Day Outing Description Rating Date Total Please e-mail schedule changes or updates to Wally at Departure
[email protected]. Length Time & & Elevation Departure Place Summer 2007 Gain Tues. June 12 SO! General Meeting & Pot Luck Dinner Celebrate Summer's arrival & pick up the new Summer Outings Schedule. Bring 6:30 PM - Social a 7PM - Pot Luck dish for 8 with serving utensil and your own table service. Rec Center A-F Dessert G-M Main Dish N-R Salad S-Z Main Dish Wednesday Wanderers Hike the Jones Creek Trail through the pine and Wed. June 13 aspen. Easy+ 8:30 AM No RSVP. Dogs on lease OK. 4 miles Rec Center Leader: Chris Wiehage 259-0882 Hike the Vallecito Creek Trail. We'll hike up the scenic Vallecito Valley along Fri, June 15 the Moderate creek as far as the first bridge. Most of this hike is in the Weminuche 8:30 AM Wilderness. 6 miles Animas City Park Carpool $4 1000' RSVP: Norm Broad
[email protected] preferred, or 259-0569 Bike from Lemon Dam to Lost Lake (New to SO!). This ride will cruise along Sat. June 16 the eastern shore of Lemon Reservoir then climb up to the Florida Campground. 9:30 AM From Moderate Animas City Park there, we'll take a 4WD road up another 1 1/2 miles to the T.H. and then 3/4 mile 14 miles 10:00 AM through the woods to Lost Lake. We'll eat lunch there and return. 1000' Lemon Dam Mountain bikes necessary. No dogs.