ck]lIft x} . v08 -3_ d]+ 5fqf]+ sL efiff cleJolSt Ifdtf, lxGbL Jofs/0f s] k|d'v tTjf]+ ln+u, sf/s, lj|mof lrGxf] s] ;d'lrt k|of]u, efiff cleJolSt d'xfj/f, sxfjt cflbsf] k|of]u lgb]{lzt lgaGw cEof; sf lzIf0f ck]lIft x} . kf7\o ;dfu|L v08 ! #( 306f

k':ts M :jlt efu @ -sljtf ;+sng_ !(()_, k|sfzs M NCERT -/fli6«o z}lIfs cg';+wfg cf}/ k|LzIf0f kl/ifb\_ c/ljGb dfu{, goL lbNnL !!))!^ . lgwf{l/t c+z != k|s[lt ;f}Gbo{ !=!= ef/tGb] ' xl/zrGb s"s} nuL+ sf]On]+ !=# /fds'df/ jdf{ /hgL jfnf !=$ zdz]axfb'/ l;+x piff !=% ;j]{Zj/ bofn ;S;]gf cfo] dx+t j;+t @= k|]d cf}/ ;f}Gbo{ @=! /;vfg s'nsflglxof] tlh efhlt x}F @=@ a]gL o'un 5lj @=& dxfj]bL adf{ hf] t'd cf hft] Ps af/ @=* lqnf]rg kl/ro sL ufF7 #= hLjg bz{g #=! t'n;L bf; ljho/y #=$ hubLz ;r x} dxh ;+3if{ xL #=% g/]z d]xtf d[lQsf


$ elQm $=@ /xLd s] bf]x] %= pT;fx cf}/ cfTd ljZjf; %=@ lbgs/ nf]x] s] k]8s x/] xf]+u] ^= b]zk|]d cf}/ dfgjtf ^=! hoz+s/ k|;fb lxdfno s] cf+ug d]F &= ljljw ;eL kb v08 @ #( 306f

k':tsM k/fu efu @ -uB ;+sng_ !((), k|sfzg NCERT -/fli6«o z}lIfs cg';+wfg cf}/ k|lzIf0f kl/ifb\_ c/ljGb dfu{ goL lbNnL, !!))!^ . lgwf{l/t c+z

1. afns[i0f e6\6 aftrLt 2. l;of/fdz/0f u'Ktf sf]6/ cf}/ s'6L/ 3. dxfb]jL jdf{ uf}/f 4. ;j]{Zj/ bofn ;S;]gf sn]08/ snfsf/ 5. s[i0ff ;f]jtL l;Ssf abn uof 6. eujtz/0f pkfWofo 7"F7f cfd 7. lxdf+z' hf]zL s'zLgf/f v08 # @& 306f k':ts M w'j:jfldgL -gf6s_ M hoz+s/ k|;fb, k|;fb k|sfzg, jf/f0f;L . k|;fb hL sL gf6\odfnf, P]ltxfl;s gf6s gfos gflosf, ;Djfb, efiff z}nL, clego tTj, gf6s sL nf]lk|otf . v08 $ $% 306f k':ts M != jf;'b]j gGbg k|;fb M cfw'lgs lxGbL Jofs/0f cf}/ /rgf, ef/tL ejg, k6gf . @= j+zLw/ tyf wd{kfn zf:qL M ;'ud lxGbL Jofs/0f, lzIff ef/tL, lbNnL .

163 kf7\of+z

1. lxGbL d]+ ln+u sf k|of]u 2. k|Too cf}/ pk;u{ 3. sf/s 4. stf{ s] ;fy g] sf k|of]u 5. d'xfj/f cf}/ sxfjt 6. /rgf lgb]{lzt lgaGw


PlR5s d}lynL sIff !! k"0ff{ª\s M !)) kf7\oef/ M !%) kf7of+z zLif{s M d}lynL Jofs/0f, /rgf, lnlk Pj+ syf ;flxTo != kf7\of+z kl/ro M d}lynL /fi6«s ;e;Fu k|frLg, ;d[4 Pj+ ;d'Ggt ;flxTo cl5 . Pj+ g]kfns /fi6«efiff g]kfnLs kZrft\ ;e;] clws nf]s 4f/f afhn hfPjfn efiff cl5 . ctPj O{ kf7\of+z pRr dfWolds :t/d] cWoog/t ljBfyL{ nf]slgs]+ d}lynL efiffs Jofs/0f, /rgflnlk Pj+ syf tyf pkGof; cflbs ;fdfGo kl/ro, ljj]rg, ljsf;j|mds ;+ulx /rgfsf/ nf]slgs ;+lIfKt ;flxlTos kl/ro b]afs p2]Zo;F ljifo j:t's, ;dfj]z sP lgld{t e]n cl5 . @= ;fdfGo p2]Zo Plx;F d}lynL efiff cf] ;flxTos 1fg e ;s}t cl5 . #= ljlzi6 p2]Zo Plx kf7\oj|md cWoogs kZrft ljBfyL nf]slg lgDg tYo ;e;]F cjut xf]Ptfx M

1. d}lynL Jofs/0f ;DaGwf] ljifos ;fdfGo klro;F . 2. d}lyL afhj, k9s j cf lnv+afs n]n cfjZos sf}zn;F 3. syf Pj+ pkGof;s ;fdfGo kl/ro;F 4. lgwfl/t{ syff Pj+ pkGof;s ljZn]if0f s/afd] Pj+ tflxd] cfPn JofVo]o c+zs JofVof Pj+ ljj]rg s/afs 1fg;F 5. syf Pj+ pkGof;s ljsf;j|md;F kf7\of+z ljj/0f -s_ Jofs/0f c+sef/ !)

1. ;+1f 6. sfn 2. ;j{gfd 7. jfRo 3. sf/s 8. tl4t 4. ljz]if0f 9. s[bGt 5. lj|mof 10. ;df;

165 v_ /rgf c+sef/ !%

1. ljk/Ltfy{ zAb 2. kof{ojfrL zAb 3. zAb o'Ud 4. cg]s zAbsn]n Ps zAb 5. nf]sf]lQm Pj+ df]xfj/f 6. lgaGws :j?ks kl/ro lgaGw n]vgs cEof; -u_ lnkL c+sef/ % b]jgfu/L lnlkd] lnvn c+zs ldlynfIf/ d] k'gn]{vg -3_ syf c+sef/ $)

1. syfs kl/ro 2. d}lynL cfw'lgs syfs ljsf;j|mds kl/ro 3. lgwf{l/t syfsf/;alxs ;+lIfKt ;flxlTos kl/ro 4. x'gsf nf]slgs syf;alxs ;fdfGo ljj]rgf Pj+ cf]lx;eg] cfPn ljlzi6 dfld{s c+zs JofVof lgwf{l/t c+z != g]kfnLo d}lynL pTs[i6 uNk ;+u|x M ;Dkfbs ;'/]Gb| nfe ;F -c_ wL/]Gb| M bfbL dfF -cf_ e'jg]Zj/ kfy]o M kfFr kq -O_ /fd e/f]; sfkl8s e|d/ M Ohf]l/of /ft's ;kgf @= d}lynL syf ;+u|x M ;+= cd/]z kf7s Pj+ cGo+ ;F -c_ s'= u+ufgGb l;+x laxfl8 -cf_ xl/df]xg emf kfFr kq -O_ uf]ljGb emf ;fdfs kf}tL -O{_ dgdf]xg emf eu8s -p_ nlnt cf]e/nf]8 -pm_ ;'efifrGb| ofbj 3/b]lvof d}lynL pkGof; c+sef/ #)


1. pkGof;s kl/ro 2. cfw'lgs pkGof;s ljsf;j|mds kl/ro 3. lgwf{l/t pkGof;sf/s ;flxlTos kl/ro 4. lgwf{l/t pkGof;s ;fdfGo Pj+ cf]lxd] cfPn ljlzi6 JofVo]o c+zs JofVof Pj+ ljZn]if0f 5. wL/]Gb|s pkGof; M ef]?sjf, ;fwgf k|sfzg M nf]xgf, dw'jgL kf7\o k':ts M

1. o'u]Zj/ emf M d}lynL Jofs/0f cf] /rgf, ef/tL ejg, k6gf . 2. d}lynL csfbdL, k6gf M d}lynL afn kf]yL . 3. ;+= cd/]z kf7s Pj+ cGo d}lynL syf ;+u|x, d}ynL csfbdL, k6gf . 4. ;'/]Gb| nfe M g]kfnLo d}lynL pTs[i6 uNk, d}lynL ;flxTo k|sfzg ;+:yfg hgsk'/wfd . 5. wL/]Gb| M ef]?sjf, ;fwgf k|sfzg M nf]xgf, dw'jgL . ;Gbe{u|Gy

1. d}lynL ;flxTos Oltxf; M b'uf{gfy emf >Lz, ef/tL k':ts s]Gb|, b/e+uf . 2. ;flxTo kl/ro M ef]nfgfy emf, d}ynL csfbdL, k6gf 3. kl/rflosf M eLdgfy emf, ejfgL k|sfzg, k6gf .


Introduction to Education*

Grade XI Full marks: 5o Pass marks: 18 Teaching Hours: 75 Nature of subject-T I. Introduction

This course is the foundations of education for the teachers at the Lower Secondary Level. It is designed for the purpose of imparting basic understanding and developing several important aspects such as, educational backgroud and its development. The course intends to impart meaning, general views, functions of education, as well as education as a system. It also intends to give general knowledge about prominent educationists, curriculum, educational administration, modern Trends in education, guidance and counselling and education aspects in Nepal.

II. General objectives: The course aims at providing basic ground to: 1. generalise evolution of education; 2. elaborate the meaning, nature, aims and functions of education; 3. find out interrelated factors involved in an education system; 4. trace out the contributions of prominent educationists; 5. specify meaning, importance and elements of curriculum; 6. elaborate education for development indifferent aspects; 7. identify concepts, scope and importance of education: 8. elaborate concepts and importance of guidance and counselling; 9. specify the trends of education and educational administration and 10. relate the historical perspectives of education in Nepal.

III. Specific objectives On completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. describe evolution of education; 2. define education from etymological, narrower and boarder point of view; 3. elaborate individual and social aims of education; 4. describe the cultural economic, civic and global functions of education; 5. specify the meaning, inputs, process and outputs of an education system; 6. clarify the role of feedback in an education system: 7. assess a short biography of some prominent educationists;


8. elaborate meaning and importance of curriculum: 9. describe the elements of curriculum; 10. clarify social policy in education; 11. explain education from the view point of national integration, rural development as well as human resource development; 12. specity meaning, scope and importance of educational administration and supervision; 13. desctibe the concept and importance of guidance and counselling: 14. trace out the trends of education; 15. specify the life long education and open leaming; 16. specify social justice in education; 17. conclude EFA: 18. summarize child rights in education; 19. describe present education system of Nepal; 20. describe overview of educational administration and supervision: 21. assess the historical perspectives of education in Nepal, and 22. mention the role and responsibilities of different agencies related to school education.

IV. Contents THs 75 Unit 1: Concept and Functions of Education 15 a. Meaning of Education . Etymological meaning of education  Narrow meaning of education . Broader meaning of education b. Evolution ofEducation in brief. c. Functions of Education  Cultural function  Economic function  Civic function  Global function.  Functions of education in the Nepalese context d. Nature of Education • General and specific  Direct and indirect  Individual and collective e. Types/Forms of Education  Formal  Non formal  Informal f. Aims of Education


• Individual aim of education • Social aim of education

Unit-2: Education as a System 10 • Meaning of an education system • Inputs, processes and outputs of an educational system • Role of feedback in an education system

Unit-3: Introduction to Curriculum 5 . Meaning of curriculum  Importance of curriculum . Elements of curriculum

Unit-4: Prominent Educationists 10  A brief biography and the educational concepts of  Plato  Jean Jacques Rousseau  John Dewey,  Frederic August Froebel  Maria Montessori  Mohan Das karmchand Gandhi  Gautam Buddha  Jaya Ptithivi Bahadur Singh

Unit5: Education and Development 5  Concept of education and development  Social policy in education.  Education for national integration  Education and rural development  Education for human resource development. Unit 6: Guidance and counselling 5 . Concept of guidence and counselling . Importance of guidance and counselling in a school system.

Unit 7: Modern Trends/Approaches in Education 10 • Modern trends in education  Life-long education.  Open leaming


 Social justice in education  Education for All  Inclusive education  Child rights

Unit-8 Education in Nepal 15  Pre-democratic periods (Indigenous, Negligence and Opposition)  Post-democratic period (development of education 2007-onward.)  National goals and structure of thc present education system  Overview of present school administration and supervision ofNepal.  Teaching License  Role of different agencies related with school system. NEB, FOE, DEO, DOE, PTA, VEC.

V. Instructional procedures The methods of instruclions will mostly comprise of lecture, exploration, demonstration, discussion, library-work, self-study, self-work and question-answer techniques.

VI. Assessment procedures- Assessment of student achievement in this course will be made on the basis of performance through class test at least two times and home assignment.

Questionwisc marks distribution  2 long answer- questions =2x 10=20marks • 6 short answer- questions =6x5=30 marks

VII. References- 1. Shrestha, Sharan Hari, Instructional to Education, S.K. Prakashan, Ktm 2. Shrestha Chandra Bahadur .. lntroduction to Education-XIl Bhundipuran Prakashan, Ktm


Instructional Pedagogy* Grade XI Full marks: 50( 40+ 1 0) Pass marks: 14+4 Teaching hours: 75 Nature of subject-T+P I. Introduction This course is the fundamental background of educational methods, strategies and techniques of teaching processes at the lower secondary level. It is designed for the purpose of imparting basic understanding and developing teaching competencies of several important aspects such as instructional planning, organization, mrumgement, materials and teaching skills. It has also incorporated those principles, processes and facts that are considered relevant to the instructional pedagogy. It also covers the topics relating to pedagogy such as concepts and intends to impart understanding in instructional strategies, extra curricular activities and in instructional planning and materials development.

II. General objectives: The course aims at providing basic ground to: 1. elaborate the meaning and importance of pedagogy and instructional strategy: 2. develop instructional planning and objectives with practice: 3. specify knowledge and skill of instructional management: 4. infer in different instructional organizations: 5. Provide knowledge in emerging curricular activities: 6. develop approriate knowledge and skills of instructional materials: 7. acquaint the students with sound knowledge and skills in selecting and using difterent methods ofteaching; 8. recognize a basic literacy approaches and techniques and 9. involve the students in practical activities for making and using instructional planning and materials.

III. Specific obJectives: On completion ofthe course. the student will be able to: 1. explain the meaning, definitions and importance of pedagogy; 2. state the factors involved in instructional strategies: 3. clarify the meaning of instructional planning; 4. differentiate instructional planning from educational planning with examples; 5. specify the taxonomy of objectives, formulate instructional objectives and to use them; 6. describe the meaning of instructional management; 7. identify the techniques enhancing classroom climate; 8. show the techniques organizing the classroom environment;


9. mention the meaning, objectives and types of instructional organization with their strengths and weaknesses; 10. explain the meaning and principles of organizing extracurricular activities: 11. give reasons to organize co-curricular activities; 12. discuss the meaning, importance and use of instructional materials; 13. enumerate the general classilication of instructional materials with their basic concepts; 14. clarify the teacher and student initiated methods in reference to meaning, strengths, weakness and uses/implications; 15. define literacy education and explain basis literacy approaches and techniques; 16. formulate operation calendar, yearly plan, daily lesson plan and daily instructional routine and 17. prepare and use of instructional materials (as-indicated in this curriculum).

IV. Contents

Unit 1 1.1 Meaning and Definition of Pedagogy 1.2 Importance of Pedagogy 1.3 Meaning of instructional Strategy 1.3.1 Factors Involved in Instructional Strategy . Purpose of the lesson  Contents of the Lesson . Materials and activities . Evaluation of performance Unit 2 Instructional Planning 10 2.1 Meaning of instructional Planning 2.2 Differences between Educational and Instructional Planning. 2.3 Instructional Objectives: Meaning and Characteristics 2.4 Selection of instructional Objectives 2.5 Taxonomy of Instructional Objectives 2.6 Formulation of instructional Objectives (with practice) 2.7 Introduction of the following planning (with their meaning. importance and components (with practice) 2.7.1 Yearly Operation Calendar 2.7.2 Annual Work Plan 2.7.3 Unit plan 2.7.4 Daily Lesson Plan 2.7.5 Daily Class Routine/Schedule


Unit3 Instructional Management 7 3.1 Concept of Instructional Management  Meaning of instructional management.  Enhancing classroom climate (Developing children's confidence and selfesteem, Developing an incorporative classroom and Developing through Quality Circle Time)  Organizing the classroom environment (Leaming environment, use of space, Resources and Time) 3.2. Art of Instructional Management • Inclusiveness of Pupil. (Art of making inclusive class) • Getting off to a good start • Classroom activation • Techniques of motivation • Art of questioning • Art of response management of pupils in the class. Unit 4 Instructional Organization 6 4.1 Meaning of instructional organization 4.2 Objectives of instructional organization 4.3 Types of instructional organization (with reference to meaning, Charactetistics, Strengths and Weaknesses) • Grade Teaching • Subject Teaching • Multi-grade Teaching • Non-graded Teaching Unit 5 Curricular Activities 4 5.1 Extra-curricularActivities  Meaning and advantages of extra-curricular activities.  Principles and organizing of extra-curricular activities.  Types of extra-curricular activities.

5.2 Co-curricular Activities. • Meaning and advantages of Co-Curricular Activities .

Unit-6 Instructional Materials 10


6.1 Concept of instructional materials 6.2. Importance and the use of instructional matetials 6.3 Classification of instructional materials. a. General Classification • Audio-materials • Visual-materials • Audio-visual materials (with electronic materials)  Printed materials b. Low cost/No cost materials c. Self-study learning matetials: Introduction, Need, Types and Sources. Unit-7 Instructional Methods 10

7.1 Meaning, Characteristics and principles of instructional/teaching methods. 7 .2. General classification of instructional methods, • Teacher Initiated Methods; Lecture, Demonstration and Dicussion • Learner Centred Methods; Expetiment, Field-Trip, Individual Study, Study Assignment, Mini Project, Survey, Inquiry, Discovery, Problem Solving and Exploration. Unit-8 Literacy Education 8 8.1 Meaning of literacy education 8.2. Basic Literacy approaches • Phonic and Key-Word Approach • Language Experience Approach • Whole Language Approach 8.3 Basic Literacy Techniques  Regenerating Freirerian Literacy through Empowering Community Technique (REFLECT)  Learner Generated Materials (LGM)  Local elite Generated Materials (LEGM)

Unit 9 Practical Activities 10 9.1 Formulation of the following plans - Operation Calendar, Yearly plan, Unit plan, Daily Lesson Plan for Grade Teaching, Multi Garde Teaching, Subject Teaching, Non graded Teaching and Daily Routine


9.2 Preparation of following instructional materials - Chalk board, Fannel board, Display board, Model, Specimen, Charts, Graphs and pocket Chart

V. Practical activities Each student must prepare and submit the prepare materials of the unit 2.6, 2.7, 4.3, 9.1, 9.2 VI. Instructional procedures The method of instruction will mostly comprise of lecture, explanation, demonstration, discussion, mini-project, library work, self study, self work, question answer and practical activities VII. Assessment Procedures Assessment of student achievement in this course will be made on the basis of performance in preparing materials and performance in the final written examination 40 marks, Pass marks 14) After completion of all the practical activities, concerned Higher Secondary School should complete the given from clearrly and send to the Higher Secondary Education Board before final examination Question wise marks distribution - 2 long answer -questions =2x10=20 marks - 4 short answer questions =4x5=20 marks practical exam -10 marks VIII. Refrences 1. Shrestha Chandra Bahadur, Instructional Pedagogy, Bhundipuran, Prakashan, Ktm 2. Jha, Shobhakanta, Instructional Pedagogy, Ekta Books and Distributors, Ktm


g]kfnL efiff lzIf0f sIff !! k"0ff{ª\s %) kf7\oef/ # k|lt xKtf != kf7\of+z kl/ro M of] kf7\of+z sIff !! sf] P]lR5s ljifo lnO{ cWoog ug]{ ljBfyL{x¿sf nflu tof/ kfl/Psf] xf] . @= ;fwf/0f p2]Zo 1. efiff lzif0fsf kl/ro lbO{ g]kfnL efiff lzIffsf] cfjZostf atfpg, 2. k|fylds tyf lg=df=lj= txdf g]kfnL efiff kf7\oj|md tyf kf7\ok':tsx¿sf] ljleGg cfwf/df cWoog ug{, 3. eflifs ;Lk lzIf0fsf nflu pko'St sfo{snfkx¿sf] j0f{g ug{, 4. lgwf{l/t g]kfnL efiff kf7\o k':tsdf lglxt ljBfyL{x¿sf] k|of]hg atfpg 5. g]kfnL efiff lzIf0fdf k|of]u x'g] z}lIfs ;fdu|Lx¿sf] lgdf{0f / ;+sng ug{, 6. eflifs d"Nof+sgsf nflu pko'St pkfox¿ ;'Nemfpg, 7. cWofkgsf nlfu of]hgfx¿ lgdf{0f / k|of]u ug{ .

PsfO Ps M g]kfnL efiff lzIf0fsf] kl/ro ;do ^ 306f, c+s # p2]Zo M 1. efiff lzIf0fsf] cfjZostf atfpg . 2. eflifs ;Lkx¿sf] kl/ro lbO{ tLgsf] cfk;L ;DaGw cf}FNofpg 3. efiff lzIf0df cEof;sf] dxTj b;f{pg . 4. klxnf] / bf];|f] efiffsf ¿kdf g]kfnL lzIf0fsf leGgtf cf}FNofpg . 5. ax'eflifs sIffdf g]kfnL lzIf0fsf pkfox¿ ;'emfpg . ljifoj:t' M 1. efiff lzIf0fsf] kl/ro 2. g]kfnL efiff lzIf0fsf] cfjZostf 3. eflifs ;Lkx¿ / tLgsf] cfk;L ;DaGw 4. efiff lzIf0fdf cEof;sf] dxTj 5. klxnf] / bf];|f] efiffsf ?kdf g]kfnL lzIf0f 6. ax'eflifs sIffdf g]kfnL lzIf0f PsfO b'O{ M k|fylds txsf g]kfnL efiff kf7\oj|md / kf7\o k':ts ;do ^ 306f, c+s # p2]Zo M 1. k|fylds tyf lg=df=lj= kf7\oj|mdx¿sf] cWoog ug{ 2. ljleGg cfwf/df k|fylds tyf lg=df=lj kf7\ok':tsx¿sf] cWoog ug{ . 3. k|fylds tyf lg=df=lj= kf7\oj|md Pjd\ kf7\ok':tsx¿sf] t'ngf ug{ . ljifo j:t' M != k|fylds txsf g]kfnL kf7\oj|md / kf7\ok':tsx¿sf] cWoog


@= k|fylds txsf jt{dfg g]kfnL kf7\o k':tsx¿sf] lgDglnlvt cfwf/df cWOog -s_ cfGtl/s cfwf/x¿ M ljifoj:t', cEof;, efiffz}nL / cGo v_ afXo cfwf/x¿ M cfsf/k|sf/, 5kfO, lrq, /+u, sfuh, ;fh;Hhf cflb #= k|fylds kf7\oj|md / kf7\ok':tsl;t lgDg dfWolds kf7\oj|md / kf7\o k':tssf] t'ngf

PsfO tLg M cIf/ lzIf0f ;do % 306f, c+s #

^= lgaGws :j¿ks kl/ro lgaGw n]vgsf] cEof; p2]ZoM 1. ljleGg lsl;dsf cIf/sf] k|s[ltcg';f/ lzIf0f ug]{ ljleGg tl/sfx¿ atfpg . 2. /fd|f cIf/ agfpg x:tn]vg, cg'n]vg, >'ltn]vg tyf :jtGq n]vg sfo{snfksf] cfjZostf atfpg . ljifj:t' M != ;Unf, dfqf ;lxtsf / ;+o'St cIf/sf] lrgf/L lzIf0f -s_ lrq / zAb kTtLaf6 -v_ cIf/kTtL cIf/tflnsf / 6'j|m] cIf/af6 @= ;Unf cIf/sf] n]vg -s_ 7f8f], t];f]{ uf]nf], 58\s] cflb wsf]{ tfGg] cEof; -v_ ljGb'x¿sf cfwf/df n]Vg] cEof; -u_ b'O{ wsf{ agfO{ n]Vg nufpg] -3_ /]vf+sgdf bf]xf]/\ofpg nufpg] #= dfqf;lxtsf cIf/sf] n]vg -s_ dfqf lrXg / ltgsf] k|ltlglwTj ug]{ cIf/x¿ -v_ dfqf nufpFbf cIf/df b]lvg] ;+/rgfTds leGgtf -s', ¿, s}, P]F_ $= ;+o'St cIf/ n]Vg] -s_ xnGt cIf/ / ;+o'St cIf/ -v_ ljleGg ;+o'St cIf/x¿sf] n]vfO -u_ ljleGg l:yltdf / j0f{ ;+o'St / xnGt x'Fbf b]vfkg]{ leGgtf -3_ ;+o'St cIf/ lzIf0fsf nflu cfjZos j0f{kTtL / zAbkTtLx¿ %= -s_ x:tn]vg / cg'n]vg -v_ >'ltn]vg -u_ :jtGq ¿kdf cIf/ n]vg

PsfO rf/ M ;'gfO lzIf0f ;do # 306f, c+s @ p2]Zo M 1. ;'gfO lzIf0fsf] cfjZostf atfpg . 2. ;'gfO lzIf0fsf] sfo{snfkx¿sf] j0f{g ug{ .

178 ljifoj:t' M 1. ;'gfO lzIf0fsf] cfjZostf 2. ;'gfO lzIf0fsf] sfo{jnfkx¿ -s_ Wjlgklxrfg -v_ j0f{lje]bLs/0f -u_ jfSolje]bLs/0f -3_ >'ltaf]w -ª_ >'lt/rgf -r_ >'ltn]vg PsfO kfFr M af]nfO lzIf0f ;do $ 306f, c+s @ 1. af]nfO lzIf0fsf] cfjZostf atfpg . 2. af]nfO lzIf0fsf] sfo{snfkx¿sf] j0f{g ug{ . -s_ s'/fsfgL -v_ lrq tyf j:t'j0f{g -u_ cg'ej syg tyf 36gfj0f{g -3_ gf6sLs/0f tyf clego -ª_ df}lvs k|ltj]bg PsfO 5 M pRrf/0f lzIf0f ;do $ 306f, c+s #

p2]Zo M 1. pRrf/0f lzIf0fsf] cfjZostf atfpg . 2. pRrf/0f lzIf0fsf sfo{snfkx¿sf] j0f{g ug{ . 3. pRrf/0f;DaGwL sl7gfOsf] klxrfg ug{ / gL/fs/0fsf pkfox¿ ;'emfpg . ljifoj:t' M 1. pRrf/0f lzI0fsf] cfjZostf 2. pRrf/0f lzIf0fsf sfo{snfkx¿ -s_ ;d:ofk"0f{ j0f{ / zAbx¿sf] pRrf/0fdf cEof; -v_ cGo efiff tyf eflifsfut b[li6 e"ldaf6 ePsf pRrf/0f ;DaGwL sl7gfOsf] klxrfg / gL/fs/0fsf nflu cEof; -u_ ;fd"lxs / JolStut cEof; PsfO ;ft M ;:j/ k9fO lzIf0f ;do $ 306f, c+s #

p2]Zo M 1. ;:j/ k9fOsf] cfjZostf atfpg . 2. ;:j/ k9fOdf Wofg lbg'kg]{ s'/fx¿ pNn]v ug{ . 3. ;:j/ k9fOsf sfo{snfkx¿sf] j0f{g ug{ . ljifoj:t' M


1. ;:j/ k9fOsf] cfjZostf 2. ;:j/ k9fOdf Wofg lbg'kg]{ s'/fx¿ -s_ ult olt ldnfpg' -v_ lrXgsf] ljr/ ug'{ -u_ xfpefp k|bz{g ug{ -3_ ;'/, no, cf3ft ldnfpg, -ª_ efjcg';f/ k9\g' 3. ;:j/ k9fOsf sfo{snfkx¿ -s_ zAb k7g, jfSo k7g, cg'R5]bsf] ;:j/ k7gsf] cEof; -v_ ljleGg ljBfsf kf7x¿sf] ;:j/ k7g ug]{ cEof;

PsfO cf7 M df}g k9fO lzIf0f ;do $, 306f, c+s # p2]Zo M 1. df}g k9fOsf] cfjZostf atfpg 2. k7gaf]w cEof;sf] k|lj|mof / tl/sfx¿sf] j0f{g ug{ . 3. b'|t kf7sf nflu afnf]kof]uL ;fdu|L k|of]usf] dxTj atfpg . ljifoj:t' M 1. df}g k9fOsf] cfjZostf 2. df}g k9fOsf sfo{snfkx¿ -s_ k7gaf]wsf] cEof;M -k7g ;fdu|L syf, k|aGw / hLjgLaf6 kf7 jf cg'R5]bx¿sf] 5gf]6 _ -v_ afnf]kof]uL ;fdu|Lsf] b|'tkf7 -afnsljtf, syf cflb ;fdu|Lsf dfWodaf6 b'|tkf7sf] cEof;_ -u_ k|fylds sIffdf df}g k9fOsf] pkof]u PsfO gf} M zAbfy{ lzIf0f ;do # 306f, c+s # p2]Zo M != zAbfy{ lzIf0fsf sfo{snfkx¿sf] j0f{g ug{ . ljifj:t'M zAbfy{ lzIf0fsf sfo{snfkx¿ -s_ lrq4f/f cy{ atfpg] -v_ kof{ojfrL zAb lbg] -u_ cfzo atfpg] -3_ kl/efiff lbg] -ª_ ljk/Ltfy{s zAb lbg] -r_ clego jf xfpefp k|bz{g ug]{ -5_ jfSodf k|of]u ug{ nufpg]

PsfO bz M n]vfO lzIf0f ;do % 306f, c+s $ p2]Zo M 1. n]vfO lzIf0fsf] cfjZostf atfpg . 2. n]vfO lzIf0fsf sfo{snfkx¿sf] j0f{g ug{ . 3. n]vfOsf] z'l4s/0fsf pkfox¿ atfpg .

180 ljifoj:t' M 1. n]vfO lzIf0fsf] cfjZostf 2. n]vfO lzIf0fsf sfo{snfkx¿ -s_ x:tn]vg -v_ cg'n]vg -u_ >'ltn]vg -3_ j:t' tyf jftfj/0f j0f{g -ª_ 36gf j0f{g -r_ cg'ej n]vg -5_ >'lt/rgf -h_ ;f/f+z n]vg -em_ ;+jfb n]vg -`_ cg'R5]b n]vg -6_ k|Zgf]Tt/ -7_ k|aGw n]vg -8_ Jofjxfl/s sfuhftsf] n]vg M -c_ lr7\7L -cf_ lgj]bg -O_ a}+s r]s -O{_ kmf/d eg]{ -9_ n]vfOsf] z'l4s/0f / k'g/fj[lTt

PsfO P3f/ M j0f{ljGof; -lxHh]_ lzIf0f ;do $ 306f, c+s # p2]Zo M 1. j0f{ljGof;;DaGwL k|d'v uNtL If]qx¿ klxNofpg . 2. j0f{ljGof; lzIf0fsf nflu dxTjk"0f{ sfo{snfkx¿ ;'emfpg . ljifoj:t' M != j0f{ljGof;;DaGwL k|d'v uNtL If]qx¿  x|:j / bL3{  o, P sf] k|of]u  z, if, ; sf] cEof;  a, j, C, l/, If, Io, UoF sf] k|of]u  xnGt / chGtsf] k|of]u  zL/ljGb' / rGb|ljGb'sf] k|of]u  hf]l8Psf cIf/df / sf] k|of]u @= j0f{ljGof; lzIf0fsf nflu dxTjk"0f{ sfo{snfkx¿  cg'n]vg  >'ltn]vg  lxHh] k|ltof]lutf  gL/fs/0ffTds cEof;x¿ PsfO afx| M ljwf lzIf0f ;do $ 306f, c+s ^ p2]Zo M 1. efiff kf7\o k':tsdf /x]sf ljleGg ljwfx lzIf0fsf] k|of]hg atfpg . 2. ljleGg k|of]hgcg'?k ljwfx¿ lzIf0fsf pko'St sfo{snfkx¿ ;'emfpg . ljifoj:t' M 1. ljwf lzIf0fsf] k|of]hg 2. kB -sljtf_, uB -syf, k|aGw, hLjgL_, ¿ks -;+jfb, ljjfb, Psf+sL, dgf]jfb_


3. pko'{St ljwfx¿ lzIf0fsf sfo{snfkx¿

PsfO t]x| M Jofs/0f lzIf0f ;do % 306f, c+s $ p2]Zo M 1. k|fylds txdf Jos/0f lzIf0sf] pko'Sttf cg'ko'Sttfaf/] 5nkmn k|:t't ug{ . 2. Jofs/0f lzIf0fsf k|d'v pkfox¿ atfpg . ljifoj:t' M 1. Jofs/0f lzIf0fsf] pko'Sttf cg'ko'Sttf 2. Jofs/0f lzIf0fsf k|d'v pkfox¿ -s_ efiffsf] z'4 k|of]u l;sfpg] -v_ pbfx/0f4f/f Jofs/0f l;sfpg] -u_ ;"q jf lgod4f/f Jofs/0f l;sfpg] -3_ efiffsf kf7\ok':ts4f/f Jofs/0f l;sfpg]

PsfO rf}w M eflifs d"Nof+sg ;do $ 306f, c+s # p2]Zo M 1. eflifs ;Lk / efifftTjsf] d"Nof+sgsf l;4fGtsf] kl/ro lbg . 2. ljleGg k|of]hgsf nflu ljleGg lsl;dsf k|Zg lgdf{0f ug{ . ljifoj:t' M 1. eflifs ;Lk / efifftTjsf] d"Nof+sgsf l;4fGt 2. ljleGg k|of]hgsf nflu ljleGg lsl;dsf k|Zg lgdf{0fdf cEof;

PsfO kGw| M z}lIfs ;fdu|Lsf] k|of]u ;do % 306f, c+s @ p2]Zo M 1. >Jo b[Zo ;fdu|Lx¿sf] kl/ro lbg 2. lgwf{l/t ;fdu|Lx¿sf] ;+sng tyf lgdf{0f ug{ . ljifoj:t' M 1. >Jo b[Zo ;dfu|Lx¿sf] kl/ro 2. ljleGg kf7\o j:t'x¿ lzIf0fsf nflu pko'St z}lIfs ;fdu|Lxsf] ;+sng tyf lgdf{0f M lrq, j0f{kTtL, zAbkTtL, k|ltd"lt{, tflnsf, uf]hLtflnsf, kmnfl6g kf6L cflb . 3. lzIf0fsf j|mddf pSt ;fdu|Lx¿nfO{ k|of]u ug]{ cEof;

PsfO ;f]x| M cWofkg of]hgf ;do % 306f, c+s # p2]Zo M 1. sfo{of]hgf, PsfOof]hgf / kf7of]hgfsf] kl/ro lbg .


2. ljleGg k|of]hgsf nflu kf7of]hgf lgdf{0fdf cEof; ug{ . ljifoj:t' M 1. sfo{of]hgf, PsfOof]hgf / kf7of]hgf 2. ljleGg k|of]hgsf nflu kf7of]hgf lgdf{0fdf cEof;

kf7\ok':ts ;Gbe{ ;fdu|L j|m=;+= kf7\o j:t', kf7\o k':ts n]vs k|sfzs != k|f/lDes g]kfnL lzIf0f 8f= x]dfª\u/fh clwsf/L ljBfyL{ k':ts e08f/ @)%$ / 8f= s]bf/k|;fb zdf{ != ;xfos ;fdu|L M g]kfnL efiff 8f= s]bf/k|;fb zdf{ z}lIfs hgzlSt ljsf; s]Gb|, @)%! lzIf0f @ g]kfnL efiff lzIf0f 8f=x]dfª\u/fh clwsf/L s'~hn k|sfzg, sf7df8f}F, @)%@ #= g]kfnL efiff lzIf0f kl/ro ofbjk|;fb nfld5fg] ljBfyL{ k':ts e08f/, @)%@ $= g]kfnL lzIf0f l8NnL/fd l/dfn, ljBfyL{ k':ts e08f/, @)%@

lzIf0f k|ljlw PsfOsf] k|s[lt cg';f/ lgDglnlvt lzIf0f M k|lj|mof ckgfO{ lzIf0f ug]{ M -s_ JofVofg -v_ 5nkmn -u_ k|Zgf]Tt/ -3_ k|bz{g -ª_ k|of]u -r_ cEof;÷k'g/fj[lTt .


Teaching of English GRADE XI Full marks: 50 Teaching hours: 75 I. lntroduction Teaching English is designed as the first introductory course in English language Teaching (ELT). It combines methods developed for Teaching English as a foreign/second/international language (ELT/ESL/EEL) with the English curriculum of primary school in Nepal. It seeks to impart ELT methodology to the learners in order to prepare them to be trained English language teachers capable of handling ELT at the primary level.

II. General Objectives The general objectives of this course are: a. to equip students to teach English in Nepali classrooms at primary level with confidence, skill, creativity and a spirit of service to the children and the community, and b. to equip students to use ELT methodology with the necessary knowledge, skills and techniques for teaching the prescribed curriculum and textbooks at primary level

III. Specific Objectives On completion of this course students will be able to: 1. discuss the approaches, methods and teclmiques of teaching English and apply suitable methods and techniques for successful English activities at the primmy level. 2. design, adapt, prepare and use visual-aids and teaching materials for teaching primary level textbooks, 3. review and show they comprehend the objectives, goals and targets of the CUM'C'U'AUIP, a textbooks at primary level. 4. use English as the medium of classroom interaction with their students and successfully teach the primmy curriculum and textbooks to primary school children, 5. draw up practical and creative lesson plans, and, 6. evaluate the progress and ability of primarny school children.

IV. Course Contents A. Theoretical perspectives of teaching and learning English 2 teaching hours a. how young pupils learn a foreig language, and, b. how teachers can motivate learners and set goals . B. Introduction to methods and approaches of teaching English 3 teaching hours a. the grammar-translation method. b. the oral-structural-situational approach, and, c. the conummicative/functional approach, including an overview of the following:  skill based teaching


 teacher centred versus student centred teaching,  conecting errors: accuracy versus fluency,  communicative exercises, and,  language use and functional varieties.

C. Preparatory Skills 2 teaching hours a. classroom and technical language, for example, "sit down," "be quiet," and "pairwork" groupwork" and "drill" b. use of ALDCE as a pronunciation guide, c. use of the blackboard, including conect hand writing, and d. use of the voice in the classroom, for example, using appropriate volume, and speaking slowly and clearly. D. Introductory overview of the primary English curriculum and textbooks 2 teaching hours a. curriculum objectives, contents, teaching items, methodology and evaluation, b. the textbook "My Primary English" and its contents, c. supporting materials, including the teachers' guide, teaching manuals and reference books. E. Teaching the four language skills, using a communicative approach 24 teaching hours The following items should be based on the grade 4 and 5 textbooks and curriculum. a. teaching listening, including using tape recorders (wherever possible) and teaching primary pupils to perform the following activities: follow simple instructions, hear key words, draw pictures from spoken instructions, match words and pictures, and respond to true or false statements. b. teaching speaking with correct pronunciation and stress, including the use of the following communicative activities: drilling, demonstration, pairwork groupwork, role- playing. responding to questions, conversations, c. teaching reading, including the use of the following activities: pre-reading exercises, word and sentence recognition, reading aloud, and reading- silently with comprehension, d. teaching writing, including teaching the correct use of the following: handwriting, full- stops, capital letters, question marks and apostrophes, e. using songs, games and stories to teach listening, speaking, reading and writing, and, f. teaching vocabulary without the use of the mother tongue (for example, Nepali).

F. Teaching the course contents using "My Primary English" and a communicative approach. 5 teaching hours

Forexample: greetings, requests, asking for information, directing commanding, introductions, speaking of home, school and family members, time, duration, place, location, calendar dates, familiar activities, shopping, visiting relatives, families and friends and visiting places of interest.


G. Designing teaching materials for use in communicative activities 6 teaching hours Students will: a. design visual aids, for example on blackboards, flashcards, pictures, magazine, cut-outs, photographs, matchstick figures, real objects and puppets, and, b. design material for display in the classroom.

H. Testing 5 teaching hours a. what is testing b. the importance of testing, c. the relationship between testing and language Teaming, d. the construction of tests, for example,  short answer tests  written tests and oral tests  objective tests, inclucling jumbled words, matching, true or false, fill in the gap- and multiple choice, and,  subjective tests. e. the administration of tests including the correct conduct of examinations.

I. Lesson Planning and Classroom Management 6 teaching hours a. what is a lesson plan.? b. the importance of planning lessons. c. the structure of lesson plans including the following components,  teaching unit  teaching item  general objectives  specific objectives  lesson timing  teaching materials required  lesson methodology, for example revision, presentation, practice, production, evaluation and homework. d. the construction of lesson plans including the consideration of class-size, the needs of pupils of differing needs and abilities, the-learning environment, including the physical features of the classroom and the control and supply of materials, e. the construction of mini lesson plans for micro-teaching which include specific objectives and activities. f. long-term planning.


J. Practicum/Practice Teaching 20 teaching hours

The students on this course are required to perform the following activities, which should take place after they have completed all the other aspects of the course: a. prepare mini-lesson plans for peer-micro teaching and teach 2 mini-lessons to their peers followed by self and peer evaluation. b. observe a teacher in a local primary school for a minimum of 5 lessons and write a report on their observations of the teaching activities, students' learning, the classroom environment, strengths and weaknesses of the teaching, etc. c. prepare lesson plans, visual aids and other teaching materials for a minimum of 16 lessons and teach those lessons in a local primary school, and, d. write an evaluation of their own teaching performance following discussions with the course supervisor.

V. Prescribed textbooks 1. Venkateswaran Principles of Learning, Vikash Publishing, Delhi English (1995) 2. Awasthi et al Intro. to Language Higher Secondary Teaching Methods and Education Board, Approaches. Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.

VI. Reference books a. A Handbook for Supervisors of Teaching Practice, to include lesson plan forms, lesson evaluation forms, student self evaluation forms, lesson observation forms and guidelines, hints on organizing teaching practice and hints for evaluating students and giving feedback. To be provided by the HSEB. b. "Primmy English Teacher Training Mannual" (PEP/MOE most recent edition) c. A suitable dictionary, for example. "The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary."


Teaching of Mathematics GRADE XI Full marks: 50 Teaching hours: 75 I. Introduction This course is an introduction to the teaching of Mathematics curriculum at primary schools and it is designed to impart the basic skills and knowledge essential for teachers at primary level. Prospective teachers will be acquainted with teaching objectives, general as well as specific, and will make an in depth study of the s curriculum and textbooks for the first to fifth grades. Furthermore, it contains directions to plan and evaluate teaching in primary grades. This course will develop competencies in preparing teaching aids and identifying strategies/ approaches for teaching different concepts school of Mathematics for young learners.

II. General obJectives The general objectives of the course are to make the students: a. learn to motivate pupils to study Mathematics, b. develop a positive attitude towards Mathematics education, and c. prepare themselves for higher academic pursuit in Mathematics education.

III. Specific Objectives On completion of the course, primary school teachers will be able to 1. state the objectives of primary school Mathematics; 2. compare the objectives, scope and sequence of Mathematics content; 3. state the stages of cognitive development of a child according to Piagetian theory: 4. use implications of piaget's theory; 5. usee different s teaching techniques; 6. teach set notation, language and kind of sets and their operation; 7. teach Hindu-Arabic and Roman number system; 8. teach operations on whole numbers, fractions, decimals and their properties; 9. teach the basic measures inmetric system and measures of time; 10. prepare teaching of algebraic concepts, constants, variables, operation on algehraic expressions and simple linear equations: 11. teach elementary concepts of Euclidean geometry; 12. teach how to read and draw pictorial charts and graphs: 13. construct the test items: 14. prepare yearly plan, unit plan and lesson plan: and 15. construct and use different teaching aids.


IV. Course Contents

UNIT: I 4 teaching hours Psychological aspects of Mathematics education i. Cognitive development of a child according to Piaget (sensory motor, preoperational, concrete, formal operational) ii. Implications of Piaget's, theory in learning at primary level.

UNIT: II 4 teaching hours Instructional strategies a. Problem solving: different steps of problem solving b. Inductive and deductive method with examples from primary school curriculum. c. Investigation: Games and pi m7les. d. Discussion and question answer approach. UNIT: III 4 teaching hours Curriculum studies i. objectives of primrny school Mathematics curriculum ii. content analysis, scope, sequence iii. study on textbooks, teacher guides.

UNIT: IV 5 teaching hours Teaching sets Notation, element, finite and infinite sets, universal set, empty set, subset, overlapping and disjoint sets, Complement of a set, union and intersection of sets, difference-of sets.

UNIT: V 5 teaching hours Teaching number and numerals Comparision of numbers, counting, Roman and Hindu-Ambic numeration systems, odd and even, prime and composite, positive and negative, square numbers, cube numbers, Teaching aids for teaching number and numerals.

UNIT: VI 5 teaching hours Teaching addition and subtraction Concepts of addition & subtraction as forward and backward counting, basic facts of addition and subtraction, addition and subtraction with manipulative materials like marbles, leaves, base ten blocks, abacus, etc. Algorithms of addition and subtraction.

UNIT: VII 5 teaching hours Teaching of multiplication and division


Concepts of multiplication as repeated addition and division as repeated subtraction. Basic facts of multiplication and division. Teaching by manipulative material like marbles, leaves, stones, base ten block, abacus, etc. Teaching of division and its different constituents like divisor, dividend, quotient and remainder. Algorithm of multiplication and division.

UNIT: VIII 5 teaching hours Teaching fraction & decimals Concept of fractions, equivalent fraction, operation on fractions, concept of decimal fractions, ordering of fractions, conversion operations on decimal fraction.

Unit: IX 5 teaching hours Teaching measurements: Non-standard/standard units, length, area, capacity, volume, time, money, weight, estimation and standard unit, conversion verbal problem on measurement, using local material, coins, meterstics, cuboids, clocks, paper coins, balance and otherlocal measures.

Unit X: Teaching percentage ratio, proportion and percentage: 5 teaching hours Fraction and percent, ratio, relation of percent, ratio and fractions, proportion direct, using unitary method, inverse.

Unit XI: 7 teaching hours Teaching algebra: Meaning of place holder by box notation, faction, variable, constant, like and unlike terms, expressions, coefficient, numerical and literal coefficient, addition and subtraction of binomial expressions, meaning of equation and ematical sentences formulation of verbal problems leading to linear equations, and vice versa, axioms of equality, solution, linear equations in one variable by balance.

Unit XII: 8 teaching hours Teaching geometry Point line, line segment, rays, surface and solid figures (vertices, edges and faces) triangles (kinds) angles (kinds) quadrilateral (kinds), polygons, parallel lines, congruent and symmetrical figures. Constructions using set square, protractor, construction and use of geoboard, geometrical moving models, rectangular box, cubes.

Unit XIII: 3 teaching hours Teaching graphs and charts


Simple pictorial graph and bar graph, (reading, comparing and drawing) collection, organization and classification of data in tables.

Unit XIV: 8 teaching hours Planning for Mathematics teaching  preparation of an arnnual plan and some samples of unit plans.  writing behavioral objectives for different primary school concepts.- preparing daily lesson plans for different Mathematics lessons.- development of micro teaching for units.

UnitXV: 3 teaching hours Evaluation of student achievement Preparation of teacher made test (subjective, objectives tests), preparation of unit and final tests.

VI. Reference Materials 1. Pandit, R.P., Teaching Elementary, School Mathematics, Ananta Prakashan 2. dxh{g, xL/faxfb'/ Pj+ kf}8]n, n]vfgfy, ul0ft lzIf0f kl/ro, tn]h' k|sfzg 3. Shrestha, M.M et al Mathematics Teaching, Basic Primary, Teacher Training School Package, Traning Section MOE Kesher, Mahal, Kathmandu, 1990. 4. Castles, John. Teaching and Leaming 11-16 Routledge. 5. Ploy G. How to solve it, Privation University press 6. Pandit, Rainjee. k|f/lDes ul0ft lzIf0f, cgGt k|sfzg, sf7df8f}F, g]kfn, @)%$ 7. Maharjan. al, ul0ft kl/ro, glthf k|sfzg, sf7df8f}F, g]kfn @)%$


Rural Development*

Grade: XI Full marks : 100 Pass marks : 35 Teaching hours: 150 I. Introduction This course is designed for the students of higher secondary level offering Rural Development as an elective subject in Grade-XI. The purpose of this course is to familiarize the students with the importance and challenges of rural development with reference to Nepal. It will enable the students to understand the basic concepts of rural development along with the overview of the rural life of Nepal.

II. General Objectives This course aims at providing basic knowledge of rural development and equipping the students with basic skills and tools used in the field of rural development. The general objectives are: 1. to acquaint the students with the basic elements of rural development; and 2. to introduce the students to multi dimensional aspects of the rural life of Nepal.

III. Specific Objectives: On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. explain the nature and scope of rural development; 2. explain the major determinants of rural development 3. discuss the basic issues of rural development ; 4. describe the people and social structure of Nepal; 5. explain the rural social problems and social services in Nepal; 6. state the characteristics of rural environment in Nepal; 7. explain the system of politics and governance in Nepal; 8. explain the prospects made on the rural development in Nepal; 9. state the features of rural-urban linkages, and 10. develop the skills of writing proposal for rural development projects.

IV. Course Scheme Uuits Title of Course Teachiug Hours Part A : Introduction to Rural Development 65 1. Nature and Scope of Rural Development 15 2. Determinants of Rural Development 30 3. Basic Issues of Rural Development 20 Part B: Overview of Nepalese Rural Life 65 4. People and Social Structure of Nepal 10 5. Rural Social Problems and Social Services in Nepal 15


6. Ecological Regions and Rural Life 10 7. Government and 10 8. Rural-Urban Linkages in Nepal 10 9. Rural Development Programmes of Nepal 10

Part C Practicum: Proposal Preparation for Rural 20 Development Projects 10. Proposal Writing for Rural Development Projects 20 Total Teaching Hours 150

V. Course Content Part A Introduction to Rural Development Teaching hours : 65 Unit 1 Nature and Scope of Rural Development Teaching hours: 15 . Concept of rural development . Subject matter of rural development . Importance of rural development • Problems of rural development • Indicators of rural development Unit 2 Determinants of Rural Development Teaching hours: 30 • Natural resources- water, forests land (public land, common land, etc), minerals and sources of energy (traditional and commercial) • Human Resources- population (size, growth and structure), labour force, employment situation and problems of rural unemployment. • Financial Sources- traditional and modem sources, rural credit • Technology- indigenous and modem technologies for rural development • Rural Industries- problems, ways to improve rural industries • Rural Governance and Regional Dimensions • Socio-cultural dimensions- attitude, beliefs and values


Unit 3

Basic Issues of Rural Development Teaching Hours: 20 • Leadership in rural development • Rural Poverty • Right based approach to development • Empowerment • Gender issues • Globalisation • Social inclusion and exclusion Part B Overview of Nepalese Rural life Teaching hours: 65 Unit 4 People and Social Structure of Nepal Teaching hours 10 • Characteristics of rural physical structure-village settlement • Family • Caste/Ethnicity • Indigenous people • Community-community life and social capital • Cultural diversity of the people Unit 5 Rural Social Problems and Social Services in Nepal Teaching hours : 15 • Caste composition and occupational structure • Marginalized groups-features and status • Social problems- isolation, voicelessness, fatalism, superstitions. • Women and children-status and Current issues • Social services-health, education, drinking water and sanitation, social security • Social maladies- attitude towards social customs, beliefs Unit 6 Ecological Regions and the Rural Life Teaching hours: 10 • Introduction to different ecological regions • Dispatities of different ecological regions


• Interdependence of different ecological regions Unit 7 Government and Politics of Nepal Teaching hours 10 • Constitution ofNepal 1. Fundamental Rights 2. Directive principles of State Policy 3. Salient Features of legislature, executive and judiciary • Role of political parties in rural development • Introduction to local government o VDC: composition and power o DDC: composition and power o Linkage between VDC and DDC Unit 8 Rural-Urban Linkages in Nepal Teaching hours 10 • Concept of rural-urban linkages • Nature of rural-urban interdependence • Rural-urban migration: push and pull factors • Benefits and implications of rural-urban linkages

Unit 9 Rural Development Programmes of Nepal Teaching Hours 10 • Brief historical background to rural development • Small Farmers Development Programme (SFDP), Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP), Small Area Development Programme (SADP) Part C Practicum: Proposal Preparation for Rural Development Project Teaching hours 20 Unit 10 Proposal Writing for Rural Development Project Teaching hrs 20 • Elements of a proposal • Methods of writing a proposal • Formulation of a proposal for a rural development project

A project proposal for the fieldwork is to be prepared by the students of rural development. The topics or the project proposal have to be related with the rural development issues. The weightage for proposal writing will be of 20 marks out of which 10 marks will be for internal and 10 for external evaluation. The internal evaluation of the project work is to be done by the

195 subject teacher of the school/college and verified by the Principal of the concerned school/college. The project proposal and internal marks are to be sent to the Controller Office, HSEB, for external evaluation.

V. Instructional techniques a. Lecture b. Observation/field visits c. Discussion d. Parties pastor approach e. Report writing

VI. Instructional materials a. File charts b. Fondles/ article c. Reference books

VII. Evaluation Scheme

Question No. Nature of questions Marks Part A: Introduction to Rural Development 40 1. Long 10 2. Long 10 3. a. b. c. d Short questions (allempt any two) 5X2=10 4. a. b.c.d.e Very short questions 2X5=10 Part B: Overview of Nepalese Rural Life 40 6. Long 10 7. Long 10 8. a.b.c.d. Short Questions (attempt any two) 5X2=10 9. a.b.c.d.e. Very short questions 2X5 =10 Sub total marks 80

Part C: Practicum: Proposal Preparation for Rural Development 20

10. Proposal writing for Rural Development (Internal and Extemal Evaluation) 10+10= 20 Grand Total 100 VIII. References 1. Sapkota, Keshabraj, Rural Development XI, Bhundipuran Prakashan, ktm 2. Singh K., Rural Development: Principles, Policies and Management, Vistar Publication, New Delhi


3. Adhikari S. P, Rural Development in Nepal: Problems and Prospects, sajha Prakasan 4. Bista S. K., Rural development in Nepal: An Alternative Strategy, (first edition 2000), Krishna Kumar Shrestha 5. Kunwar K. B., Nepalma Garibi ra Gramin Bikas (Poverty in Nepal and Rural development, In Nepali), Meena Prakashan 6. Kunwar K. B., The Himalayan Poverty, Prosperity through Rural Development (Second Edition 2004), Meena Prakashan 7. D.Janwali, Rural Urban Interaction: A Geographical perspective, students' Books Publishers and Distributors 8. Dahal R.K., Rajya ra Gram in Bikas (State and Rural Development first edition), New Hira Books Enterprises 9. Lekhak H. D. and Lekhak B., Natural Resource Conservation and Sustainable Development in Nepal, Kshitz Publication 10. Luitel C., Gramin Arthasastra (Rural Economics in Nepali). Bhundipuran Prakashan, Kathmandu 11. Mathema R. B., Strategies of Rural Development in Nepal: Some Observations Some thoughts, Sitadevi Mathema 12. Pradhan P., Manual for Urban Rural Linkage and Rural Development Analysis, New Hira Books enterprises, Kathmandu 13. Singh B. K., Co-operative Development in Nepal Kitab mahal Private Limited 14. Dhadave M.S., Joshi K. G. and Mikundi S. G. (ed). Rural and Urban Studies in India, Rawat Publications 15. Karan P. P. and Hiroshi Ishii, Nepal A Himalayan Kingdom in Transition, United Nations


ELEMENTS OF FINANCE I* GRADE: XI Full Marks: 100 Teaching Hrs:150

I. INTRODUCTION Finance is an emerging discipline.Traditionally finance was concened with financial instruments and institutions only. But, the scope of finance has now been expanded to encompass areas like mathematics, statistics, working capital management, financial analysis, risk, insurance and multinational Finance. The role of finance in company's success has become paramount as all business decisions and activities of a business have financial implications. As such finance as a subject has found a prominent place as one of the functional areas of commerce education at the higher secondary level

II. GENERAL OBJECTIVES General objectives of this course are to enable the students to understand concepts and principle of elementary finance as foundation for higher level education and to impart skills rcquired for understanding financial market and institutions, corporate finance and insurance.

III. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES On completion ofthis course, the student will be able to: a. describe the meaning and scope of business finance; b. explain the functions, types, role and importance of financial instititions and financial markets: c. discuss and determine the various types of financial assets: d. learn the basic concept of interest and discounting factors and involve in finance: and e. explain the concept and types of risk of insurance:


Units Chapters Teaching Hours 1. Overview of Finance 10 2. Financial Markets 10 3. Financial Institutions 20 4. Financial Assets 15 5. Interest 15 6. Present Value and Discounting Technique I 15 7. Present Value and Discounting Technique II 15 8. Risk and Insurance 20


9. Life Insurance 15 10. Non-life Insurance 15 Total 150


UNIT I : OVERVIEW OF FINANCE Concept and importance of finance; Relationship of finance with economics and accountancy; Scope of finance: investments, corporate finance, financial institutions and markets.

UNIT 2: FINANCIAL MARKETS Concept: Types of financial markets: money and capital, primary and secondary markets; Financial intermediaries: deposit institutions, insurance companies other financial institutions; investment bankers, mortgage bankers: the secondary market: organized exchanges and over-the- counter market. UNIT 3: FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Introduction and types of financial institutions, role of financial institution in financialmarkets; Introduction, functions and role of central bank; Commercial bank; Development bank and other financial institutions: finance companies, finance cooperatives, mutual funds pension and provident fund.

UNIT 4: FINANCIAL ASSETS Real vs. financial assets: Meaning and characteristics of financial assets: Instruments of financial assets: long-term vs. short-term, ownership vs. creditorship and fixed vs. variable instruments; Types of long-term instruments: common stock, preferred stock and bonds; Concept of par value, book value and market value of long term instruments and computation of book value of common stock: Types and uses of short term instruments: treasury bill, bankers acceptance, commercial paper, promissory notes, bill of exchange, letter of credit, mutual funds, Telebanking Instruments; ATM, Debit Card, Credit Card and electronic transfer.

UNIT 5: INTEREST Concept of interest: Nominal and real rate of interest, periodic and effective rate of interest, risk- free rate of interest: Determinants of interest rate: inflation premium, default premium, maturity premium, liquidity premium: Computation of interest rates.


Future value and compounding: investing for a single period, investing for more than one period. Present value and disccunting: the single-period case, the multi-periods case, Loan amortization.



Concept of cash flows: Even and uneven, timing of cash flows. Future and present values of multiple cash flows: future value with multiple cash flows present value with multiple cash flows. Annuities and perpetuities: present values for annuity cash flows, future values for annuities, annuities due, perpetuitics.

UNIT 8: RISK AND INSURANCE Risk: concept, nature, cost & management. Concept and evolution of insurance: functions of insurance: Benefits of insurance: Nature of insurable risks: Principle of insurance: Features or insurance contract; Meaning, objectives and methods of reinsurance.

UNIT 9: LIFE INSURANCE Concept and importance of life insurance: Elements of life insurance contract: Procedures of affeccting life insurance policy: Role of agents: Computation of life insurance premium; Types of life insurance;

UNIT 10: NON-LIFE INSURANCE Concept of non life insurance; Concept and importance, types of policy and procedures: V. INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES • Lecture and discussion • Case observation • Field Visit • Library Assignment • Project Work • Group and Individual Work • Presentation


Written Examination 100 (100%)


Units Title Number of question Marks allocated Th. Pr. Total Th. Pr. Total 1 Overview of Finance 1 ₋ 1 5 ₋ 5 2 Financial Markets 1 ₋ 1 5 ₋ 5


3 Financial Instutions 2 ₋ 2 15 ₋ 15 4 Financial Assets 1 1 2 5 5 10 5 Interest ₋ 1 1 ₋ 10 10 6 Present Value and Discounting ₋ 1 1 ₋ 10 10 Technique I 7 Present Value and Discounting ₋ 1 1 ₋ 10 10 Technique II 8 Risk and Insurance 2 ₋ 2 15 ₋ 15 9 Life Insurance 1 1 2 5 5 10 10 Non life Insurance 1 ₋ 1 10 ₋ 10 Total 9 5 14 60 40 100

Note: Some questions may combine theory and computational problems.

VIII. REFERENCES 1. Joshi, Padam Raj, Elements of Finance-XI, Asmita Books Publication, Ktm 2. Brigham Eugen F. Fundamentals of financial Management: The Dryden Press, Orlando. 3. Dahal, Bhuwan and Dahal Sarita. A Hand Book to Banking: Asmita Publications, Kathmandu . 4. Joshij Padam Raj and adhikari, Shivahari, Byabasthapan Ka Lagi Bitta Sastra: Taleju Prakashan, Kathmandu. 5. Joshi, Shyam and Adhikari, Shivahari, Byabasthapan Ka Lagi Bitta Sastra: Taleju Prakashan. Kathmandu. 6. Manandhar, Kamal Dass Fundamenlal of Financial Management: Khanal Books and Stationery, Kathmandu. 7. Panda G.S, Principle and Practice of Insurence: Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana. 8. Paudel, Rajan B. Fundamental of Financial Management: Asmita Books & Publishers, Kathmandu. 9. Rejda, George E. Principles of Risk Management & Insurance: Peerson, Delhi. 10. Shrestha, M.K., Fundamental Principles of Financial Management: Taleju Prakashan, Kathmandu. 11. Shrestha, Madhusudan, Fundamental of Banking: Buddha Academic & Publishers, Kathmandu. 12. Pradhan Dr. Radlieshyam & Kathiwada RudraMani, Bitta Byabasthapan: Buddha Academic Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Educational Publishers & Distributers Kathmandu.


Co-operative Management* Grade: XI Teaching Hours: 150 Full Marks: 100 l. INTRODUCTION This is a fundamental course of Co-operative Management. Co-operative organizations play a pivotal role in uplifting the living standard of mass rural population. Nepal, an agricultural country, can not be an exception. This course is designed to provide the basic knowledge on the different foundational aspects of co-operative organizations. It consists of seven units viz. Introduction, Historical Development of Cooperatives in Selected Countries, Evolution of Cooperatives in Nepal Legal Framework of Cooperatives in Nepal, Forms of Cooperatives lnstitutional Arrangements of Cooperatives., Emerging trends of Cooperatives in Nepal, the nature of course is theoretical.

II. GENERAL OBJECTIVES The general objectives of this course are to: a. provide foundational knowledge on basic principles and practices of cooperatives in general: b. enable the students with necessary skills to manage cooperatives at grass root level and c. acquaint the students with problems and prospects of cooperatives in Nepal.

III. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES The specific objectives of this course are to: a. introduce the students with the emerging concepts, practices and trends in cooperatives in general: b. acquaint the students with current status of Nepalese cooperatives and c. prepare the students to pursue advanced studies in cooperatives.

IV. COURSE CONTENTS Unit 1: Introduction • Meaning, definition and characteristics of co-operatives. • Functions of cooperatives. • Role and importance of cooperatives. • Fundamental principles of cooperatives. • Difference between cooperatives and other business organizations (Public and Private Entetpiises)


Unit 2. Historical Development of Cooperatives in Selected Countries: A brief review. LH 18 • United Kingdom • Germany • Denmark • Israel • International Cooperatives Alliances (ICA): Inception and Role.

Unit 3 Evolution of Cooperatives in Nepal. LH 15 • Origin and development of cooperatives (Traditional and Modern Cooperatives). • Role of civic societies and the State in the cooperatives movement in Nepal. • Current status of cooperatives movement in Nepal.

Unit 4: Legal Framework of Cooperatives in Nepal. LH 20 • Cooperative Act 2048: Introduction, features and major provisions. • Cooperative Rules 2049: Features and major provisions. • Procedures of formation, registration, renewal and termination of cooperatives.

Unit 5: Forms of Cooperatives. LH 25 • Consumers' cooperatives: Objectives and functions. • Credit cooperatives: Objectives and functions. • Producers' cooperatives: Objectives and functions. • Marketing cooperatives: Objectives and functions. • Farming cooperatives: Objectives and functions. • Housing cooperatives: Objectives and functions. • Industrial cooperatives: Objectives and functions. • Multi-purpose Co operatives

Unit 6: Institutional Arrangements of Cooperatives. LH 37 • Department of Cooperatives: Role and functions. • National Cooperative Development Board: Introduction, composition.,objectives, role and functions. • Cooperative Bank: Formation, objectives, role and functions.


• Unions and federations. • District Cooperative Offices.

Unit 7: Emerging Trends of Cooperatives in Nepal. LH 15 • Concept and importance • New frontiers in cooperatives: Women empowerment, poverty reduction, employment generation, local resource mobilization and community awareness.

V. EVALUATION SCHEME:- Nature of Question Total Questions Required no of questions Wcightage to be asked to be attempted Group A. Short answer-question 10(ten) 8 (eight) 8 for each B. Long answer-question 3(three) 2 (two) 18 for each

VI. PRESCRIBED REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Bedi. R.D. Theory, History and Practice of Co-operation, 1981. 2. Co-operative Act 2048 and Rules 2049.( with amendments) 3. Hazela, T.N., Principles, Problems & Practices of Co-operation, 1996. 4. Shakya, S.R. Co-operative Movement in Nepal. 1984. 5. Kamal, S.S. New Dimensions of Co-operative Management, 2002. 6. Saradha. V., The Theory of Co-opeartion, 1986. 7. Publications of related agencies. 8. a8fn, s]zjM ;xsf/L l;4fGt / k|of]u M@)^#, k|sfzs M ;xsf/L ;xof]u ;d"x 9. 9sfn, n]vgfy / lzjfsf]6L, czf]sM cfw'lgsLs/0f / ;xsfl/tf @)^$, k|zflGt k|sfzg 10. 7s'/L, rGb| axfb'/ M g]kfndf ;xsf/L Joj;fo Joj:yfkg M @)^$, pksf/ k|sfzg


Library and Information Science* Grade XI Full marks: 100 Teaching hour: 150 I. Introduction Library and information Science is one of the important branches of knowledge that deals with the theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills needed for scientilic organization and management of libraries, documentation centers, information centers, resource centers, etc. The developed countries have introduced training courses and formal education programmers at various levels. Nepal has started these programs since 2032 BS by the Central Library TU (TUCL). TU has started One Year Academic Course of Bachelor of Library Science (B. Lib. Sc) to produce competent professional human resources needed for development and promotion of libraries & library profession since 1995. TU has also run Two Year Master's Degree course in Library and Information Science (M.L.I Sc.) since 2002 to produce highly skilled professional human resources. This syllabus of Library and Information Science for Grade XI is needed for making students professionally competent for scientific organization and management of library and information centers in the counuy.

II. General Objectives The general objectives of this course are to : i. equip the students with the basic knowledge of library and information science: ii. create and develop love, attraction, interest and positive attitudes in students towards library & information profession and services: iii. develop and acquaint the students with necessary practical skills and techniques needed for proper organization and management of small/medium libraries and information centers: iv. encourage the students for choosing this profession as their future career by developing necessary foundation in them for higher and advanced studies; and v. impart the skills required for the better utilization of libraries in their future academic programme.

III. Specific Objective

The specific objectives of this course are to enable the students to: i. express the origin, history and development of libraries and their important role in our society; ii. discuss the basic philosophy, ethics and laws of library science: iii. learn about various types of libraries like, national, public, academic, special private libraries and their role, functions and services:


iv. describe the best libraries of Nepal like Nepal National Library, TU centarl library, National Archive, Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya, Keshar Library: v. acquire basic knowledge in library administration and management with regard to physical infrastructure, library personnel and their types and size, library finance and budget, library committee and its role and function, library rules and regulation, library statistics and annual reports: vi. explain various types of books and documents including journals, non book materials, audio visual materials etc: vii. learn the principles and various steps for collection development such as maintaining necessary book, selection tools like publishers, booksellers and institutions catalogues, bibliogaphies, indexes, journals etc, selecting various types of relevant books and documents including journals, note book matetials, audio visual materials, resource, ephemeral materials etc: viii. explain basic process of acquiring necessary reading/viewing materials through various ways as purchase, subsctiption, gift, exchange, membership; ix. acquaint with knowledge of proper accessioning of acquired books and documents in manual or computerized format following standard library practice and marking the accession no. & ownership stamp according to in-house rule: x. discuss the need and importance of libray classification fpr proper organization of acquired materials and learn the practical skill in classification by using abridged or unabridged addition of Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC): xi. learn about the need and importance of library cataloguing and basic feature of cataloguing rules like AACR -2 for making main and added entries for helping users to locate required books, their authors, titles, subjects: xii. explain the need and purposes of subject headings/indexing and basic principles of popular subject heading list like Scar's list of subject headings, Library of Congress subject headings, Thesauri, Local Subject Heading List; xiii. organize and manage journals systemically; xiv. organize and manage all non book materials and other types of materials properly; xv. complete and processing properly and file the catalogue cards systematically in public catalogue and self list catalogue in various sequences as needed; xvi. do shelf reading and checking properly; xvii. learn charging and discharging system by following modified Browne Charging System and other Works in circulation counter: xviii. explain the harmful factors for library stock and property and procedure for protecting and preserving and conserving all types of library materials and property for future use; xix. maintain records of all activities carried out in the library and prepare annual reports and


xx. assist in preparation & implementation of the annual budget on the basis of library statistics, users feedback, comments and suggestion and self observation and experience.

IV Course Scheme : Units Title Teaching hours % of weightage 1. Development of Libraries 10 6.6 and their Role in Society' 2. Libraries of Nepal 10 6.6 3. Library Management 15 10 4. Collection Development 15 10 5. Library Classification 30 20 6. Library Cataloguing 20 13.4 7. Subject Headings 15 10 8. End Processing 15 10 9. Circulation System 10 6.7 10. Preservation & Conservation 10 6.7 of Library Materials Total Teaching 150 100

Unit 1 Development of Libraries and their Role in Society 1.1. History and development of libraries 1.2. History and development of libraries in Nepal 1.3. Role of library in modern society 1.4. Philosophy, library ethics and laws of library science 1.5. Types of library, their functions and services

Unit 2 Libraries of Nepal 2.1 Nepal National Library 2.2 TU Central Library 2.3 Kathmandu Valley Public Library 2.4 National Archieve 2.5 National Academy of Science & Technology 2.6 Madan puraskar Pustakalaya 2.7 Keshar Library 2.8 Library Visit


Unit 3 Library Management Principles of Management: Library Management and Library Administration Organization Structure • Physical Infrastructure: building, furniture and equipments etc. • Library Personnel: Categories of staff and their size • Library Finance: Sources of financc and budget  Library Committee: Roles and functions  Library rules, Library statistics and annual report

Unit 4 Collection Development 4.1 Types of Documents Selection and Acquisition of Books, Monographs, Report proceedings, Periodical Non-book materials etc. 4.2 Selections Tools: publishers catalogue, bibliographies, reviews, etc. 4.3 Book selection and acquisition 4.4 Periodicals selection and acquisition 4.5 Non book selection and acquisition 4.6 E- resources selection and acquisition 4. 7 Practical on accessioning

Unit 5 Library Classification 5.1 Classification 5.2 Need and purpose of library classification 5.3 Classification systems ODE, CC and UDC 5.4 DDC abridged and un abridge editions 5.5 Call number and its composition 5.6 DDC practical General standard sub-division, language and literature, area code

Unit 6 Library Cataloguing 6.1 Need, purpose of library cataloguing 6.2 Types and forms of catalogues 6.3 Cataloguing Rules- AACR-2 kinds of entries 1st and 2nd author, corporate entry. 6.4 Cataloguing practice


Unit 7 Subject Heading 7.1 Need and purpose of Subject Headings (S-H) 7.2 Types of Subject Headings. Scar's list of S-H Library Congress S-H Thesaurus 7.3 Subject Headings Practical

Unit 8 End Processing 8.1 Call number writing in the last page of the book. 8.2 Preparation and of Book Card Due date Slip and Book Spine Loeve 8.3 Card Filing Public Catalogue Shell list in different sequence like General, Reference, Text books etc 8.4 Book shelving and maintenance 8.5 Practical on End Processing and Book Shelving

Unit 9 Circulation System 9.1 Membership,Issues and Property Counter 9.2 Charging and discharging system : register system, card and automation 9.3 Over dues, Fines and Reminders 9.4 Practical on modified Browne Charging system

Unit 10 Preservation & Consct·vation of Library Materials 10.1 Preserve from insects, heat, light and damp etc, 10.2 Cleaning and binding of library materials Protect from theft, loss and damage 10.3 Stock Checking 10.5 Practical on Preservation and Conservation

V. lnstructional procedures The method of instructions will mostly comprise of lecture, exploration, demonstration, discussion, library-work, self-study, self work and question-answer techniques.

VI. Assessment procedures- Assessment of student achievement in this course will be made on the basis of performance through class test at least two times and home assignment.

VIII. Questionwise marks distribution-


• 2 long answer- questions = 2x 10 = 20 marks • 11 short answer- questions = 11x5 = 55 marks • Practical =25 marks

IX. References 1. e08f/L, s[i0fdl0f, b"nfn, ?b| k|;fb cg' M ;fj{hlgs k':tsfno ljsf;sf nflu IFLA/UNESCO sf] dfu{ lgb]{lzsf 2. ld>, gf/fo0f k|;fb / zflGt M k':tsfno lj1fgsf] ?k/]vf, sf7df8f}F . 3. dfgGw/, s[i0fdfg M k':tsfno lj1fg Ps kl/ro kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|, sf7df8f}F, @)#* 4. kf]v/]n, d"/f/L ljgf]b M k':tsfno / g]kfn sf7df8f}F ;]G6/ km/ nfOa]|/L sfpG;Ln @)$) lj=;+= 5. A L.A. Anglo- American Cataloguing Rules 2n rev. edn. 6. Bause, G, et al: Towards the information Society 2000. Springes 7. Dewey. Melvil: Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) 21st ed. 8. Girja Kumar: Sociology of information Management. 1998. Har-Anand Publications, New Delhi. 9. Khanna, .J. K. Library and Society, 2nd revised & enlarged edition. New Delhi. ESS ESS Publication 1994 10. Krishna Kumar: An Introduction to Anglo American Cataloguing rules 2nd ed. New Delhi. vikas 1987 11. Krishna Kumar: Library Organization 1995 Vikas. New Delhi 12. Krishna Kumar: Librrny Administration and Management 1993 Vikas. New Delhi 13. 'Krishna Kumar: Theory of Classification. New Delhi Vikas 1991 14. Krishna Kumar & Girija Kumar: Theory of Cataloguing 5th revised, New Delhi, Vikas House Pvt. Ltd. 15. Miller, Joseph; Ed, Scars List of Subject Headings, Ed. 15. New York Wiley Sous. 1994 16. Prajapati, C.L: Archives- Library materials, then evemies and seed of first phase conservation New Delhi, Mittal Publication 1997. 17. g]kfn k':tsfno ;+3, k':tsfno cfjfh 18. t'N;f M t'N;f hg{n 19. Ramaiah, L.S, Information & Society. New Delhi ESS ESS Publication, 1997. 20. Ranganathan, S.R: Five Laws Science Ed. 2. I 989, Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library, Banglore 21. Ranganathan, S.R.: Colon Classification 6th ed. Bombay. Saia 1965 22. Sharma, C.K and Singh, Kiran: Library Management (1-2) Vols. Atlantic Publisher 2005 23. Subedi, MS: Foundamentals of Library and Information Science, Jaipur, Niralas Pub,1990 24. Westbej. B.M. ed.: Sears Lists of Subject Heading 16th ed, New York.


(Env. Ed.) Environmental Education* Grade- Xl Full marks: 100 Teaching hour: 150 1. Introduction This Course addresses three aspects of environment, namely (a) The national education objectives related to environment (b) Country's growing concern about environmental degradation and (c) The academic oppertunities for study environment subject. Objectives of national education system emphasizes teaching of thoughtful protection and wise use of country's natural resources, helping the individuals lead a socially harmonious libes in the modern world, and helping the modernization process of the country creating capable manpower for its development . The modern world is threatened by increasing environmental degradation and natural as well as anthropogenic hazards. There is growing demand for making people aware of consequences of environmental degradation and stimulating them to act wisely to protect the environment. Oppertunities for higher education in environment science and environmental education are available. Teaching on these disciplines has been initiated at primary as well as secondary school levels. Demand for academically qualified and methodologically skilled teaching human resources will increase in future. This background has prompted the implementation of the environmental education course in the higher secondary level. Implementation of this course will help produce potential teachers who: a. are able to teach Environment Education subjects in primary and lower secondary schools b. can qualify themselves to pursue bachelor level studies in environmental education: c. arc conscious about the wise use of country'ss natural resources without damaging the environmental balance and d. are able to act thoughtfully to protect the environment.

2. General Objectives The general objectives of the course is to develop the potential human resources which are well aware of environmental issues and their underlying cause, measure to minimize environmental degradation and who are able to stimulate themselves to take necessary actions to protect the environment, including teaching the students of lower secondary level.

3. Specific objctives On completion of the course the students will be able to: 1. describe the concept, importance and components (scope) of environmental education; 2. define the meaning of environment, its importance and elements; 3. explain ceo-system with emphasis on inter-relationship between human being and environment;


4. explain the courses and effects of environmental degradation; 5. describe the concept and effects of environmental degradation; 6. describe the mitigation measures to protect environmental degradation; 7. desctibe the major types of natural hazards in Nepal and their possible methods of mitigation and 8. explain measures of pollution control.

4. Course Contents Unit 1 Introduction ( 10 Teaching hours) 1. Meaning and scope of enviromnent 2. Importance of environment 3. Elements of environment (a) Physical: land, water, air (atmosphere), energy (b) Chemical (c) Biological: plants, animals, human beings (d) Social/cultural 4. Meaning and definition of environmental education

Unit II Ecology and Eco-System (40 Teaching hours) 1. Concept of ecology a. Introduction b. Ecological factors, biotic and abiotic factors, interaction between abiotic and biotic factors. 2. Concept of ecosystem a. Introduction b. Food chain and food web c. Trophic level d. Ecological pyramid and its type (pyramid of number, pyramid of biomass and pyramid of energy) e. Productivity and its type (primary productivity and secondary productivity) f. Types of ecosystem: Water ecosystem (pond ecosystem) and Terrestrial ecosystem (grass land ecosystem) 3. Concept of community and succession. 4. Biogeochemical cycle a. Carbon cycle b. Nitrogen cycle 5. Conservation of natural resources. a. Introduction b. Methods of conservation of natural resources c. Types of natural resources


Water resources Use and important of water resources, problem and conservation of water resources. Forest resourccs Importance of forest, forest conservation or forest management.

Wild life resources Categories of wild life, endangered wild life of Nepal, Causes of extinction of wildlife, conservation and management of wildlife. Types of flora and fauna in different region of Nepal. Wildlife reserves of Nepal, National parks of Nepal. d. Interrelationship between man and natural resources e. Effects of human activities on natural resources and importance of biodiversity Unit III Environmental Pollution (35 Teaching hours) 1. Introduction: Causes of environmental pollutions: local national, regional and global issues of environmental pollutions. 2. Air: Introduction to physical structure and function of the atmosphere, composition of natural atmosphere, sources of air pollution, effects of air pollution on human health, animals, plants, ecosystem and materials: air quality standards and critria pollutants; introduction to aerosol, green house effects, ozone layer depletion, phenomenon of acid rain and possible global environmental consequences. 3. Water: Hydrologic cycle, sources of water, drinking water quality standard, sources of water pollution. qualitative indicators of water quality, common practices and methods to protect local water sources and to prevent from contamination. 4. Soil: Origin and nature of soils, soil profile, soil properties and classification; soil degradation, introduction to major types of soil pollutants and their Sources: heayy metals, organic and inorganic pollutants,agrochemicals; introduction to land pollution indicators and common practices of soil remediation. 5. Sound: Nature of sound, difference between sound and noise, sources of noise, noise criteria, common methods and practices for controlling noise. 6. Radiation: Basic introduction to radioactivity and radioactive: units, sources of radioactive radiation, effects of radiation on environment and human health.

Unit IV Natural Hazards (35 Teaching hours)

1. Introduction : Introduction to minerals and rocks, faults,folds and joints, internal and external features of the earth, plate tectonics, physical featurc of Nepal weathering, soil formation and its characteristics, geological actions of rivers, glaciers, wind, groundwater.

2. Natural hazards: Flood: Causes, flood situation in Nepal and adjoining countries, its effects on people and environment, mitigation measures


Drought: causes of draught and its effects on people and environment Landslides and debris flows: definition, types and causes (both natural and man made), landslide and debris flow problems in Nepal and its effects on people and environment, mitigative measures . Earthquake: nature and definition of earthquake, causes and mechanism of earthquake, focus and epicenter, Earthquake magnitude and intensity, history of earthquakes in Nepal and its possibility of occurrence in future, preparedness for earthquake disasters, tsunami. Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF): Definition, nature and causes of formation of glaciar lakes, their distribution in Nepal, effects of GLOF on people and environment Volcanoes: definition and types, volcanic cones and craters, types of lavas, types of volcanic hazards.

Unit V Environmental Degradation and Mitigation measures (20 Teaching hours) 1. Environmental degradation Nature and characteristics of enviromnental degradation caused by Soil erosion, deforestation, industrialization, urbanization, over exploitation of natural resources, over population. 2. Concept and importance of mitigation measures. 3. General measures for mitigating environmental degradation: (a) Promotion of environmental and conservation education. (b) Environmental stewardship: concept and measures. (c) Maitaining natural balance. (d) Pollution control. (e) Environmental sanitation measures. (f) Afforestration (g) Soil conservation (h) Population control/family planning (i) Proper human settlement/planned urbanization (j) Environmental legislation and monitoring, Kyoto protocols, Rio Declaration. Practical (10 Teaching hours) Study of rocks and minerals, study of contour maps, determination of soil pH, moisture, content, determination of soil profile in the field, study of quality of water in pond, river and other sources, preparation of instructional materials from any theoretical topics of above units, study of pond, river and land ecosystem. Field visits and reporting on natural hazard and environmentally problematic sites.

6. Prescribcd text books: Textbook to be developed.

7. Reference materials:


1. Gurung, Juddha Bahadur, Environmental education-XI 2. Sharma, Prabin Kishor Environmental Education-XI. Bhundipuran Prakashan, ktm 3. Plumber, Joy abel Phillip Neal, the Handbook of Environmental Education, London, 1994. 4. IUCN, Batabaran Sikshya shrot Sangalo series, IUCN, lalitpur, 2050-2053 5. IUCC Batabaran Shabdabali, IUCC, 2053 6. Timisena, TAtwa, Our planet, (Hamro Prithvi), Nepal Forum for Environmental Journalist, Kathmandu, 1993. 7. Pandit C.N. Fundamental of Environmental Education. K.P. Publication. Kathmandu, 2001. 8. Timisena Tatwa Environmental Pollution (in Nepal Youth in Environment, Kathmandu, 1993. 9. Posters on animals and plants of Nepal produced by IUCN 10. Neupane, Ishwor prasad, Batabaran Sikshya, Taleju prakashan, 2061 11. Pandit C.N Pushpa Raj Dhakal -Elementary Environmental Education (Nepali medium), Bidur Prakashan, Kathmandu. 2062.


General Law- I* Grade-XI Full Marks: 100 Pass marks: 35 Teaching Hours: 150 I. Introduction A student at the higher secondary level, is expected to Understand clearly and expresses with certainly about the basic knowledge of law, fundamental rights and duties and constitutional law of the country. Therefore, this course has been designed for Grade XI of the higher secondary level offering General Law-II as an elective subject, with a view to impart the students basic and fundamental knowledge on principles of law, constitutional law of Nepal and also human rights and its protection and promotion in Nepal.

II. General Objectives General objectives of this course are to:  acquaint the students with the general principles of law, Nepalese law, legal status of person and liability;  inculcate in them necessary knowledge of constitution, fundamental rights, structure of the states, formation and separation of power of the branches of the govemment of Nepal;  provide them with adequate knowledge and information of human rights, human rights instruments, Nepalese efforts towards protecting and promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms; and • equip them with basic knowledge of general laws of the countty.

III. Specific Objective On completion of this course the students will be able to: • explain in their own words the meaning of law, importance and classification of the laws; • describe in general the existing law making procedures and adjudication system of Nepal: • define and classify rights as well as duties; • state the legal status of natural person, artificial person, unborn child and the kinds of liability; • discuss the constitutional development of Nepal and the basic features of the Interim , 2007; • distinguish between fundamental rights and duties of the citizens as provided under the existing Nepalese constitution: • discuss the organs and functions of the state:


• examine the role and functions of the Council of Ministers, composition and functions of the Constituent Assembly/Legislature; • analyze the structure and role of judiciary in the administration of justice in Nepal; • define and classify the human rights: and • identify the legal mechanism related to the protection and promotion of .

IV. Course Scheme Units Title Teaching Hours Marks Part A: Principles of Law 60 40 1. Concept of Law and Sources of law 25 2. Rights and Duties 15 3. Person 10 4. Liability 10 Part- B: Nepalese Constitution 60 40 5. Meaning, Kinds and History of Nepalese Constitutional Law 20 6. Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizens; Directive Principles and Policies of the State 15 7. State 10 8 Organs of the Government 15 Part- C: Human Rights 30 20 9. Concept and Classification of Human Rights 15 10.Nepalese Commitment towards Protection and Promotion of Human Rights 15

V. Course Content Part-A: Principles of Law Full Marks: 40 Teaching Hour: 60 Unit- 1: Concept of Law and Sources of law Teaching Hours:25 1. Meaning and Importance of Law 2. Division of Law (a) Substantive Law and Procedural Law (b) National Law and International Law (c) Civil Law and Criminal Law 3. Nepalese Law (a) Constitution (b) Statutes


(c) Rules ( d) Regulations (e) By-laws (f) Executive Orders (g) Ordinances (h) Case laws 4. Meaning and Importance of Sources of Law 5. Major Sources of Law (a) Customs: Meaning, Kinds and Importance (b) Legislation: Meaning, Kinds and Importance (c) Precedent: Meaning, Kinds and Importance (d) Other Sources of Law: Judicial writings, Religion, Good Conscience Unit- 2: Rights and Duties Teaching hours 15 1. Concept of Rights and Duties 2. Relation between Rights and Duties 3. Classification of Rights a. Constitutional and Legal Rights b. Proprietary and Personal Rights c. Vested and Contingent Rights

Unit- 3: Person Teaching hours 10 l. Meaning of Person 2. Kinds of Persons a. Natural Person b. Legal Person I. Corporation II. Company III. Trusts IV. Institution 3. Legal Status of Unborn Child and Dead Person

Unit 4: Liability Teaching Hours 10 1. Concept of Liability 2. Kinds of Liability (a) Civil and criminal Liability (b) Individual Corporate and Vicarious Liability Part- B : Nepalese Constitution Total Marks: 40 Teaching [-[ours: 60


Unit- 5: concept and Kinds of constitution and History of Nepalese Constitutional Law Teaching Hours: 20 1. Concept of Constitution 2. Constitution Making Process 3. Kinds of Constitution (a) Written und Unwritten Constitution (b) Federal and Unitary constitution (c) Rigid and Flexible Constitution (d) Evolved and Enacted Constitution 4. The Short History of Constitutional Development of Ncpal. 5. The Basic Features of the Constitution of Nepal

llni!- 6: Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizens; Directive Principles and Policies of the State. Teaching Hours: 15 1. Concept of Fundamental Rights and Duties 2. Fundamental Rights Guaranteed by the Constitution of Nepal. 3. Fundamental Duties of the Citizens 4. State Responsibilities, Directive Principles and Policies of the State incorporated in the Constitution of Nepal

Unit- 7: State Teaching Hours: 10 1. Concept and structure of the State 2. Unitary and Federal Structure 3. Merits and Demeritss of Unitary and Federal System 4. Local Self Governce (Local Autonomy) 5. Federal Democratic Republic

Unit- 8: Organs of the Government Teaching Hours 15 1. The Executive (a) The Formation and Functions of the Council of Ministers 2. The Legislature (a) Composition of the Legislature/Parliament in Nepal (b) The Functions of the Legislature/ parliament 3. The Judiciary (a) The Structure of the Nepalese Judiciary (b) The Supreme Court: Composition and Jurisdiction


Part- C: Human Rights Total full Marks:20 Unit- 9: Concept and Classification of Human Rights Teaching hrs 15 1. Concept of Human Rights 2. Classification of Human Rights (a) Civil andPolitical Rights (b) Socia, Economic and Cultural Rights (c) Rights of Children (d) Women Rights (e) Rights of Dalits, Indigenous People and Ethnic Minorities

Unit-10: Nepalese Commitment towanls Protection and Promotion of Human Rights Teaching Hours: 15 1. Legal Mechanisms (a) Constitutionof Nepal (b) Statute: The Treaty Act, l991 2. Enforcemcnt of Human Rights (a) The on the Implementation of International Instruments of Human Rights. (b) The National Hunman Rights Commission.

VI. Instructional Materials • Reference books • Constitution and related Acts and Rules of Nepal • Case Laws • Journals and other relevant available Materials VII. Instructional Techniques  Lecture • Problem solving • Discussion • Group Works/Pair works • Project Works  Court and field observation

VIII. Evaluation of Scheme Students' level of understanding and knowledge about the subject matter will be evaluated on the basis of written examination with duration of three hours as mentioned below:


S.N. Nature of Questions Total questions Required no weightage to be asked of answers to for each be attempted 1. Long answer questions 4 3 10 x3=30 2. Short answer questions 6 5 8x5=40 3. Very Short answer 7 6 5x6=30 questions (Notes) Total 17 14 100 IX. Reference books 1. The lntetim Constitution of Nepal, 2007 2. Fitzgerald, Salmond (Latest edition), Salmond on Jurisprudence (Reprinted), Sweet and Maxwell; London 3. Lamsal, Narayan Prasad, (Latest Edition), Bidhi Shastra, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu, Nepal. 4. Pradhananga, Rajit Bhakta and Kishore Silwal(Latest Edition), Bidhi Shastra Ko SamanyaRupreckha (A General Outline of Jurisprudence), Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Kathanmdu, Nepal. 5. Sangroula, Yubaraj (2058), Kanoon Shastra Tatha Kanoon Ka Shidhanta, Pairabi Prakashan. 6. Singh, Top Bahadur, (2039 B.S.) Constitution and Constitutional Law of Nepal, Kanoon Pathya Pustak Prakashan, Kathmandu, Nepal. 7. Shamm. Gopal Dr. (1992), Human Rights in Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal. 8. Thapa, Kanak Bikram Prof. atld Bharat Raj Upreti (Latest Edition), Constitutional Law of Nepal FREEDEAL, Kathmandu. Nepal.



Full Marks: 75 Code: ..... Teaching hours: 150

I. Introduction Biological science is an important branch of natural science which is learnt through theory classes and experienced in laboratries. The rapidly developing understanding in biological sciences needs a periodic and regular up-gradation of the curricula. Biology can not be explained in terms of physical and chemical laws since its properties are special to the system as a whole. No organism can exist without an environment and the human beings are no exception. Therefore, a knowledge/ understanding of socio-cultural environment with natural wealth/resource are imperative. It is the need or the time today that the conceptual interpretations for these facts are provided to the citizens of tomorrow through well informed teachers. It is, therefore, expected that the prospective teachers will understand nature and natural processes of the living world as stated in this course contents. The course is designed to educate prospective teachers to understand the concept of biological sciences for delivering them to the students of primary and lower secondary levels. Basic knowledge of different branches of biological sciences, given at this stage, is a prerequisite for higher secondary level of education. Hence, it is intended that the consolidated knowledge in biology achieved in secondary school will make the student effective in teaching biology to lower secondmy school students. Simultaneously, this bulk of knowledge and the skills may be taken appropriate both for those plunging into carrier in biology and also for those who do not continue their education further.

II. General Objectives After completion of this course, the students will be able to: a. implement biology courses at Lower Secondary Level; b. develop skills of observations and inquisitiveness: and c. raise awareness of problems of biological resources conservations of Nepal.

III. Specific Objectives After studying the course the student will be able to: 1. acquaint with the basic concepts of biology its scope, branches and applications: 2. familiarize with selected living organisms, their nature, physiology anatomy functions and biological systems 3. explain the world of life and importance of conservation, and 4. design biological experiments at local level.


IV. COURSE UNITS, TITLES, AND CONTENTS Unit I Introduction to Biology Teaching hours: 05 • Nature and Scope • Branches of Biology and its relationships with other branches of Science • General Concepts of Life processes: Nutrition (Autotrophic and Heterotrophic) Growth, Reproduction • Human responsibility for the protection of earth and conservation of diverse life forms

Unit II Cell Biology I Teaching hour: 10 • Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes • Structures of plant and animal cell, Cell inclusions and Cell organelles, • Plant tissues and their function, • Animal tissues and their function

Unit III Cell Biology-II Teaching hours: 10 • Protoplasm, its physical and chemical nature • General structure and roles of Carbohydrate, Protein, Amino Acids, Nucleic Acids, and Lipids. • The Chromosome

Unit IV Continuity of Life Teaching hours: 05 • Mitosis, Meiosis and their significance • Laws of inheritance (Mendalism), Mono-hybrid cross. • Mutation and its significance • Concepts of Hybrid and Hybridization, Signitlcance of hybrid seeds for crop production.

Unit V Evolution Teaching hours: 04 • Theories of origin of life • Biochemical concept of evolution, • Different views on organic evolution

Unit VI Biodivesity: Teaching hours: 30 Study of one type form belonging to each group of the Five Kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia.


• Monera: Structure and function and economic importance of Nostoc • Protista: Habitat, habit, structure, reproduction and life cycle of Plasmodium, vivax • Plantae: Lower Plants: Morphology, Structure and reproduction of Spirogyra, Marchantia, Dryopteris, Pinus,. Angiosperms: Monocotyledonous and Dicotyledonous plants, Morphology, Classification, and Economic importance of selected families: Cruciferae, Leguminosae, Solanaceae, Compositae, and Graminae. Garden flowers, Scientific, Common English and Nepali names of the garden flowering plants commonly available in the garden/homes. Mycota: Morphology, Structure and reproduction and economic importance of Mucor, Yeast, Mushroom, Puccinia. Virus: general concept and economic importance (Crop diseases and Health). Animalia: General characters and classification of the Phyla: Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata and Chordata.

Unit VII Sociobiology: Teaching hours: 25 • Human Biology Nutrition, respiration, Blood Circulation, Reproduction, Nervous system, Endocrine glands • Human Welfare: i)Socially Significant Diseases: Alcoholism, Smoking, Drug-abuse and AIDs ii) Communicable Diseases: Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Ascariasis iii)Non-communicable Diseases: Cancer

Unit VII Plants of Economic Importance: Teaching hours: 15 Economic plants, their ecological distribution in Nepal, rural and commercial importance • Medicinal Plants: Aconitum spp., Rauwolfia serpentine, Adhatoda vasaka, Swertia chirayta, Asparagus racemosus. • Fiber Yielding Plants: Jute, Cotton, and Simal • Timber Plants: Sakhuwa/Agrath (Shore a robusta), Sisoo ( Dalbergia sisso), Deodar (Cedrus deodara), Karma(adina cordifolia), Champ (Michelia champaca). • Vegetables: Common vegetable in local condition·  Cereals: Rice, Maize, Wheat, Millet • Cash Crops: Sugarcane,, Brassica campestris var toria and sarson, Soybean and Spices (Anis, Coriander, Cumin, Cloves, Cardamom) • Beverage: Tea, Coffee • Fruits: Common cultivated and wild fruits at the local level.


Unit VIII Animals of Economic Importance: Teaching hours: 05 Importance of the following animals in human life: Domestic animals, earthworm, Silkworm, Honey bee.

Unit IX Plant Physiology: Teaching hours: 16 • Water Relation (Absorption of Water.Ascent of sap. Evapo- Transpiration, Osmosis) • Metabolism (Photosynthesis/Respiration, Mineral Nutrition,  Introduction to Biological Nitrogen Fixation (by algae and legumes), and its significance in agriculture • Growth (Concept of growth and differentiation) • Plant Propagation (Clone, Seed, Graft) • Flowering (Short-day, Long day and Day Neutral Plants)

Unit X Ecology: Teaching hours 15 • Community, Sucession, Adaption (concept) • Ecosystem, Food chain, Trophic Levels, Interactions of biotic and abiotic factors • Structural and functional aspects of pond and Forest Ecosystems • Productivity, Ecological Pyramids • Bio-Geo-Chemical Cycles: Carbon and Nitrogen

Unit XI Environmental & Conservation Teaching hours: 10 • Ecological Imbalance and human survival (conceptual) • Pollution and Pollutants of air, water, soil and food and their control measures • Green House Gases, Climate Change. • In-situ and Ex-situ Conservation of animals and their significance • National Parks of Nepal (area, location and significance) Environmental Governance in Nepal (introductory)

V: Textbooks 1. Seetharam. P.I..and Y Tulajappa 2000. New Fxpert Biology Vol. I Expert Educational Publishers, Banglore. 2. Dinesh. R. Bhuju. Tribikram Bhattari, Indra Prasad Subedi and Achyut Tiwari 2007, A Class Book of Higher Secondary Biology, Hajoorko Prakashan Kathmandu Nepal.


VI. Reference books: 1. Bajracharya. D.K.K. Shrestha and R.P.Chaudhary 1997 Garden Flowers, KMTNC, Jawalakhel. Kathmandu, Nepal. 2. Burma. P S and B P Pandey 2006. Biology for class XI. S Chand AND Co. India 3. Green, NPO; GW Stout: and DJ Taylor. 1991. Biological Science. (Ed. R.Sopcr). Cambridge low Price Editions, IInd Edition,Cambridge Univ. Press. UK 4. Joshi.K.K. and S.D.Joshi 2001. Genetic heritage of medicinal planls of Ncpal Himalaya. Budha Acad. Interprizes, Anamnagar, Kathmandu. 5. Seetharam, P L and Y Tuajappa : 2000. Text Book of Biology I Expert Educational Publishers, Banglore. 6. Arvinda. K. Khatri, Khaga Raj Sharma, Vijaya Shanker Mishra and Kamal K Adhikari 2001 A lext Book for Higher Secondary Biology Vidharthi Pustak Bhandar. Bhotahity



Full Marks : 25 Teaching hours: 2periods/week 1.Introduction This list of practical activities for class eleven (science education) includes thse experiments which are to be demonstrated and those which the students themselves are to do. The two categories have not however been separated. 1.Objectives: After completing the practical course the students will have skill in: 1. developing skills of making carefull observations,collecting data and analyzing the results of activity/experiments; 2. developing the abilities to interpret the results of the activity /experiments and understand implications of the results; 3. developing skills of setting up appropriate apparatus for activity/ experiments and 4. identifying the process and physiology of human and natural enviromnent. List of activities/experiments: 1. Study of compound microscope. 2. Study of museum specimens and slides A.i) Types of bacterial cells ii) Spirogyra filaments iii) Mucor: Culture, mycelium and sporangium, yeast cells and mushroom, puccinia, lichen Nostoc, Marchantia, Dryopteris, Pinus, Cycas. B. Amoeba, Paramecium, Plasmodium, Sycon, Hyedra, Tapeworm, Fasciola, Ascaris, Earthwonn, Leech, Prawn, Crab, Cockroach, butterfly, Moth, Spider, Scorpin, Centipede, Millipede, Fish (Carp), Frog. Toad, Wall lizard, Turtle, Pigeon, Parrot, Bat and Squirrel. 3. Study of different types of mitotic and meotic cell divisions through permanent slides. 4. Preparation of temporary slides and their study a. i) Onion scales ii) Geranium or Zebrina or any other suitable leaf b. Squamous epithelial cells of human cheek. 5. Description of following plants in semi-technical terms with their floral diagrams and formulae, identification of at least one plant from each of the following families and economical importance: (a) Cruciferae, (b) Papilionaceae (c) Solanaceae, (d) Compositae and (e) Gramineae. 6. i) Study of fresh water ecosystem using an aquarium or pond showing a food chain ii. pollution.


7. Study of histrological structures through permanent slides of rabbit: skin, oesophagus, stomatch, intestine, rectum, liver, pancreas, lung, kidney, testis and ovary. 8. Dissection of animal (any mammal) so as to expose its: a. General anatomy, b. Alimentary canal c. Arterial and venous system d. Reproductive organs e. Central nervous system (brain) 9. i) Demonstrate the action of saliva on starch. ii) Detect the presence of starch in a given solution. iii) Detect the preserce of sugar in Urine. iv) Detect the presence of protein in a given solution (hen's albumen). v) Determine a) The human blood pressure with sphygmomanometer b) Blood groups in man. 10. i) Experiment on Osmosis. ii) Experiment on ascent of sap. iii) Study on: a) Unequal transpiration from two surfaces of dorsiventral leaf b) Rate of transpiration by Ganong's Potomcter. c) Chlorophyll is essential for Photosynthesis. d) Carbon dioxide is essential for Photosynthesis. e) Evolution of oxygen during Photosynthesis. iv) Experiment on aerobic and anaerobic respiration. v) Observation of different types of animal tissues on permanent slides: Squamous, Columnar, Areolar, Adipose, Hyalive and Bone. 11. Anatomy of the following materials: Preparation of T.S. of dicot stem, leaf and root and of monocot stems, leaf and roots. 12. Study of bones of rabbit (complete). 13. Field Study: Collection, identification of plants and animals and their preservation from the local area and maintain a record. VI. Textbooks for practical 1. H.D.Ranjitkar; A Hand book of Biology practical-Arun K Ranjitkar, Kalanki 2. Sarita Aggrawal, Biology Laboratory manual- Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. VII. Reference books for practical 1. Aggrawal, A.P. and B.S.Aggrawal, A Handbook of Practical Biology For Class XI And XII-S. Chand Co. Ltd. 2. Manandhar, K. D. and Ramcsh Kaji Shaky a, A Handbook of Practical Zoology - Ratna Pustak Bhandar· 3. Shaky a, S. R., Zoology Laboratory Manual Part I and Part II -Kusum Shakya


IX. Teaching Instructions The following will be the teaching instructions regarding the prescribed course contents of all above course units: Lecture, Demonstrations, Experimentation, Project work, Group Work, Pair Work, Question Answer. X. Teaching/Instructional Materials Teaching materials could be either of the following or in combination or more than the mentioned ones for all above course units. Charts, Models, Improvised apparatus, Over Head Projector, Power Point, Specimen etc. XI. Evaluation Scheme: Out of the total coverage Theory portion will cover 75% and rest 25% will be covered by practical. In theory portion Questions will be of three groups Long questions each canying 10 marks 2to be attempted out of 4 choices. Short questions each carrying 5 marks 5 to be attempted out of 7 choices. Very short questions each carrying 2 marks 15 to be attempted out of 20 choices. Theory 75 Unit Course Very Short Long (10)*2 Short (5)*5 (2)*15 To be Choices To be choices To be choices attempted attempted attempted I Introduction to 1 2 1 Biology II Cell Biology -I 2 III Cell Biology I I 2 IV Continuity of Life 1 1 V Evolution 1 1 VI Biodiversity 3 1 VII Sociobiology 2 1 1 VIII Animals of 2 Economic Importance IX Plant Physiology 2 1 X Ecology 2 1 1 XI Environment & 2 Conservation 15 5 2 Total 15 20 5 7 2 4 XII. Practical Marks 1) Experiment (Dissection or description of experiment) 10 2) Spotting or Activity, item preparation- 8 3) Oral/Viva- 3 4) Note book- 4


PHYSICS EDUCATION* GRADE-XI Code: ..... Full Marks: 75 Teaching hours: 150 I. Introduction This physics education curriculum is designed to provide prospective teachers with suitable knowledge and awareness of the physical world relevant to those who wish to continue their studies to a higher level in science education. It is intended that teachers to be students who follow this syllabus will have an opportunity to see physics within the overall framework of physical world and as a contribution to life in modern society in relation to school age leamers. At all times the quantitative as well as qualitative aspects of physics education must be emphasized. This will involve the derivation of suitable mathematical models and equations. The course will emphasize the use of SI system of units and its applications of physics. The need for teachers is that the students take active participation in the learning process through suitable experimentation, demonstration and school curriculum related activities by teachers leading to the understanding of the basic concepts. II. General Objectives At the completion of this syllabus, the prospective teachers should be able to: a. familiarize and acquire scientific knowledge and advancements in physics education; b. present and consolidate the learning of physics achieved in the secondary level; c. stimulate and sustain an interest in physics and its application: d. show that physics is a coherent and developing framework of knowledge,based on fundamental theories of structure and processes of the physical world; e. provide a basic Knowledge and understanding of the principles and applications of physics which contribute to the quality of life in a technologically based society; f. encourage students to apply, quantitatively and qualitatively, their knowledge and understanding of physical principles to familiar and unfamiliar situations and g. practise in class the presentation of suitable lessons related to school curriculum. III. Specific Objectives At the completion of all the units of this syllabus, the prospective teachers will be able to 1. recall facts, vocabulary, conventions, physical quantities and units in which they are measured; 2. explain definitions of laws, concepts, theories and models; 3. describe the use, application and implications of physical facts and principles; 4. translate information from one form to another; 5. present information in the language of physics; 6. draw conclusions and formulate generalizations and 7. derive appropriate equations, formulas from the given conditions.



Unit-I: ·Mechanics Teaching hours: 45  Measurement- Needs, System of units, Simple Dimensions, Significant figure, activities by Accuracy of measurement. • Scalar and vector quantities- Meaning-Unit vector, Null vector, Distinction between them with examples. • Addition and Resolution of vectors- Addition and resolution of vectors, Composition of vectors by its rectangular components. (with reference to displacement of velocity, force and momentum) • Motion- Rest, Motion, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration (definition, types, examples, representation). Equations of uniformity, Accelerated motion derivation, Problem solving based on equation only. Laws of motion (statements, types, examples with everyday life only) Linear momentum, Conservation of momentum (definition, examples, problem solving). Projectile motion, General derivation of time of flight, maximum height, horizontal range, application in daily life. Circular motion, Centripetal force, Centrifugal reaction force. • Gravitation- Gravitational force, Newton's laws of gravitation, Mass and average density of earth, Variation of 'g' with altitude and depth, Earths mass and its average density (meaning, derivation and calculations), Weight and weightlessness ( meaning, examples), Freefall.. . • Work, Power and Energy- Work (definition, unit treatment, work done against gravitational force, examples). Power (definition, unit and examples), Energy (P.E. K.E, definitions, unit, derivations, inter conversion, conservation of energy with examples). Various sources of energy (brief account of various sources, implication, future needs of Nepal, Energy crisis). a) Teaching Learning Activities - Lecture, Demonstration and Student activity- Verification of law of parallelogram, Demonstration, Meaning, Project work, Determination of 'g', survey of energy crisis in the community and alternative sources of energy used. b) Teaching Materials- Scale, Vernier Callipers

Unit-II: Hydrostatics Teaching hours- 5 Pressure, Variation in atmospheric pressure, Archimede's Principle a) Teaching and Learning Activitics- Lecture, Demonstration, Verification of Archimede's Principle, Student Activity and Determination of density of solids. b) Teaching Matelrials- Hydrostatic Balance, Spring Balance.


Unit-III: Wave motion and sound Teaching hours- 25 • Vibratory motion- Simple Harmonic motion, meaning, characteristics, derivation of expression for displacement, velocity, acceleration and time period of a particle executing SHM, Simple pendulum and its laws, Derivation of its time period. • Waves-Meaning, Types (Transverse, Longitudinal, Standing), Simple treatment with examples, Waves as carrier of energy, Compressional waves (simple way), Sound waves. • Speed of sound- Newton's formula and Laplace correction, Audible sound -Audible frequency range, Sound Intensity- Characteristics of sound, Musical and Noise (loudness, intensity level, pitch quality, simple treatment). a) Teaching and Learning Activities- Lecture and Demonstration of waves in spring, Experimentation and Student Activity. b) Teaching Materials- Spring

Unit-IV: Optics Teaching hours-15 • Reflection and refraction of light-Mirror, Glass Slab, Lens, Prism (definition, function, uses) • Lens -Image formation, focusing by refraction, Magnification, Magnifying power, Power of lens, Dispersion, Spectrum. • Optical instruments- Simple microscope, Compound microscope, Telescope (Astronomical/refracting), Meaning, Construction, Working and Magnifying Power. a) Teaching and Learning Activities- Lecture, Demonstration, Experimentation, Verification of laws of reflection and refraction of light, Demonstration of spectrum and Magnifying power and Project work. b) Teaching Materials -Mirror, Glass slab, Prism, Lens.

Unit-V: Magnetism and Electricity Teaching hours- 15 • Magnetic elements- Declination, Inclination, Horizontal\ components of earths field (definition, meaning only) • Magnetic effect of current- Oersted's experiment, Maxwell's cork Serew rule, Right hand rule, Amperes swimming rule, (meaning and examples) • Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction- Lenz's law, Self Induction (meaning and statement). Transformer (meaning, type, theory, power losses in a transformer and uses). • AC Generator; Dynamo- Meaning, Principle, Simple Construction, Working and Derivation of induced emf • DC Generator- Meaning, Principle, Simple construction, working only.


a) Teaching and Learning Activities- Lecture, Demonstrations, Experimentation, Student Activity, Project Work. b) Teaching Materials- Charts, Models. Unit-VI: Heat Teaching hours -15 • Concept of heat and temperature and its units • Thermometry -Temperature, Scales, Kinetic interpretation. Definition, Scale, Types, Significance of scale. • Thermal Expansion- Linear, Volume Expansion, meaning, Expansion, Derivation, Bimetallic Thermostat (memling and uses) • Specific heat- Solids, Liquids, Meaning, Determination, Measurement. a) Teaching and Learning Activities- Lecture, Demonstrations of bimetallic strip, Experimentation, detennination of linear expansion and Student activity. b) Teaching Materials- Bimetallic strip. Unit-VII : Electrostatic Force Teaching hours- 5 • Introduction, Types of change, Insulator and Conductor, Quantization of electric charge (basic treatment only) a) Teaching and Learning Activities- Lecture, Demonstration, Experimentation and Student Activity. b) Teaching Materials -Testing of charges Unit-VIII: Modern Physics Teaching hours- 10 • Cathode Rays, X-Rays, Radioactivity- Meaning, Properties, Uses only. • Nuclear Reaction- Meaning, Type, Simple theoretical treatment only. • Nuclear reactions in the Sun- Brief account only. a) Teaching and Leaaring Activities- Lecture, Demonstration, Experimentation, StudentActivity. b) Teaching Materials- Charts, Demonstrations, Survey of X-Rays in community. Unit-IX: Astronomy Teaching hours -15 • Important constituents of the Universe (Solar System, Stars, Galaxies (meaning and types). • Astronomical Instruments- Meaning, Types, Description, Uses, Advantages • Solar System; Distance, Size, Rotation, Mass, Surface temperature, Atmosphere, Significance of study, (Simple descriptive treatment, Comparative study) • Galaxy- Meaning and types • Stars- Birth and Death of stars (different stages) and Significance. a) Teaching and Learning Activities- Lecture and Demonstration, Survey, Project. Teaching Materials- Charts, Models, Observation appliances.



PRACTICAL Full Marks : 25 Teaching hours: 2periods per week 1.Introduction This list of practical activities for class eleven (science education) includes those experiments which are to be demonstrated and those which the students themselves are to do. The two categories have not however been separated.

2.Objectives : After completing the practical course the students will have skill in: 1. developing skills of making careful observations, collecting data and calculating the results of activity/experiments. 2. developing the abilities to interpret the results of the activity /experiments and understand implications of the results. 3. developing skills of setting up appropliate apparatus for activity/ experiments. 4. improving apparatus suitable for school level activity.

3.List of activities /experiments a. Measurement of weight length, volume, density (2) b. Simple expetiments involving tinnng and oscillations. (I) c. Simple activities to study the expansion solids and liquids. (2) d. Optic experiments requiling the plotting of rays of light using pins. e. Optic experiments with mirrors, lens, slabs and prism. (3) f. Suitable experiments on heat (thermometry, expansion). (1) g. Prepare models and charts of solar system. (2) h. Study electrostatic properties by improvised apparatus. (1) i. Prepare improvised apparatus related to school curriculum. (Heat, Mechanics, Magnetism, Electricity, Light, Electrostatics) (6) j. Study magnetic properties of iron, steel. (1) k. Prepare working model of electric motor. (2) l. Magnetize given material using direct current. (1) Note: (No. of Activities/Experiments) eg. (2) V. Evaluation Scheme Out of the total coverage Theory portion will cover 75% and rest 25% will be covered by practical. In theory portion Questions will be of two groups Long questions each carrying 9.5 marks 2 to be attempted out of 4 choices. 19 Short questions each carrying 4.0 marks 14 to be attempted out of 20 choices. 56 Total: 75


Units Title Short questions Long questions To be Choice to be choice attempted attempted Unit I Mechanics 5 1 Unit II Hydrostatics 1 Unit III Wave motion 3 1 and sound Unit IV Optics 2 Unit V Magnetism and 2 1 Electricity 14 2 Unit VI Heat 2 Unit VII Electrostatic 1 Force Unit VIII Modern Physics 2 Unit IX Astronomy 2 1 Total 20 4

Practical Marks 1. Experiment (Theory 2, Obs. 4. Results 4) 10 2. Activity (School Curriculum) improvisation, item preparation- 8 3. Oral/Viva- 3 4. Note book- 4 25 Tcxtbooks/references 1. Pradhan J.M. ,Text book of Practical Physics, Ratna Pustak Bhandar 2. Subrahmanyam N. Brij Lal Principle of Physics, S.Chand and Company 3. Pradhan .T.M., Textbook of Physics 4. Gurdeep and Naurala, Physics for Grade XI and XII.


Human Value Education Grade XI Teaching Hours 150 Code- Full Marks 100(75+25)

1. Course description This course is designed for Grade XI students as an elective subject. It has both theoretical and practical parts. It consists of eight units containing fundamental human values and its various facets like self-actualization, science and spirituality, excellence in religion, blossoming human excellence, andd human values in daily life.

2. General Objectives The course provides the students the knowledge of human values and insights of its various facets to help them live in human values.

3. Specific Objectives On completion of this course, the students will be able to: a. identify the need for human value education; b. explain five fundamental human values and their attributes; c. discuss the path of self-actualization; d. identify the excellence of all religions and emphasize the unity of faith: e. explain the close connection between science and spiritual; f. identity self concept of leadership and develop an inspiring leadership quality: g. learn some skills with regard to blossoming human excellence; and h. practise human values in daily life:

Contents Unit 1: Need for Human Value Education. • Concept of value education  Outcome of present day education • Aim of education • Learning through the process of education Unit 2: Five Human Values: a. Truth b. Right Conduct c. Peace d. Love e. Non-violence

Unit 3: Self actualization • Knowing ownself method of sefactualization • Silent seating  Light meditation


• Holotropic breathing (pranayam)

Unit 4: Excellence of all religions • Concept of religion and spirituality • In differences between religion and spritualiy aspects of religion: Science of spirituality, technology of worship, commerce of ritual, politics of faith • Brotherhood • Courage • Duty • Faith • Forgiveness • Giving/Donation • Happiness • Love • Peace • Sincierity • Work • Service

Unit 5: Universe • Growing interface of science and spirituality. • Views of few famous scientists • Limitations of science • Basic difference between science and spilituality • Living the unity of existence.

6. Leadership development • Self concept • Power to see ourselves • Filter for reality • Continuing changes • Key for growth


• Conflict in self concept • Qualities of an inspiring leader • Selflessness of foundation of leadership • Universal inner struture of good leaders • Reading of great lives : Gautam Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi • Case studies of great leaders: Mother Teresa, Swami vivekanand 7.Bloosoming Humanities • Management • Life skills

8. Human Values in Practice : A way of life  Individual purification • Extention to family • Extention to community • Depending understanding • Merging with the universe Unit 5: Science and spirituality Unit 6: Leadership development Unit 7: Blossoming Human Excellence Unit 8: Human values in practice: A way of life

Teaching Methods  Silent sitting  Prayer/ quotations  Story telling/ lecture  Group singing  Group activities such as:  Seminar, Role Play/ simulation, Demonstration, Project work  Group Work, Field Visit/ Observation, Pair Work, Report Writing etc.

Instructional Materials  Books, Journals, Magazines  Pictures, Charts  Multimedia and audio-visual aids


Evaluation Scheme Students' level of understanding will be evaluated on the bases of written examinations of 75 marks with duration of two hours fifteen minutes and practical examinations of 25 marks as mentioned below:

Written Evaluation

S.n Nature of questions Total Required number of Weightage questions to questions to be (each) be asked attampted 1 Long answer questions 4 3 3*8=24

2 Short answer 10 9 9*4=36 questions 3 Very short answer 10 10 10* 1.5=15 questions Total 24 22 75

Practical Evaluation Practical Evaluation will be based on the following: S.N. Nature of Evaluation Weight age 1. Project work 10 2. Teacher's evaluation of students' personality development 10 3. Parents' evaluation of students' personality development 5 Total 25

Personality development will be evaluated on two areas: behavior and service.

Every student has his/ her own talents and goodness. This evaluation is to develop students' self awareness and help them bring out their best from within by understanding the areas in which they lack and need improvement. They will be evaluated in 5 point scale 5=excellent. 4= very good, 3= good 2= needs to improve 1. lacking

Behaviour- Honest, truthful, silent, polite, clean, cooperative, disciplined

Service: Willingness to participate in service activities, initiative, good leader, good follower, silent worker in group activities. Student's evaluation in personality development: Behavior Grading: 1 2 3 4 5 Service Grading 1 2 3 4 5


Fine Arts: Painting I Grade: XI Code No.: 326 Full Marks: 100 Teaching Hours: 150 I. Introduction This Course is designed for the Grade XI students as an elective subject. This course is designed as a link between the secondary level of painting and the bachelor's level of painting at the universities. It has two parts: theoretical (25%) and practical (75%). The student are required to get through both the parts separately. The purpose of the course is to produce human resources with basic skills in the field of painting. The students undertake core studio practice units and core theoretical units throughout the course.

II. General Objectives The General objectives of the course are: 1. to provide the students with basic skills of drawing and painting, and 2. to acquaint them with the basic knowledge of the theory of painting

III. Specific objectives On completion of the course, the students will be able: 1. to draw basic shapes and forms (cube, cone, cylinder, hexagon, pentagon, pyramid and etc.). 2. to draw general objects used in daily life (fruits, bottle, flower vase, kettle and etc.) 3. to draw eye, ear, nose, mouth, hand and foot, 4. to draw human head, 5. to explain the basic fundamentals of painting, and 6. to explain the general methods and materials used in painting.

IV. Course Scheme Course Topics Mark Distribution Teaching Hours Minimum Number of Works to be submitted by Each student Theory Practical Theory Practical 1. Drawing 1.1. Study of basic shapes 10 hrs 2 and forms in pencil 1.2. Study of basic shapes 10 hrs 2 and forms in monochrome 1.3. still-life study in 10 hrs 2 pencil


1.4. Still-life study in 10 hrs 2 colour 1.5. Study from antique 10 hrs 2 Mannequins: eye, ear, nose, mouth, hand and foot in pencil 1.6. Study of human head 10 hrs 2 from antique mannequins in pencil 2. Composition 2.1. Composition with 40 11 hrs 3 geometrical forms and patterns in poster colour 2.2. Memory drawing with 21 hrs 4 two human figures in pencil/ pen and link 2.3. Memory drawing with 21 hrs 4 two human figures in water colour/poster colour 3. Basic theory of Painting 3.1. Fundamentals of painting 35 37 hrs 3.2. Methods and materials used in painting 25 Total 25 75 37 hrs 113 hrs 23

V. Course Contents 1. Drawing 1.1 Study of basic shapes and forms: cube, cone, cylinder, hexagon, pentagon, pyramid, etc Size : Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 1.2 Study of basic shapes and forms in monochrome Size : Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 1.3 Still-life study of general objects used in daily life (fruits, bottle, flower, vase, kettle and etc.) with drapery in pencil Size : Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 1.4 Still-life study in water colour Size : Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 1.5 Study from antique mannequins: eye, ear, nose, mouth, hand and foot in pencil Size : Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 1.6 Study of human head from antique mannequins in pencil


Size : Imperial Quarter (10"x15") Medium : pencil, charcoal, pastels and water colour 2. Composition 2.1 Composition with geometrical forms and patterns in poster colour Size : Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 2.2 Memory drawing with two human figures in pencil/pen and ink Size : Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 2.3 Memory drawing with two human figures in water colour Size : Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 2.4 Outdoor sketches Each student is required to submit minimum of 50 pieces of A4 size out door sketches at the end of the academic year. Medium: pencil, charcoal, pastels and pen and ink 3. Basic Theory of Painting 3.1 Fundamentals of painting  What is art ? conceptual approach, representational approach, different forms of art  The Values of art: material Value, intrinsic value, religious value,  nationalistic value, psychological value)  The language of art: composition, plane, balance, line, depth, space, shape, light and colour, texture, stylistic terminology  Origin, definition and classification of art 3.2 Methods and materials used in painting  Pencil, charcoal, pastels, water colour, brushed, paper, oil colour, canvas, acrylic paints, tempra and gouache  Fresco: Buon fresco and secco fresco  Mosaic VI. Lab and Studio Facilities There should be the following lab and studios equipped with the following materials and equipments in each of the schools offering painting course to their students: 1. Drawing Lab  Drawing board for each student  Object stand  Model stand  Donkey for each student  Draperies  Spot lights  Objects: basic shapes, cast fruits and commonly used objects  Antique mannequins  Head (cast)


 Bust (cast)  Torso (cast) 2. Painting lab  Drawing board for each student  Object stand  Model stand  Donkey for each student  Draperies  Spot lights

VII. Instructional strategies 1. Orientation 2. Demonstration 3. Individual practice 4. Feed forwarding 5. Group discussion/comments

VIII. Evaluation Scheme Practical : 75 Theory: 25

1. Practical Course Topic Full Marks Pass Marks Marks Distribution Class performance Yearly exam Drawing 40 16 16 24 Composition 35 14 14 21

2. Basic Theory of Painting Long Answer Questions Short Answer Question Marks Distribution Questions to Answers to Questions to Answers to Long Answer Short answer be asked be written be asked be written Question Question 2 1 4 3 10x1=10 3x5=15

IX. Prescribed texts Course materials and books related to the theory subjects are to be written integrating every topic of the course for which experts could be assigned after and approval of the course from the National Curriculum Development & Evaluation Council.

X. Reference books 1. (1996) Methodologies of Art an Introduction, New York: Harper Collins.


2. Barasch, Moshe (1998). Theories of Art: From Plato to Wincklmann. New York: New York University Press. 3. Stephenson, Jonathan {1998). The Materials and Techniques of Painting. New York; Watson- Until. 4. Honour, Hugh and Fleming, John (1984). The Visual Arts, A History, New Jersy; Prentice Hall, Inc. 5. Philipson and Gugel, Paul J. (1980) Aesthetic Today, New york; Times Mirror.


Fine Arts: Sculpture I Grade: XI Code No.324 Full Marks: 100 Teaching Hours: 150 I. Introduction This Course is designed for Grade XI students as an elective subject Sculpture . This course is designed as a link between the secondary level of painting and the bachelors level of painting at the universities. It has two parts theoretical (25%) and practical (75%). The students are required to get through both the parts separately. The Purpose of the course is to produce human resource with basic skills in the field of Sculpture. The students undertake core studio practice units and core theoretical units throughput the course.

II. General Objectives The General objectives of the course are: 1. to provide the students with basic skills of clay modeling and relief sculpture, 2. to acquaint them with basic theory of sculpture.

III. Specific objectives On completion of the course, the students will be able: 1. to mould basic shapes and forms (cube, cone, Cylinder, hexagon, pentagon, pyramid and etc.). 2. to mould general objects used in daily life 3. to make relief figures (flowers, birds and patterns), 4. to mould ear, eye, nose, mouth, hand and foot, 5. to mould human head, 6. to explain the basic fundamentals of sculpture, and 7. to explain the general methods and materials used in sculpture.

IV.Course Scheme Course Topics Mark Distribution Teaching Hours Minimum Number of Works to be submitted by Each student Theory Practical Theory Practical 1. Object Modeling 25 35 1.1. Study of basic shapes 10 hrs 2 and forms in clay 1.2. Still- life study in clay 10 hrs 2 1.3. Study from antique 20 hrs 3 mannequins' eye, ear, nose, mouth, hand and


foot in clay 1.4. Study of Human head 37 hrs 20 hrs 3 from antique mannequins in clay 2. composition 2.1. Relief work with 23 hrs 3 geometrical forms and patterns in clay 2.2. Relief work with two 30 hrs 4 human figures in clay 3. Basic theory of Sculpture 3.1. Fundamentals, methods and materials used in sculpture Total 25 75 37 hrs 113 hrs 17

V. Course Contents 1. Object Modeling 1.1 Study of basic shapes and forms; cube, cone, cylinder, hexagon, pentagon, pyramid, etc. in clay Size : Minimum 6" height 1.2 Still life study; fruits, flower vase, kettle, etc in clay Size : Minimum 6" height 1.3 Study of human head from antique mannequins in clay Size : Minimum 6" height 1.4 study from antique mannequins: eye, ear, nose, mouth, hand and foot in clay Size : Minimum 6" height Medium :clay 2. Composition 2.1 Relief work with geometrical forms and patterns in clay Size : Minimum 6" height 2.2 Relief work with two human figures in clay Size: Minimum 6" height 3. Basic Theory of Painting 3.1 Fundamentals, methods and materials used in sculpture  Clay: types of clay and their use, preparation of natural earth clays and their storage, shrinkage, porosity, use of grog and quarts, terracotta as a sculptural medium, mixing of various clays suitable for terracotta baking methods.  Plaster of Paris: its properties advantages and disadvantages, its suitability to sculpture, different ways of reinforcing the plaster mounding and casing, surface treatment of plaster


 Cement: its properties different proportions of sand and cement, armature, laminations and durability methods of working directly, texture and finishing.

VI. Labs and Studio Facilities There should be the following labs and studios equipped with the following materials and equipment in each of the schools offering Sculpture course to their students: 1. Clay preparatory lab  Clay  Clay preparatory tank  Hammer  Mallet 2. Clay modeling lab  Basic shapes, cast fruits and commonly used objects  Antique mannequins  Head (cast)  Bust (cast)  Torso (cast)  Stand  Revolving portrait stand for each student  Revolving board for each student

VII. Instructional Strategies 1. Orientation 2. Demonstration 3. Individual practice 4. Feed forwarding 5. Group Discussion/comments

VIII. Evaluation Scheme Practical: 75 Theory : 25 l. Practical Course Topic Full Marks Pass Marks Marks Distribution Class performance Yearly exam Object Modeling 40 16 16 24 Composition 35 14 14 21

2. Basic Theory of painting Long Answer Questions Short Answer Question Marks Distribution


Questions to Answers to Questions to Answers to Long Answer Short answer be asked be written be asked be written Question Question 2 1 4 3 10x1=10 3x5=15

IX. Prescribed Texts Course material and books related to the theory subjects are to be written integrating every topics of the course for which experts could be assigned after approval of the course from the National Curriculum Development & Evaluation Council

X. Reference Books 1. lj=;+= @)#!_ d}gfnL no . d"lt{sf dfWod, ljwf / tTjx¿ 2. (1996) Methodologies of Art: An introduction, New York: Harper Collins. 3. (1998) Barasch, Moshe, Theories of Art: From Plato to wincklmann. New York: New York University Press. 4. (1990) Modern Theories of Art 1: From Winckelmann to Baudelarie, New York: New York University Press.


Fine Arts: Applied Arts I Grade: XI Code No.: 330 Full Marks: 100 Teaching Hours: 150 I. Introduction Applied Arts is basically a subject for communication which assumes various from and an applied artists know+how to communicate through media which are subject to technical, economic and social controls. A graphic designer, therefore, has to develop a temperament which would enable him to subordinate his individualitv to a collective effort. The new technologies of photography, films, television, printing and use of computer as visual+problem solver have all opened up endless avenues. In view with this, this course is designed for Grade XI students as an elective subject. This course is designed as a link between the secondary level of painting and the bachelors level of painting at the universities. It has two parts theoretical (25%) and Practical (75%). The Students are required to get through both the parts separately. The purpose of the course is to produce human resources with basic skills in the field of Applied Arts. The Students undertake core Studio practice units and core theoretical units throughout the course.

II. General Objectives The General objectives of the course are: 1. to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills to apply art in visual communication 2. to provide them with the basic knowledge and skills of graphic design, print productions, and 3. to acquaint them with the basic theory of applied art. III. Specific Objectives On completion of the course, the students will be able: 1. to draw graphic still-life, 2. to draw graphic figures of birds and animals, 3. to draw graphic figures of human, 4. to practice simple textile design, 5. to practice typography, 6. to practice logo, book cover, CD and label design, 7. to explain definition, scope and the changing technologies in the field of applied art, 8. to explain methods an materials used in applied art, and 9. to explain about typography.


Course Topics Mark Distribution Teaching Hours Minimum Number of Works to be submitted by Each student Theory Practical Theory Practical 1. Drawing 1.1. Grphic still+life in pen 25 13 hrs 2 and ink and monochrome 1.2. Graphic drawing of 20 hrs 3 birds and animals in pen and ink and monochrome 1.3. Graphic drawing of 20 hrs 3 human figures in pen and ink and monochrome 35 2. Design 2.1. Simple textile design 12 hrs 3 in poster colour 2.2. Introduction to 8 hrs 3 typography 2.3. Introduction to book 16 hrs 3 cover design 2.4. Introduction to logo 12 hrs 2 design in poster colour 2.5. CD cover and label 12 hrs 2 design in poster colour 3. Basic theory of Applied Art 40 3.1. Definition, scope and the changing technologies in the field of applied art 3.2. Methods and materials used in applied art 3.3. An introduction to typography Total 25 75 37 hrs 113 hrs 21

V. Course Contents 1. Drawing 1.1 Graphic still life in pen and ink and monochrome Size: Imperial Quarter (10"x15")


1.2 Graphic drawing of birds and animals in pen and ink and monochrome Size: Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 1.3 Graphic drawing of human figures in pen and ink and monochrome Size: Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 2. Design 2.1 Simple textile design in poster colour Size: Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 2.2 Introduction to typography: Devnagari and Roman Size: Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 2.3 Introduction to book cover design Size: Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 2.4 Introduction to logo design in poster colour Size: Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 2.5 CD cover and label design in poster colour Size: Imperial Quarter (10"x15") 3. Basic Theory of Applied Art 3.1 Definition, scope and the changing technologies in the field of applied art 3.2 Methods and materials used in applied art 3.3 An introduction to typography VI. Lab and Studio Facilities There should be the following lab and studios equipped with the following materials and equipment in each of the schools offering Applied Arts course to their students: 1. Drawing and Design studio  Drawing board for each student  Light box VII. Instructional Strategies 1. Orientation 2. Demonstration 3. Individual practice 4. Feed forwarding 5. Group discussion/Comments VIII. Evaluation Scheme Practical: 75 Theory: 25

m. Practical n. Course Topic Full Marks Pass Marks Marks Distribution Class performance Yearly exam object Modeling 40 14 14 21 Composition 35 16 16 24


2. Basic Theory of painting Long Answer Questions Short Answer Question Marks Distribution Questions to Answers to Questions to Answers to Long Answer Short answer be asked be written be asked be written Question Question 2 1 4 3 10x1=10 3x5=15

IX. Prescribed Texts Course materials and books related to the theory subjects are to be written integrating every topic of the course for which experts could be assigned after approval of the course from the National Curriculum Development & Evaluation Council.

X. Reference Books 1. Campbell, Alistair. The New Designer's Hand Book. Little, Brown and Co. 2002, London. 2. Maurelho, S. Ralph (First published in 1952 but the latest edition is recommended commercial Art Techniques. Tudor publishing company, New York. 3. Dailey, Terence. Illustration and Design, QED Publishing Ltd., London. 4. Shilpanjali. An annual Publication of Sir J.J. Institute of Applied Art. Bombay, India. 5. Type Books: Lettraset (Latest edition) Mecanorma (Latest edition 6. Croy, Peter (1990) Graphic Design and Reproduction Techniques, New York, English edition